Flesherton Advance, 26 Oct 1927, p. 8

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•WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 192T THE PLBSHBItTON ASVANCS BESPBCTING LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES The Corporation of the Village of Flesherton hereby give notice, that in respect to all lands situated with- in the aaid village of Fesherton, and which are advertiaed for lala for taxes by the County TraMvrer of the «f Navember 1927.1f the price offer- ed for any land at the adjourned sale •nteeqaeilt to the said Seventh day oi November 1927, is less than the amount due for arrears of taxes, charges and costs in respect of said lands, or if no price is offered there- fin- at said adjourned sale, the Mun- fclpaJity of the Village of Fleshorton County ct Gray, on the Svranth day w9l pordfaase the said lands for the NOW is the time to buy We have a •good supply of: GLASS. CELOGLASS. PUTTY, STOVEPIPES. ELBOWS. TEES. WIRE, HALF LENGTHS. TAPERS. ALUMINUM «c BLACK STOVEPIPE VARNISH You must have a Buggy Lanternâ€" why not have a Deitz? A. E. HAW, Ceylon amount due thereon, and let all per- sons take notice hereof. Dated at Flesherton this 8rd day of October, 1927.â€" Thos. Clayton, Treasurer of the village of Flesher- ton. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PURCHASE By Virtue of instructiona given to me by the Municipal Council of the Township of Osprey under the auth- ority of the Assessment Act. Sec. 154 (3). I now give public notice that it is the intention of this township to purchase the following lands which ' are advertised to be sold by the Coun- ty Treasurer for arreara of taxes at the Court House in the city of Owen Sound on Monday the 7th day of Nov- ember, 1927 at 2 p.m.; providing that at any adjourned sale which may unecessarily be held no bid is re- ceived covering the full amount of arrears against the said land as well as all charges and costs. Lands to be sold â€" OFFER FARM BOYS TRIP TO ROYAL 24 71 72 86 L. 37 L. 26 Part C. 1 S D R C. 1 N D R C. 1 N D R C. 2 S D R C. 2 S D R C. 9 N D R Lot 74 Con. li 50 meres Pat. 50 acres 50 acres 60 acres 60 acres Pat. 100 arek Pat. D R 25 acres Pat Patented. J. A., KERNAHAN, Treas. of Ouprey f»oooeo«oo««0e6oo9oeoe«oooooooeoooo«ieeeo<i0oc»Of»ooo « « I ; « â- â€¢. , » O & â-  9 ,1 <» .-»-'.. n â-  , P t f o s 5 - e (was a pillow from the famQy; wreath FAIR, from Ladies' Aid and also one from â€" â€" â€" ,The Women's Institute; Sprays from Will be guests of Ontario DepartMent ' Mrs. Carruther'a Junior room. Miss of Agriculture i Betsy Turner and the Ball family. ' * The reraaini were interred in the Special competition to decide Flesherton cemetery on Thursday last who shall go {when a large cortage of sorrowing ) friends paid their last tribute of re- Ten fortunate young farmers from-'P*** fo *•»« deceased, this county wiU spend three days' ""^h sympathy is being felt for in Toronto at the Royal Agricultural | •>» â- Â«Â«<' partner in their sad home of Winter Fair this coming November^ *'"»<=*>®"- as the guests of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. According to the 'Government's plan, which has SOME^ DOCTOR Let me kiss those tears away sweet' heart, he "begged tenderly. She fell into his 9ms and he was very busy for a f^ moments. But the tears flowed on. Will nothing stop them? he asked breathlessly. "No" she murmered. It's hay fever, but go on with the treatment,- :,! /S^ mother trades at KENNEDY'S GROCERY @ GROCERY SPECIALS: Pure Larrl 3 lbs. 59c. Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 29c. P. & ,G. Soap 11 bars 49c. Prunes 2 lbs. 25c. Matches 3 boxes 25c. Toilet Paper 6 rolls 25c. Cooking- Onions 100 lbs. $2.25 Men's Winter Overcoats $24.75 We have a new stock of Men's Heavy Winter plush-lined Overcoats that we are offering at an exceptionsdly low price of $24.75. ISISISISISiSlS0DlISIGIS[Sia51SISiSISlSi91t SsIS/SlSlBISlni SIX HILL STORES Wjlffiur togathar in order that ' jiatORMfB in the (is eom- iH" TOfjr matartafly ben- I indiviclkjBlljr. T.HILL&CO.,Ld Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everjip"* instinct-i iwely assocliitea with highy quality merohandise at thcf faireit poiaibU prices. Vf-'. See Hill's New Bulletin of Special Offerings at Outstanding Values for the next 20 days Commencing October 13 just been announced in its final form the boys will be provided, free of charge, with railway fare from the home station to Toronto and return, with sleeper, berth and meals on the train for those from a distance of 200 miles or more, and any further transportation involved in the tour of the stock yards, abattoirs, factor- ies and other commercial concerns and public institutions which have been planned as part of the progrramme during their visit to the fair. They will also be free of any expense for ^Ifj^g'mg accomodation