Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1914, p. 4

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December 'J4 191- FLESHEKJON ADVANCE Til \ /IcGlicrtou Artemesia Council Honor Rolls AuiiMepeiident B eiper, ,-ublirf.eU ev.ry ! Arteu,ei council met on IVc. 15, nil ; Fl.lhertao public school >umday at th" "ftk-e, Cullingwood Street, . the menilieis preeeiit, lite Ui i-ve in the teini ending ChitMiu.-t*, l!14. l-.herton fcheoriptton |.riel per annum 1 hj The mmuu-s of i.ift meeting were UUOM 1 MB peMla*dv<Moe ;$l.5J when not an paiu , Ivrrtisinr rate* un applitati'.r '.'irculittiiui 1 1 .id slid adopt* d. Kepi'i Is i>t 'the Kaeve report for 1.100 W H. ThurBton- K tUlor Baptist Chu rch it c. KBIT. i'ntor. I'!... i;c :;:; I!. _' -unday School I" . in. *>etvice at 11 H in. IX-c-mhei --'7ih Hi-. V. K. Odiim.e of Mc\UslT ('Diversity will pre*ch. Flesherton Methodist Churcli Kef. James Dudgeon, past or. Sunday, December '.'Tt I', U14. 11 a. m. nd 7 i . in. Tlie pasim Si.nday. 10 . m. r'ellowshi| Monday evening Ep*fiili I 8 p. m. Mark Everetii- Wi ight choir leader mid SeiviiT. . II valley P !td expenditure ; .1. 1. Cua- hani, Div. 2 i-xpi-mliuire ; F. Hrowii, Div. ."> i'.\pei. dilute ; W. .Vdci.rn. Uiv . I i-\pi>iiilitnre, il.r Iteevi- unil Mr. Aid- I-, in, ivpi'i't ie 1'r eetille bridge, were re- ii-it.d. B)l'iv 7M, to drc'mi' purls <f Alum uml I'iirk Rtiei-K Kii-'ervn, open ft>i puML- tinxol. WHS introduced and, lend n mn( and Jwcuud lime. | riiiiiPK.n Aldi-n in Tlmt th* treas- urer receite from the llyl nd Co. ff\H li I lif use of stone iiu-lii'l GarTlH.il Brown tirnb. in Tint I. Trnynor'* i account fur plan* of bridge a' lut 70, ti| X. I>. I! . Mi'veyiii)} l:W> siderond ard base lill'- at lo' 174, 8<i5. be \r\\-l Car'il. I 'iuiieiMii- (JrHlmin That report --fi ,. , liueuMi. MUM, ..f Mr. Aldoorn on Di*. 1 rxpenUtture of *:;Htl.iKi be leccivnl mid he he paid 38.00 c-nntiiMMoii, and l\dy overtw.- my woik $:> dined. lii-i.wn That Ti.os. 4- Frank Hunt, Hobs Trimble, t.'lv- once Fisher, Harold Wiii>ht. Mnbel (iii-lil, Wesley Arntionj;, K.-ne I'trgo, !<- Ernest l>avit*, Catherine MoViow, Cieuree. Mitchell, Ken Boyil. S McTn- ish, () Dudgoiin, J Hoid, Ed I.ever. I' Shiiiik, A Hend.-r*i'ii, E Kelts, . I \\ils,, n. !:ni>M 2 .h :> Ethel Fu-M, l-'lossii- UiclardMHi, Hnrry LeOard, Yer Lever, (i!ndytf f.e- ver, Kuby Lever, Belt MeLeod. Sr S Edna Ferri*, Lilian Uuskin, Jaiuiit Wriiihi, Hi'.tix (ioldlmtfk, (ioid<>n I; :!:.. Mumie M, I Li-' 1 nnd Jim ; Suffurd eijusl, \\ilfrid Lever, E.I (.Hu- ll. lUny L'liiriiiitlon and Uu^ell I. .Ir 'J Cecil McTavish, Key Boyd,.lack Kuril. <U, Yiidn Wjls-Hi, Lillian McMnl- h-ii, ('lite Mitihiwsoi). Freda M tthew- Slier- ' '*""' J"' ln C'jrrinsston, -Nelson Evans. . .. . ^ - . ^ ^ ^.^^^. . , -. --- ^ ^ - ^ ---- ^. wnahip rate on, destroy nl Weekly Report Flesherton High School following; Lt tl.c -'vii.n- nt tltr fur .-...,! he refunded IMH I He-count of burn lnviiiL Blown Aldcorn -Tht I'ricevilk 1 ricultursl Socu-'y he Hi inted jfl' 1914 Caitied i, i nil in. -Brown The) the fol-c ' (Miriirs Ie refunded Ihn amount state 1 on accouiu of dog funJ . -Ian. Foster $1. Win. liuchnnan $1, John Burnett ,.', W. Hiinniuns $:, I!. Holley 81. l>. li '. >! H. D. Doui<hu> $1 Carried. Gruham -Itrown-Thut the treMuri-r pjiy the treasurer of (>-j rey amount col- 7> pec cent. ei-*::mef.iiliiix-. under , lpcte( , in ,,,;, , liuil i cl|jil !ity from sup- toe ttinding pupil* of K.'e-lieit . .u II j 1 >'.,.: lor the term of September to I)<ceml>f r. Tlie tiijures denote the [< iceritngt- olitaiued. Claat 1 obtained I. i.,,n:-. ovt-r 7" per vn'. C|KS - obtained i .i>-. frcin M Sr 1 M*niie Xuhn, Elsie Terris, Nel- son ijhunk, I.i-uie Cargo, Dsvid Colj;an, Hazel Wyville. Al ie Norm, M.