"'. "TflUTB BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOI :):: No. :}3 Fleshier-tori, Ont., TViursUay Marcli 12, 1914 W, H. TECRSTON KDITOn aud l-i.o WO ill' a nii-e Fever sham Items Well, March came in on Sunday list with a good big arowl as though there wis an old maneatins lion around some- whi-iu. After a fow d.iys of pleasant winter weather, nd hope the mouth will 1:0 out like little pet lamb. Mr. \Vm. Sloan i.f ICimberley was a *aller in a business w.iy in our burg last wiek. Sorry to report that Miss Jennie Hale N( this place who II,M been teaching H lim.l at Maple val'ey sinoe 'In- school commenced this year, is seriously ill si her boardint; house at that place with kvart trouble and nervous breikdown. We hope to hear of her complete re- over jr. Mr. Geo. Juliuii had a close call in his sawmill here on Saturday last. While attending to some pait of the nmchiiiery a set screw of a pulley on a haft cauuht him, tearing off his coat anil vest and giving him a severe bating up. Mr. Julian's strength and presence f mind alone saved him horn sudden lUkth, by boiog wound around lnc '' sl revolving shaft. Miss Maud Davidson visited with her sister. Mis. John Stouttnbutg, Oullintt- wood* lust week. Ur. Alex. Keith, who lives three miles north of here, lost a valuable horse from anxaturia last week, a big loss for Alex, at this time, or in fact any time of the year. Not near so many of i . ur farmers talk f -i I. in- out and going west ihis spring aa laar. tliouyh a ^ood number of auction dales are being held now, and our popu- lar auctioneer, Mr. Will Kailtiug, in toeing in demand from far and near. Will had an extensive sale in Sunnidale township on t'i-iday luat, four or five liles south east of Stayiier more power t yoiu- elbow Will. A number of our farmers attended the auction sale of Mr. Thus. Bristuw of Banniiliile, on Friday last. Electric raiiroed talk is the order of the day. We have one strong talking point in this village. Tile Osprey Farmers' Four Mill which turns over from #12,000 to $ 1 5, 000 worth of uusi- es every year, with the handicap of fourteen miles to the nearest railroad to net I heir bupply of Western hard wheat and team their llour for sale on othur Markets. \Yi-wnii; the railroad, Jtntl as UK- Hon. Adam Beck told us tit the b:oi'iit,-i at Guelph iu December lt, what, wo. want u to L-O after it and utay at it till we get it. The Farmers Hour Mill li:ia been minting day and night for the past three. wk, putting up i car of Hour whicli ur miller, Mr. K. Hummel, shipped to Toronto on Saiurday last. The Housekeeper and Parcel Post As a nation, we have taken kindly to the parcel post ; most of U3 use it nioic .-.r les.s,and some of us occasionally abuse it as the wornau who recently sent her twenty-pound baby on a journey of sixty miles in charge of the parcel-post man. Some of u-j, however, have not Le^un to apprtc'atu how widely it can serve our convenience. Many a housekeeper, liv- ing a mile or so from town, and prevent- ed from going to maiket by bad weather, fails to realiz; that fresh vegetables tint may liu spoiling at the market for luck of Customers, can be sent to her by parcel PI.SC if >\\<i will only take the trouble to telephone. Shoe stoics, dry-good stores, diug stores, and hardware storos will all sei.d goods in ihat way, and are usually ylnd to do it, if thereby they can save themselves or their customers a long drive. A woman who was laitenlins; ihat she could not Ret fiesh eggs in ihe city had never thuuylit of getting them by parcel post from i he country. She did not even know llm f . there are special egg I ox- es made for that very purpose. There are other women who have not learned that when thi-y are tiavelling they can send ahead a suit or n hat, or any other article of clothing that they canm t gel into a hand ban, and rind it waitina; at the cud of a journey. Some laundries are now doing ull their business through the post. They nturn the fresh clothes in u targe past ohimni box that can be used f"i' sending the soiled clothes the neM week. Suppose you nred something fiom a' dnig ttoie that does not deliver to cus- tomers. The weather is bad, and you dislike to w.ilk or drive to the village. It takes only a few m mien's to U-loplloiu 1 . You will find the clerk <|<iiio willing to mail you the packae, and the i|uick de- livery i.i well worth tho few extra cunts. The posiinan must make the trip anyway, so there it no niv.