Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1919, p. 5

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December 11 1919 THE FLESHEKTON i^DVANCE RECONSTRUC- TIONistheorder of the dayr If you have formed the Sav- ings habit you are prepared to meet its opportunities; if not, reconstruct your methods aaJ '"^.egin today. We have a w»»*tfgs Department at every Branch. a* THE STAMDARO BAHK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL MANAaCR C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshercoa Station as sllows : Going Soutli Going North 7.53 a. 111. 12.01 p.m 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m The mails are osed at Flesherton at follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Herb LeOard of Toronto was In town oti buaine»8 laat weak. Mr. Lewis Brotbwell it fpeodiog a faw dayi with frieuds in Owtn Sound. Mrs. (Rev.) Belfry viiited friends in Tutteuham a few days last week. Mias Hazel Henry, of Toronto, is visit- iog her parents ht re. Mr, and Mrs. A. McLean visited at the home of Geo. Proctor at Kimberlay OQ Sunday. Alter the tint of January The Advauco will be f 1.50 per year. See annonuce- »cDt elsewhere. Ree^e McTavish is in Toronto this week attending an Klectric Railway Asdciation mettiog aud waitio^ ou Mr. Dtury. Mr. and Mrs: Archie McLean, of this place atieuded the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Janet S. McDonald, of Owen Sound. Uichard Ball, an old resident tf Eu^hraKia, near Kpi:iug, died recently at his hiiQie, 2(53 Dovercourt Road, Toronto, a< the a^e of SI yeirs. .A.'W*lkerton coal dealer l:as been sent up for tr al ou a charge of riiising the figuresof bis wei){h tickets. He i« out on I50U bail. Anyone hivinj a baseoall uuiforai, beluiiuin^ to the Fleahertoa Biseball club are askei to kindly tuiii la the same to J. .A.. LeGurd, aiaua<;er. >larried â€" At the houw of the bridB'^ movher, ou Wednesday, Di'ceiuber IJrd, by Rev. C. A. Belfry, -Mr. Samuel M. Davidson of Paisley, Onk., to Mis* L. Kuthciing U'ivis of Euphrasia towLship. The W. I. will hold a tiiziar in the Town HiiUou Siiturday, December 20th. The Institute asks a'l tbo Indies to cou tribute any of the following : fancy work, bakiui:, fruit, jeuetablts, cinciy, etc Pioceeda in aid ot the meuiorial tund. R. Bentham of the suburbs has tiapped two tine fo.xe» dunng the past fortnight-. With tox pelts at the preatnt price ihe man who can jjet fozei like that hai a paying piopotitioD. As lie liaps ou ht> own fHriu he does not even have to pa; a license 1 ke other peoole. Neither does he have to p:»y upkeep for his fox ranch. It ia ali clear prolit, those skins- and Dick knows how to get 'eai . One eveaing laet week while Mr. David Dow of town was runuius; hi^ cutting bui his hand accidentally caas in conMct with the knives with the result -that several of l>i* fingers were terribly laorrated. At firit it was tbougbk ii woald be necessary Cu amputate the fore Jinger but *.he Drs. decided to sew it ut>- «nd attempt to Mve it. The ii>jury is a bed one and a serious one fur Mr, Dow, who will n« Uid off work for eonie lime. Recently the two higher forms in the high sehool were obliged to write an Ms«y on the 1919 Victory Loan. Two medals were given by the high school board for the two best essaye in e.icb fur.n. Followiun are the winners : â€" Middle School, Katharine McVicar, 2ad Florence White ; Lower School Gertie Lever, 2iid Maude Achcson. The best e«9i»ys iu each form will be i.ent to Toronto to be jud^ted for the Provincial priZ'', two prizes btiug given in each department of the schsol. Get your sale bills printed here. We w.ll make dn'ts wiiU any auctioneer you wisli. The new pustuflice buildiua is about complete.