Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1919, p. 4

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November*) 1»19 THE FIESHEUTON ADVANCE Fiesherton Advance «DI.U4>9 J I ii< iii<iv<|it|i<:r, t'ubUnliiiil uvury rhiar^kX at th' ulticu Collin^wood Street, { ^l »hcnoa. UulMcri|iiiuii price flperaimuuii arOMa iMkidinadvitnci: ;dl.5Jvirb«n nu u paiH | A I ^et •uiiui ratei uii a|>|ilioatioa CircuUtinn * •")wi'alily . W. H. THURbTON. EDITOU Vocational Training For Returned Soldiers Kx member* of the (' K F. who have « disibilily due to or axgi'tvitt. d l>y nervire which prevcDN thaiii fniiii re- •uin iii{ their pie wsr •>cv;u|itti()n, itre «n'iLled to free tr.'iining with \>^y and aUiiwanci'ii fur a [wnod of sii iiiniillis. The ex nioiiibers il the C E K. win «nlitteu under ili>-ikje <>f e:^Hteiiii,wlio.-iu trsiuing ( n the i)|jiiiion of ihe D.-pari> «T»eni) Wi" interrupted owin',' to their liavinx eiiliHted, w.ll lie g ven h Hiiiiil r course. Ex soldier.s residiii); in this <listiict, who art- i'!ii;il>'i> for iisiii'rK under the above rjlinx .itid whn desire *oc«liuiial trainiujj, thould n-'t in touch with the District. Vocitional Oftijer at Owen S'jund. CrediU Must Be E«Ubli»hed for Sale of Surplus Product*. SnooeM of Victory I/oan 1919 WIU:s liwure Steady Marketa (or Fanner*. It takes some six bushels of wheat to feed the average person in Canada annually. llouBhly, therefore, the eisht million people hero consume about 50,000,000 bushels each year. Hut even In a poor year the crop is some five times that amount, and Uio surplus must bo sold If the farm- ers are to get a return for their time and labor. Uut the sale of the crop must be financed. Great Britain, which provides our greatest market, has not the ready cash; and so Can- ada must find means of raising the money. Hence the Victory Loan 1919. In view of the fact that the pros- \ perity of the Dominion Is dependent i to a considerable extent upon the | Bale of her surplus grain the neces- clty of the money being forthcomlr||; Is patent. I Yotir dollar may be the last straw that sweeps the Victory Loan oyer the top. Would you take the chancy of making it a failure? Lend your money that your pay enTelope may be always filled, as wiU follow the success of the Vlctoix louu . -:.- . I. .' Small Ads. FOR SALE- Fur Sule- 2 yr <>'d pure brM Leicester iimiHftei N.v. 10â€" I). Muir, Coyloii. Yiiuiii{ Pigs for Sileâ€" Sweeks old-- lleii M<'K»-iiyie, Ceylon. Route 1. I'urebred Oxford Down raui for sale -• Jiiho iieicroH, KleHherl'iii. For Saleâ€" Three yuarlinif cilveB and <ie cfiv, nil nj;. A| p'y to W J Mariiii, KleHlnTion. 11^ i I 'I i I i i ilijli (I m m ':^.SP^!^^yS.!S!!S?SR!^J^^^.:SP.SS?^^.!S^j:^;;!^. Fiesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tiuwaie, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get yoiu' supplies. Eaveti'oughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare P>ros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FIESHERTON jSs ONTARIO. If a I 1 I l»j ir<i i m For Sale â€" 1 range â-ºtove ftooi as new ; ulni) 1 good l-arrel churn "F«vorito." â€" Apply to Millie or li Ilio Cauip\)ell, Eu.'enin. noises F.,r S:ile--On In', 7, C' n. 4 ArteniuKiH, liain henvy liorsef, Snares ill fciitl Hii.l foal by Hide â€" I team agi d Hi:d 1 tiaiii )ouii4. .\\n> y lo Neil Cameron, Ceylon, Out. For S*le â€" (in^cory, Flour and Feed, S<*ed and Grain I U'<iness for sale. ReiiFon for Hellin'4â€" po'i>Kin*o the gTragfi b.i.-iiiiess. A;ii)ly iil once to 11. Down it Sjn, U.x 6), Fluiherlon. For Sale choip imd en easy terms. Lot 13, coil. 11, O ^prey, UO.acrcs. This is a first cltiss funn and in a good state of 'cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. J. Sproule Fiesherton For Sale â€" 1 roadster fi'ly risiii;» two, also one s;jnnK tvilt bied from Crowston's Perclieron. Teinis â€" casli or time. â€" Alf. Thi.stleihwiite, Fleslieruin. Clover honey, mote wholesome and n'Jlriticius than fruit. No iiiiddlenian's pr.tiis. I'lite an 1 ijU!iIity right. We lia/e neiiily a ton yd. Plac« your order before it i.s too late. (i^-o. \V. Grahum, EU 'Bllill. RIISCKLLANEOrS Cliopiiini; sit d.iya in the weekâ€" Grnhiiin Bros., Eugen'a I'ly Fovei'sha.ii I'aitry Flmir, the \<i'.st or your CO 'k, .MI OntBrio wlieat SATIS ? THAT Is what ovor IOC u.seis .say about IDOO ( JiMvitv u-:>slier.