Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1919, p. 7

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! KEEPING YOUR BABY R0SY4MEEKED -^ r •COMUfOft fAKASlTES Oi SWIXE. Swihc p.rc- "_cr}>ject to severo! para- aitea matter' al and interr.al. Oi the fir:-.-t dyj. rhe most croubicome is the ifdraji'';." ho?-!</jie. These insect' are fc^por-sible fof much unthrtit- nesa «ii4 r-tior ga'.n?; arc an adver- ti?cm<Mit 0? the unobservant eye or 'are1e»»iep- of the feeder, and are hours. feed anil given for three sn.;i;e33ive days. Foilo'.v thi.< with a good purg- ing of Epiom salts. The Camera As a Salesman. I By Helen Jahn«on Keyes i I im al'vayj iurpriaed ti see how, On another taibl* or chair lay ont i ir.jiny codfitrj' babies are broufhc .ipi the clothes which baby ij t;> pur on.! !.â- . the hoiiie. With porches ami It is a good plan to keep two set* o.'I yard.i and acres of shady tie'.Js ac th^ae joingr, -sj that the oloihes w'll-ti hand, the infant 's tucked into a hot are removed in the mcralng may bei _., . , â-  1 • I, ''*^'"'' '**<>*'^ o'' the day. Wby not leti tIiorGugh;y aired, if they do not need f ihis may be mixed in the nim sleep in hU carriage on ihe porch| to be washed, and then bkid away iftr[ Lesson tU or under a t-fe' He'shouid be there; :he foi'.cw:ng ^iay. ah day, brought in only for hii nurj- If the umbilical c^/fj Is still dris, , injfa, and then !aid dowT'. to sleep ed, the water mast be so sh«iIo-» a-:) a^in out'Joors. . inot to wet it; otherwie iz may coverj jj. |.^j) In tiie aummer he shoald le pro- j his body. The stum? of t.he cord: homes of Egy^ were iicitten ss'^ I often wonder why so few rarmera^ lecied a«ain»t the sun by the hood onj skouiU drop off on tho foarth or fifth: a maligtiant epidemiJ. ~ L:"t:Le waa make use of photography as an effe.!- ^''' carriage- or by a screen or para-| .iay, but oocasionajly somethxg goes' known in those day THE TRAPPER. I.NTEK.NATIOVAI. LE.<SON \ JWf VRY IS j The Fa«4«»Trr â€" E\ii4a» i II: l-!2: •â- !«. Go{<iev Text. j 1 Cvr. 3: 7. l The Laac Plague. .Tte, Jt sanitation. i:h B)»> b-od creolin or oa'.-Ur u:-:- to be sold, such as 3toc'<,"fri:it, grain* Sleeping c-^i of doo ;:irccte»rt, r.i2de up as per dire.tioi.s end vegetcblei, honey, maple sugar, "''•"'• ^â- '* !c---^-" W'^t"; ;(jrcoaipiOi>''rig the preparation. 2. Ob;'.! .i! or ko l-s i» a splendid I hii head, for yofj know tha bones ^ pie. For v.-aa not" lsi-ae; .'ehr.-'ah's ;t- than in sjir- i have not closed and there is only a , sen. H s fii-»Tb-jni among ti.e nation*. ; or some or all of these article-;, v/i mer. Ever, v.ith the taermometer ; rhin coveriag over his bral:- â- oseno is use 1 by: make telling photographs and show *^ "'o ^ ^^"^ wranped my babiis iii fj it cff'-.-^ent, (.ut s!ight:y irritant ligations, he, as a rule, must -write ^ -'^^^ that the body is aglow witUl and ^e^t»riti tho hair of the pigs In .i. pa^es of description in answer to in- ^''=>'""'ta, and if it :s do not fear the; â- i.rty, d'NjVorad condition. | quiries from prospective cu^toaiers. and therefore we:^e not tiit fir-:'ic-n Lay the blanket =n yoar lup. acd â- t Egypc tn pay tfee peaaity of tisa - . -. . . .. ^^ did - -in no* or I cc'iiir.osj ci the air. U Qe Gaining Every Week? After he ha.j on his shir; 12: l-U. Tne Pa^over. The his-! torian, writing loug at"ter-.v.;r'i, mit* ind siae by side Iwre the stcrv o: :aat; &. 