Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1925, p. 5

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Wed., December 9, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE /â-  â- i'- ' % *^rtr*^ I 4 4 CoiNludt Your Affairs With Dignity A STANDARD Bank savings ac- count lends digrnity to the traasac- tions of the depositor. It identifies him with an orgranization that is known and respected in the commun- ity and established a contact which is invaluable should he at any time de- sire counsel or advice on money mat- ters. Open a Standard Bank sav- ings account. It will help you to develop your financial resources as nothing: else can, and enable you to conduct your personal affairs with digrnity. STANDARD BANK OF CAJNAJDA. rUESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, Manager WiH iRStaU Light it Boyne Dangler Spot In order to relieve the dani»>r at the Boyne River bridge the villagre council Monday evening voted to ins- tall an electric light on a pole there. This has been a very dangerous spot after night a'nd is a wise undertak- ing. All the members were present and' the meeting was a short one. The following accounts were or- dered to be paid:- Advance Printing Co., printing $6.25; C. N. Richard- son envelopes 70c.; Hydro System, town hall lighting $9; the clerk and bailiff sittings of court $12 each, Ed. ': Best ' and S. Osborne were billed $2 I for a dog each that they didn't have I and were refunded the amount, & AB Ferris and N. McKechnie wore I charged $2^ too much on theirs and ! the money was refunded I On a motion of Richardson, second- I ed by Findlay, W A. Armstrong was ' paid $10 for the sidewalk constructed in front of the postoffice. Inkster â€" Down â€" That Mark Wil- son be paid $5 for team work done on October 8th and 9th. â€" Carried. Another motion which was passed is one that the parents of children sleighridins on the .sidewalks are re- quested to note. The following is the motion . Findlay â€" Richardson â€" That this council wish to draw the attention I of the parents of the cihldren that •Trains leav* Flesherton StatlOki as | The annual meetmg of L.O.L. 2855 there is a by-law in the municipality fallows: ws held on Friday last and the elec- ] foybidding children sleigh riding cp CSoing South Going North tion of officers was held. The follow- j the sidewalks and ask thehir co-op- . ii,52 a.m.. >«« ^"^e elected to the various Carried. ' B.uu a.m. offices :- 4-10 P""- â-  3°^ P""-! I.P.M.-W. A. Hawken. Chalmer's Smriay School ! Christmas Concert I Chalmer's Sunday school will bold their annual Christmas entertain- , ment on Friday evening, December 18th. The old time supper, and a choice program will be given. The Misses Sheppard and Fawcett, prof- essional entertainers of Toronto will take the major part of the program, followed by a Christmas tree and dis- tribution of gifts. This is the fiftieth anniversary of the school, and will be real good. Remember the date â€" Friday, December 18th. C. P. R. TIME TABLE Annual Meeting LO.L. 2855 'JOHN HOGARTH ELECTED W.M. FOR THE COMING YEAR Division Court Last Week Judge Sutherland of Owen Sound presided over the Division Court in |he town hall on Friday mortiing last. Lawyers Henry of Markdale and Birnie of Owen Sound were in attendance. The following judgments were given: Lawrence v. Archibald â€" Suit for $94, balance of lightning rod account. Judgment for $94 and costs. Batchelor v. Meddaugh â€" Batchelor Sued for $74.49 for measuring logs at Proton Station. Judgment for $72.95. Fisher v. Stinson â€" Adjourned. Down V. Stinson â€" Adjourned. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i8.41 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. aad 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail â- outh at 3.80. For morning train Muth at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the lirevious evening. Social and Personal W.M.â€" J. A. Hogarth. D.M.â€" Ceo. E. Banks. Chaplain â€" H. Down. Secretary â€" Jas. Stewart. Treasurer â€" F. W. Duncan. Fin. Sec. â€" Jas. Ferris. 1st Lect. â€" Ed. Tremp. 2nd Lect. â€" A. Down. D. of C.-^W. J. W. Armstrong. Ist Com. â€" ^T. Bentham. Com. â€" Wm. Irwin, O.^ Fisher, Sutton and P. J. Thurston Council adjourned. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson and little son, Evason, are spending a couple of •weeks with Owen Sound relatives I I Miss D. Thurston has gone to spend ^ a month in Meaford -with her brother, A. S., and family. j Mr. Andrew Wickens left last week for Detroit to spend the "winter with relatives there. j Rev. James Dudgeon was the guest, •f Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham over. Sunday. i Mrs. W. J. Bellamy has returned, home, after spending two weeks in Owen Sound with her son, Emerson.! Dr. F. W. Murray, Miss Shirley and Miss Bryce motored from Toronto on Saturday, returning Sunday. The Auziliary of St. John's church •will hold the Christmas meeting on I Thursday at 3 p.m. Visitors are! welcome. A darce is to be held in the Orange ] Hall, M-icwell, on Wednesday, Dec-' ember 3C^h. by L.O.L. 666, Maxwell. Tioronto orchestra to provide music. The L.O.B.A will meet on Friday, evening, December 11th, in Clayton's Hall. This is the annual meeting and every member is requested to be present. "» _ $5 reward will be paid for informa- tion that will lead to the conviction of the party^ who cut down a large maple tr&e in my bush recantly. â€" ^ Andrew Kennedy. Mr. W. L. Wright, accompanied by Mrs W.right, left for Toronto by, motor on Wednesday afternoon, where Mr Wright will shortly undergo an' operation for inward trouble. I There were ten deaths and six births in Flesherton during the past year, ffhe 'deaths amounted to 21.2 per 1000 of population while thei births were 13.0. | Ml". Albert Buchanan has returned, home after spending the past three months in the West. Albert enjoy-' *d a trip to Vancouver before return-' ing home. | Maxwell public school and Sunday school concert and Christmas tree will be helu in the United church on Fri-' day, December 18th. Admission 25 cents. I The Artemesia and Osprey Live Stock Shipping .Association will hold a pnblie nieetiin; in the town hall,' Flesherton, on Friday, December 18, 1925. at 1.30 p.m. The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Un- ited Church held their annual bazaar in Clayton's hall Saturday afternoon and realized over $80 in the sale of baking fancy work and home made candies etc. HARRY FELLOW AGAIN MANAGER OF THE RINK f' « '« unknown. COSTLY BARN FIRE j The large barn of Wm. Phillips of I Holland township was entirely de- ) stroyed by fire on Friday night. The I barn was 45 by 55, and in it were the \ entire season's crop of hay and grain, I the farm implements, 13 cattle, two I horses, six pigs and a number of hens, I all of which were destroyed. The j owner had been away at a threshing all day. The loss will be heavy, as I the $2,600 insurance will not even re- place the building. The origin of the For the second year in succession Mr. Harry Fellows of town has re- ceived the appointment of manager of the Flesherton rink. Mr. Fred Mathewson was the only other person to enter a tender. Ice making was commenced on Tuesday by Manager Fellbws and is expected that if the weather keeps cold skating will be in progress in two weeks. Alterations are being made to the lunch counter room which will make more room for those watching hockey games and carnivals. New heavy wire netting: is to be stretched over the front to replace the old wire and will be puck proof. No danger of beins hit by a flying puck during a game. .Mrs. Jack McConnell of Toronto visited over the week end with her .sister, Mrs. Ed. Best, and attended the funeral of the late Allie Best. ^ Santa is Coming Santa Claus will call on Flesherton kiddies again this year on his annual visit to the little peoples of the world. His calling date is the afternoon of Saturday, December 19th. Full par- ticulars next week. - CEYLON PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 4â€" Reta Marshall 77, Blanche Genoe 72, Dora Stewart 71, Marguer- ite McMullen 60 Bernice McDonald 56 Sr. 3 â€" Jackson Stewart 50, John McMillan 47, Kendal Steiwart 32. Jr. 3 â€" Donelda McDonald 83, Jim. Sinclair 81, Stella Marshall 76, La- Verne Piper 75, Hilda Genoe 74, Geo. Jaynes 67. Sr, 2â€" Stanley Hunt 95, Milford Piper 83. Jr. 2 â€" Eddie Genoe 84, Katie Stew- art 75, Dick Stewart 74, Lloyd Archi- bald 67. 1st Class â€" Francis CoUinson 81, Ernest Mathewson 68, J. P. Stewart 41. Sr. Pr.