^ and will prolubly be occupied next wcelv. Mr. Howie McAulay of the B< 11 Tuie- p'loiie has t»ken up his residence iu Dundalk. where h:i> headijuarters wi'l be. Mrs. T. Brady has been obliged to gi\e ap her school at Mansfield owing to illness and is at. her pHr.intaI homo here. Notice â€" To taxes unpaid in the Village of Flesherton by December 14lh, 5 per cent, will be added according to bi Is. Joliu Wright, Jollector. The Eugenia Methodist Sunday Schi o will hold a Christmas tree and concert on Friday, Dec. li)th. Admission 25 ct«,, children of the Sunday iSchool free. Dr. W. C. Ryckman, formerly of Maxwell, who has oeen practising his profession in H^iuilion, is leaving shortly to take post ptaduale wwk in Medicine at Mew York. We wish the doctor huge euctess in his profession. Two weeks frem today will be Christ- mas d*y. H*ve you got your turkey â€"or is it a plebeian chicken this time ? Coma to think of it, a chicken should not be called plebeian, as it costs as much as a turkey used to in bygone days " befo' de wah.' The ladies who were present at the VV. I. meeting on December 3rd enjoyed a treat when Mrs. McVicar gave a talk on the kingship of self control, in her usual able manner. Mrs. U.. Best gate a report of I he convention held recently in Toronto. Oar returned soldter boys are going to make things hum in town. Mr. Herb. LeGard purposes starting a genta' fur- nishing and readymade clothing empori- um in the premises now occupied by Harmon Hales as a music store, to opea the first of January, and Walter Carg" will open anothei grocery store in the premisee shortly to be vacated by C Bellamy. At the annual meeting of L. U. L. Ko 244 on December 2 the following officets were elected : W. M., E. S.inaon ; D. M , A Stioson ; Chap., Rev. Eagle ; Rec. Sec., Ernest Acheson ; Fin. Sec, Jared Lyons ; Trees , A. Shearson ; Dir. of C ; G. Ludlow ; Lec'.., S. Shearson ; IstCom., H. Pjper ; 2ud Com ; J. C. Wright ; 3rd dm, R. Bates ; 4th Com., C. Moore ; 5th Com., Jamas Lockhart. At the .innual meeting of Chalmet's Church Ladies' Aid held at the home of the Seci'etary last week, the following otticeis were elected for 1920 : Honorary President, Mrs, VanDusen : President, .Mrs. VV. J. Stcwirt ; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Alf. Harrison ; 2nd Vice President-, Mrs, Kate Paloo ; Secretary Treasure-, J. Blackburn The retiring Piesident was given a vole (f ihai.ks for her servicoa during the year. Mrs. 11. C. LeJJard, now living in Toronto, and wl o has the sympithy tf the Society in hit attiiclion, was made an Honoraiy Mem- ber. A resolution was adopted coiivey- ing condolence to Mrif. J. A. Lever, bereft of her sister, and sympathy lo Mrs. Aichie Boyd, of Toronto, an esteemed old number passinfi through .severe sfHiction. The Secretary's repoit showed I he Society to have hud a succes.-ful year. Notice to Subscribers For the past live years The .\dvance lias been hopiui^ agaiiis* hope tliat news- paper co.<ts would e.i.'-e up and prices of material return to soiutflliln^ near pre w<ir conditions. On the contrary every- thi.ig still has an upward tendeucy with tio prospect of any relief in .s'gh' We have lost a yreat lieal of money by ma n- li uiiig the old subscription price of one doll'ir and the time has now come when it is imperative, in order to protect cur- selves from further loss, that we follow the course adopttd by all other news- paptrs four or live years ago, and r.ii.sing ihe p.ice of the paper to $1.50 per annum and $3.G0 to the L'uited States. This ehangj will take place on Januaiy Is*-, 1!)20, which leaves ample time for all subscribers lo get iu their renewals at the dollar rate if tkey desire to do so. On and after January 1st, 1!»20, The Advance