\ Jaino aaiuT tli'ougjvUfuHy. ''But t*e ' on Uie tiin inJM; cam by our kiU-hen I Ihit poeping, <Tei}i>iaig vialet flame! ! iloov." It makeo me tliiivk of the spi'mg vio-j They lauiphid a'.ayd over thi djff&r- lets ill oiu' \vco<ia." enco iJi the':- iaaj. "It rfnvnds m«," salJ Hi''dn, "of "Town scttma to ha very diffSrert some â- !.>vely p\i.rpl« frills tlbat I t>aw â- [rem cmintry " ienu:rkcd Ihi HmS Irtnging ovci- the counter in tiie b's > couftuy couiivn aftti' «i wh,51e, "but Ik^to-Lay Vlocka. Ifamhwi. The breeders who develop In devo'topiiiig flcclii of farm pool- 1 these high-r fay the Iwierd ing of inmoh _ tems for selecciPig laying hens liave j course, they r^=o emphaEi; been tried ' ' i-ioYS Whor^ J go to shop wldi moth- JaKs'i eye 3 ssarelied tha sliLiung «g ncclii ol tarm pool- these high-quality wintei- I*i-cr3 aacm ! .l "="o"«. " ;-to-!uy factor is deiserv- 1 to depend v^iy largely upca tha teip- 1 ^'"'7^ ^f-^^'"^;, 1--'' ^ cmph-a.sk. Several sys-l nest to prou'ace hCgh records. Qf , '''" '^'^ '^â- '"* "''• . ze vigor "I doo't know juit what 't looks with varyiag succeas but %vh'ch is of prime impoVtance' in de- ' 'â- '^*''' ^'''^" *'*'"^^"^'^-^' "''"* U is exact- theire is no method of accuraitsly de- j veLcpinjj a flotk of bird^ with Uie ' 'V ^ ''"•°'' °^ '^'"'' ' '^'•^ '^'"® ^^^ *** termiiriing which htm ai-c the best j vitaJity to lay v.inter egps. U" *^^ china store do.vntown thi!, per- layers except the trap-ne'st. Bi-eedJerij j Busy herj; lay baeauie e.xarcise is ''^P^ ^ ^^'-^ ''^^'^ ^"'' ""^ birthday." â- who have been making ti-ap-nest rec- fundamental to health and the bird J*"i* v.^s so interestsa in thiat piece OPds for a tong peilod of ye. ins have Ui-Jat b not in a health j-, \ngorou.5 con- °' "^^^'* '^^* *^"* fo:-got to take her been able to proauce hena which pos-| ditiicu 1* not prepared to produte eggs *""'• aeas a markwl ability to iay e.^gs and j Keeping tha heTiu busy .in the winter "See /hat yellow i flame!" Hilda tram'smit -Lhe power to Uii?,=r pTcgsny. ' Cil.:o keepa the paultrymw on the;'^'"'*^' fo»"Se-ting:, t:o. "II'a for all the Some hrs-eders ck.'jn timt rh: hi?fh 1 juxnp. Plenty of cleaii ivrter must bei^^'°'''<' ^^â- '-'^ ^'^'^ sparkly eieeti-ic letters very woniierfu!." "Yei, and the country &e?m3 very ditferent fr^m town, but very woci- fireplace. "There's ft quiet blue flame," j den'ul, Ui.-j," Ihe I'llie city cousin sJie sasd at length. "It's just like; agreed. hat we sail • Than tliey made its same remark at the same instant. "I wkh ycu would ccme to see ms," each one &aid. After thait they p^:lye^^ the flame game very often, aiometimc.s in the o'ty rnd &!>metimes in tha countT>'. THE TRAPPER. 1 r.\TERNATION.\L LE.SyON JAM ARY 26 LfsKoii l\. Israel Croiising Tht Red; Sea. Exoduu; 14: 21â€"15: 2. Golden Text, Ex. M : 30. Entries on Dominion lands in the Hu'A' To Trap Mink. Miink are msit ea.'.'ly tratv ;'.l aljnig smal! £itreams, whare the !-odg:p.:g «f the drif;-.vood in the crook;! -.ir.-'. wimi- 14: 1-31. Tha Pro^ie Narrative. "Encamp by the sea." Mo^-e-: must h:-.ve C'xpacted to finj a passage here, po.Tsibly by a ford or at low tide. Thc-re was an Egyptian fortre.=s near (the name I\Iig<lol meaiui fortress) "f-Si of the sliore affords tine hiding ..,â„¢,r,,„„ ...r,„v ,„ .,.,- '^"'J "^ army v.as ali-ea iy 'n pursuit, pilacas for die animals aiKi conesqu- W«f w;n nnrTpRpt?! Leader I 'l'''**^^''^'='^'^"^<^"^^«y ^irtly f.r^ *pct3 for oilU^^ trapa West will noc, The Regina Leader ,},g ^^^ j,j,^ ^^^^^ ; . cit:!,-!. ;„ or c-!