Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. 1 . i i > 701 :>:! No 47 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday June- 18, 1914 W. H THDRSTON Wodehouse Doings This is surely a huay hurjj \\hiMi your s:rilic has not found time for Wi-i Us back t i send H line. \Ve are cortanily having delightful weather the last few days, hut if raiti does not soon come a. lijhi hay crop is in efore for us. Eveiythmn is in sore need of those cupioiiri June .sliower.s, luib then on tho other hand w nra forluna'e lo j miss 'he tierce ttomis souu; localities have had. Mr. Albert Latter .if I'nion occupied the pulpit in the Xi-w Kng'inul church on Sunday afternoon Itev. Mr. Cnlh y is attending conferencf. We will he sorry to los him, hut Inrina only a stu- dent his stay is l:inited ut every place. Ho is certainly a devoted worker. Wilfred Fawcetr and friend, Miss Elsie Hi 1 of Mnrkaale, spent Suirlay with the firni-r' [Mrenta here. Rober; Aches m of Harkaway was the guest of Ki.'bert Bradley and family one day the past week. Miss Elsie McNevin of Kimberley spent Sunday with friends heiv. .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morwood vis- ited over Sunday with Meaforu friends and attended the wdd Animal s:how and circus there on Saturday. The Kpworth League had a successful ice 'Tram social on Wednesday evening .'axt. A good time is reported by all. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ormsby of Uea- verdale were the quests of Mr. and Mrs. .). W. Wiley recently. Mr. and Mrs. ('. B. Ahurcruuibie speni tSunday wijh Ri cklyn friends. Mr. Fred Bii'ch has returutd frmn a two weeks' visit with friend* in and ...uinl Thornbury and Collin^wood. The children are bus/ practising fo r i heir Sunday school picnic, which IN to be held on June 25. A good afternoon's sport is promised ; lea from 5 until all a?e served, and a choice prouram in the evening. Don't forget the date. Mr. Samuul Wiley, Sr., it liavii g ce- ment floors laid in his horsn barn bas.>- inent J. l.awM'ii doing the job. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. ami Mrs* Brodie of Vancou* visited friends here ivcenlly. Misses Lillian Dudgeon tnd Zslln I!'-n- tham are visi'inuai Mr. E. P.uil's. Miss Martha Feinvick WHS I he first y<mii!> lady to cmne to Eugenia with a friend on u motorcycle. Mr. Noble was cilled to assist Mr. Uiil in his liusiue.sa here. Mrs. \VuiMiljiirn has returned to Mrs. Frjil .l.-iuiies m's from her visit in .Shel- buruc. Mr. and Mrs. Friuicis Genoe visited wiih \aiidcdeurfriendjj over .Sundiy. Mis. Park ami children visittd her f.itlier, Mr. Mclaughlin, Priceville. Mise Annie Carson nf Toronto is visit- ing her parental liome. ti:o. Cui'sin is .spurting H line new bug,-y. Mrs. Frank I'hdlips m.i L-hildreu > Tiirontu lire the guests if Mr*. Jacob Parliament. Mr. iinil Mrs. E. A- (irithaiu and cliil- dren motored over to Hanover for the week end. Miss \iurirl McTavish of Klesherti n spent a few days wiili friend-, here. People of ditt'cmit type and character are Hocking into our midst this summer. Let ut as inhabitants practice doing unto others as wo would they should do unto US. li. D. Carruthers of Khnberley was a caller in our burg Fitday. John Pickering and James Brwn, Si. arc vUititij the foii)ier's8i.-,tei-m-law,who it very ill at Stayner. W. T. Wiley has his barn '.Mirk all finished, and it certainly has improved ths appearance as well as made more room inside, \Vm. Fawoe't also has his (tiivins? shed erected, which is i great convenience to any farm home. lames Brown, Jr., wife and son, John, arc moving this week to Maikdalc, where the fo'iiier and latter will engiigj in Iliu factory work. Kdgar t) nnully is i-ng.iuud a' |i-eseiit At cement work near lioring. Dundalk Pneumonia followed .by ooDvulaioos, wis the iau-e of iho sTlJdcn dealh on Sunday, May 31st, of Carlyle James Coults, tho infant s >n of Mr. and Mrs. George Cnutt-', of Melancthon, ugtd thirteen mcnths. Mr. Geo. Coutts, near Riverview, has lost sixteen lu iid of catt.lu from wliat is supposed lo be anthrax. OUR day last veek the herd was i|Ur>intined by a