v To Pro ve Owr Claims A Tea-Pot Test is better than a page of Advertisement. Is the Purest 81 Finest Flavored Tea 5 ^ur money can purchase. With the Wind in Her Face ny ANNIE HAMILTON DONNELL. /Ibouf the Woman's j\'ew National Work. , School authorities are nuturally anx- Thf Canadian Trade Commission 1 '""^ to secure regularity of attend- has a wide-extended undertaking toi ""i^e on the part of the scholars, and promote expansion' of Dominion; "lany parents feel that they are return to pre- 1 simply doing their du*:" - t meet our need.U'hildren who complain o duty in forcing f not feeling It is much bet- »fter-wur trade. A war standards canno. „ , Our war debt in four years has run: well to go to school up to nearly $1,500,000,000. The in-jter for n child to lose an occasional tercst payment on this will demand. '''"^V's schooling than to risk bringing the most alert business gifts of thel "" an illness and exposing others, people. I The work which children lose in the The whole-hearted support given' school from sickness can be made up by the women of Canada, singly or far more readily than that lost by through their organizations, to food! health. Suti-faetory mental progress control and other war work showed I «" "°t he made unless hc-r.!th is first how great their collective influence considered. P.AIiT III. prisoner at the w ill "The please state her age. , "Same as yours, your Honor, laeli- ; in-r a month and seventeen days. You know how it is to be .seventy â€" Tivej me a tip. I'm on the ragfiel edge myself. Xo, I'll give you a tip â€" j speed up, William, and take it with the wind in your face! Open up thcj throtllcl Enjoy yourself while you fan." "Fifteen tlollars," the Jedtcc said sternly. A few minutes later I.uthcv and Crar.dniiims came face to face, Luth- er's hand shot out, a(!miration, relief, f'feliRht shone in his eyes. This was the kind of a Gr.indmums! "Grandmums " "Who's calling me that? Must be Philipra " i "Or Philippa'.s man! How are you,j (j'randmums? But I know^I've been in at the scrap." j "Wasn't it fun! â€" You really mean you are I'hilippa's Luke? .Splendid!' What are you doing in these parts?", "I c;:me down to start you on your I'eclininjt year. Proxy for Philippa.l There's a wedding " ( "So she sent you to comfort me in! my old age? Nice child !- tn-morrow .she'll come. -Day after! you .say ? j Well, we'll make the mu.st of it and i hsve a hijfh old time in between! | Come on â€" I'll drive you home in my! t.'.r Out here, round the corner." | She led the way to a natty little; machine. With a whisk of dainty! petticoat.; i-hu was in behind the wheel and they were off. "I.-n't she a beauty? Shu's my third r.nd I'm Koing to keep her.' When we get out of sight somewhere ; I'll show you what hho can do. I've j.ist paid fine enough to be entitled! fo a little fun! You may be official! honker for me if you want to. That's one th'nj^ I'm very particular about â€" honking. William Stickncy can't, eay I've ever run ovfc so much a.s a I fuzi-.y caterpillar. I'll tell you some-j tMngâ€" " she lianed sideway.? andj whispered Ribilantly above the little! car's song. "I did run over a h-gh ; lii'.k hat once. There wasn't a .soul tinder it. A child must have left it there in the road- -it's a low hat i now!" and Grandmums' pleasant' lauprh rang out. The car was picking; lip jpced under Grandmum;;' urging toe. A long, clear stretch of road c;;cned before them. "Wiched to wa.Hte it â€" look behind end Ecc if W.'Iliam .Stickney's ghost is anywhere in sight! Now .see my liitlc lady go!" Haik in the hamlet of white houses, f;r;:iidmun)s drove up a curving drive and stopped at the door of