Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1922, p. 8

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I June 28 1 922 THE FLESHEBION ADVANCE Feversham's Busy Store i > We are agent for the Standard Designer Pattern Leave your order and have us send for your patterns MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FEVERSHAM, - ONT. CENTRE GREY LEAGUE Team Ceylon Mrkd*le Vandeleur Duudalk Fltsherton Mrkcul Won Loit 3 I 1 1 1 2 1 2 P C . 1000 .500 .500 .:533 .250 BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES DKKCB ABTRUa U1DOB. No. S,A.F.A I A . n*M IS fit* H*ODicbdl. Arm .roDT" Bicol rMharkni. a very Vridty on r batwo * tmM mootj. '. J. Mellatuy V. If I. O. fyi B C MURRAY L. D. 8 . d*aUl wrfpoo ** bcnOieH)DA%B of Toronto CniTeritty uJ 1ym ColBlB oTDutal Bunjeoni ol OuUrto, 6a* aAmlctoUMlvd far toetta extraction m.ce irwiaeocai. ToioBto BUeet. Flwhsrtor . BUSINESS CARDS f v"M. RAITTrNO. icec.ed Aaoticaeer lot ** tli eoqjjtiea of drey aod Blmoo*. 'arm and Block aali a BptMalty. Tarm> opdorata. aatlifactioa lOkrafltavd.. ARfeM*- Mui* for duel may 6e mat at tie XtrMoee Occ, or OotraJ teUrbooe office Forcrabav if braddrouiog OA at Frei bam, Out. DUcl'HAlI . Licensed Aootioae* tor tbe county / Orcy. Term* moderate and tls'nctloD goaMUMod. Thie anangcmeDM %o4 dates of utae can tw made at Tba ADVAN office. !<e*ldM>Oe aud P.O., Cerloo. Telephone kit. A. Tl'HNUULL, B.A.. U.K., graduate *^ frou tbe Faculty of Uedldno.Univenuty of Toronto. Office Hlchtrdwti HI ook, Kletb- LEGAL erton, Telepboue 35. H. A. McKEE Chiropractor Speciiliit -.* UCaB. * bEBRY-BarrliUn. rioliciton, ** aa.VB. Local, X. C. : V. D. Beery, U. A. Offl&M, atark'lalc Locaa block, .Pboo* t, Brapct ijfflceb at Poodalk aad Dorba r. , . v^ ~ At l'*i k Hotel, Flrsberton, Monday, WKIOHT * TELFOBP. Barrister, Bolicl. Wedneaday and Friday, 4 to 8 p m. torn, to. Offlcn. pry bra* block, ' , , _, Own Bounft. Btaodaril Bank .*Fl>lir- Feverabam Tuwdty, Thursday and too, (BMorfaja). W.I. Wribt. W. ft relfort sturdaye 7 t) 9 p.m. Contultation free Dutidalk 2 Ceylcn 15. Flesherton 7 Gme this weak Thursday VandeUift at Dundalk Friday- Ceylon at FUnherton Ceylon 15, Flesherton 7 Ceylon, so far th'syear, have not 1 st a game in the three they have played, the last one being taken from Flesberton at Ceylon on Frldty evening last by the huge score cf 15 7 "Fat" Muir has turned out to be a good pitcher as well as first dais catcher and with good support from the rtet of the team htild the 1 ral bunch down to seven runs. Flesherton got two runs in the Ut jnning and one id the third, while the " Oreyt " got four i -i the let and one in the 2od and thir<'. Muir eased up a bit in the Oth and FUsherton got in three more tying the core in that half of the 6 h and then Ceylon knocked the ball around fcr six c turners, thereby making ture of the gime. Parke began pitching then and Ceylon were able to get in three mnie runs i if htm while the " While Sox " put over lonely one in the ninth. Ceylon are miking t big run fur the Championih : p having won from Mark- dale and Dundalk. two of the best team* i i the League and with Gibson in reterve should be able to go through flying. Bere't luck to them! Line up. Flfiherton Gravel, Thurtton, How- aid, Park*, Dow. Cargoe, McTavieh, Sparks, Alcox. Ceylon Muir, F<tr*gher, Gibscn, S McLeod, S Pedlar, J McLeod- J Me Mullen, D McLeod, H Pedlar. 1' I Specials for This Week "Our Own" Blend Teas at Old Price I These Teas have met with a steadily increasing sale &r four years. We handle only bulK teas and insist on buying the best we can get. Teas have ad- vanced, but we shall sell until July 10th our Regular Blends in Blacks and Greens at the old price, 65c. per Ib. After that date the price will be 75c. per IK, and our Teas are worth it, Lay in a stock now. Cups, Cups and Saucers Plain white cups only - $1.50 doz. Cloverleaf cups only - $1.70 " " cups and saucers - $2.75 " Berger's Pure Paris Green The only reliable Paris green in 1 Ib. packages 43 c., and \ Ih. packages at 2S cts. each. Fresh Fruits for Canning Leave your order with us for your Fruit for Canning. Strawberries, Cherries, etc., will be supplied at very lowest prices. We only handle fruit to order. KARSTEDT BROS. PRICEVLLLE, :-: x : . : ONTARIO B Sure ^uPittThem Out CARELESSNESS with matches, cigarette butts, cigar ends, pipe ashes, camp fires, fly smudges, railway locomotives, slash-burn- ing operations human carelessness of some kind accounts for 97% of the forest