-d to feel guilty for lett" ing him save you trouble. Postmssrer-ljoimral Btirli.-son says that ultimately tlic government will handle il the Pinail piickaues in the country, ami le believes that within fifteen or twenty ears it will be handling ptuk.tuiM up t" >ne hundred pounds iu weight. An automobile was onco sent from mdon to Paris by parcel poht.and every day some fresh absurdity iw reported. The system was not installed for purposes f amusement, but of convenience. t is worth while to learn how you can Heathcote Hnulinj lojjs is tho ordar of ttie day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. <inliier visited w.th friends in Duncan recently. W are soriy to report that Mr. John Julian lost one of bis valuable horses last Friday, while crossing tho river with a lead of logs, the ica giving way and the lead and horses goin^ through. They Managed to get one horsa out safe, but the othur died shortly afterwarda. Mr. \Vni. Devins was a culler in our burg one clay last week. Mr. On and daughter, of Fleahorton, >IHI:I il with friends in Heathcote l.i- t week . Mr. J. II. Gardner took a business taip to Collingwood last week. We uitderatai:d that the llocklyn W.l. have invited the Heaihcote young people (those taking part in the play given in th hall here some weeks ago) to give the mine play at a concert in Uocklyu very shortly. Gordon Kemp spent Sunday with his patents here. We aie wrry to iv.port Mrs. Kerwoixl Kerf i-n the sick list, and her lleathcote friend * hope for her speedy recovery. A number of our young people at tended a carnival in Thornbury last week. We are sorry to report, that Mr. J. H liarihier lost oni- of his valuable hones last week. When takiiiR them out for exercise her mate kicked lier, breaking Kir )g. Mra. Hath of Banks visited with Mrs JiimtK (J.iidner hist week. save time and egiiinmto ways, money by using it in Youths' Companion. Ceylon Mr. Fred ChisluU of Shelburn spout Sunday with his parent* her*. Mcc. D. I). McLsughlan has been very 11. Miss Simons, trained nnrso of Owen Sound, is in at.teudanco. Mr. Chan, (liislctt Itft Monday for Durham, where he h secured a situa- tion. Misses \c:->.i and Sybil Collinson L'.H ' a card patty on Thurdny evening to a 'lumber of their friends. Mrs. Alton and bub* of M.irkdalc are vimtin* her parents this wek. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wilcocli. Mr. Alex. McDonald spent a ftir days in Durham ln.st week. Miss Kdna McLftod visited over Sun- day with her friend, Miss Lily McPhail. Mr. S. Hemphill ."pent oonplo of days in Toronto last week. Kimberley Budget Mrs. Henry Fawcelt of Clarksburg, who has been visiting friends here, re- turned homo on Monday. Miss Maud PlewpK, wlio lias been at- tending Moaford high Rchool, visitod at lu-r parental homo recently. We are sorry to report Mrs. K. Chad- wick on i he sick list at present. \ Mr. James It. Fawcett is visiting friends in Collinswood. Adam and Joseph Bradhu:y of Thorn- bury visiied friends in this uciui'y on Sunday. [son, Raymond, spent Snnduy with the ' letter's uncle and nunt, Mr. and Mis. Wodehouse Doings Mr. Albfci-t Latter nf Union occupied the pulpit in New England chinch on Sunday afternoon and gave an interest- ing discourse. Mis. Thomas Brown of Murkdnle. ie- oowod old 'ac'iiiiiiu'ances in this neiyh- borliood the past week and was the gwst of Mis. Win. Wiley. Misses], Nancy and Alma Wiley s:re pending a fortnight with friends and relatives at Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bridge and little A goodly number of our local sports attended tho carnival at Rocklyu on Friday night and teport a sjo'jd time. Dr. Ottewell of Flesheiton was iu town on business Monday last. Mr. and Mr;:. James Walters of I'l.rfcs- bur wero uuesls at tin.