± of wa.t«r Bu.t whare .ays, be^ cancelled_by land agents be- : f„,nd them^lve. hemmed in on ev^ '^:::^:: ^e^l^u ^^ bf m^ tween December 15, 1918, an<l April side. 1, 1919, except in .•special inaXances. ; land They were "cniangled in the and thsre seamed nj c:cape. \vater and on the lower ban!: i'wTeam. A gi-ldewTiy is m^ BESIDE HOME'S THRESHOLD Farm Mot he layer wilnidi produces nearly tbreo IJirTuselvcs while du.-ting in the earth, i the way the morning ^.-uii'.ight fla?he.^ I return of the holder of the entry. hunoired ©grs. It 1g the flock averajre- ; It pays to have some.thing for the! " that e'.>unt. Stock from a istrain with ' h-sii-s to peclc ait daring winter months. 1 cig'ht or tem jisii'sratioiK of t-.v^-hun-' Clover can bo wrapped in* a small | dred-egg he-rj^i i:i mori> m'.iable thji; ' cylinder of poultiy wire and .su^ponj- sbock from two ganerailicns of hen^ : ed from this wall of th? house. The which w.-ilil lay two hunJi^ad and fifty, bird;* w.ll enjoy pe-.'king at the leaver egg.- per yea-. The twa-bundred- aiid hlr,..:cim3 and will ol;l.ain much egg Etwk bred over the-long^jT period healthful food by that means. Mangels Is mere a'pt t^ hav-e the cha-paoteristi:; j j-'acii on nails wU supply green food fixed to stay i sad bslp to keep the birds busy. In KeIecliiJii,g brad-.tj-iiy stock tlve] Watch the flock-is occai-iionally at ;ii^e produced fe? rvg'ht and nota the bsn-a that are al- vvay? willing to stop w<;rk aiid go to -c-d early. Thsy ai\.' often the h-ins that are picor producers and also the oQc? that are tb3 slowe.st to come from the roc.^t in the morning and start iratc'hlln'g. The buiay hin .=*onus of ;lb3 Jx! of two log?, tlie t~aps Pit in botwoen aaid on the f.o.r jlJe pLaeed a lalf .i d'.iz«n (''-•Jl>s of the bett mink bavt. Again, by perils, and assaM-sd tha tran; may be sat in the water by the reprt-ache«i of cowards and ,ic:.r come weeds or tall gras-, and a weaklirrgs, ths faith of the greitt f^w drc-ps of good mink ba^ placed lead-r shcne cut rerclendent. "Foar „„ ,, ^-c--?,- -.„.„,. ye not. stand stl'l, and .see ths stilva- °" ;f "'-'^, "^ ^- , , . tion of tha Lord." "The Lord .vliail ^^^â- ''^' ^'=^ ^â- ^'^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ fight for yo-u," he .s:i d. Night came "^'"^ are niido old hollow logs or iffl some irjflusi«ce en their market value. Five bird.? of a prominent st-naun nuade a record of oi:.; huKli-^d and thirty-foDr eggs durln,;r January in a Mi!S«;o--uri iIiayiiTi;' eo^nts'.^, . At a -lai- uaJTT price cf I'lf'Ly cents por dozen- VIothers Have Everv Ht«lp at Hand for Anticipating the I «.". ^he wind changed to the east, ths the hollow ^f an old tree clo-^ t* the .iji.n.i=< **"''' '-L. •. ,' f c I, I tide went out, antf a wav was onened â- ' U-£am. The bait sboulJ ba placed me Mt-St ictir at scnooi. i through the '3ea. On the right and rnn'r the trap but not on tha trap. In all the receptacles tl»se eggi.< wcuid have been worth i to have a s«od diipos'f.'i By Garcl.NTi Sharwin Bailey If we stop to look for them, â- we will fiml opportunities for education at the door-step of the farm home. The city school must subsbituto a laboratory, pictures, brief trips and excursions, siuffcd and dried speci- nit-ns of animals &« suh.-tiuites for real life. The faiTii child hiaathe whole world - - - trap but not on tha trap. : on tha left t-ba sea formed a barrier, wi.-.ter the trans should be fat neai ^ , . , •.. ' protecting them against a flank at- f>,„ ,."m}k-3 or th"n ice wheire the mink Measuring m'llk. TCrretab.es, frui-t, tack. Behind was the p.