Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1926, p. 7

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: I WOMEN OF I IDDDLEAGE Ne«d Rich, Red Bkwd to Main- tain Good Healtli. After pasKltB th« a**- »f forty ervrj woman ba« renaon to grow anxlou* about li«r haoltli. Tbie time of trial, with its attacks of falntneM and flta »( d«preMion, Us often violent head- aches and back pains ia richtl; dread- ad by women: hut If ruosooable at^ps are taken to eaferuard the health, no •erlous U!-^aect« will wise. At thia tornlng point in life Dr. WilUanui' Pink PV.'iB have (iren a helping hand to thouaaoda of auffering women who were fi<htlnc a hop«l««« battle againat pcor bealtb and waning strength. The very best help for any woman ot middle age Is the health help given by Dr. Wliliame' Pink Pllis. These pUIs reinforce the blood supply, en- riching and purifying it. In doing thla thoy nourish the starved and over- taxed nerves and give new strength Rnd vitality to the whole eyMem. Bj' Ihis natural process Dr. WMllams' Pink Pills oompl^ely dispel ai{ pains and weakness, and a better, happier condt Uon of health and splrMa arises. Every womaA of mld<Ue age shouM take advantage^now of the wonderful h«ftlth-help of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They are sold by aU medicine dealers or will be 8«nt by mail at 50 cents a box, by The Dr. WiUiame' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4 He'ii Land on Top. No mattM' hjw little he's getting; No matter how little he's got, If he wears a grin and trying to win â€" He Is doing e. mighty lot! No matter how humble his }ob is. It he's striving to reach tie creet, The world has a prize for the fellow who triesâ€" The man who is doing his best! To-day he may be at the bottom Of the ladder to wealth and fame. On the lowest rung, where he's bravely clung, In spite of the knocksâ€" dead game. Hut s'owly he's gaining a foothold. His eyes ou the uppermost round; It's a bard climb, but he know in time He will lau'J â€" and be looking down I The fellow yho never surreuders, And Is taking things as they come; Who never says "quit" and exhibits grit When the whole wc-ld's looking glum; The fellow who stays to the finish That notliing eun lilcder or 'itop. And who works like sin, is the chan who'H win And some day he'll land on top. Needle Making An Art. It takes 7 men to make a singiec. net-dlf. Eai-h n»ed!e has to go through twenty-two different processes befor* it rea<'hcs its marketable form. HoUaiKl's Color. Th-3 glor> of Hoilund is Us rolor. Eveirytiiing steins to be painted np - bouse - dwirs, barge«, wiiidow - ii4!ie. : bricks (th« b*^ laid in the woiUtl.j ail but the blue ey«ii and flaxen hair of the girls and chlldren-iio as linBliy ] to give a mingled Impreaatoc of gaiety and repo«e such as no other country 1 1 kno^ aee<Utt even to try and yield. Per many passing years this narlor.ai gentva for coU>r cerir«d in the art of palntlog, and the tradition is by no means deail lo-day. We have r any Use Dutch pictures In this country, but it is necessary to go to Holland in or- d«r (o aee how the motit irxqulsite thi::gg in their art flow from the dally IKe of the people and are the expres- sion of tihe orilered neatness of their lives. It is material aod over-pfecise? Mi:ybe. ... He fuund that he could paint anythingâ€" from the human face to a 6heet of paper or a pot of basil â€" and iKilor it so divinely as to make men's handiwork see'ni almost as good as Nature's. Nothing was common to such artists ... a man's house might be bis church, and i\a atkt&-room glitter like a jewelled altar. Sor was splrituailty wanting to an art which. In a Hberal view of it, eeems the mo*t Chiietian in the world. There is no moi"6 religious picture than Nicolas Maea'e Endless Prayer, and the por- trait* of Terburg aad Vermeer . . . come little behind it in the powM- to glorify the simple life and-ennoble the refined one. Dutch painting is no ceie- bratlon of poverty &im1 dirt, as so much or ours ia. Maes's praying peasant is none the worse beca.ue« she is "a»king a blessing" over a salmon cutlet, or Holland because Its Broadland is a neat and peopled countryBld*, while ours la a lonely aad halt-cultured marsh; or Morland a greater artist than Jan Steea, because the English- man is a gloomy pointer and the Dutch a merry one.