Pi msmmmm wmmm mi mm LARK ON sADrr patrkx's day Fun for AB die Family. The Uscftd Saow AAan. Clajasy man Mads of sttov. What are you good for We'd lie to know. What are yoa g>ood for? Tell tu that, Man of anow With an old straw hat BT MIGNON FLEMING. This party has been, planned to pro- ! wall ahead of thenj. They iwi thar v4de,tfa» greatest possible amount of staunrock leaf to the sheet and nm fan with the leaat poaaibW amount of beck to Ug the next player. Thia work and expenae. It will appeal to tagging releases the next player who \t^«t t^° •'<*'' «"* »*'? <P»'** old «;»d young alike for it is based on . runs forward with his rf»amrock and l'\"^J'^t^^l^.Z''l,^\!^ the world-old principle of competition ! tries to pin it so that it will berln to ^hey h^mad* up the«- minds wh« which is the life of recreation^ it i.: make the enth* rt»amrock. He. in ^hey began that this shoald be no of toadl i turn. tag. the next player who comes "^'^^ ^««>^ '^' l^l . * , ^^ ^« The matter of inTitationa comes ! up with the third rfiamrock and pins !°f- ^^" tl^."^ ^''J^'^l tint. i it on. The last when tagged, runs ^^^ -»i*f ,k*ck and forth m the Cat brown paper into the irregular ; forward and attaches the stem. The «»>^ "^ ^i^? ^^"^ ^7u J^' .haSof Tlrt^ potato. n»K^th»'side getting the most perfect shanv- ^"''^ '^; Srtiif/^J^ . In^T ^^f the potato ^th.bUA pencil I rock in the shortest time, win, ten ^ ^^X f/^^^^ t/^l^-^. ^^T^ The following note U printed m I'-jPO"^ lift, and when they had put two sncw regular letters on the back: I Bubble Race. Choooe_two players __^_ ^^ ^^^^ ,_^__^ ^.JLr ...< lif*. The Canadian HoMEMAKER ^ jert\v tT mHt^ artit/is mmriaj. PLANNING . BUILDING . riNANC»NG DECORATING . rURNISHlNQ . QAROCNING ^ f rom each group. Four clay pipes are *™» •>" t^at large si»wb«ll and lift- "I hope my Ey« may see yon at ^^^^^^ together u-ith a cup of ^ '^ "P °"?'^ ^f ^^'â- ' l*f • the snow Tse address) (state tune). Mrs.' ^.,. r-.-v ^^ ^* *v^ t^m in»n was already taller than John or green soapsuds. Each oce of the two is going to give a St. Patrick's,' j^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^low M*fy "^?t» ^^ ^^ "^ }^^ Party and she wishes all reget^Hes to be there "Yotjra truly, "A SPUD.' Decorations will not make much fm- tal! as Mary or ^"^ ^p bubbles. For every one thrown « «*" they had rolkd another on the floor, five points is scored. Aa s'^wba" to make a head for the snow the four groups are competing all at «a»^ « '" ^^'^ * quest K-n how they OBce. much care must be observed in r? .f"^,^^ I^V?^ ^t'''' . 1°* *»tching the bubbles. The soap bub- ^nd the only »-ay they could put b« , press:on u^;; -a-Jr^wd-of-^e^tewho ties wiU be made much tougher by ; J^f ^^»"^'^o «^V.\Vt' ;^l something clstinctive, feature ^reen, pound, lard pail and fasten it securely ^ ^J" th- good Irish color, in crepe-papor to a heavy board so it wUl not Up, fe-~toons, green lights, green sh:^m- over. This may be done by nailing j rocks. Potatoes strung on heavy cord the bottom of the peil to the board. I may be festooned here and there. Bare Choose three players from eaA â- boughs of trees, covered with tiny group. Arm them with four small; bits of green tissue paper, will sug- potatoes each. Each player is given : geat the coming of spring. Tbev might one chance to try to get all four in • be stuck up in corners. ^tiie pail. For every potato throwTi in| The entertainment, consisting as it the pail, five points are acored. In win of contests, necessitates judges this game the pteyers in each group i and a score-keeper and some