Flesherton Advance, 29 Feb 1928, p. 1

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®()je /tol)^i:t0tt % Vol. 47 No. 39 Flesherton Ontario, February 29 1928 W H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors PRICEVILLE Last Week's Items Visitors at Mr. A. L. Hincks' last 'Week were Mr. Ronald MacDonald of CoHingwood, Mr. Neil MacQueen and Messrs. Charles and Neil MacFarlane of Bunnessan, Mr. and Mrs. Allie MacLeod and Dr. and Mrs. Milne. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson visited one day laat week at Mr. John Car- son's at Proton. Messrs. Neil MacLeod of Swinton Park and Angus MacArthur, spent Friday in Hanover on business. Miss Mary MacKinnon visited one day recently at Mr. Alex. Carson's. We extend our heartiest congratu- laitons to Miss Islay MacCuaig and Mr. Henry Tucker, who were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Feb. 4th, in Victoria Presbyterian church Toronto, by the Rev. D. T. L. McKer- rol. The bride wore a dainty frock of beige satin crepe, with hose and shoes to match. Her travelling cos- tume was of royal blue flat crepe with Persian lamb coat. After 'a short honeymoon in Toronto and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker will reside on. the groom's farm. The Willing Helpers met in the hall on Friday with a good attendance, tendance. The Mission Band held a very suc- cessful Valentine social in the hall on Friday evening. The evening was spent in a short program â€" ^games and contests. Lunch was then served. The proceeds of the concert was nearly twelve dfillars. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacLachlan on Tuesday evening, Feb. 14th, when their neighbors and others of the Presbyterian congregation gathered to make a presentation to one of the members of the congrega- tion in the person of Miss Irene Mac- Lean. Miss MacLean for the past year has kept the financial records for the congregation and has rendered faithful service. Mr. Thomas Nichol called the meeting to order and stated that we had all met for a good pur- pose. The following address was read by Mrs. Dan L. Mac.\rthur and the presentation was made by Miss Sadie Carson and Miss Marie MacLachlan: Dear Irene, â€" Throughout the past year you have rendered a silent but nevertheless efficient and great ser- vice to our church. We know you take great pleasure and pride in per- forming this work and now we wish to express in a tangible though mea- gre measure, our appreciation and gratitude, hence we ask yon to accept this wrist watoh. We regret exceed- ingly that |»Dor health deprives you of attendance at the church services, and that we thus are denied the priv- ilege of your cheering and inspiring presence among us. but we are assured that your disability brings you in •loser touch with the Great Physi- cian, which contact is the secret of your sweet, pure life. May this little timepiece constantly record moments ever full of grace with messages of love apace. Signed on behalf of the Priceville Presbyterian corrgregation. « Angus MacLachlan, â- Archie N. McCuaig. Miss Irene voiced her apprecia- tion in a few well-chosen words and thanked them for their kindness though taken completely by surprise. The remainder of the evening was spent in games, contests, music, and social chat. Lunch was served by the hostess and her helpers. Every- body went home after spending a very enjoyable evening. Singhampton Nan Died Very Suddenly After only a short illness from pneumonia Mr. Napoleon Crevier of Singhampton died at his hom^ there at the early age of 41 years. De- ceased had only been ill about a week and his death was a great shock to the community in which he was a citizen highly respected by everyone. The late Mr. revier was bom in Toronto 41 years ago, and resided there until twelve" years ago, when he moved to the farm at Singhamp- toR. In 1911 he married Miss Annie Elliott of Toronto, who survives him, and to them were born two children â€" Elliott and Norma â€" who are also at home. The funeral took place from his late residence on Friday after- noon and was very largely attended by the friends of Singhampton and Duntroon. Rev. Elmer Young prea- ched a very comforting sermon from Revelations 21:4: "The cure for sor- row," -and also officiated at the grave. Interment took place in Singhampton cemetery. Friends from a distance who at- tended the funeral were: Mrs. A. Duman, J. Carroll. Mrs. Charles Greenwood, John Jenkins, Thos. Jen- kins and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jenkins, all of Toronto. The funeral tributes were abundant and testified to the love and sympathy for the deceased and his family, and were from the following: Public school. Anglican Ladies' Guild, Men of Singhampton. Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Crevier & Clark and Rolph, Clark & Stone of Toronto; Presbyterian Ladies' .A.id. and Dun- troon friends. Miss Russell. Wm. Hammell and R. J. Campbell, besides a wreath from the family ar.d tokens from other relatives. The p.illfjearers included Messrs. Wm. Xeff, Basil Neff, A. Duncan. J. Carroll, John Jenkins and Thomas Jenkins. VANDELEUR Last Week's Items The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Richard Genoe on Thursday afternoon Feb. 16, when a good program was provided. Papers were given by Mrs. J. J. Ma gee and Mrs. F. R. Bo- land, and a reading by Mrs. McLean. Lunch was served by Mrs. McGee, Mrs. L. Johnston and Mrs. John Flynn. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Thomas Freeman whose mother, Mrs. Thos. Hutchinson, passed away in Markdale on Mon- day of last week. Miss Doris Mcgee has gone to To- ronto to attend business college. Miss Hazel Oke of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johns- ton and other friends. At the Farmers Club meeting on Feb. 13th Mr. T. S. Cooper was pres- ent with the moving picture lantern and gave a large number of moving pictures. At the meeting on Monday of this week a debate was given on the subject, "Resolved, That the edu- cation our boys and girls are~getting is preparing them to be better rural citizens." The debaters ailre Lundy Johnston, Miss Thompson, Howard McGee and Amos Bowler. Howard Graham, Geo. Buchanan and Will Rat- cliffe are the committee in charge. Rev. Geo. Kendall Suffered a Stroke Rev.George Kendall, United Church minister at Maxwell, is in a serious condition at his home as a result of a paralytic stroke which came on him some time Wednesday last. Mr. Kendal! was to !have conducted ,t funeral on Thursday, and when the hour of service had drawn near and Mr. Kendall had not yet put in an appearance a call was made at his home, where he resides alone. On getting no response from within, entry was made to the house where he was found lying on the floor un- conscious. Medical aid was immedi- ately summoned. The stroke had ev- idently come on him some time the previous evening and he had lain unconscious for about sixteen hours. Mr. Kendall is resting com.fortably at his home with N'urse Burritt of Kimberley in attendance. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. His son, Douglass, of Toronto. |s with his father and took charge of his work at Maxwell on Sunday. PORTLAW LADY BANK I Mr. Hugh Hardy, Jr. of the thffd line underwent a critical operation last week. We are glad to hear he is doing well. ' days last week with Mrs. Ja -. Pop* I teous. Eighth line, Artemesia. j Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Sayers of I town line Collingwood was the guest '-â-  of the former's sister. Mrs. Waltei Wilson, and husband one day lasi , week. Bereaved in The West CEYLON Mr. George .\rrowsmith visited at Durham for a few days the past week. Mr. Scott of Deli:, .\lberta. visited Still continues to storm, with snow piled high and deep in every corner. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sewell entertained the young people of the neighborhood _, to a social evening on Prida;- of last This community has learned with ; ^^^_ ^^^ ^y ^^„^ ^ pi^^ . time, vary much regret of the serious ill-, „ ^ ^ „ - ness of Rev. Mr. Kendall. .Ml hope; ^"- '^"°- °""^"^^ 'P^'"'" * '** for his early restoration and to see him about his work in his usual vig- or. 1 Mr. Fred Taylor met with an acc- ident recently while working in the hush. He and a neighbor were en- gaged in sawing wood when a loose limb fell from a tree striking him on ' ^'^ Stewart McMullen is spendia« the head, and for a time rendering =» ^^"^ d^>'-' ^^ Present with his two him unconscious. Fortunately the in- sisters and other friends in the city, jury was not a serious one, as at the The people of Pro^"idence and nei« time was feared and he is about his 1 ghborhood were very much grieved usual duties again. to learn of the serious illness of theit Mr. James Scott of Alberta spent P^^*°'"- P'«''- ^^^^"^^ Kendall. We some days visiting at the home of , ^^^ ^^'^ ^^ed pastor a speedy recov;. Mr. James Hopps, and calling on ^^^' other friends. ! The Rev. Kendall. 'Jr. conducted Mrs. L. H. Sheardown. and Donald ^^^ ^«'^'^"^^* ^' Providence on Sun- %-isited the past week with relatives ^^ '^^^ '" ^^^^'^ "^ ^'^ ^=^^^*^'- ^^® in Toronto and elsewhere. ^« '^"^'''^ *'^ ='"^"''- -^ f*^*". ^<^ „ /-.,-,, •, , , , crowd was in attendance in spite of Mr. Christopher Lougheed ha? â-  leased ilr. J. J. Little's farm and is removing his chatties thereto. Mr. S. Hemphill of Ceylon was busy with his buzzinsr billv at J. H. Wat- . , t ,u i, * « , , ^ , ' essful meeting at the home of Mr«. son s last week. . - iirr-voi. -t. Joe Sievrell on Feb. 8th, wnth mor'; the storm and bad roads, and listened with interest to a well rendered ser- mon. The Ladies' .Aid he! ' a verv sncc- - ^â- Â°^'l °f commendation has been of the members present. The nes' with Mr. and Mri. H. Stone for a j earned by our mail couriers. Messrs meetine will be held at the home of few days the past week. leaving pri-! ^^^'^^'^'"'-'^ ^^^ Brodie. whose exper- Mrs. Norman Hindle on March Tth. _ ,. ,,,, , „ . dav for his home in the We=t. I 'ence • during the severe storms have Mrs. George Dobson was the <n:est: Coonation (Alberta) Review. ^^.