nat 20 1014 THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK O7H. WU1OHT, TEI.KORD & MvIlUSALD rCV V."ct ow^n^'stSSSSJl Hi Important Events Which Have WSSSrtJ 1 ": i? Tu&lnM;?.-"*? 1 ' Occurred During th WesX. SOCIETIES AO U W m...'ir oi> tbe U>t Mond) in a.-i. uioutb, in their loage rouuj rtaytOD'abali Ploiutrton, at b !'"> M.W., W. J. Bellamy; Kec., C. H. Munnhaw; Kin.,K. J, S|.ioule. VnitioK brtln invited E AHTHl'K LODliK, No. *n . A K A u . uiocu in tbt Monichll. Ariu. n RIook.Klnhcrton. evry Friday oil or i,ure the lull mocn T. Illakeley M.. OliK'.Munabav. s, , r. -r,n The Bu*y \\iuiir- Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Hut Into Handy aid Attractive Shape for 4 lie Readers of Our I'aper A Solid HI.-II-V Knjoynient. TUESDAY. Tbe funeral took place yesterday of of the President of Canadian flags are to be placed on all tbe playgrounds of Montreal. .MONDAY. D. Raymond, a prominent borse . offered the near that city as a concentrat'on camp for horses. Tbe i, i m. in Government Is report- ed to have seized tbe main factory of [the American Corset Co. In Dussel- dorf, Germany, converting it Into a I hospital. Peter Doyle of Mara Township, near Beaverton, who has been de- spondent for some time, went to the barn early yesterday mornln? and shot himself. An i. u. u. man guarding a rau- f OUKT.FLF.hHEHTON, 995. 1. & ' "*JJS way bridge at Quebec yesterday shot I Clayton. Bloc, the i.t Wcdneidtv ^^'jj an( j kniel a trespasser below. v ot tbe uiouih. HHOKKS KhlKNOK-Fleeberton C V ClioMn KrUndi uieeW in Clayton ' 1.1 third \V.lui'day of i-acli montn T. Blakele RUDP MATHK'VH, Maikdale, ut-.icnift-r lor the county ot ( n-rviti- at reaatnalile rate>. made t Tbe Advaucr MEDICAL fVK CAHTF.K Ottce .Jd'rJ. *. -uw-i-.teVn 'pleiWrton and Princess Arthur of Connaught, who was formerly Duchess of Fife. I Tbe former Empress Kugenie of __ M France yesterday sent to Queen Alexandra a subscription of - p. in 41,000 for Red Cross work. The British fcteamer Epsom, from Sydney, N.S., June 25. and St. Lucia. July 6, for Victoria, B.C., has gone ashore at Carrera Point, Chile. The vessel is badly damaged. FrosU were recorded in various _, points in Saskatchewan Sunday night, - K.uit.-.i. k records four degrees, Hum- boldt U.IK degrees, Moosejaw two, j Keg' a cn and Voosemin three. Thomas Cornell, of Belleville, yes- terday afternoon bad his throat sashed with a razor in tbe bands of Patrick Gibooey. The affray arose out of an argument over tbe war. Richard Coulson, grain sboveller, was struck with a steam sbovel while while unloading grain from tbe steamer Stormount at Kingston, and Is In tbe hospital in a serious con- di'iou. On moving the adjournment of tbe Premier Asquitb last evening intimat- ed he was hopeful that In tbe inter- val he might be able to make pro- posals regarding Irish Home Rule. WKDNESDAY. Henry Macbean of London, Ont., . wag killed yesterday afternoon when n ' A ne was Dur ' e( l ' n a cave-In of gravel turrtay! on the Caldwell farm near Gait. land, has decided to live more sim- ply, and given orders for all court festivities to be cancelled during next winter. Feeling Is excited to such a point in Paris that thousands of Parisians for several hours early yesterday morning mistook violent peals of thunder accompanying a storm for tbe booming of artillery. A Renter despatch from Brussels says artillerymen of the civil guard from Vervlers relate that during the entry of tbe Germans into Vervlers a shot killed a German soldier, and that tbe entire street in which they were was razed. BUSINESS CARDS Line has placed Its large premises on tbe Hook of Holland at the disposal [of tbe Dutch Hed Cross, in the pros- of a naval battle In the North -uLLouQH n * c youso d ^ . . ik. backing huina. Money loaneo rtbiootble nut Call on u*. / I in. - itl naif* can he maile a*, III* AOY> i B. K'd" D ,e D4 I'.O.. Ceylou. Telephone OOUDttCtiCD. Dec. C.U7. W'tl KAITTIN(. Ucanaaxl Auctioneer toi the countie. ot Ore, and HU..CO.. Fariu a -I Stock tle a iipecialty. Ternn & t,..otion ""* ^.