Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1914, p. 5

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July > 1914 THE f L E S H E R T OS ADVANCE r -I.* B THE ESTABLISHED 1*7* Honor Roll* F SENDING money to any point in Canada, the United State* at Europe it safe, ewCMaical and expedJbou* when thi> Bautk'i drafts and money orden are used. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, EBB Branch** aboit Durfctm i C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as ollows : Going South Going North 7.43a.m. 11.41 a.m. 4.17p.m. 9.12p.m. 1 The mails are osed at Fleshei ton ao ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as -3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- 1 Miss Biida Goldhawk is visiting with friends at Woodbridge. Priceville Methoibca will hold their annual garden party on the parsonage lawn, Priceville, Tuesday evening of neat week, when a big programme of good things will be giveu. Flesherton band has been engaged for the tccasioo. See bills. C ' monthly meeting on Friday, July 3, a? 2.30 p.-ra, in the town hall. The youog girb of the Institute are giving the pro- gram, and a good one ia expected. A good attendance is r mested, as business importance will bo discussed. All ladies cordially iim'd t-attiid. wd- wn received here l>y Mrs. Me- Pol'c*man E. C. Phillip* of Toronto j Auley that her daughter, Jeie, waa ill at called tn friends here on Thursday last ; her boarduis; house, ten miles from Russell, Manitoba with tyhoid fever; at latest report she was doing a* well -a could be expected. There are six caaea in the same douse. VICINITY CHIPS Miss Lulu Mitchell, teacher in Paris, Ij is home for holiday*. EH.HI;..* r.s T.-i... . r,, Public S Promotion Examination-; Juns DI4. Sr. 3 to Jr. 4 Ar.nie Ctmtoo. Nellie Spencer, Emerson < >.l> jrne. Jr. 3 to Sr. 3 Olivia Clinton. Second to Jr. :j Rciie Mctiirr, William Tyler, Alice Arn;>tt, Ph'anfy S%mp!e, L.-na Moore. M. MocFariaad. Promotion* S. S. Nu. 4. Artemesia Jr 4 to Sr 4- I.Stiotoo 86, L Lave 7rJ. R Sceveos 70. L Lockhart 6:, E Scott ti6, A Irwio f,2. W Heard 9, R Aeheson >2, \V NicbolU and J Sliason absent. Tbe last frve had the option of rewriting Dueaubject. Sr 3 to Jr 4 T Irwin 59. Jr 3 to Sr 3 E Siins'>a >, S Ludlow 73, G Stineon t>9, \V. NUon 65, I' Scott 63, O Lockhart 61, R Stevens 57. Jr - to Sr i E Siiuson 69, S Achoson and L NicholU 71, M Nihl!s 60, A Little r>5. 1 to Jr 2-DSe<rens 83, V Moore 79, E NicholLs 66, B Heard 53, P Badgerow and J Badgeiow rec. B to C M Scott, -M Achesoc. L B*d- juerow, L Nixon, A tfc.B-I L-ckhart, .E.Muore. E iGallagbei, M Nixon.. L. B. WAJ.SM, Teacher. Dr. R. Henderson and R. Sorris of , Toronto motored up Saturday aod pest j Sunday in town. | Mrs. A. Bentham is visiting her prJ ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Quigg. Mrs. Visey and Mrs. Wolcor of Tc-! ronto are visiting Mis. Jot. Clinton. ' The recent benificent raius have been "orking wonlers with fodder crupa and all kinds of vegetation. Mr. \Ves Carson in aECTRIC LIGHTING. Different Methods on Whtefi Ar ami lncand*ent Lamp* Work. Tbe arc light and tbe Incandescent Ught work on totally different prin- ciples. It waa noted many years ago that wben an electric circuit wu broken the current Jumped across a slight gap, producing a brilliant flame. Tbe shape of this flame was roughly an arc from one conductor to the other. Thus the word "arc" was adopted. All Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale cheap young drum 2 tnte out 'J50 pound*, or would exchange tot good driving horw about 11UO pound*.- Apply to P.. J. Spnule, Flea- ertoo. Jin. '22 H^use to Ren' Good brick home, garden nd stable for rent recently occupied by Mr. Alei. Stewart. Appiy to K. G. Holland, or Win. Wilccck.' A fresh Kiln of lime just burned c Eugenia. Any or.e wanting aoy ippiy to J. U. Ducketr. Two Jack Screws tv reiit. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Legal Blanks For *Ie R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand ^c i for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages. i.h and all other leal blanks. Any repairing such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. Prize Sale At Ceylon We are giniag prizes ti tbe Urgest purchaser of good* at our at re, during the last 10 dys, June, and tbe month of July, ioiu mewing Jane Stub. For full particulars se poster in store. We will lUo mike it worth your while to buy here without prize;., in y . : will see i fe-w proofs bel.w. Black cat ho* polish. 