Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1914, p. 3

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: IN MISERY ATJIEAL TIME Indigestion Can Be Cared By the Use of Er. Williams' Pink Pills If your digestion is weak you can- oat derive proper nourishment from your food. Th pain and dis- irws you suffer is a protest from your stomach that it is unable bo do its work. It is then that you lose all appetite, have dull head- aches, acute pains in the cheat ami abdomen, heartburn and other dis- tressing symptoms. You cannot cure indigestion by the use of laxatives, and pre-digest- ed foods only make the stomach more sluggish. Indigestion can only be cured by giving tone to and strengthening the nerves that control the stomach. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured indigestio-n times without number, because they purify and enrich the blood. In this way they improve the ap- petite, dispel the torments of in- digestion and enable you to derive benefit from the food you take. The following is proof of these state- ments. Mrs. George Brien, Great Bhemogue, N.B.,,sayB: "A few years" ago I was taken down with a fever which left me suffering from nervous stomach trouble. I ap- parently got over it, but the trou- ble could not have been Wholly eradicated, as daring the summer of 1912 I was taken down with it again. I took many medicines, and was attended by two different doctors, but instead of getting weH seemed to be growing worse. I could not eat without suffering the most intense pains; even a drink of milk seemed to upset me. I slept poorly and at last dreaded to see night come. In this condition I saw in a newspaper the story of a woman who had similarly suffered and was cured through the iise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I decid- ed to try the Pills and found by the time I had taken three boxes that they were helping me. I continued using the Pills until I had taken eight boxes, when the trouble had disappeared, and I have to thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for restor- ing my hoalth after I had practi- cally given up hope of ever being well again." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine, dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82. SO by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- , Ont. HUNGER BRINGS HEALTH. Fasting As a Cure- for Many Trou- blesome Complaints. "These hunger-strikes, doctor," [inquired a London Answers man of ft famous London physician, "are they dangerous to lif " "Oh, yes!" said the doctor. "Thry may be dangerous for a deli- cate woman, but incidentally they cure a lot of troublesome ailments. "Fasting reJieves pain of almost vry k'nd. If you have a bad toothache, refrain from food for twenty-four hours, and ten to one -.your toothache will vanish. "Are you gouty or rheumatic 1 'Then the tovereign cure is a good 'long fast. "Paralysis you probably think is a:i incurable disease. No doubt many forms are, but miraculous re- coveries have occurred under treat- mcnt by fasting. Men who had abandoned all hope, and who then tried fasting, for thirty, forty, and even fifty days, had the use of their 'limbs completely restored. "How does this happen! My jtheory is that certain waste mat- ters, poisoning the nerves, are of- 'ten the cause of the disease, and by a prolonged fast these are removed. "I have known a patient suffer for years from chronic catarrh of the nose and air passages. No doc- tor could cure the trouble, but a twenty days' fast completely cured it in this instance. When a Woman Suffers With Chronic Backache , There Is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering Isn't natural but It's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The cJt/.r!n.'s?, Insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of Kfdney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton'.-' Pills which go direct to the seat !of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kldiuys, to lend aid to the bladder and i liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there Is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For all womanly irregularities 'their merit Is well known. Because of th'etr mild, soothing, and healing effect. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are afe, and are recommended for (lrU and women of ail agea. 25 cents ptnr boi at all dealers. Refuse any iub- tltute for Dr. Hamilton's Plllt of Man {rake and Butternut THE MY8TEHT OF LAKE CHAD. Inland Lake in th Sahara Wbicl Baffles Travellers. The report of the Tilho mission, which has recently returned tc France from a long study of geo- graphy, geology, and ethnology in the French Sudan, has raised agair the old problem of Lake Chad. All the travellers who have crossed thr Sahara in the past century have been baffled by this inland lake, an large -. Belgium, and as shallow as a fish pond. The chief puzzle of Chad is its outlet. Since its waters arc fresh. it ift fair to assume that it has an outlet. But it is certainly under- ground. Only native tradition is positive. This declares that the Niger, and the Shari, which enters Lake Chad, were once tributaries nf the Nile, and flowed across the Libyan desert. Such a legend seemed preposter- ous half a century ago, but recpnt years have added to the credibility of native tradition. Thus the Ni- gerian tribes say that the Niger, instead of running southward at the great bend, used to flow north, and buried it&e'.f in the great Sa- hara. C'hudeau and Gautier, the most careful explorers of the re- gion, believe that the Niger long emptied its waters into another Caspian Sea, in the great depres- sion of El Juf, in the weatern Sa- hara. As to the legend of Lake Chad and the Nile, the Tilho mission haa brought back a partial confirma- tion. At the northeast corner of the lake there remains the dry bed cf an ancient river, which in the rainy season occasionally contains water; this is the Bahr-el-Gazal, and the natives say it is the old outlet to the Nile. But so far as the expedition followed the bed of this stream, it kept a level identical with Lake Chad. There remains the mystery as to whether in the unexplored interior the Bahr-cl-Gazal touches the foot of a dried-up cataract where a van- ished river reached Lake Chad thus prolonged, or whether it reaches a slope down which the out- let of Lake Chad began its journey toward the Nile across tho present Libyan desert. Not until French rule in \Vadai is more firmly estab- lished, and French, Italian, and British explorers reach Borku, will the riddle be read. The suspicion grows, however, that when all the measurements and geological examinations are at last made, they will only confirm the Bornu tradition that in the days before the blight cf perpetual drought came to northern Africa, Lake Chad was like Victoria Nyan- za, one of tho sources of the* Nile. A GUARANTEED*REMEDT FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the only medicine for little ones that are so!d under a guarantee to b per- fectly safe. These Tablets are backed by the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst to be strictly free from opiates, narcotics and other harmful drugs. The mother may rest assured that she can give them to even the new-born babe with perfect safety. Thousands of mo- thers uae no other medicine for their little ones, and from actual experience they all lay nothing can equal the Tablets in banishing childhood ailments. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 23 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Mr?. Twlckembury Again. "You don't mean to say that young Smith is married," exclaim- ed Mrs. TwickembuTv. "Why, he's nothing but a sapling I" t| . Only Ont "BROMO QUININE" Th&t :H LAXATIVE BKOMO QUININE. Look for th da-nature of E. W. QEOVB. Cnrei a Cold In On Day, Cure* Grip In Two Daya. 25c. GRAINS OF GOLD. There is something good in every man and woman. Bishop of Car- lisle. He that bestow* a gift should forget it; he that receives one should ever hold it in remem- brance. Solon. It is the duty of every young man to make himself ready to help his country in time of need. Mr. W. Morrison. Give not reins to your inflamed passions ; take time and grant a lit- tle delay 1 ; impetuosity manages af- fairs ba<Jly. Statius. When one is tempted to write a clever but harsh thing, though it may be difficult to restrain it, it is always better to leave it in the inkstand. Smiles. Be cheerful and seek not eternal help, nor the/ tranquility which others give. A man roust stand ere t, and not b kept erect by others. Marcus AureJiui. Most people think they are virtu ous merely because they are tame and Inoffensive. TamenesB is not a virtue, it i mreJy th absence of a vioe.