-irjorie Dudgeon, Oiell Ktaher, Ida Lever, Altie Fields, Krrol Trueman, W C:.rriDgton. .1. I Gordon Goldhawk, Kthel Dud- geon. Annie Teeter, LuelU BUVeley, BoR.sit-StewHit.Dtl'a Kiihei . A Treat in Music F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. K/ ' We offer the Compliments of the Yuletide Season to our- nrany Customers and Friends and wish them the Fullness of Prosperity and Happiness during the year that is ahead. <K) pel cent. FOKM 111 KVTKAXl'K To N"KM \ I. CIM 1--D McVicirKTi. M 1 I Hunt HO. |>urleis of ej yiteni H.\ Cameron report on line of the raical musical treats that we have listened to here for : lunu time wiis that supplied by I'l I Wripht ml u splendidly h.ilrinivd choir of uboul thirty voices in iln- ftle.th->di>'. chuich on Cmlum Tint i lie lt-et >-'s ' Wednesday evening of lst weuk. The \slley i.ail e[)endi'uiv, piiijjruinue consul el of islie i number.", f rKt.ISK. bo revived ai il he he paid including live choruten.tiios, oi-ret8,i|Uin- las^L' S H-iwkm.> ;::. II Shimk7'J ' *l.'t:tOcomiu'.ioii thereon, and $^ f " r tet, duels iids'.h. The wlida pr..rm T Orr 71, U l),ivi <;'.', M L^g*n- 1.7, M lini . J 4y U n I3U s deroad ( irried. ahowe-1 a decree >f i-xc -Hence in trninii'g Mac Arthur i7, /. B.-nilum IM1, L Me- Bmwi, AUlcoin That Mr (Jiaham's lh.it would be difficult lo excel, but the Khail 63. 8 Spn>rt li.;, K \\u^hi li!'.. A ' re|>ori un eip -mlitine l-).t . : lie roic-iv- choruses were p obnbly thf mcsl enjoyed, Wrigbt <il. ! e j. $y'.l4.'.2, ml he U- paid $:.41> com- that i-f the IHI-I, Hie "Bridal -t'horu*" Claae '.', MKu > 5*. U ftk-illey, I* i minion nd il for nine d 4ys overseeing .from the i.utU lloe Maiden, tauluMy Be*ltie 58, C DuJyeoi, Mi, K Speiici-i .M. : work Carnal proving the most populir. Al for a crii- K WhitUker 4. \V liiuhatiaii 44, V Kin ley :<-' M* run i 1.1 1 II,N f.lMS 1 G Whit.- U M li..yd 77. CU'^ Sf-D McVu-ai 74. F Bunt 7i', S II i kn,- 7, T On M, M IA-XMU- "14, H ; '.4 A I ker 47, I' Bciltii OM. K \Vnlit 57, 57, C DuJ<;ron .":.'. K \\hil- W' liuchaiun 4ii Aldcurn Oaineion That th lep.'it ! of F. Iti-uwu, hit. '.', I e ivceived. ' > ;_l !!. and he he pitid $:i^.4M comtnis- 1 aion an 1 >'.' foi one ml a half duys' wurk 'on l:V)siderad C'iriied. Aldcurn lliown -That <!eo. Watson be ini.i 9*>0 for ,il. ami ilanmge to dam due for timber li v ils,, n ML', K I, DUIKI-OII Cla?K 1 -L Muir ;. Harm-lit MI, | L-iidU 7 1 ', A Acheson 7*>. Clus X AGudin70, II Mcl.iMiili'.t. <: White <W, K Shnrpe liM, M lU^'Hlc 67, W Harrison (i.'i. M Wmtvia ij, C Level <>0, W l'tt:<m '. Clans ;( S SniHit ;"jK, K I'.iiliaiiii-nt ">H, K C.mwt)ll.5M, I' Le(iri .VJ. A Allen .'", 1) McMillan 52. M \Vii K t,t 4'.t. KiiKM 1 ClatH 1 1! McVicar HI, A \\inlers8U. U Dinuwall 7M, K ('i.swcll 7, S Mmriy 77. M Kmart 77, K Ifeotlntm 7ii, \V | Latimer 7G, K \ :.. ., 71). ClaM'^-M A^h.-Huii 74. K Th-Jistoii . 7l. M He*rd 71. K M..r(,,n 70, d Hen i c'erson (i'.l. Cl'urtu l>7, K \\illunihon' W.. W Williamson ti.'i. [. Li-vor l."i, 1C Kiitied (>:>. M NYii|du U4. Mr,,i,i,(i:!, T I^ever 1C!, I) Patti.n lil. <' Crr Wl, K Faroloir <W. Oa.s-,:! A l^jt.nrd :.H, II Mo,. re 68, A Mitchell .">.">, A Stewait u.'{, U Cargo 4!. J Steitsrt 47. AH tlieie are tin- NIIIIC atandirdt i- de- miidedby iht- Kducation l';,,i . oinu will have to !, 1/etter wmk if th.