Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1914, p. 5

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April 30 1914 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE @F AM AA QECURITY fot both principal and J interest is the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a depoiit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. *ti TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, BEE Manager. Branch** Uo at Durham and Harriston. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleabercon Station as Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.17 p.m. The mails are ollowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as, Going North 11.41 a.m. 9.12p. m. The measure of protection afforded the few deer inhabiting the wood lands in this district, for the past few years, ap- pears to have borne fruit, as within the past two weeks three different animals have been seen within a mile and a half of ; MM village. The other morning when osed at Flesherton aj I jf r Ed Best wo |, e up a fir)e buck and gub| .. ,,.,, T , 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south , afterward Councillor Fred Brown saw a ' mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- VICINITY CHIPS pretty little fawn in his Held near the wood. No doubt the mother was in hiding in the bushes. Charley Adams, while working .it Col- linsou's mill on Saturday, met with a bud i accident. Some repaint were being made, "rrtuUUhing opens on Friday of this I Charley was asked t,, turn the saw. He did 80 with nil hand when it started week. Born On Tuesday, April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Piton, a daughter. Mr. Will Moore spent a few days in Toronto the paat week. off at speed. The teeth caught his sleeve, East Grey Fair Matters The directors of East Grey Agricultural Society met on Monday evening of lait week to arrange the prize list and discuss other matteiH. Mr. F. G. Karstedt re- signed the treasurership. At an adjourned meeting on Friday evening special prizes were accepted an follows : Harm Abbatoir Co., through Mr. Alf. Harrison, agent, half ton of fertilizer for best bushel uf potatoes, 2nd. prize, quar- ter ton of game for beet bushel of potat- oes, potatoes to be grown 1 y Harris feitilizar. Wm. Rennie Three dollars' worth of seeds, selected from 1915 catalogue for best display uf vegetables grown from Rennie's seeds. T. Eaton Co. For best display of dressed chickens exhibited by an individ- ual owner who h.is not won an Eaton prize at any fair since 1911, choicu of a vegetable cutter, u brooch, or china tea set, value $5. Gunn's Limited- 200 pounds of calf meal for best calf shown at the fair, rais- ed on Gunn's calf meal. Must be 10 entries. H. Simpson Co., Toronto Five dollar pair of boots for best driving nut tit, single or double. Massey Harris Co. Fifteen dollar walking plow for best team on the ground winner to pay $5. These are only a few of the special prizes to be offered at the fall fair, and drew his arm down to the *w guard, :tnd j are published ao that intending competi" and cut a piece of flesh completely out of ' tors may be prepared. There will be the arm, and cut the hand in several pla- j many others to add to these, jcea. Another employee stopped the saw [ \V. H. Thurston was appointed treas- Mr. I. B. Lucas of Toronto visited j immediately. Charley will be incapa- i urer temporarily on account of Mr. Kar- her mother, Mrs. M. K. Kichardaon, | citated from work for some lime, but he ' stedt's res ; gnatian. over Sunday. t is thankful that he did not lose the whole i Miis Nettie Johnson of Rocklyn and j hand. Mr. Will Johnson of Goring visited over I Mr. Caewell, a Toronto gentleman, Sunday at Mr. Miles Thistlethwaite's. Miss Florence Lemon of Markdale accompanied Miss Gertie Bellamy on her weekly visit home, over Sunday. Mr. T. Bentham drove down from Chatsworth Sundty, attended divine service and returned home the same even- ing. Mrs. Edwin Best will go to Toronto this week to consult a specialist. Hen many friends here hope to see her return with a good start toward recovery. Mr. C. Munshaw has purchased a Ford auto, which was delivered on Monday. It is said that one or two others will be placed in town. Mr. Geo. Richardson of Toronto was occupied the pulpit of the Met h idi.