Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1925, p. 5

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Wednesday. June 10th. 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I \ *'.'« •-v..^. Create Your Own Curre nc YOl'B Ownership of a savinga account treates a currency all your own. A fheoue bearing your sig- nature jointly with that of the Stan- dard Bank adds the prestige of our name to the integrity of yours, v. com- bination if inestimable value to you D/kiTIUrl f""**"' " busines and social viewpoint, DAPAinu- ^ijjip offering other practical ad- [ vantages of incalculable number. The I dcp<»3it of one dollar to your credit YEARS i '" '*"^ nearest Standard Bank Branch > Hill lay the foundation for a currency all your own. FIFTY \ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANAX>A. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. F. Batty, Manager Official Hog Grader At Stock Yards Tuesday C. B.\RBOLB, OF THE DOMINION LIVE STtXK BRA.NtH, GAVE A DEMO.VSTRATION AT C.P.R. YARDS TL ESDAY. CANADIAN C. p. R. TIME TABLE Agricultural Society To Hold Big Day June 25 The East Grey .Agricultural Society will hold a Sports Day in Flesber- Going North â-  ton on Thursday. June 25th, at tiie .•Agricultural Park. The pVogram i Farmers of Flesherton and the sur- I rounding territory were given a les- i .son in the grading of nogs here on 'â-  Tuesday when Mr. G. Barbour, of [ Brantford, of the Dominion Live Stock Branch, and the official grader for the Brantford and Ingersoll pack- ing houses, gave a practical demoft- stration and talk on the proper select hogs for sale in the British market. Mr. Barbour, himself a practical farmer, appeared fully versed in his subject and in his work here, impart- ed much valuable information to local farmers, which, if acted upon, should put a good many dollars in their pock- ets and at the same time, raise the percentage of select hogs shipped from this station, of which this week there were very few. Under the system used here Tues- day, all hogs were graded by an official grader, and considering that the hogs were to be sold f.o.b. To- ronto, no further grading was nee- i essary when they reached their des- 1 tination. I There are nine grades of hogs, as follows: Selects, weighing from 180 ' to 230 pounds; Thick Smooths, from : ^uf^^ Paints ^Varnishes Will save money for you on your painting costx. By actual test a so-called "Cheap" paint costs a customer $26.00 to do a job of 2000 square feet. Under the same conditions Lowe Brothers "Hi^h Standard'* Paint cost only $21.80 to do the same areaâ€" a saving of $4.20 on the cost of paint alone. Cheap Paint %vill not cover or hide well. Good Paint will Thats why Lowe Brothers is most economical. 'Trains leave Flesherton Statical as 'iCellows: Gtaz South •.00 a.ra. 1.58a.m. *^,Si.P'"- 1 1 »* vn.Mt^.:^:^ ' for the day will be filled with very The mails close at Flesherton as i . â- ' - , ,. . follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. | interesting events, mcludmg a base- â-  gSd 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail | ball game between two strong teairs. g«Uth at 3.30. For morning train ; ^ 13^;^^ goftball game, horse races in i 170 to 220; Heavy, up to 260; E.xtra Math at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the) , . â-  , ^ n ^1. i 11. rZl^«^» »,..„;„» which almost aU the local horsemen previous evening. I promise to enter ;f or the younger folk I-â€"â€"'â€"â€"^â€"^â€"â€"â€"â€"~^ running races will be put on, a men's Social and Personal Tug-of-War is also included;the sides will be captained by two local enth- usiasts, and , excellent prizes are , ,, , „.., ,i being offered for each event. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, and; little son. spent Sunday at Durham.) A" e.xcellent concert will be arran- ) ged for the evening and will be held Mr. Robt. Bellamy of Toronto, spent ji„ ^^e High School. 