4»BJT.^;a oil flow tirade) «3 now! give solurion of " the'-- udverti^rng IwJX twice a day In the" brightest | *'^'*- . Scsies cos: a':.>u: $i. ; tj,^ aaerificial biocd, and tr» iaar o i!ied"ikt.*:e herd of swine at the Cen- j prynlem. i h-rars. a.iJ woriiiii- up quloklv to all' PunnS the rtrst tfir« days of lu.- [z-rj governing :h* ce'ehrar"cn of the trai Kin.i.--.'ner,t;.! Farm, ha? proveni Several good nhjt-.grach? of a b-t'l c:»v. A babr bom in late "autumn ' JM*: ^ .'^-^V lod&i about t-n ounces. P-ssoviir memorial feast wl ich must noi»-irr4U.:i; to the skin and quite ef-.hori=e, co^-, boif, iam.\.' e--keie' or winter in a" cold climate had bettar! V^"^ -^ f^ ''^ '"^""'J ^^- l""* ^"J -T*^.*-' =«*P, =^ ?'• -"^'^'^ '^^i' 'Jne-i fectiw «. 9:i insecticide. I: is cheap.; each showing the animal uicture •. in w:ilt un:il .he is a monch old, and i ^"-«« .u^^^l^^"^, ^'^'''^- l^r^J^'kJ^^'^^r^ -"'^"^^'.^ ensay,,..-ocuvai>k, and colorless. : di.Vferent portions, will give the in-' until a mild cay da^s, befcre z^-\ ^^ '"Vf'^ "^l^l T^" "*'\'^-' 'o read caeii vf i^^e!" ' Tfa- 4^' G. AppI-,- disinfectant washes: tereste-1 customer an iaea of what, Ing a full draft of outioor-s i ^'>.\*'-:^ '^ v.eigh. he had at e:rth---| ^.^'^{l i^.^t^'^^d ^ 12- '^' (cre(ain. c.c.) with a brush, broom, the animal cr bird is like as cl.t ;•.-! I" the meantime, however, he;^"'*^-' a^'«»ps ^"ooui eigne poinds .^t;. the priestiy law" pravilng " ?or .-pray-pw^A?, or in the case of the ,livid-.:al better than pao-e-* of wTCf-*--^! should be all dav and all night in a, -"f boys and seven pounds .or girls. jSi^ Pa^iover feast is in 13: t-20 aai , =argft !«.-.:, by the dipping method., d-iicripticn. Also app'cs, r>o<-a-o«.i wel!-v«Rtilated ' rocm protected ^'.'^'^f ^'^'* '-"^^ '•''â- Â«*^-'s^ ^aby should 4.-3-.5I. i At.pljf C!'-- iv-ith a cloth or more con- vei?etaH!es, corn v. Sea" baKev e-- i aga-n<t drafts, but -with a win-io-wi ^aui aoout au oanco- a cay for th« -Tojs month" is tb:> Secrew month venicn^i. .^till by using a bvgre oil can he shown in a photo^-raph ' after slightly open. Let your baby have i f'^s' «!â- '«« ctor.tlis and at Isast fouf. -AW;., atterwaru called by the Bab- can viih .. handle and long spout. ^ some practice so that thcve who are' all tiie air and space for himself . i "'^'•"-•« ^ "-^^ 'o-- '^"-'^ ^^^ ^'^ '^^ . ^'}'^:^1^J^'^% ^i .,^; /T-':!-? „r^ Fik- K M.c. ,; seitiou trcm off the end making inquhries can be satUfied as Don't keep him in the rocm with:>^=J£; ^ ' 'of Acn^ ' The oil n^-^r^'^v" Jflr t t-> in.rease the amount to the q.-ality, and many additinna! yoa. Le: him sleep, sleep, sleep, \ ^^^-^^^^ baby jx^th^ v^-^^yrM uy^ T^h-ch is'.till oiLcved t| d:, Jels!! de'iwiered over l^t the liatk. the bttjy can IW Apply a st-eam of oil: sales w'^H result from""' the nhoti-, wakins him o:ily at the rc^lar Tiours : ^.i"^ .'^â- ^'^. ^ ''"'^^^^ 'f"^^'^^' ''-•-'"''''â- ^ b«r-J-i m S^ptenljer. Fo "v^k, shoulder.