-t church on Sunday evening on behalf of the Dominion Alliance and gave a strong MA II PONTR APT temperance address of an hour's duration j MAIL CUIN 1 KAL 1 an address of great interest. Mr. C*a- ! SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Post well advised his hearers to get above Iua8ter General, will be received at .... -j. ir I Ottawa until noon, ou Friday, the 5:h P oht,cs and unite aga.nst the traffic. June 19U for the conveyance of H U At the conclusion he handed around curds Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for subscriptions, containing in bold for four years six times per week each way riling above the level of politics ! The over Flesherton (Via Vandeleur) and llur- Allince itself cannot do it, although j al M ' 1 Route. many an individual can. Representa- from the Postmaster General's Pleasure, lives of the Alliance also occupied thai Printed notices containing further pulpits iu the other churches. informat ion as to condition, of propos. d Contract may be seen iind blank forms of On Monday evening the annual meet- Tender may be obtained at the Post ing of the Epworth League was held. '< Offices of Fle.herto.i and Vandeleur Reports of committees were received and in town last week. George is awaiting j officers elected for the following six orders to go north for the summer on a tire-ranging beat. Thomas Rowe, who lived hero some months. During the year $25 was raised Following are the for the new new officers ; President, Miss F. Thurs- thirty-five years ago, preached in the ton ; 1st Vice Miss Wallace, 2nd Vice Methodist church Sunday morning. He Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, .".rd Vice. Mrs. is Homerite minister and has charge of a H. S. White, 4th Vice Mr. H. S. White, and at the Office of the Pest Office Inspector at Toronto. Pot Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, April l!)th, 1914. A. SUTHERLAND Post Office Inspector. Rec. Sec. Mrs. R. H. Moo.-e, Cor, Sec. Miss E. Switzer, Treas., Miss E. Kar- stedt, Organist Miss A. Henderson, A-- sistunt Organist Miss C. Latimer. church neur Kingston. Mr. Rowe was visiting with Mr. W. Sharp. There waa no night train up on Mon- day. Cause baggaga car off the track at Crombie's. Nobody was injured. J J Q Correspondents The auxiliary h;vd to be brought from Toronto, and it was 9 a. in. Tuesday before the train got through. One dark night last week a bicyclist And Advertisers The amount of matter sent in mi Tucs. days for publication makes it necessary ' ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale Horse, heavy driver, spier- did for farm work Jamui P'ittison & Company, Oeylon. Jersey heifer.iu culf, for sale NV.PeJ- lar, Flesherton. the East End. Their heads came to- For Sale Cheap young driving mire "f would exchau- horse about 1100 collided with a citizen on the sidewalk in j fi>r us to appeal to our corespondents !? oa '**? ! Y JU '*', | and advertisers to get their copy in l,y fM L Af M& R . j. Sproule,;FlesH. Jan. 1>2 gcthei and there was a loud noise, several j Monday when at all possible. This weak explosions and voices of lamentation. As | we are compelled to hold over something a result a certain young married man carried aronnd a bhck eye for a few days. A temperance convention held in Marltdale on Monday decided in favor of submitting the Canada Temperance Act like two ooluuiua of matter, all sent ill ! Egs for Hatching From pri/ewinn- by Tuesday noon mail, and which cannot be used without delaying the paper. Much of this could reach us oil Moudiy, and after this we cunnot juarantee publi. cation to anything which does not arrive ing Barred Hocks. 