Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1919, p. 8

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Koveinber 6 1910 THE FLESHERrON ADVANCE Magnet C re a m Separators 8f|u«re nimrsâ€" ne bctioo ; double suptorted kK)wl - c'tnnot rock ; perfect skimmer â€" one piece ; easy to turn â€" a child c»n operate; ctpacit) change â€" saves the buyer too 00 ; p4t<:nt brakf- "M«({nel,' patent ; ilronif, ritfid ci>nsti uctioii â€" nieohani^Hl'y correct ; sanitary slr.inerâ€" Kcrin proof ; easy t.i clson â€" a child cleaiiH it in » few iiiinuteN. G. B. Welton Fleshertoii, Ont. New Bakery For Flesherton Having purcliased the bake fliop in Fleslierton I have fiUcd up the same and am mv pre- pared to cater to the public in lirst class IJread. lUins, J5iscuits and Pastry. My f^reatest effort will bo to please the public, and .voiir custom is respectfully solicited. F. Pinder, Prop Seized Illicit Still All illicit slill seiza'J in the township of Kc|)(i> ', i.o' f.ir fioiii (>*Ten Sound, cost the owiier a tine of $200 and custa. The seizirewas made on 'i'urhday by Mr. U. J. Kearney, of Mmilio*!, a hpecial ottici r af tho IiiIhikI Revenue Dt-pviliui III and VIr. J. J. Jobniton of the Owen Sound i>liico. They viaited the liouae, and afctr a bhort search found I ho woiui hidden in • btdroo.n ; and further tearch discover- ed iht^ still and );Muse neckâ€" the attach- m"!nl connKcting still and worm â€" ui;der a inanner lu Ihest^lilc. The owner, Jes Anderai n, was brought into town iind appeared before Police Maxislr.tte On a'or yesterday. He admitted the whule th ng and atated th«l he had had the aparatud inily a short liiiiu and 1. a I not used it. A tine of $200 and co&ts, amounting i.i all (o $214 50, wui imposed, aid wis piid at one J.â€" Advertiser. An Iii(;ers<>ll despatch fays : Post- luastet Joi-epli (Jibsiiii, Uatario'a vuter.m leiiipeiaiico advocate, whoso voije ha<! been laised for many years on pta - forma throughout Crtiinda, left ihm niorniiin lo Hi^end a week saliii n lishini! in Muskoka. Mi. Uibion has been highly elat.d by the lesults on the iifereiiduiii, and considers he is entitled •<) a holiday after a strenuous caiiipiign. Ill cimi.ection with his trip he said ; "After oliyuai.s of work in clotinKihe bars of Ontario 1 think an o'd man needs a rest." Owler & Kellogg (Old E(?g House) Flesherton Onl. Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of Poultry. Phone or Write CANADA NEEDS MONEY War Expeuditures Still to Be Met From Proceeds ot Vic- tory lioan. The war Is over and won; but Can- ada's main expenditures for war will not be complete until well on Into 1920. The $610,000,000 raised last year has all been spent, $400,000,000 having been largely devoted to sol- diers â€" to maintaining them, bring- ing them home, providing the neces- sary medical services, training thorn. Most of the balance ot the loan was lent to Great Dritain to enal>le her to buy our surplus products. And money Is still necessary â€" for sol- diers, for providing markets, for our surplus products, for the needs of reconstruction. And tliat is why an- other Victory Loan is necessary. Canada still needs money, and needs It badly. A Good Investment. Speculation is one thing. Invest- ment is another. The majority of citizens want an investment, not a speculation. And tliey want a safe investment. Victory Bonds fill that requirement as docs no other invest- ment, liecauso behind every bond there Is the national wealth of Can- ada â€" a wealth so great that It stag- gera the Imagination. Canadian Bank Clearings. That Canada is well able to sup- port the Victory Loan .Is clearly Bhown by the Canadian bank clear- ings for the current year. They in- dicate that the year's total will ex- ceed $15,000,000,000 compared with $13,776,000,000 in 1918. And the year's total clearings should be throe times those of 1909. T' 4- ^' WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN N(!\v Tiilmliii' Slniplc'^ Sc|i;iiatms JOHN HEARD, M PLEP/irWI AOENT FLESHERTON. f^c=s^mm!,^!^m^^^m^s â- Â»â- Â»â- â- â€¢â- â- â€¢â- â™¦â- Â»â- â- Â»â- #â- â- Â»â- â- â- â- >â- â- Â«â- .>.â- Â»â- â- Â«.. tilt. .».â- Â»..».».â- Â» .«..*»*««»•..•. .•.i«»«««..«..«^ â- â™¦Â»Â»*»»i'^'« â- â€¢ â-  " â-  •"»â- â€¢ » • '• > " • • " * FLEET FOOT Wliito, iJIiick iiiul Tun. Koi- iihmi, womumi uiul | children. All sizes. Pi'ices lijiht. Highest prices paid lur iModucc. GRAHAM BROS., Which are you going to have $45 82:50 IF you have $100 in the Savings Bank it will pay you 3 per cent, interest, or in fifteen years, $45.00. IF you take that money out of the Savings Bank and invest it in Victory Bonds, Canada will pay you 5% per cent= interest on it, or in the same time, $8.2.50 1 .4 j sind get moT 1.11 vfe^ Issued l>y Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. 034 FURNITURE All kinds of furniture in our .showrooms. Call and see i 11 ')iir (lining room, parlor and bedroom suites, A large n range of prices to suit your [>ocket book. jJ I \ll :'.'.^'.t «.•••.•••«......•• .•••*••*.•â- â€¢â- â€¢â€¢.•• ••••••.••.••.•••••........•â- â- 'ZS!. i SOLID LEATHER PLOUGH BOOTS EUGENIA, ONT. Phone 30 r U I UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day W. H. BUNT Flesherton, - Ont. Boar ti)r Service BOAR for SERVICE Just the kintl for hard wear and solid comfort for spring and summer wear. TKY THEM. Suit Cases and Trunks Jf in need of a Suit Case or Trunk call and gat want supplied. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO mm ••• ••• Iff llll I . I «-' >» tr' â- 'â- '•'â- 'â- >'»-^»--'" * Till! iincUuxi^ned liitN ii tli.iriiui{li.)rod I'lirehrpd 'I'mnworih IJixr for Hervicc Viirksliirt Umir for spi vtcB on lot 11, co n <>" lot 107, S \V T »iul S K., Arleinrsiit,. i H, Oaproy. TerniH »1..W. | Term!«â€" fl.OO. j KUKU.VPOKFARD. { FeblS -T.J. STISSON.Prop. I • •â- â€¢â€¢*..• •••.•*.M**>*********^ ^ > •*#.*.§* *****?*•*?*.*•**?• *4f *••**• •!• .......•• .*.*«..74..«. «•••.••• Tj-^^^ ••««{«<• ••••.|...i...<*«4..I{S.ri{i Stl «: 5** •••• ••• 5t mmmmmiiitim wmi'^'---

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