-J. 8. Blackle. Boldfex* in tfco ItaBan Army are allowed cigwm u p*rt of tbvtr daily Kidney Trouble I* Hereditary? BUT DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS ALWAYS CURE IT. Dresden Man, Who Inherited Trou- ble, Finds Sp'pdy Belief and Per- manent Cure in Dodd's kidney Pills. Dresden, Ont., Feb. 2. -(Special). Whether Kidney disease is here- ditary or not is a matt-cr of opi.i- ion. Mr. Samuel Burkett, a well known resident of this place, is convinced that he inherited his from his parent*. He knows that Dcdd's Kidney Pills cured it. "I inherited my Kidney Disease from iny parents," Mr. Burkett states. "I was treated by a doctor, and tried various medicines, but it was not till about eighteen months ago when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills that I got any per- manent relief. "Since then I have not felt any effect of my old trouble, and I feel that anybcdy troubled with Kidney Disease will be benefited by the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills if they fol- low direction* closely. "I hope that others may be help- ed by Dodd's Kidney Pillfl. I am well known here, and anybody who wishes more particulars of my cure can have them by writing me and enclosing stamps for reply." Dodd's Kidney Piils never fail to cure any form of Kidney Disease. _ _ ,ji _ ^^ The Small Boy Again. A clergyman famous for his beg- ging abilities waa once catechising a Sunday School. When compar- ing himself as pastor of the church to a shepherd, and his congregation to the sheep, he put the following question to the children "What does the shepherd do for the sheep 1" To the confu*km of the minister a small boy in the front row piped out, "Shears them I" Gin Pills for Women Bead What Mr>. Harris Bay* About Them. Mr.. T. Harris, of Tyneilde, Ont., know all about <"1IN PILLS. "T am taking my third box of OIN PILLS." she writes. "The palna across my buck and kidneys haa alrnnat gone. I wan a great sufferer from Rheumatism but It haa all left me. I strongly ad- vise all women, who suffer from Pain In tho back and Weak Kidneys, to try GIN PILLS." 50c. a EOT. 6 for $2.50. Sample free If you wrlta National Drug; & Chemical 60. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. - * - Correct. School teacher What leson do we learn from he busy b ? Tommy Taffnut Not to get stung. TENDER FACED MEN Should use CUTICURA SOAP Constantly for all toilet pur- poses, especially shaving and shampooing, with occasional use of Cuticura* Ointment, because so effective Jn removing slight irri- tations, redness, roughness, pim- ples, dandruff, etc., of the skin and scalp and promoting and maintaining skin and hair health. r .itlmm Soap aad Otataant are Mid throughout the world. A lltatral amrapta of aaoh. with 22-pace Bfctn Bonk, wmt post-frM. ArirtreM Pntur Urua* 4 31n>m. Corp.. J J-yi. on . Bosuix I ' . H. A. Mlnard't Linlmtnt Cum Oargtt In Cow*. He Replied. There was recently haled into court a little Irishman to whom the thing was a new experience. He was, however, unabashed, and wore the air of a man determined not to get the worst of it. "Prison- er at the bar." called out the clerk, "do you witwi to challenge any of the jury?" Whereupon the Celt looked the men in the box over very carefully, and with a skilled eye. Well, I tell ye," he finallv replied, Oi'm not exactly in trainin', but Oi could pull off a round or two with that fat old boy in the cor- ner." The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" SaVS * "I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST liniment In use. I got my foot badly Jammed lately. I bathed It well with MIN Ann's LINI- MENT and It wa as well a ever next day. Tours very truly. T. G. McMULLBN. Elucidating. "I met your wife just now and she told me she had just bought a pinhead check suit." "Well, I was the pinhead and the check was there, all right." Mlnard'i Liniment Cures Dlphthtrla. !!< Should Fret. "You can't fool all the people all the time," announced the investi- gator. "I know it." replied the trust magnate. "There i plenty of pro- fit in fooling half of them half the time." Half the big mistakes in the world are made through over- eagernees Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are tad according to a formula in BM nearly a century ago among the Indian*, tad learned frora them by Dr. More. Though repeated > tempts have been made, by phyei- dans and cbetnitta, it has been found ImpOMJbet to improve the formula or UM piUe. Dr. MOTM'I Indlaa Root PBte MvabouMhoU remedy through- cut tfo world for Coastipatioa a4 all Kidney and Liver trouble*. Tby Ct promptly and effectively, and ^ Cleanse the System ID. 7. ISSUE 6-14. ORIGIN OF PETROLEUM. Observation*; May Further Solution of Some Problems. The principles governing the ori- gin and mode of occurrence of pe- troleum and natural gas are as yet but fragmentarily grasped by geo- logists. Every oil field examined in detail contributes its data for use in the eventual interpretation of the problems, and each pool is stud- ied with keen alertness for the dis- covery of some "key that may aid in the co-ordination of the