Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1917, p. 5

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^-^a^ ^g a aa g p ^ ^ November 15 1917 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCJE • ^ 1 > 'H » •- i 3 .\J STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HCAo orncB • Toronto Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- â- â€¢T'D tara e€t At Current rate. 236 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL. M.nMer. C. P. R. Time Table. i ^ I Dartd Creighton of Toronto died on Trains leave Fleaherton Station as Tlmrsday morning of last weak of heart I failure. He was at onetime publisher Going South Going North of the ( )wen Sound Tim^s. In 1880 the 4^ *â-  " '-•°' "â- '"â-  â-  late Mr. Creinhluu contested the ridinc 't.H p.m. 9.18p. m. ,.,,,,. , . " Tko ......lo ... J ^ CI I . for the local legislature and was success- Ihe mails are osed at Fleaherton ec , , , , * ^ . f jHows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and '"' â- ""* ''"â-  "'""y ^^'^'^ *" '•>« hnancml 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at oritk •f the conservative opposition in 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south the local house at Toronto. During this mail close at 9 ;,. m. the previous evV. ,ime he published on .ever-»l occasions a political almanac which ^ava him a provincial distinction. Following the amalgamation cf the Empire with the Toronto Mail in 1895 he received the VICINITY CHIPS Yes. we have had the genuine thing in gSice ofas^istant reciever Indian summer during the paat week. i Toronto awetl deserved general at tecognition He Lit a Match On Saturday la.st Mr. J. Walker, had tha misfortune to receive severe burns about the face and neck, as a result of receiving the full force of an explosion of gasoline gas !<{uare in the face. Mr. Walker was employed at the time of the accident in repairing the pump at tha gasoline tank at the garage and lighted a match to give light for him to see if the portion of thi; job ha bad ju.st bxed was all right. An etplosion ef gas instanlly occurred and his face was badiy burned. Dr. Eberhart attended the injured man, who, we understand, is favorably recov- eringâ€" Meaford Mirrcr. i the of public services splendidly rendered. You know of course that every industry Mrs. Mitchell's tea nelied t9M t Red Cross. Mrs. C. Ottewell of Toronto spent the of any iuiportancc hits a paper of its own, l*f>t fortnight with friends In this locality- ' one to which il gives its united .support „. .... . ., r .,, c /\ o ,„.,' by way of advertising and subscription*. Miss Llizabeth Little of Owen Si. una â- " ' * '^ is the guest of her brother. Dr. Little. I Those interested do this that the paper ' may live and conliuue to be useful to Mr. D. Dow, who went Weft last them by aggreshively advocating their March, returned with his family this interests. You have a paper that f jr week. Mr. W. Buyd and family visited his father at Mt. Forest over Sunday. The old gentleman i.s unwell. Mn. Wesley Smith of BattUford. Sask., has been visiting friends here and iMves this week for home. Mlssos Oldham and Edwards nf the Owen Sound collegiate spent Saturday »t Dr. Murray's. Dr. and Mrs. K. H. Henderson of Toronto spent Sunday with telalivea in town. Mrs. Johc Bell of Biitiah Columbia m visiting her father, Mr. R. Oliver, and 4ther relatives in .\rkamesia. Ptes. Pinkerton of Priceville and Alex. Mc Vicar of Glenelg, are both reported killed in action. over twenty six years has been looking after the interests of tha farmer. Have you given it your support i It nut, see that you aubecribe for The Weekly Suo, Toronto, the farmer's business paper, from tha present time to Jan. 1. 