Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1919, p. 8

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May '22 1019 T II K F L E S II E R r N A D V AN C E â- S«5" I Auto Supplies | iVIiiko this'garage headmiiirtors tor all yoiif antomoliiL' supplies. Wo carry only trade uiarketl goods o! liigbest (piality. K<|uip your iiKiior with Chauipion spark plugs to gi't best }jos.siI)!e pcrroniiaiice. Ciiauipioiis an; the best inoney can Imy. We keep on hand a fidl line of (loodyear and iJominion Anto Tires and Tubes Vou make no uustake when selecting either of these celebrated tiles, as they arc s concl to none on the niai'ket today McTAVISH'S GARAGE FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I BIBLES! ^ BIBLES ! New stock of bibles and Testatemcnts just received, lu tills lot is sometbiuf,' very fine for gift books ;;raiiging as iiigh 13 S3. 25. There are also j'J"'aiuily 15iblcs;in\ large type for old people.*] Come and see lliem at ,ilie Kcpoeitory for the Upper Canada I'ible Society. -.»• •..«..•..••••.•â- .• •••â- #â- .•• We do all sizes of Auction Sale Bills on the shortest notice. Prices right. I "The Advance'' I Flesherton ' . â-  â€"^^~ ^- W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade in.stnnueuts .^M AT W^" Hawkeu'a Photo Gallery and Music Ktc <• FLESHERTON ' The Road to To-Morrow " Tells you wh.»l » vmuiso in li.e | OWEN SOINI), ONTAUTO Will do for uny yoiin(/ nnii nr voiDHti. Wiitu for it. IndiyidunI Jiintrnctinn. Kiittr nny datcj. a|)eci»l Ktleniion to relurueJ HoldierH. C. A FLKMINO, V. O. A., Principal. G. I). KI.KVllNtl, Heoratary. (Mention ihi. paper when writing) Fleslrierton #^ Tonsorlal "^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire KnttHfaclio LAUNDKY â€" BiHkot cl.mos Moiidi.y night, delivery Fridny uvi'iii-i CLKANING and UYKIN(J- • agentH for Parknr'H Dyu WorkB- C". ('. • cla mod and dyed. fi'atlicr.'< rojuviii.c. T FISHKR â- PROPRII.TOR For Service <)ii>. (iiiKi iiri'd Slmrtli'irri Hull cm In 'M, villi, it, .\il(iiiirhin. 'liiiiiiN t\ 50 For ac liMtd Farm For Sale lnlhelowiiHliip'.f»>-|in'y.M«liiimlrei!»' "f''''" ^''>"' '•«' I""d *ill.in '.tMionlb. rdwd.il l.u.li ; twoat.itry »..li.l brick ' "^Jj^ -H. O TURNhR. cotttgo, I'edUr roofiriB, i:eli»r full sizo,, furimc.-, kilol.eii an.l wmid^l^'d, m.li.i; BOAR fOf SERVICE brick, li«rd and sufi »«••"â-  I"hi«1i- ' large outliiiildini?* wiili wal^r mpplv Piirelirod TiMHwurlli Ho'ir (or adrtice t ntide For furlh<T pitni.iibnii mi nW |o on lut ll'iT. .S W T ami S K , Arluintk »,. JOHNOftUMMMT Term* Sl.r.O. Proton Station U.K. 8 /i:<;FoM6'.) -T.J. HTINSON.Pr p. O U Carry Me Back If . "to Old Virginny" or "to Tennessee.", Coluinbia Records will carry you where- ever you want to go in coon songs and in all other music, too. They will carry you to the opera, to a musical comedy, or to a vaudeville show. They will carry you to a symphony orchestra, to a vocal con- cert, or out on the street to hear a band. Columbia Grafonolas and Records are the combination that puts all music at your cominand. Columbia Records give you all that is best and latest in music. We have a complete stock of Grafonolas and all the latest Rec- ords. Come in and let us help you bring your music up-to-date. W. A. Armstrong J Agent, Flesherton ' • • • • • • •••• • ••••< ••••••••••••••a • ••••••••â- â€¢{••••••••••a •••••«*«iS*aS«Il*««««**««t* '*** •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢Â« •••• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢1 •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •a«« •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• SOLID LEATHER PLOUGH BOOTS Just the kind for hard wear and .solid comfort for spring and summer wear. ThV THEM. Suit Cases and Trunks If in need of a Suit Case or Trunk call and gdt want supplied. i:3 •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• THOS. CLAYTON •••• •••• •••• FLESHERTON, CHVTAftK) iji; • •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ^«i^^rC««««*««««*««««««t*40**«***%M9* You Can Sfari With 25 Cents and be An Investor Pasture For Hogs j^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Ili^li ')iici!