Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1914, p. 5

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August 20 1914 THE I LESHEKT O-N ADVANCE OF CAM A A QAVINGS deported in this bank J draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdraw ak of put or the whole amount nay be made when- ever dewed without delay. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, BBC Manager. Branchn aba at Durham and Harri.-ton. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station Trains ollows : Go'ng South 7.43 a. m. 4.17 p.m. The mails are 9.12p. m. osed at Flesherton Born At Toronto on Monday, Aug. 17. ag ' to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Thurston, a daughter. Mr. Joseph Cairn; of Ceylon died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mc- Lachlan, on Saturday last. Mr. Cairns Richardson- Johnston Dr. E K. Richardson of Toronto a married in Olivet Church of tho New Jerusalem, E'IU Grov Avenue, Torouto, on Siituiday htbt, to Miss Nr>mi;i Fi:- ence Johustnn, by ih<t pas' or, R,-v. J. Boweis, The biide was modestly at- tirtd ai.il fhe groom, who i.- a captain in the 2nd brigade Canadian Field Attiltery, wore his full lire-.- uiiifurin. This lu[>[ y event w:is hastened by the fact thut tie Dr. is filled 10 go aay wi'h hit Ut'.tery. The ne*s was a cumplete surprise to the Dr's many friendi here, who, however hope fur his nafe return and long yens of huppiness. The bride is one of To- i rout LI'S most talented ludy pianists. The Advance joina with many o hers ia w.sl.- in*> the happy coi.ple a happy [euaioo and all ihe joys that life ca bring . Hydro-Electric Surveyors Are Here Again uor. D -e-d had streuuousiy the charge t- * personal friettdn, but had pleaded guilt y ritller. In; lle^iti. titan introduce an ei expnge i friend *hfe po- sition would li'<ely b lost if publicity wera given the fdcU Time M given hnu to pay the fiuo ... i no preseuce whitever w *-> ei ia the case, but de- spite this he worried very much and very unnecessari'y over the rua' ter, and this may liave been the d c'.diny factor in the awfully tragic fina'iry. Tu bis parents, deceased appeared to be in Ins cu^tom.iry good -health ivnd apir- t's. On Tutsuday niijht lie went home and retired <&a u&ual, but got up some time lefor? 4 o'c'ock ia the nmrning and gin<; out, withi.u' hut, coal or boo's, wu!kl the three miles up th track, and there, using barbed wire, .iconmpliflhed his terri'ole pu'pixe. Hi carried with him from h. >ai-* au axe :>:i 1 a lar^e pair of scissors. ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and k"pt hotel at Ceylon for many y*rs, and 1 p. at. ; and the afternoon mail south as wai well and favorably known. He 3. 40 o'clock. For morning train s cu , t}l ' leaves a son ;md one daughter Mrs. D mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev g- : VICINITY CHIPS Th ise pe simistic individuals who pro- phesied that we would hear no n.ore <jf the hydro-electric railway survey bad their dreams rudely .sluttered on Friday evening wliea ;i party of eight surveyors droppad in'o town to begin the aurvey McLiusrhlin, and Mr. Geo. Cairns of l o f a line from Flesherton to C .Hingvotd Ulenella, Manitoba. The funeral took t.y way of Maxwell and Fa /enl a u. Thj junction with the previously sai- & I veyed Hue will lie just south of tin vi'- tourna.nent nd races on Fiiday after- j U 8 e at "'* re ' tr of s ' Irwin's farm. The survey crosses a corner of R. Bentham's pUce to Fleaherton cemetery on Monday. KimCerley baseball club will hold noon of this week, August 21. Thir; will be three games between the follow- f.