Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1922, p. 3

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Culinary Curios. Visiting a Chinese restaurant recent- ly, the writer had a dish made of WOMEN AND GIRLS WANT ROSY CHEEKS They Can be Had by Keeping the Blood Rich and Pure. Every woman every girl wants rosy cheeks. They mean not only beauty, but good health. When a wo- man's blood is scanty or anaemic her color fade*, she looks debilitated, is j <>' it, it seems absurd u> eat jam with Lord Bryce's Hobbies. Among the prized trophies of lite late Viscount Bryce were fishing rods, chicken stewed with eweet almonds, j alpenstocks and academic gowns. And, curious as it sounds, the mixture Ij rd Br >' c was ad ways fond of ans was a very good one. Has it ever occurred to you how pe- short of breath, and her heart palpi- tates alter slight exertion. Some- times this trouble Is accompanied by severe headaches, or pain : in the back or sides. This condition is entirely ling. He never attained such fame in t.!: is pursuit, of course, as Lord Grey, culiar are" the mixture* of" food which but he was a keen nsherman neverthe- we find oo cur plates every day of our i less - and nad a valuable collection of ' fishing rods. Whenever Bryce saw a river he lished in it, whether it was the Neva at Petrograd, the Se-ine in Paris, the Manzares in Madrid, the Humber in meat, yet no" person can"assert that j Toronto or the Potomac in Washing- lives? Who, for Instance, was the first per- son to eat currant jelly with roast mut- ton? No one knows, and on the face the result is not excellent. Apple sauce with pork is more na- tural, for the acidity of the apple cor- rects the extreme richness 1 of the pork. In Europe you will find stewed apri- cots served with pork and stewed prunes with veal. Although both these combinations may seem startling, ton. Next in line to his fishing reds was nils equipment for mountain climbing. It Is this hobby of Lord Bryce that made him a popular hero in the Rocky Mountain district, , and especially in the city of Calgary. For two years Bryce was president of the Alpine Club, the ancestor of the Alpine Club due to weak, watery blood, ana can only Be. cured by making the blood rich, red and pure. Fo-.this purpose! try Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills, which act j directly upon the blcod. and in this there ls no dou . bt about tteir beu * way bring new health and strength to- K 100 "- weak, ailing people. Mrs. Isaac W. In Ca a da cranberry jelly g-oes with Howell. Petitcodiac, N.B.. tell* of what j J ' '^^n be deTir'ed ' de e rees - act al * honorary, from col- Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla did for her as l8 f" tn , at r c f n be deired * academles ,, ' _ thr A real Indian curry, which we prac- ' ' RHEUMATIC ACHES QUICKLY RELIEVED THE racking, agonizing rhwmatic ache is quickly relieved by an ap- plication of Sloan 'a Liniment. ' For forty years, folks all over the world have found Sloan's to be the natural enemy of pains and aches. // penetrates without rubbing. You can just tell by its healthy, stimulating odor that it is going to do you good. Keep Sloan's handy for neuralgia, ec'atica, lame back, stiff joints, sore muscles, strains and sprains. At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. *B^ * Made in Canada. , SljoaMS Linimentfea ASAWAN MATRIMONIAL PAPER, No other 'ee. Out. A. MoGreery. BELTING FOR SALE MISS RAY ELATED OVER FINE RESULT HINDS OF :.i2W A.NU USttl irfce* >n "Canada. YORK ilS VOKK. STREBT. TORONTO. Best Map of Moon. After taking more than 8,000 photo- gi '.phs in 16 years a French .is.rono- mer has prepared what is believed to > b tt moat complete map cf tue moon Nerves Steady, Eats Anything . ever made. GIRL SAYS EVERY ONE OF HER TROUBLES HAVE DISAPPEARED. -*- Minard's Liniment tor Oiltemper. of peace. As for university gowns. Lord Bryce " unequalled collection. He held From Oxford he had gowns of follows: "For some time I had not! ^ow^vSer'S Sd'^ni-S^^"" I. wel aTonTon^ Trinity and Oriel: gowns, too. from itan y ^owine harder ? do my < mi ** wi * *t. Try a curry made Heidelburg, Turin, Brussels, Nayles, my i with apples and currants, ami you will Petrograd, Stockholm, Toronto (Trini- ty College), Rome, Glasgow, Michigan, Edinburgh. Budapest. Harvard, Jena, housework. I was very pale and had frequent headaches. I consulted a doctor and took his medicine for some time, but it did me no rood. I found myself growing weaier, and taking faint and dizzy spells. A friend ad- vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and although I had nearly leat faith in all medicine, I got a supply and began their use. After a time I found they were helping me, and I gladly continued taking them, and ulti- mately found that the troubles that had afflicted me tad vanished. I am giving this statement in the hope that tny experience will be of benefit to others." You can get Dr. WilliaraV Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 12.