< fill fiiin producu do not alwiiy.s mean liiriie profits. Cost of pro- duction iil»y.s « vary iiipurt;uu part in deterininiiiK Ihu net profit a fiirine.s nukes on wliiit he litis to sill. This Is a matter thill slioud r.'Ctivo more attentiun th«.n is being given to it. Manufrtcturers o' articlis th.it the tanner hua t» buy study the ijiiesl 111 of c carefully. The farnici- is ii iiiinui'actiiier of the iliings the oilier tellow hn to buy. and while lie does little in the way of Netlini! tlitt piict'8 for his pioilucli, he cou'.il mid Hliould do more toward leiseii- iiii; piodiictiou ens'. Friday evening as Mr. Herb. Stewart VAX driving home to Uurks Kails aloiin the North Ki.ad ho noticed two big uuius* following him. Near Parker's faim one of the aniinils struck off in uiic direction and the other jiimped the fi'iicu anil run acroga a (icld at tremen- dous speed. Suddenly it ran into plowed j of production very „^.^^^^^ ^^j ^^^,^^^^ ,^ comp ete somer- aiult with suc'i violence thit its neck was broken, killiiiK it alino^it iustantly. For:uiiatoly ^etller» were ipiick^y on the .sc 'nc and the hi,' nioo.so Wis properly hied and will make palataMe food, even though out of season. This extraordi- Take, Its iin example, the pioducUi.ii of ^^^,y incident was actu illy witnessed in pork. Jv.-ononilcal pr.duc.ioii .il pork ycTfou by Mr. fcjtcwnrt and oicurred depend' largely upon the consumption of oily about two and a hiiU miles outside cheaply urowrii fi'ed. In the summer time ii,y „„,,.hi.rly liiuit.s of Burhs FaJtâ€" ho!,'s should he put oil pisliue. The lUirks Falls ..\rrow. pisuuM should lie HO tiiiinayed that the foriiye produced ivill be clean, tender and pilitabl-j. Theidei ihat anything;, no iiiattei how dirty, is gnixl enouiih fur ho{; fci'd is erroneous. While the lio^ will (lilt (loiiie ilirty food, he will eal more and thrive butter if ho is iriven cleHii food < and clean water. Such crops as alfalfa, I c'over, r.'ipe or peas «nd oats make Kood i hoi; pasture. Thu paature aliould not bo ouMnrizod. It. ishest ti divide the pabluio lot into two or three n|ual kfc-asj and allow thj hot's to rumain in eae!i H wjok or ton diys. This will alloA- the li.st pastured are»s to recuperate before the lio^H aiu tiiiiiel into it a^ain. I Sonn (jraiii slco should bo fed whoi» ' hoKt are on ptnture. C>piniona differ i rep.ardiniL; the i|uanlity Iknt should ba ; fed, A medium rutiun would be from two to ihroo per cent of the livfl wuishl . oftliohoK. No liu'd rule can ho laid' down io;<»raihn this- Thu pislure; should be tender and clean, and enough â-  ^rmii shouia be fed to keep the hotjs shapely and in thrifty, niowin>! coiidiiion >t all timiH. In May W-S.S. Cost $4.04 In June w-ss. Cost $ijOi unit fffr Saving, Sti And you can invest it in securities u safe and profitable as any held by cap. italists. Twenty-five cents saved each week can be made to earn 4^/2% interest by a very simple plan. Thrift Stamps co-rt twenty-five cents each. Sixteen of these when exchang- ed for a War Savings Stamp become a 4V2';; interest-bearing security