Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1919, p. 8

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-V f October 16 1910 THE FLESHEltrON ADVANCE EveiyoncWho Boi^tf GBiita€(aWicfo]*yfioncb Made Money I o • • • • E VERY one of the million and a half subscribers to Canada's Victory Bonds knows that he can sell them today for more than he paid for them. Every one who bought Canada's Victory Bonds has received sV'j P^^ cent, interest per annum â€" paid twice a year. Over half a million Canadians who bought Canada's Victory Bonds on the instalment plan saved money that they would not otherv/ise have saved. The guarantee back of Canada's Victory Bonds is the same as the guarantee back of a One Dollar or a Tv/o Dollar bill. There is this difiereiice, however, that you get interest on the Victory Bonds and you don't on the One or Two Dollar bill. Canada's Victory Bonds will always be accepted as security for a loan. Banks are ready to loan money on Canada's Victory Bonds. Canada's Victory Bonds may be turned into cash at any tin-ie. There is no other vyay in which you can invest your money with such absolute security â€" paying such a good rate of interest. Canada will soon give her citizens an opportunity to buy Victory Bonds igig. It will probably be the last chance to buy Canada's Victory Bonds on such favoiable terms. Prepare to buy cs may VicCoiy Donas this timt as you notv wish you had bee?i able to buy the last time J ' 1 1 r â-  I ^ «, "tlvery DoUas- Span fin Canada!' Issued by Canada's \'ktnry Loan Coinmittfe, iaco-opcralioii willi tlieMiiiistcr nf Kiiianct of the Dominion of Canada, .1 M. CEYLON Ml. )l irrixDii III) I MiiH lOilibl Huiini/t.l of 8liulliiii lit! iriiil,itio<l ii|j HU'l upttnt tlio Iht of lh» wueU Willi Muh K. NVhittukiT. The W. I. IkjM n hi.ci*! uvoiiiii;^ »t Mr. (icurvro .SncH'H nn Kiidny uvi:iiiii« wliicli n.ts a di'cidi'ct Hiicct'iH ilo|>il« tlie fact tliul (ho lii({lit waK It ino^t. diaiiifiru slilu oiii'. Tliei'u WHi n (Iihw lot n riiij^, Mr. Fi«il Wright .,f Mmkdiilii h..l<liii>; tliH lucky ticket N<i. 24. Mrs. (iilU'it nnd little Hon cf VVi;ittni) vinitcd l.or (ii«ter, Mis. Albort Hazard, liMt wai'k. Mihs .\1yrll« Ihiiiphill of Toronto i* vitilinij licr p4ri-nln. MrH. \V.(j. I'icUnIl, who li«« bucn vimtinn MinN Milliu Cook, left Tliursdny for I'ortH(<o I,H I'rnirio. MliM llitlen (jihson nnd friund of Toronto woro Tluiiknuivinf: viiitorH kI Mr. J. (iilj'Hiii'n, MiHH Willow l'(\lt<>r«on, who i» uttcnd- in){ Norniitl itt HuHiilti/n, >i;vnt » few diiys with h(!r pitrt'iiLH, Mr. iw.d Mm. 11. I'lillcrnon. Hn, Will. Whilo And two cliildren are Viiitiug with Toronto friundn. School Reports .\it«iiien'ft, for K Wat tern, G lU'port of S. S, .No, Sc|)teiiil)i!r. Sr. 4 - I'' .1 Vmisr I iMvor. Jr. 4â€" A Hii;cks T Currio, C HiickH. Sr. :5-.I Mondi, M Mr.cDoMHld. Jt. .'J- I 'i'liiiiur, A Muir, M Walturh, n r«r«h>w. i CI^Hs 'J S Miiir, S (Mirer. t;iiiiB I y\ Tiirm-i, S \'«ini', 1> Tayha, M ( iHiiiindui-. I I'liinur K'-H lliuckx, 1) Purnlnw, I I'niii.T AM MicDoimld, K U I O'ijlriiiidur. 1 â€" Aiiiiio Knox, Triiolior. Eighth Line, Artemesia (f.nit Weuk'N IteiDR) lliirnâ€" To Mr, niiJ Mih. K. J«aiieioP| OD Urpt. 2!l, A son. MiHAcR Miiliet Mxl Alliu LswUr nre TinitinK friondH in Toronto. MiH May I'ltrimiH Lad s (uoooHxful OperHiion for nppi'iidicitln UhI woek. Ui'N Moll tt In nurwinK licr. Mr«. WiInoo of KuK«ni« I* viRitinu her ditiii(hter, Mra. K. JitiiiiuHon. Mm. .)ohn Ottnwell nnd Iwo uhildrett â-¼ iMilud lH«t week with her HiHtor, Mix. fi*m IMiillips. Mr, »n<l Mm. •!. ThonipBon »l Flonber* ton viiiti'd with their duuKhtor, MrH, KdgKr Il<'ll8. Miu N. Mnyntrd Hpont a few diyw at Prod Spud'ord'H. Mr. and Mrn. Wch. Cllntun <f Toronto viiilvd there many friends here the pititt irotk. Uoporl iif S S. No. »l, »»ipny, for' .SupieiiiliiM. 