Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1922, p. 3

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1 NEW STRENGTH FOR WEAK STOMACHS \r Indigestion Disappears When the Blood Supply is Enriched. The urgent need of all who suffer from indigestion, and who find the stomach unable to perform its usual function, le a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and distress after eating is the way the stomach shows that it IB too 1 weak to perform the work of digesting the food taken. In this condition some j None of it's work; It's fun if you .people foolishly resort to purgatives, [ DO the things that you want to do. r bnt these only further aggravate the trouble. New strength Is given weak stom- Doing the Things I Want to Do. School's tot oat, an' I'm goin' away, Over to grandpa's farm to-day. Mother an.' dad I'll miss, I know Just can't stay; I've got to go. NotWn' to do the whole day through, 'Ceptln' the tihines I want to do. I'll be terribly busy, though, Always a-movln', on th go ; Peedtn' chickens; milkla' the COWB; Stuffin' the hay up in the mows, Nothin' to do the whole day through, 'Ceptln' the things I want to do. by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills be- ,cause these pills enrich and purify the .Wood supply. This Is the natural pro- Plckin' and cnotwin' here an' there, Findin' gome fun 'most everywhere. Nothin' to do til e whole day through, 'Ceptin the things you want to do. Wonder why all the folks I see *ess of giving strength and tone to the Don't have tun the same as me. stomach, and speedy relief it accounts for the seems as though they go it blind, In stomach disorders > .. that tallows the use of Dr. Williams' Plni Pills. The appetite revives, food can be taken without discomfort and the burden and pains of indigestion are dispeJted. Mr. William Johnson, t prominent business man of Lequille, 1 N.S., bears testimony to the value of these pills in cases of this kind. He ays: "I was attacked with indiges- tion accompanied 'by severe cramps in the stomach. I was prescribed for by fehe family doctor, but got very little oenefit. Then I tried some of the ad- vertised remedies but with no better ' result Indeed my condition was grow- ing worse. Then I read of the caee of ft man who praised Dr. Williams' Pink Pills whose condition was similar to my own, and I decided to try this medicine. The result, I think, was amazing, as the use of six boxes re- stored me to my former good health. I can therefore warmly recommend the use of this medicine for stomach trou- bles." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Takin' anything they find, Workin' at the whcte day through, Things that ttey don't want to do. Betdier life! when I've growed tall, Work an' me won't hitch at aid, 'Cause I'll look around a bit, Huntin' for the place I fit Then I'll spend my whole life through Doin' the things that I want to do. HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleeps well and during its waking h .ura Is never cross but always happy and laughing. It IB Plant That Explodes. It Is well known Uui> you cannot grow the same crop in a field year af- ter year. If you do so, the yield grows lees and less, and the plants become feeble. Plants discovered this fact thousands- of years' before human be- ings existed, and they set out to de- vise ways of ensuring that their seeds only the sickly child that la crowi and ^w&ya fell upon frecto ground. peevish. Mothers, if your children do not sdeep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, give them Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be Some, like the thistle and the dande- lion, developed seeds provided with balloons of down, by means of which they ar* carried for males. The syca- LIVED ON LIQUIDS FOR MANY MONTHS MONETTE'S STOMACH TROUBLE NOW OVER- COME; HE MAKES STATEMENT. dbuffied Adrertu nta W'ANTKD YOUNQ LA>IB8 Of rood education to train aa QUTCMI Apply Wellandrm Honplml St. Cathar- ines. Ont well and happy again. The Tablets more and ^ , jme grow Httle are a mild but thorough laxative which chutes , which send their seeds twist- regulate the bowels, sweeten the atom- in& through. tne air tor long distances, ach, bmush constipation, colic and in- digestion and promote healthful sdeep The burre to make use of ! to do the work for They are absolutely guaranteed free Thev grow rowg of t , hooks from opiates and may be given to the ed ^ mtch ln the g^ of .