one of! them. I "Ilfvp we are. I'll let you out and ' then take the ear around. Won't he bit a minute." Over her shoulder' ^he called happily. "It*:; scramntious ; to have you ut last â€" we don't need I'liilippa!" I Tli« iivnute she wnw gone wan a (errrWy short one for what Luther had to (!a hut he managed it. Ho wa.i* actu:»lly punting a little when Crnndmnm.s came back hut those two' Trii-htful birthday packages were no- where in .".iKht. They ilid not even ' protrude tell-tale knobs and ends \ from under the p-cat lilac thicket : neqrby. I "Good job!" thought Luther re- lievedly. Suppose he hail not got there anil discovered 'cm leaninpr aga.'nit the front door! It had bcdn a narrow escnpc. Lulhcr'.i mind con- gealed at the awful thought of pre- •lentitig this Grandmums with an' Inv:did Tabic an.l I''oi>twainier. He • hjd wen no evidence of invnlidiam or cold feet. Later, up in (irandmuiii'B cozy giie^t room, after a ticlichtful , ""Acning on the porcfi, he found liim-' Btdf Rud<lenly huiRhiiig! He j^v-\ up ill bed the better to do it. The sur- ' , tr'Ji' th-.ij was filming t<j JMiilippa - j T.ulnfr fell bock oft (Iraiidmum's flulTy gue<t-i)illows and rolleil for joy.! The next day he presented (irand-| murns with a niflv little iliishboard ' <ioik, two stcpmala and n n.ir niir-' vor. They made a very pre<ciilalili' ii| peiiiaiire Hprend out on the cMich , . i'i<' b''*yy .t!r!,i".lnuiiiis did I9V0 iKllTi- ifcr brl«:lil Idue cycs 50 mu(;h like T'h'lippa's fH'rly beamed deiiulit. "You muct have Ite^ji !"*pii'Ji.li vou 1\',»I" ci'iS'l "•".';. "V-tT" must have Tr.i'jn^ ^Urt'iy what 'Oramlmums' want on their birthdays. And th< re 1 wa.i afraid Philipra ni.!Jj)ll OV'"H ^ was growing >M! ncnT"noy-" S»<\.- donly her hnr;i» were on his shoulders and she v.a» hokir^ up to him with curiou.s earnestness. "Dear i>oy, I am going to motor through old age â€" motor, with the wind in my face No," her eyes lifjhting up again with their inimitable humor. "No, I shan't get to the end of the road any sooner for I'm goin,T a round-about way!" It was a hpppy birthday to Grand- mums. She fell in love with her girl's man. "Why didn't you ask. me to marry you in.vtead of Philippa? I'd have jumped at the chanca," laughed Grandmums, plying him with cooling drinks and having a beautiful t.'me. .She was in a queer garment of blue jeans and a little tmudgc of black over one eyebrow gave her a saucy appearance. She had been turning down the grca.se cups on her little car. "Yes, I take caro of her my.self," .she nodded in answer to the unasked question on Luther'.s face. "I don't tru.st anybody else. Guess you didn't hear me before you got up. I drove down to Eph? Legget's for gus â€" we'll want a lot to-day." Her gaze rested joyo'usly on her lovely gifts. "I shall ride all over town to .«how off. See if 1 don't!" The next day PhiLtppa appeared, her lively young face subdued to ap- propriate gentleness. Grandmums met her at the station and a petrified Fpeechless Philippa rode back beside her in the natty little car. To Luther, waiting joyously, llu' picture sudden- ly assumed pathos. Poor Philippa! Her illusions had been .''o tender and sweet. She had been ruthlessly rob- bed of a dear declining Grandmums. "Don't Kpenk to m?," whispered f'hilippa as she descended into Luth- er's anns. "Take me out of sight somev/here and kiss me. 1 need it. Oh, yes, of course I'll laugh when I get my breathâ€" of course I'll like it, but I've got to have l.'mc." Out of sight, between kisses, Luth- er remembered somothins; with an awful jolt; Philippn's birth;lay! "Dear," ho said with .