- and alone graphs used for this jjurpose. e.xampia ! for feeai:-s. Keep him dry. and when [ --^;'?"3'">' -;i'" ^^'^^-^ <^>^ ten days, Xev,- Year-j Day of the year .>»>:9 wa.s rhe heai of the body will ^ " Photography =s partlcnlariv' ^tron?' he seems ^•istless turn him from his â-  ^^"-^^ |- «;>" ^'^'^'"'^ '* 3:'*«^ ^o strength- S'sptembcr Tth." 1918. Tbo Chfistian - â€" j\^^ j.;gj,. 5^^^ ! tn the t'jv>d so as to laitea tuu a fes:iva! cf Easter comes ac the same (pplication to spread over a^ 3 sale? maker in helping to show back to eiiijer side A larj'o number of hogs type, conformation, co'oring, and vigr-ji' preferable Jir<K-tly aft. eatmg. Never take your baby to sleep in ; serious digestive upset is likely to time as tha Passover. This n.Mtth occur. .\rciticial food must be very '^'''^s the tirst of the o'..i Ba'.^ylonion , >«el w^th vow ThU =< verv un_ 1 ^eak onul the baby* stomach be- >«;^r. azJ u is here maae -tlw oejin-;,- ' wh?lescme. He should have for a p-^^^"" a^ci^w.^ea w â-  , making of th--* law the .Jews had . na: o«:..i V-ed his ro«my clothes basket, with . A. .m.-c_ motichs c age. u tne ng^i -^.^ cal«:idars. accordi?-;- to one of, es-talk cor-; a pad on the bottom, well orotected t^^i-mff a^= t'c^ti tound tor his muic. ^^jjich the year begun ir S-'rtember hv a ruKcer shtct coX^red -.vith a 'f 'y-'' '^'^^'^ ^'"'*-'*'- <^"g^i: "P ''^th an.i accorciag to the other i-" Marrfj. akinz 'arm, folded doth. There must be no, t^e breasc-feU baby, and will wejjrh ^ "A lacib." or kid. v,-a3 to !« chosen drafts. Preferably. in a room by itself, out ceJ ^'^'^^ '-'f-*^ r<>u"<is tnorc than at :o- e-.ery hou.iehoM, or if th? r.-m- . birth. Thei€ facts indicate how r.ec- 'J«"^ "'•'â- â- e .^mai! two households 1 essary it iis to iiial-te a dailv, or at f^lgh.z combine. The lasib. chosen on .sated conve:\;endy and or in pure-bred stock. Many a mi«- qujcklif Lt i^uch means. und-^rstant'ing and trouble-making 7. U^^.,'- the application after come-back v.'ouId be avoided if goo<.i ten Jajfo U tiostrcj the lice or nits, photographs of the stock had been 8. W p.tii are scon to be badly in- used along with the sales festeJ, II t;i?ron^h clean-up of the respondence. pre»*c«; .o^dj be indicated, using- Cretting this aid to making tarm a stniHg c.c^iir. spr,iy over all. U.^les is a simple matter, too. There pillow. This baske: should be plac Intestinal Parasites j are excellent medium-sized cameras safe f-oni Of i>>r,'-!i:nal par.-.sites the round; that will make attractive 4x5-inch should h^ worm i., ..••.,?h the more common. In photographs, or the postcard siz mchit c*>e- examin.iti >n of the smal- •''Hxo'-s inches â€" is more convenient yo'J to bo aware of disturbances, j __ ..,.-. ler Iotci4..--.' of slaughtered pigs wUl to slip into letters. The •â- kiio-w Th-'s room should h-jve been bathed' loy will reiiember that I iuoke of Tlie blood -xas t,-> hs ?pTiT^\dsd on the reveMth" ure^et-.ce of a few la'-g" ^^'^" <'t' operating the camera can be and purified by the sun throt:?h the! 5x*r3-^ wati-r. jihijorben!: cotton, and a i-y-ir posts and lin-el. and all was *o white- i»^..-i!i5" ' In <mall numbers "earned in a lesson or ti*o. so that a <lav. ard it wiTl be drier and moK niatch. These are u.