^^^ new-born babe with perfect safety. which ^^ ^ em away amj then rob ey are sold by medicine dealers, or t nem O ff against bushes: The poppy n 7 T L . ?, nt * a b X fr m The Perfected an efficient form of sprink- Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- | er ville, Ont. Declares Tanlac Completely Overcame His Trouble After Everything Else Failed. "It was a lucky day when I bought TanJac for It has made a aew man of me," said Arthur Monette. 165A St. Elizabeth, Montreal. "My appetite was so bad I never knew what it was to be the least bit hungry. Even what little I did force down soured and bloated me so badly I had terrible and awful MLTtNO AC ALL KINDS OF NEW AJ4D U8BD belting, pulleys, aawa cuble.hoM packing to., shipped aubjoct to approval attow- ejt price* In Canada. YORK BBLTIHO CO.. 116 YORK BTRBBT. TORONTO. Once in a long time you find enough relative on speaking 1 terms to hold a family reunion. Liniment Relieve* Neuralgia The man who keeps his word does not make g-lib promises. When the dry heads are shaken , by Che wind, seeds are shot out In all i "ering sensations directions pains. For months I was unable i Dreams That Spell Danger. The tropical san <i-box tree was the eat any soild food and l sot ij l a ter " The state of our health is revealed first Inventor of exp-lo&ivee. Its seed- ribly m ^^ condition. I became in our sleep to a much greater extent ' pods are filled with ga, which ex- ! 8O nervous l w u ld wake **> a11 dur ; than we might imagine. j pands until such a pressure la reach- i ing tne nlght ' and got lltUe BOU , n For instance, those who have what | ed that the sheath bursts with a noise ' sleep '. .* *"** constanUy^looMng for are known as "soft dreams," which ' like a revolver shot, and the seeds are consist of endless views of long distributed over a considerable area. COARSE SALT LAN DESALT Balk Cartota TORONTO &ALT WOK C. J. CLIFF . TORONTO Never Again. "Scientific management is here to stay. Those who oppose it are aa shiftless as the old earl. The old earl, before going to hds bath to dress for dinner one evening, for some reason counted his money, six five-pound notes, and laid them on his dressing- table as usual. On returning from his bath he again counted his money, and one of the five-pound notes was miss- ing. He looked ruefully at his valet busily fastening pearl studs In his evening shirt. 'Humph,' said the old earl, 'a loss of five pounds, I never counted my money before and I never will again. It doesn't pay.' " The roof of the Crystal Palace, Lon- don, contains fourteen acres of glass. Surnames and Their Origin SCARLETT Racial Origin English-French-Ger- man. Source A locality or a given name. The history of this family name is a MILTON Racial Origin English. Source A locality. There is little doubt about the na- tionality of this family name. So fre- j stretches of country moving slowly I pact, are usually found to be subject; Can You Make a Speech? to headaches and violent neuralgia. There are few more useful accomp- Frightful dreams foretell a sudden ' lisbments than the ability to make a rust of blood t the head, wiiile good speech, and a little knowledge dreams about blood point to Inflamma- ; will save you a great deal of dlscom- tlott in some part of the body. In this fort when the time comes for you to connection a person may suffer from j "say a few words." nothing more serious that a festered | Try and forget that you are making finger, and yet the spectacle of blood ; a speechi 'fo.k Ln a quiet a&d natural will form part of his dream. manner, as if you were conversing Dreams about rain or water are of-| with a friend. Restrain your emotions; ten signs of irritation of the mucous beginners should avoid gestares alto- membrane, and the dreamer should gather. Keep your hands still. The not be surprised to wake up with a expression of a speaker's face Is im- sore throat | portaii*. Practise in front of a mirror. Should you dream of people several j Say wJiat you have to say In as few times their normal size, it Is an in- words aa possible. Never typeak about fallible sign that the liver is affected; ' a subject which you do not thoroughly while It has been noticed that when j understand. Whenever possible, pre- something to bring me relief, but nothing seemed to reach my case un- ; til I ran across Tanlac. "Six bottles of Tanlac completely i overcome my trouble. I now eat Just anything and never have an ache or pain or a sign of stomach trouble. I can't recommend Tanlac too highly." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt Mi Book on DOG DISEASES and Bow to Fe4 Mailed F> to any Ad- dra br UM Author. . Y7 (Hovwr Co, XM i Wean 24th New York. Street The Curse of Selfishness. Selfishness is one of the most des- tructive of human attributes. There is hardly a crime or meanness that has I not its root in selfishness, in the de- sire to get something for oneself; and one of the great temptations of wealth Is to develop selfishness an utter dis- regard for others. Their rights, their interests, their needs, their sorrows, their sufferings, make no appeal to, j the dreams are of pain in any particu- j pare your speech beforehand ; but do have no place whatever in, the mind lar part of the body there is something j not attempt to !eam it off by heart. If of the selfish man or woman. wrong with that part Numerous forms of fever nounced by dreams of an uncommonly terrifying character; while in cases of severe neuralgia and rheumatic affec- j you know what you wunt to say. die are an- > words will come to you without any trouble when the time comee. Practise voice-control by reading aloud, taking care to pronounce each tions, disturbed dreams are occasion- i word clearly and distinctly. The more ally found to be forerunners of an at- the human voice is used the more it 1 tack. Indigestion gives rise to very mor- bid dreams, into which weeping, sor- your voice as if you were talking to row. deaths, funerals, suffocation, and somebody at the end of Uie room. No human being has a right to a career which will satisfy only himself, j which baa no results to the race. Whatever he is, whatever he has ac- quired, Is due not alone to his own ef- j forts, but in large part to the society in which he lives and to the accomp- will improve. If you want to be heard Hshments of men in all preceding agee. properly, speak down ; do net pitch K O man can live to himself alone, and owes a debt quenitly does it appear in lists of names from medieval It is one of th-e most frequently oc- bit complex and in some respects ob scure. In some instances it !s true that the i gjjj from localities in name may be founded upon the same | people have settled, word, but search through the old re- 1 sords falls to disclose that this is the principal source of It. On the other hand there is every vtdence that tire name came Into Eng- land at the time of the Norman in- vasion and perhaps again at later periods as a surname indicating that animals enter. All these things are due to the curi- The motto of all public writes "A Former Sufferer." In "How ous effect which the mind has over the to Make a Speech," should be: Say the "*" '" j currijig of English family names, rank- ' ing next only to such names as Smith. Jones and the more popular of the names made up by the addition of | "son" to a given name. The those who never dream at all are said to b mentally afflicted. the bearer had come from a place In Normandy entiled Escarla. family uame course, comes from a place name. But in the Individual case you'll find it How Big is a Beanf Tommy Is fond of squeezing tooth paste out of his shiny new tube. "Don't take too muclf this time, of Million, of ] dear," hie mother said to him one each one of us owes a debt to the world which it is our first duty to pay, In service of some kind for the com- mon good. Selfishness and avarice have no part in the Creator's plan. We were put here to do team work; we were plun- His Hearing Restored. ned for it. and if we do anything else. The invisible eardrum Invented by lf WB l ' tllat which does not result in A. O. Leonard, which is a miniature ' srne way to the well-being of the I megaphone, fitting inside th ear en- ' nlce ' we are violating the very priu tire.ly out of sight, is restoring the ci P'* f c r being. Baby Wants Cuticura It Keeps His Skin Soft Smooth and Clear Baby's tender skin requires mild, sooth- ing properties such as are found in the Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum. The Soap it so sweet, pure and cleansing and the Ointment so soothing and healing, especially when baby's akin is irritated. Cuticura Talcum is also ideal for baby. So. P 25c. Oittnt:5..J50c. T^cnZSc. Sold throughout theDommicn. Canadian Depot: Ltmw U_Ut4. 