-trm and passes over the TheEart Lake ca-npina; party return- in g ieams. Thornbury w. Kiuiberley, j f <;" rtxls *" tha M ndav Ravenna vs. Blanty re, and a prize of| theQ P ; '''"i? out M ^ Au ff te " dollurs wil1 be S ive " the i"ners to fiirm to tlla northeast. Born -In Flesherton on Monday Aug. ! 17 to Rav. and Mrs. Dudgeon.a J - -' ' road :i corporation limits, trough (J . Irwm's Mr. Fred C. Hayings of the Dunville Gaz, tte, is the s^uest of the Misses Hew- I play ott. There are also races for men ] | women, boys aud skirls, and the afternoon Address and Presentation wfll be a memorable one. See bills for ett. Mrs. A. Reid and daughter. May, of Guelph, are visiting with relatives here. full particular,. A pleasant event occurred on the ev- ening of Friday, Aug. 12. when nein- On Friday last a teamster from Toronto jberb of the Baptist church gathered at t fired at the Hyland works, Eugenia, the home of Mrs. R. H . Wright on the . J hia way out he went to Cairn's store e ve of the departure of her daughter. The rains during the past week * ve j ;mu , lde a three-dollar purchase, and Elsie, for Model at Hanover, wlu has routo. retarded harvest operations very seuoua- Messrs. F. Deagle, Blind river, and Geo. King of Catarct, called on friends here on Tuesday. Miss Etta LeGard has gone to the city to visit her sister. Mis. Gordon KelL.tr j affairs. He telephoned a constable and (nee Tena LeGard.) Mrs. Montgomery of Toronto w Ihe ordered a bag of salt to be taken over to^ ac , t j :a or g im i s t of the church for the the works for him at nigh'. He then p^at two years, hen they pieaented her started for Flesherton, en route foi To- j with die M!oina address und a well- Jack Cairua had his eye on the filled purse, af:er which luncheon was gent, however.aud went over lo the works j served aud thc friends depart .>d to their guest of her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) James Dudgeon. Mrs. Day of New York visited her uncle, Mr. Geo. Mitchell, a few days last week. Mrs. J. Ashforth (nc Miss Kate Gor- don) aud daughter, Vera, of Port Aithur visited Mis. W. H. Thurston last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell went to Alhs- where he discovered the condition of when Mr. Smart Aleck reached here ha w.^ collared. There was not sufficient our church Assembled here v.i.t th:se not money in his pantaloons to liquidate the! *"' Wed wish to du you honjr, several bonnes. To Miss Elsie \Vri<>h'. our and faithful organist : The members debt and his horses and wagon were with liold und silver, ut with the work- : maiiahipof man s hand, not oven ir.th The Flesherton bund went to Mark- dale Friday last to give the thirteen vol- unteers who have enlisted for the war a r .yal send off. The . ton on Ftiday to celebrate the birthday , bgr of pieces ^ such ag .. The ' of Mr. Mitchell's mother, a hale old lady ; ,. Just ^^ tfce 98 yeirs of age. | er> - "Some day we'll wander back ag.iin." Mr. Thos. Moore and son Percy of : t he National Anthem and "Gud be with Wilson, New York State, were quests of you t m we meet agtt j n ." There were Mr. Will Moore for a few days during many we t eyes in the crowd us the men the past wuek. Mr. Joe Armstrong Notice To Creditors holidaying heie. They have taken up j Some may not be accepted when thj residence in their own house opposite, crucial test comes at hea'inuarters, there- the cemettry. ! fore the names of those who will actually Service will be wiihdrawn in the Pres- go to the war cannot be given bytenan church neit Sabbath. Thc pastor will be home from his holidays for the following Sunday August 'M. Born At 482 8th st., Owen Sound, OD Sunday, Auj. U>, to Mr. and Mrs. N. Battersby (nee Francos Paul) a son.