-mxiety temp- ered with twinkles. "I'm afraid you won't like what I've got for your IVrtliday but it's the best I can do. It'sâ€" it's an Invalid Table and a Foot-warm " Philippa got her breath then. They laughed together in each other'.'; arms in joyou.< abandon while Table and Warmer reclined iieaijcfully un- der the lilacs. (The Kiid.) could be. I For the immediate future women j should influence all purchases for the home to be of Canadian-made ' goods and products. This will give employment to returned soldiers and ' to the many thou.sar.da who were formerly in munition-making and other war work. I Women who realize that every dol- lar sent out of the country for those things which can lie produced at On Good Manners. Good manners can be acquired only by careful study, .^t least they can- not be either laid down by rule or obtairied by the methods of a corres- pondence. Truly good school man- ner.s are said to come from tha inside out, and time has not dulled the truth of this assertion. If you are a self-centred person you must be extremely clever in order A lady teacher in a Glasgow school hal just concluded t^e Bible les.son, having taken for her subject the hero oi the coat of many colon. To as- .-ertain whether t"he lesson had been closely follov/ed, she asked one of the boys to tell the class who Joseph was. "He was the first Food Controller," promptly replied the boy. Trinidad's fine share in the war is to be commemorated by a monument at Port-of-Spain. A meeting was held there r;.cently at which the pro- ject was di!5cu!3ed and agreed to with enthusiasm. The Governor (Major Sir J. R. Chancellcr) presided. The site selected for the monument is at the top of Broadway, Port-of-Spain. Bittersweet. A golden moon to mock the emptr hours â€" And greening bills, white clouds, all life aware; Sweet smells of warming earth an(? songs of birds, All things you ever lovedâ€" And you â€" not here. .\nd I have wished again for frost and Ice For storm to shroud my world with skies of grey, For earth to tell the earth "thare Is'nc hope" It's easierâ€" than spring With youâ€" away. home adversely affects the financial 1^° keep people from looKing beneath situation. We have already pur- chased so heavily from abroad dur- ing the four years of war that the 'â- financial position is critical. 1 Canada has to remit to foreign ; countries a sum of well over half a I million dollars a day merely to pay ' our indebtedness abroad. In our totid, household purchases the cover. However, if you are thoughtful of others, the habit will grow with the least little bit of en- coui-agement, and this is half the battle. Observation is the other half, and even if it is tagged with the term "knockin.a:" a little criticism of other people's manners will help you to avoid the same pitfalls yourself. figure very largeU. As the women! ^he knock:ng may be done inwardly of Canada buy about 90 per cent, of | ^"=* *>â- ' ^^^^ ^^ outwardly. Imitation all that is used in domestic life, the^'^ usually a bad way to go about first thing towards relievirg and thmg^•, but oi>serving some person safeguarding the situation is their' â- *^'^°^° manners you approve will be <,'ra.sp of this all-essential fact. When! another way to go about things, that is once clearly understood thtyi '^"^'''^ manners are really much will gladly, as they did in food con-'^'''^'"" 1° «'^n"ir«' ^^•â- ^" mi.^ht ^je sup- trol, bring about a reform. posed. \o\x have only to feel that ! For every million dollars retained y***! '"a" '"^^ well while eatmg and •n Canada BY A REFUSAL TO " "mproves matters at once. This BUY OTlItlR THAN C\XA.D1A^ f^^^''*-' "''"^ ^^ 'â- °"^'^"""^' ^^^"'"^ '"^* , GOODS, a year's unbroken emplov-l>'°" ''°"'' make such a bad picture, meat can be given to at least LOim^ »^^«'" ""' '^ "'^'''ly ^^"^ ^"^^^ .