'Sunday wth his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. J. Bellamy. purpose. Keep the date clear THURSD.A.Y, JUNE 25th. It is hoped that all interested in the success of our local Society w ill Mr. Harold Hutton of Detroit has: turn out in full force on this date and spent the past couple of w^ee':-? with ! help make it a bang up day in every ihis parents on the East Back Line, j way. The directors are desirous of '' itSiices of tTesr>as5 can he secviTed\re<i'^<^ins the Society's indebtedness at lie Advance office a a low price. ' ""d are putting on this day for that Caii Buy from one to fifty. Messrs. G. Mitchell, G. Bracken- bury and Miss Aleda Mitchell, motor- ed to Toronto and spent Friday there. Mr. J. P. Bunt of Toronto is here'' ^^i«s Marjorie Sandiland of CoU- visiting with his brother, W. H., who/»g>^"oo'^' ^'^s the guest of M-.s. W. A. \vas taken ill on Sunday. -Armstrong over Sunday. The W. I. and Village Council arej ^^r. Roy Thistlethwaite of Tor- tendering for the painting of the ' onto spent Sunday with his family -Jilfitnarial Park pavillion. j "ere. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and dau-' ^^'ss Perle McMaster, nurse at ghters Bertha and Jean ,and Mr. Owen Sound hospital, visited at her PhUlipsr.: of Owen Sound, spent Sun-! home here on Sunday. day witi: ir. and Mrs. D. McTavish. 1 The tourist trade is on in earnest Mrs. E. Graham, of Thornbury, i '>o^- Cars from many points i-i tht; and Mrs. 'E. Carrol, Stoughton, Sask.,'/^"'ted States have been seen here â- were v.-eek end visitors with Mr. R. ' i"'?cently. McMaster. i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith of Osh- Heavy, over 260; Shop Hogs, 120 to 170; Feeders, thin hogs of any weight; Roughs, those of rough con- formation of any weight; Xo. 1 Sows under 350 and well finished, and No. 2 Sows, taking in any other class of Sow. One thing the gradiife had done was to eliminate pretty much ertcept the first two grades, which w^ere the two principal ones with which the average fanner would have to deal with from a market standpoint. The thick smooth is the market priced hog, and it is from this grade that the premiums or "docks" are paid. The select hog was a hog of smooth and even size from end to end, w^ith good finish and without excess of fat. This was the hog from which the famous Wiltshire side was made and Tivhich commanded the highest price on the British market. The trade in the Old Land calls for Wilt- , shire sides from 45 to 70 pounds, and it was this that led to the setting of the weight at from 180 to 230 pounds live weight at points of ship- ment. Sixty ner cent, of the live hog ready to kill represents the two Wiltshire sides. To illustrate, a 230 pound hog makes two 60 pound Wilt- shire sides. In speaking to the large number of stockmen present, Mr. Barbour pointed out that the only proper method of disposing of hogs was on the graded basis, and that the larger STANDARD BARN PAINT Standard Bam Paint U unequalled for Garages, Bsrna, Fences, etc. It will cover about 900 tquare feet to the gallon, one coat. Increaac the valu» o( your ^ams and preserve them with Standard Bam. ''High Standard" Liquid Paints House Paints. A gallon ot Lowe Brotiiers' 'High Standard' Paint will cover 1000 square feet to the gallon, driea quick- 1 1 ^jg 1 isi^ ly to a high C^ gloss finish , and lajts for ' ^ many years. ' i^Ujf Following the heavy rains last /'""'"^ ""'^ ^^'** 1"^ Smith of Toronto , percentage of selects produced, the Si; • « week a heat wave struck us that '"'-'=''ed with their aunt, Mrs. Hanley, made the thermometers climb up to , lecently. around 95 degrees. j Flesherton ball team plays the Mrs. David WiUiams went to Tor-j^i^t game in the Centre Grey League onto Tuesdav morning and will ac- , "^ Markdale this afternoon, the game company her mother, Mrs S. Roy, hoins: called for 3.30. A good crowd home, after an extended sojourn in a j '^ expected. Toronto hogpital. The Advance had a pleasant call Mr. and Mrs. W. L Caroll and two^'""'" ^rs. D. Hammond of Detroit, children, and Mr. and Mrs. Durrant «"« evening last week. She was ac- and two children, all of Mitchell, I <^omP*nied by her niece, Mrs. W\ D. motored up and spent the week endj^^^ercer of Dundalk. with friends Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge PhilUps, children and Mrs. M. Ramage of Chat Mrs. John Phillips, and Mrs. Thos. ! ^worth, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Por- Gamey Jr. of Toronto; Mr. Otto Gam-' ter and daughter. Mabel, and Mr. ey, accompanied by Mrs. T. A. Gam-'^'^ Hawkins of Harkaway, spent Sun- ey Sr. spent the week with Mrs.!