person niust follow one another. j to announce what the contests are. | Irish Race: Pin a large >heet of tar ; IKISH FAMUJZS. ' P^P^'" *" *i^ '^*"- "^ ^Uckboard is: ^ , better. Choose seven players from As guests amve they are presented ^^ Li^^ jj^^^ „p ^^ ^^^^^^ with some distmcUve badge of green ^^ ^^j^^ j„ j^^^. ^^^^ ^rm the and told they belong to one oi »veral j^^^ ^^ ^ j^ ^j "^^^5. ^^ , Our snow-man's eyes Are black as coal. For lumps of coal .Are they. He has a snowball For a nose Until it raelts .A. way. He wears a hat That used to be Our father's Summer hat. But what's 'ne good for Now he's mads? How can you .\r.svier that? / (JJii'nAcDcnAU 4 H.Ar.A^OO'^ A YEAR ROUND HOUSE By G. H. Macl>:.aalri * H G. 1-a.rii: aa<i Arv.-:i:;6«:l». families. This inndeddately divides | given signal, each player in turn is , the guests up into groups. There ar6|j^ ^^^ forward and write one of the the Gi!hoole>-s. Murpb.es. O Briens, . ^^^^ ^^^^^ -There's nothing too Flanagans. (Av«d having more thanj^^^ ^^^ ^ j^;^ .. ^t^^, j^ jj^..^ four groups.) Each family has itsj^j^^^^ ^^^ written "ihere's," he rni? own insignia: The Gilhooleys wearij^j^^.^ ^^ ^^^ j^j^ ^j^^^ t^ j^^, ^^^ green bands of greeii crepe papor . ,^y^^ ^^^ ^.^^ forward and writes about their heads; the Mun>hie3 wear ^^^jij^j^g- ^j ^^ ^„ m, the last word large green rpffs around thenr necks; the O'Briens have tall green hats; the Flanagans wear green bows "n<l«i'|»een points. their chins. Each member of the p .^.y.^ ^,^,' Here :3 an exarapi? of the trpe ot he as easr home to Seep house which with the saow of w.nter cv.«t curiae the severest wea:her. or the (oUage of satumer for 'ta *et- The rear bedroom, linen cio<^:. and ting, !ooks equaliy attractive and cohl- bathroom open £i?obi an ainer hall man ,;! ! ^'^^t*''-*- It is a sensi'ale ::tt:^ house, which Is entered throu^i tile iivlns vr"*h we' '''* exterior charm of which depends room, wtile the front bedroom may be ton simplicity and p>od proportioos. reaoiied directly from the livlag room stcaii or •.trca^ the gdjclaing bedroom. .„ , area of good tarf. 1 The kitchen te replete with those The pian Is t.-ommei>dable for its ftfevlces which make cooiting a plea- coc- bolier. "That's a great snow right," said John. "B'at I could make him do something. j^^^ ^y proper piartin^r ani '•I ve g.^: an idea, said Mary. Do|^^^ ^^, ^^^, ^,^^,^ "* you suppose he could bold a basset. "If it vi-asc't very heavy," said Johi:. D . ». , _ ,'1 . „.â„¢- „,,-'^°^f*" arrangement :o include three sure of not too Njng dur7,tIon, . . _8"- ^^^-at woa.d^a snow man,^..^^, ,^^ bedrooais. kitchen and tain* a ran^e witU ho: water be holding a «>»*». lor. . j bathroom, together with praetioaKy all 'taWe. refrigerator, sink aixi cupboard. I There s an old basket in the barn : ,^^ ^j^,^,^ ,^..^ .^^ ^^ ^^^ house- The rear eatraace fe .vmb:ned w-.ih that nug^ be just tr.e thing. saJd|,.^,^ ^„ ^^ recreation enjovable. ' stairs to basement. miXing acc,=*s tc , ,. . . -t^^^- l^*^"*" '*"»^.'^,'^" °-^*f"' upononeBcorsUeiS f€*t by '5 feet.llaandrv either from JrviEg yari or The concluding stunt » ten points : and put Dread crumbs in it. and then is written. The group getting the entire sentence written first wins tif- family has_a name such M^Grandpa, ! ^^^^ ,^^ ^^^ j^^^ j^;^^ y^j, given he'll stand here all day feeding the' Nora. Care should be observed in see- 1 Grandma, Pa, Ma, Baby. Pat, Mike,' work easy, and upon one Boor si«e 2S feet by 25 feet. Being almost a perfect square it woaid either kitchen equally convenient. by the er.tire group. They may re-: birds.' tire into an adjacent room to prac- 1 I see what you mean." said John. ' , ,„. .. . You go get the basket, and HI go The moment a guest, ^.