Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1914, p. 8

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JOT April 30 1914 THEFLESHERTON ADVANCE H I I I f j BUSINESSCARDS WH. WBIQHT. TKI.KOBn & MCDONALD Bart-inter, Solicitor*. Ac. OfflcM, dray * Union mock, Owoo Hound. HUmUrd Hank tocklrieaberton.iSatiirilitTio. W'.H. Wright, '. I>. felford J-..J. C. McDonull, U U .H. SOCIETIES AO U W uieeti on the lt Moudt; m ach month, iu their looge i .'"; i : 11 UUytou'chall Flaiberton SV. J. llellamv ; Hoc.. t 8 l>.iu. M. W.. H. MunnliRW w. j. iteiiamv nee., v^, IB. < Fin., It. J. Sj.roule. Vialtlng breturto Invited PBINCB ARTHUR LODGR. No. XB.A.K.* A U, uoti in th* Manoniclikll. Ami tronn'a Block. Kleeherton. every Friday on or liatore tlio full DJOCU It.rb bluttb. \\. U.: t'liu.Uuiiiliaw. Secretary. 995. I. 0. F. roeeU to i %V>diie>dav cveulng _. Vl.lt.im Koreter. heartily Icoine'C. K., O. Bellamy : It. 8.. O. < airLB; D. Bee., W. tluikln. f l*a> pay duns to Kin. Sec. before tbe flr.t ayottbe moutb. flOUKTTFLKsHEUTOS. ! " Clay ton's Blookthelaat ' Clayt each month. flHOBEN FKlKNOH-Klwberton Vounett U Chosen Prlendi meott in Clayton ihall nrt and third Wednetday of each uioutb 8 p ui Pay uuMuient* to the Recorder on or btpi tcert day of each month. Chief Councillor T. Hlakelev: Recorder W. H. Bout. 8UDD MATHK'.VS, Markdale. Ucenaed auc'-ioneer for the county of Orey, Qooc- wrvic* at leaauiable rates. Date cau be made at Tbe Advance, o 09 MEDICAL D B "^4 8 Ont.PbyilcUn. Burgeon etc Office and reiidence-Peter it., Fletherton f P OTTEWKLL, I Veterinary Surgeon r,-n_ Jreduete ol Onta.lo Veterinary < ?K raaldeuce iscond door noutb we ". klry atreet. Tbla atreet rani "outb CratLyterian Cbnrcb. DENTISTRY Dr E C. MURRAY L. D. K. dental eurgeon 'liono. graduate of Toronto University and Koval Colluce of Dental Surgeon* of Ontario, SSeBdriBb(eNd for teeth extraction Office at residence, Toronto Street. Floeherton. LEGAL ,,.,. HASEY & bKMtY-HarrUterii, iio!icitor.tc.-I. H. Lucas, K. C. ; w r.. Kanry K. '. ; W. I). Henry, 11. A. Utllcm. J-oroi'l'n. W6-9 Tiadcm Ilauk Bld pUone u am 1412; MarUato LneM Hlock, Plione 2 A. Hrancb nUico at Ouudalk open every baturday. BUSINESS CARDS 1 CULJjOUGH It YOUNO Hankera Markdale neral banking buaineei. Money loaned reasonable rate* Call on us. DJJcI'HAIt.. Mcrnaed Auctioneer for th* County of Grey. Terms moderate and tit 'action (juaranteed. Tbe arrsngements 1. 1 latrs of sslei can b made TH v ADVAKCK office. Keaideuce and P.O.. Ceylon, Telephone onneetion. Dae. 0.07. W M. KAITTINd, Licensed Auctioneer foi tbe couuilos of llroy and hiincoe. Farm and Block salea a Bpecialty. Tarini moderate, aatlnfactioii guarauUed. Arranfte- ujeut* for datei may be made at tbe Advsnce offlcr, or < 'entral telephone ofl'.ce l-everahaui orbyaddreaslng me at FeTenbam, Out. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Changeling Butter Ky out of Tidy Abbekurlc I'rinccsK Josephine. The greateat butter making itreio known. Term of Korvici- ^l.- r >n for gndea, 8' r > purf l>n-(l. (; K<. MOORK \- SON, props., TCHISLKTT, PofttmaiiUtr, Ooylon. Coniuilaaioner ID 11, c. J .Conveyancer, deeds. InorUisj'HK, leam, wills etc. carefully drawn up ollectious mail.-, chargna resHouable. Aluo rocarius, flour, feed etc. ke|>tlu stock, Prlcet Igbt. BILL FOR SRVICB Ucftisterrd llnlstuin Hull, Komdyku Pklart.je Clothilde. Ni>. 1478(1, whoHo dam, Tri/.ie's ('Mliildu Pieterlje 2nd, No. , has produced over 80 llw. milk per day. Term* Grade cows fi.tM), jintc l>red cown 9:t. All COWH not returned will be Ternia Ceh Al'> rejistored VniUshire lindi, AN Tenn?l. HENKY 1IOLMAN Ix>t40, Con. 4, ArU'ineiia. Purilaw i'.