12. per Wile. 3 tins mustard for i".c. Eeaporated milk. fc. per can. Furniture polsh. )*c. per bottle. Jumbo stove polish. Urge *od gixxi, 3 for 2^c. m preach ocobtes. reg. *.--. iai o<X-. per Ib , for &>:. Spearmint )TUP\ - re. oc. olizs. f-;-t 5i. See our biij '25c. broom fc For sale cheap and on easy t^rm-. Lot 13. o>u. 11, Osprey. 110 acres. This u a tirst clas* farm and in i gr^d sc.it e of cultivation. Good lank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton, For Sale A few egg vts in prime or- de'. suitable for soft water tasks, or watering; cattle. Also a 300(1, second iund set of doable harness. M. Scully 'o.. Flesherton, One. We have a g.wd supply ot P^ris Green in I Ib. ani i Il. Binder twiua, lt m.\!ces li cl.<sa prices. Aproti>. Gingham ind Duc'. rez. 13c. for i:{c. per yd. Dre*s ao-.'d at simi bu ri?-i'iciica during-this prize sale . JAMES PATTISON&CO. A Si^j Two burner blue dime oil stove, ex- cs'Unt condition, cost 97. 30, will e!l for >o.5). Apply at tuii odi. Pair good plien found L>wner oaa ' uve them at this office. MISCELU.NEOUS Lost Sunburst brooch s^t with pearls at i r between Eugenia or Flesherton. on Wednediy. June 3. Reward. This ofice. Fleshierton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction. : LAl'NDRY-Basket closes M< oday ' nispht, delivery Friday K Irwin has opened an ice cream par- | [or in Wright's old 9fnd. where he will be ' ;le:ised to met customers. H* will ilso i fruits for 5'ile- over certain c >py. 8{r. and Mrs. Champaigne of Chicago spent the past tew days with the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Brown. Mi-~ea E. Switzer and I. Wilson orchard gran;. h- sys, measures four feet j ten inchea. After all the pessimistic uiurinurings it is a pleasure to chronicle growths ai this. At th- Methodist church Sunday even- i were in Owen Sound on Tuesday, trying in? the congregation was treated to their Junior Vocal Examinativn. some raiely tin* singing. Dr. U. Hen- of rent, Sask., who ia visiting his parents at Kimberley, was a caller on Monday. Mrs ( kev.) \V. Ayers of Toronto it on an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Blackburn. Mr. F. A. Hutchioson of Swift Cur- Person and R. Norris, the latter* meoi- | ber of the Sherlock Male Quartette To- J [ ronto, sang a duett, and Mr. Norris gave I a solo. Miss Bertha Bryson of Toronto i also sang a solo. The singing of these : talented people was much appreciated ; by the large audience. Messrs. Header- Eugenia and Kock Mills b M taIl team, ^ ind ^^ ^ ^ . Q ^ ^ , ulsyed a match Friday evening, the score terUn chureh in (he ^^^ beicg a tie 7-7. i T i -^ peculiar accident occurred 2 A young mn named Leppurd was run into by a bicyclist at Rock Mills on Fri. " >l * ttt * ^ ^ week - Mr - * ... i.- i_ v. i,-, oranoer was having his well, situated evening ;ind had his leu broken. iu the woodshed, cleaned out. The well Swintuii Park and Fleshertou played is thirty-tive feet in depth and contains a a friendly game of football one eitum- p ump . A horse owned by Mr. Bramler last week. The score stood 2-->. wandered through the open door and fell Mr. W. A. Armstiung hal a valuable i < nto tne Wt: " "iod feet first, dropping to tly killed t>n Thursday 'he bottom. It w*s seei. hut as its head Thj animal left dropped beneath the surface. The auioi- ' litter of 2-weeks old puppies. , !kl * k ' lled in fe fall. Mr. Brander dumped in a couple of loads uf earth, in-' Mr Murray Legato, of Ceylon, is visit- j u . n>Jing , till up the wel , bu , the jj^^j ing his uncle, Mr. J?. Coleridge, and of Heakh Ro( ho , J of ^ an ' d Mf Branjer j auut, Mrs. C Uamage, for a few days.- ,; wag ^^^..^ tl> reroove the w ^ s Durham Review. in order to p reven t contamination of the Pitfsbyterian church next hundsy ua ble one. morning and evening, conducted by Rev. A. 51. Morris of Orangeville. Tbe aienibtrsof Prince Arthur L.li:<.'