^"'^ ^^^ people 1 simplest way of all. It can be prac- The' Canadian Trade Commission'*''"'^'' "' all" times, but should never is by every means encouraging Cana-1 ^« *-'="â- 'â- '«'' '» ^^'^ P"'"' ^^^^^^ '' ^P" , dian manufacturer.s to make the' P^oaches self-consciousness. words, "Made in Cam.da," worthy of Mannerisms are, of coiir.se, the highest traditions of an indu:,- "/o'ded. The person who does every- irial people. That standard has al- '!""*• P^^^''"^ f° ""'â- -â- ^'t ^''^"1'°" >» ready largely been reached in our 'â- 'â- ^s°""« '"^ '°fl^ "'"«"'' "^"^"^ "'°'''' agricultural products. \ t-'rosome to listen to. A loud or Now we must turn to the best ac-"'*'"'''"^ '""'^ '» wearying to listen : count the work of Canadians In the '°' ""'' °"'' *°° ''"'^' "• '>''""*' a^ bad, factory as well as in the field. Now "AGATE" FLOOR VARNIS I Stands rough weai* and resists water For Sale bv aH Dealers. Comfort Lye is a very powerful cle-jni-er. It is used for c'eanin^ up the oldest and hardest dirt, fiiessc. etc. Comfort lye is fine for tr.akini! sinks, drains and clojeti *jwect end clean. Comfort Lye Kills rats, mice roaches und in!>ect pests. Comfort Lye will do the harde:'t spring cleaning you've got Comfort Lye is good for mnkln;} soap. It's powdered, perfumed and 100% pure. :iyXi|PWii^ for the hearer has to strain attention in order to make out what is being said. If vve could only hear ourselves as others do, it would be of almost as much aid as to see our.selves as others see us. Queen Mary is Colonel in Chief. With the iii'poliituiciit of Queen Mary as Colonel in <'liief of the Queen's Own O.-fordahIre Hussar;!, ller .Majesty h-coines llic titular head of two legiinentii. .-Mrcady sbe was Colonel in Chief of the Kigliteonth Hussars -'•Qiicoii .Mary's Own." And she is, of coiiiao, ('onmiandor of Q. M. A. (J. There are. by Mu- way, live royal ladles who are CoIoiioIh In Chief. (Juecii Alexanrlrla holds this rank In the Yorkidiiif! ie,i{iment and tho Nine- li:i;ath HuK'iaiH, thn I'riiicoss Hoyul in the Sevinith l)ra;^ooii Guards. Prin- ceBS Mary in tho Royal Hcots iiiid Prin- cess Loiilae Dnilio.'is of Aik.vII in the .Vrgyll and Hutliorlaiid niglil;iii'|iMH wo must induce our people in city and country to make at home and to • produce at home the things we need \ for our own lue and comfort. Large (piantities of goods width _____ ! are of particular interest to womeni ,, '.' ,...T _ ~" : have been for vear.. imported into: .'^"'"B ^^ ^"* Enanj«-''- [the Dominion, when many of them' To white enamel paint, the be.st re- ' would have been, had we known whati ^'''"=' ''''• ^^ obtained by using two could be efi-ecled by patriotic co-op-; '^""^^ ^^ ^'''^ ^'""s^ P'"*'""^' ^^^" '"''^ cration such as marked war work 'â- "^''' °^ *''°'^'' "'' enamel paint, be:nff manufactured or grown within our ^"'"^ '° ''•â- ' '•'"'"^ '^^^^ ''â- ">'• '^^''^ ''â- '^'''*" own border. The one outstanding ""^nt U especially good for iron bed- thing for our national financial bet-; st eads. Icrmeiit is that we at once CTIECK TIIK FLOW OF MONEY OUT- ; WARDS, and that wo do everything ;po.