for four nights 'or for their meals while in Toronto. It is the sort of thing that most boys dream about and seldom realize, and in this case the Department of Agric- ulture is playing part of the fairy godmother. It is felt that a visit to the Royal Winter Fair, which has in its show ring the finest livestock, poultry and horses' that the stables and herd'3 of nine provinces and many States can offer, will be an education in pro- gressive, agriculture. The boys will be able to see for themselves what the master breeders- of the country have accomplisVied with their animals and they will have new ideals of live stock perfection to take 'away with them. They will also be able to make comparisons betwee fruit, grains, and dairy products from different parts of the Dominion; Normal country boys have a keen interest in all live animals and the rabbits, pet stock ex- hibits will shOSv them the commercial pcasibilities of. these specialties on Canadian farms. Thery will also have the thrill of seeing the finest amat- ure horsemen and women on the con- tinent taking the jumps in the Royal Horse Show under the eyes of Lord Wellingdon, the Govenor-General, and many other visitors prominent in Canadian public life. yhe boys are to be selected by means of special "Royal" junior farm- er judging competition to be during October. Conditions governing these competitions (high mark boys to be selected) are as follows: Contestants shall judge five rings of live stock and five classes of crop products, such as grain, 'small seeds, potatoes, roots, fruit and vegetables. .Special crops may be included where production is general over the coun- try. The competition ahall be open to all farmers and farmers' sons living f'l the fnrm, botr/cen the ages of 16 :»n-l 2:5 on October 1, 1927 (must not have re.'jched twenty-third birthday) and who have not previously repres- ented the country as a member of a .stock-judging team at the Royal Win- ter Fair, or are not graduates of an(j agricultural college <|r agricultural' school. \ Prizes shall be awarded on aggre- gate scores, live stock and croi pro- ducts shall have a ratio of 2 to 1. The possible scorc^ therefore, will be live stock, 500; crop products 260. Grey County Contest will be held in Markdale, on Saturday, October 29th at 9 a.m. The Presbyterian Church IN CANADA The Presbytery of Orangeville will hold a rally ser- vice for the Presbyterians, Presbyterian adHerents, and friends of the Presbyterian Church of Flesherton and district in Town Hall, Flesherton, on Sunday, October, 30th, at 1 1 a.m. and 7 p.m. All interested in the welfare and continuance of the Presbyterian Church in Canada are invited to be pres- ent. Come and bring your hymn book. James Reidie, Clerk of Presbytery. Small Advertisement LOST OR STRAYED From my farm on Con. 13, 1 year- ling heifer, on or about June 20 '27. grey in color. Finder please comm- unicate with W. Hawkins, Eugenia. LOST â€" Hand saw around October 4th, between Herb Betts' residence on the 4th line .'^rtemesia, and Rock Mills Finder please leave either with Mr. Betts or at this office. STRAYED â€" From my premises around the fore part of the summer one yearling red heifer, piece off end of left ear. Finder please notify Walter Poole, Eugenia. LOSTâ€" Between J. A. Kemahan's, Maxwell, and Flesherton a pair of dark rimmed glasses. Finder please _ leave at The Advance office or with held] Mrs. W. J. Conn, Feversham and re- ceive reward. s BULL FOR SERVICS. Pure-bred Hereford Bull for ser- vice. Terms $2, payable the first of February, after that date §2.60 will be charged. • â€"EDWAR D LOUCKS. FARM FOR REXT S. % lot 16, and lot 17, concession 13, Township of Osprey, containing 150 acres under cultivation, buildings consist of frame dwellira: and two- barns, one mile from Feve sham. For full particulars apply The Toronto- General Trusts Corporation, 253 Bay- Street, Toronto. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Osprey, "ileny ""'""°" ^" 179.135; Sir;: Bo^ Marquis" Ko. STRAYED-From my f arm at Kim- VoV'^Z^ ^^P^^= ^^"^ Red Butterfly _'i„. -_ r._:j .--i-l /^.^-..-_ „i.v l-Jl.O'B. Terms â€" Pnrphr.^. aKoft grades $2.00. berley, on Friday night, October 7th. Shearling Oxford Down show ram, with a tag in the right ear. Finder please phone 48 r 4, flesherton, or write â€" Russel Ellis Kimberley. Temple Baptist church. FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" 2 ylg. purebred Ox- ford Ram.;; also 1 ram lamb. â€" Fred Spofford, Eugenia. Porebreds $6.00. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser. vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clnbw the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART, Caretaker. Bigg Compare the offerings with the est Stores in Canada. That is you will find it pays to at HILL'S in Markdale. why shop l \ F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, MaHalale The Lat& Jacob Cook There passed away early Sunday morning Mr. Jacob Cook at the home of his niece, Mrs. Will McFadden, Orange Valley with whom he has made his home for the past four years and where Mr. and Mrs. McFadden were all kindness to him. He had been in the best of health for some time and death was not expected. He was bom in the township of Traf- algar, coming .with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Cook to Glenelg at the age of three years. He spent 25 years in the West. His casket was lovely covered with floweral offerings and sympathy from relatives and neighbors. Rev. M. StJohn of Markdale United church had charge of the funeral stressing the need while living for pre- paredness, then death was not to be feared. He leaves to mourn his loss three brothers and one sister: Mr. T. Cook of Markdale, Mr. Robt. Cook of Ceylon. Mr. Wm. Cook on the home stead in Glenelg, Mrs. Edward Em- bury of Port Perry. He was 73 years old. The body was laid to rest in the family plot in Zion cem- etery. FOR SALE â€" Ayrshie cow 7 years old and Jersey heifer, milking â€" F. Thurston, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Pure bred Oxford ram for sale, 1 year old.â€" <Edgar Betts, 'Phone Feversham 9 r 12. FOR SALEâ€" Sawmill, Shingle Mill and site. I mile west of Flesherton, half mile from Ceylon. â€" Apply to: W. A. Armstrong & Son. FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dreasedfbwl. Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- mery and Produce Company. Sltf FOR SALE â€" Good strong Oxford Down ram lambs for breeding pur- poses, bred from registered stock and will be sold at reasonable prices. â€" W. J. Meads, Flesherton. WANTED â€" We are paying high- est market price for all kinds of grain and clover seed. We have seed wheat for sale. â€" A. C. Mnir, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- day and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. /«EN WANTEI>â€" To work in ^amp. â€" ^Apply to W. A. Armstrong & Son. The LatejIaiMs Hill Another of the old pioneers of the Beaver Valley passed away on Tues- day, October nth in the person of James- Hill. Deceased was born in Lydford Devonshire, England 84 years ago. In 1876 he was married to Pat- fecf B""- They came to Canada in 1880 and setUed on a farm about a mile and a half aouth of Kimberley. The union was blessed with 4 children Alfred, near Markdale; Amy died in 1916; Maude, Mrs. Hallen Watklns of Winnioeg, Man. and Annie. Mrs. Wil- Imer Turner on the old homestead. On account of 111 health Mrs. Wat- Kina was unable to come home. Mr. Hill was a man of high intetr- rity and honest in all hia dealinga with his fellow men. Among the beautiful floral trlbntoa BOAR Fo^ satyiea No. 92-79660. â- ^ Iii«> bot^ bacon tlflt ftt arnnvTsRhi on lot 179. N.W. T. * &. Tenn._W.00. ^^ BOAR FOR SERVICB Registered Yorkahlra Boar for __. vice-Edgely Right Vim. No. 99^ â€"property of Saag^ta Bacon &te Club. Tarma |1.00. â€" C. HINOLEL Lota 168-9, 8rd W.T.SJB, Ait^S. MlDDLEfiRO & BURNS NOTICE â€" Hunting and trapping on loU 176, 177, 178, S.W.T. & S.R., and one lot No. 17,. N.E.T. ft S.R., strictly forbidden. Any hounds found trespaaaing on said lots will be shot. â€"Thos. J. Stinaon. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 76 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Art' emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Emu 36 by 60 with L SO by 32, cement stabling throughout. Large cement veneer house, 8roomed, with wood- shed, in which ia drilled well, farm well watered small orchard. â€" W. J. Blackburn, Proton Station. FARM FOR SALE GEO E. OUNOAN â-  OUNPALK LICENSBD AUGTIONEBB For the County oT Grey. Tanuu 1 per cent. Satisfaction goanrtead pate, made at The AirmiJ!^!Si^ BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L. D. S, aurgeon, honor graduata of •nd Royal Colkga of Dwtal of Ontario. Ga. taeth extneUon. OfOaa at Toronto Street, Flaehatoo. Prince Arthur Lodg% U», AJ. * A Jl.. meeta In the Mawalo kaU, Aaa> •trong Block. FledMrtoa emy IM. day on or before the full moon. Ray Pedlar. W.M, C. F. Uwrenee, See. Lnea. A ore. etc, -I. B. Loeaa, 1. C; Henry. aA. Offloa^ MwkdaU Block, Pkoaa I. Dundalkand Durkam. O. otfleea at 76 acre farm, half mile east of Maxwell on gravel road, being lot 18, con. 6. Oaprey. About 60 acre. un< der cultivation, balance paeture and bush. Fine bank bam 44x66 with straw abed 80x26; alio large .even- roomed brick residence. Farm i. well watered with creek, and windmill pumpa water kito the bam. For full particular, eomrounieate with â€" R. WBLLAR. 184 Prtttthard Ave. Toronto. Telford * Bini% Batrial««, oltora, etc Offiees, Qtay and Block, Owen Soaadj Blaatad Plook, rUahartoB. (muidagi). P. T*l£ofd Jr., J. F, P. -- > t i ii -W WB ''i

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