Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1919, p. 5

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September 4 191& THE F L E S II E K T O N A D V A NC SUCCESS and Inde- pendence. â€" Do not depend on what you earn but on what you save. The Standard Bank of Can- ada can very materially assist you to win success and secure independence. «»* THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL . - Manaoer C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshertun Station as ollowa ; Going Scuth Ooing North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Juhii Bunt of Toronto is visiting lis brother, W. H. Great attractions at Owen Sound fair thie year. All should attend. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Breen were on a business trip to iho city last week. Mrs. E. Paul ia visiting her daughter, Mrs. R Bentham. Mr. Wes. Breen ia offeriog his farm on the Toronto Lino for sale. Mrs. G. E Henry will be at home tc her friends after Sept. '.) Mr. John Gerow of Brougham was the guest of his niece, Mrs. G. B. Welton during the past week. Mrs. Jordison of Regina was the gue.-t of Mrs. VVui. VVilcock during tho past â- week. Mrs. VV. Miller is visiting her parents at Uoneywood, and Mr. Miller is also taking a holiday this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt and Miss £11 k motored to Grimsby and attended the wedding of their son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and family of Owen Sound spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCorniick of â- Gore Bay visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W J. Bellamy. Mr. EhnerE. Watson has opsticd up A garago at PriceviUe apd has secured the agency for the Maxwell car. tie is also dealer in the Chalmers Six car. Messrs. Owler & Kellog have purchased the old egg packing houae from the Scully estate and will uae it for the •handling of fowl. Kaistedtâ€" Fleming â€" At Grimsby, •Out., on Saturday, Aug. 30, by the Rev. Mr. Currie, Fred G. Kaistedt, of Flesh- ertop, to Miss Jean, daughter of Mr. R, 'T Fleming, Grimsby. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson and three children motored tn their home in St. Catharines on Saturday. Mr. Wilson's .fitter, Mrs. C. Bellamy, and little sun, -Accompanied them. Osprey and Flesharion prize lists are 410 « ia the hands of the secretaricf, J. A. Kernahnn for Osprey and A. Haw ken for Fleshe rton. Get a copy and prepare a good list of entries fur each ')( these shows. Mr. T. A, Strain of Porcupine visited .old friends here For a few daj.s last week. Mr. Strain was a resident of Fleshertun .33 years Hgo, and it is ti<(htcen years since he last visited us. He built sev- eral of the busineis blocks in town and likes to come around every twenty years or so to see how his work is standing. The joke is on a I leshettou business jnan. He went to the county town on business and left word with the hotel -clerk to be called in time for the early tTtiin. Now there in a befoie dnylight train on the Grand Trunk and he was called in time for this and taken to the -Grand Trunk station, where he boirdel the train and did not di.4Cover his errur -un.il he was out mound Hepworth son e- w!:ere. Getting off, he hired a eonvoy- ance to briug him to Owen Sound and another from there hum >. It is stid the early bird cttches the worm, but this bird of a traveller got something much nioie iiiore indigestible, and his break- <ast otHne late that day. Marriedâ€" On Tuesday, September 2iid, 10U», at Anburo, New Jemey, by Rev. C. U. Ro.7..'ll. Ph. D., Ida M. O.sborne, un y daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Osborne, of Maxwell, to Dr. A. E. RoBzell, of Caledonia. Mr. Malcolm McDonald moved las' week to his newly purchased property, the Richardson homestead. Mr. C. Moore Ins tented Mr. McDonald a rmi- dt-uoe, having sold his farm in the Orange Valley. The 13th nnnual District convention of the Women's Inatilute will be h'ild in the Presbyterian church, Flesherton, on Friday, Sept. 12, sessions at 2.30 and 8 p 111. Miss M. Guildhouse, the gov- ernment speaker, will give two addresses. Mrs. Oscar England of Oiillih visited friends here last week. She was accom- panied home by her two nieces â€" Miss Adda Wright for a week aud Miss Ida Breen to attend business 5ollege at Orillia. Owen Sound fall fair will be a hummer this year with an auto vs. aeroplane race, good speeding event's, Lablanche's Phys- ical culture exhibition, a baby show and many special features. Two aeroplane's will give an exhibition of stunt flying, T.iu Hates are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. !), 10 and 11. Flying on two last days. R. Patterson, Sei. Mr. Herb. Genoe of Vancouver, B.C., wai a pleasant caller one day last week. He went out about seventeen years ngu. Herb, is the eldest son of the 'ate Robert Genoe. He was so unfortunate as to lose his wife and babe some time ago. Mr. (ienoa is a builder and contractor in Vancouver. What Canadians Did Sir Arthur Currie, commander of the Canadian Corps, has been telling Cana- dian audiences a few thines which they are glad to hear in regard