data, whu-h sometimes, according to the region and conditions, ceem. on account of our lack of knowledge, e\en to be in conflict. The observations nifule by the geologists of the United States geo- logical survey in the oil and ga-. fields of California and Kentucky promise to further the solution of gome of the problems, and by point- ing out the relations of oil and g.vs occurrence to the geological struc- ture of the regions examined they have rendered important scientific as well as economic aid in oil ami gaa development; but the basic principles controlling the widely- varied modes of occurrences in the kinds of oils in widely separated regions are possibly still far from view. Evil of Sub-tiiution Exposed. A dealer substitutes bei-nuHe h make* mor profit on an Inferior artli-le. A li'ral citizen waa Imluc'd to take a substitute for Putnam's Corn Extractor, with the result that the sub- stitute barnt his toes ami foiled to cure. Putnam's contains no acid and In guaranteed. Always sret I'utna:n's Extractor, 25'. at all dealers. long. And then Aunt Sarah re marked that people used to oare more about gpula than about the clothes that hid them. I flared up, and delivered an address upon the progress of the age, the esoteric sig- nificance of clothes, and my own noble self-restraint in the- matter. It was a brilliant piece of elo- quence." "I have no doubt of it," Rita said, laughing. "Well, I came upstairs in a glow of virtuous indignation. Then I be- gan to think over the past ten day. And then thfl revolution began. Rita Mitchell, have you any idea how much time you spend on your "nthes?" "Not in the least," Rita answer- ed, frank'y. Anne drew a long breath. ''In the last ten days I have been downtown five times four times for a morning, cnce all day. I've been to the dressmaker three times, an average of two and a half hours each time. And I spent three morn- ings with a seamstress at home. I have no time for reading, or to go to see a sick friend, or do anything worth while, because I'm always either buying clot'hei or showing them off. So I'm going to start a revolution." "But howl" Rita cried. "That," Anne declared, serious- ly, "is the next step to be worked out. But it's something gained to face the truth." Suspcetrd of Crime. "Isn't it awful about poor Mr. Jone's trouble?" "I didn't hear about it." "Didn't. you! Mrs. Gaddy told me jutit now that his son has turned out to be a criminal lawyer." Clark's Porks Beans Qtzullty, flavour, and perfect cookiaig, combined. The maximum of ii-iimthmetit aud paUtahillty. Just tu at then atrv- iniuitnum trouble mmm It's cheaper to raistxtlls than to buy horses. But It's cosily if you lasf the ceils. Krcpa'xJttleof Kendall's; Spavin Cnre handy. For tWrty-five) years has proved it the safe, reliable remedy for spavin, splint, curb, ringJ bone, bony growths and lamencatt from many . .U.M.II. i Hold by (iriiv*; rvrrywhcrc at $1 t buttle, 3 bottle* fci $:,. Ot a free cci-sy of oar book"ATiit!s?e on the Horsr" at your <3rug.jist'3 or write us. 8S Pleurisy Pains Vanish! Chest folds Cured ! NERT1I.INE HAS NEVER FAILED TO LIRE. Don't suffer! Nervlline Is your relief. Nervllino Just rubbed on, lots of it, will ease that drawn, tight feeling over your ribs, will destroy (he pain, ! will have you .smiling und happy in ! no time. "I caught cold last week while mot- oring," writes P. T. Mallery, from Unden. "My chest was full of con- ] gpstion, my throat was mighty sore, j and I had the fiercest stitch in my side you could imagine. As a boy I was accustomed to have my mother use Nervillne for all our minor ail- ments, and remembering what confi- dence aim had in Nrrviline, I sent out I for a bottle at once. Between noon and eight o'clock I h;i<i a whole bottle rubbed on, and then got Into a pers- peratlon under the blankets. This drove the Nerviline in good and deep, ! and I awokt 1 up next morning fresh as | a dollar and absolutely cured. Nervl- line is now always part of my travr-1- ling kit, and I will never be without it." The large 50c. family sizn bottle Is the most economical, or you can eas- ily get the 25c. trial size from any dealer. ran SALE. M. W. DAWSON, Ninety Cal&ornt Torento. IP YOI7 WANT TO BCY OR SELL A Fruit, fltork. araln. or Dairy Farm, write H. W. Dawitnn. Brampton. or M folfcorne St., Toronto. H. W. DAWSON Colbarn* St., Torar.ta Successful men are never as great as they are made out to be-. It'a like judging a man by his shadow, and that's never BO large as whea bis sun's near setting. Try Murlne Eye Remedy If yon have Red, Weak, Watery Eyv or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart SootfiM Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Marine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Marine Eve Salve in Aseptic Tube*. 