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Out. Amrlc'l Plonetr Dog Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- 'iri-pH by the Author. H Clay OloTor Co., Inn. Ill West Slat 3 treat New York, U.S.A. be delighted with the combination. A roast goose is a poor thing with- out a stuffing of sage and onions, but ; Princeton, Leipzig, Buenos Aires, Ade- the name of the talented inventor of I lalde - Bris ban. this combination is lost to history. Thfise Sovrn* and hoods were of Have you ever tried cheese with cold every color aad sna P- The weight of apple pie? This i a Yorkshire dish. - ^^^ u worn a11 together, would have to We all eat cucumber with cold sal- j P e - num. but how many are aware that | fennel sauce adds greatly to the ex- cellence of hot boiled salmon, Every- country has its own peculiar mixtures of savouries and sweets, and many of them are most delicious. WEATHER HMD M LITTLE OSES Our Canadian wLuirs are exceed- Marshal Foch, during his recent ingly luird on the health of little ones, visit to the United Stated, travelled The weather is often so severe that 13,000 miles, to 10,000000 citizens. I Ore application ends all ! dandruff, stops itching ! and falling hair, and, : in a few moments, you have doubled the beauty of your hai.. It will appear a mass, so soft, lustrous, and easy I? do up. But what Lumbago, Neuralgia, or uny oth<-r pain. w j]J please you most aijuly Minard's Liniment to the uchlnK MI u nOor n foot spot and B et yuk-k relief. Mlnnrd's la wm . " e alt .f r a lew the remedy your grandmother used, woeks use, when you see TheVe la nothing to equal it. . 11CW bair fin? and FOR HALE EVEKYWHKKi-:. downy at first yes- but really new hair growing all over t^e scalp. "Dander and Sleeps Like a Log Since Taking Tanlac. "It was certainly a happy surprise In Denmark we have a fine demon- ' to me when I saw Tanlac was restor- ti'ation of how common folks may be- i"R my health." said Miss Yvonne come h : .g-hly enthusiastic for Che arts Kay, 3 Hotel de Villex St., Montreal. "For a year and a half before I got Tanlac my health was simply awful. I alept so fitfully I gained no real rest and I woke up mornings feeling all tired out. My nervous system Just col- lapsed and I would jump at any little noise. I frequently turned so dizzy and sick I could hardly stand the smell of food cooking. My condition seemed to get worse constantly and I worried all the time. "Well, the first thing Tanlac did for me was la give ;ue a eplendid appetite. Then all my troubles gradually disap- peared, my nerves got better and I could enjoy a good night's sleep. My THiN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT Danderine" cos < oniy 36 cents a bottle. RHEUMATISM whole system is now in excellent con- dition and I'm enjoying the best of health. Tanlac is ce.'tainJy a wonder- ful medicine." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. Everybody in the wcr!d depends upon somebody else. Undeniable. A certain little boy was always wor- rying his mother with questions, a ine" is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. speeches the mother cannot take the little ones habit little boys seem to possess in a Surnames and Their Origin out for an airing. The consequence | marked degree. Is thai baby is confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and becomes cross and peevish. Baby's Own Tableta should be given One day he wanted to know why colds. also Anglo- clne GRANT Variation Grand. Racial Origin Scottish: Norman. Source A locality: also istic. The most obvious explanation of the MacLAREN Variation MacLaurin. Racial Origin Scottish. Source A given name. Here Is another Scottish family name derived from a given name which the progenitors of its bearers brought to Scotland from Ireland in ! name of Grant is that it is a variation the anicient days when the DalriaiV 1 f Grand or "le Grand." originating a.* Gaels crossed over and by conquest and settlement won the dominance of the Highlands. Thte MacLaren's, or MacLarens are traditionally descended from "Loarn" or "Laurln," who was the son of Ere, one of tUe Dalriadlc chieftains who settled in Argyle in the sixth century. This "Loarn" i the sam* chief who is said to have given the district of Lorn its name. The clan, for the MaoLareus once to keep the little ones healthy. They are a mild laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels and thus prevent The Tablets are sold by medi- men were bald. "Because," said his mother patient- ly, "they have so much work to do that j strenthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless. faded hair to grow long, thick, heavy and luxuriant. Minard's Liniment for Garget In Cow*. their brains get tired, and they lose their hair." ,'Oh," said the young hopeful; "then I know why women don't wear whis- or by mail at 25 cents a kers!" box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine character. Co BrockviIIe Oat a sobriquet denoting superiority or seniority in Norman-French days, and Why Clocks on Socks. What we describe to-day as a "clock" on a sock or stocking is iioth- ^ more than a plece of embroidery> which appears to have been placed in later becoming a family name in the pO8itlon ta OPder to ^0 the ankle cf natural growth cf such nicknames. the wearer look mani slender . origin- More often, however, it is traceable allv lt wag des .