«d for c^ecnsln? ^e oone as a _fi- meffi-r-al cf the - ght they i,v,KU>r\o cau.x^ little inconveni- ; ^"r' "« Ih> made; then frequent, healthful if it is on t^, second floor.it^e o.-triL^. the vl.Me portions of ^^ precea-a .he ..enarf.r^ :-,>r.^ cnce Wtle aui.^.a!; a considerable in- Practice, with occasional suggestions Qcw to Give His Daily Bath | JJl ""'V^^'^ '^tlh^ Inl *'^.'^" 'i^ ^'^^ '""^ ^^^^"^"^^ •â- ^â- =»' a^-'oc-ated r-estat!$ji j.-.i! c.-.-jse a marked falling iroza an e.xpert. will enable John or; ,. ' V^, r »_. . " ^, â-  . zh^ '^â- ^- of unleave'^ed bread, or off in KCucrai condition. Young pigs ^^ar'/ or. lacking children. Father or. Perhaps you are asKing if nothn?^ stick and trvist a sjnall piece of Miz^oth. and the wcrili.- of tlie so affrn^j. arc thin, -stunted ard -Mother to become proficient ia pic- i^ necessary to an infant except cor- : aosorberrt cotton on it. The twist firstborn of the flock and the herd to lacking i.i viir.- :in.i t-hrifr .*,Bv.»r.. turc-taklug. rect feeding .ir.d sleep m fresh »ir. | should be v-crj- tight and firm, but a .Tehovab infesfttllffn .'. iu :reqi;eni!y cause ill- j The Fur Coat Comes into Its Owa Ps-actitaUy e'^^ery k'na of fur i.t ''thi .^tyle" this year. But tJ*e for coat has raached a height of pormiarity hitherto ucitcown. Women every- wli-ire are going fur cTad wfai> before have worn cloth coats. Nor t.s style tht! only rsasoD. Th« war has m3ch to do with it â€" and b'ul.i fa'r :•> have a g-jaater ir- S'usnce for aom^ time t*) cotae. Th» tremen-Jt-s demand fcr 'woci lias male that commodity scarce. Shorcag â-  of v.v5ol has limited the pioductaon of ch;.- heavy cloths reiiuirea for war.nn garmtLits â€" coats. .. i !.aLTg2."' fa times of poa<..j. tlalh cua-a c^ulvi iiMi had at considerably less than fur coacs. B-jt the present difference in price is small eniu?;i to mal-te It worth whilo for a -woman to pay the estru amount and sstisfy her ioc^ne far a f.:r coat, vwhiif at the same tiiae securing the real comfor-. ot it? greater .varmth. Sluskra: ia in higl^ fa-.-o.. bit of fur that re-aciies the ai<ri-kec is in trenteadoas demand. In fact there is a sh.jrtaiie all along tae line. due tu iacreassd JeaianJ on :!:e ei> hand and a smaller su-yply L<Jf 01 course, .iue ta the war's havirsg tak-r: tlio-asands «f wrappers a-»-ay from th- t.-ap licei to 3ght overseas. So fur as those now^ trapp-Lsir are eoneereed, there is bet one thing t'> urge â€" redoubled efforts. If high prices for furs is ret snffic:e-f. incen- tive, there is the additional reasr.a that the coantry very seriously aee(t= all the furs it can g?r. E'.'ery re-d-bToode'l Canadian boy. every farmer with spare time and. yas. erery woman shoiild trap if there are- furj io take where t.h«y li--». Re- cruits cn the trap lines are wanted. There is much of the trapping sea- sea Iaft„ plenty of time to start '.p. And every pelt taken will ?e!l as really as good, gold coin cf the realm passes for currency. Prices are hi^h. Pres.^rt trappers should run the rest cos-iii-le number of traps. near enough to you. of course, for ; '"''' â-  the ro: a weekly, wighv-- a 'part of l^r-f^f <i'-^i,<^^ '^K raonth %as to utinc ut bath Ume.