will bo $1 50 per auiium, $2.00 to United States. VANDELEUR Miss Lizzie Slaffoid of Kimberley is the guest of her sister, Mrs. K. Baker. Mr. F. R. Boland and little daughter, Dora, spent a couple ot days this week in Toronto. Mies Niillie Boland, who has been in the city for the past three months has relumed home with them. Mr. P. Beard had part of his bain roof blown cflf during Ihe recent wind storm. Jas. Har bottle suffered the same inconvenience. Ei. Biker's silo was upset, 8. Gilbert's barn was partly blown down and Geo. Warling's wind mill «as dtmajied. Nearly everyone in Ihe nciehborhood h.ad out but dings more or lesf. damaged but all are thankful it was no worse. Weekly Report Flesherton H. S. FORM 1 Canadian Histoiy- .M Wlmtaker 86, 1 McLachlKU 79, J McLeoc 75, A Little 73. J White 7'2, M MuiroV. D Colgan til), M Nuhn (15, A Dow ti.'i, M Parslow 65, U M:Lecd64, P .McMaRtcr 64, S Acheson 63, E Ferris 62, C McMillan 60, M Mc- Tavish 5i), I Uincks 55), E Oliver o8, S Fiudiay 56, F Mathewson 56, R Siuveua 55, I -Ljjver 48, C McTavish 36, O Maihewsun 31. FORM 1 (ii-amuiar â€" H McLeod 81', A Breen 79, E I'erris 77, M Parslow 77, M McTavish 76, k Dow 75, S .\che.sou 73, A Norris 73, M Nuh.» 71, S Findlay 70, A Little 69, R Stevens tiS, E Oliver 07, F Math- ewson 67, M Muir 65, M Whittaker 65, D Colgaii 04, J White 63, P McMaster 60, I Lever 58, I McLachlan 55, C Mc- Millan 54, O Mdthewson 52, J McLeod 52, I tlincks 50, W Lever 38, C McTavish 38. FORM 2 French â€" .\ Parslow 87, V Moure 79, A Buchanan 77, Ii Boyd 76, M .\cheson 73, G Lever 70, M McLachlan 63, G Akins 47. FORM 3 Chemistry 100â€" F White 84, F Stewart 82, N Spencer 75, K Cameron 74, R Belfry 73, K Boyd 73, W Stewart 66, E Csnsley 61, E Ferris 56, I Sprott 55, A Murphy 54. FORM 3 Latin 100â€" K Boyd 98, F Stewart 88, RB«lf.y72, W Stewart 68, A Murphy 61, I Sprutt 57, E Consley 50, E Feriis 31. Victoria Comers John Robinson was at Owen Souiid a couple of days last week. Misa Ottillia Lockhart viaiied her cousin, Miss Des Corbett, at Bethel. Mra. Walter .\cheaon and little daugh- ter, Maada, accompanied by her •later- in-law, Mra. Jas. Batchelor and babe, visited a week in Toronto. R«v. Mr. Eagle gave an excellent report on Sunday of the Toronto Cuuveution. The wind a week ago did a considerable amount of damage lo fenees and tele- phone poles, but not so much damage as many pUces. CREDIT AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implemeuts, etc. D. McPhail, auctioneer, has received iusi ructions from WESLEY BUEEN lo sell by public auction at LOTS 15!) & 100, Toronto Gravel Uoad, 1^ miles south of FIcsherion. on Tuesday, December 16,1919 the folli-wing chattels, v,z ; HORSESâ€" Miro 13 years olo, mare U years old. mare '.) yours old colt, rising 3 yeais, 2 colts rising 2 years. CATTLEâ€" Grey cow supposed to be ill calf, ted cow supposed to le in calf, spotted cow supposed lo be in calf, cow part Jersey lupposed to lie iu calf, red cow supposed to be in calf, heifer 2 years old, steer 2 years old, yearlii';^ heifer, 6 yearling steers, 5 calves. HOGS- A'oumj brood sow, 9 store pigs. IMPLEMENTS -Massey Harris bind- er 7 ft cut go:il .-is new, Massey Harri.s luownr 6 ft cut i{o-.)J as neiv, lioraa rake, Ma.