for which the Government will pay you $5.00 in 1924. In other words, if you lend the Govern- ment the $4.00 odd yoa have saved by this easy means, the Government wll pay it back to you WITH AN ADDI- TIONAL DOLLAR five years from now. And you become an investor in the saf- est of all securities â€" a Govenvnent Bond. Canada nee<ls the small savings of her people to finance the work of recon- struction. Make Tour Savings Serre Yoa and Serve Your Country â€" Invest Them in War Savingt Staaipf , Advance Ads Bring I Does Your Label Results. Say 1920 ! Tested for More Than 11 Years The "Phonola" is far beyond the experi- mental stage. It has been on the Canadian market for more than eleven yearsâ€" each year growing more popular. In fact, this company is the pioneer in the cabinet phonograph in- dustry in Canada. Two completely equipped factories arc now required to make enough "Phonolas" to supply the insistent demand. m I -i.w.i. UlESEsnnsa A mvurso deeision h'ls been handed out ill thu JacLliii lh|nor Ck«o. Il will be ri'iiiembered ilml Miirihall Jacklin Jr. of lirntnck towDsnip was ai-ssssed 9100 mid 9'iO costs by MaKiatiatoTdlford « mio weeks at^o for (;ivint> hard cider to' Con Eidt of Normal by. Mr, Mat Heck- 1 ott ptoHecutud i.i liia usual vigorous styU and the oiiho nltiactrd a ^re it deal of local intere.st in view of the tine technical point! involved in the operation of the Oiit'triii 'I'uiiipu'aiicii Ait. Il appears that liit'kliii was stiiiidiiiL; nil thr |ioi(.li ul his home when liu li iiidej Kult tho older, and ill vi iw uf this feature he I iuikIii propel ly lie ixumpt, but Itrckclt ' whi*eied aroiiiul then and laid a char^^e ' ai{ainst .laekhii o u'iviiiK liipi'.r to a iiiiiiiir, an. I it wih upon tliii pniiit that] • hi> .Mii){i8lralo (fave Ins ducisi m. Mr. Jicklin'a lawyer. Iiowevi-r, was not' a .li^fl"d ami I e to.ik the case in Toronto i S'ld j'lil^iiioiii WAS handed out last week (luaaliing the cnviciion. We have noil lipard on what point the reverse dooiaion ' was li'iiedâ€" I'ost. i The beauty of the " Phonola " cabinets is re- marked by everyone who sees them. The mahogany and oak is of the finest quality and the workmanship and finish are a credit to the cabinet maker's art. We take pleasure in armouncing to the public that in the future thr Phonola will be equipped with a new Umversul Seamless Tapered tone arm which does away with all attachments. The entire arm is beautifully designed and finished, and is a marked contrast to the cheap dye cast arms seen on other makes of Phono- graphs. It is the only Universal tone arm that is scientifleatly designed and the only one that will play all makes of records l>erfectly. The Phonola will also be equipped with a new Alum- mum Reproducer fitted with a special insulated rubber cotjnection which eliminates metallic sounds from be- ing transmitted to the Amplifier. Equipped with ther^c two new devices the Phonola takes another step in advance of all coinivtitors as furnishing the truest, clearest and sweetest tone it i* (Kissible to reproduce. VPhonoIas" from $25 to $.".40. You'll Like the "Phonola" Discs They are played with the sapphire point, with which the "Phonola" is always equipped. No needles to change. Leading singers, instru- mentalists and bands make "Pho- nola" records. A new hst of selec- tions every month. Buy one "Pho- nola" record. You'll like the tone so well you'll feet a dosen right away. Double- Discâ€" 90c. The Phonola Co. of Canada, Limited Kitchener, Canada .0*' W. A. HAWKEN AGENT FLESHERTON "a^irniiiii â- MSHM

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