- Lancelot Paul. Rev. James Dudgeon preaohed for Rev. Wallace at MaikdaU Sunday even- ing. The pulpit here was occupied by Mr. Oeore Korke of Markdale. therefore impounded at the Munshawl tne finer or more exquisite ornament of House. ! a lady's baud : but with hearts oveirl >w- 111$; with sweet incense mil "ratituda f r y-nir long and faithful service ; with hearts full of lotty appreciation of your noble ^irili. ' .1 ; with hearts beating , s'roug aud full ':'_ in.-,- of your talents left for Uwen !Uld Ioy ,,| ty . wltu ht , iru eouri.ient au d Sound to join there. The farewell wus' unafraid, ai we wisli you God speed ]uite touching. The band played a nuin-' ioto a larger sphere of life, for we kn-.w white tnat y ur '"'S^ ideals of life, your love lo Gt>d, your service to humanity, will in thc future, as it his ia the p.-is!, car.y you throush ;i!l ilia trying ordcah, all f'e >infol iile-isures if the .vrld, all (.lie tru-s aad iioblc cu'-.es of lite, uutil you receive eha victor's crown and the Ma t .!'* " well done." Kindl/ accept tlrs snvill token as the citskit in which we convey our honor aud appreciation to you. May your life be lo:ig and full of the best th-ugs. May the aroma of your life g'> out and bless anil help others en it has blessed and helped us, und when the final roll is answered may it be eaid of yuu. as it was saiil to oce of fid, " She did what she could," for it is the highest honor given to men or angels. Si 'uec on be- half of the church R. C. Kerr, J. N. Riclrudsun. Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America'* Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Eihlbits t>y the ProTincea Exhibits t>y Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto-Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland, I'nited States and Canada Educatiosaal Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero-Hydroplane Fliglita Grand Water Carnival Creature's Famous Band Score of other i Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest \l ulw.tv ever Peace Year Fireworks International Peace Tattoo 10 Bancta 40O Musicians . 29 1914 Sept. TO RONTO MANY THOUSAND MEN REQUIRED for the HARVEST IN WESTERN CANADA Approximately Filteen Thousand Men will be required from Ontario to help in the great work of harvesting the Western crop, and practically the entire rask of transporting this gre.'t army of Harvest- ers to the West will (M to the lot of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Excursions from pi. mis ia Ontario to Manitoba, Saskatchewan und Alberta wi'l b* run. and special tr.tins operated, raakina the trip in ,>>.. ur thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of cars or trans- fers. This will be a d;.y .shorter than any other route. "Going Trip Wear,' $jo to Winnipeg. "Return Trip East." $18 from Win- nipeg. Consult C.P.R. Aiieiiu regarding par- ticulars in connection with transportation west of Winnipeg. GOING DATES August li-? rom Km^tu.i, Sharbot Lake, Renfrew .,<i West to Azilda and Sault Ste. Marie, Unt , to all li> lats in Mamtx-ba and certain p.uuo in Stikatch-win and Alberts. iuftuw 21 -From E wt of Kingston, St.-trbut Like and Renfrew in Pro- vts.c^s of Ontario aud Q lebec. to all poia>8 111 MuuitoSa ;md certain points in Saskatchewan Alberta. For full particulars re/nrdin^ transport- ation west nf \Viuaiueg. etc., se nearest C. P. R. Agent, or wr.te M. G. Murphy District P.issenger A^ent, Toronto. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction clones Monday uii;ht, delivery Friday evcni-jg. CLEANING and DYEING We ai agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothe* cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T* FISHER, - . PROPRIETOR Fall Fair Dates A list of the dates has been prepared by the Provincial Dep.irtmenc >>f Agricul- ture, aud includes those in this district which are as follows : FLESHERTON Sept. >, 30 Feversh m Oct. 6, 7 All ston Oct. I, '.' Burrie Sept. 21-23 Beaton Oct . 