<> ifliumr Bull For Service Pure lili-il r-hi'i 'Imi n luiil, lvii|n/r i|, Hr.H7. l M^nrviw i.li l.it K", W.T. S.|{ , Artuinexia. 'IVruis $1 i">0 fur ^iidi-8, <?.'! I'lt !'....- .11.-!, i.n-ii XII DOWN M!m>il mimt be IMII! for. Mar. II. '/niK'.,', Prujii-iftiir. CANINE TRICKERY. An Engliih Officer's Story of Dog That Learned to Cheat. Ttiat HIM- dog at least not only rea- sons, but has bteu, known actually to cheat la tbe couvlctlon of u young English oriny officer who owns n smart cocker spaniel. Among other tricks tin: officer has, trained the dog to answer "letter call" and fetch his owner's moll to the mess table. tleas- ed with the dog's Intelligence, the officer fell Into the habit of giving him a lump of sugar from the breakfast table. One rooming soon after the trumpet- j er had Bounded "letter call," the span-! iel camu In with neither papers nor Likened to the Freezing of Water In Saugeen Junction BULLET AND BIBLE. We are glad to report Unit Mr. Walter On , Tr ,, d te T . ke , Man ., Life| Wnil , Achimon is around again. Mr. George Schell has rented Mr. Jar. Best's li'iuso. Born Aptil U.'i, to Mr. and MIK. Milton li.inmin, a son. Tho Inspector visited the school lint week. Am sure the pupils were nil pleased. Seeding Ins liueu the order of I ho <luy for more than ;t wuuk now. ONE VIEW OF SLEEP. letters. This wns nuusiml, for the Pond or Bowl. officer subscribed to n daily paperj The approach of sleep la much like that Invariably arrived In the morn- Uie freezing of water in pond or bowl Ing's mall, but he thought little of It fnlnt spiculae dart from tbe Bides; at the time. About 11 o'clock, how ! motes and dots, barely perceptible, ever, the dog entered his tnnster'B quarters and deposited a muddy paper upon the floor. The officer did not understand tbe situation, but bo gave tbe dog a lump of sugar. Half an bour later tbe dog appeared again with a very muddy and crumpled letter in big mouth. Then tbe owner's suspicions were aroused. He gave the dog another lump or sugar and watched him. He soon I foand that tbo dog bod buried the morning's mall In tbe rear of tbe offl cer'a mess and was digging It up a letter at a tlmo, apparently with a view to a lump of sugar for eacb piece of mall. Exchange. swim In the midst. One might Imagine tbe process not less grateful to the long unsheltered mere than to the merely louging brain, for as the one desires for tbe l inn; being to be defended from tbnt thought which is its own com- ponent essence, so might tbe other seek a coat proof against tbe plunge of an icicle, formed of a like element Slight agitation, applied with judg- ment, will help tbe mutter on. The in- troduction of a finger will sometimes change a bowl of congealing water to a solid mass. A bit of ice slid in at tbe proper moment will help 'on tbe the Other Saved It. To illustrate tbe bullet resisting pow- ers of papers, a veteran war corre- spondent brought for the inspection of some of his journalistic colleagues a pocUetbook Oiled with photographs and papers and a Uible, each of wblch on separate occasions bod been Instru- mental In saying his life In the course of the Kusso-Turkish war. In one Instance be was knocked off bis bnrse by the Impact of a bullet and became unconscious, only to find on ro- galulog his senses that the friendly wallet had prevented the bullet enter- ing his body. On tbe second occasion, at Plevna, the Bible, which be bad placed iu a side pocket, deflected a heavy piece of shrapnel that threaten- ed to end his