. A. F. and A. M., escorted the remains altiuwt leaping across a small air gap between tbe two electrodes, or carbon pencils, and beating the tips of tba carbons white hot. Floating particles of white bot carbon also add to the brilliancy. A mechanism U necessary to "feed" In tbe carbons as fast as they, burn away, or otherwise the gap would increase until lae current could not jump across and tbe ligbt would go oat Tn Incandescent lamp, common in moat homes and office buildings. Is ob- tained from a piece of white bot wire, heated by tbe passage oC an electric current. Tbe wire must be inclosed in a glass bulb from which tbe air ha4 been exhausted, otherwise it would quickly be burned op and consumed. Tbe wire filament is now made of tungsten, which resists the flow of elec- tricity with so much rigor tbat the current. In working to get by tbe ob- struction, beats tbe wire to Incan- descence, hence the name. New Xork World. Th* Human Machine. Is there one of us who does not sometimes trei^t a person like a ma- Wanted large second band box heat- in.; stove. Tust be cheap and on reason- abl.T gooe* ci>ndilion. Apply to R. J. SproL-'-. Flesh^rton. Jsn.22 [ -- Mopl Glau Creamery. Markdale. com- mences operations on M.y 25- private funds to loan on farm e security af lowest rates of in terest. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Henry M. EVugla.- will stand his ! Hackney Sralliou, AittUfiatur Imp.) at j the MarkJale House stables for a few j weeks on and after July 11. and DYEING We are gents for Parkers Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T ' FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR Tender* Wanted Tenders will be rceived up to June 'M. for the eiec'ion of a frame building at the school house. Sec. So. 3, 12 feet square by 7 feet high. Specincauoos can be had from the underfeed, or any of the trustees. The lowest or my ten- der cot necessarily accepted. Alt'. Harrison, Sec. Fleaherton, May 13. Wit. R. J. COLQUETTE Fevers ham. Ont. Vent for the Cocksfautt Ptow Ci Full Ltae of Farm Implement j Wagons, Buggies. Cutters. Sleight, and Gasoline Engine*. Melotce Cream Separators. Baker Wind Mills. Pumps. Piping and Pipe Fittings always on band. Bemt'.y Bros', of Fergus. Burn Tracks. Li'.ter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost A Wood Repairs always t u hand. Wareroom Welliajon Stree. Feversbatn. Ontario. I ^.-- , 4fc* 1 of the late Roger MeGiN to tLe statio i on Saturday evening. I iug Normal, is home for holidays. She . accompanied by Miss Berth* Br^n. who spent week here. ' waj announced in last week's issue-, was> K>ru in the township of Maikh*ui. The family later moved to Cartwri^bc town- ship. About the year 1349 tbe family moved to Artemesia, taking up land Miss Iva Mitchell,* ho has beer, attend- ^mt one mib south of luistioge on the Tor,.uto Line. I,i 18W.) Mr. Tlbot w ! married to Miss Elizabeth Millsap. who survives him, and by whom she hd two L.C>.L. t*83 will hold service iu their ! sons, David of Washington, and \V. J. hull at Ceylon ou Sunday next at 3 p.iu. on the homesteitil. East Back Line, where The speaker will be K. W. E. McFadilen, ; he had lived for over thirty year*. Iu B. A., i>f Markdale. religion he wss in English Churchman, G. W. WalHce, wife aud daughter, of nd i" politics Conservative. He was a Toronto, motored up on Saturday and ' m * n ol integrity, industrious and hd spent Sunday with \V. J. Bellamy aud working, aud esteemed by alU ho knew family. TUe lesults of the Lower School Eti- ll " a lld >' ''"r July, published by trance to Ncru.al Examination have been , W - J- Taylor, Limited. Woodstock. Oat., received and will be published next week. I s c l *' th very striking over de.-ian. for taking tickets? Do we not often treat our fellow creatures like cuasl^s on flat cars without substance and personality? I have been striving for years to overcome In myself and In my medical fellows the professional as a "casef ^_^ tbe habit of impersonality persists, like original sin. In myriad forms and unexpected ways. In law courts we treat a hu- man being as a "prisoner at tbe bar," as the "plaintiff" or "defendant," to the exclusion of the fact that be Is as real and sensitive as ourselves. Atlan- tic. J ...;- r log! bright borne t the other day aud told tbem that tba kindergarten teacher had said she will grow up to be a