Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1914, p. 4

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J\l;u'ch 12 I OH HIE J<LKSH IITON ADVANCE > . . V V . . <: \ ..Ml .- ! ti.-l .ihliU" hot no |i.i:.l Circulation ' ' in An IndiV'i I"'.* ' C" !| i Th,iri|;iy ut li." ' illi.KV Kluclierl.in. Sulwri|" ivhi-n paid it) ad ' ' ' ' ' wl.. a ,Vilvrrti-iu>r i. it * "n .i|>|.li<- itiini. 1,1 <"> w.akly. VV U. '1-liuratoii- Flesherton Methodist Church Kei .1 uiio- Iht.l^.-oii. p*V(,r. Tliui'id-JV, > s p. m. I'niyer Meiiing. Fridiyat 7- : -Op. in., choir practice. Tbottt detiroa* t'f joining th choir will jilevie mi- ! M'.-s i'h'W.s at thi* hour at the chnit li. Sunday. H'.iiO a. in. Class Mictin_'. ll.aui and 7 p. m. R*v. Mr. Lceco, of Viiceulle will preacli. Kpworth Leauiie MomUy 8.IH) (. in. I Itish evor.in'.' iKlu'e "Kcsolied that] the Irish have d'.np more for t!u> world than tin Kiij-hsh " All welcome. it is ininyl.' i vvilii some :.nl to . uhfir |..>v< iiy ;iii.l lien 'i are. coilOariiwCi I .'ii\i- IT u mi il'.ctiiifj a funeral each l.ilc'j, 41. 'I ihfsa ha i .' vt'ry sad Ask mi 1 , , c-.-iii-l. s y nih, ittnyrirs .ii;o, if now iiM 1. 1- !o i,:ioisti-r"uiUootlii'r.s in the hour ' f di-i'.h, I nuM h>i\ -e .smili-d. go the future Bero*.to be a vuilfd mys- ti-iy t.' us all. Tin- li' llr tlrldreii that . .in- |il iy:ll_; :l'l,ol,./ till- lllilliJH Of llalLiif, to morn.* .-iii.-ing prases I.' wli ,ni :.K In -v:t < .-.lifiuld swcil in praise ; the lio.ny lird ilia', stoops to-d'iy 'neatli ll r liiirdon of old g>-, to-mm-row is re- j .;cinu' I" !> f.reoll to gain hi crown and hi< reward. Ai.d .s i 1 fe si-.-ins more and mure to I ' "f tk"l> and Bap t 1st Church R. C. Kerr, Pmlor. Bible study at Mr. Kennedy'*, Ceylon, Tliuniiuy ivtninu' tliis week. Sunday School 10 a. in , Service at 11 a. m. THE GEORGIAN BAY CANAL The (jei'iviiM Hay sliip canal ia ut prefc- cut receiving much attention and it < said thu government is r.itl.rr fittnrah'e to it. \Ve hope tht u n<4 correct, for, in the words of one of our lake cnpUins, thi- in one of the 1'iggest fool pn pi K'I- tions ever Inought forward in this coun- try. The idea of spending lour hundred million do!lis on n wildt-i nest, <>f rock* for a 4Tii) mill", UK Ciis al.surd scheme calls tor, is something that should raise tlie st longest protest from every Cai..u!iun i-'. 1, a i . -.11.' and fnilii.g, in iniliviJu.il in. i collective kdvtocenwuti iii:ii only tii. ils relief in denih, the n^'eway from ihe mists nf morning into tho perfect day. What ale yon deciding upon for your life woik .' I fee! th tt tliu young men of the mission Held are the one< called upon to give the i ill fruni this wink unto tho young hi n.d of lliii dearly purchased Canada. The world ever loves llie mn who will tt ind up and say to liud and the ages, " I have, fought the good tij^ht, 1 havo finished my course." To me the real struggle ar.ci oonfllct men must engage in is (with an intense yuarnii ^ through the love of Ui.d at heart) With sin the tin that is within our lieart>, mid without i:: our fillow- ;' men's he'tits. The simple i* a patient ' one, a slow onward pr.'ui ess in couthit, a steady augmHDtatum of tight over wrong. Our ideal is the triumph, ring- ing out like the bugle cull, to wvaiy Christian soldi, rs fiom Chii.st upon the cross " It is tiniilicd.'' Ai.il nioie than that, dt-ar yuuii!{ friend. Consider life in its tlustiny. When you come to the end of the stream His , in uiu ni;iii .'i tune and t hri-t stands waterway through . 