--;ibIe to TURN THE .STREAM OF .MONEY INWARDS to Canada. ; That is, we must spend less abroad; 1 we must sell more abroad. The following list, taken fiv.m of I fici;d returns, is only a partial com- ; pilation of the many hundreds of things more which we annually im- port from the United States, and which, with a determined effort and the co-oDci-ative good-will, without ' the further use of fi'scal machinery, could be largely removed from ths i debit side of our national bookkeep- I inf,'. The list only deal", with thos , thing which principally concern wo- I m.en:â€" , ! Partial List of ('anad;;in Imports. J^ Us j[ All grades. Write tor prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS Q. J. CLIFF • TORONTO Article lOlH Cheese Lard Lard Comjiound, etc. Meats (gcneraU . . . . Value $ 114,000 '-'8S,000 4r.0,000 728,000 Reef 1,788,000 j Food Conservation. Two Uritish Boldlers went Into a res- taurant in Saloiiitd und orderod the waiter to brhiR tlieiii "Turlicy with Greece." "Sorry, but I cminot .Scrvia," re- plied tho walt<'r. "Thou hriiiK tlm Hnsplioriisl" cried the floldlf'rs. The bds.s cHinc, iiiid after licarini; Ihn C(iniplaliit miHWcred. "1 regret to liiiNHin, but yon cannot Kouniania." So tho Hobllers went away Hungary. ,IUHt then a Swede put IiIh liead In nt (Ije ^VJH" and Inquired niixbiuslv. ^Airmniar Industrie* of Mesopotamia. The nianufa! lures of MoNopiitainla are few and prl|uitivo. Hteniu ni^i- chinery was used In the inllltarV cloth factory at HaKdnd, luit the other In- duBtrlos may properly bo classed as hanrtlcraftH^ MllUn^j^ U\)W.'»K. bi^al. ! ImllilinK an<l iirTclt iftakldR fti'<^'biiirlej I oil f'."' Jl«H^« coiiMUj;ui>»{tslT; Tuid there! •4?,* * 'trr T::if.!imncturors of Uixerles, ' such H!« silk wOHVlii(t. uielal vVoililiig, j und the (^(stlllln^ of ih« spirti calind ar£5ck. "U^P j!),^ faoloViert of Magdad HI8 TsnlS'iiB for the btmuty of their color and workniuiiehlp. aud the cuUI vatlon cif th« Hllkworm was ut i>lie tlinp .ir.&.ooo i 2,lC.7,O00l 3t;8,000 I r,9 1,000 1 530,000 Muttjn and Lamb Pork (barrelled, etc.) . . Garden und Field Seeds , Tomatoes, cnned ; Tomatoes, fresh j Canned Ve.getables and ! Raked Bcun.i 4.'')7,00n [ j Beans 2,r>',t.'l,000 ; I Pens 'Jlti.OOO ' Cereal Foods 142,000 \ ! Brcailstiifi's 195,000 I Cotton Manufactures. ; (general 8,832,000 I Socks und Stockings 1,400,000' Other cotton mnnufacturos l,ll!l>,000 1 Plums and Pnines 1,'J27,000 I Fruits in packages fi08,000 1 i Furniiufv .^..-j *••• i.l'^i,ooo| â- Furs capi, hats, muffs.'. ;VJ3,()00; j Gloves and Mitts 437,000 i Boots and .Shoes 2,999,000 i I Silk F'ahrics (general) .. 3,f.t>9,000 j I Soap '.......".... ftttfi.OOO j I Starch, etc • Woollen Monufactures 1 (all countries) •r^i^ssrt m,....'.^ ; .'i ; .A.tmni .' '\f<y'?\T-'i^w->"'-' -c-^'gsc SEND IT TO Parker's can clean or dyo cai'pets, curtai!*', laces, draperies, govvTis, etc., flnd make them look like new. Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods, and ARKI R' Tlio sick Civl1:<l and (he >00,000 (•),500,000 .Sehonl. SIC A day spetit in scho?! by a hnlf^ \'k child m.ny renult in A' week of serious illness. If, as so often h«p- , pens, the slight indisposition provei : to bp th-.' beginning of some com- I municuble diseaio, the other childrsn ' in tho school urn exposed, und thoie ' yho are lusccBlible (oUow In turn. mmm pyiTY km IS ON CUHK'S PORK BEANS W. CLARK will renew the»n. We pay carriage charges one way and guarantee satisfactor>- work. Our booklet on household helps that save money will be sent free on request to PARKER'S DYE WORKS. Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. • - - Toronto Pancakes A golden stream of Crown Brand Com Syrup is the most delicious touch you can give to Pancakes I In the Kitchen, there is a constant call for Crown Brand Corn Syrup for making puddings, candies, cakes, etc Sad the day when you are too big to enjoy a slice of bread spread thick with Crown Brand I Could that day ever come? Ward it off I Grace your table daily with a generous jug of Crown Brand Corn Syrup, readv for the dozen desserts ana dishes it will truly "crown". 19S