Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1926, p. 5

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THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE WEDN'ESDAV, AUGUST 18, 19M i .1. [ The Personal Element in Banking affairs BETWEEN the curtness and coldness of printed bank forms and the human elernent for whose use they are de- sigi.ed, are vast oportunitica for the banker to gi^e valuable personal as- sistance. The Standard Bank, thr- oug the members of its staff, is anx- ious to use any opportunity that aris- , es 10 demonstrate its value in offer- ing personal advice on financial mat- tor.-. The local manager of the Standard Bank will be glad to -vc intimate counsel upon money ir....: jrs pertaining to your business. \ STANDARD BANK OP CAHADA, FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C T. Batty, Uanager John Caeser in the East WAS ST.^TIO.V AGENT AT MARK- DALE FOR M MBER OF YEARS â€"SMARTED FLOWER BEDS ns9s Middle School Results CARD OF THANK.5 CJ-R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as follo'ws: Going South Going North Associated with the buiiness of ••.lilruttG'r.ji for more than half a cen- tury, John Ceaser of Vancouver, and now a visitor in Toronto, enjoys the distinction of being, in all probability, the oldest living employee who has seen service in the Canadian Paciiic Railway, says the Toronto Globe. To John Caeser also belongs the honor of instituting the practice of beautify- ing Canadian railway stations with flowers and shrubbery. Little he dreamed, when in the '80's, as station r.eent at Markdale, Grey County, he raked up the rubbish littering the grounds, and planted a few five-cent packages of flower seeds, that the garden idea would develop and spread until there evolved the C.P.R. slogan: "The Flo>«l Route to the West." Tells many a Good Yam. Active, with a keen memory and ' dauntless enthusiasm despite his 75 years, John Caeser is in possession oj Out of iSJX:0,000 spent on acci- • dent compensation in Ontario, $1,- I Mrs. Rody Stewart wi.shes to thank OOO.fXiO goes to pay for blood-Dois- The results of the normal Entrance , i,er man> neighbors and friedns for oning examinations were recehed by The ; their kindness and sympathy shown Advance on Tuesday evening from the , Jurin^ the illness and death of her principal. C. F. Lawrence, and are , husband and for the beautiful floral ^'â- ''â- " "^ "^'"^'^ "" â„¢*" ^'^^P* °" ''" Shipped Syrup for Use of Royal Family * ^""*^ °^ sprightly stones of pioneer ' ' railroading in Canada. It was away 8.00 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.41 p.m. â- The mails close at Flesherton We have always known that the 11.52 &-in-: maple syrup which is made every bark in 1871 that he undentook his first railroad job, and the earlier 9.08 pjn.!year in the evar orator at Mr. Walter V^^^^ °f s«'^'»« ^'^^^e sP^n* ^ the 4.33 P.m. Akitfs was first class and at last it employ of the Great Western and the has even become known abroad. Mr. Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway. It was in the vear 1882 that the Toron- For the north at 11.00 a.mJ-'^^itt last week shipped a quantity of follows: for me norm at l±.uu a,m.| â- -â- ' "â- "'"'â- ' ": t-^ r.rov- A- Rmrp RAihvnv wa« tak-pn .outh at 3.30 For morning train' maple syrup directly to Balmoral to. Grey ^ Bruc^eJ{a.lwa>«a= taken Bouth mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the Castle, Scotlanc, and will be served to thein Majesties, the King and Queen of England. This is a real distinc- tion for a product of Artemesia TowTiship. previous evening. Loeal and Personal Shop in Flesherton! Mrs. Jas. Wilson and little son vis- ited in Collingwood last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Nuhn visited in Dvirham on Sunday. Cemetery Improvements over by the C.P.R., and among Mr. Caeser's most interesting reiniscenses is fhe opening of teh new Markdale Station, when a delegation, inclmding the late Colonel George Ham, attend- ed the event. This constituted the first official railroad