Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1914, p. 5

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December 24 1914 THE F L E S H E K T ON ADVANCE . @F AM ADA SECURITY (or both principal and interest is the hrst essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, H D H rVfcnager. . Bikachu also at Durham ind Harrbton. Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.17 p.m. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton 1 . Station Don't forget the Christmas tree ami ag ''lit. r litiMirut in the Presbyterian church : or. Christmas night. This promises to Going North ''*' the bear entertainment in the history 11.41 a.m. of the church. Tea served in the base- !>.lS2p. m. ' ment f rom 5:10 lo -30 concert after. Admission to all, adults -T>, children loc. The mails are osed at Flesherton a.i ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south AS, Feverahani skating rink will be open 3.40 o'cloclf . For morning train south , Tuesday, Thursday arid iSiturday nights mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- from g to J0 p m A( i miasil)n iQc. . Spectators free. &ktes sharpened. F. ^,^^^^^^^, ^^^^^^_ ^^_^_ , Brackenbury, manager. Skating (,'hrist- [ mas day from \i to 4 and from 8 to 10 m. Last week we copied .tn item from The Flesherton Advance which slatd "that Guy Orr brought to that office seven turnips that weighed 65 pounds." W. A. Reburn of Whittield when he read VICINITY CHIPS Merry, Men y Chrisirua? is usual. Mr. John Wright his taken the M.i-- ce; Harris implement agency here. Miss Wallace 'a risking her lister, who 1 ill in Toronto. Bv. R. C. Kfrr is Spending a fort- night with his prectct Dresden, Ont. Miss Clarm Lattmer is spending Christ- mas week with friends at Walter's Fall*. Mr. Arnold Thuiston. Toronto, the item went to his turnip house and Ipicued out tevon that weighed tW llw. Shelbarne Free Pi ess. Mrs. H. S. White is spending Chiiat- mas with her parents at Blenheim. Mr. Wh.ii.- with hia at Port Rope. Misses Holmes and Oldham of the high school pending holidays at the parental lioraej" 6 ftlso visiting theit parents, as well as here. Messrs. Roy Kerr and Fred Bellamy of Toronto are visiting at home for the holidays. ^ Mits Ktta LeOaH left U ,t week to vis- i Miss Switwr of the public school staff with her parents it St. Mary's. Mr.and Mr}. Holland will rein-tin at their home here this Christmas. Mr. Grorge Tnrn*r died at his resi- dence, Heathcote, on Friday, Dec 4. The deceased gi-m l.-m m was born near Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England, and It her'niiter, 'Mrs. G. Kellar, in Toronto, who is seriuily ill with inflammation. The Christmas music in the Methodiat | nurried and came to Canada at the age church Sunday evening \vos enjoyed by a cf -* 7 e < M - for some time h* worked Urge audience, many coming from quite distance. hre in York township, then came to Artetn- Mr. J. H. Campugn or Chicago department w a visitor with fri here last m-.-k. leturning to the Windy C'ty on Monday. J. H. ;- always welcome visitor here. H< esia, settling on the Sloun farm near Eugenia. Afterwards he moved to Kim* I about eight years ago pur- faroi at Huathcoto. He was member and official in the English church at Heathcnte. He was a brother I of Mrs. M. Duncan of Flesherton. If this winter keeps up the record itj The following new books have been has made for the past week or so we will j added to the public libiary and are now soon be unable to move around. Ev en , re dy f or circulation: The Eyes of the now the roads north and south are badly ; World, Harold Bell Wright; England drifted. j an d the English. Price Collier; Secrets The very successful and highly appre-j of the German War Office, Karl Graves; eiated concert given by the Methodist Germany and the Next War. Beruahrdi; church choir and their musical friends j Wall of Partition, Barcl-iy; The t'pas will be repeated Wednesday, Jan. 6, by I Tree, Birclay: The Broken Halo, Bar- special request of a number of the citi- ,clay ; Kilmeny of the Orchard, L. M. zens who love good music. Some new I Montgomery; At the Foot of the Rain- numbers will be given. bow, Jane Stratton Porter; Eyes of the | World. Harulil Bell Wright; Anecdotes j of the Hour, various authors; The Prizes of Life, Grenfell; Patrol of the Sundance At the annu.il meeting of tlie Preaby- teriau Sabbath School last week the following officers were elected: Supt., Frank Chard; Asst , Chas. Stewart; Sec., Geo. Stewart; Asst., Jas. Harrison;! Lieut. MncLean visited his mother and Trail; R:ilph Connor. Librarian, Robt. Chard; Asst., Liwson Whitehead; Ttvai., ChasStewaat: Organ- lister at the Manse, on Wednesday of last week, and left Toronto for Quebec ist. Miss Vei-a Loucks. Asst., Miss Edna I OB Thursday night. Referring to bin Stewart. The former staff of teachers departure the Globe sa ; d: Lieut. D, G. were continued. Mr. T. R. McKenzie continues Superintendent of the Hom Study I'.'i' UUII.MI: The Advance has again this year to thank the good ladies of the Women's Institute here for another Christmas goose, this time a veritable whopper of the s(cose family, weighing 14A poui-ds ! This will aveia.jo just about a pound apiece for those which will surround our festal board