^ : ^t:tL'',''3VlT:^ ''^ '''' ''V" teentn ar-.d eaT?n on tos same n gh*. ig-cr and thrift Seve^-e ture-takiag.' ' ' rect feeding .-.nd sleep in fresh air. | should be v-crj- tight and firm, but a .Tehovab. This was probably an .' i'l 'Vcqrennv cau'se 'ii- i There are various little technical Yes; one more thi.~,? is verv- neces- , loose wad should bo left free of the ancient spring fe<»tical which "occur- testiaal i,^ lammat-on" or stoppage I 'hings to learn that insure the most' sarj-. and that is cleanliness. His' stick at the end. This is wet in the red at this same time, and this may '! satisfactory pictures, but these will body must be clean from sc-alp to borax water and used very gently ?* 'â- - -*â- '-•-'- wli:-.-h Moses askevt rcsulttJp iio.ith. Cause I?' 1. toe. and everything which he touches to reT.o-.x dirt from the no.=;"tri!s and f-^^oc's permission for the_?^p!,' ti>e picked up gradually, and the in- ^"'^- -^'â- -' «=â- >â- -.••"â€"» ;â- .' w-.....- -. ....... ....^, ...v ..v....,.- ....._> .^ .pi-v-.t.- .-„ -u. ,,.;v.,„,„,, ,<. . .>. ._, , , ^, I creased returns from a few sales and everything wh.en to'ucues aim , from thr crva.^-cs of ihe ears, and to \ 'â- ;;''4'? j^/-;,.^^^^^^ :^^J'^^^^. }-l\lT°!!f^}^:^^'i^' by tho help of the camera will, must be clean. , dearse the toi-.gue and Kum^. Use :n:stom of' ea'^'nV"i"lwTened""'bread clean, wid -.ippliod with fresh water, more than pay all the cost; the dan^r of infestation is small. ^^^^^.^ ^„^^ .^i^^,. Filthy ^arr:..mu:ngs togetner with; Another matter not to be lost stag-r..irt or foul water usuHiIy pjc- ! tiispos? tQ r^'U'h p;ir:\si Treatment See also 1?; 15-30 and tor He should have a bath every m?rn-[a frrr-h piece of cotton for each or*- -n 12: 3?" , ing before his nine o'clock fsedin^. ! eraticn. A pi^ice of cotton thorough- 13: t-li''. si^ht The temperatuce of the room should ly wet so as r'ct to a!!o-;r the escape Whatever it' origi- msy have "been. Pivvjgit J y cleanly met use et OHy ^ootl mine mi-xbu'V. There are a number of^en generations or more of all the quarter, and these on tiie m«»'ket. .-V good home- ! stock lliat had been raised on the, chase. worth-while pur-; 'â- Ji-.it babies have to be more or less the unity cf the family, of the na- : dirty. It ou.?ht to be taken for tion. and of God with " Hi* oe-jole: made swljstJiutc is a mixruve of char-lfarm, which was noted for its sue-' The bath may be g.ven in the re-, ^rar.tci that they must be clean, while detail? corresponded to incid- coal, troodashes and salt; or of sul- cess with all kinds of stock. phut'. Bait aud iron sulphate nii.\od in i This exhibit covered the 1 gular bathtub, if you have one. other- .Aside from the f.ict that it is cruelty entj of theExodas. as told by tradi- entlre wise a tin or enamel tub can be set not to keep them 50, the time wh^-h is- '-''"• ^^* ^'^''â- ^ -^* ' whole reminded equal wttcs.â€" take one part with S , sides of the room used as an office.! upon a Uble and used conveniently, occupied by th^ daily bath and the ^^n ^u^^^ii^ 'i">'!i^!