-fiar of ^ J;. f-t-J^, ? ^!!: ,,f ^^ ^^ berries, cooking ingredients and cloud, psrhaps a heavy fog driven bv '" , ''! ^^ conie ouc. learning the names and capacity of the ^^^l:J in tha fac-a of tha eni^y. I" forking around xhe trap-s. glo^^ - â- used for this And so, upon firm ground, the p.aople '^"^ s"°^= ^^^"â- '^ *>e 5^n^-' '^'•'1 â„¢^ passed over to freedom an-d safctN'. â- best tral scent in order to remove the liquid and dry measure; measuring L^'^^^i °^r •- ,^ ^ ., ,. «r ^ - ^v u â- e u- ^ .\. ar.d lay in.' out flower and vegetable J,^^ Egj-ptians sou.gnt to fo/.ow but effects cf the human odor of which the ,._,_. ' ..'^..i^ . _.. , :„ _ ....I., the.r charrot wheel beds; coun'ting and measurin.g the material tised for building fences, a dog houi-e or a bird house; all thas â- on; iha is apt | of primary education within the Kmita arc important homa training in ai-ith- $5.58, or tllxHJt Sl.TJ per hen for the ! to be tha bird that sb«:s wiiile s'he ! of the farm. The fai-m mothar has ma'^'"; fo'" ^'^-- 'â- h^-d o" t^e farm, month. In May aiK'thcr pern pro-.luc- huntis fcr fe.-d in the li'tter. Tha lazy | abundant opportunity for starting a The schools would be glad to dupV.- ed one hrj'ndtrci! and ihirty-three egg'-, ; hen which spends much of her time ] child in tlie three RV at heme. . '^^â- ^ ^^^^ training and so give life bat ait thiat t m,-? egg's were selling! h-.:m'pcd up in the coriien- lis u:s'aial!y a' Evetry child on entering school finds' ^^ *he dry bones of their taachirg cf for alx>u:t tvva'ity-five cents per dozen.! vâ€"r laj-ar. She may :hDW some ] one of" his difficulties in the begLi- '"^'•''''^'"'''â- "'cs. Each experience The'ir c-ggs w'ould o-n-ly brin^g $2.77. or- .-i.firns of life .-.it fcediln.g time liut she I ning of ;-:rithmet.'j. He is 'given a a-hriuld be nrade a permanent lesson about fi.ft>'-i.«iiA'cen-tj per hen tcx the -la moi-e apt to v.iat:-h for the gra^nibook and must try to make abstract' by hav'ng the little student copy his -ivhich p.isse- nwOTtJi. lJn& ab; S'Jdy Ihk aWlity to tha ether hsn; stTatch out rather than | figures stand for concrete facts. The card figures and record the results lixed into the di-agged lieavily mink are very wary. If a im^Jk aen in the s.Hnd and mud, the winl c.nm ba d:..cover©d, and Ehe cnimala changed, and tha dde cama back, so found in.ide a good smoker will drive hf F^ .â- 'â- '* .f-^oP'^ted tne ho^ ot jiism cut so tJrat Uiay may ba easil, tha Egyptians," and overthrew th'am ; , v,. ^f â- > â- > "in the midst of tlis sea.' verse 25 we should read "ha cau-ght. In preparing mink fcr tha market, lay wtintear eigg;, cam be devaloped in ' d'o bar own hunting. The busy hen aoRle -strailnt, oil fov.-l's t-o such an ex- iis apt to lay and pay, and durin.c the teait thiTrt th'py .:'3.n le made much more winter ci.'a o-f tha pjultryman's big- ,pirofit:ihle •th:!^ the or".iin'ary type of, gast jobs is bo kesp tha hems buisy. The Flame Game. must figures stand multijiliv-ation trv?;a. -suich problem's as how much plastering to buy for tills room and how many shingles for that b.arn. or how much interest a certain^ amount of money will earn : in a yc'ar at a certain per cerrt.., are all confu.-ing ment.il cperations for of h s measuring, counting and com paring. When regular tcachlr.'g of arith- metic is begim in school there ara many liome exercises that will help bound the-ir chariot wheels" (see | t^«y should be ptretcheJ pelt side out margin of Rev. Ver.). The chariots | an-d all auptrfluous flesh and fat were made with a light wooden body, .