1919. It will coat only i )ne Dollar but you will dnd the dollar wsll and profitably spant. I The first election under the new ; adjustment of ridings in thus county will '] be held >n Dec. 17 next. There are but two ridings now in Grey for the Domin- ioii election â€" North and South. The I candidates in South Grey are R. J. Ball, the recently sitting luemker. and W. H. ' Wright, barrister of Owen Sound and I Flaabarton. As both are win-the-wa' . candidates the contest will be interesting. South Grey comprise* the townships of I Arieoiesia, Bentinck, Egremont, Glenelg, Holland. Normanby, Osprey, Proton and Springhill Red Cross Report RECRIPTS Meetings and tei« $104 18 Social in March 54 'iO Social in May 13 80 Picnic proceeds 17 82 Waste paiier 10 59 Total r-'Ol 19 EXPEN'DlTJiRE By y»rn i tJC 21 Cet iu lUmaga'e hospital 50 00 Serbian relief fuud 10 00 Comforts, mateiial, boxes.to bojrs ^11 90 Postage and advertising 5 78 Expense at social and picnic 5 9G Flowers for M. Thiatlethwaite and A. Best â- 'â-  50 Total 1153 32 Balance on hand 47 87 During tha year l.'SO pairs of sox, four pairs of pillows and slips, one sheet and six hospital shirts have been sent to 77 King street ast, Toronto. A meeting of the Spring Hill Red \ 3ullivan : the towns of Durham and Oros* Society will be held at Mrs. Geo. j Htnover ; and the vilUgea of Uundalk. White's on Friday, Nov. 1«. Social | *'l"l>«rtun. M.rkdile and Chatsworth. evening. Evarybody welcome. Mrs. Emerson Wirkena hss been appointed delegate to the Provincial W. i I. coDvention which meata in Toronto. ; Mrs. Ij. Fisher i* alternate. i No lea* than three aeroplane trucks { went through here lasc week wiib the! remains of aeroplaneH that had come ' down unwisely west of here. | .\lfred Butler, a lad 1»» yearj of age, had his riuht arm broken preliy badly while atteinpliiiK to crank a c.tr at McTavlsh's garage on Sunday. Flight Lieut. T. Blakely, who has just graduated from Camp Borden, has been visiting rehtlvcs here this week He expects to leave for overseas veiy shortly. Stanley Walters Killed Pte. Stanley Walters, son of Mr. Wm. Walters of Kiinberley, h i.s been reported killed in action. He wis a uie.nber of the 147ih Battalion bt-fore going to Engl.And. where the battalion was merged with others. This ii the second son Mr. Walters b«a lost in the war, his son, Arthur, having been accidi*tit.illy killed in England some time ago. Cattle Killed A. G. Chisholni suffered a heavy Iom when tiv» of his cattle which had wan- dered onto the track were killed by the four o'clxck train. Three of the cattle were killed outrisht, a fourth was so badly mauled that it died in a few minutes, and it was found necessary to kill the tiflh. The smash occurred at Arnott on that portion of the track wh'ch 1* within the V formed by th* 2ad concossioii of Holland and tha Toronto line. As the cattle had crossed tte cattleguards pUced upon the track by the railroad it is likely that Mr. Cbisholm will be able lo recover ihe value of the bseves frtm the C.P.R.--Chat<iworlh News. H'cL'^^St£?:^!^?s^-.^lh^^sv:^^ â-  ' ..atf Buy Victory War Bonds With all your spare cash "Money makes the (WAR) go." F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. H onor Rolls Pte. Howard Killed Mrs. Thos. Howard of (,)sprey received word Mi)nd.