existence. He bad kept the wallet intact as a memento of his escape, and one of the Journalists wbo was examining its contents came, by a curious coinci- dence, upon a letter wblcb be himself had Indited to tbe war correspondent some thirty or forty years ago, tbe very existence of which be bad en- tirely forgottea In tbe letter be had expressed the hope that bis friend would return safe and sound from tbe seat of war. Tbe words "safe and sound" bad been al- most cut away by the bullet, which, but for the providential interposition of the bundle of papers, would proba- VERDICT OF THE PRINCE. on your latest dream help to Induce slumber. Transparent and cold as are Ice and sleep nothing will keep brain and water safer and warmer. All glances Napoleon's Great Prlda In the Infant ! ' rom them and nuugbt stirs up mud King of Rome. or mood. Tbe parallel holds to tbe A certain Frenchman of spirit once! last - for nothing can more resemble found himself In great distress. |t| the rude awakening of a slumber than water*a freezing, and so will thinking ; bly have ended tbe war correspond- ent's life. Nottingham Guardian. GOOD ROADS AND THRIFT. France Set* an Example the Rest of th. World Might Follow. Good farms and good roads go to- gether. Uood roads mean cheaper haul- pronts therefore of a was necessary to find a means of' live-' * "dden breaking of ice, and noth- ] ln e P r '<*s. better llbood or die in misery. There was a "* Is more like a gradual and pleasant vacant place that was worth 10.000 wakeulng than tbe melting thaw francs a year. He wanted It, but how where beginning and end are alike In could be get It? It was under tbe first discernlble.-C. E. D. Pbelps In "A empire. The king of Home was n child Farmer's Notebook." ID Ube rradle. The aspirant thought of i an Ingenious plan to bring about the 1 BALANCING BOWLDERS. success of his hopes. He wrote a petition, addressed it to Two of These Natural Curiosities tbe young kins uud, through the friend- Sway In the Berkshires. Ship of a general olllcer attached to F or many years one of the greatest . tbe emperor, got It presented to Napo- natura , curiosities In Berkshire county ' ba9 U K00<1 "*** Lec "" se of IU Ulrirty Is the wealth of its population. Tbe population of tbe country of France is known to be tbe most thrifty, the least poverty stricken and the best provided for of any country In tbe world. And France has n better road system and more good roads In proportion to Its area than any other country of the same or greater size. Has France ru- ral wealth because of Its good roads or le " u - and which In earlier and later years ">e example of the dreams. We cannot , f , The emperor took tbe petition and, ha s been visited by armies of the cu- U l3 ' tDcrefore - for >> thto country seeing tbe superscription, began to r i ous , s nuance rock four miles north lo look upon France not only ns a ootl mile. "Very well." said be. "let the O f I'ittsueld and near tbe south line of exam l )lc . bu petition be carried to him to whom It Lanesboro fulfillment of Is addressed." Thls grcat mnrble bowldor , 9 now solve our problem In any other way Four chamberlains conducted our O f n <j ee p brown color and Is scarred taan a8 t " ran ce has solved hers with hero before tbe cradle of the infant nn( i r i ven Dy tno 8 ( O rms of centuries, i nny 8" r c'y "' success. She builds her king. After n profound bow be began j t | s (nlrly tect nlgUi fifteen feet wide nu "onl highways first, owns them. In a high voice to read his petition. nm j lg 80 wonderfully poised on a few i controls them, repairs