0r the tide, ill you then louk mt distance of kindly eye. HI il the blllkh nn your sm- fio- h de .' When we consider that the occupation of lh angels in heaven is to re-c<:ho prnues ari.und find s tlirone, if r.itetmver. It will not put one cent into . ,. .... . , . we e nnnenee nol in til la life the former* poekot. It will be of ueneol , Him win. showed Midi f nth in 111 n the only to the contractor, ibe prouitler ami Tho I praising S nil llie cross, how <an we; in all iMriie.itne.ss, i'\- ival estate shark. Tho latter would be ,. iiect us glad ' \\ M done I .ihl, to divide and sub-divnte u f-w ihou- l consider thi-t : <Iod needs lirnken heart* Hand -|u ui- n. ili s of lock surface and plm it otT on inno~ent lamb* who sub- y.-u- Christ need* you. i,.it to the Stating process. And it cry out to you. T'lf Crest I'hysician would be of some benefit to the city of has till the m.,gic l-uch that c.i he.l Montreal, where perh^.s 1H j, c,-n.' of the ' ill chain [nous res-id--. In c'jiivcrMnliun rcventlj- with n . n one <if (he Invest grain lurrying VK- selM on our inland lake--. The Advance received the benelil <( his opinions in no unceitain iii.iniier. From tho standpoint to Him who has knocked *> oft, and inter his ble-uied work. Yours in llie Mattel's nor vice -J- W. (iKKKN \V( K 1). I'airy Sound. Keb -J7, l'.U4. The Cars Ran Away Mono Koad, March Ci.--Se\en cats nl utility he said the canal would be <f little use, and g\e the foliowinj reasons lor Ins -titcmint : Tlu large ciiT)ing linked with railway tics tore down the ve.sstl is very sensitive, to the helm at C.iledon mountain this afternoon with no low speed, tut al high r-peed it i< vciy o c nboiird and smarhed inln a number dillicult l.i niter. This would neces.sitaie of thi-i ears that were stiiiidini? on tho very t-luw progress ihn ugh suth a cuual, t-ack ne:'i Mono Ho.i'l. Bevi'ial <if the tut the tima cuuaumcd in traiuit through Joan were complttely demolubed, and tint 4.">0 nnlvs of w. t rway wouhl mike t can and ties were piled up in confuwOO H hi'^lily iiiipnilitulile. Added 10 thin ' i n the track. A inn thlx nnil freight dilliculty would he the want of return i rain loaded w.tli ties wii.s cut in "wo cargoes and 111? necessity for leturning s-'i:ti. MIS !).,!. w the, niuUD'H'li, and tile VI. < west light. At present return carg'it-B (. ine. wenl aln a.l wilh the first sectkn, r t*k'n on at the bi^ Uku ports, and left vuiff tho other half juxt lit ar the ho 1 - this mail.- it po>*iblu lo cirry gi:iiu at a ! t >m of ihw nioutitain. The cnuiuc be- loHer rate thiin would otherwise b pos- e nnu stall' d. The first .% c'.ion was cut sibli 1 . The large (;r.iin n ijiny vr.- <! i ' ,,, half and seven f.vj were left just l>e- a shell of steel and oven til lowett i-peed |,, w the lioiKeshoc curve. Owing 10 tho nculhsi'iii ith a rock would be htaK mow the ImkM on the rnm wonl.l not Thi.s would be one of the grea'e.st dan- huld irlion they wett Itfr alone, Slowly gers of titinsil tlirougii the canal and ui !'.!>( tho M-VCII <! stwricd to const, would make it unpiaclictl. i.i.d the niomeiituin ; ,i"li;.lly increased The >. arc conaideratioiH th.t slionl.l , on llii; sleep gmde. \Viili n crash that t.ike lircl pliu.-. Tlirynn pmetical sug- j was heard fi r n long dUtance around estions by a pni'li.'i! nun, IIH ! mi 1,0 i tliey cr.isln <1 into the M-IMII.! it-clion at viiginti'iinx rsi!ni:ilcs and a!'m. ll.ir in' ' the bottom of ihw inotintuii . Tlio aux- d'-p.nJetit of any c.nisuleraii n for the | i iary arrived nliout. > o'i .lock, but the 4-nr>riiiiit ont'iiy riiMiled. " t'iu route j track WHS not c'eaied until 8 L 1 .), slid the wero w -ilh while the inv.Min.