^ce u,Uii tor dale, may be made at the *''" jtt.i- or < ntrl telerhoue oft.ce ** erlyaddr.e.ii.g uie at F.nbam. Ont. Bull For Service Pure l>red iliniiliDin bull, Kni|TMr. 4Mi:i7. f ! S.MVI.M- <.n lot HiT, W.T. S.It., ArtcineMa. TUW fl.&O fuf ^r*UeH, *. for thorooghbredt. All cows s.Tvr*l must be |iid for. OMar. H.^IUBU, Proprietor.; DIVISION COURT 1914 N AMI IHNDAI.K A|.i-i I'- Kl^lierton *"-'. '-''I D nblk <*. W Hull for Service F.-I-...-I-VI.-.-. It.ron Holly X-. Hi.".'. Al*i.le.-n Anii-, "ii :t :$4, dill i-.'ii. *.* ion, AriciiiMMU. 'IVrni". *l.0< if paid t*[, lf . l-r .Ian. !!".">.- W. J. M:i-e.-. BOAK IOR SERVICE Aln-. i-i-.'iKli'iil YiirlcHliiri- l. ( ""'. AV 14.-.HI. HKNHY HOLMAN L'.t 41), (,'-)ii. 4, Aitemesia, I'uriln* i'." tffinur Bull for Service 1'urc lucd Lull, Al.i-.'ili'i-n Kyvie lS,(Xi) fur HBI vice on Int '-"., S.S.> fl *.'l for - ..1 -. Pure* bred ... * ' (X). I'uri.' lire'l T.IIIMI>I" Ii Imu f-u servicr mi the nli .ve l"l . Turins fl.'iO f,.r .ill aniinuU. S.-iv.-l inuv be | . iul f'.r. f,Sl-|,t W. .1. Momlx Farm for Sale L-.l L'iO l'i I."'-', K.IHI Huck Line. Art Mis containing 130 i r.-- n.-..ii\ ll t KMI--I. ' ml- fliilll |-'l,-~li.'l I.'ii. live friiin iMrk'Ul.v <ii">d i.rclianl, lutnk Ln 1 1 'id ii'hur liiiildl'itf"; ntnck I fn we.ll watered, i{ well, winilnull, etc Apply i.ll ini-.iii- ' In .l.ij.b A. Kolley Uuno r.'lt O YEARS' EXPERIENCE ~ Ckvid Vellevlau. i'6, a patient al the Eastern HospltaJ iofjh Insane! 8t BfocJivU^e, disappeared Ofl $a(uT-; day last and yesterday his body was 1 found hanging from a tree on tli>" farm of Daniel Brennan, Hv7 T&ITes! a 4V^ B^cHville. - .-*- It is announced that a dasblogi Irish general on the retired list ls| going to Ireland on behalf of the British Covernment to consult with! tbe provisional committee of the Na- tionalist volunteers ard arrange! measures of defence. THURSDAY. Tbe Brazilian chamber yesterday j approved the declaration of a nn.ia i in i u n. foi 30 days. It may be con-; tlnucd, 'f necessary, for four months.' Pol Plaurou, the opera singer, died yesterday In P. rl. . Plancon was a basr. singer aud made his Paris debut in tbe part of iMepblstopheles, In 1883, with wlii-li part his name has been (-lonely associated. I Mrs. James Schermerhorn, aged 52 years, of Bellevlll , was yesterday morning found ,|. :..' In bed from the effects of chloroform. The unfortun- ate woman owing to nervousness used tbe drug to Induce sleep. ...- ..i.i r. Amory, secretary of the Western Railroad Association, wax found dead in .. pool of blood In his office In a Chicago ollice building late yt-fcterday. There were two deep cuts In bis head. The police believe he wax murdered. The Ancient Order of Hibernians Convention for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick In Bes: ion at Kredericton, N.B.. passed a t'~->lutlon expressing loyalty to King George and hope that victory would follow the Brlt- ixli armies In the Kuropcan war. FRIDAY. A \eieran resident of Haldlmand Township p.i'M ,l away In thu person of A. K. Hare, of Graf ton, at the ripe, age of 9& years. View Admiral Leone Vlali- was ap- pointed Italian Minister of Marine in succession to Admiral Knrlco Mill... who retired from the Ministry on ac- count of ill-lit-allli. Tin- opening of a recruiting station for Uie Princess Patricia Light Infan- Iry Regiment In Montreal yesterday was followed by a large influx of re- cruits of a \ery tine type. Gilbert Kdge.rton, aged 28, son of ! it. .in.. Kdgerton, of Lancaster, died in the General Hospital at Cornwall yesterday, as the result of an accident he met when bis horge, ran away. Cornwall lost one of her best FRENCH