2 pens oOc ami *! f per 15 eggs J. \V. Hanua, Dundalk. in Grey County, but will hold the matter [ by Monday night or Tuesday morning at in abeyance until all the- municipalities! latest. have been heard from, whon another con- vention will likeley be called the latter part of May. I will have a car of New Brunswick | clear, white shingles for sale next week, siime as tirst c ir secured last year. W. A. Armstrong. The license commissioner for East and Csr.tre Grey met at Markkale last and granted the usual four licenses which have graced the landscape for the paat few years one in Desboro, one in Chats- worth and two in Markdale. The latter Died Purdy At the residence of his brother Edward, Stone's Line, on Friday, April 24, Albert Purdy, aged 46 years. M r. and had been Purdy was a single man ill all winter. He had with the C. P. R. section gang. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery , i per setting. been employed f Eggs for Hatching Prize winning, S. C. white Leuhorn, 81.00 per. setting. Eddie Ottewcll, Fleshertoii. Eggs for Hatching S. C. and R. C. Rhode Island Reds. Only one pen of each, prizewinners, and one price f 1.50 W. H. Thuraton, Flesher- town ia where all the temperance con- 1 n Sunday and was largely attended, ventiona are held, but it does not seem to Hazzard-At the residence of his do much good. The death of James Leitch, mentioned In last week's Advance, was a deliberate case of suicide. Leitch made every preparation for the deed, shooting him- self through the body by standing in front of the muzzle of the gun and shov- ing the trigger either with his toe or finger. The remains were taken to Dornoch for burial. Leitch lived at one time s mile north of Msrkdale, where his wife died, leaving him with four small children, the youngest a baby. He kept them with him until they all prew up and left home. After this it is said the deceased became dissipated and despondent, and ended hi* life as stated. No inquest was deem- ed necessary. The annual meeting of the VY. T. will be hold in the high school on Wednesday, May 6th, at 2.30 p. m. "Election of Officers." After which Mrs. McTavish and Mrs.R. Richardson will give a paper on "How ts Keep young,'' and Mrs. R. Moore a reading. A good attendance it requested brother Albert on Saturday, April 25, William John Hazzard, aged 47 years. The remains were interred in Flesherton cemetery on Monday. James Fulton, who works L. Menary'a farm, Amaranth township, met with a terious accident Saturday afternoon. He had two teams hitched to a cultivator, three young colts and an experienced horse, aud in some uneiplained manner they ran away. The horses cleared a ire fence taking the Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. them, coming to a stop Mrs. Fulton from the Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy tf rms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton, MISCELLANEOUS Good 7-roomed brick house for rent good out buildings.seven lots in oonnect- cultivator with at * rail fence, house saw the horses crossing the fields and called to j "> John Stewart, Flesherton Mr. Menary and R McConachie, who j W nted-Ire . happened to be around the place. They I i ns 8 t ve, must be cheap and on reason- found Mr. Fulton unconscious on the ably good condition. Apply to R. J. ground and apparently badly hurt. One wheel passed over his body, a tnolh of the machine almost severed one of bis ears and another gave him a gash on the of meeting. cheek, while a bolt or some blunt thing 'made A bad puncture in the flesh. A ' doctor had to put in sixteen stitches to j close the wounds, which while painful Hefreshments served at close I are not e ipected to result seriously. - Grand Valley Star. Sproule, Fleaherton. Jsn.22 12000 private funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowet rates of in terwt. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Hound Came Astray Black and tan houndEdward Harbottle, lot 4, con. 13, Osprey. Trade taken for all goods Frank DJUCRII, the hardware merchant. *ti2*& >, s K > >\ ^ I 3 ^ >1 > > s HILL BROS., - HARKDALE. E4 9 Smart Goods Surprising Values This week we will exbibit a full range of Spring and Summer goods wbicli are a pleasure to show to the buying public. Our prices are low taking into consideration the bigh standard of Merchandise we handle. We cau save you dollars on your purchases if you deal with us. New Spring Blouses We are showing an extra large range in la was and Muslins at a very low price, Special this week at 98c. Lot No. 2 Comprises the