-i.i would ; trains both to ami from Owen Sound lu just iti.ililc, ai.d il could n. doubt bo ' WO;'c del.iyed two lionis. liuance.1, In, 1 in the eyes of our nppir| u'lu-i, Tu al option <o i.ea in~, eft, ct in l.ke ,,,, ..,,,, ll,o prupotition m too ab- ( , |ftii(l V(| , a/ |jn M(|y Ji(l t | 10 tc ,,, pc ,, llu . e nurd to < '..M l.c weigh-'d ni on.'y. \\lat they w.n.t H a di-e, -mlitr W.l'and cai 1 and HII ii.lnniilii.ii.il .nil on (he St. Then they diuld p ck up re- Honor Rol's Ki VI l-lilllii (.'olilillllHtinll Si'l.l.ol n poll I f.r I'Vlnu.u-y. Airlinn-'ii; for n 1 II. Fenwick 7-", II. I'.HI!,. :;:. T. S|,,::onl. K'. Foim L' (,. Knitting 5tl,M. Miuphy 00, A. tt rght II, |{. S.iyns Id Composition Form 1 -IJ. Fu.wiek ti'.i, T. S|mlli,Ml :..'!, H. l'ooleL'5. Foim _' l v > K.iillina HI!, K. Sayers T"', M. Muijihy (>4, A. Wright 58. History Komi 1 11. Fenwick 02, 11 I'.iole .!:., T. K|iirorJ i'c'. Form 1' Q. K i t'in lili, A. Wrijjlit :!, 11. Siyre- -"'.. LiteraiuroFiiiin 1 H Fenwick E8, T. Spiifford T.4, II. Poo'.e, HO. Form L' A. NYrijht 80, H. 9ayic C2, O.. Kaittiny (), M. Minpliy .')8. K. Itrunkarcl, Teacher. Fevershaiu Public School It -purl for February. Sr. 4--M. Col|uctt , E. Arnott, V. Spencer. Jr. 4- E. Fenwick. C. Alexander, H. Weldrick. Sr. ." N. Spencer, A Clinton, K. Oiborne. Jr. I! M. -lulian, <). CT-nlon, K. I! ackeiibury. sr. '.' A. Arnoit.W. Tyler, I'. Simple, L. Moore. M. MacFarland, Teacher, Report i.f H. S. No. (i, ArteinesiA fi r the nionih of February. Sr. 4 1 U. WliilUker.Stanlfy Uut'cr Alfred ISutler. Jr. 4 f.ottio A'lnitaker. Murii-l Spiirer, Ma<>dalei e IJiulir Sr. .'I <in|diin -Mju'Arthur.Xoni Sprout J'lhuiiy Whiil'ikrr. Jr. :! -Nellie tt'hutiiker.Mary Kax.ird, Jr. 2 Harriot Hazard, Clmr'n Hn/.ird. 1 -Itobbiu VMiittaker. Joseph II Mil. i'rimer Hurley Irwin. A. Harrow, Teacher. Report nf S.S. No. 7, Kiip'ir.isia for February. Fourth M. Cornfield. O. Ki^k, H. R-iK>-r,L. Cornfield, O. li a-ers ti. Kied- Third - IICIID Ik-ckett, H. Hiid, G. Knoll, K. \Vhytu, J. Smy. Svc.md--K. Gilr-iy. A. Koutt.lt. Itisk. Fiist Sr. I. Gill-ay, S. Clugsliui, N. Petch. First Jr. H. Itiik, S. Hei-keit, K. Patch. I'rimer '.'. Kisk.X. Kn->tt,S. Huities, W. ClugHiuii. Present e\ory d^y. K. (iilray, (i. Kh-k, iS. CluNton, C. Kisk. K. Ui.sk. -M. H. Huniljerxtone, Tenchir. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. ring Goods In Stock This Week Everything Reasonably Priced Men's Felt Hats and Spring Caps. Spring Shirts, Collars and Neckwear. Leather Suit Cases, Club Bags and Trunks. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers New Carpets, Rugs and Squares New Linoleums and Oilcloths. Curtain Poles and Rods. Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. New Wall Papers and Window Shades. Household Linens. New Al lover Laces. Ladies, Silk and JNet Waists. Ladies' Cloth Skirts. New Dress Goods and Silks. Swiss Embroideries and Laces. New Corset Styles. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS BILL POR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Mar-linl! '.*W.U - WH be for nice mi lot 17. T. S- " Aitcme.ia. Terms-* 1. A,,.. JAS. 8TINSON. Prop. A . Stands for Best. i . S. S. XD. I. Arienii'Ma Sr. 4 Mary XirhnlK L. Xii-holls, K. Sti-i'iMiii, \V. Xiclidl'.s, M. Xicliolls. Jr. 4-1. Slii'Kin, \V. Htvird, L. Lock- hii-t, K. SlcvoiiH, R. Aclii'i'ii', I. Lovf, \V Xii-lmlN, K Scott, J Stintun. St 1 li S-iii'.r.ii. t> Li.nllow. O Luck- linl, (! ^tinson, R -Ste/ens, U Nixon. P Scolt. Sr a V Mini-re, K Ni.