MEET SUCCESS. U .11 Office Reports Defeat of Germans In Attack on Dlnant. PARIS. Aug. 17. The following official statement was Issued last night: "A forward m*vemeBt developed m <!;i. all aloag the frt from Kechi- . mi (Rixingen), in Lorraine, eleven miles southwest w< Saarsbourg to Sainte Marie Aux Mines. We carried tbe latter and advanced into tbe re- gion of Saint Blaise. "Tbe French troops, <ho accepted Donan Saturday, continued to ad- vance, their progress being especially rapid in the Schirmeck Valley. We have taken 1,000 prisoners in addl-l tion to the 500 on Friday. Largej quantities of equipment were aban- doned by the Germans; we have also Lorquinbeigbt, capturing a conroy belonging to a cavalry division con- sistjpe of 19 automobiles and lorries, 'The Germans attacked Dlnant,! Their forces consisted of a guard' division and the first cavalry division, 1.1 ii il hv several battalions of in- * -^> ^ " " l 1* T" T "J ^" * TT_ ^^ ' t'y and uiacbitiu fuu coul^unies.! n Ihese forces appeared on, the left bank, tbe French attacked with gieat vigor and dash. The Germans soon gave way and re-crossed the Meuse in great disorder. Many who failed to reach tbe bridge slipped' down the steep bank and fell Into tin- swiftly-flowing river and were drown-j "Profiting by the disorder, a' French light cavalry regiment follow-j ed over the river and pursued '!.. Germans for many miles. This regi- r-ent put to flight and drove before It greatly superior forces of German cavalry. | "The Russian mobilization ban been carried out with remarkable ra- i pldity. The army Is now ready to as- sume the offensive, which soon will make Itself felt. Already In Galicla Russian ca.valry has crossed the fron- tier, driving back the Austrlans." HOUSE OPENS TO-DAY Debates In Emergency Session Will Probably Be Short. HORSE COMBINE BROKE!* Unpatriotic Dealers In Part* of On- i in i.i Kudeavor to Hold tp Govern- nifin on Price of Mounts, But Fall Col. Hughes Issues a Statement Regarding tbe Protection of Explosives. OTTAWA. Aug. 18. The fourtt session of the present Parliament will be opened this afternoon by H. R. H. the Governor-General. Their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Connaughl and the Princess Patricia will occupy seats near the throne but tbe floor of tbe Senate will not be surrender- ed as usual to the wives and daugh- ters of Senators and members. Tbe Senators will occupy their seats and the desks will not be removed foi tbe opening ceremonial as it is In- tended to proceed at once with tbe work of the session. On this account a number of social functions which usually accompany tbe opening of Parliament, including tbe drawing room and state dinner, will be dis- pensed with. The House of Commons, however, will not get down to business ut quickly as bad been anticipated. It was stated at the Prime Minister's of- fice yesterday afternoon that the de- bate upon the address in reply to tbe speech from tbe throne would not proceeded with until to-morrow. when the Commons return from hearing the speech from tbe throne this afternoon, Sir Robert Borden will lay upon the table of the House, cop- ies of all orders In council and otbei documents respecting the war, in- cluding tbe correspondence with the Imperial Government and then move that the vice-regal speech be taken Into consideration on the following day. How long tbe debate on tbe ad- drees may continue will depend to some extent upon how much of the Government's legltlative program is forecast in the Premier's speech. Should bis statement to th House l" a general one, not anticipating tbe specific proposals of the (SovernRieioI. th? debate Is not likely to be prolong- ' ' " GREECE AND TURKEY NEXT. ~~~^~~ i \\.u I. ...mi-, l i> Iii the Levant l<u>sla Makes I COPENHAGEN. Aug. 17. Russia , 1U8 dpmaluled thttl tue Turkish Gov- ernment