5. Bradford Sept. i3-2i> C'larksburg Sept 22. if Collingwojd Sept. 2IJ-2H Couksto wn Sept. 29, 30. Oc'. 1 Dundalk Oct. 8, 9 Elitvale Oct. 3-7 Markdale Oct. l:!, 14 Meaiord Oct. 1. 2 Ne*m:trket O;t. ti 8 Oiillia Sept. 17-10 Oro Sept. 15 Owen Sound O^-t. 7-l> Rocklyn i >jt i). 7 Sholburne Sept. 2!. ::i Toronto ^Cinidiiii Natin:ul), Angus': 2'. Septeiuhfi 14 Farm For Sale I'M) acres. l.j miles from Flesue;: n. uildiu^n, ea,sy tenni. -JOHN' SVRIOBT. [i'les What About -THAT- Baby Carriage Regular Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verandah Chairs ! N'i is the t'me to purchase your Verandah Chairs, on ^ale f..r $6.50 a Pair Noihini; like them fur C..infort. W. H. BUNT FJ^lTJi: D2 LER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton Ontario. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred tiers ford bull lor service on lot 151, '.'nd W. T. and S. R. , Artemisia. Terms $1.50 cash . -JOBN ADAMS, Prop. Pure Bred Holsteio Bull Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Channeling Butter Boy out of Tidy Abbekerk Princess Josephine. The greatest butter making strain known. Term of service $1. 50 for grades. 90 pure bred. GEO. MOORE & SOX. Prop., HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have * pure bred Heref'Td bull for service <>u lot 171. 3rd W.T.S. R.. ArtemeciH. Terms $:> f'ir pule liredi.. $1.50 for rade. All cuws served must be paid t"r. -T. A .1. WATSON. 1 mar 14 entrained. The men who enlisted were and family are | largely troni Berkeley and vicinity. In the matter of the estate of W. J Talbot late of the Township of ArtemetU in the County of Giey, Farmer, deceased. to Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Jewey c>> -w .intlLetfers ci'f fir s-le W. A. A For Sale Cheip yoJUj driving unre about ''JO pounds, or would exchin_;e fur sj'iod Jriviii/ horse tibnut ll'W Ij.mnds. A t>ply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh. rtun. J^Q. -22 Tragic Death at Orangeviile Notice is hereby given, puisuant , Sts.'tion 5li Chapter 121 3-4 Georga V, nn ! Act Respecting the Revision and Consul- j idations of the Stitutes of Ithereto, that all the creditors audi A sid and very lamentable death occurred on Tuesday night or early .Ved- nesd iy morning about three ini!es"weat of O,.Urio| tl le town. Railrjad men goicg west on w a body tree a short du-- the track, just one mile Fi.\a Junction. On utrival they reported tha disiov- Solicitor for the Administrator O f' th e ! ery to the station master, Mr. Br.iwley, said estate i'f the said di-ceas^d, on oi'j who immediately secured help and pro- L , before the 14th day of September. 1914 ceeded to the scene of the tragedy, which was on the farm occupied by Mr. Charles Hughson. Here they found the body c f Louis Wallace (May, a young man, 23 years of nge, a native of Ornngovilh and an employee in the yards of the (..P. R., or more strictly speaking, a contractor Koynl H-juseliuld Flour Expected curly next week a c.irlond of Royal i Bouwboid Fl/urnd Fee-i jlowpricei. F. 0. Kir Nnv is the time to buy ,t*. t's, Klesherc"n. i UIUUWIV. IUVU nil !M'. CiCUlCOIh atlil 1.1 I e The Ei^luh Convention of the \V.n,eus! othersll . lvill , cUi|I14 ag(linst the ^J the early morning fre.gnt jstitute of Grey County will be held in j of the said W'tllwin Talbot, whJ suspended from a. toeeQ tr< Chatsworth'Hiill on Thursday, A ug^Olh.i died on or about the 2:Hh day of ; tanc.