very nice looking youns lady if sbe is a good gtri, but will grow op to be a very ugly vroman if she is a naughty girl. "Is that true, mamma?" asked Marie, and she was Informed tbat if tbe teacher said so it was true. Marie tbea sat still for awhilt*. pondering seriously. "But, mamma," sbe suddenly burst forth again, "why was the kindergarten teacher so naughty wben sbe was a lit- tte girl {"-Philadelphia Record. We understand that only four out cf " l " di n shoo^t in full regalia, to the eighteen who wrote failed to p-sss. ordinary leader suggestive of a vanished The Advance had a pleasant call funii race, to the trap-shooter reminder of the auuual "Canadian Indians' Tourua- Within the magazine- is contained an account of the recent Grand International Tourna- ment at St. Thomas, Out. For the Mr. U. H. Miller. ex-M. P.. i-ii Hanover, ... . meut at ]Siaipira-on-the-Laktf. on Saturday. Mr. Miller spoke t a meeting here Friday evening and at Eu- gonia Saturday eveiuu8 on behalf of the 1 sportsman, tourist and lover of the out- Miss Catherine Burns of Osprey. piano ! of . door9 , there is n imerestiu? bill of pupil of Mr.. Blackburn here, was very fare which ^^ . A Canoe Trip ftvm successful in her recent examination > | Lake Temiscaming to Lake Abitibi; n Toronto, passing in her Senior Second , Mticle on jfe.^^!.,^ , th , spa with first clus honors. , ^a;,, . the , tory of .. An og Mrs. Frank Phillips and three children ' ou the outskirts of Jaspar Park. Alta ; of Toronto, werw xuests of friends here Reminiscences of Fishing in Kideau during i he past we*>k. Mr. Phillips came Lakes ; two good stories, Canadian Camp up for the First and they returned home Life and Cupid Alias I'ncle Xeb White ; I with him. Jy ; u ' Fishin' : The Value of the Birds, a I The Ludies Aid of Maiwell Presby- ; p'ea for an international treaty of pro- teriun church will hold a garden party on ! tection : Skunks and how t take them : ' E. McCalluui's lawn, 4th line Osprey, : and a ho^t of other material of thj kind i on Tuesday, July T. There will b a that readers of out-door literature enjoy I baseball mt;h between Dundalk and j The remains of lion. S. U. Rlnktf were f M,dill.- fo a tvii-d 'liar priau. Toa from ! Iidj o rest beside tho of his lat brother, i 6 to S o'click. Hon. Edward Blake. Feathered Police. "Our aerial police force" is the pic- turesque aud nt the same time accu- rate phrase that tbe state ornithologist of Massachusetts has applied to the birds. They concentrate rapidly on any unusual irruption of Insects or of the smaller animals that we class as ver- min. They guard alike the property of rich and poor, demand no salary, ac- cept no "craft" and ask only to be pro- tected in the performance of theft beneficent work. Youth's Companion. Cubic Feet A cubic foot of water contains on and one-bait gallons (1,728 coble Inch- es) and weighs sixty-two and one-halt pounds. One cable foot of bitumlnoat coal \relgbs from forty-seven to BftJ pounds. One cubic foot of anthracite coal weighs about fifty-three pounds. Fate of the Peacemaker, "Sour face seems cut up. AcclJeatr "No. fight. Tried to itop t hosbam who was beating bis wife." "And the husband alt yoaf "No, the wlft," - Clmltad Platt Ceylon Our vil!ie wa* shocked < c morning, whcu woc-i was phoned from Fltsherton tb;t R. McGdl wi dead from heart failure. Only i littU over c hour had etap?e<l since he left here 'Ap- parently well. He bid beea ia esteem- ed resident of this place for over thirty years and for about. 2;' yeirs of ihut tiu:e ws C. P.K. aaeut here. He wis very kiinl and ob'igioii citizen, ever teady to help in any zool cause ami for the bet- terment of the place. Beautiful wreaths were placed ou the casdet by the Tele- gtiph Operators A-?ociatioa. the M-wi-r.s aud one from Ceylon friends. Mrs. Muir me sou l<?ic Tuesday for Hauuver to attend the m ivriage i : her son, S:in!ey to Miss Beamish, which took place \Vpdue*day afternoon. Our Sabbith school hnld their annual picuk- in McKenzie'* ijtove Friday after- noon of this week, when the Fleshert.n lUpt -s: Sunday school wiU jjin them. R. C -ok paid iHveii Souuj i business trip the first of ths week. S. E. EinVury returned to th city Tuesday ;ifter spending a few Jays t R. Cook's. Mrs. Cvnuiehael of OriHi;, who is vis- iting her friend, Mrs. Kind, took ill, but at time of writing is bet'.er. Miss Wi'son, our teacher, who hi* re- signed her charge h-ere, w;ts ou Friday af:eriio.