-! sii[jplif(l hy ($(M.:!^ S. HEMPHILL, rV >'-! ^vA:^V\ Agent For ! i-f^ff-TSgi* 1!)0() ( iiavity w.i.-ihers aiid wriiigfr.s in .-.yi^ , Kk'ctiic iuni ^as^oiine jdwcr â- fe'icaf'l wasiicr: ALSO fur McC'imiirk liii dors. \|(iw.'in, H»y HnkcB, liny I,<)«<leiB, Uri Is, (yubiviitor, I'Iowh, Htnl \\ ^ >^ SIhIIh, HiirrovVH (â- .iKoline Eiiyine^, Itrnnlfird ii i\iul)'e lemid mid nuto i n'O Win Milli, IJra'ly ll<iy Carriers, Hay Fork", S!iiij;», MaiMire Cai r eis, W.iiur H')«1h, W«mr'raoks, I'll lip I'lil I'liii'i; SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS Uiie thini more wool cut with s.iimi |pn.vi'r w!umi IIiiimI ni'li my paliiil. S. HEMPHILL Agnt, - C yon, Ont. Iii^!iLMt pr.co for buttoi and vajr^ »{ Graham Bros. E-iiffenip. June 26 I'liviiLj fun Is to loin on ri'al eotate security at innsoiiab'e rate of inicrost. Apply ic K ,1. .S|iroule, tit iherion sept '2;U7 Hiiiiiing. ri.ipiiti/ or Ircspassinij siricily forliiddon on lot,, 7o t, 7<t, T. A S. Iv. â€" .1:11111 s .S llisn-l. Coat Lis' â€" •Biij'm .'loie ai, navy lilu--, between v.vHisy 1 Olid and Maikdal?, on air day. llituin to J<')iii Cimpbell, Euc Miit, or l!iis 1 tlici'. 1,'xt Vavo tiidlwo liuiili.s, from lot 11, ci.n. 11, Ospey, about Sept. 15. Finder kindly coinmui.icato wiili James Taomjjson, FoversliHiii. BUSINESSCARDS Societies piilNCK AKTnUK liODttE. No. Jtt3,A.K.4 ^ AM, ixieett) iu tlit Masonic ball. Arm H'rotifj'H HlocK Kl«Hliertou, every Friday on or before the full u ( ct-. M . Hunry W. M, 1\ Itlubuly, Hecretary. JJentistry ,,r B. C MDRKAY L. D. K . rtetital HurKo.u '* h iim K>K(limtu uf Torotitu Uiiivoraily uuit >. yal \ OlIcKu [iT Drtiitiil Suri{i?otiM of Oiilariu, iae aduiiBitiiBturod for toutb e\tra(>tit>ii Utuu at ruBldeuue, Torouto titrcut. Flbdl:ertou. Medical Dr W.J noiirv, M; M., crahiattuif Fnt'ultv iif MuIuM.e. roiouto n-'ivi^ifUy. ulllud --Dr. i.UtU'H Uto vdbliliuico, Klesltuiton. , I- OTTKWKLL. ' WttMUiary Htirjjuoii rHdiiHit' of Otitatlc Vu tor mar) CollHijf cpideiicu â€" hoooikI door Hontli wert ou t.ary Atvert. ThlB atrtiot rubi uiitli ttiHbvteriai) (llinroh. Legal SEASONABLE WANTS pullover Swratera Swenter C' a « Suarfa and (/'a]ii Mena mlk Sciifi KurH Kuraii't (.'bull Coals Ktinnoals Mackiiau CViaM Wool I'liderwear Olor. H M ii'n (It'avy liiHiia Uiililifr Bo t s Kelt .S'lpper.. KUiineloite U'»nk \n WiMil UUiikH s 5.im'ort>r» »!on){oUu-n S'liutCtX I,enol«uin Spec al I'riui "i, Su;>r HARDWARE W«ll Paper, P'oi", lloria Rlnukc'H, Safkaliliewan Hi ON LI F. G. KAR8TEDT, Fiesherton I. IC.\H, ?ANKV A liKNUY-llarrlBtei-. rSulU:itniH.4>li<. - 1. U. I.1ICH8. K. (", ; \V. K^ (aiipv. K. »'.: \V. 1). UBiiiy, H. A. (JMlcoii, I'looiitn, HUfi'j niHiliira liHiik llli'K.. vlioiiu iiiiiii Ml'J; Maikitiilu l.iicaH lllunk, IMiotio 2 A. iiaiicli oUlco at Duiiilalk o|)au evury Haturilav. 17 KIOHT. ft TKLFOHD.IIarrlBter, 80II0I. tori*. Ac. OiIlCHf*. (Irov i Hun â-  Hl»>ck, Owi'ii Koiiiiil. KtHttilnrd lliiiik tik "fli-f tioi â-  ton.t.Salunlayn). \V. II. Wriglit, V. I'' I'vlfurd Jr. HuHiNEsa Carps WM. KAITTINO, loanasd AuctloUBcr tot tlia oountlei o( lliey and Hlmou*. 