|g ne d u, COV( , r lntllral to a Highland Scottish source as the defect in the weave name of one of the clans which de- In rhe Uayg be (ore the invention of velopsd from the ancient Clan, Aplln. the prege nt type of machinery, which of which group the MacGregors were Worlt8 automatically and turns out a the leaders. completed stocking every few seconds. The name of the Clan Grant is hosiery waa woven in two separate Gaelic, not Norman, and ae some- pieces. When completed, the sock or constituted' cue of the leading clans in | t'nws. has happened with the Scottish stocking was joined together on either the Highlands. WJM for a long time a | Gaelic names, but virtually never with s i,i e ( the ankle, a process which na- , the Irish, it is derived from the name turally left au unsightly seam. of a plac. Tbis place was an eotten- i n order to conceal this, a decorative sive moorland near Strathspey known piece of embroidery was placed over as "Griantach" or "Sliabh-Griannals." the seams. The operation, on account Balquhidder. In 1138 they played a j T " clan itself traces back in its of the stitch used, was referred to as prominent part in the Battle of the chieftainship to Gregor Mor MacGre- tfce "clocking" on the stocking. The gor. who, it is claimed, settled In. that necessity for an ornament of this kind big factor in Scottish history. As ear ly a* the reign of King Kenneth Mac- Alptn It appears to have acquired con- siderable territories In Strathearn and "Why. dear?" asked mother. " 'Cos they have so much work of the jaw," was the illuminating reply. Mother, Quick! Give California Fig Syrup For Child's Bowels of Standard, undir the leadership "Malise." the Earl of Strathearn. But the clan was reduced from the status cf proprietorship over its land in 1138, when the earldom of Strath- earn became t>e property of the Sect- section about the twelfth century Gauge Needs No Packing. A Swedish inventor has patented in seventeen countries a faucet which re- tlsh crown, though they retained a ! tin Ires no packing, accurate grinding status as perpetual tenant!?. But its fortune* received a setback from which they have never recovered has long since passed, but the "clock-"" remain as a reminder of au ohl cus- tom. in 1745. when it took part in tbe up- rising which attempted to put the Btimrt line, in the person of "Bonnie Prince Charlie," back on the throne of England and Scotland. Smallest X-Ray Machine. The smallest practical X-ray ma- of the fitting surfacejof the value pre- chine has been invented for physicians venting leakage. land denti4s. -weighing but twenty Largest Camera. The largest camera in the world lias Domestic articles Which have the Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Pig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the con- stipation poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Pig Synip" handy. They know u tea- spoonful to-day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! Yon must say "California" or you may g't au imitation lig syrup. Phosphates in Nauru. According to an official estimate the j island cf Nauru in the Scuth Pacific contains phosphate reserves sufficient to meet the demands of the world for 200 years. * MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail seud CUTICURA FOR HAIR AND SKIN For promoting and maintain- ing beauty of skin and hair Cuticura Soap and Ointment are unexcelled. Cuticura Tal- cum is an ideal powder, re- freshing and cooling to most delicate skins. S.ipISi. OhtBMtZSuJSfe. TtlcntZSc. Sold throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot: i. I m>t>4. 344 St P.ul St. W.. Molrttl. 