-n presented with a neatly woxied address ami a jewel c-.we froni her pupils, who we very loath to pirt with her. Mr. Parks, who has bem visitiuu hi^ friend, lv>y Piper, th* past two weeks, hi* returned to the city. Stanley McMuIleu returned to the city Saturxiiy, Percy Mcl.eod accompanying him. Mrs. R. P. Legate spent a few day* with Duihim frieuds last week. Mr. Will Srs,ent and bride xisited the parental home here last week. Mrs. J. McMillan of McDonald Insti- tute, Ouelph. is home for tht summer mouths. FrttlChUle'i. Shelburne.spent over Suudxy at the u irent *l home. A Mr. Tudhof-e, represeuting the Monarch Fire Insurance Company, paid Grand Valley a visit last week, getting a little information ab.iut the tire tbat clcHiied. up Sammy Duckworth's egg *m- p\>riuui. Contrary to former statements ii develops that there was an insurance of f">(X> on the contents, represent! us about Sl> K>xea of butter, KH> butter bn-xes, 15 esru crates, 2 sets scales, ami a st'ive lakied at $10. Fivm the informa- tion seciue\l the Insurance Co:ti|xtuy is hkely to refuse (layinent of tht cUir.i, until at least a -rouer v s invetii;aion is held. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH IMfice cd Rasidence 1:.!0. l')th ?: \V c st Owen Sound. Ox:. H >urs 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to {) p.m. Cther hour* by appointment. We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For every town cd di-'.riot *i.?re *< ire not represented. Fruit* are bringing high prices *ud nur- s>-ry stock is iti oeiuud. MAKE BK; >K>NEY N\V ;.% uk- in an agency. BEST TIME for cut- vassing i> during the Summer warns. EXPERIENCE NOT NF.LF.SS Flee t?<}uipniK7 Exclusive territory Highest Coaioiissio:. - W rite for full part:. .:- Stonfi & Wellington Do You Ever Sleep? It you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the Lend of this advertisement will onlv cost vcti $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Fonthtu y TORONTO . ONTARIO. Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of sye trouble arc averted by ear'y arp'Jca'Jon ::' p-oper bases. Present neg:. 1 :: means future trouble. Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary bead. Of coarse we Lave o;her beds at other prices, all equally tow in pruw Sanitary Beds sach as everybody wants. Springs and Mattresses to Sc all beds. Examine (fur stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Strayed Alout M.y i". . hoivy bay ti^y. some urey hairs, white ice and feet, in .- yes old. Auy pe.< , ^ informa- tion to letui ti> her recovery will be = 1 sbly rewanied. - Hl'GH KNi TT. Markdale. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changelio^ Prince Joe Br*d by Chinie'.n;^ Putter Boy o>:; of Tidy Abbekerk Krince-s-* Josephine. T!u- ave,ttet butter making strain kuowu. Term vf service ^l.oU for grades, JT> pure bivd. ;Kt>. MiMiUK A - >N. Props., HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The underfeed h.t\e a pur* bred Hereford bull Kr service -.-n lot 171, 3rd XV.T.S K.. Avter.:esi. Terms Sit t.r pure breus, $l.oO for znule?. AH o.-w> served must be paid tor. T. A- J. WATSON. 1 nxn U Bull For Service WA 4. r.4.^. ^ Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull. " Hilt- . A. ArmStrOnJT. crest Govern. >\>. s:^, for service on lot i7. con 14, ^rtemesia. Tenns ! $1.50 k>r iimns. -ALEX CARRITHERS. Caretully Corrected Each Week Wheat $1 00 lo 1 00 C>ats 40 to 40 Pea* fl 12 to 1 12 Barley 5o U> :>i Hy f 15 00 to 1500 Butter IS to 18 Ei$s, fresh U co 19 Potatoes per bag 1 IV to 1 UO Geeso 12 to IS Pucks 15 to 13 Fo*l...." H to IS Chickens 13 to 15 TUT Keys .. 18 to 20 BILL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Mr?hll 90SIU will be for ' service ou lot 170. T. *. R. Artemesi*. Terms $1. AHS JAS. STIXSON. Prop. Teacher Wanted ProUstaut- -Apply Mating qualifications uul experience*, ^(tlury ItH 1 '.' [>erannuir. j Duties ti> commeuce 1st of September. Apply to W. G. JamWscn, Secy -Tn-a, S. S'N-. S. Arteu;e>ia. Maxwell P. V., IR.K. No 1.

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