^^ ^.^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^j a;;,r.oancenYent ask cook for a lot of bread crunibs." ; So Marv got the basket, and John ing that each group has a grandpa, !^j^ j^^ j^^ minutes. baby, pa, ma. The moment a guest i ^.^^ Is presented with a headband, tat.'^f'^^^ ,^^^^ ^j^ ^^^jj ,^ announced, _ „„. . ^.. ruff or bow and told he is Grandpa . ^^^j^^ ^^^^ during the contests to 'got the crumbs. It w^as a flat sort o. Gilbooley or Baby F^nagan. he sets .^p ^^ excitement » and the presen- . hasket. and ihev scattered the crumiw off to find the rest of his family. Thus .j^^j^j^ ^j ^j^ p^j^ The prize may be all over the bottom, and hut^g the the very moment the party begins. | ^ handsome potato tied with a ribbon basket on the snow man's arm. i there K an air of fun and excitement I j. j^ j^^. ^^ ^ j^^y ^^^ ^^^^;^,y^ j^ j^j. ..jjp ,^^,,j^ ^^ jf j^ ^^^e going to: that does away with all stiffness. I ,^^ -^^^^ ^^y^ ^^ ,^y j^ obtained in niarket." said John. "Do vou suppose ! As soon as the families all are a ten-cent store. This pis is filled^ the birds will find himf grouped together (and it vrould be.^.j^j, ^^^^ candies. j "We'll have to wise to give each family a room cr a i R^fr^jjmei.ts are now served to the Marv. 'but I certain comer in a room), tell them ; jj jf^^^„^ -familv groups' who will, that the entire evening is to be given ; ^^^y talking o"ver the contests as up to contests to see which la the j^y ^^t. By the tin.e such an even- smartest family, lineof activitv isowr. th^ guests wTi The first stunt announced is that ; -^^ ^^^ ,„j "hungrv. If the hostess Baby Gilhooley (usually the biggest -^ capable of i»>akinic a delicious Irish n«n m the party) and all the other, ^j^^^. n^thj^g j^ better, providing it "babies" in each group, will Introduce : j^, ^^^^.^ ^-^^^^^ ,,^ ^^.d in a paper wait and see.'' guess they wUl." said .\nd half an hour later wh*n they loo'ned out o? the wiiuJow the s:;ovv nian was feeding quite a ficck of hirds. • <0 Grit from the First. I cup or a timbale shell so it will not .A.fter five or six >-ear5 of experi- I have found the following a It wiil be noted tfcat :he IIt lag rocn. :n common with ©very other room la the hoosa has windows on two »We« asd is thus assured of good Ushtlsg and croee Tectilation. A cieery sight intieed. wou"id Eceec the homeoomer i« be eniered from the vestibale an-l was greeted by tie Sreviace blazing out wsLrmth and .-heer; ani meais. xo, wcujd be taken in -.ts aicierin.? 1 it'at. \V«a lighted and roomy, the Vase- meet extends under tiie wcde V. vise, and IS divi^ied into a laundry w'-'.h is e*iu:ps«d with tube, coal bin. c:;.! a large space for heating arj gei:er»i st.;vr»ge ptirv««e«. The baaenient walls are cciKrece N?iow the graije a:id , stucco above, -ahile frvni the grouad floor up Che wiHs are s;"Cco cc frame. An alterrat ve wbica wouM u># a »:»- Ughtril effect woujd Nr- ;o use tiiingiee »^oTe the winccw he«Js. Care has been takec :o have the fire- pZace. range, and far--Aoe ftoee run up Toigether aaii so form a substastiai •.â- •citog chiirney. ar arrangement hiv- :ig the i\:>iir:otiil advantage of a sav-' :ng In cv«t. The cost cf this home may be ex- r-cted to approximate 14,000. Readers desiring farther informatlcn â- e*ar<Jl2i the plans and spaelftcatioss of ih5» hcuse »hoa«i communicate wltli the archftects direct, .\diire9e Mes^srs.