<Jay ^'ith -Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Find- Martin Phillips and Mrs. R. C'ark. ' '*y- L.O.L. 2856 will hold its regular! ^r. Joseph McKee took the service --Wontln meeting on Friday evening of.'" the Presbyterian-, church Sunday this week.- All members are ask- ' o^temoon, while â-  ed to make a special effort to attend and arrangements will be made for the 12th of July celebration to be held at Dundalk. higher would be the price of hogs, One advantage of the grading reg- ulations since inauguration, was the raising of the price of Canadian hogs in Britain. In 1922 the Canadian price was 2S shillings below the Danish, while to-day it is 5 shillings. The United States, on the other hand, is falling off badly in sales, because of the fact that their bacon is not at all up to the standard and sells to- day for 25 shillings below the price paid for Canadian products. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Findlay and [ The United States raises cheap hogs but even at cheap prices, Canadian bacon, with the enormous differen- ce in price, always finds a ready mar- ket and the sales of these two coun- tries are increasing by leaps and bounds. Mr. Barbour in an enthusiastic champion of the system whereby the farmer markets his own products and says that the best evidence of this benefit can be found in commun- ities in which hog grading is practis- ed and where any other system would be looked uiwn in disfavor. Miss Reta Bellamy underwent an; in the Methodist rfrarch the pastor. Rev. H. H. Eaton, preached at both services. Com- munion was administered at the morning service. -â- V garden party is to be held at PRINCE ARTH'lR lodge .333 operation in Owen Sound Hospital: the Orange Hall. Maxwell, on June [ Qppi^j^g ixsTALI HI) AT on Thursday morning of last week f 24th by the L.O.B.A. No. 536. Two for the removal of her tonsils andUood ball gamesâ€" football and soft- adenoids. The operation was quite •>*"• Tea served from 6 to 8. successful and Miss Bellamy return- ! G«>o<l program and dance after. Ad- ed to her home on Tuesday ' mission 40 and 20c. VERNICOL VARNISH STAIN Vemical ia a iu^h-crade Varnish Stain, for Floors, Trim and wood- work of all kinds. Varnishes and Stains in one easy operation. The Stain colors are non-fading. Vemicol has splendid wearing qualities and is not easily marred. Dries quickly - to a hard dry surface. HOUSE PAINTS Lowe Brothers "High Standard Liquid Paint, covers fully half as much more than "so-called" cheap paint. More than that, it is 30 easy to apply and it lasts so long that 'High Standard' has made a name (or itself as the most economical paint per square foot, sold. Try it when next you p>aint. Porch Floor Lowe Brothers' Porch Floor Paint combine* dur- ability wid» attractiveness. It is easy to apply, ana once on, it stays on for a long time. It is made especially for Porch Floors- Auto - Gloss Any novi ce can rehnish his car in a few hours with Auto-Gioss. It gives a rich, hard, w eather- proof gloss. Dries quick and is very durable. E N G A G E .M E N T S TEAM IN MARKDALE TO-DAY 1 Stores in Flesherton will be closed every Thursday afternoon during June, July, August and September. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. Ceylon,. Support the boys to-day and they Ont., announce the engagement of "-ill get away to a good start, their eldest daughter. Mary Actor- > Flesherton will present their strong tc Mr. Joseph Henry Huston, son of est lineup and should not take sec- the late Mr. and Jlrs. .\. Huston. Pet-.ond place to any team in the league, erborough. the marriage to take place The following phiyers will Ukely the end of June. I b^ taken to Markdale:-Dow. McLeod. I Hutton, Akins. Boyd, Kelley. C. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith announce ] Tavish; L. Wauchoup, L. Alcox, T. the engagement of their youngest ^^'^^""ff- ^ ^Pf^--^' ^"^ E. Muir. Township of Osnrev will be re- Dundalk play here a week from , PIBILC NOTICE The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Osprey will meet in -the Orange Hall, Maxwell, on Saturday, June 13th, 1025 at 2 o'clock p.m. Applications for the Clerkship of daughter, Irene Mabel, to Allan .\rch- ibald MacLean. son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin .4. McLean. Priceville Ont. The marriage to take place the latter part of June. _ I to-morrow and a win for the locals i ceived up to that date, that office . will put them well out in front. being made vacant by the resigna- tion of the present Clerk ,Mr. H. W. i Kemahan. An Owen Sound negro was fined . §20.00 for carrying a revolver. â€"J. A. KERNAHAN. -â- Vcting Clerk. 9 €» « « Seasonable Merchandise TURKISH TOWEL SPECIAL A new purchase makes posible a special offering of Tuprkish Towels in blue and Red patterns, also in plain white. They are exceptional value. Regrular prces $1.50, Sl.OO and 75c. per pair. Selling for 98c., 69c. and 49c. per pair 9 « • S • • • 9 9 9 9 9 I Normandy Voiles Fire broke out in a Chevrolet run- The U. F. W. O. Holdfast Club about Monday afternoon, while stand- , ^'''l ^^^'^ » concert in the town haU ing in front of Down's gaarajfe«o:i' ! ""» Friday, June 19th. The play, ing in front of the Munshaw House, ent't'e**- "Civil Service,'* wiU be pre- but was quickly extinguished before s«nted by the Durham Road People, any harm was done. The car was owned by Mr. Estelle of Hanover, a traveiler for an oil company. Other Flesherton High School stu- • dents, whose names were published and the Alcox Orchestra will be in attendance. Miss Agnes McPhail M.P. will occupy the chair. Admiss- ion, Adults 35c., Children, 15c.. Mrs. W. H. Thurston received the X since last week are :- Geo. C. Mil- j '^^ intelligence that her sister. Mrs. vhell, in Political Science; R. M. Ding-i «. V. Howe had passed away sudden- wall, third year Arts and Harry Field 'y «* •»«•â-  •'""'^ »" Yonkers N.Y. on of Maxwell, first year Arts. Con- Sabbath last. Mr. Howe died sud- gratulations arc tendered those young •*^"'>' '" August and their daughter, men. ; Auguf^a. (Mrs. Alvin Briggs), in j December of last year. Mr. and Mrs. The C. G. I. T., (Mrs. .\rmstrong's Howe were residents of Kimberley Suntlay School Class> will hold an 52 years ago. afterwards living Yn afternoon tea at the home of their Meaford for a time. They moved leader, Mrs. Armstrong, Saturday to New Hampshire 39 years ago. afternoon of this week, June 13th, afterwards to New Jersey, and for from 4 to 7 o'clock. A charge of the past 22 years Hved at Yonkers, 20c. will be made.. ' iN.Y. The installation of officers of Prince .\rthur Lodge A.F.&A.M. 333, was held on Friday night last. The following are the officers installed: WJU.â€" Thos Phillips S. W.â€" R. Down J. W.â€" R. Pedlar Chaplainâ€" Rev. A. E. Duffield Secretary â€" F. J Thurston. Treasurer â€" Geo. Mitchell S.D.â€" W.G. Watson JJ).â€" D. G. Guy. S.S. â€"P. Hemphill J.S. â€" W. Armstrong T\lerâ€" J. S. McDermid I. G.â€" W. J. Meads. Xew colors and dcsig'ns in this very popular., summer., dress, aunders well. Prices 75c. and 85 c. per yard. § Congoleum Squares 9 9 9 9 9 fabric... which Xew season's patternsâ€" full ran8:e of popular sizes Qx/J'^â€" $10.75: 9x9 â€" $13.50; 9xlO>Sâ€" $15.75: 9x12â€" $18.00... Printed Linoleums 4 Yards wide A grood selectioh of 1925 designs in different colorinsfs suitable for ha'ls, din- ing- or living rooms. Special price $1.00 per square yard. Special price of 55c. CARD OF THANKS Jfrs. W. A. Gibson wishes to thank the friend* and neighbor for their kindness shown her in' her time of trouble. Sixteen carloads of stock were ship- ped from Thorn bury static n Isst week. Floor Oilcloths Xew patterns â€" 36 inches. 54 inches and 72 inches wide. per square yard. During June, July, August and September the stors is closed Thurtday at 12 pm R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT.

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