344 St. Pul St. W.. Mo.lre.1. a!ssT~Caticura Soap ohaves without mug. ____ _ _____ The naturaf le-nd/ency of the English i Jusit about h P eles s to guess where the morning teeth. "How much when he was tongue would be bo drop this Initial "B," Just as it was the tendency of the French to prefix an "e" to words be- ginning in "s." Again, there is another line of de- original bearers came from. There is | Tommy. a town named Milton in Dorset. There is one in Devon. There are Miltone in Fife and Hants, in Kent and North- ants. In Oxford, Westmoreland, York- "Well. I Bhould think a perhaps as big as a bean." Toii-.uiy gave a greu: pinch. a>v! out shot the paste. hearing of hundreds of people in New York cily. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness cleaning hi and head noises, and it does t!:i. so successfully that no one could tell he Is a d*af man. It is effective when deafness Is caused by catarrh or by bit, i perforated or wholly destroyed natura! drums. A request for information to may I have?" aked Get away from yourself; interest yourself in others; love tUem. help them, or you will become as cold, bar ren ami heartless as an Icicle. little vlopment indicated, invulvitlg three i shire aa<1 ln imn y otller sections of j "Oh, oh!" exclaimed his mother, reply. En B lalwl Sorne of these towns k of "Not at all. Tommy. Didn't I say .13 A. O. Leonard. Suite 437. 70 Fifth Ave.. New York city, will be given prompt tuivt languages, German, French and Eng- lish. Under this explanation the name would virtually be the sam as that of Charles. This given name, of Teu- do not date back to medieval times, and the mills referred to in the naming of them are sometimes really tonic origin, came to be spelled with a ' factories. But the mills which gave "Oh" instead of a "K" In France. In i tne medieval towns their names, of some cases, being taken back Into Ger- big as a bean'" "Yes," replied Tommy, string bean." maii>'. an "S" was prefixed to maintain fch soft pronunciation, and it became ' "Scharlo." If taken Into English at a course were grain mills. Considering the number which were caMed Milton, it i no won- der that the family name Is found so Knowledge. "This is , if I knew you and you knew me. 'Tis seldom we would disagree: But. never having yet clasped hav.'i.i, Fitting up the Majestic, the world's Both often fall to undt>rs , an( , j largest liner, was a costly proceeding, Tnat ^h intends to do what's right of towns; the stores including 16,000 cups, 30,- And treat each other .. honor br iglu. MONEY ORDERS. Dominiua Express Money Orders are on sale in live thousand ufflcus throughout Cajiada. NEARLY CRAZY WITH PAINS IN BACK Read How Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Helped Mrs. Beecroft Hamilton, Ontario. "I have suf- . ..f.' fered for three years from a female ou can not lift up the people upon troub]e and consequent WPakness> whom you look down. Jellyfish float about in the water, but cannot direct their course. Thus they are at the mercy of whatever current takes them. still later date, probably already de- ' often to-day and that people of this veJoped into a surname it would rath- ! name are not necessarily even remote- er easily have become "Scarlo" uud ! ly related to one another, though they 000 plates, 2,400 teapots and 8,000 Ho w litt le to complain there'd be. tumblers. j If j klunv you al)( , vou Unt , w ,_ By a curious "freak" of Nature, . insects which are the most beautiful M '" ard 6 L '"' ment '<" "' cver yw hcr. then "Scarlett" through sound to "scarlet." similarity in ' go as far back as twenty gw.tMiuions ; when fully developed, art> often the 1 ago. most repulsive in the grub stage. Let the Children share this mealtime beveraee )Nb NEED to warn the little folks away from the table beverage when Postum is served; every reason to invite every member of the family to join in the enjoy- ment of this wholesome, satisfying drink. Postum is made from Nature's best wheat, and contains nothing to harm nerves or digestion. You'll greatly relish its full-bodied flavor and aroma. An economical mealtime drink the large size tin of Instant Postum will serve from 90 to 100 cups. Made in the cup, in a moment. Instant Postum for Health "There's a Reason" Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario My Work. 1 can do something others cannot do Let me lind that, and do that one thing well. I've failed at many things I've tried. 