to Canada's part in forcing the issue during the last 100 d \ys of the war. General Currie says that on August 1st, 1918. the War Council had decided thnt Ihey would fight only one more battle, which was intended t) free the Paris-Amiens rail- way and i^ain the Amiens defence line, and when this had been done the Allie4 forces wculd consolidate their position.', and wait until spring for the American army to get there in strength. Then the war would bu pusher to a successful conslusion. But the attack on the Atuiens line was so successful that it was decided to follow it up at one, and the result was the utter defeat of the German army Previous to the great hammer blows of General Foch, tua 0:inadian army had held a 35 mile front, ;ir one fifth af the entire British front--, and during the last ihree months of the war the Canadian artillery fireu li5 per cent, of all the ammunition fired by (ha entire British army. General Currie says, " our citizDU army fnught ttgaii.8t the greatest military machine the world rver produced, yet in four years they never lost a gun ; in the last two years they never failed to take their objective, and there wore some of the divisions which never allowed a hostilo foot to outer their trenches." In the great Amiens drive the Canadians formed the spear head, and the first duy they pene- trated the German line to a depth *of eight miles, the greatest penetration made by any army duiing the war. During the iasD hundred days of the war Canadians faced 47 different OHrman diyisions, or more than one quarter of the enemy forcei on the western front. Evidently Canada has reason to be proud of her soldier sons, and the story of their heroic and succef-sful struggle cai.not fail to thrill Canadian hearts for a thou- sanu years to come. â€" Guardian ENTER ANY DAY at the OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO The recognized school for Soldier's Civi' Re- Establishmen t. Individual instruction. Thorough preparation. Catalogue free. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A-, Principal. O. D. FLEMING, Secretary. (Mention this paper when writing) Flesixeption #- Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire SSutisfactio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket ).sb Monday night, delivery Friday even. CLEANING and DYEING- agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" C'-.i~l cleaned and dyed, feathers reiuvtit.ti. T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR FARM FOR SALE ."iO acres on lot 127, 2iid coiiccf-sioD north east of Toronto and Sydenham Roid, Artemesia. Apply to W. CARGO, Fle»he«ton. The Temperance Referendum Act 1919 ONTARIO ELECTION ACT 11)18 Electoral District of South Grey To Wit : TAKE NOTICE that the iista of Voters tor the puiliug subdivisions ol the municipality of t)sproy have been prepared by Uw enumi'ratorH and have been delivered to the Clerk of this Board by the Returning othcor, and that Sherifl' J. S, WiIbud has been appointed Revis- ing Otticcr for the purpose of bearing cuinplaints aud appeals as tu the taid lists. AND FUkTHER TAKE NOTICE that the SITTINGS of the said Revising Otticer will be held in tho Township Hall in the Village of Alaxwell on the lilih day of September, 1919, commencing at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to complain that tho names of any persona entitled to be entered on the eaid Li'iia have been omitted from tho same, or th»t the names of persons who aio nut entitlod to be voters have been entered on the List.", may, on or before the 13ih day of September, 1910, iipply, complain or appeal to have his own or the names of any persons corroded in, entered on, or removed from the lislj prepared under the Ontario Eltctiuii Act, 1919. AND FURTHER TAKE isOTICE that Fuch aupeals must be in writing, in the prescribed form IN DUPLICATE, signed by the complainant, and given or left by or for him at the residence or place of buainess of tho Clerk of the Revising Officer ON OR BEFORE THE 13th DAY OB' SEPTEMBER, 1919. The said Clerk is Thomas N. Scott, Et(j., Siiighann-tou P.O. F-orin of complaint or appeal may be had on application to the said Clerk, and the Voters' Lists may be inspected at bis otiice, at the otlicu of the Clerk of the Board, namely W. A. G.ier, Court House, Owen Sound, or at the oltice of tho Enumerators for their respective subdivisions. C. T. SUTHERLAND, Chairman Voters' Registration Board, County Grey. Farm For Sale Possession this fall, 100 acres, on tho Toronto (iravel, good county road, soil good clay loam, 8 acres bush, 10 roumid brick veneered house, soft Winter JOBide, good well, never failing sprincri, creek ?|o89 to out building and house, large bank baril 50x05, 20 ft. posts, well lighted, good stabling, drive house, piggery, hen hou.se. ^ mile from S. S. No. 3 public school and 1| miles from Fleshetton. Apply to WES. BREEN, Flesherton. For Quick Sale Hou^e with seven rooms â€" h;iid water, well under cover ; good collar, large lot with seven fruit trees. Also cow aud fowl, washing machine, tailor's sewing machine, coal beator and cook stove and suiii-3 hoasehold furniture. .Apply to â€" MRS. T. liLAKELY, Flesherton. Road Closing Notice Notice is hereby !