Government representative and on Sun- . day ihay were vncciii'ited since which time no new C.ISQS havo developed and none died. Airhrax is very rarely known In Canada am.' tho origin of the present outbreak is unknown. Herald. Ceylon Frank Collins"!! of Unity, Sask., ar- rived home Friday to visit his parents. Miss OlaiaCook, Toronto, spent a few days at the parental home. Mrs. Ualley returnol We'nesday to LethbriJge, after spending a month with her mother, Mr.", llutledue. Duncan A crowd from ColllingWood motored o.'cr ' ' the lake on Sunday and had a veiy |I!IMS mi day's outing. Win. Knrraud Mr. sod Mrs. M. L. Kerr and children visited Healhcote frieud-i lecently. A umiilmr IMHII lrv attended the Iwrn ra>r>ing at C. HumlervoiieX East Moun- taiu. Carroll gave a dance in the even- ing and it was largely ai tended, everyone enjoying themselves tripping the light fantastic step in the moonlight. We will look for another, next year, Carroll. Mrs. Alex. Harvey attended the funer- al of ' m her little nicca tit Harkaway on Suudi'.y. This was ihe oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Howe of that place. This little one met I er sad fate by being burned to death. While her nntlier wast out lurking tlu little one wan play- iig with the coal oil cm and her clothes became saturated with oil, which ignit- ed when she went near the stove. Defective Fled* Cully is now engv_ed working ut M. Beard's urll. Mis. \V. I). McKeo.vn und daughter, Bertha, viM-ed Mcaford friends for a few days. Mis* I'M va Lever spent the week end at her parent il home FlBBllSCton. There will be eight pupils from our school, "Sunbeam Academy, ''writing tin; aMniiiee cxaiiiiiia'ioii.s. They will write at Kimlicrli'y. Wtt wish them SUCCORS. A nnniber from this put attended the puty givin by Mr. A. Kawcett, E.'ypt, last Wednesday evening. What, is Ihe matter with Wist Moun- tain and L'idy It.mk oorrwpondoBtt. Don't Forget the D. W. Widtntan Stock Clearing Sale It 'a the store opposite tin- mill wli'iU you gn! ihe bargaiiiK, and tin- high price* for jour btufor mid eggti It will pay anyone to drive ten or rifteen miles 10 take advantage of this eleaiinu sulo. Prioi-s cut in two um- S Ls as jnnd as two elsewhere. Can you afford to inisi this chance .' All g, iu du must go at some price, half priod or lew. We wi'l a'.'ai selUCily Dairy ice cream Saturday i-vi-n ing. The Northern Brokfriigit Cn. selling ml .the D . W. Widoiimn sti>ck, Feven .-ham. Tenns ..t -ale, casli or ]jnuluce, Hanover Mr. Juspph Ward, Itrant, met with a painful accident on Monday of last. week. Ho and his son Jaiiii'S were in the lield cleaning up things mil in l.ftiug a -lump on'o a brush pile the stump broke, part of it falling on Mr. Ward, breaking his leg at the knee. Frauk d o'ev, son of Uev. Cooley met with a natty acci lent last week. He was working around the an'i in ibilu and cranked it, while it WIN in gear, when the car started forward and crushed him Hisluft arm wa iho wriit and el- bow, his hip was bruised and his legs scarred. Frank is a bright young follow against the building. badly broken belwee \V. J. (!ook and wife of Kbordale, and I and just home from Varsity and his many 8. E. Embury, Toronto, were visitors at R. Cook's i his week. Stanley McMullen arr'vod fiom To- ronto this week for summer vacation. | he is now friends express sympathy in his mis- fortune. His attending physician does not anticipate any internal injuries and ng al'ing us well as could John Stu-irt of Puwasien visited his brother here Saturday. he expected. Tos'. Two Hits and Out was in nn tho Principal Hammond, of the Perth public schools, sent the \ upils out on a caterpillar .'<{'. hunt one aflu'ixum last, week. The total number of egg clusters | h " gathered and destroyed in two hours m i '*>**** " f sclll " K '"I"'"' "' !l 1 " 1! ' il l""'" (i 4W wlvch would mean the destruction I '."'niciimlity. He put in n plea of vuilly ,,j millionn of th crawling pe.ts. *"ht ^ndergning .ho fmmahty u f a trial anil was lined 8 100 and costs. Thomas Uilhspie, of Sllelbiirne, in cour:, lust W"ijk 1, Honor Rolls Dale Repurt S.S. No. 7, Euphrasi* for Slay. 4 L. CuriitK-ld.M. Curnlield. <;. liisk. H. Rogers, G. 11. ^on. :! I. Beckett, U. Kimit, II. K. White. 