Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1922, p. 1

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VoU2, No. 37 Flesherton, Ont., February 23 IO22 PORTLAW Geo Thompson, is down from the West and after visiting with his brother and old neighbors here left to visit his brother at Chesley. Mr and Mrs Gordon Bow'er and Mr and Mrs Jas Beatty of Orange Valley vini'.ed recently at Thos Fletcher's. We. aie all glad to know that Miss Vina Watson is restored to health after tome weeks of serious illness. She left on Saturday to visit with her sister ar.d brothers in Toronto. The Epworth League purpose giving an entertainment in the near future, which will consist of lantern views, etc. The services in Mount '/.on ahurch next Sunday will be especially in the interest of the Orangemen, the service being conducted by the pastor's brother, Mr Kippeu of Toronto. Mrs E Black of Dnndulk is visiting with Mrs Thumas Black. Lawrence Lyons held a i-.uccessful sa'e on Wednestliy last of farm stock and equipment. Mr and Mrs Lyons leave on Thursday for Manitoba, and their many friends here wish them abundant success in their new home. A largely attended meeting of Warehain and Mount Xion congregations was held last Friday in the tatter's church wi tu the object of making some adjustment in the preaching stations of this district. Rev Mr Brown, chainnwi ..f the Confer- ence, presided and at considerable length outlined the situation and the objects sought to obtain. Considerable discuss- ion ensued, but no decision was arrived at. Another little boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas niack. Miss Marion Wright of Proton .Station Tisittd with Miss Violet Taylor. ROCK MILLS Miss Aliice Mclotyre spent thu week end with MISMS Annie and Edith Belts. Mr and Mrs Walter Russell xave t party to the ycuna folks last Friday evening, and an enjoyable time was spent by all present. Mr and Mrs Sam Croft and children pent Sunday at C Martins Eugn ; a. Keith Robertson, of Maxwell visited over the week end with his sister, at the home uf Mr and Mrs Levi Belts. Quite a number trora here attended Lawrence Lyons' tale lat week and every- thing sold pretty good. We are sorry to report little Frank Johnson on the sick lint, but hpe he may be able to bti aruund again soon. We are pleased to learn that little Ltwrence Phillips is improving nicely, after beini: laid up with tons'litis. Mr and Mrs W Russell and children. Spent Sunday with friends near Kugenia- Mr E Binnington, of maxwel 1 , f-pent a diy recently with Cha, Newell and wife VANDELEUR Mrs <>;to baker and little daughter visited with the former's mothrr, Mrs Ferguson of Kimbeiley, recently. C Graham and Miss Campbell of Eu- genia spent a dity recently with Mr and Mrs L Johnston. Miss Edna Curritt of Ki.uberley is visiting with her sister, Mrs'D Craham. (juite a number from here attended the entertainment at Ibenezer on Tues- day evening of last week to see the play " The white shawl,'' and report, a good time. David Thompson, an Indian of Sauble Falls, who was totally blind, returned home with his eyesight perfectly restored from the Owen Sound Hospital, YOU CAN ENTER ANY DAY You have often told yourself that if you could be instructed personally you would undertake additional education- al work. Personal instruct ion Is a special system at the and is largely responsible for the i," o it success of nur students. Busineas, Shorthand, Farmers' and Prepara'ory course'. Catalogue free. C. A. FLEMING, F.O-A.. Principal since 1881 . G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. CEYLON Mr Jut. Ashdown of Oweu Sound was ia town last week. Mr Levi Cjutts who spent the past week in Toronto has returned home. Constable Cook was called to Dundalk, Monday. . Mii<< Maud Hemphill visited with fiiends at Laurel lust week. v Mr Rubt. Rutledge had a wocd bee las'. week. Misi McKachern teacher of Atones line, spent theveek eud with her par. ents near Mt. F irest. Mr Beaton of Durham, visited Mr and Mrs ). id Patterson over the week end* Mrs Kin \ has returued home from an extended visit with Proton friends. Mrs R Gibson and Miss Helen visited the week end wilh Owen Sound friends Mr ii; i Mrs P Hunt vitited with Glen elg friends last week. Mises Florence and Marie Huston o' Toronto, were guests of Misi Millie Cook, 'ver tke week end. Born to ML and Mrs John Irwin, (nee Ida Joues), a daughter, on Feb . 