fires which every year add further devastation to the northern areas of this province. DON'T DON'T take any chanewyvith fire In Ontario's furnk)^. DON'T throw away cigar- ette or cigar butts, pipe "heels" or burnt matches until you arc dead sure they are out, DON'T neglect to drown out your lire with lots of water. DON'T build your camp fire agslnst a rotten log or stump; nor on windy points; nor near moe* patches; nor at the baae of tree. Build i' in a former fire plnre. or on a flat rock, or on a *pot cleared down to the true soil below, or by the edge of the water. DON'T forget that the upper layer of ground in the forent connlHtH of partial- ly rotted wood which will hum. Here are typical cases picked at random from last year's Fire Rangers' reports: The rangers on the Ombabika to Fort Hope canoe route in the far north on July 4th found an area 10 miles long by 4 miles wide which had been swept by fire^since their previoufe trip. A camp fire left on a portage waa the cause. A prospector on the Montreal River started a fire on July 7th which burned over 4,800 acres in Baden Township, destroying 1,000,000 feet of pine and 9,000 cords of pulpwood, and which required attention for ' a month. A party of fishermen camped on Porcupine Lake, Burton Township, Parry Sound, were responsible for fire on July 10th. which burned over 25,000 acres and 2,000,000 feet of timber. Indians Brooking moose meat started a fire on June 26th, which ran through 1,700 acres of young jack pine trees. Careless trappers on May 7th caused a fire in Head Township, which burned over 2,280 acres, half of it young white pine. The btst way to fight forest 6res is to prevent them. Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Buildings Toronto, Ont. Save Ontario's Forests They're yours I Fltfiherttm'a i^me with Markdale which was won I \ the latter and we t mentioned they eipected to protect ij 'iemg left aa played. Kleaherton and Proton juniors will p'ty ball on tho agricultural grnunde Monday evminjr. Admiiosn 1015 c>nt*>. Tht> Ceylun-Fletherion gnie wh'ch wi scheduled for Tnursdy will take place th'8 attnnoon (Wed ) ut 6 o'clock Battrie>- AIcox, Parks aud Howard; Muir and D McLeod. F.'esherton 2 0100300 1-7 Ceylon-4 1 1 1 2 x IS Art Wilson Umpire. Markdale aie keeping on with their winning streak and trimmed Dundalk on the latter's grounds rn Thursday lait' 32. It was one of the beet (tames of fie yetr and was no runaway by any m in- The rues came by timely hit- g and not more than two in one inning. Vandeleur pliy in Dundalk thi Thurs- day afteroocn and a 6rtt cUs yame is expected. Game called at 3 o'clock FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All kindsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario On The Road Question A deputation from the county of Well- ington Wailed rn the ''unity Council last week asking the . - ;.r i'i . of the '-.> K'>veriin)fnt in having a road through the ctntrHl part of Wellington to Oy.on in Gry desigiifpl ns a 1'. - ' vincitl hinhwuy. Some ot the oiembcrg j of the LVuncil wanted the load extended t ' Thoinbury and thie immediately! brought up the i|UC8tiou of " the high road and the low road," which ha> been i- .11 .'fully avoided this eennion. How- tin- Trill. i'il bnally (greed lo cc-1 with the Wellington C< uncil in tecuring the i<nd, which \\Muld be a hetuKt to both. Sun Times. ^^^ ' . _ t _ ^ LOTS FOR SALE Park Lots 146, 150, N.E.T. andj S.K., containing eight acres and 28 square rods. Apply to Mrs. W. E. Richardson, Flesherton. ESTABLISHED 1672 ;' T,| IJ; ' ^*^ i Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon e f V "JJ- - ~ ,MEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. N. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON -C. J. Foster, Sub-Manager i y a MAKE THIS > TEST/ - *.. Have your crank case properly cleaned and rt<- filled with the right grade of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils: Then check up on the way your car performs. You will immediately notice that your engine has more power ; that it climb* hills more easily ; that it runs more smoothly and quietly and that operating troubles occur less frequently. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturer* and Marketer* ol Imperial Polarine Motor Ollt and Marketers I'M Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil Made In five gradea for the proper lubfteation of all inakea of automobiles, trucka and tractor*.

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