-jcraped off. Skirs shorld be dried a Aoi-» axle set as far back as pos- j in a ccol, dry place, not near the fire sibla on the two whaels. and a pels or in the sun. After beng stretch- ^^'2^ ' ed enaugh to hold thair s^bape, tlia skins are ready for sihipmant. •> "L.ke a winl: :â- â- . broken to bics. Jan.e s3id. "Arl each bit looks dif Isr'-iit. s<3moho'.v. ^'r m c'l the other--. llil.ia noi-rrAveu her .'ark eyas anaj j-azcd steadily at tha danctn^g I'.'vht.s ! ed, "Lat's make ..\ same cf it." .'he s'lg- He needs obiects and ta:»gible ex- raiang ,...« o-^.....„ ..-..., ., â€" ^j^^g gested suddenly. "You pick oat alFerienccs before he tries to express fo^">'l produce and keeping a recoi<doi ^.. ^..^ d beneath th.-? fl e axle and then was bent upwai-d and attaehad by a band of leather to the font of" the chariot. ; The horses were yoked to tlia pole and without ti-aces. Chariots of a later age had the wheels aimed with scythes. Thei-e were^ two, or often Reading Good Books. The reading of books, if they bo in any sense worthy, can scarcely faiil to be a most fru'tful ana worth- tho farm child to make his growing three, men in each, of wh-m knowledge- of numbers a pi-actical drove, one was an 'archer with bowi whila exercise. If a book only suc- the child wlio lis not vet, at the stage Part of his everyday livirg. Some and an-ows. and or,\? t!ie Ixjare-r of a: ce-cls in taking a man cut of himself arid! when reasoning powers are d«ve'op- cf these are; keeping an account of shield. Tha "tank" is tha adaptation for a time, it at 1-east does that much ' - his avra small weekly allowance, of tne same kind of machine tO| g^-jj But if 'ii dcin^ 'hat, it takes and selling truck, daii-y or modeni war-fareâ€" but how great the j^^ .^.to a pl.^ca of clearer thought^ or â- t!'.:oT feel'ir.g or highar impul3S,\ his The &e:ig of Victorv ^ , . , ,!^ajne and te!' me what it l^oks ;!!.-« I the >e pi-oblems in terms of figui-es.ad expense ami inc-ome, having .i.s -j,^^^.^ ^^,^^^^ ^._.^. ^^^j^. .^^^j niirnre'.* The VW-e c.ty aou..i:n and the lilt-, t(,vou; than I'll tell wh'it it 'aok's 'like' A few home heirs to arithmetic in own bank account no matter hov.- ;„ j^j.^^, p^^ g^j.,^ colleet'on of tie couTDtry cou'-=in sat together by the j to me. That will be fun." I the farm child's life will smooth his ''mall, learning soma interesting num- songs was known a., bright bei'irllh. They had coma to; Ja,nie visiit theri- aunt, w-ho lived in a sma.!! ' pj foi-v.ra town hal'fwny bet\v<:-an their two palms, ajid homes. Ais they -wutched the color- jj-re. " ed flaimet' th. ;; fri-dR-d and frolicked ; (jc^jiajp,,] over the burning driftwood logs they n,^ fiiink of 'the big red dailiV-a that'dren answer tha question, "How began to grow very well acquainted. ' g.,^^v in cur gardten by tlis fence laist I niany ? " The ability to count and to •I see a l!ttl.a green flame," saKbfaU." I j,^ s^^..^;^ problems in addltian, sub- Jam-*, the ocu-ntry cousin. ; "It makes me think," said the little 'traot/ion, multiplication and division staudmgiy. j lr,iumph*d gloriously 'I -see a .Mtt.e Hue flame,," said | city girl, "of a i-ed b:^Tlocn 'n the ' may all be taught to thacountrj' Nowadays we t^ach chwhen to 4J0 The horse and his r iar H:lda, the city.co-cjin. 1 ^^^^^ ^f t.