-holU. Ji ^ L .Stiim'n, M Nichull>i, S \> In* ton, A L : tllo. 1--D Strvui", M Miners V Moore, !' Heard. Avvrai(B -.<. -L. li. \V,,lk>T. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will he wise] to pay .attention, 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cist you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Beattie Litter Carrier Beattie Feed Carrier Beattie Hay Carrier Beattie slings forks and track Beattie steel stalks stanchions Beattie drinking bowls Beattie pumps and churns For Sale By Ucpoit of S. S. N'l. l>, Ospn-y, for Pi-lirn.iry. . |( , s .,,,. ,,. BU . r l|lo f( )nil:lti , )n ,,, a limitl)l , lurncir^.-H.I t!ii> lake ports *n,| maU , wi ,, inland .luppmii ,-roliUble. Cill) ital./.e,l a. II>,OO<) .nil n etf-nt lfmd- , h ,, y of , he pro8ellt If lhJH u f(||1|l( , Tho upiiorui8 of a Oeoigian Oajr new lintel will be i-riK-tud to caual art! i>ultin<; furt'i herculean iflbrts H d. ([tutc accoinmodali. n In llie travoll- tu achieve thuir |.i,: j. , and In-.. Hume [ n ^ uu ,'.\c. of tha biK^eft nuMK|>nperN in Citnttda on i i li. n Hide, hut their cumpaigu would < cume lu uaught if lli.i giveriiniunt al* | Jowed the people to decide the ijuettinn. ' Mure linn tha', we believe that any gov- j eminent (hnt would venture intn ouch a gigantiu farce would place itt own exiat IP i- in jeopardy. A Plea For Mission Helpers To my old Idxh School Friend* : O lad Ui greet you all in your different UlHir.,. iMosI Iy every one of us are oi.t ! in the world with iilealn and purposes. | And ahiuiiiK forth from everyone's life, we cannot hel() hut see the umhnion of j youth. <; - . nn i MI.-I.I that's a man, I 'Hlled wiih Hinlnl on's fire, who fct.s hi* j nixik in -d i HI. an I keeps inovirg it, higher and lii^lior. Thii vome has often iijipfaled to me sincu my eventful years in hih M'lmol ut Diirhtm. 1 HIII in tin- in Hsimmry- work here, as you would fw. \>y ni) U<t lener in The A uiiice, or in p 1-on'tl ciiiitfpniideni^. 1 like it very, very much, liut remsmker CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS -TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Karli Tuonlay Mairh Jto CH-ober27,inrluiiivc. Winnipeg and Return - W5.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Prom Toronto, and Station! Wcat and North of Toronto. Proportionate fare* (ram Stations Kat of Toronto. Return Limit two montlu. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND (XAS.V BACH TURSI>AY, MARCH AND AI'RII S-ttli-ra travelling with Ilvr ntixk ami effeas iliould uko nTTLERfl 1 gPBCIAL TRAIN which Iravm Wrpt Toronto i-aih Tir-nlay during MARCH nrt APRIL after arrlv.il regular 10.30 p.m. train from Toronto Union Suilon. Srttlrraanil t.imillc vtithuut ahouhl ue RBUUI.AM TRAINS. l-:,vi..n Toronto 10.20 p.m DAILY. Tlin in:li Colonist anil Touriit SUviiou. W Through trains Toronto to Winnii-i' n. -it. COLONIST CARS ON .M.I. TKAINS. No i liar go for Berths. Partlntlani'rorn Can.Tlian Padnc AKtnti or write M. O. Murphy. D.l'.A.. Toronto. Sr. 4 Main ice l>.>ny Jr. 4 - CUni Short. Sr. I! H-rtlia Short, leiirne Holroyd. Jr. ;(--L-Hlie Fields, Vornun Hot- MuMiillen, Fr.t'ik llo'lin s lirad, Slewarl MeMullen. Sr. 2 Sim Short, Sidic ImrJ, Xe'lie ;;kiiuliin. Jr. 1' -Ivy Iza-d, Lois Sh .it, Dorothy Poole, i: \ Hiilroyd, John I'unkmuli.ini. 1st.- Fteil Hollnmshead, Vern* Rob- eris, If. 