station opening in Canada, it is said, and with the exception of North Toronto Station the only Canadian station to be thuj honored. Last week vork was commenced on the levelling of the Flesheijton Cem- When Sheriff Impounded Train. Miss Lillian Bunt of Toronto was etery and three men and a team are with twinkling eyes the veteran a visitor in town last week. on the job. The Cemetery Board has ^^Iroader recalls those vmomentous Quite a nhmber from here attended , an extensive program on hand of ^^^ precarious Hays in the history of the circus in Owen Sound Saturday, plowing the ground so as to level the the Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway. Miss Beatrice Thistlethwaite is hoi- P'^^s to enable mowers to be used in ^.^^^^ ^ passneger train en route from idaying at her home here. i cutting the grass and keeping the Toronto to Teeswater was seized by _, _, ^.„ ,, , . ^ ' cemetery in a respectable condition, tho Sheriff The crowdj are still flocking to _ ' . "^ tne sneriii. I The Board levied a tax on each plot- are still flocking Flesherton on Saturday nights. ! ^i!, °°"° "T ^ "^ °" "^ "T ^' "^'^^ ^ '^'*'""°" o««^n«^e in holder some time ago m order to those days, said Mr. Caeser. for the Mr. Fred Crew and sister of To- ; raise frnids for the work and the re- ^.^^^ p^g. stacked along the railroad, ronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. sponse has been so satisfactory that ^^j providing fuel for engines, to be Geo. Beecroft, East Back Line. the work is now proceeding. ggj^ed by the Sheriff for debts. Mrs. T. W. Findlay spent a few The ground throughout the ceme- During the 37 xears that John days the past week at Owen Sound ' t^^y will be levelled, none of the Caeser planted and nurtured the and Bognor. ,P'o*s will be raised and the corner flowers that brightened the grounds T^^ v^ T.^,^„ ,n,* M,-=. Alii . "^ ^^^^ ^*°"^^ '''" ^^ ^""^ ^^""'^^ Of the Markdale Station, Hfe develop- Mrs. Ed. Tremp and Miss Allie ^ ,,.jth the ground to enable greater ^^ t,,.„ hot beds, passing his surplus Noms are soendir.^r this week m To-!„„.„ :„ mowino- T awn t>Ta<;s =!p«1 . , " . _„_,.„ â-  ..ease in mowing. i-awn grass seea gj^^^.^ ^^^ to other station agents along ^o'''-"* will be sown next spring. It is very the line Mr. George Beecroft is spending a gratifying to know^ that at last this few days with his son, Jack, in Owen ' great work is started and In pTace of Sound. : being a disgrace to the community , . , ,..1. , u ',, ^ ^. , J. I , partment. .Although he was pen- ,, ,,r or.o-..u e r, u the last resting place of our loved •^. , . Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith of Osh- = .,, , â-  ^ â-  »t ^ â€"rr. . .. , ^, , , ,. ,. ones will be a beauty spot that wiiT awa visited the formers aunt, Mrs.' ,.^ ^ ^,.- 1. „ , , ^, - • I , ^ , ;be a credit to this town. Hanlev, and other friends last- week. 1 Encouraging the venture the C.P. R. brought into effect the Floral De- Credit Auction Sale 40 HORSES ON LOT 104. T. & S.R.. FORMERLY F. J. CLRRY FARM ^^ NOW OWNED BY J. B. THIBALDEAL . Tuesday, Aug. 24 TER.MS OF SALE:â€" « MO.NTHS' CREDIT ON .APPROVED JOINT NOTES ACCEITABLE .VT BANK OR 6 P.C. PER -4N- NIM OFF FOR CASH. W. L. COURTNEY, Proprietor. GEO. DUNCAN. Auctioneer. â- ?SF published below. 'tributes. - tongue will run down occasionally. SCHEDULE â€" First class honors' (5 to 100, 1; second class 66 to 7t, _; ^ jhe opinion" of some wives whose It is safsr to have a woman driv- third class 60 to 65, 3; credit 50 to husbands are always going fishing ing from the back seat than to have ^'^t C. is that they are a whole lot better her in the front scat hugging the .^LLEX, H.A.ROLD â€" Comp. C; Br. at going than they are at fishing. driver. Hist. 2; Chem. 3; Latin Comp. C. BENTHAM. ELIZABETH â€" Lit. ' C; Ane. Hist. 3; Fr. Authors C; Fr. ' Composition C. , B(5VD, LAURA â€" Br. Hist. 2; Anc His. C; -Mg. C; Physics 3; Chem. C; | Fr. Authors 3; Fr. Comp. C. BLACKBURN. HARTLEY â€" Br. Hist. 1; Anc. Hist. 2; Fr. Authors 2; ; French Composition 2. ! BROWN, INEZ â€" Eng. Comp. 3;, Lit. C; Br. Hist. C; -Mg. 3; Latin \ Authors C; Latin Com. 2; Fr. Com. C. ' CAMERON, RUSSEL â€" Br. Hist. , C; Anc. Hist. 1; Geom. C; Chem. 2; i Latin Auth. C; Latin Comp. C; Fr. i Composition C. ; CLEMENTS, IRENEâ€" Anc. His. C. i ENGLISH. BERNICE â€" Comp. 3; Br. Hist. C; Physics 3. j HOWDEN, ORLOFF â€" Br. Hist. 1 ' Geom. 2: Fr. Auth. 1; Fr. Comp. 2. INKSTER. HAZEL â€" .