them. She has From time to time be bowed before f^t m its base as to tremble at the uer departments her divisions corre- tbe crndle. As Is tbe manner of In- slightest touch. ' spending to our states build tbelr own fonts, the child uttered several unln- j t we | g i, s mnny hundreds of tons and fu d * feeders of this system, con- telliglble sounds. resembles from several points of view ! necling with It, Joining national road After having taken his leave respect- huge egg, n blacksmith's forge and ; to national road. Finally her parishes fully the petitioner returned to Napo- tuo bnck ot nn elephant It resembles or communes-similar political dlvl- leon. who said. "Ah. well, what re- n o rock to be found on the Taeonlc | lons to our counties-build their own "Siro. bis majesty said nothing." "Who says nothing gives consent," mountain range or IU foothills, near ' ro:ids. Interlacing, connecting and bind- wblch latter It stands In spblnxllke Ing togetber the whole Into one vast grandeur and silence. wild the emperor. 'The petition la j t i a not generally known that there urban Life, granted."- Youth's Companion. )3 OIlo ther balance rock in Berkshire l about of equal Interest with that In When the Minuet Wa> the Vogue. I Lanesboro. It Is on the highest point network of hard surfaced roods. Sub- In the <Iuys when it was the vogiie of tbe Monument mountain, where It the stately minuet carried with It Its re- sponsibilities. Thus, for instance, Aus- ten Leigh 011 the eighteenth century minuet: "It was not every one wbo felt rjnallfled to make this public ex- blbitlon, and those ladled who intend- ed to dance minuets used to distin- guish themselves by wearing a pnrtlc- 1 ulnr kind of lappet on their headdress. 1 have heard also of another curious proof of the respect In which this dance was held. Uloves Immaculately clean were considered requisite for its due performance, while gloves a little were thought good enough for a slopes toward the enst, and is 700 feet above tbe river at the village of Housa- tonic. Its eBtlroateo weight ls over 100 tons. PittsQeld (Muss.) Cor. New York Sun. ( country dance, and accordingly some i prunVnt ladles provided themselves with two pairs for their several pur poxes." London Standard. DIVISION COURT 1914 I I.KSIIICKTON AND IM M.U.K Klrh<Tton Ajiri l.'i Dundalk .luiu- IT Oct. 14 ANADIAN P/VCIFIC MOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tii'-Kiluy until October u'7, incluxive Winnipeg end Return $35 00 Edmonton and Return $43.00 From Toronto, and stations west and north of Toronto proportionate fares from stations east of Toronto. ItuUirn Limit two month*. Pitrticuliw irgrilm KAIL or OCKAN liukeU from I'mM'tuii 1'itcitic Ticket Agent*, or write, M.O. MURPHY, D. P. A., C. P. Ry., Toronto. A Pleaeant Moment. "I nm told," unld u beautiful wo- innn to n dub of M innn tlio other day, *O!i;it my Imcl.v cousin. Miss X., him ramie n deep liii|ircsNlnii <m you." "Is Miss X. your cousin?" burbled (he dull excitedly. "Indeed R|IG dldl Sin- Is one of tin- loveliest girl* I ever ii'i-i. I'll tell you Just what kind of n lilt she iiKidc with inc. I met hrr nt the Dnshes' dinner, mid she snt on the other Ride of me. nml 1 tnlkud with her the whole time, mid 1 cnn't even re- iriember who my dinner partner was." "I thought not." sold tlio beniitlful womnu dr.v.y. "I wns jour dinner pnrtner." New York Ulobe. Bull For Service Vrr Korvice. lUron Holly \n. (IIJJ. .Aberdeen An^u-. on lot .'(4, !>lh OOIICDM- ion, Artonicnin. Torino. 