'Cuticura Soap ih without mug. been built by United States geological appearance of polished steel and yet 1 a Dominion Express I^oney Order, survey experts, weighing 3% tons and need no cleaning are bein*r made 'by making photographs a yard square. a new Sheffield process. Save the bird in hand The others may be hard to catch With enough money, enough time and enough luck, a man may get back the health he has lost or part of it. It takes patience, too. And then there may be no success, or only a little. It's better to save what you have than hunt for what you've lost as the most successful health-restorers will tell you. Much of the loss of health is due to faulty, careless diet. Wrong meals at all times and right meals at wrong times load the long-suffering digestive organs with elements of destruction, or starve the tissues and glands of needed elements. Grape-Nuts is a delicious cereal food which has the qualities of scientific nutrition. It supplies the full richness of those splendid food grains, wheat and malted barley, together with the vital mineral elements, so often lacking from foods. Served with cream or good milk, Grape-Nuts gives full nourishment without over-loading the stomach. A splendid thought for breakfast or lunch, for those who would keep health- Grape Nuts the Body Builder "There's a Reason" Ma. I.-? bv Carcdian Hotum Cereal Company. Limited, Windsor. Ontario Topsy's Flock. Topsy. a half-grown shepherd dog, has a flock of her own. It is an unus- ual fltx'k. too. tor >very one of the rambre of it lias, not wool, but feailhers! The mother of the flock is a. Plymouth Rock hen. but Top*y is the shepherd. Whenever the chicles scat- ter she will run round them and grad- ually bring them nearer the clucking mother. One day some of them had wander- ed off. and Topsy. miifb distressed, was making every effort to round them up. w.tieu a passer-by who-thong>ht. *lie was going to hurt them struck her with a folded paper. At once the dog set up an agonized barking, and finally her mistress hurried out to explain. Left alone again, the little dog brought the chicks into close formation and de- livered them to HIP hen in a fairly com- pact group. Topsy was uover trained to d> that sort of thing and lias iifver been with [older shepherd dogs. Apparently "blood will tell." ^. ._ Making Bad Worse. Thomas Kiddle wa a very learned young man. At school he shone like all the stars ami planets lumped to- gether. A sixty candlp-power lump wasn't in it beeiile the burning Hame of his genius. But his friend.* were frightfully dis- appointed when he refilled to accept the degree cf l>octor of Divinity. One of their 'uckleil him on Che sub- ject. "Ah. well." replied the Renius. "it's bad enough to he nanif.l Kiiilln. with- out being Fiddle O.D. ___ _ A . The child of a father over lift.\ years of ag'<? ha? ten times as gootl ! a chance of bwoming eminent a* he woultl if his fa'.hor wiiv a ina n. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS 0. J. CLIFF - TORONTO It takes a vigorous and highly moral people to make a great nation. ranfroQ" WEAK TO WALK Now Works Nine Hours a Day. Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable I Compound Restored Her Strength Union Village, Vt. "I waa weal; and nervous and all run-down. I could not walk across the floor without resting and I had been that way for weeks. I saw your advertisement in tha paper and after tak- ing one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham'a V e g e t a b 1 e Com- pound I felt the good it was doing ine and I took seven more in all. Before I finished I was able to work nine hours a day in a steam laundry. I cannot say too much in favor of your medicine. I trust all sick and suffering women will take it. It has been two years since I took it and I am strong and well." -Mrs. L. A. GuiMAi\\, Union Village. Vermont. This is only one of such letters we are continually publishing showing what ! Lydia E. Pinkham has done for women, 'and whether you work or not Mrs. Guimann's letter should interest you. Many women (jet into a weak, nervous run down condition because of ailments they often have. Such women should take Lydia E. 1 'in k ham 'a Vegetable Com- pound at the first sign of trouble. Good : health is necessary and this splendid medicine will help you to keep it. For Constipated Bowels Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative to to-night will empty your bowels corn- physic your bowels when you have P'etaly by morning and you will feel splendid. "They work while yon Headac!ie Biliousness j s4eep." CascareU never stir you up Colds Indigestion j or gr i pe i )ke gajtg. pm 8 . Calomel, or Dizziness Sour Stomach QH, and they coflt only ten cents a is candy-like Caacarets. One or two | box. Children love Cascarets too. ISSUE No. 6 '21. WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neiuitis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain HII.II.!>' "Bayer" boxes of l-> tablets Also bottles ot' 24 and 100 Druggints. Anplrln Is ths lrd* mark ..,.,..1 In Canada) of PH..-. Manufauura ot Mono- acciltacldrater of Sallcylloacld. Whlln It Is well known thar Aaplrln mrana Bayer manufacture, to a*ilat the public nrfllnut Imitation*, the Tablets ot H>r Company will ba. atamped with Ihslr frnotat irad* mark, the "Bayer Crow.''

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