«sey Harris cuicivalor, .sted dri 1, set harrows, turnip pulper, t'hatham f inniuij mill complete, set of bolwleijtl).'', wai;oii, wa^on box, grain cradle, hay rack, hay knife, stock rack, turnip tower, seuilU'r. bu^gy alnio.st new, older buguy, t;ood culler, bony grinder, sugar, kettle plow, iirindstone, r ibe, buiigy tongue, set, plow harness, set double harness good as new, 2 sets single harness. Wool buggy rug, ciowbais. wheelbarrow, skiddmc toiigs, canthoik, cr sscut saw, whillle- tiees, neckyckes, beam seiles, .set of Chat iiii III scales 2000 lbs., chaiiu, forks, shovels, stonchoat, grain ba^s, 3 ho\<ie evener, atone hook, stone and sledge hainmors, horse hiankets 'inJ a number of other articles toonumerous lo mention. FORCASU--A quai.lity of hay, a qusnlity of turnips and a quantity of dry wood. Fl'RNlTrUE â€" Good organ 6 octavos, tideboard, centre table, (> dining room chairs, Singer sewing machine uood as new, music cabinet, parlor t.ible, 4 rock- ing chairs, extension table, InuoKe, 6 kitchen chairs, dresser, iron bed, wash stand, bedsteads, 4 sat springs, chiffonier, 4 mattresssa, bureau, 3 atands, good cook stove, 2 high chairs, willow cradle. Dumber of odd chairs, washing machine, wringer, washboard, tub sood as new, Daisy churn nood as new, butler bowl, laWdle, print, 3 cream separators, number of pictures, fall leaf table, rain barrel*, large milk can, laroe roast pan. granite bread dish eiih cuvor, bread mixer good as new, set irons and handles, (|uauti'y iiraiiite and tinware, lamps, quantity of dishes and sealers. Sa'e to c< maience at ONE o'clock th^rp. TERMSâ€" All suns of 910.00 and under, cash ; over that amount twelve months' credit will be given on approved joint notes, or five per conl. ofT for cash iQ lieu of notes. Paeitively no reserve as the proprietor has sold his fsrni. WES. BRKEN, D. McPHAIL. Proprietor. .Vuctioneer, XMAS. SHOPPING It is no exaggerations to day that our Eilock is bettfir Pfapaied tliau ever before for Christmas btitiiuess. The early shopper uattn-alJy haa the bast assoumeut to choose from, so perhaps a few bints will asi-isiyou lo make an early selection. liddies' Furs Wool Cap and Scarf Sett s Siik and Wool MntHeis Fancy Neckwear K id Gloves ve Silk Waists Crepe Waists Blouse Silks Dress Silks Ladies' Footsvear Fancy Slippers Felt Slippers Silk aud Liueu Handkerchiefs Lace Uaudkerchiufs Boudoir Caps Fancy Camisoles Embroidery Lita-us Wool -Sweater Coats Wool Pullovers Fancy siik Shirts iNLickinaw Coats Overcoats ilcu's and Bovs' suits silk Hosiery Silk Neckwear Club Bags and Suit Cases Steamer Trunks Fancy Bed Spreads Comforters Carpet Squares Toilet Setts Damask Table Linen Open Stock Dinnerwara China Tea Setts Fancy Jap China TPaSâ€" ^^, *" *'''^ selling Ceylon Blacks and Japan Greens iu bulk at old pnces-50c 60c -«- ^""^ and b5c. per pound. Oar stock at these figures is limited, so buy now and save money*. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO BUSINESSCARDS Societies pBINCB ABTHUB LODGE , No. 3SS, A.F.* t A M, maata in the MasonlohaJI. Arm a rons'B Block FlMtaartoo. avsry Friday on or ha(or« tba (all mooa. T. ClaTiou, W. M.. A. B. Bsllaiur. Sacretary. Dentistry |u B. C MURRAY L. D. S , danUI sarsaon â- ^ hcnorKrkduate ol Torouw Uaiveraity and Si/yal Collasa o( Dantal buniaoDs of Ont«rio, 9aa admiaiDtaterad for taetli extraction fltca at reaideaoe Toroato Street. Flaal^erton. Medical DrW. J. Heury, M: H., gra-luateot Facultj of Modioine, Toronto Loiveisity. Office â€"Dr. i^ittla's late rosi.ieuce. Flesherton. I f OTTBWELL ' Veteriuary Surgaou iraduata of Outario Vaterinary College -cvidouoe â€" aecoud door soatb ' westlon \dty street. Tliis atreet ruuB outli Presbyterian Cbitrch. Legal 1 CCA8, KANEY & hKNRY-Barristers. '-' Bolicitors, eicâ€" I. B. Lucas, K. C; W. E, ;;aney, K. (,•.; W. D. Honry, B. A. Olfioes, I'oroiito, hOO-a Tiadurs Hauk BUig., pbone xaiu 1412; Markdale Lucis Block, Phone 1 A, ;°>raDcb otttcs at Onudalk open every Saturd&y. W. Aa HAWKEN â€" deader for â€" MENDELSSOHN PL\NOS and PLAYERIPIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. t'-all and see these high gratia instruments .;M^m AT m^^' Uawketi 3 Photo Gallery aud .Music Stor FLE5H ERTON i\ TT KIGMT. & TELFOBD . Barrietor, Solioi. " tors, ito. ilIBcoa, tjroy t Bruce Block, Unou Sotiud. Staudsnl Bank > ck.'Klesher' tou, (Saturdays). W, H. Wright, W. P'. -relford Jr. Business Cards ryM. KAITTlXli, loeusod Aactiouoer foi '* the oouuties of (.irey aud Situcoe. r'arm aud Stock sales a specialty. Tonus < uoderate. satisfaotiou guaraut^od. .