'tis true. Have come to grief more oft than I can tell. Yet am I not prepare;! to own dci'eiit And say there's naught at which I may excel]. I hope and trust; and hope ami faith are sweet! Some day I'll find MY work ami do it well! Sth'klaiid Gillilan. K'jral Kuute No. !. HaACOUChSi c^u* 1 . The Mliiard's Liniment People, Sirs. I feel that 1 should be doing .1 wronK n I nt'clt-rt'-'l to write you. 1 hu\r hud lour tu:nTs Kro\vlng on my lira.! for v^jirs. t lui'l them '-ut off by .1 sur- geon ;ii.nu! ni't i yeara .!(.! tm .iKuir till almiit three months ago : I h:nl "I"' .<:' l.irtti 1 .'i"'i sh.ii'i-il 1'Uc )i laily'.x thtmblc. "ii l In- very phire when- my li.u; should In- liarte.l. :in.l It wo* Kelliun sn | mbarnissing In ;>ublii- that It was .1 voiiKtuni wnrr> to IIH-. About three ! lunrMhH ;i(co I Kot a bottlo of your liiu- 1 rtient for unMhtr purT>t>Sf nn-l saw on the label KiM>d for tniH":'*. \Vi-il I tried it ; nnd ki;|ii It for exact ly two tnonths. with MI.' ri'.-iilt that It ha" entlr-ly reinu\vil . uli tnii'- i'f thi-' tumor, and were It not , that they h.nl Iwn out tlfteen yearc at,'". 1 mi mark would ne si'.-n. 1 h.i-. not been a-:, rd (or this testimonial and you run use it us you see (It. iSiKM.'.H KKKP r KOmNSiiN !' S I am a runner and Intern! usinff Minard'i Lintount "n a mure for a strained tendon, and am ImpinK for soine results. FR1CP i'. R. pain and irregularity which kept me ID bed faur or five days each month. I nearly went crazy with pains In my back, and for about a week at a time I could not do my work. 1 eaw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advertised in the 'Hamilton. Specta- tor' and I took it. Now I have no- pain and am quite regular unless I overwork or stay on my feet from early morning until late at night. I kepj) house and do all my own work without any trouble. 1 have recom- mended the Vegetable Compound to several friends." MB.S. EMU.T BEE fRorr. 10 Douglas St., Hamilton, Ontario. For nearly fifty . ears women havu been tclllnc how Lydia E. Pinkttam'j Vegetable Compound lias restored their health when suffering with female Ills. This accounts for the enormous demand for it from coast to coast If you are troubled with any ail- ment peculiar to women why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound? It has helped other?, let It help you. Weak in Arithmetic. This is a true story: Au ottice-boy In a big business house approached ! one of the clerks and. with great' solemnity, asked him to divide ISO 1>y ten. "Eighteen, of course!" was the im- mediate reply. Tho boy looked thoughtful. "Are you sure?" he demanded. The clerk thought there wae a catch somewhere, but WHS assured that the boy was In earnest. "I've worked It out. and it comes to seventeen and ten over." said he. and it took a lot of explaining to satisfy him. Forest Fires and Furs. The question of forest Hie.-* Ims just been approached from a u>w angle. The trapper is the latent individual to add his testimony to the damage forest j tires do to the gre.it fur industry. The tact is forest flree injure every faiu- ] dian interest and benetit net one Such be:ns the case, and as U<> per cent, of : all forest fires are started by human j agency, is it not foolish and criminal that we allow lires to ravage uur forests? WARNING! Xspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "B;iyer Tablets of Aspirin." which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for ISSUE No. 25 '22 Colds Toothache Earache Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. A|ilrln ! the tmrto mark (ri>8leiori>d In Canada) of Bnyer Manufacturo <,- Mono- cotlcaoidutor of 811<;j ;:, a.-i.l. White It u well known that Aiplrln n ..r it-i.vi nmniifactur*. in a*l>t thu pulillc analnat Imitations, tho Thli<t of B.vfr Or mpi iv will bo MMtma *'tk their m-at-rul trado mark, thu "Bayer CioW* 1 7J

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