- G. H MacDccald t H. A Magoon. Teg- ;-er Bi-.M'.ng. Kixoatoti. Alber;*, Ekctricity Eases Piowing. By puttitig i" the plo-»$fcare a Ml 1 • u 1 ""^~ ...-â„¢^. .. w r e.";»» success in starting young charge of negative electricity esperi- ftv* points. This will result m much^^^j. g^.j^j^^pej potatoes, sprinkle! with ^hiekens: I Wa'»« them on the nest ntentens at the Rothamsted Station. everybody in tho family to one an- _ . __ _ __ other. The family finishing first win^ | \^^ ';«,s8'y."".\' stuffed" Irish potato ' ^t ftv* points. This ~" â€" •"• = »â- ' •â- . . e. laughter and fun. . j ' parsley, would be delicious served until thev are from thirty-six to Next comes ten points for the hand- : ^.^jjj jj^j^ jj^,. ^j,, ^^^^^ â- ^J^^^ the . forty-eight hours old. The first two •omest group. They are each given . ^j^^^ j^^.^, ^f .^ shamrock with a or three da>-s I feed one pint finely one minute to arrange tiemselws >n ^tem of green geranium and sprinkled ground corn meal. one-h«'.f pint • family group hke a photograph. ; ^.^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ vroaUi be a fitting second-grade flour, one-half pint good Best Irwh song by entire group, ten ,.^^pj^,,^j,j t^, jj,^ 5tg^ J^^^ p^t^t^s ; ^^.j,ij^ sa-ndâ€" the si^rt used ;:i glass points. Each family may retire to .j-j^^ ^^^^ ^,^^^,^ scheme is carri«»d cut factoriesâ€" all mixed with swe« milk. another room so they may practice in i ^.^j^ pickles and green tea. i I h.>ive alsv> tried the browt> sand private. They are allowed three min- , jj ^^ evening i« warm and the used for making concrete, but this is "^ to practice. Smg only one verse j^^^gj, thirsty, a St. Patrick's Punch not as good.â€" I. S. B. and ehoru*. i .-ould be seneii. consisting of lemon. « | â€" - -. , Thus far. only group stunts have: f^^-^^ ^,jj pjne,ppj«.. M.«nv farm boys are efficient. .\ 1 I nave a large maple tree on mj" been given for the reason that it. j^^^ j^j^^, departing, it vrould he calf had broken one of its hind leg?, lawn with holes :n -t where limbs takes a certain amount of time to;^ „,^^j delicate attention if the Gil- A couple of K»ys on the farm put have been cut olT. Tht-se holes were work up enthusiasm and give «-"ourage ^ j^^j^y,, ^.^,^Jl^J ^j^.^, ^ parting cheer' some splints on ih.it calfs leg. l>ound full of brv>wTi-t»tled caterpi.lar to ditTerent individuals to go '"to j^,^ jj^ ^jy^pj^^., tj,^ ^j^i^pi,^., i-„r tj^ j^ u,, ^^d when it got well the c:ilf eggs. The wvvdpecker get to Surnames and Iheir Origio England, have found that the plow runs through the soil ru.. > i.---er. The share draws to its*It" .. ' r. of water from the soil even ur.der the ground. Thus constantly lubricated. Its resistance is decreaseii. The cur- rent for charging the plowshare :iiay be deri\-ed fron: a dynamo driver, by , the tractor that pulls the plow. â€" ! .\iwrew H. Berdicg. England. WOLF Variat>on»â€" Wolff. Guelph. Wclflnatcn. Racial Origin â€" Teutonic Source â€" A clan name. There are so many d'.fllerect chan- nels thro;:jh wbich the family names in the AVoif group may hare come down to as that i; Is imposBible to ilat the racial origin *« anythtng more deflotte than Tectonic, or the aource sam.e root frvm which the Engliatl tang'.:ige has devaK->ped â- war. ' for th^ Frenci word is of Teutotsic origin. ASPLIN. Variation â€" Asp land. Rac'al Origin â€" English. Source â€" A given name. You 3:'<h; goeM inte: origla of tMs fiuiUy aiicably at tim ::ame wlchotili as anything more deflnit* than a claa ever hitting it, '.f yoii oocSaed ywireeJll stunts by. themselves. Four people are now chosen