shnll grant free passage to . HuKsiiin , leot through llle Dar . dane |i e8 ' LONDON, Aug. 17. A neuter de- patch from Home Siys that tbe Paris correspondent of The Trlbuna hears that Greece has decided to demand explanations from Constantinople re- garding the concentration of Turkish troops on the frontier. Unless the reply Is satisfactory, Greece will mo- blll/.u forthwith. Outrage, Says Turkish Knvoy. WASHINGTON, Aug. 17. Tbe Ambassador lo the United States from Turkey yesterday intimated that his Government yet may become involved in tbe : u n: rir In Kurope between the entente and alliance. The Intimation was made when the Turkish Ambas- - uit.i said that If Great Britain In- sists on Turkey yielding Ibe two Ger- man cruisers, Goeben and* Breslau, which ha\v taken refuse In the Dar- danelles, Turkey might forcibly re- sist. The Ambassador said Great Britain for blood polBoning. Tho Japanese steamer Shlkoku Mam was seriously damaged yester- day and one of her crew killed by a cannon shot tired from the British fort at Hong King, while tbe ves- sel was entering the harbor. Tbe iiii "i- -i had Ignored liarhor rules. COPYRIGHTS Ac. and dfirrlntlon maf HBcertaln plif opinion free wlmilirr ' lDTuiln if probKlilr piiieniBhle, Commuiilm- nnfl.1..nill. HANDBOOK n l'lrnt _jal free. Olileat aienrr fur so. 'until uaKiim. Patent* laieii tbroutfh Munn A Co. receive (fttaliurftc/, without charge, lutha Scientific flmericatt A hamlwiiiplT Illniilratixl weakly. l.i B . M. . u evlaiion of i"v K-lemlfH! journal. Term* for < imti t .. v. M ). (xniniM- prepaid. Hold br The Austro-Hungarlaii moratorium ig private debts was extended yesterday till Sept. 30. The 1'rlnce >f Wales' relief fund for Hi- .11 .." -i families of British soldiers and iiullors has attained a to- tal of over '.,.111111.111111 Tho British Admiralty yesterday gave an assurance that tbo oceau routes are well pat rolled and a guar- antee of the ijulvfc resumption of the Ts'aT'ls not affiVi7n5 tlio iilg wool- len mill H( (fampMlionT, vjliich iTifs wei-k flan. -I t.r, full lime, with somo departments overtime.. For the past few in i, tn In- the inlllH had been run- ning five days a week. l'. M, i.'ii: in is I. inn Inculcated umongHl the children of Montreal with u /, i HI. 1 1 could come only a great war. Union Jack* and to International lw in tbe matter of the German warships. "There Is every reason to belle-ve that Turkish dreadnoughts, the Sul- tan i isinaii and the Kechalde, In con- struction for Turkey in British, hhlp- yards, have been seized," said toe : Ambassador. "If this is true, then Great Britain and her allies will have lost the right to make representH- to Turkey." U. 8. ( Saluted. ST. CATHAR1NKS, Aug. 17. A .rlklng Incident occurred on Satur- day i.fiornoon, when the U. S. gun- boat l ni i'ui|nr was passing tbe head- quarters of tho 19th Regiment, dQltje ,K'jard_ dui}' on the yv^'janj Canal. Tyo luard of ihat division was drawn up facing tin- American craft and ntiniled If by pifaenh'ng &rinR ( while tho mi<rines 'board the iiinhoat stood at attention on tho forward deck. o oume discussion, however, may be expected when the financial proposals of tbe Government come before the House for discussion. The Govern- ment. It Is understood, will ask for wide powers on many subjects. In- cluding authority to regulate tbe prices of all food products and some of the Liberal members are contend- ing that Parliament should be kept pretty constantly In session during tbe war, instead of being asked to delegate extraordinary powers to tbe Government. Tbe best of good feel- Ing seems to pievall among tbe mem- bers now here, party lines being for tbe time obliterated. Col. Sam Hughes issueC a state- ment last night expressing the hope "that the public would recognize the n'i. in importance of thoroughly guarding and protecting at