2Sc, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mall. > Teate and for 40 a>M tkat M...I Can kteliM Kr aVaaaedT Ce.. Chic*** Easily Explained. Jane Missus objects to your milk. We keep finding bits o' wood and things in it. Milkman That's all right, miss. The fact is our cow's got a wooden leg. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 OAYI Tour druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure ;iy o.o of Itch- Ing. Blind. Blwding- or Protruding PUeo In i to 14 daya. 50c. Fresh From Ihe Quid Sod. Pat and Mike had got half way around the menagerie tent when they came to an opening marked "Exit." "Wonder what kind of a bnste that is?" eaid Pat. "We'll go in and see, anyhow," said Mike, and next moment they found them- selves out under the stars. 1 OO Af-RRS OOOD LAND, AT.!.. ' con- enlences. D. J. Kerr. Neu- ntnilt. Ontario. WANTED. WANTKP. Al.I. KINDS OF WILD Animals. FJu* 48, Cookshlre, Qnrbrc. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. E HAVE SEVERAL GOOD SK\T9. paper properties fur sale In On- tario town* at right prioea. Apply quickly SKI subscription rrnewa! time jiwi open. Ing. TTUBnn Publishing r.;niuauy. 7J Went Ad-)nilo Strict Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. ^rXAWBERBJEH. K.ASPBKS1UKH. PIPTr i^ VuriHtien. Kr<- i a'.itlog. atoConnell .V Hon. ' - r.i\.'pnnl. Onuino. UliLtLLANiOUS. CA.VCEB. TUMO11S. LUMPS. KTC . Internal and external, onred with- out pain by our bomn treatment. Wr.te nit befors too !tc Br Bellman Medical To. Llm ted. Oonintrwood, Ont. CCIhen buying your Piano irvsisr on havirv^ an OTTO HIGEL" Piano ActioTN Chanoa C we Your Bush and Make Money with it ' "na tulng old-fahlon<td meth- od*. B up to date and Install a Champion" Kvapurator and niuke more and better syrup with less time and fuel. More revenue at radurnd out. Write at um-e for fre booklet and catalogue giving full Information and prices. THE aaracK KPO. co., LIMITED sa Wellington St., MoatrmU, Qn*. THE REVOLUTION OF A>>E. So Busy With Drosses Had Not Time for Kind Deeds. As slie came down the Morgans' steps, Kita Mitchell paused a mo- ment irresolutely. "Four calis and three teas are as much as my con- stitution can stand in one after- noon," she decided. "I'm going to reward myself by running in at Anne's. Besides, I want to kn>w why she wasn't at the Hamil tons'." Anne was at home. Sh looked up with a start at the sound of Rita's step in the doorway. Rita's gay glance took in Anne's shirt waiwt and the glowing mass of embers in the fireplace. "You shirk!" she. cried. "You haven't been out to-day. Aren't you a&hamed ! What excuse shall you make to the rLunilUms" I" "I was busy," Ann replied. "I'm starting a revolution." "A revolution!" Rita echoed. Anne nodded. "In myself. About ckxthes and time, and several other thing*." "Ann* Marshall, -will you kindly explain 1" Rita orid. "Do you uppoae I like to feel stupid 1" ''It began," Anne replied, obedi- ently, "by my getting mad." "I've known one or two thing* to begin tha* way before," Rita murmured. "Exactly. This thne, I got mad with Aunt Sarah. Mother asked me if I had been to Alice Grantley, and I said I hadn't had time, be- cause the dressmaker kept m o Mlnard'i Llnlmint Curtt Dimmptr. Zam-Buk to afl wound* and lores and yo will be surprised how quickly it itopt the imarttnf aod Sfiayt euc. It corcn the wound with layer of pro- tective balm, kills all poison nadr la &< wo*md, aad Otb*n co'eriai'. Hi rich t.rbal CMOCM AM hnkf f> (ram the bottom, fettti thtt| iod la weadaYfeUy ifa<* teat tfMWOUQd (.(**!}! MtatloM M*>f k Be ra aa4 VlM-BUK Grandmother Sayst Re that wont llttnn u't Uorn i fools M bAb-*-Makn are poor Tttr.er, and ba btiV an* lane. brlaga within . u of ererr* on* NATURES OWN REMEDV FOR RHEUMATISM, ECZEMA , , Ami Kindred Troubles. The regular n of LIQriD at'LPHUB btfore rnea!*, au-l In rour bain, will glT* rou all th benents of a rtslt to a HOT SULPHUR SPRIM Do not auffer anotUer d7. Ot l bottle from rour dnijtcUt, and prore It for yoaraelf. Price. BO cents. 1(1 Bmf Btrrct. Toronto. "Licks the Backet Clean" Blatchford's Calf Meal As good as New Milk at half the Coet 100 pounds makes 100 gallons of Perfect Milk Substitute. Send for pamphlet, "How to Raise) Calvw Chc*plr and Succe.af .,,! r Without Milk." M your Deaitn or STEELE, BR1GGS CO., Toronto, Ont.,. Canada. I 1 m Some nTf.il are nothing more than animated threat*. Minard'i Llnlmint Cures Oold*, Eto.

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