4 at Re- gina. Congratulations. Misa Agness McPhail. M P vitited the past week with Proton friends. Osprey Council Council met at Koversham on Siturdujr, Feb 18, with the mem bur* all iiT..'enr, Ueeve Taylor in the chuir. Tbe of next prtcediug meeting were lead .ml adopted. Oiders were author- ized 1:1 payment of the following ac- counts : Mun. World, supplien to Cierk, f29.7-i; E C Vance & Co.dog isg,fl.1 74; A K in ilnn, stamps, (7 : Geo .Juluu. store account, f 10.37, supplies to family >f C 11 I.N ply ; H W Kernahap, prepara- tion of township road accounts for pro vincial subsidy, 910. Bylaw No 70i ws lead the r<juired nuinlior of times and passed, chaDtfing ot* -' 1 and 25, Con s, from S S No 7 to S S No '. Wm Eax'and was granted permission to erect a wire fence with promiie of twu*hip bonus. McKenzie Edwards That tha Clerk tie instructed to prepare a bylaw f- r the next meeting uf Council !o amend bylaw No 679, bonusios the erection of wire fenees. Henderson Edwards -That Mr Mc- enzie investigate the circumstances of the family of C UamMy and that he be authorized to make provision for their sustenance as he sees lit. Lc okhait Heuderton-That the Clerk be instructed to levy the sum of. $240 iu the georal cchool levy of 1922, being the sum due the continuation school of S S N i 7 by reason of no grant being requU sitioned for that school during the four months it was in operation iu 1920. The report of the auditers on the accounts of 1921 WAS adopted and the Clerk was instructed to have 200 copies printed for dis ributiou. The auditors were p<tid flo each for their services, f2 uf sumo being charged to the Telephone Commission. McKenzie Uenderson That the annual fee of $5 be ptid to the Ontario Good R >ads Association. Locklnrt McKenaie That the Reeve be appointed as a delegate to attend the convention of the Ontario Good Roads Association iu Toronto on M u h 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Henderson McKonzie That this Council go ou record as approving of the municipal franchise to all women who possess sufficient; qualifkition to vole at elections to the Legislative Assembly and that the number uf electors be raised to 1500 to entitle a township to a deputy Reeve, and that the Clerk be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Provincial Secretary. Kdwards McKenzie That the Clerk ba instructed to draft a number of forms of petition fur circulation throughout the townibip praying the Provincial Le&isla* ture to lake ation towards the building of a radial railway which will meet the very apparent needs of the resident* of this township. The Council adjourned to meet in a speiial meeting at Maxwell ou March ti at 10 a m for the purpose of revising the statute labor divisions and other business and to meet again at Singhamptou in \ rr gular meeting on MarcK lS;li. U. W. Kernahan, Clerk. PROTON STATION Held Over Last Week Miss Mildred Binnie of Toronto spent the week end with her parecU here. J C Wriuht visi:ed this week with friends, in Toronto. Miss Ailee'i Tribble of SheJbutne spent the week end with her friend, M'ss Marjurie Acheson. Mrs Wm Wright gave our MiJget hockey team a tatty pull on Saturday night. The boys enjoyed a very pleasant evening Rev Mr Fowler was uu.tble to gtt down to service ou Sunday night, so the Young People's Society touk charge of the meeting. Miss K it-; Utr spent tlie week eud with her friend. Miss Maud Acheson. Tnoruas Wauchobe is risitiu" with his brother at Bolton. Our young men's hockey team met their tirst defeat of the setsou at Dun ditlk on Tuesday lasr, when they met the Dundalk team iu a return g*:ue. The score was 2 to 7. Are we downhearted : No ! Just come and see our boys in the next gauie. Our " luvinciMe MidgetU " journeyed to Flesherton lait Thursday night and defeated a team of junior high school beys, the score being