better Hues in Mulles and voiles, special value at $1.50 Specials in Cotton Hosiery Lot No. 150 dozen Women's Fine Cotton Hose ; all large sizes. A 1 value ; 2 pair .. .25c. Lot No. 225 dozen Heavy Ribb Hose for hoys and girls. This stocking will stand lots of hard wear ; clearing this week at, per pair...l9c. Special Values in Men's Fine Medium Weight Shoes 100 pairs of Men's Shoes in Vice Kid, Box Calf and Kip Shoes, sizes 611 ; regular values in this lot up to 14.00 ; Special this week per pair ...82.48 and Special in Men's Waterproof Coats 25 Men's Fine Water Proof Coats, fit up close to neok; just the thing for tbfi weather that is com- ing. Sizes 36 to 44, Special this week, each . $0.95. Our New Linoleums Have Arrived We have a large stock of 4 yd. wide Linoleums in block and floral designs, in light and dark grounds. Light, Medium and Heavy Weights, priced at per running yard 2.00 to 2. -10 Clearing Lot of Women's Shoes 100 pairs of Women's Fine Shoes in Vice Kid, Gun Metal, Patent and Box Calf. These shoes are a clean up of all broken lines, and are worth up to $4.00 per pair. Special value per pair $1.98 HARDWARE SPECIAL "5 Galvanized Wash Tuba in size 2 and 3 only, regular value 90 cents and 81.60, clearing this week at ?8c HILL BROS, MARKDALE i""l"^^"^"^:"_^"^".^L*:^"^^^ ^ M "ii j & ol < & H e< | H 6 ;.< HI M ft t?i S 1 to &i k iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiin From cellar to attic inside and out there is a particular Sherwin-Williams paint, varnish, stain, or enamel for every different use. Paint the outside of the house with SWP, Shorwin-Williams Paint ( Prepared), made of pure lead, pure zinc, pure linseed oil and the necessary coloring pigments and driers. Saves you money because it covers most, lasts longest and looks best. On the steps and porch floors use Sherwin-Williams Porch Floor Paint. Withstands the weather aud frequent scrubbing. Varnish the hall-floor and stairs with S-W Mar-not tough and elastic under foot. No better floor varnish made. For bedroom walls use S-W Flat-tone, ft flat finish oil paint for walls and wood- Are you a member of. the Get a button work. Can be repeatedly washed with soap and water. Twenty-four artistic shades, suitable for decorating the living room, the dining room, and the bed rooms. Flat-Tune is a durable and sanitary finish. Bedroom furniture and woodwork <-in be refinished with S-W Floorlac or S-W Family Paint. Floorlac gives a stained and varnished finish resembling expensive hardwoods. S-W Family Paint produces a bright, gloss finish in attractive colors. Give the kitchen floor a smooth, hard- wearing coat of S-W Inside Floor Paint, easy to keep clean. S-W Family Paint will help keep cupboards and woodwork fresh and sweet. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. .Anyone Rending nkntcb and dpacrlprlnn mn- 3nlcklT ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention 18 probably pnieiiitihle. f'tnimunira- tloiuntrtotljconadeiiMal. HANDBOOK "" I'aienu tent free, t 'Most nuon.-r fur neouriiig imteiiu. Pntent* taken tnrouuh Mumt A Co* receive tpecioi notice, without charge, tutbe Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. L&ryreflt cir- culation of any ftrlenriflc journal. Terma for Canada, i.75 a yoar, puntafcu prepaid, bvld by ull Offlco. ttto K su Wwbloictun. IX New York loictun. IX C. Bull for Service Pure bred shorthorn bull, Aberdeen Fyvie 8,000 for service on lot 29,8.8. R.. Artemesia. Terms fl. 60 for grade*. Pure bred cows $3.00. Pure bred Tamsworth hoa for servict on the nbove lot. Terms $1.50 for *U animnlx. Served HUM: be paid for. W. J. Medn The Advance to new subscriber* or tbe balance of Ibis year for oulj 50 cents. Now hurry up. Our Clubbing Lis The following prices are for strictly Mid in advance subscriptionsonly. We lave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance f I 00 Youths Companion .... . 2 Ot> Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Empire , 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advoeata 1 50 Weekly Witnew 90 Saturday Niht 3 00 Homo Jouru&l 90 Poultry Review 40 Hod and Gun magazine 90 : i

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