2 E. Oilray A. Knoll, H. Mc-Cumiel, U. Uisk, M. Burns, E. Pelch. Sr. 1 I liilray S. L'ltigstou. Jr. 1-Roy Uisk, S. Beckt-tt.E. Petcli. Primer Sr. N Knoll, 11. McOmuel), S. Haines, W. <.'lngsli)n, C. Ivisk. 1'rimer Jr.- H. Petch, E. Burns. M. II. Uumberetone, (Tencher). Child Burned to Death A sad fatality oc.-urred last Friday morning in Holland Township noar Herkeley when a little rive year old uirl was turned to death. MM. KOWP, who ri'sult's near Qeikeley, went out tu the b.rn on Friday morning to do some work and left her lull.; live year old clii'd alone in the house. The child was play- ing iboiit and a , she did so spilled :i coal oil can near the stove. The oil caught lire and ignited her dros, so that when the mother came I ack to the hoii(6 she found the bl le one terribly burned. Shu called medical ml but noihing could be done and death ousued a result of the severi'y of ihe injuries. O. .S. Tini'-s. Riverdale I'ol tics is the worJ. Miss Flossie Nix'ly ol ll.'averdille is eii-jiiLC'd with .Mr. D. Mclnlosh at pnselil. UlSH Julia Wright of (ioring was ihe guest, of M'ss Mildred Cutting last. week. Mr*. II. Dunlup and daughter, Mrs. K. I'ever dg' 1 , of Temple Hill, wen- ualleis in our 1'iiiy recently. Inspectir Ilutl' of Meat' id made I. is regnliir oflic al visit to ojr public scho. 1 on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. \V,. S . McNich d of ilu, West l;iick Line \veru the gur.sts of Mr. Hid Mrs. .1 . Li e on the liisi. of the. week. Mrs. W. Lioyd returned home on Sat,- day l.'s 1 after spending a few days wilh her daughter, Mrs. A. To.rieof Slr.il i.- nvon. A niiniler of i ur loc il an^leis were lishing recently, but as usual, the big lis'i are always caiijhi in iho vicin ly of ihe bl'icksiiiith shop next day. Mr. and Mrs. J. McArthnr of Wodc- house were visitors in our burg lust week. Forage crops are fiulfering severely from 'he prestnt dnnulu. A )jood ii'iigiilion system is leipiiied more in this vicinity than an Klertiic Uailway at p-OSllll. Flesherton High School Promotion Examinatiot s Rosult of Higli School Promotion 1 x- aminations, Form I. Nam ;s in or lei of me ill. Hononis- 7-"> ''', and over- T/. Muir, M. Irwin, L. Dudgeon, E. Kaistcdl. l.Laid- law. Pass liO " and nvin W. Pattinon, I). Wilson, ('.. White, W. darrison, R. Sh.irpe, F. Parliament, D. McMillan, M. Legate, C Lever, A. Allen. Recommended over ol) .' K. fiswell , P. LeCard. To the Electors Of Centre Grey ! Me.afi.rd, June U>th, l:H4 At the Kuwvll '^onveiliion, including buih LlbuiMlsand Conservatives, held in Clarksburg on the !>th mst , 1 wi.s uom- inated us the c.ndklulc. of the Rowe'l l)!atforui lo'abnlish : !ie hir. The nomi- iMI'.oii Witt- not sought by uie, but I was is-inil that if I consented lo an pr the iioiniu'ai inn the temper-nice UK n 'f b.ith partit H would support me. The Rmiidl temperance pluti'onn IIIHIIIS (I) ihe im mtuliata abolition of the bar, including therein I hi' abolition of all hotel and c'ub licenses ;ind therewith the treating sys- tem : Ci) *ueli ml.er restrict ams upon the rcsiiluu uf ihn liipior ciatli . as i-v.eii. mv may aim w to lu necessary lo limit i;s op. rations ami etlee'ively to ivmedyils evils; Looil.Optiou to l)e maintained nx a ...MI,- of wiping .nit ihe residue of the r'M.iil sile \vheiu (he electors so decide; (,.'!) ihe. st.i-ici enfoiveiiieiil of ibe law by 'ilKcials in syinpatliy ilh ihe l.-ixv en- forcement and the elimination of po'ilical Mill ii-Mirt- from th- ndniiniHtration of ihe law : (4) I he regulati.ni iiud inspection of all houses of public entertainment MI as to insure reasmmble acjommouali HI f r the tiiivellii'g public. lu brief, ihu :ibnliiiou of all hotel h ' n- and club Inni'ir licenses and the treating sjslem abolished. .Sl|..p licenses will come un- der fin t her riHtricU".is. They can be wiped out by Local Option i a majority votu wheic Hie elec' iirs so decide. New shop licenses cannot lie issued in tic place of I) u- licenses abolished. The Rowell policy of temperance ie- IM. is ! !i.