â€" H. W. Masslnghaai, in The Nation (London). LIVING EARTH LOOKED LIFELESS That Was When Only Microscopic Organisms Existed. 1 CHOLERA INFANTUM Cholera 'infantum Is one of the fatal ailments of childhood. It is a trouble that comes on suddenly, especially dur- ing the summer months, and unless prompt action Is taken the Iktle one may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets are an iJeal medicine in ward- ing off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach aad thus prevent the dreaded summer com- plaints. They are an absolute sate medicine, being guaranteed to contain neither opiates nor oarcotics or other harmful drugs. They cannot possibly do harm â€" They always do good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2» cents a box from The Dr. VVilliams' Medicine Co., Brock- viUe, Ont. The trouble \vith a great many youp.ijr men â- who \var.t to see life i« that they imagine none of it is worth serins by d-ay'.lKht. A u Ws are satisfying hundreds of shippers with our cream prices, teats, e''ades, dally payments. We are paying to- day: Special, sec; No. 1, 34c; No. 2, 31c. We pay Express Chareea. Ship us your Cream. SWIFT CAt*lA.OIAN C'LlMiTEl) . WE^T TOPONTOr The First Vaccinators. Although vaccination is indissolubly linked with the uamejof Jenner, ihere ; is ampls -eviiience that it was prac- ticed by farmers aad others la the niral districts ot England long I efore his day. It was common knowledge amongst these iveofle that an attack of cowpox immunized the sufferer against imall- pox, and it was quite usual for farm workers to infect themselves and their children with the former complaint to protect them against the latter. laJead. twenty-two years before Dr. Jenner made his first vassination a farmer named Benjamin Jesty, of Downshay, England, openly advocated the practice; but, not being a medical man, he was laughed at tor his pains. Dr 'ft wood. Each f:i';i'K iijiii bpi-r and batler«d kixii. That comes to real upon the iriicre. Holds priscued gho<iU ot otaer days aod chime*. Prom far off seAa. and scenes of wa:' au/d death. From b'lrqua and brigaoiiixe and tro- pic isii>. They bear suuage memcries Of yout.*i and life and love aiid gaJlaui deed*. Those r«t-t!ess gliosts. Within their Ueat-hed and sait-encrost e>d walls. Await th« torch to aet tiiem fr«« To rlsri In iride..ceat flame And Join the storiad romance ot the sea. â€" Herbert Greer French. Ibeltsi Elliou School an4 aowlor- jioct dvpertmaius k*va tti-rumi. thoujKinda cm. th* loftd to aoceeaa. YcrU too ma;y »(U)oe«d. T«1m y<oar fliM Map by wilting Dept. "B" tor a copy of oar oafknua to-day. ELLIOTT Yonga and Ala.xan4«r tta., Taronta Frank! A man who want«d to rapix^ve a boy for remaining 84. the table toe long, â- aid: "Now. you sea that when I have fln-<' iehed eating. I atwsya leave the table." "Yea, air." 3«ld the boy: adding, un- der his breath "and that la about ail you do leave!" ^ The upper sketch shows the eight-armed cattledsh or octopus. Tta« lower sketch shows the ten-anned cuttlefish or squid capturing a fish. The cuttlefish are moltusca and represent the greatest development of tile back- boneless forms of life. Secrets of Scienoa. '. By David Diets. Ihe flrat great step in the evolution of life upon the eaxth was the origin of life. The eecoad great step was the dlvl- sion of the first microscopic globalea of living matter into the two claasea. plant and animals. Biit both the first plants and first animals were one-celled organ- 1 Isms. \ The third great step' was the de- ' velopment ot many-ceiled