bones and all, of course Maclean of the Army Service Corp, who will leave shortly for (Juebec and thence to the front with Canada's second contin- gent, was presented with a pair of h'eld glasses yesterday afternoon by the mem- bers of the Globe staff. Lieut. Maclean, who has been assistant commercial editor of the Globe during the past year, leaves this week for his home in Fleaherton prior tn taking his departure w.th the second contingent Dr. J. A. MacUanald and Mr.Scewart Lyon made the presenta- the and we know i. will be appreciated. Mrs. C. W. Bellamy was deputized to mike this very much appreciated donat- ion and the bird came from her own flock. Thanks, very much, ladies. The municipal nominations will be held on Monday of next week. S' far : there has been little t-vlk of possible can- ] diJates, but we prexumo the old council ...... ., c ,, , teversham Public School Huxnt for will all be in the fiijld for re-election. The only new who has announced his! a< caniidature to The Advance is Mr. Jcua- 1 Sr - *~p Arnott Tti, V Spencer than Latimer of Eugenia, who will try it Fenwick 57. a "bid' again... Other names are wliis- tion in behalf of The Globe editors and reporters, and Lieut. Maclean left his newspaper associations followed by wishes of a host of friends. Honor Rolls Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE A <|iiaiitity of straw for sule ; also two spring ?olts. Apply B. McKenzie, Cey- lon. Hearse fur .Sale Rubber tired, poles or shaft, latest model, nearly new.- M. Sidney, Lady Bank. Four or five heifers, coming two, in calf, to trade for steeis A. Harrison, Fleaheiton. White Wyandotte, white Rock and Silver Campine cockerels for sale, thor- ouehbred stock ; aleo Bronze turkeys and Embi'en geese. Win. Reid, Price- viile P. O., lot 21- -22, N'. D. R. For Sale Cheap young driving mare about 950 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horse about 1100 pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh- erton. Jan. 22 For Sale A few egg vats in prime or- der, suitable for soft water tanks, or watering cattle. A!KO a good, second band set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Flesherton,. Ont. For Quick Sale A nine roomed frame and metal clad dwelling, good cellar and water, frame stable and shed. Also a vacant lot for bale. Possession given at once. Silas Shunk, Flesherton. Legal Blanks For Sale--R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will (mil it to their inter- est to give him a call. &''J3i&stt^^'^'^-^ For sale cheap and on easy 'c i in.-, Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acre*. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank barn ;.ml new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Spr^ule Flesherton. For Sale Cheap anil on easy tirins comfortable frame dwelling in Fleaher- tou ; good well on premises ; also Park lot of 4 acres in good state of culttration wi'h barn thereon. R. J. -Sproule. Flesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 14 H. H Miller of Hanover has for sale tha'Thomis Butler" farm. Lot 5, con. H, and Uvs 4 and 5, cun. 7, Aiteinesia: in all 2'2Q acres more or lets, with about 200 acres cleared, with frame house with atooa cellar and two good bank barns. The poperty U offered at a great bargain. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Taxes due the village of Flesher'on must be paid before the 2!>rd of December. John Wright. Collector. Mr. George Watsou, Piiceville, wishes us to announce that he has LOW got his chopping mill in order and is doing chopping every working day. Wanted large second hand box heat- ing stove, must be cheap and tn reaNon- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleiherton. Jsn.22 The Durham Furniture Co. has 1000 cords of wood for sale at Rock Mills. Price 50c. per uotd. Can be bought in large or small i{uantitios. J. O. Dargav- el in charge. 1 .fan. 58, E Jr. 4-B Hawton 70, N Spencer 01, E MUSIC STUDIO Mark Everette Wright, organist ami choir master of the Methodist church, Flesherton, toucher of piano, organ and voice. Mr. Wright holds credentials from conservatoiies of music when- he has taujht, also from eminent dot-tors and teachers in New England conserva- tory, Boston Metropolitan Conservatory of Music and Stemway Hall, New Vork city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are open for concert engagements. HILL BRQ5., = MARKDALE Men's Overcoats with Quilted or Curl Lining, Mar- mot Fur Collars, for $9.75 12 ouly M.-u',- Vat Collared Coats with quilted or cnri linings, with Marmot Cellars. The Manufactur- ers lose big money on these. Special $9.75 Mantle Cloths at Half Price This week we put on sale thirty pieces of Mantle Cloths in beavers, Curl Cloths, Tweeds and Douckle Cloths. Now is the time to make the Children their winter Coats at little cost. $1 .00 a yd. Mantle cloths for 50c. 81 .75 a yd. Mantle Cloths for 87ic. $1.25 do 62lc. 82. 00 do 81. 