^nc. His. 3. • KNOX, .\LEX. â€" Latin Comp. 2. i LONG, ROSS â€" Comp. C; Alg. 2.; McDonald, SAM â€" Comp. S; Br. Hist. 1; .Alg. 3: Geom. C; Physics 2; Chemistry C. .McMillan, Catharineâ€" Comp. C; Lit. C; Br. Hist. C; .A.nc. Hist. C. , >{cCALLUM. EDN.A.â€" Lat. Com. 3. , McFADDEN. FLORENCE â€"Comp. ' 3; Lit. 1; Anc. Hist. 1: Alg. 1; Chem. ' 2; Lat. Auth. 1; Lat Comp 1; French' Composition 2. I McKECHNIE, HILD.-\â€" Anc His C. i NICHOL, MURRAY-â€" .\nc. Hist. 3. | NICHOL. REBECCA â€" Comp. 3; ' Lit. 3: .A.nc. Hist. C. ! FINDER, GLADY'S â€" Comp. C; Anc Hist. 2; Alg. C; Bat. Comp. C. i SCOTT. MINA â€" Anc. Hist. C; -Algebra C; Chemistry C. SLED. MELVIN â€" Comp. C: Br. Hist. C; .-Vnc. Hist. C. STINSON, MARGUERITE â€" Br. j Hist. C: Fr. Auth. C: *. Comp. C. ; WILSON. EVADA â€" .\nc. Hist. 2: â-  Chemistry 1. ' The following have ccrjiplete stand- ing for Entrance to the Normal , Schools:- I Hartley Blackburn, Laura Boyd, | Russell Cameron, Bernice English, ' Orloff Howden, Hazel Inkster, .Alex. ' Knox. Sam McDonald, Murray Nichol, ' Bvada Wilson. The People's Grocery WHEN IN TOWN CALL AT KENNEDY'S Always a full line of Fresh Groceries and Fruit in stock. Dates, Prunes, Seeded and Seiedless Raisins. It you want some good bread ask about our O. Canada Flour; there are hundreds using it with entire satisfaction. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 27 Miss Gladys Finder has been spend- ing the past couple of weeks with Newmarket friends. Mr. John Dow has returned from Kitchener and left on Tuesday for the j Mro. Mulhall and Reuben Carter, all West. Mrs. F. H. \V. Hiekling and Miss Bessie Goff are spending a week in Weston. Mr. .'\u':.tin Shackleford. enjoyed a ffip to Kitchener and London last week. sioned in 1917, Mr. Caeser retained hio interest in the station gardens, and for several years assumed the re- spcnsibilily as Chief Gardener of the C.P.R. lines eajt of Fcrt William. In recent years a signal honor has come to the yeteran railroader, a Can- adian Pac'fic Railway Station, iocatei* in the vicinity of Nelson. B.C., having been named "Caeser," in recognition of "the long and faithful service of spent last week and this with the j^^^^ Caeser " latter's daughter. Mrs. Robt. Down. __^^_^_____ The work of oaintin* the remainder ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. Geo. Small and daughter. Ivy, I of Toronto. Mrs. Sleep of Mich., and ' sister, Mrs. John Carter, of Corhetton ADDITIONAL LOCALS of the high school in town is being Mr.-. C. R. W> ood ana three child- guests daughter. ruohed to completion at present in time for the re-opening o£ school on ren left on Monday for her home at Mrs. Walter Marr of Toronto gave ; September 1st. Mr. J. Graham of Cadillac, Sask., after spending two The Advance a pleasant call on her ' pu^ham secured the contract from months with her parents, Mr. and return from visiting friends at Fev- â-  the school hoard and is making a ^^rs- R- Bentham. She was aeconip- ersham. \ rjood job of the work. anied by her sister, Elizabeth, who , ,, . »T_„ â- c' u Ti,^.v,,,=r„. or,/i ! â„¢, " , " ,. » ... will soend some time in the We5t. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Thompson and j xhe young ladies of town and the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson of I c.G.I.T. class of the United Church Col. Ern Arstrong is in a three- Chesley called on friends here on j Sunday school held a miscellaneous cornered light for the representation Sunday. [shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'n Parliament of South Tcraiskaniins. Mv< J Cargoc and Jeanette are ' LeRoy xMcDonald, recent bride and We have abiding faith that Ern, with spending a few weeks in Detroit, the! groom. The young couple were tak- characteristic determination to suc- of the former's son and en completely by surprise and a jolly ceed, will get there. The light is jtime was spent. hot, however. air and Mr^ W^ I Carrol and two | A trial was supposed to have taken W. .V. and Mrs. Hawken attended children of Mitchefl called upon old | place in the town hall on Tuesday ^the reunion of the Taylor family at friends here )-n Saturday. Thev I morning when Mr. (Robert Carson i Wasaga Beach the first of the week. had b^en rnjoving a camping trip. " was charged with being under the in- ..there being present relatives from To- fluence of liquor. Magistrate Crea- ronto. New Market, Lindsay, Port Mr. Mervyn Baxter. Mr. John Bax-i^^^ ^^ ^^^.^^ g^^^^ ^.^^ ^.^^^^ ^^ re- Perry. Markdale. Harkaway sad Fev- ter of Caledon and Mr. George Brack- ^^.^.^ ^^..^^^^^ j^y^ jjj. ^-.^^^^ j^jj^^ ^y^^jjj^ ^here were over thirty en of Caledon visited Mr. and Mrs. |^^ ^^^ .^ ^^ appearance. The trial present and a very enjoyable ''time S. M. Osborne over Sunday. i is to be held Thursday afternoon at ' was spent. It was decided to make it There was good representation of 2 o'clock in the town hall. an annual gathering. Black Knights at the Derry Day cele- bration at Brampton on Thursday of last week. - Mr. Wm. Moore hai made extensive i improvements in his store, occupied j by T. W. Findlay, fumitture dealer j wtd undertaker, by remoTing part of | the partition and other improvements, j Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin and Mr. ^ and Mrs. Donald Fowler and daugh- j ter of Dungannon were the guests of [ Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry over >he week end. | Mr. Roy Patton and Mrs. Harp^ll 1 and daughter, Ruth, of Toronto spent | the week end in town. Mr. John Bellamy accompanied them homo j after spending tw-o weeks in Toronto. The first meeting of th«> United j Church W..\LS. will be held to-morrow (Thursday) at 3 p.m. in the school rcrm of the church. It is hoped that all members of the former societies will be in attendance. \ i Miss Ethel Goff of near Coldwater j is the guest of Mrs. Hiekling this , week. ' W. A. and Mrs. Hawken, Mrs. W. Taylor and Mrs. F. W. Taylor of Markdale returned last week from a motor trip when they visited relatives at the following plnees: Now Mar- ket. Uxbridge, Port Perry. Lindsay. Bobcaygeon, Feneion Falls, Bowman- ' ville, Toronto and Niagara Falls. There passed away at his home in London. Ont., Dr. H. .^rnott. who for many yearo was a noted physician and advocate of temperance in West- ern Ontario. Dr. .A.rnott had reach- ed a ripe old age. He was an ur.ole of Mrs. Wm. Inkster of Flesherton. First Class Merchant Tailoring New Spring Goods Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds md Canadian Tweeds Scotch Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free H. ALEXANDER FEVERSHAM _p.iag/gE.'SaQEEJE^ia'5fSi5ISI^I5)a'SSiai5IH3l3IBiaiffiS13I^^ I Preserving Time Is Here! Everything You Need at Right Prices Granulated Sugar. Jem Jars MetaJ Jar Rings Fruit Presses Enamel Preserving Kettles Certo Jar Rubbers ^ Fruit Jar Fillers Jelly Strainers Aluminum Preserving Kettles n.iflnR' â- â€¢')â- -; tCrrkTt ltr<K<t AsniMl BxpmMea. fas » u w to vtr* New Uourio <ioT«raa«ni Ba'Wnji !• ba ewmimi tWt raar. Canadian National. EXHIBITION TORONTO 1926 Datasâ€" Aus> 28â€" Sept. 11 Special 36 inch Broadcloth 49 cents • INE EVEN CLOTH, HIGHLY MERCERIZED, IN A VARIETY OF NEW LORED STRIPED DESIGNS. REGULAR 65c., SPECIAL 49c Holproof Silk Hosiery . LINE TO MET EXACTLY.. THE.. REQUIREMENTS.. OF ... .K SHORT SKIRT â€" SH,K TO THE KNEE â€" L\ THE NEW SF:AS0N'S colorsâ€" ATMOSPHERE. MOONLGHT- ALMOND, PEACH, \ND WHITE- Sizes SVi to 10. PRICE $1.50 a pair. Straw Hats. Fancy Belts- Fancv Pullovers. CCoaless Suspenders. Athletic L'nderwear. Summer Neckwear. Fancv Hosierv. F. H. W. HICKLING «LES HERTON, ONT. ' ^ SiSi£iSSS£''E£!3^ &'aBEriS@EIS.^@Sfe3ei£:ur~:

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