-^v balloons tliat the Italian ! child as a natoiral p.irt of hi-s d'aily '"s boundung of nrovinces and more • thrown into the sea "And I see an orange flame!" cried; g^t's Janls. it inspired. threshold. The home teaching geography deeply interests every , child if h« or she is taught under-; "i ^ill sing ur.to Jehovah, for he hath then ,it surely perf-onns a service pa.-!t all e&timatir.g. And 'it will do sr>me 'The Book of | one or all of thesg things if it is a Now if gocd books Wci-e ouid we about uis and asking that we know and use them. And we have time to give them, for we could easily spai-e it from some of tha thing's th.:t keep us hath h2 bu:y hour after hour. Wa could •"iolet flame!" Hilda "And I a liitti :-.!a'ed exci^badly. They were e.ilent for a while, with s en o"r corner" 1 1 v'n- i studying of what the pro%inL-e needs. ' Jehovah is my strength and i;ong, "Oh, took, there's a whirly green' ' Costing ccme, first with the lit- : We say k:^ about the Dead Sea and And he 13 became my .uJvation. ' flame!" exclaim'sd the little country ! tie chVd. At the aga of four and five m-^-e about; tha wliarves and shipptiig j,^^ "jeijjvah is a m-an of war." He ccui^.n. She po,intad toward the end | he has an instinct to number oiijects cf the chil-as „ . „ , , , of a stick of wood. "It's exactly and if parents will take advantage cf , coa-t. tiieir Kaze fixed 011 tno -logs. "Oh, ;ike the weepin-g-willow ti-ea by the i this natural interest they will be able! '^'" "Whoi-0 home river or sea Thij new meth-ed of teaching geo- all give enough time (hat v.-e might i<ea»i at least one good book every month a.n;d if w-'e would all do it the sum of our intelligence and happiness has fought the battle of H-s peoc-loi^"'* usefulnass would be very vc:y aiiu won. Henceforth tliey know Hi.^ greatly incrcucJ. In "I've r.s-var been in a subway,' THE HOC THAT EllOPE WANTS j;ig«gginfiv â- *?^S2!i*^^^*''^"?*''^^LF^'''*'**''''*^ WiiT.evs of lh<> first pri.^e for Ex- port Hogs at the Ontario Winter Fair, tiuelph. exhibited by J. E. Brethour and Ncphewt, Burford, Otit. TIic Iwu Ycikshire piss whi\-h won i first prize ai ideal bacon hogs at the I (jiielpJi VV'iiter Fair wei-e exhibited j 'by J. E. Brethrour and Nephews. Bur- i f-^rd. Out. Th-?y wxighad about 200 pounds each. Thay iuprc>ent ili ideal t.vpe of hcgs ro<iuired by tiu- ^ export tJiH'on trade. "There uevei- was a time when pi-o&pects ftjr the producer of bacon ilK>g.3 was so good." £.ild Mr. Bve- iUiour. "We have developed a b'g bacKJn busi'iiess dining tha war and 'fid can hold it, I am sura of that. Mos-t of th'S farmers of this country are iw>w familiar witlx the require-) ntents of exiJort trad^>. Fifteen ^â- the barn, rows of flov.ers in the gar- faim gate and frcnj th's familial'. It seems probable tl*ait soma of tha den and the number of plants in each point the boy And girl may discover bitter verses of tlia song are of later row, the i)ebble3 othei- nature ma birdis ha sees dtir that pass by on the road, the apples tho water courses, hills or moun- ..^^^ habitation," that "ij," -the Hoiv that drop ni tha orchard and all the tans, the character of the so;J. Land, and to have is^.i'aksMi th» paa- cther unlimilted ser.'eis of iiiiei-csting , In the sand p.'le by the barn he ,^13 <j£ Edcni,, Mc^ab and Canaan w^h objects that lie within the daily can model river course's, roads, fiells, fear. reach of the country child. May out towr^hips. In tha home . ^j, It wiU ai'so be a good plan to p^o- 'brook he can build toy docks avvd^ cui-o a box of large figui-es, eithci ! <ianis and learn outsida of books, the c-.