>p'^"T^hovlb" nl p«vt3 t*ai-co,=»l and 8 parts ashes, i with typewriter, desk, and business ' A wood tub should be avoided, as it washiri? and airing of jrarments is j;^^; -^;;^ "k-^'"r''Vl^ their ---en^e of mix weH and allow tiic animals free I helps in general. Youngsters ia the. absorbs the dirty water from day P^'J back to the n-.othe-- by the heiUth jj^j' pp"j,j:"^Q3„^"gj'^:j ^^^^j. ^^J^^j^j^ access to' it, I family take just pride in this cxhibtt. to day. 1 and contentment^ of the child. Ill-: them. .-Knd so the p-wcha! lamb be- Whcr^pitjs are infested, turpentine j .-V number of the pictures show stock' In order to save the baby fi-om ex- ne.^ses and fretfulness make lar*?*r : comes a type of Christ ana the pas- is the A«esi remedy. Give 1 tea- of their o^vn raising which the.*. j^boco- posuve be sure that you gather to- ; drains upon time fha." d.ies the rou- chal meal o*" the Christian Eucharist. spoonful to every 100 poun.-;; weight, ! graphed in various unique attitudes, setter where you can reach them all tine of daily b.-^ths and wsshing. Cbrist wa« the true Paschal Lamb ( I aftci- fa'^vi'iiB.- the ar.'iar.l for tw-lve' â€" C.K.B. the things that are required for the' Diapers mast l>e kept dry and thor- ^'or. ^: 7> who sathcred up in;o _i.. ,...j,;__L â-  . , Lâ€" J .. .. I _ ibath and the dressing which rollows. oughly tubbeti after every second "^msea. and rea.i5!ed m a higner. tlace behind the tr^e Thaddeus could Ther- must bo a warm "blanket in use. Kepoated "dryin- ouf le.ives J^l-'^^ed'emptfon 'a^t^l'' delive'al'u-^no see them digging a square hole which to wrap the wet body witen jiou , them ::i a condition which causes tne ..^.^^r. h.>wever from the b'ondage straight into the bank live feet bek>w tak? it from the tub, two soft towels, infants skm to chafe. .\ piece of of Egyt>t. but ♦V.-.n, the thraldom ot the top. and could hear tiiHr shouts, a wash clotii, a cake of castite soap, rubl>er sheetinic covered with a fold- sinâ€" 01 which the Passover, for so of laughtei- as they throw shovelfuls' and some talcum powder, or pow- ed doth which can be washed will many centuries, had bee-i the expres- of s.ntui bohiiid them. How he envied dered staivh or rice. .\lso, you vviir keep the baby's bed spotless and , sion."â€" Driver's Com.ntvr.tary those two short-iuamed boys! j need a glassful of warm water in | sweet -smeilinji,-. The blankets o%-er /Exoujs. otved half a tsa- him must be clean and used only for ** Those not yet in the game should secure 2 reasonable cumber of traps and start. Trapping is no baff'iing- mystery. .Anyone •â- nn Tnake a stnrcess of it by r'roceeding intelligently and keeping at it persistently. The best thing for the r.ovlce to -do is to write to one cf the bi? fur houses for suc'n L-ter- ature as all of them have cn 'how to trap, traps to use. etc. Or get one of the many practical books publishe<l on the subject. It w'll likely prove surprisin.ar how clear the whole mat- ter can be â€" and is â€" made. It is net only what you can do ne.xt y^ar, and the next and the aextl Fur' seem likely to be in demand for a long time. .And it is profitable. healthf-jl. interesting and patriotic to secttre them for the market. WAR S-WINGS ST.V-MPS. '~ost .