-ii adopted unanimously iries- peciiveof party alliliaiiont by the teui- peraiiee :iiid Chrioiiaii forces of ihe Prov- ince in I !H>'^ and picsM'd u;ion Ihe suc- cessive K. .veinu.enta from thai day to' his. Thin is :i must significant. ronli-M,. li | is a rare opportunity for ilia electors of, thu whole Province lowaids temperance : and ni.'i i . reform. The lii|our inlerests and GoVerntnsnt I Forces of the Province are arrayed against, j this policy, and if it. ia i- tu receive the support i if the electors it will indicate that ihe t iMiiperancc peoji'e an 1 not. be- liiud temperance rt form, and the tern- )oriiiice c tuse. will receive a set-b c'''. I i>k ycnr I.eaity support of ihs' jolicy. < )\ving lo tho sh' rt time bef 'iv lie el' c ions "II Juno '2'M\, ;u.d tile >ici; ess in ii. y h niie. I may not be a! le i i e you ju" s .n d y,s I should like lo do. [f you give me your vole and I mi ulie'- ed 1 NMiid pleilge I to support the above licy. Yotir-i fin h fully. Uto. U. Albery. DR. -M. i. nisi in dit. us 8 ol ihe Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office-130 10th st. West, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Maikdale, :Jnil Thursday each month from 8 lo a li.-i m DunilHlk.l.si UVuiii'sday of each month . J ewelry Flesherton Planing "And Chopping Mills I am HOT prepared to do chopping every day in ilie week except Sunday* and ,'vevy week in the yuar. Hi ill". aloi"_: y.iur grisis. i 'ur .sash anil door factory i< always at your disposal fur anything ymi want in "in- line planing, matching, ( .r,-. Kloor \\T hiL'. sash and linors and all house fur- m.-liiiigs supplied promptly and al leu nimble raies, (;, I'sninates. T.Blakele , Prop. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. A. A Jeweler l-'LESHERTON, ONT PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR STRAWBERRIES AND CHERRIES AT ONCE With the b'lesherton (J W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. hi Toronto Line North Vi-get :ition is thriving. I'liiliiren aiu illixiously iiwuiling the boliilay.s whiell will sunn I)-' a' hand. Mr. .Ti>lin Wail 'i.si.ii of I'airie visited a few days with bis sister-in-law, Mis. Thos. Lover. Win Stewart has raised the roof of s home, and intends \uneering it in e iii'iir futuie. This will make a line improvement oi) the hotiWi The, telephone line here was out if irder fur H fe days last week. Lt lu Miss Bessie Stewart is ou the ick-liht, but H recoveiiiiK nicely. Mi;-.-- A nine Uichardson and nephew, Master D.iiniii) Mchityre, of Toronto, are visitmu with the former's brother, j Mr. Rulit Riclmrdson. Councillor Broun is very busy looking after roitl iilFuir.". V. Mathuwson is engaged operating) the grndor at Kugenia. Don't forget that the lirst of July will 1 beheld m "in picturi>si|uo little village of t'li-sherton. We are n!l looking for- ward t > a good time. Miss K. Lover of Duncan spout a few diynat her homo here. C N. MacF.vrhinil, U.D., Montreal, and sister. Miss Arlnvi. unl oiud over t.o visit friemls hore. FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots 'we have them in light and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patent,gun met- taland tan, either laco or but- ton,also a nice assortment in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual, Thos Clayton. It. II. .Inpii.c.iunly ei)uiiu>er of Sniu-oc county, was acoidenilly Killed by falling off a biidgi; at AlllMnii oli Vl id.iy .luno ">. Mr. Jupp WHS Mipei intending the con- strintion of the brul^ in the oapici'y -if counly enjiineer. Thu "Dominion butl'do lienl at \Vain- wright, Altn., JH increasing so rapidly that the 'Jiivcrninent now has no Ijss iliiu lilt. TU luindrcd animals. When the lie-i-tl wan seemed several years ,i;n t'lri'rf were mily half of this number and ;i" i s- tlmll !.>_' were added by natural inoi 1 IXM; during the past year alone. ! New Suitings FOR SPRING We are showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see ail these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR/^

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