-t from cardboard or iir'.ited on simple laws of land and air and wa- cards, from a school supply shop. If tsi*- these arc not obtainable the figures Neighboring towns, their dSrec-tion, Agriculture has issued ail eight-page may be cut from a large calendar ! their industries, their railiHiads ar.d p-j.^ular giving exact instruc-licns re- ami mounted on cai-d-s. ' where the i-ailroads run, together with lative to tha kcapir.g of (Lrry hci-J Wth thesa figu.rc cards, wh'Vh what knd of freiglit they cany, why records. The circular statss that seam like a game, the child can be and where, may be studied next. All the Department will pay to any taught to record tlie results of liis chil.b.-en lovo a railroad time-table qualified tjS'tsr 10 cents ftr countuig. Beneath a number of seedls, and from one of these folders there Babccck test mada frcni th? nut.', twigs or other objects he is is a vast amount of home teaching in pcsita samplci* of any herd, tau.ght to place the fijvuro or figures geography to be h.id'. â- In it ho finds | party who does the te- ting Patriotic Fund. The total receipts of the Canadian Patriotic Fund, including interest amounting to about SSfiO.OOO, reached §4r,,7S.'),'J53."-l on December 17, 1918. The total contributions to the fund to date have amounted to a little under ,? 12,000,000. Keeping Dairy Herd Records. Til's Dairy and Cold Storage] Blanch of tha Ottawa Uenartment of each com- Tha must KIRAIV! JOHKSON, LTD. The oldest est-abllshei! Raw Fur Dealers in -Nloutreal HtGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Satisfaction guaranteed to shippers •110 St.Paijl St.West, Montreal corresponding to the number. 'the names of towns and tliair diis- j provide the Babcock tester and tha The divi'sians into teii3 ami hi'n- tan ees from each other. The a«- 1 naecs.ary glas --ware and equipment dreds may be taught by groupinij ecmpanying map is more valuable! for making tlie test. 1 ha Dt-parlmcnt, small objects and putting together the than any In a geography because it' will provide free of charge tha ligui'es that rapresaiit their number. ' is a chart cf the chld's own neighbor- 1 stilphuric acid prcjervativo tablets, hood. .\ny railroad company will [return envelopes, credit slips, labels send upon application a colleetion of ^ for i!ie eonipcsita s^iinplc bottles, and time-tables and thejt will be found j blank forms for re:ordiiig the most valuabia in tihis heme teaching weights of milk at tl-.a farm. The of geii-graphy. duties of the testers will be to test n.g of arithmetic is to give tlie child | A study of the physical characterls- j the composite sample- each month, eu- on tha record siiaeta and same to Ott.iwa. Wilh In a suri;rlising!y s-hort time tho dif- ficult bridge between the concreta and the a1>stract in arithmotical cal- culaitions will be ci-osi;«d. The next step in th's home teach- TSte Highest PrSce III; RAW FURS to uf, no matter TvhBt quaut.it.v. W« pay the hiflhest prioa, also express rliarges. Try once and you .ire assured of ?:it-sfaction, ABSEY FUR COMPAHY 310 8t, Paul W. Montrecl, P.Q. I!<';-,>rer. :.-• Ua::k oi tlac'aetaa», Bt. liuij :â- -â- -. (11 i)ii!.;ii'''.rf .'or Jn yMi:-^. Kuroiio into her aui-;;;g tiic ^ If- breeding sl-ock. as many numerical exiporiemces as tics of land, together with thc.'r rola- 1 tcr â- the testa pos: ible. Let hiin place an equal , ticui to life and csj^ecially the life of ; forward tha nijmbev of seeds, pebWe*. or nuts in : the community, forms an i'mportant j the circular, a sample i.