^^ y,^^^ Hemphill visited friend ""* ''^«" =''^"^>'3 ^^^ '^°^'- enjoyable of Mrs. Wm. Semole and daughters The sympathy of the entire com- ^, Dundalk one dav last week. ^^^â- ' ^'•''^ ^^'^ ^^'^'-^ '-^P^ a"^ downs: on Friday of last wek. munity will be e.-rtended to Mr. and \ Mr. Arthur WTiittaker and Mrs '^^'^ sometimes when they got down Mr. Clarence Semple. and two ohil- Mrs. J. R. Parslow in the sudden ill- | Anna McMillan attended the funera '' ^"^^ "°^ ^'^^^ *° ^^* "P- ^^^ ^^h dren of Flesherton. accompanied b^ ness and death of their only daughter \ of Mr. Joseph Seeley at Durham on -o»ninendable courage and their faces Mrs. Steve Sutton spent a few days Mary. She had been to towii with her ! Monday. "esolutely set to the storm they start last week with the latter's parents* parents last Tuesday, apparently in} Miss AUie Parslow. teacher at Bo!-: ^^ ^^^'" ^^''^^ *^'* ^""^ '" theii . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple and fam- normal health. On AVednesday evening j ton. spent the week end with her par- '^^^=^"â€" ] ilv. si-.e was taken ill with a violent head- ents. returning Monday to her duties.. ^"^* "^'^-^^ '^ the use of repinning. • ache. Medical assistance was called Mrs. J. Williams, who underwent i ^°^ "^^^^^ there's a will there's a and on Thursday she was tak n to RUBBER BOOTS FOR ALL an operation in a Toronto hospital re- FEVERSHAM Last Week's Items The worst storm of the season started here on Sunday and continued for a few days and the roads are in bad condition at present. , Mr. Jas. Davidson spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. Mellville Douglas was in the city last week on business. Mrs. J. A. Kemahan spent the week end with her daughter. Mrs. Jas Le- gate at Gibraltar recently. There wasn't any service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday ev- ening on account of the storm and bad roads. The monthly meeting of the Pres- byterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Thombury on Wednesday last. A good attendance was present and they quilted a fine quilt that day. Mrs. Jas. Speer has been ill for awhile with bronchitis, but is slowly recoveriag. Little Murray Leopard has been ill with pneumonia for quite awhie. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church intend holding a concert on .the night of March 2nd, when the Maxwell Young People will give a play entitled "The Last Loar'. Come and hear a good concert. the hospital. The illness proved .3 be cently. 'vas brought home on Mondav spinal mer.ingitis and she { . ssed j Mr. George Arrowsmith left Mon- I away early on Friday morning. | day of this week on a business trip. Mary, who would have been twelve to Toronto, years old next month, was a very gen- Owing to eleven families being in eral favorite with all who knev.- her I quarantine for measles thei-e was no ROCK MILLS and her death is a very heavy blow to her grief-stricken parents. Owing to the contagious nature of t' ^ dis- ease, it was not possible to h.id the usual funeral service, but the er''>em Sabbath school on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod re- ceived the past week a surprise ex- press parcel from their son. Percy McLeod. of Regina, containing s in which the family is held and the ! lovely pair of wild ducks, a gift t'^ sincere sympathy of many friends was j help aelebrate their wedding annivor- exprcssed in numerous floral o\'er- ^^ry- Mr. McLeod informs his nar- ings and the great number who fol- , ents that he had as many as 80 birds lowed in the funeral procession to the , *t one time in his garage, cemetery. Mrs. Geo. Cairns and Miss Sybil A brief service was held at the -em- ' CoHinson visited with Markdale etery conducted by Rev. G. D. .' m- ' ^'^'ends the past week, strong of Trinity United Church. How the child contracted the way .\nd to-morrow shinning .Although it is cloudy to-dav. Rev. J. F. McLaren, a former min-j ister at Temple Hill, near Rockhm. has died at San Jose. California. I the sun maj- be For a good work boot that will help keep your feet dry, and rubber bot- toms and tops for men and boys, aad all kinds of repairing on footwear, come to W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton, Ont. The steel tank used for holding ease is a mystery as this is the cnlv , liquids in the Standard Chemical case in this neighborhood. Mr. .