>iven by the Munici- pal Council of thrt townshit) of Arlemesia that tho said C mncil will, after four weeks from the first insertion being in the Flesheiton Advance newspaper (the date of huch inier'ion is iho 28th day of August) proceed to pass a bylaw for closing and discosing of the original ailowanco for a lane situati>, lying and being between Lot 23 on tho north sine of Canrobort street, and Lot 23 on the south side of Simpaon atreet in the town plot of Eugenia. All parlies interested are hereby to take notice. Dated this 27ih day of Augu»t. 1919, VV. J. BELLAMY. Township Clerk. Bull For Service Tborougbbred Shorthorn Bull on ot 5, con. 12, Osprey. Ter ms 82 â€" DAVID'ROBERTS. Spring Needs -- Everybody knows Sherwiu Williams Paiuis and Varnishes â€" a liuish for every purposeâ€" j inside and oiitbide. Flootlao and Mariiot for Hours, Paitit your own car witli S. W. P. auto enamel. A Rood assoitment of Paint Brushes. Screeu Doors, Uoeii, Rakes and Shovels. New Perfection Long Chimney Oil Stove. Red Star Waaliiiig Machines, Daisy Chui-ns and all kinds of pails. Frost Woven and Coit Spring Wire Fence. Also the now Sharpies Suction Feed Cream Separator. Any member ot the family can turn aud skim clean at any speed. F.W.DUNCAN Phone 24rll lesherton WEN'5 WEAR SPECIALS Men's Soft Felt Hats New fall shapes, different shades of brown, grey and green, also black. Prices from $8 50 to $4.75. Men's Cloth Caps Correct stvie, dependable wove cloths, beautifully liuisbed. A swell as.=ortmcnt. Prices from $1.00 to 82.75. Men's Tweed Raincoats Slip on, belted and waist line models, all sizes, good wool tweeds, aud dtpendable proofing. Prices S10.50 to .$25.00. Lang Shirts 1 I oft cuffs, new designs and fast colors. Prices $1'25 to $8.75. Arrow Collars Laundered and soft, sizes 14 to 17. All the popular styles. King Neckwear New fall designs, good heavy silks. Prices 50c. to $1.50. Our new fall selections of rcady-tc-wear clothing for men and boys will be ousale September 1. Bargains Women's and misses' cloth top shoes, lace and button, on sale. Women's sizes $2.98 misses' sines $2.38. Wool Pullover Sweaters Ladies' fancy rib sweateis, tine all wool yarn, long sleeves, ribbed cuffs, shaped waist, good colof combinations, pink, old rose, sky, purple, green, saxe bltie, fttc. Two styles 84.50 and $4.95. F. H. W. HICKLING h \ \ ^< FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I < ' 'j , ^j^^^ , ^j}p^^^ ^ ^^:^^^^^ ^'}St^^^ ^^^;^^^^^ < ^J2^^ :i^^^^j \^f}^ ^ Use only three level tea- spoonfuls for five cups 2^. XEA*?s good tea Sold only in sealed packages 'â- ?â- â€" â- â€¢'Hiz: las New Bakery For Flesherton Having purchased the bake .«hop in Flesherton I have fitted up the same aud am n w pre- pared to cater to the public in first class Bread, Buns, Biscuits and Pastrv. My greatest effort will be to please i!;e public, and your custom ia respectfully solicited. F. Finder, Prop FURNITURE li'r"r,,^«!?*'- All kinds of furniture in our sliowrooni.s. Call and see our dininj^ room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of prices tc suit your pocket book. â€" ..»â- Â»..».â- Â«â-  I »â-  I >â- â- # » »â- â- >â- >.. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Phone 30 r 1 1 W. H. BUNT Flesherton, - Oivt- 111, ) ^^*l*o money in your spare time I I during the coming Fall and Wintei 'months by selling baidy Canadian 1| I nursery .itock. 1 ^ I British and European markets will be open again for Canadian Fruit ant] now is the time to order for spring planting. I Largest list of Fruit and Orna |mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc.^ I grown ill Canada. ^ff^-m 'r=F^r=Jr=ir=h rmS. Write for particulars . SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity w.ishers supplied by S. HEMPHILL. Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers lilectiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCorniiok Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakea, H»y LosiliTs, Drills, CullivitUir, Flows, Stt'el Walls. Hallows, GaHoliiie Engines, Urnntfurd (1< tiblo i^eanxl und »ulo oiled ulrmotor Wind Mills, Bea'ty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Cairiers, W.iler Bowls, Water Tanks, Pump and Pipiiitj. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut witli swme jwwor wheo tftted wiili my patiiit. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Stone & Wellington The Ponthill Nurseries. I fKatablished 1837.) TORONTO - ONTARIO BOAR for SERVICE Purebrod Tamworih Bo'ir for aeryieo on lot lti7. S VV T and S E., Artemeeia.. Termsâ€" f 1.00. Fol)15!» -T.J. STlNSON,Prop. ^ NEW MUSIC STORE 1 have opened up a â- ^luaic Store in the Old AriuBtroug 13lock, wiiere I will carry a complcie stock of Columbia Grafonolas and Records, Iiuperinl rafonolus, Gerrard Hdinkzuiau aiiH New- oombo Pianos, aud bhset .Music. C-ill and lot in show yjit our stock. We fool sure you will be ' # plpased . \ J. hTIhaLes I # (Ol,l) Al>MSTl»ON<t Bt.ock) \f Flesherton, - Ont \ (• (' (I :i (I li I' ;: j

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