o to 1. The high sfhool juniors received ijuite a shock and could uct rent cunteuc unt-I they had shown us what they really could do, so despite Saturday's storm they came down only to be defeated again by a score uf 7 to 0. Til-; lineup was as follows : K!eshertoo Proton C Akius Goal S Bddgeruw Fuller 1 . J Nuhn T McDonald J K-trsiedt Defence Centre I. wing r. wing K I'uk (i -Wright H White L Lyons S Lyons Referees Thais lay night J Neilsou, Saturday W Tuiuey. R Boyd. This Week's Items Boru- In Toronto on Tuesday, feb 15, to Mr and Mrs Duncan McNicoll, a daughter. J C .VVrigbt visited wilh friends at Straifoni. Mrs James Neilson visited with her brother at Bolton. Miss M in u Wright spent th week eud with her friend, Miss Violet Taylor. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Angli- can church have a real treat in store* fur you on Monday, Fob 27, when they wilj hoid a concert in the hall. The chief entertainer .will be Rupert Lgate of 0*en Sound. M rs Charles Lyons is visiting fiiends iu Toronto. Two teachers of the Shelburne public school, accompanied by their] h*ckey team and twenty strong rooters, came up on the noun triiu Saturday to defeat our " iv.nl.;.'-.- Wonders " but returned on the evening train, themselves defea'ed by a score of 4 to 0. We enjoyed thftr visit very much. Shelburne youngsters i\re a bunch of lolly little spoil i. Re Grant to R. C. Schools Mr Geo. Spotton , a defeated candidate iu North Huron lit n recent election U after Hon. R H Oraut, Minister of Ed- ucation with s biir stick. He has dis- covered and allenes that R.iman Citholic Separate Schools sre being favored with larne grants and nives lijiures to prove it. He I'tt'ers In debate the puesiion with the Minister ou a public platform and the Minister will have something to sa y in the houe. \Ve >|uote one of Sputton's paraurophs dealing with Glenel^ township. "During the past week I found that three seperate schools in the township of Glenelrf, Grey County, received a larger gran 11 , thun the nine public schools. l ! figures uul that this Minister of EJuoiition believes iu piyiup tor the education of 3!t I!.. nnii Cathol'c children in Glenelg 92,00!) ;iO and for l;!4 public school puu- ill 91,958.88, or, for a Roman for $51 52 and doles out for Protestant public schools $12 9!l per child. These nures obtained from the Township Treasurer.' A movement is on foot in Rosemont to establish a continuation school. Two j of the Dult'erin school sections will unite for the purpose of this school. The matter haa buen under discussion for some time and a couple of public meet- Ings have been held. It has finally been decided to ask tho county's consent to proceed with the establishment of a con- tinuation school-Free Press. EUGENIA Owing to ihe storm on Sunday evening Mr Kippcii was again unable to bu pres- ent at the evening service in the Metho- dist church. Prayer meeting tlr's week to be held at tlie home of Thos Genoe Wed evening. Mrs Bert Graham has been laid up with lumlmgo tint pasl week, but is able to lie around again. W L . aie pleased to hear Jake Sloan. who was so badly burned some three weeks ago, is on the mend, although it will be some time befoTe is able, to leave the hospital. Mr aud Mrs Bullivuu havu takeu a position in Gait. Mrs JStoba of Toronto its nur-ini; her brother, who is very ill. Slis (_'am[jl.f''l and fiiriid visited Mr and Mr* Liimly Jolni.ston over the week end. Two carloHds of lumber have .u rived lit the stati.'ii Hud have been hauled and p'need on the island, wh. i-e the Govern meiit ptuij.se erecting hoiihes to accom module the |jl<ensants which, we be'.ievi are to arrive in the spring Jacoli Williums has Wtii laid up with an -it lack of la viijipe, but is now mi t lit' mend. Miss Hazel Hammond and Dmielda Sliart aie visiting their ^raiidinotlier, Mrs Me Mullen, at present Mi-< Nea WilliHins has unii- for a in. .Mill's holiday i,, Toronto. The i>eo[>lu of Eugenia mt at the home of Mr ;iud Mrs Robt Smith . 