81. W if paid More in .Ian. I in:.. W. J. M, ,.. My 1-'- A Boston Cook. "Cook," sold (ho hend of the Bos- ton bouneboid, "I think joti use too much suit" "1 assure you," wns the polite re- Joinder, "thnt 1 restrict its uso to the Absolute minimum compatible \vlth culinary exigencies." Seattle Post-In- tel llgencer. Wrong Interpretation. "I think (he hnby tins yonr hnlr, ma'am," snld the nuree clri, looking plenaantly at her mlslresi. "Uraclousl" vxclnlracd the l.-nlv, glancing up from her novel, "nun into tbe nursery urn! take It iiwny fnini Wm! Whnt will he do nextr-Strny Ai tn* Wrong House. "Flnveyon a Chnrlvx Uli-kens In your boraeV" nsked tlio polite book ngeot "Not" ihe sniipped. "Or a Ituhert l.ouls Stovenson?" "No." "Or n rterie l-Meld?" "No. we nln't. in'. whnt'a more, we don't run n honnllnu hoime here either. If you're for tlii'in rellows you mlcht try the IIIMISI* iicros the street I undtM'Miind tlii-y keep roomers." De- troit I'Vee 1'ri'sn. Thr Helpful Spirit. "It's funny how Snndhlll rnn tell those old 8torlC8 nnd (jet 11 liiuuh out of tlit'in." "Nohody Intighs tit the storlos. It's Sandhill's enjoyment of Sandhill's den ll.v that innki's every man n contrlb- 11 1 1 ii factor." Cleveland I'lnin Dealer Th Conititution. "Father, what Is t!ie constltutlonT" ".My son. It In a document that Js tnost sari-od to the party thnt ID not In power." New York 8nn. The liwlrminn of oxocllence I* to be free from error. QiiUitlllnn. Card of Thanks Till' fitinily i.f St.HWlIlt lie-- III- ( e'^lihorH for assiHtiind lining lior recon t illnps the 1,'ite Mrs. (ie t llinnk tin-nil, .in Microscopic Handwriting. It Is possible to possess a certain ele- gance of penmanship und yet bo al- most undecipherable as a writer. A distinguished literary mun. whose nnme I mercifully withhold, writes a microscopically small band, almost folryllke In Its outlines and possess- ing a quite clfln eluslveness almost every word can be read as some other word. Waggish friends wbo received from him letters on commonplace mat- ters would sometimes affect to regard them as descriptions of his exciting adventures In the Alps, tbe burning down of his house or something simi- larly sensational and reply according- ly. After being long the subject of such merry Jests he decided to silence the scoffers by using a typewriter- London Chronicle. An Embarrassing Moment. Sir Kdwnrd Chundos Leigh tells this anecdote In "Bur, Bat and Bit." It was told to him by the Dowager La,dy Cowper apropos of the days when all the Joints were carved on the table: She was a debutante, very shy, and her old host who wns about to carve a sirloin of beef, turned to her and said, "Lady Anne, will you have upper or under?" Lady Cowper snld to me that she had not tbe least Idea what he meant, so. In a weak moment she hazarded ."japer." Whereupon tbe host turned TO the butler and enld In a loud voice, "Take it away and turn It Young ladles give a great deal of trouble nowadays." One Letter Namei. Names with only one letter have been bestowed on places as well as persons. There Is a village called O In Normandy, not far from Argentoa ii iid kinclnes8is Two Chinese towns are named respec- tively Y and D. There Is a river Y ID Holland, and one of tbe bays of tbt /order Zee bears the same brief Dinocn t?u/\n! ceenr8e8amere nnm * DAk\DCK onUr| Irrance nns n river nnd Sweden a town f A " The QadnvfatMd IMH opened A Imrl i r !M>|I in tliu lirit-k block over the pout- ,'ittico, where I will ho prepared to meet us nmiiy nf my friends n can niaku it convenient to call. Oivc mo n cull when y>u wnnt n Imir cut or sharp. IT I ..] :. linliril. Liuimlry biuket gooi Tuesday 111 on, tuniN FridnV. "Tbe very sound of ome people's voice* u eiaipratlng." "Qnlte true. Biptcinlly wben they ny 'More on' or 'Pay up.' " Blrmlnj- hnm Age HcrnliV CHAS. HOY, - Prop. Only Her Lattit. "What Is your lost name, please, madam?" Inquired the clerk, deferen- tially. "My latest name," corrected tbe Ht rnry woman, wbo Is always careful I of her English, "la Mrs. Havre Fourth- -;nb."