Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1922, p. 4

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February '23 1 922 THE FIESHBRTON ADVANCE Town Hall, Flesherton Moving Pictures Thursday, February 23rd Samuel Goldwin presents MADGE KENNEDY in "THE HIGHEST BIDDER" Special Christie Comedy "Going Through The Rye" 4th Episode of the thrilling Pathe serial "VELVET FINGERS" Show tart at 8 o'clock sharp. Don't Mi.s It. ADMISSION : -15 cent* and 30 cents, including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN, - MANAGER The Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service A big selection of first, class samples of suitings and imi't- iiii?8 to choose from. First class workmanship and tailored in The Latest Styles Prices to suit all T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor Read This We are making a big reduction in Banges and Quebec II* uters for the next two werk.s before stock-taking. Cciiuc- in and sec it, it will be worth your white. Corona and Ta:o llun^os and several different makes of Quebec H enters. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware Phone 24 r 1 1 '/iinn-F/a THE Flesherton Advance SEED POTATO STORING An indi*peii(ii)iit nr.v,-|. ;> r (mullah* every Thursilny at the i>tlie., Culling wood Stioct, Fltshetton. KulMcrip.inn prici!| $1 01) pur annum wheMi piii in K-IVHIKX ; $2.110 when not so p-ud. SL'.tld to I'uiU'il Sutes. Adverting rau-s mi Ciieuhuiivn mx-r W. H. THUK8TOX Ki.non HYDRO ESTIMATES AND METHODS Tlie hydro development at Cliipp-J opcnc-d the eyes of the country j to the erroneous estimating qualities of the Hydro engineers in a manner that could never liavo been accomp- lished by the many minor Hydro ac- tivities throughout the country. From the inoeptiou of hydro power it has men a general complaint that in nearly every case an under estimate of actual tost has ben discovered. The Cluppewa developmeot is the one undertaking that was necessary to open the eyes of tha government to this weakness in the big sclitme. The Practical Advice Regarding Their Winter Placing and Keep. The Stored Tubers Require Oxygen Importance of Ventilation j Influence of Temperature Iitok Over Seed at naming Daner '" Ho s "' Fee(ling Salt ' Tin; potato is a living organism and if not kept under conditions favorable to continued life will die. Seed potatoes frequently fail to pro- duce plants. The cause may be due to the death of the buds before planting. Oxygen a Necessity. All living plants' require oxygen, nud with the potato in storage tins is obtained directly from the air. Pota- toes in storage take in oxygen and also give off carbon dioxide and heat. The carbon dioxide aud heat are harmful, and will destroy the tubers smaller places nave suffered in Bilence 'or seed purposes. Potatoes stored in and paid the hills. dead air < or 10 ? ay r * 1 * 8p ut and grow when planted. Potatoes We havo in mind one small devel- 1 gtored in a moisture saturated air opmcnt where the uugineers estimated generally mold, soften and rot. Pota- the cost at $5000. When completed toes for seed purposes should be dry, CORN IN STOCK Both whole and cracked. Right prices- GROCERIESA full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, Phone 30J . ONT. clean and cool when placed ill the storage, bin or cellar a dry earth floor is to be preferred. Ventilation Important. The ventilation should be arrang- ed so that air is admitted at the bot- tom of the bins, move upwards very slowly and out ut the celling or roof through -ventilators designed to carry away water vapor and heat. Small separated by arrangement bins it coit the municipality 87000. There is something wrong when a trained engineer cannot estimate withiu$^000 on a $5000 investment. The Chip, pcwa plant is said to have exceeded the original estimate by something like seventy. live million dollars. W believe, however, that much 'ol this excess can be charged to ineffic- iency. Time and money is wasted in many ways owing to carelessness and dilatory oidcr? from headquarter?, faulting in delay of transportation and delivery of material. Another very just complaint against hydro is its extreme discrimination in favor ol the larger centres of popula* lion, where power is delivered at half, or less than half, of what it is supplied to oullyins diitrieU, causing a cent- temperature wlll dolay the Bproutlng rali/.ntiou of all industry at the ex"| him further, holding up tlie matur- pense of smaller places. If this il lng proce88 80 that the buds do not allowed to continue the result will be disastrous to the country as a whole. There will be little urban life left out side the cities, of hydro will prove the greatest of an air space or such as an air box or double slatted gate that will prevent dead or warm air iiccuutula- tious are to be preferred to large bin storage where the temperatures may run too high or the air become moist ajid dead. Influence of Temperature. Potatoes stored in cellars when the temperature is kept at 55 de- grees will sprout in about 75 days. If the temperature Is kept at 45 degrees the sprouting will be slower, usually about 123 daya. A 40 degree FOWL WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. Highest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. per bbl., 2 sacks to the barrel. 