animals and plants. An organism which we find on the earth to-day gives us a ciew to how this happened and lead us to believe that there was a half-way step between one-celled and many-celled organisms. In canals and streams we find a, microscopic organism which has been named the "volvox." It looks like a little green ball. In reality it la a colony of one-celled animals all living together. All the microscopic cells tornjing volvox are alike. But there are other colonies of or- ganisms which show different kinds of cells. Here wa have a division of labor, as it were. This probably marks the beginning of the many- celled animals ani^ ptants. To-day we find microscopic many- celled anima'.s and plants. Therefore , we may aseume that for millions of years all life was mlcrocoplc. ! The earth was teeming with lite but ft looked Ufeless. Graduaily, a« time went on, organ- • !«m Increased in size. ; Gnuiually more complex forms of ; life evolved. AH of them, however. i were lyckboneless animals. , They Includedsponges, jellyfish, and | (joctcr to use tetanus anU-toxin, which round and flat worms. j jg ^ sure preventive. Tetanus anti- All of theee are very inactive forms â-  ^,^j^ jg supplied free for use of per- of life. Sponges are entirely fixed, i ^^^ nving la the Province by tie De- growing on one spot just as plants do. i partment of Health of Ontario. Jellyfish are only feeble swimmers Tetanus. Lockjaw is something we have all feartMi since the days when as small chijdreu we were warned to tell moth- er every time we ran a rusty nail into our toot. And the fright the whole femlly got It any one cut his hand be- tween the thumb and first flnge*-! We are still anxious when a little foot has a rusty nail run into it. Wtiy? } * ' Because we are afniid of what may One of those writers who forever happenâ€" meaning poisoning of the ' o^e the phrase "aa ^lean as a wWeUa" whole system and perhaps death. We '• ought to see a small boy puU one out have particular reason to fear any of a sticky pocket, wound which has touched any cultl- _____ vated soil or road dust. The chief rea- son tor our Iveir is tha.t the spore of i tetanus, or the germ causing lockjaw, migh. have entered with the soii or j ; dust in which ttanuro was present at some time. This is true, too. of any i Injuries from fireworks, firearms, etc. Wiieo, therefore, ;Lny one in your family is suffering from a wound into which there is the sMghteet ctance that this germ of lockjaw may have entered, take no chances â€" ask the Real economy is not aavicg money Rt all ; real economy is spandiiisf money wisely. â€" Wardlaw Mi'jie, M.P. I jeuynsa are j at the mercy ot tides and currents. ' The sea worms are only feeble : crawlers. I Only one form of backboneless aai- ; mal has developed any great power of locomotion in all the millions of years , from the time of their first appearance j upon earth up to the present. This Is the squid. The squid has a spindle-shaped body enclosed in a muscular fold known as the mantl«. _ There is a space between the body and the mantle known as the mantle cavity. The squid moves backward by draw- ing water into the cavity through a tunnel just below the head and expell- ing It again violently by contraction of the mantle Keep Minard's Liniment handy. â€" •> Wise Egg Layers. Little Reggie, having had an egg put before him for breakfast, said: "Mam- ma, w-he-re did you get this egs?" "FYom grandma's chickens," his I mother answered. 1 "Weil." said Reggie, "how do gran- ny's chickens know the size of our egg- . cups'" British Thrifty. Before the war, there were only 400.- OOi) holders of English government _ securities altogether. To-day 14.000 a muscular "^^ holders of government securities are being registered every week, which The next great step in evolution was th'C development of the back-boned animal. The lirst one was the fish. equals about 790.000 new subscribers per annum.â€" Thrift M.