'arm aail titook laloi a Bpsolalty. Tflrnii ncMlerate. •atlsfaotlou gnarautcAd. Arraiig«- iientB for dalei may be made at ttin Advano« ifflce, or Central telerliono uOide ^eTersllam >r br adilruitni) ma at Pavenham. Oat, DMaPHAir. Tileenitd Anotlonra for t)ie â-  Couuty ot (trey, Teruii moderata and •atlt kction guaranteed. Ihe arrancemetiki • n<1 date* of aalea can be made at Thi AnvAnoe afflae. Reaidaaoo and P.O., Ceylun.Taleidiona wDnaetlou. Dec 6, 70 Farm For Sale (.iiKid farm, ab lut half mile frnin the Village of Fle.tlierton, containieif Ul) arras, 40 acrea clearrd and I hi! balafice hardwood Imth. On the property is a (jooil frame barn with xhod henoilh.' JOHN HEARD, FIrsheiton. Boar For Service II, liliii-rol t'heiter White h >i( for orvice >i Rock Milla. Tlio fuller won lirat at CJhictso F:iir. Terma fl.t.O. deo.jlU -I. SMITH I'rop. A little capitzJ IP R. P. BELLAMY MANAGER Feversham ONLY I had a little capital, look where I might have been to-day!" Are you going to be one of the men who say that after you have passed middle age, or are you going to be one of those who "got there" because you had that "little capital" when your chance came? Most big business Concerns and large for- tunes had small beginnings. The men who accomplish things are not the idle rich but the ambitious, industrious men, rich or poor. A little money saved each week and deposited in the Bank of Toronto can be the beginning of your life venture. With the interest it earns it does not take long to accumulate capital sufficient for a start. The more you have for your beginning, the surer is your success. yVe incite your banking account. 13 â„¢eBAN Ko^TORONTO <-^ her ingredients must be pure and good in order that she may have success with the pie, cake or pudding she is making. She knows she can be sure of purity and uni- formly high quality in BOMINIOW CMYSTAL Every sparkling crystal is absolu tely pu re : every process of its manufac- ture is safeguarded with unceasing vigi- lance. Dominion Crystal Sugar adds to the natural deliciousness of pie fill- ings â€" sweetens too tart fruits without destroying their fresh fruit flavor. SUGAR Dominion Crystal Sugar is the only sugar that may rightly be called "Canadian from the ground up." We do import the finest of raw cane tugar and refine it. But our pride is in the prcxluct we make from Canadian sugar beets â€" 'its use is dictated by good judgment as well ta patriotism. DOMINION SUGAR COMPANY, UMITED Refineriaa at WaUacel jrg, Cbatham and Kitchaaar J Farm For Sale (irain and ntuuk farm of 100 Here>>, lot IH, Con 4, Tiiwiibhip of Osprey, three mileH west of Mclnlyre. For furlhe parui ulnr.i apply to JOHN SKKLKY, n 20 U K. No. I Maxwell. For Service i Olio |>iMo Dred Shortlmrn Hull onl.ti >!U, 0011. 1), Aitenieaia. Terms $1.50 tor H. (trade Muxt be paid within inoutha date froinnf acrvice. I 19.an. -H. O.TUKNKll. ! Farm For Sale 200 acioa, bfiintt lots 1, 0( n. X, asd | lot I, oon. i), Oaprey. Oimd bmldinKi ' on each farm, a good w«ll on each with windm'll on one, water in iMrn and house, a i( irul uiohard on each ftnn, I wall fenced wi h wire and rails, in guud sta'e of cultivation. For terms and { Dirlicular* a<<uy lo I b. W.CLINTOX, 1 ;U Eni d«le Ave , olO Toronto. I Came Attray Canin to my iirrmiimt, lot .'il, con. 41 Oiipiry. alioiii Ojt lit oiiM tain Ownerj kindly call, pay expenstta and lake ihe, animal awiy. 1 -ALBERT DLACKBIRN Another Hired Man for Your Farm Make a hired man of a Toronto Farm Engine. Use its wonderful power to make your farm a bigger, faster prolit-maker. Toronto I-'arm RnKincs ^ivo you cheap power. Run all kinds of ma- chinery around the farm. l*ump water, run washing machine, cream separator, churn, corn shelter, ensilage cutter, grain elevator, concrete mixer, wood saw. Toronto rarniKiigines cut farm castsâ€" lessen work â€" -save time. Sturdily constructed oil simple, scicntitic lines. Economical of fuel. Give ample power. Require little attention. Uuu on gasohue or kerosene. Write us for booklet about farm engines. At the same time find out about Toronto Grain Grinders and Toronto Saws. Both are farm servants who work for you at low cost and high efficiency. Both save time and cut out waste. Our booklets on engines, saws and grinders are full ot valuable farm iuformation. Write for them. They are free. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Umittd Atlantic Atc., Toronto MealrMl WiBi>i»e| KcfliM Calfwy Q5SS? '"'iifiiiHi F. E. SOMERS mmi^^ Feversham, Ont.

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