<4.00. Th^y may •>> had i any ioank. no«t office and the principal railway sta- tions. V>.Oii will be caid by the Govem- mfint for them in 19^4. They are backed by the credit of Cai^ada. TPRIFT STVnPS. Cost 25 cents each. They are a means of buying a War .Savings Stamp on the instalment plan. Si.xteen of them may be e.xchaag- ed for a War Savings Stamp. Thev may be had wherever Wa ?::vi:>^j Statrips ur-j <c' i. S/o/res ^- j The sand-cave house was nearly , which has been dissolved half a tsa- Ixim Thaddeusf ttoue now. Ted and Joe could almos^t ' spoonful of borax, a smal! wad of him. " ' " ' -A child kept in this way is too \ \l the Sand IJank. Ii9ne.;> indeetl wo Quacke»!.bu- h. Moi-e-jver. he was feel-! stand up in it, and from the opening: absor'oent cotton, and a smooth stick. I jiig uHfcii^py Vecause Ted Burns and' in front 10 the back it was so lonjr one or two inches long â€" a match ' comfortable to cry. and too healthy Joe RiL-i*, Jhe two Iniys who lived that when tho two diggers lay down with the head taken off will do. * to tie ill. iieareJii i»un. 'oad Uughe<l at hist to rest inside only their legs as far - rfs jj; ' . ^ • - 1 â€" â€" ; .- ".j. '. , _. i risroc t«<(J had called it •'fuiuiy." It I as their knees sb.owed outside. I the sand 'oack shovelful after shovel-! safer place, where it woti't cave inl" made l(i« sli-l move lonely and un-j Thaddeus was feeling so sad that.ful behind him *or half a minute, f cried Tcil "Come on, Thad; you .help bapfty i« .^ce what Ted and Joe v.vre: he stopped peeping round the edjre; Again 'ne seized that pair of legs, and i usT' doiujri <lc was stanuinjr behinil a -of the tree and rested his he.id agaicst . this time he pulled oat a gasping, | M'll run and get »y shovel." said i'ine t!-e»' voilching them make tiieir the i-ough pine "oark. Tears glisten- 1 {rishtened l»oy. It was Ted. ; Thad; and he d.ishcd away with a .-'suul-t'atq^house, an-,i all tiie while^d on his dark eyelashes when he! Without waiting fcr Te<l to help! feeling of great happiness, for all ia Stock Water in W iuter. .•<'3»nd-t'at-i lie waK \l -â- V cement water tank baiit inside i the 'oarn will make the v/crk of fccd- â-  ing stock in winter much eas.er. Isi -. the ciarn is reasonably warm the wa- j ter will net freeij and the stock will; j drink mov-.> ^*" â- â€¢ ••'â- ?â- â-  •'â-  -^ •• - . •,- cold. w nen tiie '..n'v s ou. >. . uo.vs. much time is wa«ted in chcpp'ng ice. ITuless the stock »driik Lmmed'atc' The Highest Price sf, RAW FURS to -..J. no matter what ii'-antity We -;a.v tH« hlg'^ist price, also esprsss .•>i«n{*< Try oac« aad you are aaaarad ot satufact^a. AS8EY FUR COMPAMY 310 St. Pa..; W. Montreal. P.O. R?f»ren,-'? Bani c* Hcc^jl»xa St Utcry, In bii».:i?»« f-^r J.' y»^.-». Ite waK \lwkint: how lucky they were' tooketl toward the sand hou.e again.: him, Thaideus taok hold ^^i Joc's | A momen: he had gaineu two g'.>o<l ^, °"^'** / , f \^*f "f '. '"^ '-mmeu'-Ttc ;. . ;<f lilij-e fiiutii short little names as: Ted and Joe were tying uii their j leg*, which were nov." moving veiy' Crie-Kis an.l a nickname. , tfte wa.er sec; tree-^es ajrain. ^ .toe »aiaVf^i. stomachs, digging with .>.harp sticks. fiVolv Ss if their owner had jtiven , !, -'^"'n*-"'»' warmcrj lor taii.<s r.ivc •.•»..« . _ , T,t .1. 1 .!_ . â„¢. . . .. « , ' . â-  .. ... . ... , -^ p !