from a| [Gilhooleys and the other groups, the had quite a leg. sanH\ bi^>"s lil'« that. Our hats are otf to and cieaiied them out as new l»ard. â€" K. W. arw wo Ilk as a I This St. Patrick's party could eas- ily be adapteii to a community, the i o«ly diflTerence being that the groups Ux^mpeting would be larger. Mangeh for Feed. each group. F.ach one is to tell part of an Irish anecdote, not an, original one. This story is to last ; not more than one minutei, Best story i wins ^ ten points. The entire group; may retire to prepare for this stunt j but the floor manager selects the ones ' who are to tell the .•ttory. Thus Mike. 1 Gran<kna. Nora. Liizie. from each, xhe Experimental I'nion results group must do it. By thus designat- f„r ly-jg ,how that mangel t\pe* dif- ing the players. everylH>dy geU a'f^r biit little in productive cap.ic-tv. chance to perform before the evening The eight vear average vieid as rep- is over. They tell the story thus: ipeeented bv an outstanding variety of Mike sa>T», "The other day Pat \.^^.j, ,^p^ g^ve the following: Sut- w«s walking down the street . . . ."; ton's Mammoth long Reil 2^.7 tons Grandma immediately continues. "He'p^r acre. Yellow leviathan (0..\.C. MW a man carrying a h.Ml of nwrtar." j >;^^ .»> 09 ,„„, pj.r ,cre, Keith's Priie It is taken thus from one to the other j x»ker 2t».^ tons. These varieties i^p- tin the entire story is told. j resent very fairlv a different tvpe of Beat Irish jig. ten points. One por-i^^,^., ^rst the long, second the in- termediate and third the globe. .\ co-operative experiment was i>yi- •on from each group Stirr.ABLB RACES. X Potato Race: Choose a man and a woman from each group. Oive each pair a potato and a paring knvfe. The man taJces the knife ami tlte woman. the potato^ Each puts the left band behind the back so it can not be u->*>d. At a giN-on signal all four couples be- gin to pare the potato, the woman turning it «l>out while tlie mai^ i>cels it. The couple getting the entire po- tato peeled first wins ten pvMntsu Sbamrock Race: Choivse four people | from each. group and have them line up, facing the gvvvl. one liehind tfie; other. This makes four lines of four players each. Each of the firat three persons is given a leaf of a shamrock and « pin; the fourth player get^ the •tett of a sfcamroi-k. At a giN-en aignal tho loaders of thM four lines run fomwxd to • sh««t pknti •))» the name. i Of course it ai! trace* b*ck â- .: Ait3»M»y â- to the name of the animal. Th* aa- ••ient GernsaE* and .\.Eslo-SaioEs. hvw- ' ever. ha<i given names ba<ed upon th:s ania:ai natue. They also had seoiKliui : or tribal niiutes. base«.l either v.poa tha ' nau.o cf tho animal c>r upon tbe g.ven ' uaii-.e of some chieftain »!io wa« uarced after the atiimal. , These anoient Textton.c tribal nan-.es. ' cotcparatirely few of wti:ch have come ' down to us as fajc'.ly camee. generally K>re ti^e termitraticn "ing" as signify- ug clan. Hence we get tlfe form Wolf- to mere r!ies*;ng. even though you ha^ * faH knowiedge of ths? Itaguietio tea"\ (ienciee of speech through the ages. â€" Tou might even guess uasuccee»f' fally after you had been assured that tiie family name is tho developmeBW of a given name. It is only by tracing the oame IsickJ throtigh the recvnls of dlffereoc oeuJ turiee and through the changes of spelM icg through which it has gone duruA those centuries that you get back toj the origitial. .KspUu t« simply "Absa'tom." TraasrosiiioQ of 'otrers is met wlthl iugton as the anc'ent \><tres« of the freiicently in the development of the ducted this year for the first time in thinning mangels at different dis- tances apart in the rows. The yields from the different thinnings follow: Mangels thinned 8 inchea apart, 17.5 tons per acre; mangels thinned 4' inches apart. 