-y we to bucceed. icism of the -m/nr-'. it would be foottab- IIBN* in the f xtivme for us to atti--npt Hiiyilnn^ of the kind, where every nuni her WM en pleaiini end left no-hin^ iu bedesiied. The universal veidict was thit the conceit was the bent teen here in many years. The audiemv WHS a fa>r- al I'riccalU. less $ due for timber ly sood one, nlthouuli there- was room Carncd. i '" the church for many more. The pro- Cameron Giuliani That Me MS. Me ce. ds Hmounte-t to about g.'io. The per- Ken/, eand A.dcorn be pid fm set vices soiinel ot ihe chorus was us fol >>. on 1'riceville hridite committee, Mi Sopranos -Mr*. M .ik \\ n-1.' and Aldcorn flften dayt cvereeeing 131), Mr. Mrit NV A Armstrong Misies Tiimble, McK.'i./ic t-li-t en trips inspecting *25 Swil/.er, Thistlethwaite, J. Kiilumls.m, Adelaide G;iudin, Aledn Mitchell, Mnud Bun', Lilian F. H. W. HICKLING Dr, J. Ralph Smith FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL OSTEOPATH Office nd Residence- 4i ftth St. EKt Owen Sound, O't. IIours-9 to 12 a.<" - l- ;{( > to 4 :W P- m - , I t,i li p.m. Other hours by appointment. l Ciltll9il ' Order* were mued on toe treuurer MI. follow.: K. Shearilowi.. I.U-hMi east ; "y d - " ll " buck line, let in 1!UL', 81:!; thu cleik, (Mivi'.l'earl.Mabel .mil A-ne Huiideison. ' pos'uxc account f,.l ixteen months, Alt' s-MehAime^ Blackburn, K. Si:! 4."i ; A Crtiueion, refund for suppli.-N ... . , ,. . , ... .. i> n SVniiht, Ciirnn, ami Misses Mime I Men- for crushi-r :ind n ider, *'J ; h. I'edl.-ir, I Bbeep iDt|ieetor, K) i -I- Vause, refund ilersi.n, Mud Itichardhon and Florence error in tiixet, jl.% ; D. A. C. McLean, 'Thurston. refund 11.98; A. (i.lchmt, _ r.-fund |. SI! !M! : C. Kkins. DlUling tile in 1913, ^"Business Schooll Of the 1900 v. Jones . H Wilmk i.d ; K. Het, work repairing crusher, ?!'. .VI ; XV. .}. l!<iwei, hammer an I IIHII- dle, tl l.'i ; It. Walden, kin;; bolt, OOc ; (!. 1'incli ud, Jiulf c 'Sta plow liiimll.'. GOc ; ^ UirlMiil.-,"!]. p ij.i-1 ;i:nl snpph. -. --1., 1 : K. l:iV\, reptiriui; ariuler. $.'! 2r>; .) Rlclt.ie. semper handle, 7">c ; M. I.. Mc'In'yre, sheep inspector. $1 .">0 ; S. lltmpiiill, repairing |tr4ii>-r, fl 7"> ; W. Puher, unvel, 19.90 ; A. D. McLeod, li{lit and iiispThii 1'iiceville bii.'^e, ronora- K. Wright. 'Hats (ici Cuirn-, Ui. Sullivun ind Uoy Thi-tlethwaite. II. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS That enccessful chool whose ..radu;itei occupy prominent po- si'iou.s from thu Ailant.c to the 1'icitic, re-open for the FALL TKUM September 1st, 1914 Send for free catalog nt oncu to COLLINGWOOD BISINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Collingwood, Ontario. Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphiil, Oraham- Cameron That in the sev ral collectors hat u not leturned their tolb as rer|uirtd, ih is heicby extended me e The cole, tors j c rpij ' T.-ira it voting on i $^, HiinhiiHe a lire ciwinu nd meat. hyUw to fire Pi|iii|). Thi.s fain make of implements is liu.e f.irruch reluin ' well kno'An nil over the c mntry und to (hi- litith imt. their own KOIU! work H the best recoin- heifl-y reijuiitd to niendatioii they cin receive. If you oiled the unpaid I/IMS in the man tier j reijuire anything in thu line of Bidden, ri|iiiri>d l>v law, hut this reoohilion slmll 1 Mowers, heed Drill*, Cultivatorc, 1'ulp- not iillec-t the eolli'i'toi'.s dutitiH or their jcrs, Plows, Sleinh",' WJHOO f Creiim secuiilii-i Carried. ; Separators. Harrows. Hollers, Cutting Brown -Ahb.rn That the thaiikn of I Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en- this Council are hereby extended to T. K'"ef. S : rmx outhls. etc, give us a McKen/io, lvsi|., f.