-«y that her son, Pte. Johnston Howard, hail been kill.tl in action on Dct. 27. The Stuait pirty of hunters cuptured four bears up on iho Shawan.ng* one day .last week â€" an old one and three young j ones. This is an ("x'renie piece ol got d fortune that few hunting p^uties expei- icnce. Charley Buchanan Wounded Pte. C J. Bucliaii.'in, eldest son of Mr, Jos. Buchanun of the MeafordJRoad, I is reported aj having vecoiveJ .k gunshot ; wound ill the foot on Oct. 27. Rev. George Wau/h of I'undalk , p.cachet' two ilumgHful and elmuent | sermons in the Mi'thodi>.t church on | Sunday, he having' exchaiig'>d pulpits j with Un-. Mr. Belfry. Miss Helen Waugh accoinpanitd hiui and was a nuest (*t the parson i>;c ^>ver Sundiy. Pte. Chisle.t Wounded pte. t H. L'hislelt, son vi Mr. J-hu Chislett, received a gunshi t wound iu the right arm on (.let. ^7. October Report S. S. 6, AitemsHia CUs»5-J Whittaker, M WhitUkar. Sr. 4â€" B Whittaker. W McKeojie. Jr. 4-U Pedler. Sr. 4-R Huttou. Jr. 4 â€" B Irwiu*, J Hiztid. Jr. 2-M McDonald. Sr. I -T Hazard*. Primer â€" D Hazard. l_* prci-ent every day and early. â€" E. M. FLETCHER, Tcatt.er. October Report S. S. 7. .Artjmesia Sr. 4â€" A Paislow. B W;i'ters. Sr. ;iâ€" M Paralow, M Muir, M Gil- ohriat, F J Vauae. Sr- 2â€" E Walters, T lurrie. Jr. 2- J Jleads, M McDonald. 1st Classâ€" B Parslow, I Turner, M Witters. Pt.-S Oliver, M O'Strauder. - ANNIE McMILLON. Tc;i.hei. The Food Controller Says Be sure :ind cun..' to thj Old Time ' Pte.Emerson Bellamy Gassed Concert on Frid»y evening of this week. Comic 6oiig» by R. J. Pedlar; Donald McDoiiJilJ. violinist ; mouth organ and banjo selection H, chi>iu.>«es by darkies, dialogues, recititions ;»nd solos. Admis- sion 15 and 10c. (>range hall, Eugenia. A physical exorcise conceit will lie held ill the Kloshtrtor. high schod on Friday, Nov. l(>, 2 o clock pin. An interesting prourani consisting wholly of drills, marches etc. by thegiris ind boy?. Admission 10c snd upwards. Proceeds in aid of the piino fund. .\11 welonio. The annual Thankort'eting meeting of â- the Woman's Missioiuity Society I'f Township Clerk W. ^. Bellamy re- I ceived a cable Monday inorning announc- I ing that his son, Pte. lOmerson Bellamy, j ! hid been (loisonca by gas on Nov. 1 | j Pte. BolUiiiy went overseas ss t,)uarter- I : maater Sergeant with a Cayuga battalion, j Aft'-r rem lining in England some time! he took a niiichine gun couise and went '• to Franco with a nischine gun section as i ,a private. Ezra Fawcett Wounded son of Mr. Win has been wounded â- Chalmers' Church was held on Tucsdiy , (ji iln; arm iknJ fac This is the third I Pte. Ezra FaWcjtl, Fawcett of Kiinberley, of last week. The service w\s conduottd by the President,. Mrs. McVicar. P.ipers were read by Mrs. M. Duncan and Wis. (Rev.) Dinnick. Mrs. C. A. Betfiy prosenttu' greetings from the SN.M.S. of the Methodist chuioli, and Miss Wynlt from the Biptist church. The IhahkoH- ering ainoiinled to more than ?40. .\ time Pte. Fawcett h.is been wnunded. Victoria Corners Alex. i Bornâ€" To Ml-. and Mrs. ! McConnel, Neville, Sisk , Oct. 14, a son. i Mr. IMI, Mrs. Jirvif Henry, Mrs. Alex Heiiiy aiid Miss Henry, also Mr. Udi.s. Uei-ivt wti.s expressed thst two Rurnsioe and wife of MaikJale, visited of the members were ii .t present owing I i'^''»">'l>' »*> J"»- I^ocUi .idfs. to illiicis-Mis. Jviiios McMullen, whoi Mis. Neilson imd Mr. R>y of Proton bountiful luoc!: w.j.s ser>ed to over fifty was ill the hospital, Torofilo, and Mrs. Will Stew.ut. .\ pleasant anJ profitable afternoon was aptuit. visited at Ocoi've Moore's. The Durham cement plant has down owing to a shortage of coal. shut Ninety per cent, nf the food consumed in Canad.a passes thrjUi,di the hands of our women. Tliera is, then, a ureal responsibility resting upon them to lon- servc supplies needed overseas and te Utilize perishable foods. Waste in alt its many forma should be regarded not o;ily as a sin, but la actual disloyalty in war time. Il i* inip"rtent that sulh.iait 1 and nourishing food shi'uld be pvovidtd, I suited to the needs .if tne ditt'ereut members of the famil/. ' Arbitrary rules in this case are oi little value, but the principle is of general application that the women in the I house can do n« more important pairioiic service thin by