17.4 toiis. mangels thin- ned 12 inches apart. 16.S tons. Sugar Mangels: This ch»s of r»K>ts' which is a]«> known as stock feeding! sugar beets is intermediate betwew' MECCA FOR CHAMPIONS t" ' mangel and true sugar Uvt, It I Th» above photi^graph w-a* taken at the Chateau Fronteuac. Quebec. as been grown considerably of recent' and shows, at the right. Uella Brooks v>f To^on^\ holder of practicaiiy all ><aars .is a feed for farm stock, espe- Canadian women's speed records and many wwM's reconis. .Vt the left la .tally d.iiry cattle. In the average of 1 Isabel McCullough, another prv^mtaent Toronto speed skater lietween these ] J yo.irs' results in which there were j^.^., rouivg ladies t» another champiou. a champK^n «»t the rorthern tra.ls and 62 Rtvd reports were r*^ived. the n^^„^, 0,1,^^ ,h»n Mountle. the lead dog of the Chateau W^ntensc .U>« t«MB. variety Ronnte's Tankard Cream gave .^^,„„^ ^^ ,, i^,^ ,.^^j ^f service witt Ifce Royal Cauadiaa Mounted :«; bTu^^/i^";;' w.:;tiTe:sin"gTn ^«»^'^> •" ^'^ --»•. -^ *^-.- -- «^- ''-- ^^ ^"^ «^-- - ^^ ^^^--- av'erage of 26.3 tons per acra. IVomenao. Engiish languare: us witness the change of "thorp*-" Into 'throp.'", "hros" iato "horse. " etc. Thus the Bible oanie of .'VhsalomJ popular, like moss Bible aaaea. fn thew •Worfiugs" in Kr.jjtianii. The tiouble "f" in Wolff indicatee a trertaan origin of the usme. whereas the s'.ugie "f" might be e^th-er of pilre Eagiish extracted or an .â- \ng!lc!ied Tersixu of the Oe.-ouui came. The Middle .Ages, became ".\peolon" oa tha] form Ouelph is of contineutal Teutonic tongues of the medieval Ka(^sh. aadl deve'opD>ent. showing ;be inOaenoe of- then varioasiy â- â- .\spocon." .\t>ep*« the same '.ingulstic teodeacy which ' lond. " ".\»peIond. ".\spelan'" and ftiW made the word "suerre"' oat of the ally .\spi!u and .\spland. the ditch frvni waiting ar.y deeper,^* while the trunk ant" t»»p will help to^ t catch the trajsh and to fill up tt ditch. They cannot be used in pasture th-m.-^-C. cattle cao destroy where O. I â- «• Overtiona. .\ »aJlo>.>king woman cf tuati years appeared in '.he st.-eete push; baby carriage in which a a â- ? Willows for Ditches. Did you ever try p'.snttng willowa; "" along some of iho.<e ditches that tab'* •o much of your field? This other- wise worthless ground may be used to ' grow part of your supply of wood. j In the spring â€" sonietime in April ' is all right â€" take jvur ax and cut ; some willow poles or sticks. C-ut them three or four feet lor.g a:'!d an inch .or two in dJan>eter. Take the<>e to jj^,t),j^,^^j^„j iaf^o. ..^as howM •the ditch and wherever yvu thit^k a ..j^tily. A friend apyroached. Itree is needed drive one of these wil- ••\sTiy, Mrs. I.ufkins." sb« ejactiQ {lows down into the ground, leaving : j^jed. "what a darling Jxaby. But yooJ : about a foot abow the ground. Slant hare no chUdren. Whoee is Itr' the top upstream so that running! "You're wrong, my dear. ' repl><l thJ vk-ater will tend U> straighten it, ' sad-faoed one. "Thi- is my husbatMnl j It is a g^vxJ pla.'-. to place a row of . {,«, »^t too t*r with ^e gland c>jrtk* ^ jttwse acrviss the ditch at different places. .Almost all of these will grow* It is said that t-h? }>oerupine ,aivd in a few ye.irs you will have a slowest and nK>st «t>ijSi animal ln>w of trees. The roots will prevent the wooji. j' is tliJ ital iw