•â-  ' Mrs. Parslow wish to express tl- • deep appreciation of all the kindn< -. shown to them in their time of â-  â- '- reavement. ' works at Thombury during the years ! 2 ! of the company's operation has been 1 5 ] purchased by Mr. Hector Kingston j 2 of Cape Rich, as a receptacle fori 5 MAXWELL mixing spray for his big apple or- chard at the Cape. The tank is 16 feet in length, nine feet in width and BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER.\I. PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO J. W. Bates. R: Maddocks. "^ouge of ©ualitp" S o Fresh Celery & Lettuce We are sorry to report Rev. Kendall on the sick list, having ' a stroke last Wednesday. He i" four feet in depth, and will greatly a .<,. I facilitate the work of orchard spray- ' q 'ien , *"8^- ^^f- Kingston and Sir. D. S. j ^ â-  po. • Mclnnis were in Thombury on Thurs- 'S « rian n««^ ^aaIv Xt..^ X.a,_Y_ •>* ' ^T We have FRESH LETTUCE & CELERY every week. Just give us a ring and we will save your order. • • • • • • • gressing as well as can be exp ted. ^ay and took the tank away withi* WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF ORANGES, A real storm hit this part all last week, a large quantity of snow fell and it was accompanied by a high wind, filling the roads with snow The mail was unable to get through one day on account of the heavy drifts on the roads. Mr. Louis Frooks and Robt. Wat- son of Proton shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks Sundayed at Mr. Allan MacLean's. Mr. Alfred Hincks intends to com- mence teaching again on Monday, af- ter been off duty a couple of w««ks with the measles. x Mr.Murray Nichol came home from Toronto hospital, where he has had the scarlet fex-er. Sorry to report hit little brother Kenneth has it now. Mrs. A. L. Hincks is spending a few days with friends at Proton. Very cold stormy weather the past few days. Mr. James Scott of Delia, Alta. vis- ited recently with his niece, Mrs. Sam Croft and family. ^, Unity U. F. W. O. club will meet on Wednesday, March Tth at the home of Mrs. F. Genoe. Visitor? welcome. Mrs.Susan Doupe of Saugeen Juct. visited the past week with her brother Mr. Wm. Hawkins and family. Mrs. Wm. Hawkins entertained a few of the neighbor ladies to a quilt- ing on Tuesday of last week, Nurse Burritt of Kimberley is i endance. Mr. Douglas Kendall of Torr- ♦o is i visiting with his father, and took charge of the services on Sunday last and will do so the next Sund â-  Mr. Chas. Long and Mrs Priestly have returned home aft iting relatives in Dundalk. Mr. Robt. Priestly and M- Leach are visiting this week • onto. Mrs. Wm. Parker is able t'^ be ar- ound after a few weeks illnr â-  â- ;. Mrs. R. J. Morrison is visit' g with her mother, Mrs. Stevenson a: Mcln- tyre. njj. themeâ€" Meaford Mirror. teo • vis- M. Tor- LEMONS, GRAPE FRUIT. BANANAS Neilson*s Ice Cream Bricks, Eskimo Pies, Arctic Sweet Hearts, and Bulk Ice Cream • eye â€" the value of vision â€" cannot be expressed in any term. ^ Next to life iu^ i ^ itself is vision. '»' JX W. A. Armstrong & Sen j | Jewellers & Opticians I FLESHERTON. - OXT. W. J. Stewart & Sens | Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont I I »•••••••••••••••• •••••••••<»««4»«»9««i»o^»««9«i»eo«, The Fevercham Tennis Cub will present their play, "Safety ~irst.". I in the school house. Fevers! â€" •. on Our school has been closed the past j Friday, March 9th. Admissio;- ' and two weeks owing to the measle ep- j 20 cents. This will be a big .vent. Seasonable Equipment CARD OF THANKS idemic. We are very pleased to know, that ' Clarence Chard, who has been very ill with pneumonia, is recovering nicely, i Nurse McMaster of Flesherton is in attendance. { Misses Lonie a^d Myrtle Stuart of Burks Falls are visiting with relat- 'â-  ives In tlifc vicinity. \ Mr. anc^ Mrs. Marall Betts of Tor- onto are visiting with the former's father, h>re. Mr. Levi Betts. I Don't miss it. The V ••- of L. E. Wright. Colling- We wish to thank the friends and wood, wix destroyed by fire, neighbors who so kindly helped us .^__â€" __«_^_ during the sickness of Mrs. Wm. Park- To escaoe criticiam do nothing, say er. â€" Wm. Parker and family, nothing, be nothing. Chicks & Eggs From purebred Barred Rock Hens, headed by OA.C. pedi- greed Cockerels, from 210 ti 262-egg hens. April Cckicks per lMâ€"$t7. Ma.T Chicka. per 1Ml-|1S. Hatching eggs 5c., 80*^ fertile. Mrs. E. Patterson R. R. 2. PRICEVILLR Phone 22 r 41. Ontario s e & i • • 9 ^ Stable Shovels Forks Crosscut Saws Mitts Royal Purple Stock Food Zenoleum (Liquid and Powder) Axes Gloves Blankets FRANK W. DUNCAN PHONE 54w and S4j

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