-Knnsai City Star. FARM FOR SALE Uncertain wnys unsnfoit are nod doubt a greater mischief tban despair. Wentinm. IJi ml 1! llnn-o fnrin rnnnint!nir <if InU II nml In in tin 1 I, ih i-.in. i.i i In- ti>wn.ihi|iiif I'nitiiii. li'iitnl buiUlMI with rxrcUitiit wntri- cinivrn. ii'tii-i", half mill) (nun nturi*. olinrfli Apply mi preiiiiBM r to I.KSUK WATSON. . - . . Pair Warning, "1 .1111 glad you have bought i pnr- jrot, papn. What will you do If it learni bnd 1/inguage punish It?" "No, eon; puolsh you." Houston Post Tnia courage, ns well fll true nn<i *>m, is not autnistfui of Itself. wls- Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 1.00 to 1 00 Oats 40 to 40 Peus 1 12 to 1.12 Hurley 55 to 55 Hay J5 00 tr 15.00 llutter 21 to 21 K'jf?H, fresh 19 to 1 Potatoes par ha 1 00 cu 1 00 Geese 12 to 13 Ducks 15 .o 15 I 1 '""! 1J to 13 Chicken* 13 to 13 is to FlesKerton &- Tonsoriaf ^- Parlors We Aim to Qivo Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday , deliv cry Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING aii'l DYEING- We are agents for Purkoi-'s Dye Works Clothes cleaned nd dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR VF.R two million practical farmers and stockmen say International Stock Food is the greatest animal tonic and health preserver ever formulated. Added to the regular grain feed, it helps digestion and Assimilation enables the stock to get all the good out of their feed builds up strength anil keeps them iu prime condition all winter. And coeta only 3 feeds for on* eeat If you wilt write and tell us how many head of stock you own, we will forward to you free our f 3.000. Stock Book. j 6 INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO. LIMITED, FOR SALE LY JOHN FISHEU, FLESHERTON. IT .11 HARDWARE! Bring Along Your Produce :- Highest Prices Given and Get Ycur :- SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN WIRE POULTRY NETTING PAINTS AND OILS (ill ANYTHING ELSE NEEDKD FOR Spring Renovating Will Be Pleased to Have You Call and see our line of Ham mocks from 1.00 to 4.00. Frank W. Duncan 3N, ONT II Spring :: jOjpcning :: Sale RARE VALUES IN EVERY LINE CROCER1ES- -CTT PRICKS- CEREALS : : : : CEREALS Mnt in Vita Regular 15c., 4 fur 25o. Force lle. 15c., 4 for 2oc. Tciy Guto Reg., lOc. 4 for 2.V. Puffed wheat Reg. 10o. 4 for 25 CANNED : : : : GOODS Tomatoes 3 for 25c. 2 doz. case |1 IN). t''iis 2 for L'uc. 2 do/., ciue 91. W. "> Corn 3 for 2oc., 2 doz. case $1.90. I'lin, j.'k.i - 3 for 25e. 2 doz. case tl.!>U. Puik mid l>tuns .'t for L'.'ic. '2 doz. cise f 1.1NI *iet a iMM- mixed to suit yourself. (ii-xnnlntrd Sugar $4.50 l.oal Su^'iii ^ l'(Jc'. a Ib. Pulver /.ed suxar iQo. a Ib. CANNED : : : : SALMON Each Dozen- Siler Net 20e. $223 Lowe Inlrt 0c. f2 15 " JAS PATTISON and COMPANY'S } gerAeral'merchandise warehouse r CEYLON, - *. ONTARIO Flesherton Tin I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Timvnro, jSickelwaro and Agatware for domestic use. Call on mo and get your supplies. Eavetrotighing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces, D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ONTARIO. xss'isi

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