- Traveller s Uomu on Saturday lust. Mr. E/IM Fawcelt visited t.'lurktbm-y friends on Monday last. Harvny Morwood of Markdale visited friends in tiiis vicinity one d>iy last week. Joseph Cherry, here. Mrf. Harris and daughter, Kvi', aie moving this werk to their new hi me in Kimberli'v. Their many friends are sorry tosie them leave, bin wi*h thorn eveiy success. Mr. Aaron Birch and tistor, Mary, weru at I'nion the past wei k v'siiing their auni, Mi's, .luii in, who is s-jrioutly ill a' the li'iini! of her diini'liter. Mrs. Mr S(;ml( . y Wil( . y nnd M s> . Xa W. Leslie and Stanley Lawrenea at- j McArlluir'spent over Sunday with friends tended tho carnival ;t Duncan Monday. ul (.'|:u-kshur.| | W. 5 are sorry to repot t Mr. M. H. j Mr. Viclur Buwes of S'r.ihii-iirn made Hammond on the Sick Ks'. . ;l bn-iness tiip through our b'ir-_ recently. Roy K. irk patrick anil sister, Oro, of! A i.umber of our young pn.p'.o altend- Wo-Jehouse, visittd ut Mrs. T. Keids. : t , a tlu , Cliniivll i ;ll u oc klyn on Tlmrsdny Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond of evening last, and- all r-poit a go..il iimr. Pi-iceville visited with the formei'a par- Ml . w e sley Bre-idm-r ivceiv^l tl.r md e ,ta here on Friday. ' news on Sntii; J.-iy of the d.'iiib of his Miss Kthel McCallum of Dunc-in visit ' mot lu-r, who had passed away til .t iiunn- ol with her aunt, Mrs J. 11. l'".iwcett. :ng at lu-r ho;ne at Ottawa. She hud Mrs. John Burns of Meatliccte visited i bi-en cti'ical'y ill for om time pust nnd Mrs. Win. Han-is OIK- day last week. . l'-' J ">s not uulooked for, altlii.ugh Mrs. P. llurris and daughter, Eva, of Vos - U;ul J""' ivtunu.l home las! week Wodchouse, are moving into our villvge this week. Walkerton A yeiir.-io lust summer Mr. N. C.Mc- Ivay put np fn-sh osj-is in various prescr- A Race With the Stork Wide moving on Thursday !.- 1. from Hanilfer to the (jreor^e Procknonr farm on tlia tt-h concession of Uiant, which he tecen'Jy purchaseil, Mr." Alex. Ivies- wetter discovered that he was about to become the father of a ne\v child on the way over and not caring to have the in- fant bcii-n on the hitthway, he whipped up the horseft and a sensational race with the stork took place down tho conces- sions. People wlu look to the ditch as the frantic driver brushed by little gues- sed that tho birthplace of a future citi- /.on depended upon the succo's of that wiltl rural lli^ht . Lashed into foam, the steeds finally wheeled into the Procknow farm and the race was won, for Mrs. Kieswetter had hardly landed in her new honi'i wben t,ho woild ws entielied with anothi'i- son. liruco Heiald. abla for light houaebaepiag. The w II' ihe ronmls s\n exhibits at tlm I'.ll- fnll fairs; spent tho winter in the cellar, nd s-t m pies taken jirovi-il to be in n (l -d ildition. Lniit HUinunr they wero ex- posed to summer temperature- on the >rtioe shelvis and wero used as Fair ex- hibiis again last. fa 1 ). Last week the Ag- ricultural claf.s emptied the jars and lunched liyhtlj on one lot. The boys voted that the preservative had delivered the egys tdibl and palatable even if they were I >ugh tourists of two seasons' ex- perience and the echoes of Biddy's proud cackle had died away IS long months from speiuliny some time with h- r and MID seemed smiiuwli-it beld-r. The K-- mains wen brought to Markdnle by ill" noon train on Monday anil wri-ro 1111-1 I y a lar^o nunibir of old frien-ls and MI i'^h- bois, who ("llowed their, to 'I'l-mpli: Iliil cc ^ { ^ w!ul( , t , K . y Wf>n , Uu , i(1 ||u . ir ,. (st rcs(il)j{ fli ^ M)s }h ^ lmr WHB |lgeaDdi wi(h , 1L>1 miw S[ ,,.. rowing husband, vpe.nt I hit early , | art of life in thii nuii;lil)orliooil. She leaves to mourn, besides her husband, two sons Mid one daughter, four children liav in)" di-d wliilo yoiui<j. Murh .sympathy i to (lie brruavo'l ones. Eugenia Paragraphs Mis. Ktiilivan of Allitt n w:is tin- of hr brothor, Mr. H. Cairns, re- cendy. Mis' Delia Wilson of Klcsherton hiah The family troubles of Mr. and Mrs. , school spent the week end with ha Herb Smith which hvn hen tho subject) mother. of several police couit eases were -main . ]?.n-n - In T.ir.mto, on Kel). l"i, to Mr. aired beforo Mastitlrwtu Tolton on Thurs- 1 ^ud Mis. \Vm. Ayuluy, a daughter. Mr. day last. Mrs. S caused the riest of her AynVy i one of our hydro surveyors, husband, but the c*so was not iven a j jj on ,._,vt HumMiia. Feb. -'*, to Mr. full hc<u -iii tf , the court, in view of tl'" j Hnd M M. John Campbell, a son. couple's nmny sipulibles, and as both j .... . Mr. dvurvu 1 lioinpsmi of Porllaw ws tes were willinjj, uiantivl L si'p:iration . a caller o friends here the putt weak. Mr. ant! Mis. Wilmer Turner viaiud tin- pil't, wei-k with the latter's sister. papers which were subsequently drawn up. Mis. Smith roi|iie8H'd that her Inn- band hi> ordered to leave town, but us the c-!i.ir:;i- did not wurrant this, the magis- tru'o took no action. Tin- couple lime now paited nnd for the time Jeni(! at least, will piobubly lead a lite of peace and i[uietude.