%gazine. Plane Types Reduced. Standard types of army aircraft have been reduced from 15 to 5. The British Museum contains books inscribed on oystar aheSis, bricks, tiles, bones, ivory, leew!, iron, copper, sheepskin, wood, and palm leaves. AGENTS WANTED lt«n And wom«n wanted In unrapnMltad ttf I I to i ltd with Min aMItty and tood adaaiNalty itandln) ta nmatat a noat ncttnaln raaia af kalttad eaada •aid dlrtat tr*ai aiaautietdrar : D n aiii, avarl avita, iwtitcra. kaUilnf wlti, a<lk Nafarte. taatarr. didar- iraar and w««t«na, laaal la tha klehait vnA% Im* (•rM Unaa. All Unii aiada aaawtataly la aur aa« ftatary fr«« raw mataiiali. Ukafal aaaataalant kaaaa vatiia: aaHlag outfit aunllad. Ptaaataf and praltaMa: aatUafaattan guaraataae. Our rat r aaa a ta- tlvaa Binka gaod and *n wnk aa. Writa far full aartltalan at aaaa. BRITtSN KNiTWtAK CaMPANY. Maaaa, OataHik TOURIST CAMPS Tourlat Camps and Rafreahmeot Booth* alone the highwaya and roads ot Ontario are now Inspected bv the Department of Haalth and aach pro- prlator who maintains hia premUes and the necessary equipment in a sanitary manner is granted an Approval Sign. When yo« are motoring, look for this sign: MOTOR TOURIST CAMP APPROVED Ontario Department of Health tt will help you to locata watar eafe to drl»k and propar accommoda- tion tor rest and cattvpiit^. Awav from home, \ou cannot afford to take chancaa wHh your food and drinit. An ttuck of typhoid fever toltowlng th« as* of infected watar or milk or awlmmin* In a polluted atrwim will certainly apoll tha attact o( th« happieat holiday. Milk: "Know your Milkman"â€" «t laaat try to aacara p«»ta«rUad miljL Tbe n««t be;( U mlUc that t* milked claan aad kapt olaait attd aoM. ntliaa!: BuyTbe«t kapTon loa. Ton wouldn't thlak of aatlnt "hot doga" which haa been heatad and r«-h*»ted for a week, it you war* Boaaeâ€" than Isalst OB having your watear* taken off tha ic« and boilad fraah tor y«tt. Watar: Secura your drinking wata^ at Approved Caurpa and Ratraah- Btant Booths: thajr hara aata vat«|- auTOltaf. Bathlna: Tbare are vlaniT «A mi^ placaa to awlm. Bathe only ta mt«r which la fraa from ooBtantMtlon. Bataty Flrat! A little mlah*p tB w «l tba ahora nay saan aioimaaa. Pravantlon ia tha beat plan tor motor tmiHataâ€" iat Innoculata* a«alaat tyvhold favar baCara you aurt on 70>v motor holiday. Vacelaa la aupii^tad fraa for «•• af O&larto raaidanta by tha Dapartioant «( HaaUh. All These I Own. I own the memory ot whispering trees Which gossdp in the wind at early dawn; A roving cloud's swift shadow on the leas. And petals like soft snow adrift the ktwn. And mine the spectral cry of wild, shy ] loon. The gulls like silver foam upon the bar; And E<?entad purple dusks beneath a moon Shining and crascant like a acimitar. I call these mine: the rocks flrm-aet and cool Where baraades and shaggy sea- weeds are. Token of vagrant tidea; this shadowy pool Which mlrrora back the radiance of a star. 'â-  Mine ia the ckunor in the thunder's roll Toaaed as by might of Titans from on hich. Mine l> the sspieador as the lightning aoroU I Cleaves a swift pathway in the riven ! aky. ^ I own tha draamlng haza on distant hi^. The long pale pathway of a wind- ing lana, Tha nodding aowsUpa, iem aad daf- fodils. The maglo curtain of a aummar ralik Mine ia tha smril of freahly furrowad earth, Tbe K'aam of sunlight on a running \ brook: { Mine ia the wonder of each aprinc'a i n«w birth, i Tha autumn flalds and grain within ; the (took. And miae tbe mystary of a veWat nicfat Acrocs whoae sky a tarSung jawalad aoa« Arches tha heavens. sclotUtent with Itcht: Theaa memoriea ara miaa â€" all thaaa I own. â€"Mary Cbaae Witharbaa. in Ohiiattan Scienoa Monitor. High Birth. High birth is a thing which I never knew any one to disparage except those who had it not; and I never knew any one to make a boast of it who had anything else to be proud of. â€" Bishop Warburton. FLIT DESTROYS FlieSeMosquitoes KD3Cu6S Bedbugs CORNS. Remove the bar<l fte«h «ind M'nard'a freely and often, splendid for bunions. apply Also PSORIASIS, " ECZEMA and Other Skin Troubles yield to ti:is new. scientific skin treat- ment. It is a combination treatment of ointment for external use and tab- ! lets for purifying the blood. In the I ointment, the active ingredi^ents of ; SOREMA are combined with an oini- nwrnt base that is readily absorb^jd into the third and fourth layers of the skin with gentle rubbing. It is in the«e under layers of the skin that the dis- ease germs work. Thus. SOliEMA at- taclia skin troubles at their source. I SOREMA the New Skin R«nedy 13 the discovery of a Canadian Drug- gist of thirty-five years' experience, who was. for fDu:"te'en year». a sufferer from Psoriasis, .^fter all the \:sual treatments (including X-rayl had fall- e.i he began experimenting with vari- nns combinations of drugs uaad in cases of Chronic Skin Diseases and de- veloped a formula with vhicli he FREED HIS SKIN of the DISEASE SORE.M.\ has. silncc. been used with equal success in a large number of long-standing casee of Psoriasis. Ecise- ma. etc. Numbers ot enthusiastic usera testify to its amazing results. SOREM.\ is sold at your Druggist's or write us direct. Sorema Ointment, $1.00 per box: Sorema Bloci AkerHllva Tablets, 75c per box. ! FLASH PRODUCTS, LIMITED ! 1104 BAY ST. TORONTO! DRAGGINO-DOWN PAINS RELIEVED Woman Suffered Nearly a Year. Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable CompoflBd Brotight Her Healtli Moose Jaw, Sask. â€" "i am going to try to teil you what Lvcia k. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound haa done for me. 1 suffered very badly with drag^^:ing-down pains and infiamma- tion, also pains m my right side over my hip and doifvn my whole side into my 1-jg. I had it nearly a year when I went to a doctor and he said I would have to have an operation. But my mother said to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as it saved her life years before. 1 took two bottles and 1 f;:>und I was better, so I kept on taking it and also vised Lvdia S. Pinkh.im's Sanative Wash. 1 nave had two more children since then and am perfectly well. I used to have to lie down two or three times a daj, and now 1 do all my housework without trouble. I al- ways keep the Vegetabie Compound in the house as I raid a do«e now and then helps me. 1 am willing for you to use this letter any way you see tit and 1 wi'ki answerletters. If I can help any other womar I'd be oniy too glad to "try. " â€" Mrs. Fsther Houghton, 712 Athabasca W., Moose Jaw, Sas- katchewan. Lydia E. Plnkharo'a Vegetable Osmpound is a dependable medicine for all womeiu For sale by druggists everywhera. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism Plana to Carry Ona Hundred. Ao alrpiana that will carry 100 paa- aaagera ia being huilt. DOES T^OT AFFECT THE HEART Tha ral^w«y alaapers in Central ; Africa ara mada o^ anatal, because tha ' anta vrooJd vary qnickly deatroy wood- en aiaapara. So^ Accept only "Bayer" package â- which contains proven dUfCtioas. Handy "Baver" boip^ of 12 tubleta Alao bottle* of 84 »nd 100â€" Druf;t»t. MInard'a Linlmant for Coma and Warta A«rl-ta to tt« tr»a» ntrk ("»i«1«t«i«4 In 0«a»«») e» B«jw Sf«iiif«<rt«rr of M«>mc«' -- •ittwttf of 9»»-.»1ir«.-M . Ao»'»l S«lleyHc A€»iJ, "A. B. A â- â€¢> W>iil« 't '.« »«U k-wwn Iktt Airlr-n I**!!* JUjcr <B«iiir« •x-.-'. to •••!« Ill* r-Mlc ««»l'i« !mli»:loo«. 0.» Pil .e«« t( Bkjw 0«BtfW/ ikUi a* auain)! with :Mir fiMnl \x*tm aut, tk» "Bovr-- CftM." Relieve Irritations By Using Cuticura Balh.- th« aiT*ct;i par's fre«'.y will Cut'xur* Soap and rot •»»tfi dn.' wUhcut rpbM:-.g ♦b«'» aPP'^' Ciiticv.ra Oi:itn:«nt. Kct acacma:!. ijshes. itch'iiga, It'titi***". 'V.. Uiey are wvr.detfl*. U»e Cuticu.M Soap '"»'1>' '^ •**? y^''' *'^'-- '^***^- â- u-nto tt'X r.«» »7 »»ll <Li'-»â€" •â- Â»â- "â- >--• â- - ... „v..- »i~' :-"- T>c.-- .< ISSwE Na. "Mâ€" "24-

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