00- $1.50 do 75c. 82.25 do $1.25. Flannelette Remnants of Good Quality for lOc. a yd. 2000 yards Best Quality Flannelettes in lengths of 1 to 10 yards. Regular I i and 15c. value, for this week, per yard lOc. Dress Goods at Half Price and Less This week we have gone through our Dress Goods Stock, and picked out all odd lines in Tweeds, Serges, Broadcloths and Amazon?, nearly all colors represented. In the lot you will tiud goods horn 75 cents to 81.2.1 a yard. On sale this week for, per yard 48c. Rubbers! Rubbers! Rubbers! Men's 12 inch Leather Top, Heavy Rubbers tor, per pair 83.75 Men's 4 hole Snag Proof Rubbers for $2.48 Men's 1 Buckle Rubbers for SI. 35 lien's 1 Buckle Heavy Gum Overshoe, Twill Rubber, for 81.18 Ladies Fine Quality Overshoes, all sizes, for $1.28 pr. This week, Ladies, you can buy the best quality Ladies' Overshoes in Button, the kind you pay $1.75 and $2.00 for, per pair $1.28 On Sale Thursday Morning Big Purchase of Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits at Less than Half Price The Clothing was made by one of our best tirins. but was damaged by water, and the Ciggest Bargains you ever bought in Clothing arc to be bought here Thursday morning at less than half the regular price. Loys' and Men's overcoats, all prices at less than halt'. Boys' and Men's Suits, all prices at lees than half. Boys' and Men's Odd Coats at less than half. This Clothing has been slightly damaged by water. Hardware Department In this department we carry a big stock, and we specially mention Coal and Wood Heater?. Coal Stoves and Ranges, of which we are showing a big stock at prices less than yon usually pay. Oil HILL BROS., MARKDALE w. \\ I NTER TERM )PENS January 4lh, 11)15, at the OWEN SOUND, %jOur catalogue tails you MToronto "Globe" aaid: 4 V why It is the MX M Business School in Dominion." Write for it. e^g [| ' We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For ev ery town aid district where we a not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices and sery stock is in demand. MAKE BIG MONEY NOW by ing an agency. BEST TIME for vassint; is during the Summer months. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Free equipment Exclusive territory Highest Commissions paid Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries TORONTO - ONTARIO C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principal, ^fi G D. FLEMING Secretary.^ OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO School Children's Eyes. Christmas Gifts Christmas is coming. shall I send of irieud- Julian 7. R Braskeubury 5'J, R McGirr59, L Moore 54, A Arnott 50, W *pered"~around, but there is no.hir.g sum'- Oiborne 54, L Eberts 39. cien'ly definite to base a statement upun. Tha Session of Chalmers' Church held their 6nal Hireling for the year on Friday j Woodhouse 50, P Sample 40. afternoon l*t at which the work of the j Sr. 2- E Wright 7U, A Weldrick 08, current year was reviewed <uid that for , L Ottewell 00, T Moore 5H,C Woodhouse the coming year considered. Successful 37 1 wo.klmi been done during the year ; p tomot ,d from I to Jr.3-M McLean, manifested in growing attendance at the services and marked increase in member- ship, which on the revised roll i.i now 151. The reports of the Home Study Department showei gratifying interest in this work throughout the congregations and the Missionary contributions through the duplex envelopes showed a deepening interest in this branch ly an increase J McLean. Promoted from Pr. to 1 J Robinson, D Rcbinson, C Alexander, J Htwttm. M Coulthiml, E Weldrick. A Wideman. M. McF.iui.Axi>, Teacher. over last year. The Session also visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and administered the Socriiuent to the long shut in aged couple. Bull for Service Thoroimhbred American bred Uert ford bull lor service on lot lot. 2nd. W. T. and S. R., Artemi.-sm Turin* $1.5t cash . JOHJi ADAMS, Prop, Deering Implements Wluit my friend* ;t> ;t token .ship. Get it dozen or two photos. Just the thing your friends will appreciate most of all and <it the same time will prove inexpensive. Hawken will be glad to furnish the goods. Call early and avoid the usual Chiistmas rush. W. A. HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIST FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestfain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, AND Gasoline Engines All kinds of Deering In.pleinent*. Parts always on hand. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutteis, Barber Buggies, Lon- don Litter CVrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar eliingles and siding. These Implements require no recommendation as they aie goods and raoognicad as the best on the maikut. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station V Columbia Grafonola completes (ha family oirole. Carefully Corrected Each WeeU | Wheat 81 10 lo 1 10 Oats 45 to 45 , Peas $1 15 to 1 15 ! Barley 55 to 56 j Buckwheat 55 to 55 : Flour $ 00 to 17 Oil I Hy $15 00 to 15 00 i 2 to 23 j 30 vi 30! 40 to 40 ! lltoll! 1 1 to V2 ' K to !) 10 to 10 14 to 15 Buttt-r. Eggs, flesh Potatoes per bag. Geese Pucks Fo*l. Chickens , TurKeys The Prov;i*ci,il Government has decid- ed to utilize the lalor of war prisc-ncrs in making expetimeutal farms in Northern All IUT 8E SURE IT IS t COtUMM, WITH THE FJCUSIVE COLUMBIA FEATURE THE TONE CONTIIOt LEAVES. ON SALE AT Dealers. Dealer;- wanted where not rq.neseutod. Apply to Wholesale Distributors, The Music Supply Company, Dti \Vellingtou fcitrect East, Toronto, Out.

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