-«><â- Â» l:is3.t with 5nmi» «t!fii>ii hi>f â- l'haLvet'>' ^^"es^k Thaddeus and the and Tha.Uieus could tell from the way! up hope. He pulled .md pulled, and rest t^' itie, Quackeabiish family had they k'cke-d their lejcs that tiicy were 'at last out cf the sand came ^oe. movc«t.|<« their new home ia Thorn-^ having a g.-od time. taking quick breaths of air like a tish ton, ««2i, tt did not seem to be easy; Suddealy then- was a peculiar' on the bank ot a stream, to nTtatf .'riends. The first day.' As Good IS Lemon. Tho pivprietor of a targe teinpenuice Dun ! Ted -«*« See, this is what they had had caved in and buried Ted aiui Joe! hair and down the r necks; sand was account of its comfort and jtood cater ; >i>id: I He could see their four legs stfckiiig in their ears and in their months; it iuje. was stniek. by ibe very nam«?r05>s , "Vtljidft v^mnller than wo are. and out and kicking, kicking, kicking as 1 covered them from head to toe; but deuiaiuls for -shavisig water" Just yo'.i'vi' |^•* a funny name. Thad.leus h.^wi as they (yv.'d kick sound, and the boy tjehlnd th? tree The two diggers sat near the ruin* | hotel iu Scotland -probably at when' ^.Videus tried to play witli jumped. The roof o-' the sand house ' of t.hcir house. Sand was in their dee tuuch fre<i«ented l>y travele' you vf Vjua(x%%\|\!^>i'k. so we can't play you .** uideus h.^wi as they (yv.ld kick. It was as i 3, soon as they had got their breath i_ about be(lf'tit«>. V^ieunntcrins one of " with, if tho^e legs said. "Help. hs!p, hcips.| they grinned ac Thaddeus. \ the iHiu-ipal « liters bt^arlng a larc" ! before we smother!" I "You're not very big, but you can i tray full of ju^rs v>f tu»t water, the pi^' his; pu- >ott." I Detore we smotn«r; j "You>e not very i>n;. "ItL •iai't Q'.i.'»ckeiuiiuu*k'" cried, Th.'4.!deu.j van from 'lebird hisfpu-l like evevyihiilg." *aid Te;l. i pritior stuppeil and euquiretl: 'AViiiu ThadJsJH*.^ WX Ted and Joe had run uee like a deer and, seisitiK oiv pairl "We won't call ycu Vjuac'scivsuack.! »•' a'l this hot water for. JiJm?' away, MiH "^w they were making a of legs, bojrai* to pulf with ail his any more." said Joe. "Wt-'^i c-..'i ' "ShaTia. sir.'" caiuo tho neplv. "Just hou?e>4ik. tiir sand bank ajid having a raitrht; but ho could not budge them, voii Thad." ! **** =» *«"*'• *^«n. tU' I P«t a bit!e ot i!.\tl. men ne p'Ci.e.i .^p a siiove :"".(1 ', iirew Ii b',; 1.1 ano ,<.-.i;> n;t'i tirat-;." .\:-..! b,- lid. i.->een used with 'orae success, but '^u-inging ihe tapk inskle tli-? barn ciim nates- the necessity cf hiatin? it. Th. - lisitde uur." .>j. - 1 - at t'oe top than »: 1' wail' fc." ' - drain pir. •teaik the ta-v< sj "•-.•.( icnt'y and dt. ' ^ O' li - JWO.lttK»,0t:'' . .-. .. â- ." ''\:. ope, only three areas. Soui'.i Russia.} Hungary and l'»er.raar-k. have sr.lfi eient food supplies to la-«t ttiitl! • - Send your RAW FURS 42« .P».'» St Wost MOiHTRSAfc r inufi.-.i.i;;5 1.-1.1 :â- .( bi»,*<n.* t"* »•• %" - ,,-<ay3 â- â- ame.b<^l.»ir?»t gta^fi^^g a.-vdl t'-SC ,>,«-h«}: SM! list t»i«C9. Quiu tctwii*! Ko P''^? Gm .launl 'out ws (cuaa^;* t» fcclJ v'-»tir skins tc^aia^ uirtrl yvu *c-;trt «r r«j«v-l our .-•«.-:. t>

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