'I'liosii iimrkid willi hh * ^ Wuio prfHL'iil ovi'iy day. j Sr 4-1 Iz.11.1, W McMiilliii. I iJr 4â€" K llipw;iiil, M fRwciiti, K I I'ooli., It Shoit, V McK..i V. a, D Uuberle. \ ISr o- ,\ 'riioinHiiii. I j Jr;tâ€" Kiiitiiiiv, (' .Shorlt, *|, Izii ,1. ' 1 (!I»iih2 (K Miill.ii, 1' SiiidiTson), Ij' lS.,widl, ! <.'iaaii 1 -».I MoMiilliii. M \UM^ ! I'liiiinrt; \ Shoit, A Short, M Dmid I II l'(.oIu. A h'liwivU, I llinillo. I'riiiior 1! .1 .MuM.i 'ii. Ij .McKeiiy.it I, Thoinion, U Mind W Iz.id. â€" lloloii MayuArd, Tonohor,' New Bakery For Flesherton Ilitviiif:; purohased tbs "bnko shop ill l'lc;<licrloii I liavo fitted lip llift 8111110 ami «in iiw pro- liiircd to cuter to tlio publio in llrHt ciasH Hieutl, IUiiib, biscuits iiiul Piistry. My j;roatesi, effort will bo to pIi!ftHo liin pnlilio, lilid youf custom is respcotfnUv solicited. F. Pinder, Prop =a.r: Oarelully Concoled Ench Wco j l»mter 45 I.) I) 47 Kk(ih ti nf) to (I .")^ VVh.al a IXIIoi; II , I'onn 1 4t) til 1 r.l) ' OatM IMIto !l(t lUrliiy . 7H to HO Chicken Market I 9 OwltTi^ Kidlo>{ iini paying the fojhiw- iiig priciia ihiH wuuk : •Spring I'liickeoH. . . . .• aoo I H«'iiB iscj Itoimlura I5(j I Ducka . . , iHj I «i'i»e >.J4c >^ Owler & Kellogg (Old Eyg House) Flesherton Ont Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of \ Poultry. Phone or Write Boar tor Service Tho niiiUrsisiiid tins ii lliorounlDred Yorkshii't n.ar for fw-rvit-e ^^n lot U,Co ii H, O»ptoy. 'r»riiiii tl.ul). KUKU yPOKPARD. IntoleranceorCompromise? A Challenge to Common Sense! ^ON'T let anyone tell you that the issue on October 20th is "The Beer or the Boy" â€" "Is Alcohol a Poison or not" â€" "Economy or Extravagance"^;;^ any such an abstraction. The plain situation is â€" three sections of the people of this Province are absolutely dissatisfied with the Ontario Temperance Act and v^ant new legislation that will permit the sale of light beer and wine generally, and the sale of pure, spirit- uous liquors only through Government agencies. These three sections of the population areâ€" ninety per cent, of organized la- bor, by actual vote; a large number of returned sol- dier organizations, by actual vote; thousands of the rank and file of the electorate who have joined the Citizen's Lib- erty League. The plain issue then.is â€" Are you going to vote for the safe, sane, fair com- promise that these mea and women want; or, are you going to insist on the retention of the unsatis- factory Ontario Temper- ance Act â€" insist on the retention of legislation that is breeding and vvil! continue to breed dissatis- faction and discontent among our workers, re- turned men and a large section of the citizens generally? Which are YOU for ^COMPROMISE and HARMONY, or INTOLERANCE and Widespread Resentment? Study the Ballot and analyze the situation conscien- tiously. This is one of the most vital concerns you have just now â€" a settlement of Ontario's vexed temperance problem that will be in the best interests of all the people. Vote "Yes" to all Four Questions Mark your ballot with an X. Any other marking will spoil it. Remember also â€" Every voter must vote on every question or his ballot will be spoUed. •"1 I CITIZENS' LIBERTY LEAGUE MBMBERSHll' FEB; ONE DOLLAR Plfos,- fBroll *vp •! a ti»mb«r of the Leacue, for which I ' enclose tiiy aubM;rlpUoo. 4 Jfame I A^^rns ...-^:::-'' i CkcMpation , wm^^^Si â- pp enable t)ie t»IU« to curry on Its i[oo»l work aod achicTe I lt«pr*ient purpose, nitive raettbrrshin qnd fanda are reuu(re<l. I 8hJw y.ur tru« »rlril ! fill in the coupau aod become a mem- i btr of the Citltena' Uberty league at once T. L. CAKRUTHBRS, Secretary | 22 College St., Torooto CITIZEJJS' LIBERTY LEAGUE PROVINCIAL HBADOL'ARTERS 22 College St., Toronto T. L. CARRI THERS, Secrcttry Hon. President: SIR EDMUND B. OSl.BR Prciident: LT.-COL. H. A. C. MACHIN, M.P.P. Vioe-Pre»ident: I. F. HBLLMUTH, K.C. Hon. Treaiurer: F. GOHDUN OSLER i NEW ^ MUSIC STOR I liuvc opined up it Music Sloio in tlio Old Aiinstrong Block, wlu'to 1 will can-y » eoinplito stock of Columbia Chalonolat and l?f lords, Imiiorinl iftl'onoltti', Uvii^l lltiiilzuiau and NfW- ceiubo Finno.'!, mA blicot Music. ('-ill and let lu show vju our »\KxV. Wo feel sure yon \t#I bo pK nsi'd . J. H. HALES t Flesherton, - Ont. . W. A.HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and player:pianos, phono- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC Cull iuul see those high grade instruments mm AT wtm: Hawkcu a Tlioto Qallory and Music Wo: FLESH ERTON \ -â- ^ftmummnmimr^*^' â- .-t!i»yi.v.:.-ji;^i>niWw<gw,aiiM<BHi<« irw>rtiaiirioTi'wMtiiiilft"iwniiii»»i.B •^m»

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