guarding against waste. The 'nuestiin of substitution is veiy Ur.;elv in their hands. A lilile saving in every home, when n.ultiplied by all the homes in ilie Doiniuii'ii, would nie.m % very large amount of food products saved for the soldiers. You may feel that you do not need to siun the food pledge, tiiat you will save a'l you cm without it. But how about yourneighb'i / The ac'ual pledge luay help her tt lemember the duty of foid service. Tho housewives of Canaila pleiU'cd to food ferMoe, and l.vjng up lo their pledges, *i.l be a p'weiful factor in the .strugglo agiinst Germ-tny ;ii;d against starvation. .\ii Eliiivalo tarnior ana merch.mt W' re each lined $'-00 and coss for keepii g an illegal bo.zcry. u My Paper!" Ambisajdor GsrtrJ When Ambassador Gerard left Berlin, the only correspondent who traveled with him, and the last American Newspaper man to leave Berlin, was Carl Ackerman of the C'nitcd Press Scr\'ice. .Mr. Ackerman's dispatches appear exclu- sively in Ihe Toronto "Daily Star." .Xbout once a month we "Scoop" everv other paper in the Province with the aid of Mr. Ackerman and other United Press corre- spondents. The oniy Canadian Woman Ctirrespondent in the War Zone -Miss Rosamond Boult- bee -sends us dispatches exclusively. In London the veteran War Correspondent, •Mr. F. A. .McKenzie, assisted by The Star's own Staff, cables the big news of each day. Sergt.-Major K.O. upon Imperial and Flor«nc« 8aultD«« Thomas Cicggie, late SB., writes regularly -Militars' matters. Tlio kii throii':;h ilcnts news troiii the United States comes to us the Chicago Dail\ News' .speiial corrispoM- a-i well as their W.ir cable ser\ ice. We .ilso carr\ the cable service of WinJoriiicre of the ".Mii/itrcal Daily Star." We iiuiiiitain our own start in Ottaua, Montreal, Ottaua, )ca! Ncw> Cai-I Ackerman. Sergt.- Major Gjguis tdremost writers QtioU'c and Winnipeg, at-.d our fioht up to rhc minute. Our special article? are contributed h\ on ?ach subject. Our regular news service consists ot all Cana.iiari Press, .American .'Vssuciatcil Press and C'a.uJiuii .\.v^iciared Prcn; di.-.patches. \Ve also have c\ciusi\e riiiht-^ to tlie pictures of the l.oniion Dailv Mirror. L iiJerwoods, Daily Mail, ropic:!! l'ri.-s,s Services, as well as Canadian Official W ar Records. Sports, etc. In brief. Tlie "Toronto Dalv Star" is one ot the threat broad-..;augeii r.ewspapers ot tile WorlJ. 1)\ reading it >ou will be kept well informed upon every subject that a sjootl citizen and man ot the World should k:!Ln\- a'.HMit. Read The "Toronto Daily Star" each day. You will thoroughly enjoy it, and be glad to acclaim it in all sincerity" a5 MY PAPER!" Cider it to-day. The Toronto Daily Star "Windermaro.' P. A. McKenzi<>. Public Notice Take notice that a^l M^rsona are here- ' by forbidden Irespacaing on, .<r dumping any rubbish on, or taking, smiJ, gravel, eaith 111- other mailer oH Park lot kiii»wn as the FleahiT s.tud y\t, in KleshiTton, containiiiiS about two acres, as all persons tr spassing iT eonniiioing any ivasie <>i removing .»iiything therefrom, on .my part of the Flenher estate in and :iroiind Flesherton ViUtgo, will be puja- ocuted aecoiding to law. DK. T. S. sPROl'LK, JulyO Executor foe the Estate INBRE.\5;K Yt»l"R E'^RMNO Pt>WEK ELLIOTT and C'liailcs btreets, Torontc Has lately been a^ked to fill position-i at from $.">0 lo §li\) » inoiiih and ithei!. up to $'20(>0per annum. It p.ays to get a Superior TrHiniiiii. Write for Oitalogue. Kilter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT. pKixciivu. Carefully Corrected Each Week Buttt-r 38 to 40 Eggs, fve-sh 43 o 42 Wheat *2 25 lo22.5 Oars 70to7» Pea,« 1 Wto 2 10 Barley 9o to ;»5 Huck wheal ". !».") to Or» I rotatoes tl3d

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