'iiu Hambly, Sadie VMiitf, Cecil Wh:te. Fiiiner A Winifred McMnllcn, Mry I'. ...:.. .! 1 111 inn- Thompson. Primer B- Bn Hhorl. Primer C Victor McKunzie, Clnrenen Holroyd. Thoso win aitendud every day were, Sadie I u.i. I\<y l.--.nl, Lois Short. O. DAVIS, Teacher. I'ld MffleUilng iiicti and omrartabta on which to lay your weary head. Of course wc'huvc other beds at other nrici-H, all eijnally low in price Sanitaiy BecU such aa everybody wanU Springs and Mattresses to lit nil br.le". Ex.imino our stock any- way, before puichasing your slier: inditccrs. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IIRADG MARKS Ocstan CopvniniiT- . Ac. At!Ton (landing B nkptori nij doicrlpl '.in mt? it i i .-, . .. .'htm our opinion fme win inpr v Infenllan Is |irorih)y r ) ->t.*l'i.|JJblpi ni r or '" ltnll( ' n- icul l'ii. ol.lont iiiont y ti<rnoi'arln|.ilciin. i-i.i : it* t VI.IMI i h. .".>. Munn A Co. rucolve ifKftnt notice, nllliuukcliarvo, lutlio Scientific JItttcrican, A ItindBomotr UluHtraUxl w -'.!y. 1. inioii rtr- culnilon of any identlrlo Journal. uroij tor Cn;1i>, >'i.7ft n ronr. iwiiaiiu iiruimi . Sold by JBHTBuw""* New York Braoah Ufflce. 8 W 8t Waihioutoo. I>. C. " Looking back-l see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. WiiiU-r Term from Jannaiy 5ih at COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE Attend thi* hig. Successful School of liusinvHR 1 1 nun u and lut us help you into s.'ine'hinfj worth while. Fri'o catalogue ou request. Kn>er iinv time. T. E. Hawkins. Principal ColliDgtrOod, Onturio. R. J. COLQUETTE Fcversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement! s, Huifsiies, Culteis, Sleigh*, and Gif-uliiu- Gn^iuei, Ktelotte Cream Suparutors, B;ki>r Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittinvs always uh Imnd. IJeatty Bros', of Fergu.1, Hm Tracks, Litter " Cirrior und stable nrtini(>i. Cucksliutt iind Fnmt & Wocd Ki)pitir always on hnml. Wareroom Wellington Street. Fwersbam, Ontario* Good Salesman Wanted ! For every town and district wher we are not represented. Kinits inf bringing bi^h prices, and Nnrsr.ry Stock is in demand. Make bin money this Kill ami Winter by taking an agency. f not nf,-..~ i. v Free rijuip- it. Eclimivi - territory. American l>re<l Her* ford bull I or service on lot ]M, 2nd. W. T. nwlS. R., Art f ni<.'sia. Terms 51.00 cash. -JOHN ADAMS, PIVI-. Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries TORONTO, - - ONT IM'Uch 14 ANADIAN PACIFIC WINTER TOURS TO California and the South Koturn Tickets A.I low Farce THE "LOGICAL ROUTE" TO WESTERN CANADA FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 1O.2O p.mtdaily I Compartment Lihrny Observation Car, Standard Sleeping Cxr, Tourist Sleeping Cars. Dining Csr, First Class Ooaches anil I'olonist Cars. PurliciilaiM regavding RAIL or OCEAN tickets from any Canadian IV-itic Agent or write. M. (!. Murphy, D.P.A., C. P. Ry., Toron- to. STRAND, AGENT CEYLON. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The underxiKci'd havo a pure bred Hereford bull fir service on lot 171, 3rd W.T.S U., Artenicsia. . Term* 99 for pme breds, $1.50 for wriilas. All cows sewed miisi ba naid tor. T. \- J. WATSON. 1 mar 14 S. Hemphill Ceylon. Tamworths for Sale llotli grx 11 nirly rcidy for brvoiliug. PikoS ri(:lit for quick sale. _ GKO. W. KOS8. Maxwell R Or, J. Ralph Smith 'OSTEOPATH, Office nd Residence 408. iHh fit. Eait, Owen Sinind, Ont. Hours 9 to 12 .m, l.-'IO to i.30 p.m. to 8|>.ni. Other hours hy appointment. Bull for Service^

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