â€" Olive Marshall 98, Orton Leslie 97, Nellie Genoe 96, Alex. Marshall 93, Georgina McDonald 89, Marjorie CoUinson 88. .Jr. Pr.â€" Leslie Chislett 94, Laura ' White 82, .lean Marshall 49. ' A Class â€" Sherman Pipet, Mabel { Haw. Fern Leslie, Harvey Archibald, llerbie Chislett. j The numbers, are percentages; No. i on roll 38; av. attendance 30.35. | â€" Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher, i BORN THISTLETHWAITEâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thistlethwaite, at Niagara Falls, Ont., on Sunday December 6th, ' 1925, a son. J 1m Pie ^ can be Better than its Crust-- use PURIiy FCOUR If your pie-crust isn't always what you would like it to be, don't blame the reciif e, or the oven â€" chances are it's the flour that's wrong. Purity Flour, milled from the finest hard wheat, silk sifted and oven tested, is fully worthy of your talent for baking. With Purity Flour you can always make flaky, golden-brown, delicious tasting pie-crust. Ask your favorite retailer. PURITy FLOUR Tor all your baking Get the PURITY COOK BOOK Send 50c in stamps for the Purity VIour 180 â-  page Cor-i Book Sent PostpssiJ. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MU-LS Co., Limited Head OfHcc : TORONTO Branches from coast to coost. 7 Alex. Neilson Dead There passed away at Manitowan- ing, Manitoulin Island, on .Nov. 19th, in his 87th yer, Alex Neilson, a pioneer of Proton Station and Inis- tioge district He was a brother of the late Robert and Archie Neilson, «nd of James Neilson, Proton. About as far back as the 'writer iean remember events in this part of Ontario^ some forty years ago, Mr. Ale)(. Neilson conducted a general store business at Inistioge in a portion of the building now oc- cupied by Aaron Jordan. He went to Manitowaning a great many years ago, and wa.<f in the store business In Dundalk. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend to our many friends and neighbors our heart-fejt Stratitude for the many acts of kind- ness and .sympathy shown during the long illness and death of our husband and son, .Xlexandw Bes^t. â€" Velma and Mr. and Mrs. R. Best. The People's Grocery TOY HEADQUARTERS A large assortment of new toys now on hand which will delight the boys and girls. Trains, horns, dolls, mouth organs, books, tops, candies, nuts, etc- Store open every night until after New Years W. G. KENNEDY Phone Z7 m THE MATHER of the Estate of MARIA ALLAN, late of the Town- ship of Artemesia, Widu^r, deceased NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to Section 56 of the Trustees' Act, R.S.O., 1914, Chapter 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of the said MABIA ALLAN, who died on or before the 10th day of October, 1925, in the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, are requested, on or before the 11th day of December, 1925, to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to the Solicitor for the Exe- cutors of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, their Christian names. Surnames, addresses descrip- tions, and full particulars, in writing, of 'their claims, a statement of ac- counts and the nature of their secur- ity, if any, held by them. MiT). take notice that after such last mentioned date, the E.xecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said JExecu- tors \vill not bei liable for the said assets then unpaid to. any person or persons, of whose claim notfce has liot then been received by them at the m FURNITURE TALK THIS WEEK WE WOULD tlKE YOU TO COMPARE THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES WITH THE CATALOGUE PRICES. Kitchen Cabinet â€" Same as the one found on Page 317 in catalogue with exception of drawer immediately below porcelain top a,nd our customers do not seem to want this. Our Cash price on this cabinet is $41.50. Now we can also supply you with any other cabinet at corresponding: close prices, if you want any other kind. Wicker Rocker and Arm Ch.