'ii Friday niglu last and pi evented them wilh .1 miscul'aneouj shower. Mr ;md Mrs Dave M.ILT e, Mrs J J Magee, J Boland of Vaudeleur an.l Mi and Mrs Thornton Teeter >! Markdiile ere guests at P Munslunv -. Use week- Jli* Orniigeineu's dance !! Tliurvi.ty iliglit Isst was well attended, a number from a distance 1'eing present ami a v"'d i me was enjoyed by all. A Lumber from here attended the box social at b'evershaui Monday .-veniiiii Mr Reuben Gorley is v< >: ; 'o\v at time f writing. The wedding took place at tliu home of the bride'* limits ,,nSt V al t ntin s day of Miss Sarali Paul, third daughter of Mr and Mrs ElijiiTi Paul, of Engeniii, to Mr Kola Smith The bride, who was given sway by her father, was dressed in blue crepe da chine with silver trimming The happy couple were unattended Rev Oke of Fleslierton conducted tlie cere- nii-iiy, after which all ^t down t , dainty wedding breiikfast . The gilts were numerous and beautiful, showing the hili esteem {in which both bride ami groom are held We extend air be t wishes Causes Of Crime The desire uf anyone to "occ ipjr an orchestra seat iu life,' during a period of fust and costly living, the motor car, which facilitates a fust gel-aw iy, pro- hibition, which breeds disrespoo: f..r law, and to some extent the war, in m trsin- ing in the use of firearms, arc tiiu priii- il c*ues of the prevailing <-n m> wive, according to Governor Miller i-f New Yolk No doubt theio ro saveral cms s. With the part played by the suit mo. bile every reader of the newspaper must be familiar. A certain measure of re- aponsibi.ity rests on the WHI. Men wero U.uued in use of guns, and i xperience soou uiuht them th it with a gun to en- force tlieir demand* an I an automobile to facilate escape robbery was n reason' ably safe business. At first the captures and convictions were few in comparison with the total number of attempts, and veuturous spirits were encouraged ti) take chances. Uf lace the bandit business h not bem to attractive. The law has shown that, after all. it has a long arm and tint i's penalties ate to be dreaded. As to the purl which prohibition has played in helpinii to make criminals! by breeding diorespect for taw, there is likely to bo differunoe of opinion. Advocates ol prohibition are not likely to admit tint u has been a cause of crime, nd among independent observers them is no unanimity. Governor Miller of New York, it may b presumed, is not a pro. hibinouist. Come in and hear the new Victor Records for this month Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmert Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager, W. A. ARMSTRONG Registered Optician I N W * the * me tO rc ' new your subscription to FLESHERTON, . ONT! The Advance. It's Safe in this Bank Money out of Bank may be spent unwisely, lost, stolen or destroyed. But money deposited in The Mer- chanta Bank is secure against extravagance, fire or theft. On pay-day, put all your money in 5avinff Ac ount and pay tha necessary billa by chequ*. ^ ou will find more money nays In ttie Bank yoc savings are earning interest-and tfte cancel led cht aea are receipts for bills paid. Opn a Savings Account '.oday. TH M KHANTS BANK Head Office .-Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1CS4. FLESHERTON & CEYLON BRANCHES H. P. FERRIER Manager. House of Quality f I Groceries, Candy, Fish GROCERIES-A full line of Groceries strictly fresh. CANDY Neilson's bulk, package and bars, good assortment. s FISH Qualla and Herring. GRAIN & FEED CORN Cracked, ground and whole. Oats, Oat Chop, Buckwheat, Wheat and Shorts. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton , - Ontario I m T -T^T 7 - v " v "-"- v "- v v 7,-,' I ^ '< The Canada Spool and Bobbin Co , wnich is now one uf Walkerton's most valuable industries, paid out $1GUO week in wages, outside of office salaries, to tid hands during CLEARANCE SALE Having leased our store tc the Merchants Bank for a term of years, we are going out of business. We are clearing out our entire stock At A Big Reduction Many lines at less than half price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don't miss these bargains whila they are going. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton a

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