5.25 JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON start while in storage until about 200 days from the time of entering the storage. Temperatures of 50 degrees and upward, together with light gen- ,. . . .. I erally give considerable trouble Ihi9man-.pulat.on through inducin R sprouting. Cellars that can be kept under SO degrees disastcrsthat could befall our country. "Power at cost' means little now to the :u ill towns and nothing to the farming community. It means every- thing to the citins. If hydro nvjunf. what it claims to moan, it has got4o . ,. .. B .... ... got out to the country highways and to send up good strong sprouts in byways and cease Felling power to tho cities at a nominal portion of whit is and given sufficient ventilation to prevent dead air or moisture accumu- lations are guerally satisfactory. Heed nt I'lnnling Time. the seed may be right. It it fails At planting tiuu linn and look all reasonable time after planting yon are advised to investigate the condi- ijlf K III charge d to tho rural urea under its ^ffiSSS^rS tTrT jurisdiction. Tlie Faimers'bun points out that (.'xbridge und 1'ort Terry are offered power at $11 ti. 75, while Toronto pays only $11.50 per horscpowur. The tune will come when the people will i watcl\ development; before planting E STAB US HEP 1872 Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon UH 0110 of the pos- sible causes of failure. Plant live seed aud get a one hundred per cent, tand of vigorous plants. In buying seed potatoes get them early, exam- ine the buds and if in doubt about thoir -vitality plant a few early and ,H EAD OFFICE HAMILTON to ^1= 4 o'clock p.m. :inl this sort of thing no hn^er, and Mr. Prury is wise if he cill* a slnw down ami checks this mid iliscnm inn t ion. tho main c:-op. -1.. Stevenson. Secre- tary Dept. >f Agncultur ', Toronto. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PRQTOfl-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager Lightning Rods Protect Property WE aro apfc'iits for tlio well known System of T.iplitiiinR Protection, ond the only ones in thia community authorized to equip li--. !!'... : with Kliinn-Flat Lightning Pods. Thcso Koils aro known all over Aiin-riiM in Hi" most acicntiftu and certain pro- tection for property over devised. By thoir uao any building may bo mado pcrfcctlj eufc. W. H. Day, Professor ot Physics at tho Ontario Agricultural College- for tweivc yean, anaists in training Shino Dealers, thus insuring correct la- tfjlation. E, Rutherford, Agent Proton Station, Omt. Wo also H'll BtipiM-inr Stub'e Kqniptoent, Mi-tullic. llonlinf.', Wuc Fouoing ami I5iif,".:ics. Boll For Service Par* bud Durham Lull, N.I I l.toi;! f,,i Mf>loe " lot Ifi2, S W T ,t H H, Atte ilk- Taima 12 for ni-iln. 95 fur -0. A KINS, Pmp The lri-.li I'nlalo. The nainr hi potato i.s a ini.s- noni'M', for the potato IH really a na- tive of America. It WHS <iisrn\ rrcd lii-re in I r, ss liy Diii-DjiraiiH and (Irs nscil hy tin-in us an article of food. It is found MHV. wild in various piirls of South AiiHTlca. It IH used iiH food nil over tli<- world. The rca- HIIII it was calleil the Irish potato IR hi-i-aiise il \V,IH adopted us one of the chief iirticleR of food by the Irish |i'0|ile, :M.I| Is oiii- of Iho principiil food proil . of Ireland. The potato lainliie in Ireland in 1845-46 result- ed In ninny ili-ailm from Htarvntioii and caused HKIII.V nl the Irih to cml- Ki'iile to Ann M. The population of Ireland hiis <li ( n .isnl from 8,000,- OIMI In IS-Ti In I. -MS I him 4,500.000 in nm. I RightCar at theRightPrice at the Right Time $1195 A Now Mrrvlce. Minillinniplon. which will become ...... ih. u to n.i.. 'in; i '.in, nli. in- as th' new buHt 1 for I lie Cunudiaii Parl- flc and I'm i, ml Hti>aniHlilp services, IIOH iii i ni. ii to Nuiiiiu. KH port at a ' .I'll ()( I IlilllM.lllll , ()f IH'llllll. Nl'RO- ii.: i loin arc IM ."'.! in: for the pur- chase uf the HIM I.I'., l.i :,.., I floathiK ilni'k. and u drodgltiK scheme has bppn Hpprovi'd which will allow the hu :,<! fun, ml and Whlto Star liners to approach ud loave the docks without difficulty. FurnesB. Withy & Co. Limited, according to the Lon- don prt'HH, in 1 .' inaugurating a new orvlce to the Pacific ooaat of Canada. Yon can brag about yonr Kavdon all winter if yon have your canned evidence on llu; dinner (able. Really there is nothing lo canning fruit and vegetables except care, clennllnfiiri, frrah prodnctH, jaro anil beat. Built for those who seek the utmost qua- lity and tatUfaction in motor transporta- tion at the lowest possible cost in price and mainten- ance. f.o.b. Oshawa Sales Tax Extra Offered at a price which at this season and under present conitions creates an unequalled o p p o r- tunity for the far- sighted purchaser. EXTF.KIOK FOl'H W1UK DOORS atVords cany rut- r.uii'i- and i xit. Three doors IIVB inside latches the right fnrecloor has Vu'o look THE COLOR is black on upper Mruot- HII-. In. ml, mill. mi; i>er -mil wheel*. Cowl and lower bodyptnc-ls in Hrowster THIS IS THE FINEST CLOSED CAR EVER OFF- KHKI) AT SO LOW A PRICK. IT PLACES IDEAL TRANSPORTATION COMFORT AND ECONOMY THE YEAU ROUND-WITHIN THE MEANS OF PRACTICALLY EVERYONE. CORD TIKBB, straight sidt>, :) by M inch ntandtird ( .pni m. ut. Fl'EI, SUPPLY fiom 10 pl. gtaoline tank on renr with Stewart Vacuum system. Let us have your order now and make sure of your car when Spring comes. INTERIOR THE FRONT SEAT is undivided for i eater comfort and convenience and add greater stability to body frame. Rear seat U removable, affording ea,y access to back body ptuel. UPHOLSTERY striped French Plait Velour over long coil springs, POLISHED NICKEL door latches, window regulators, door pull to handle)) and dome li'jht. All Moor space ia carpeted. WINDSHIELD it adjusted both top and bottom and has permanent black meUl visor as protec ion from glare and storm. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - QNT. T

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