- s.uth of tl at "i. m and 7 :50 p m. Dr. Smill.e, i Septeruher, A. D. 1914, are required to, this side of Kis.v at .p. in. HI ><end by post prepaid or deliver to Mr., k ,.1 i of Toronto, will be the spe.ker of the j Lamon of the village of Dundalk the! at tlu ' J unc '"" ll ._... _ . .?.. I i _ L _ _i T - . Convention. The Advance has received No. I, 1, of the Wiarton Record, a new paper j their Christian ond surnames, started in thc peninsular town by Messrs, i of and descriptions, the full particulars C. A. Burn* and E. G. Cross. The | l>f 4*"' the 8tatenlent " f the ' 1 ' nccoui.ts paper is a t> column quarto, fall of inter- , any) he u by tnim estins? ne*s. We wish it success. An( j f urt h el take notice that after and fami'v arrivtd the saij l ' Ml da >' of September 1914 aliu Itlll'l > -*iiiiu .. t . .", . ... the undersigned Ailmmistratoi will pro- the aasets of thc MJd Mr. Bert Ma, back from the West for good last week. ' c e ' eo i"to Mr. Magee sajs the creps in Southern [ deceased among the parties entitled Alberta and Saskatchtwau are very pour, j thereto.hsvino; reaard only to the claims In some places, he says, they are burned | * up so badly us lo not be worth cut'iug. Manitoba has a fair crop. .^ . . , . I of whose c'aim Dr. E. k. Richardson and* bride, of norice ;ll t h e which they shall then have notice, u-.'i that the said Adniinitrator will not ! liable for the siiid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons Legal BUnka Fur 5al R. J. Sproule keeps const intly on hand aud fur s^ie cheap a full stock of DeeJs, M'>rt:nes. \\ilsaud .ill other leaul blanks. Any requirinijsuch will lind it to their iurer"- est to give hir.i a call. Bull For Service Thoroughbred Shorihorn Bull. " Hill- , crest Governor," N'o. 54iW, for service on lot '^7, con 14, ^rteir.esia. Terms .50 lor uvailes. -*.'! for rhorou"hbreda -ALEX CARRITHERS. BILL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field BUrchAll '.HilU will be for service on lot 17b'. f. S. R. Atteiuesia. Terma *1 . ' Au JAS. ST1XSON, Prop. Teacher Wanted Protestant- Apply stating For sale, very cheap. vtiy term", new f miie dwell i ng with two nd \ half acres land Ubl-- in Fleohert n. App'y t" R. J. Sproule, Fleslu-rton. Just arrived A carload eich of Fine Salt .ud Poriltni Cemetu h.-ive been placed in stuck at F. O. K-irstodt's F,eshert(.'ii. shall time not have received of such distribu- W. J. TALBOT Administrator James Lamon Solicitor for the Administrator Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's tion. puenta here. The Dr. is a cap'ain in | the Second Brigade of Canadian Field Artillery, ond for the past week has been on active duty. He expected to leave Date 1 DuuA-ilk this 18th day of August with his brigade for Val C:irti-;r on Tues- 1 1914. day evening this week. His brigade lisa the stuie st itus as regulars. Inspector Beckett was at Metford 10- ccntly prosecuting a charge against lln> Koinhai-dt Brewing Co., of Tor >nt", of solicit ng ordeis through an agent in a L'ual (>p'ion municipal. ty. Mr. John Birnie, of Colliugwood, appeared for the d-'fondanis, who were found i?uil r y aud twdeied t') pay a fine of |ROQ.OOa'.td C"jt. Tiie wte arose out of the rtoent convict- ion of one Gibbons, who was held to kuve A:cl ns (in ugent fur the Company in > I *'..' for rilling engines with coal. The body was cold in death, and the men c.ime to town and notified the :--,!. and fi :..-n 1 1.-. who went out and broi-glit the body to Mr. JIulse's undertaking estab- lishment. The event c^usod a shock in the community, as the youti< man was a steady worker and an exceptionally '|uiet and civil cin>.eri. NJ reason c^u be given for the appar- ent suicide fuithcr than that the niiui had been fined, a d ly or to before, on an alleged charge of being ihe wirse of l:ij- Foi9le clieap an! on eusy tfrm. Lot 13, con. 11. O-iprey, 110 acres. Tliis is a tirst class farm ami in a gocd state of cultivation. Good Lank l>an\ and nw framodweliing. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherion. For Sale A fsw egi{ vats in prime or- ue-, sui able for soft winter tanks, or wnt ering cnt tie. Also iv n^oi, second h;ir.d sot of double harness. M.Scully Co.. Fiesherton, Got Many Thousand Farm Laborers W^hd FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA 'GOING TRIP WEST." I '-RETURN TRIP EAST." Sljg.OO TO WINNIPEG j $18.00 FROM W!fcN!?EG GOING DATES Au.jun llth FroUC Kll stntlons, K|r. -.i:^. Sh:>rbt Lnko, ncnlr,-T wul W.Til l.n A.;i:cl:i r>:i.l Smlll, Sle. Marie, oni., lo nil polTi;slii :>i;;l!nSn. Auguit lth- Knim nil matliuM easi or KliiKMnn. Sliarbot Lukecml ll.-:;friiw. l.i Ih.- ITOVI.IOM i.f Ontario uu.l g.irinv, > :l n palnlHln \r-nnlioh'. Auflutt llth 1- roin Ml BUulttbff, KlriKHlnn. Sh:irt>oi I.iikc. Hrnfrt-vT rttra wr^f lo AnIMn '"r! - BWtK SH>> M*a, om.. to all polnli tn >.! m|r.)ii and i.> vor;am points ui i-hcwnn alul AllxTU. Auguit Mil Vrom allatattniu .st nt Kindlon, i-h-irtmi t.!ipnn.| Rnrr>-^. In !hi> PTOTlmOT if Ontario anil Qllfl w. !o nil [nilnl.i In MaDIIOtU od 10 wrlalu pi.|ilu u S:. II urirl For rull p.irt,lruInni.roKarilin2 lr:in.4iH)rt:i:ii.:t .r i .-n nf \\ : i K. r. L. STUROCK, At. 5 P. A. '(kV'C. MUBPMY. D.l 1 -*., C.:. < MISCELLANEOUS e: we-en C-u-bt-tt >n ,'itnl M a-k- vo aiott-r cycle cr.tnk*, gear .ifach- ed to one. Return to T. Mmcer, M irk- dale, and u^.-eivo reward. i 8. Rau J?, Agent WautoJ !t4re second hand Lox heat- inn stove, must lie cli?ap ai.d in reisoti- ably e"''J c.'iidi'ion. A;'ij'y to R. J. Sproule, Fle-ilicrton. Jsu.^'j Wttch fob lom in Flcuhet.'ou i n Tues- -liy, July 21 . FiiiJei please leave at thts ortice Boy wanted to lanrn {>. intiiu xv. from ^nri pp)y lliit i.frice. Tlii- Durli.-t.ii Furniture Cv hn 1000 C"i-ds of wi< >J f. r wU t R'.'c'c Mils. Price 7oc. [KM- ca'il. Cm I'd ln-.ii;!,- in licn orsmH qun.'ities. .!. L>;i-:n- ei in c'ai^*. 1 ,)*, School CMldrea's Eyes, OWEN SOUND. <>NT.. :!4 Sucoessful yeaia I'jsi '.luiis (Itiarancewl to (ir-i'!'i i: L ii'^e S'aff of SpaciiklUtl. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A.. Prino : yiu ?x;vr,eQce.. Sular- *><> -^ r . lnnum> ,- - __.,.,., Duties I- commeno,' Ut of S-ptetnber. |* Jg Apply to W. (?. J.imieson. 3ecy.-Trea. '"* OWEN SOIND - ONTARIO 3 j S' 5" 1 ? VrtB '"^i ; '. Maxwell P. u., ^^ K.rv. i>o I We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN Fur eveiy town and district where we at e not represented. Fi ui;a :ire bringing high p, j ccs an d , lur . s>-i y stock i< in demand. MAKE BH; MONEY NOW byuk- ingan.itfeucy. BEST TIME for cn- vM.sNiiii; i* (luriiijj the Summer months. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Free equipment K.vclusive terricoiy Highest Commissions [;aid \\'iite for full particu'ars. Stone & Wellington Font hill Nurseries TORONTO - ONTARIO. Many lives have been rained through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, Care hilly Cort-ected Each Week- Wheat Oats $1 15 io X 40 to 81 12 tn I 55 to IUy.. ?r>00 t ir> 20 k B&rlsy EgR, f reft'u IVi'^iNittti jer baj Ouoks Kov! -'1 to UO to 1 I -' to IT. t It to I.", u. 18 t R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement*- \\'.'i,'nns. Bu^iei, Cutters, S!eigh, und Gasi-line Kiuines. Melotte Creiini Separators, linker \\inl Mills. Pumps, Pipinu' and Pipe F.ttin^s a ol> Land Beatly BI..J'. Fergus, Burn Tricks, Carriers and st.'ible ti'tinns. Cockshu't and Frost & Wo.d Repairs ,-tlways on huil. \Vareroom--Wellinglcn Stree. Ontario.

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