*ir â€" Same as on Pagte, 325 No. 6Z-272 in cataloj^uc an«l ours have 16 springs in^each cushion. Our Ca«h Price is $14.00 each. We also have them at $12.00 each. We have an Imitation Black Leather Arm Rocker, same as Xo. 63-106, page 322 in catalogue. Our Price is $15.00. We have other lines in Rockers and arm chairs, and they make good presents or Christmas gifts. Now, we would also like you to compare our Sleighs and Doll Carriages, Doll Cradles, Kiddie Kars and other lines for the children. Our sleighs run from 60c. for s^eig•hs 27^ in. long up to $2.75 for the Silver ^lyer Steering Sleigh. We might sa}' that Santa Claus has made our store his headquarters for thes:d special lines and any order will be set aside and kept until called for; so come early and get your pick. THOS. W. FINDLAY Phone 34 r 3. Furniture and Funeral Director. FLESHERTON time of distribution. , C. C. MIDDLEBRO, , Durham. Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. Dated at Durham this Twenty-first day of November, 1025. FEEVRSHA.aC CONTINU. SCHOOL FORM 2 i Findlay, Clarence â€" ZoologyCS, Art G6, Physiographv .59, Arith. 85, Geom. 72, English 1?,', Latin 1st ioym 021, French 4(). ! Henderson, Ray â€" Zoologv 83, Art I fiS, Physio. 85, Arith. 68, Geom. 95, i English 06, Latin 74. French 71. | Short, Nellieâ€" Zoology 78. Art 80,' ."^rith. 74, English 79, Latin 88. i Simpson, Mai'garet â€" Zoology 07, ' Art 52, Physiog. 66, Arith. 75, p.eom.j 56. English 68, Latiiv^S, French 61. j Thomson, Annie â€" Zoology 71, Art| 04, Physiog. 58, Arith. 62, Geom. 61, English 60, Latin 62, French 57. FORM 1 Heitman, Earl â€" Zoology 54, Art 68, Geography 77, History 71, Alg. 44, Englisli 53, Latin 57, French 65. Heitman, Jean â€" Zoologv G6, Art 77, Geog. 82, Historv 69, Alg. 44, English 7,'5. Latin 82, French 79. Hudson, Verna â€" Zoology G3, Art 63, Geog. 8.'5, Historv 51 .Algebra 84, Enjjlish 70, Latin 84, French 88. Keith, Maryâ€" Zoology 09, Art 78, G'eog. 75, History 73, Algebra 78, English 79, Latin 94, French 89. Kendall, Mer\'in â€" Zoology 57, Art 72, Geog. 70, History 55, Algebra 70, English 65, Latin S2, French 81. Thomp^n, Royâ€" Zoology 02, Art 59 Geog. 73, History 32, Algebra 68, Eng 59, French 77. â€" C. M. Rutledge, Teacher CHRISTMAS Gift Suggestions Ladies 'Silk Scarves $1.25 to $.S Ladies' Silk Hosiery $1.00 to $2 Ladies' Silk and Wool Hosiery 75c. t o$l Men's Fancy Socks 75c. to SI Ladies' Silk or Swede Gloves 75c. to S2 Men's and Ladies' House Slippers. ...S1.25 to $2, Wool Sweater Coals & Pullovers S2.25 to SB Boys' Pullovers and Sweaters S1.50 to $3, Men's Wool and Silk Mufflers 75c. to S3 Men's Silk Cre|>e and Knitted Ties 50c. t $1 Men's Armlets and Garters 25c. to 7 Men's Kid (;lovcs and Mitts , S1.75 to $3, 00. Men's Fancy Negligee Shirts S1.50 to .S4.50 Men's and Boys' Cloth Caps $1.00 to $2.75 _. Hockev Boots â€" Men's. Women's, Boys' S2.50 to $5 '"• Ladies' Silk Vestts plain and eml) $1.25 to S1.75 50 Ladies' Silk Bloomers, all shades $1.50 to S2.25 .50 Colored Rubber Aprons, ladi esand girls 35c.-50c. 75 Bath and Linen and Uamask Towels 50c. to S3. .50 Ladies' F.ancy Handkerchiefs in lawn. White Lin- 00 en. Colored Linen, Crepe de Chine. ...5c. to 50c. 00 Men's Linen, Colored Border and Silk Handker- .50 chiefs from 10c. to 75c. 5c. Infants' Wool Jackets. Wool Boottees, Wool Mitts 50 and Wool Toques. 9 « Individual Dress Lengths in Dushesse Satin, Pailette. Fugi, Taffeta and Fancy Silks $1.50 to $3.00 per yard. Crepe de Chines, Flat Crepes, Canton Crepes, Silk and Wool Crepes for evening wear. Misses' and Ladies' Fancy Slippers for party use. Special values in Stamped Linens for Fancy Work. » I Wonderful Assortment of China BISCUIT JARS. FERN POTS. COCOA SETTS. BERRY SETTS, BON BON DISHES, NUl^ BOWLS. CAKE PLATES. SPOON TR.\YS, SALAD BOWLS, CREAM AND SUOARS. All reasonablv priced. % s 9 9 ® « I 9 9 9 8 I New Assortment Fancy Gilt Teapots, Novel Shapes, Beautiful Colorings | s 2 9 9 9 9 9 I t 9 9 9 9 I 9 9 % 9 9 Open Stock English Semi- Porcelain 97-Piece Dinner .Setts $20, $27.50, $31.50 Open Stock English Semi- Porcelain 40-Piece Tea Setts $9.50 and $13.50. Round and Oval Roasters, Cereal Cookers, Double Boilers, Percolators, Potattf Pots, Fry Pans, Pails, Dippers, Pudding Dishes, etc. All very suitable Christ- mas gifts. SPECIAL PRICES. Christmas Groceries NEW R.\ISINS. CURRANTS, FIGS, SULTANAS, DATES, PRUNES, CANDIED PEELS. FRENCH CHERRIES. SHELLED ALMONDS, .SHELL- ED WALNUTS. ICIN'GS. JELLIES, MIXED NUTS. MINCEME.\T. OR.\NG- ES, LEMONS, GRAPE FRUIT. GRAPES. CR-VNBERRTEvS. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT.

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