the pres- ent time all stores of arms, ammuni- tion and other munitions of war and tbe necessity of placing a sufficient guard for that purpose at all points where attack might be apprehended." The horse dealers combine has been broken. Several carloads of horses for artillery purposes arrived In Ottawa yesterday and prices drop- ped at once lo $140. The best prices given were $165. Tbe Militia Department found it- self up against a combine on the part of many farmers and dealers, and the prices demanded for horses rang- ed all the way to $450. Toronto was tho worst centre o' the combine. The Department is now In a posi- tion to control the situation, and will not- pay over a certain figure, but the action of tbe Ontario farmers and horse dealers has delayed mobiliza- tion of the artillery and rendered the work more difficult. The difficulties, however, are now over. It Is announced for the information of all concerned that a despatch has been received from the War Office re- questing that tbe widest publicity be given to the following army order: "His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve pardons being granted to soldiers who were in a state of desertion from the regular forces on Aug. R, 1914, and who sur- render themselves In tbe I'nlted King- dom m or before Sept. 4, 1914, at any station abroad where there art) regular forces on or before Oct. 4, 1914. They will forfeit all service prior to date of surrender, but sucU service may subsequently be restored under the conditions laid down In the King's regulations for restoration of service forfeited under section 79 of the Army Act. Deserters who enlist between Aug. 5 and Oct. 4, 1914, both days inclusive, In any colonial corps, which may have been or may bo placed at the disposal of the Im- perial Government for tbe war will be granted a free pardon and at the expiration of their service In such corps will not be claimed for further service In the regular forces of the I'nlted Kingdom. They will, how- ever, forfeit all service rendered In the regular forces of the United Kingdom prior to the date ot such enlistment. The provisions of thin order will not be applied to men who have fraudulently or Improperly en- , listed." ' . * OUT Next Week's ADD JAMES PATTISON & CO. Ceylon's Busy Store '< <.. I mini \\ i.iiiulril lirili II MOSCOW. LONDON, Aug. 17.' German wounded are beginning to arrive at Moscow, says a Renter despatch from St. Petersburg, and they are being well cared for. ^^ -^ay ^ . ay ; A - - . 1*<>1> Eager For IScivs. HOME, Aug. 18. (Via Paris.) Notwithstanding his weakness, the Tope has Insisted upon receiving from the papal secretary of state, Cardinal Merry Del Val, a complete report ion the war situation, the latest news from the fleld and tbe possible devel- opment!. Tbe pontiff has eipreited his most ardent dettre to do anything In (kit power to Uffift Ui Harvest time Is a busy time N Then why take chances with unreliable im- plements ? Use the Massey-IIarris or Cockshutt lines, stop worrying. The use of these lines en- able you to handle your work economically and (jiiiekly, and may be had on short notice by leav- your order with, D. McTavish - - FLESHERTON, ONT Agent HARDWARE! Ladies' Hardware Come in ami see The Piney High speed wash- er. It saves the hard work of wash tiny. Men's Hardware Buy a hall safety hoist. They make lifting easy Just the thin^ around the farm. Ask for circular. We get you anything in hardware if not in stock. Frank W. Duncan * ONX II Flesherton Tin Shop. 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Niekelware and Apitewaie for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- I Impairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipeh'tting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for (Mare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. -