« given of f.ma!l boxes or dl^ts. By combining part of gcojjj'uphy in tha schools of^tiia rceoul and the m.innci" in which and the g^nu ^f these and separating them, to-day. Tais may be learned fiist it sh.;u!d be kept and tljiilv appiica- a e <itoply Send your years Mffo wo didn't Icnow so well, but j '•'â- *^'*agc of hog.? in tho pi-inoipal fae make;; a beginning in concrete ad- , hand on the fami. The country j tlon form?, iTi.-t:, for K?siitaiice in | <MX ee<pcrLj then vwrc higher than | co'antrie* â€" excluciriig Kii.'sla, .\u»- ' diltion, mult 'plication and substrac-j child has an opportunity to feci, 1 herd record work and, 2nd, for em j/.^y- 1 just before ilie vv«t. The war had 1 triid-Hungary and the Balkans, as tion. ' | know and w-ork in varlou-s soils andj ment aa a milk tester. It :>lH)utdb»i developed tlie industry here. We are j hei'e the shortage is impc's«,ib!e to In c.i.di instaaice he e-hould record become fiinnlHar with tha vabaes and: utatod that no poitago is vequiicjj VvoU equipped now. We know the estimaito at the present time- -amounts his results with his cardbo.ird figures. , crops of each. The farm furnishes] when ,wnt''ng to tha Dairy and Coldj okbsa of goods denvanJed. We have to 32,000,000 head. During the w«t,To put thrcs chestnuts in each of ^ opportunity for a liberal education ; gt^jnige Ci)mniis>ioi,cr, Ottawa, and, % Jiargiev nunvx-r of good breeding ] Canad'a's exports of baiXM increased , three small Him, to p'Jt all nine in, along this line. Government bulla-] a]^,) th-it tha circular iuro Bfcock than e-^vr before. Even Ire- j by 5711/0. The opf oitu-nity is no-,v | one and then to put them back in | tins on soils, maikets, roads ami road land has not a better typo of bacon opon to hc^ld this t'fed'e pcrmanontly' their original places , is to "work out"| buildii^s, choice of crop;, drainage, botf than Canada liaa. Yoikshares and i;icTca,-?€ it, for Canadan bacon' three fundamental •pi-cbl'ems" in ad- 'ooys" and girls' poulu-y clubs, corn i« pel rod jffedoniijialc an Canada. I should lu's become favorably known In «ayitlh'at easi'fy 70 '/f of our bacon hogs ! Franco and Italy, and Britain, and are Yorkshire blood." . { our best qualiJty has ahvayi been Mr. Bret'ioiur iay.i that even Uij;igh| a.bi'C to hold its â- own in comparis-oin f«ed i.3 liigh iu jy^ice. h.>g3 can be 1 with the best prod^jccd in Denm^-k proc'w-t'vl w 201< pi-ciit. las ha hsstor even Ireliuidâ€" in bo4h of which proval bv hi^i v,t;i expeiicjicv. coun-trie.^ a hea^-j- shoiisge no v. exists. d'ition, muUiph'caUoii and iubtraction. Thus arithmetic loses all iits hanP ship bacause it corner i-.i tha guiia of play. The day's work cf tha fawii leads to other iv.? v-iimple and valuable num- pouitiy ciuui, 1 pig cluby. tlte utilization of waste lan-,1, are excellent texfcb'Jok.^. The foreign news in tlie daily pap- ers may be read to him and explained. A good encycloi)cxlia should form to can ba had frae from ti tion.-? branch at Otvawa. •cy â- â- 'inancv Canada With W..S.8. bcT expa'-i-cr.!':.' for t^ia henia child, iicc-e-.^ of Iha boy.; and girlo Canada mui^t finance herself, and 1 V»'ar Sax iiigs Stamps are a srdendid means for the conserving of the sur- p-ut of the home library, within ea:y : j«ius money of the mass of the people for this purpo.-e. 428 St. Paul St V</«at MONT.<^e*t. Bnnt rannu;»tlur«r« *,\i r..! tjvij'ns lo r«. leil ive.ilwiiyf autirethdtnircit gTnJiii:;an4 thchishett r,imko! pticij. Quick n'.urn)! No price !ut i.itued b.it we gi:ct«-i;o» lo holrf yoiw sWni ifwaiels url'l you i»<-,-ep» or iPic-a o-j • oll-r, 6i)