-Vrrau^e- iieDts for dates may bo ui&de at the .\dvaiice jtllco. or Ceutral telepliouo othce t'evershauj ,- ir byaddreaaitig me at Feversbam, Ont. ! DMoPH.\ir, Lleouflod .\notionpe for the • County of Grey. Terms uiotirate and Erttis Hctiou guaranteed. The ai-i-a[i>;oiiioi)ts aud liatos of sales can bo uiadont TliR Advauco «liloe. Kueideucuaud P.O.. t-'oylou. Telephone â- ouuuction. ' Uoc. O'. W Farm For Sale r Godtl farm, iihnut h.ilf mile from tho ( VillnyK cf Flesherton, contuiuios lil) : .icres, -W acres flearfd iind ihe balnnco', hardwoiid binh. t>ii tho p.-nperty is a good friiiiie li'»in vvi'h sh.-il beiieith. I JOHN H li.\ H D. Fleshoi ton. i NEW MUSIC STOR 1 liave opened up a Music Store in the Old .Armstrong Block, where I will carryja coiuplcie stock of Columbia Grafonolas aud Records, Imperial Grafonolas, Gorrard Heintzuiau aud New- combo Ifiauos, and fchcet Music, " ChU aud let us show yju our stock. We feel sure you wUl be pleased. For Service One pure ured Sliortliiuii Ijuli oiilut 3ti, con, !>, .\rtBuiosia. Tonus $1.50 for s. grade Must be p>iid within munth.s date froniof service. l',)..iii. •-R.O.TURNER. 'fc t: J. H. HALES (111.:) .-V:'M ^ ri; jsii Bloi'Ki Flesherton, - Ont. .\11 Business Colleges are not all alike ! SELECT A SCHOOL CAREFULLY Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Invites the patronage of all who desire suherior training Get our Cataloijuo, read our records, thru decide. Enter NOW. W. .J. ELLIOTT, Pbincipal Auction Sale* Wealey Breen wi 1 ho'd an •xUnsiT* aactiou lalti at lot 159-160, Toronto Qraral Road, 1^ miles south of Kleahe r ton, on TuMday, Dr«. JS:b, 191i4. Sae larir* bills and alto large adyartiMment n thia isaue. D, McPhail, aiiotioncer. { Farm For Sale 200 acroa, boinj; lots 1, con. S, and lot I, COD. 9, Osprey. Good biiildinKi on each farm, a good wall on each with windmill on one, water in barn and bouse, a Kood orchard on each furin, wall fenced with wire and rails, in good state of cultivation. For Ceriiis and particulars apply t<i D. W. CLINTON, 31 Brindtle Ave , o 10 Toronto. Magnet Cream Separators i|uaro tjoarsâ€" ne tictioo ; double supported bowlâ€" cannot rock; perfect skiniinerâ€" one piece ; easy to turn â€" a child oau operate; c-xpacit) changeâ€" saves the buyer foO.OO ; patent bralce '•Magnet,' patent ; atrone, rigid consttuctioii â€" inechaniMlly correct ; sanitary strainer â€" germ proof : eaoy to civan â€" a child cleans it in a few minutes. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. Red Star Washes Quickly This madiine washes quickly, for it runs at a high speed. The gentleat push on the handle will send the fly wheel spinning, and the gentlest pres- sure keeps it spinning al this rapid rate until the washing is done. The clothes are swirled through the hot suds â-  at three times the rate they can be washed by hand. In • few minutes die dirtiest garments are snowy clean. The hard work of washing the clothes is abolished. The Red Star Washer is a blesaiog to any hotae-. keeper. Call at the store to see tius waiher or have us send one up. F. W. DUNCAN, Agent, Flesherton ^^ Tonsorial 'V- Parlors We .\im to Give iSutIre tiatisfactioB L.\UNDRYâ€" Basket >se Monday night, delivery Friday ev CLE.\NING aud DYKINGâ€" We ^ agents for Parker's Dyo Worksâ€" Clothe*, oloined and dyed, feathers rejuvenated'1 T FISHER . •PROPRIETOt

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