-r !iis fnitliful surt icei j chiince lo quote prices, us Ititeve (it tln inuniiMpiility for the', p'tht year, ami t i tht> . lli, i-nt m unn-i in lmli In- bt di-i tini.'i- 1 (hi- i. iii-f'.iis du- i . , .f_-^i tic, of ii, posit,,,,,. John Wright, Council niijiiiiriietl. - Agent OH i BEAUTIFUL CHRISTHAS GIFTS FOR ALL WK OFKKK V01- THK MOST DKSIKXlll-K LINK TO CHOOSK YOllt 1'UKSKNTS FltoM Our carefully selected display i,f holiday attr.ictioni will impruj) you with its woilh, beauty and reasonable price*. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE $240*) twenty-four hundred dollars- will buy the wit half of lot No. 'J and part of the North west quarter of No. 1, a I on the 4th con. of Kuphrasia, contain- n 'j. about 125 ucies. There is supposed to'be ninety acres cleared, the balance .M,od hardwood bush maple, beech and Clm. There is on the property a frim- h -u.se and kitchen, a frame Urn, straw hoise with otone foundation under it, also wood shed, driving shod, lic I" 1 " and hen house. There aio abm two or- clurds on the farm growing ditteiert kmds of fruit-apples, pears, plum", cherries and urapes. This farm is well fi-nctd with wire and patent fencing. Is f n H from frost. It is also well watered with water in nearly every field. There is Dever-failin "prim- within 40 yards of the h, use Thin farm is wiihin one mile of the thriving vfilgol Kimboiley. K.>i further paiticulurs apply to STl A ItT, Kimberley P. (>. UKSlllABLK AND I'.SKrTI. I'UKKKXTS A .-| i'Ml feature of our stock is the opportunity for eUi-lion. In all i<Mdes we aiv showing nf the season. oi'K ATTKAcrioXs INSCUK THE GREATEST RLEA80BBJ5 BUYING, THE MOST JOY IN ItKCKIVINMJ NOVKL AND HKAt'TlKI'L I'KKSKNTS the newest and li.'.-i Foi gifts that .'iiu decidedly pn|inlir ar.d [ileiiHiiig, see our linn i>f TOYS, BOOKS AND NOVELTIES FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. W* tirvt.n vor THK lui'i'v COMBINATION OK A ti i-Kitioit STIH-K, A I.IU-JK ASSOIITMKNT ASH TIIK FAIUKST Kvery article ilmwn IB the best of its clam--eveiy class r<-i>resenlod i varied and cumplele YOl' VVILf, AI'IMIOVK OF Ol'll VKKY UKAHONAULK l> KICKS Collie, even if ii is necetusry lo conn* without knowinit why. Vn:i will Hnd good i. . u wlu^n splendid opport unities we otl'er. you see W. E. RICHARDSON & SON CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. --ALSO A I.IK- of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of chatge, if required. Isep Agent For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs,windmills,pumps,pipings water tanks,Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons Jitter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Y Y I - r \Vu havj been fortunate in another shipment of fresh Roods t re- duced Pitts ,-uid will give our customers the benefit of ihe reduction. All kinds of feed and several kirn's of flour to chuitM'.t from. Also somo hargiiins in groceries. We have purchased the stock of Inter- national Stock Food from Mr Fisher, You nre umkina nv ney when you are feeding theliltcrnationalStfck Remedies. \Ye want fo,ur htfi'-M nd egg M>d w l" pay n little m >re t'lniu market price. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED VCJ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Take Your Hats Off To These Clothes You'll take your hats otf to these clothes of refinement and quality. I have the nicest aud best suitings on the market and the prices are no higher than the rest. Get a made-to-measure suit or overcoat for Christmas. 1 can supply you with them for prices ranging from $14.00 to $iV>.00. Come in and look them over. T. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Co., Montreal Standard Bank BiocH, Flcslnrton

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