- Tnlesuope. WEEKLY REPORT FLESHERTON H. S. Mrs 1'i-rtlan-. Miss McMulli'ii and brother. Russell, visited friends At I'riceville Sunday. Mr. Geo. Litimer has returned from I the i:ily, where he has been visiiin<j friends must of I ho winier, ! II. Kenniok has returned to 'he city after spending the winier here. Mr. and Mrs. Watwin and Miss 1 Hoitders -it of Proton were ttie L-ues'.". ol Mr*. McMnster recently. Miss Nellie \Vickcn.--visittfl frinnls in The Stove Exploded ISarly Monday morning Mrs. Ucn.Ki t IXR. 5peclall<t in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th st. east, Owen Sound At the Iluvuro house, Markdalo, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m DuuJ-iIIi.lst Wednesday of each month . Jewelry And ^Chopping 'Mi Us I am now prepared to do "chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along j'our grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for any I him; you w,mt in mrltne planing, matching, jfc. Floor ut.', saeh and doors, and all house fur- lishings supplied promptly aud at leas- inab'e raios, (Jet csttmn!e. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febl5 i:i ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler 1LESHERTON, - ONT KUK.M i. Alxeln-a--.'o!im.s. IOC I) McMillan O.'j, VV I'attis-on l>;?, t.4 White oli. M Iiwin 53, C McMilUn 5^, VV Harrison 52, M j Fleshorton recently. 4'.), L Muir 40, tl Lev<;r 'M, L| Miss Lene Podlar gave a hiitlulny n :W, I Latdlaw .'W, E Karstcdt | party to her finl fiiends Friday afternoon 30, R Sharpe 20. A Allen 15, P L(Jard | MU 4llie Williams is Mssistina Miss 14, M Wright !, E Casw.ll V, K Lever | Hrow ,, nf K,.Htedtsinillinery,FlehiM-toi, (i, H Moote 0. FORM II. Al,,'ebi-a 10U L Mcl'hail S7, K Whit- taker H2, V Bunt 7.'$, Ci Davis (111, M Legate oli, Dudgeon 04, W Scillay 53, M McArthurJL', U McVio-ir 4!), M Knox ! who resides on the coiner of First and 4p, E Spencer, 43, A Gandin 4t.t, '/, Ben- j Beech streets, says the Oollingwood En- tham 39, E Wright 35, S Smart 28, j terprue, had ju.t Jinibhed tiithting her Walter 10, M Winters. 8, M \Vrilit kitchen rant;e when the front taploiled, absent. throwing Mrs. V'inn and her little yrancl- FORM llf daughti'i' to the floor and imfldhiuy every t'hemistry-U Sliiiuk W, S 'On SO. 11 j wi"low in the lower part of tho IIMIM-. Shunk 80, H b'ioM 80, M S'aff.n-d 7!, K j Thu Rt()VU ff " 8 ^"""plotely wi-oeked ant! McMillan 7-', (J Whitn 7, K Spencer fi4, ' <>" olllur duiage done to the room as K Wright 04, V Scilley (i;!, W Whiltaker ^\\. Modioal aid was ,ummoned and CL>, L Beattiefi], V SiaU'ord tW, T On- M "- F'""' 11 ii'juries at'.endid to, but 52, PBoattiu rL>, D Tlmraion 48, M fortunately MHJ wa not seriously htul, Bi.yd 47, A Uichnrdson '.'G, W I5u- ller t>w "'l ;i; fl '"" s-.M-ions injury boiiis.' pro. cbanun 16. vidential. !A Sign of Spring! See our display of seeds Not how cheap, but how good Kivc Ki'M' Hour Purity Hour Ki.-!i])st: i-'luur \.o\\ u'ra'ie Horn 1 Pastry Flour \\i-a\\ Whc.-u i-hnp Sliorts laxi-s .M-al Mixcil chop i-.l Meal Oil Cake Any thing you want in feed or seed at the Flesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. Clearing S Out Balance of Men' s Heavy Rubbers N'S :l t'.vclft 's Leather Top Rub- bers rev, *-'.30 cleariiijc at ...... .. ........ ......... ....1. Bal. of Boys' at reduced Prices. Girl's Overstock- in j;s with Rubbers, clear- ing at .......................... $1 W Custom Work and Repair- ing asusua), jj Trunks, Telescopes and uit Ca-.ss. Thos. Clayton New Suitings FOR SPRING We arc showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR