Setemlei 12 1912 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 4 Advance* Small Ads* Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS UUULLOUGB * YOUNG V- i.i... Markdal* -jfoeral banking but inett . Money loaned i., i.!> i fci i nt Ca.ll OB UB. TChMLETT, '..<., i.--. r>ylcn. UeuiuiiMioner ID H.C. J .Conveyancer, fl*ea, nuiiltiure., I*"*". *'" <* eeWWUJ drawn up ollecticut mad.-, cbargen ntaouhM. - AIM roccnea 8cur. ftied etc. kept in Hock, Frion ibt. DMtl HAIL. Licenid_ Anctlonejrjor tbe County of Grey Boar for Service Purebred Yorkshire Boar '2 yearn old, foi orvict on lot X, con. to, Artenionia. Term* l.W. -ALEX. fAMKKON. Holstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service ( aiiiry Batter Hoy Calamity, No. 10531, bred H. ry Hul E. G eorjje of C'rampton, Out. Hire, ___ _ _ ______ ^ Itutttir Boy Calamity No. (7-VX)), Dana. Canary Ooldie Anticipation No. I'J94')I. Terui tered c^we *1.00. Uracloa *1.50. TAMWOHTH SWINE Kegivtered Boar. Teriu-fiade8ow tl.OO. Ttunwortl) In. wi. Poultry. Block lor Sal*. .. : ii i . 11 an. I \Vliit Wyandotte KILLED A PROSPECTOR. And British Expedition Take* Sum- mary Vengeance on Cannibals. Further details ol the reeent attack by pagan cannibals in Nigeria on a, British mining expedition and the murder of Mr. Campbell, the Scottish prospector in charge, have been re- ceived in London. As noon ait the news of the outrage reached the British Resident, punitive measures were taken, and all the vil- implicated were destroyed. wu.jac.ion l or nl-s can b* Ketidtnc* and P.O.. Ceylon. OODIWCtiOD. Dec. C.C7. There was 110 casualties on the Brit- ish tide apart from a few arrow wounds, but a large number of na- tives were killed. It is not expected that there will be any further trouble. It seems that Mr. Campbell with bis only white companion, Mr. Poole, m( . H %B f A r L EK t v blD(: ' bad been working in the locality of Tera"modrate and I Lotl70.2E.T. 4S,|{. r'leberton.' P .<>. the attack for two weeks during {which time the natives treated the .expedition well. All went satisfactory D ,. _ c . until it became necessary for th bull ror OCrvice 'party to erect flags and beacons to mart the limits of the ground. Dn> Telepbooe THE BLACK SQUAD Grimy Vulcans That Feed Fires on Ocean Liners. the \\Jil. KAITT1NW. Llceuaed AU< *' D K'' I" W tb . counts, of ur.j and h,inc_ co d Block ale a Thoroughbred Aberdeen Angus Bull, (fortunately for these, and especially "Black Diamond King," for service oi^emall white cloth flags which were lor bj kddr ttav be uad at the Ad A"! . MMcblDfo.'. .tor., tei" u.e at F*erbam, Out. specialty. Teran Jot 28, Con 4, Glenelsr. YY. H. PATTKKS-)N, Prop. RBDD MATHK-.V8, Maridale, of.oi:rforttoe county ! Grey wrvic i.t repatriable ratofc. Date* iiiadr at Tbe Advance- o 09 U etc ted Good a be MEDICAL J)" CA "i*4 0e. Pbyiiclan, Burgeon etc Mex *t-. Fleiberton f p C'TTKWKLL I ! I *t I 1H CI.U1CI, . DENTISTRY Earn A Salary ! Take our practical Business or Short li .n, I course of irninint' ttr.d see how KOUD we will hare you earning a ;.... i - Every graduate helped. Fall Term from Sept :<, iy]2. New catalogue on request. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkinsi Principal IK , dental planted among the native crops, aroused the superstitious fear ol the pagans, who regarded them as * juju" against their farms. Warnings were given as to the I threatened danger, but apparently J these were not regarded as serious. : Suddenly one morning two old pagan chiefs arrived on the scene, throwing earth over their head, a proceeding which it was thought, was intended to indicate that the visitors should go, as the people were getting out of hand. Definite news on the point is want- ,ing, but it is probable that this action was wrongly explained by the inter- preter as merely being a native form (of salute. In any case, the chiefs re- ; tired, and in a few minutes the ex> 1 pedition wag attacked. By good luck Mr. Poole, who was wounded, reached his horse, but Mr. Campbell missed his and was shot down by innumerable arrows. A few [days after his body was recovered and LEGAL "iO Acres -Kast Ij of Osprev. ."* Acres West lmH lot \JCAB. ItASEYA .If lot s, con. 11. If lot H, con. II, , con. 11. , C3I1. 11, '"' A National Benefactor's Tomb. Town.iiii. A correspondent of The Times, sign- Townsiiii>i ir '8 himself "A Friend" of the Donor." ArY.LuT ? . K. C.:VV.K. .'>0 A;res--Ba- lulf ofOsprey, 100 Acres- -I,ot :m, <-'<m. Hi, Artumvaiu. ion Acre* Lot. 'M. <'iu. II, Artciiiniiia. JUG Acrus hot :i. Con. 1.1, lot 4, Con. I iHpre) . JixjAcres -!, con. 14, A rteinuMia. ion Acres Lo . cmi. 14, Arteinnsin. . calls attention to the fact that the TOWOI.II IP gravestone at Brompton Cemetery of Mr. John Jones, who died in 18fc2, and left to the nation his collection of W H WBIOHT. Barrister. Solicitor C< acctr eu. -Own Sound and Klbton. K-Fle'beitou office. Sproule's Block every featurdAV SOCIETIES AO O W meeti ob ta l Monday > each nuoBtb, in their longe room ilHjl Pleabertou, at S I'.ui. M. W., * uwt r .. m.,.-i,. X. K ICOAone Part Lot 144. 143, H<|, TOO -i T. s. K.,AHr<iu>iia. BOOAee-Ljt:w ami 40. oon. 1U, Arteuiwia. '"" '- Arteni.Hia. M.; Tboa. Clayton, hetre'.ary. works of art, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, bears no record of his munificence. Thinking it appropriate that nn inscription should be placed there by the museum authorities, the "Friend of the Donor" saw the di- rector on Oct. 10 last year, who re- ceived the proposition with sympathy. \V. A. AK.MSTIIOSC, Klenlierloii " Jt nft * taken." continues the "Friend June wtf 01 the Donor." "from that period to Juno 20 for a decision to be arrived at. and the following is an extract from Brail tl OrCl Roofing " The Boar <l '* Education have had ^ under consideration your suggestion ' Crystal roofing and siding, Asphalt roorl comme'moi^at'ive rf'th 9 * b" '? s< y r -' pt ' n .inn and Hiding, Itul.Vr r-,,,tin,. Steel tlle Victoria and Albert" Museum' of ;r..ohn 8 and Hidin. Metallic ceiling*., the Ute Mr. John Jones to be placed J. McDonald, Agent, Ceylon $ ^rtoStft*tS%S,%lk; ^ they sympathize with your proposal, they regret they 'cannot comply _ j,a%uee'to n Vln. Sec. before the Brit ilk i Ot tbe UIODtU. W >' f "'r Be l stion that they should their appreciation of the gener- f OL'KTCKLK.SHKHTCN. 995, 1 SSSSKKlSrHSS Obr Clubbing; List in* C K- O. He 1 1 mi) > , i*. o- * ' ^^ " ^^ * * ** *-* _*^ -* - * % - -- - v> *%, *. ,- osity of Mr. Jones by means of an in- llie following puces ire for strictly, scription on his tombstone.' , paid in advance suliKcriptionsonly. \Ve "No reason is given. The cost would have no accounts with other papers. "f about JU.'t. Hiid. as mentioned , the CHOfcKN KhIKNiJK-Kleberton Council o. CboMjii Friend" uieeH in Clayton > hell flr*; and third Wlneday of each uiontli H 1>. ui lay a;"nieiiie to the Kworder on or be or. KftrffSSa !>"?-'. ;i.f Councillor S I (M), t . . T li)ali*lev;K*cor<ier W. H. Huut. Tht Kriuer'Oliib uiet in tin- bleb ttrlmol i ... ii- on tlie first Tbr.lay in ni luotth at I- o. -lock p. "'- Y""K 'a'"'"" ijwciallT invite'l. P. (hard I'rendaiit, < . "- Hollaiiiv. See. Trea. (K) ;,o Tarn worths (or Sale llolh w nearly ready for breeding. I'riee* Klesherton Advanet V o-jt IIN Comjianion . Toronto \Vorld, daily : Toronto Dnily News I Weekly (jlolio Mail-Empire Family Herald & .Star Toronto Slur I Farmer Sun Farmers Advocate 1 Weekly Wjtoew '.'It Ktni-dV Nii{lit .'! CO Home .fom-B'J Poultry New* . . . , Poultry I'eviitw Hod and (inn maj/uxine. . . . . , , '" " ow v '"ed at 1,000,000!" " ~ Old-Tim* Snuff Takers. Snuff taking \vns practically Boar for Service I'ur* >rni, $1, '> Fall Fairs N. HIiiuV, MIIXW.-H Wnt. !<) known in England until 1702. lii that -> y ear Sir George Kooke burned tlie ., rreneh and Spanish shipping anchor- ;, ed in the port of Vigo and lacked the !HI Jown. Besides large quantities of bul- - (0 !lion and jewels, his booty included ,,,, fifty long of the finest snuff, which was brought to England and thrown the market at a very low price. dn 1 ""' ca "8''t on, and in a few years 'the snuffbox had to a large extent "ou*ted the pipe. Connoisseurs u I to accumulate special blends of tmuif. as nowadays thev hoard choice cigars When George IV. died the contents oi Ins snuff n-Ilar were sold for $2000' London Chronicle. r ^tu Bull for Service TlimontrM.rcd Sli.itli..rn hull, ltr..illi... I i ul f,,i triveon lot In, eon. , (>M.;.V- MliBff on aiiitlieaciuii. Hervloa, fLW fra lini mi'MMfiU, *"'. *:i ' lt tiin ' "' Full \ntf- 'lliuiyd f'ir eown .1. M UritNS Fleshertol) Sept. L'li-L'7 ChnUworth Sept. iu-i;t 'olli|!.{wood . . '.>:., L'ti, '.'7, '.'S II,' ,11, HI U ( Urkslmi-u .Sept, '.M. -'.>!sunshine. I>uilnini Sept.. 'J4 2.">!P OB *d of Oct. 1(1, I I Kevei sliuin . . < )ci . I -L' BULL FOR SHfiVICK Tburi'iiKlibrf 1 .SlMirtfciirii luill,"l)un(ly .liin' 1*17*4, for M-riic* "n !<* Ijti, T. ft H. K., Ar- .11,1 ... Tliiii animal i- of a p"" 1 tnilkiiiK -train. F'Hli K r .. UW 4u-^on. ..'(>"'".- I Markdle .................. Oct. i Mr.dord .................. Sept. , Mount Forest ........... Sept. Sepl. Siiuiid . l.", li; 2ri, '.'7 1<I 20 Sept. HI, II, p.' Sunlight For All the Leaves. The telegraph plant of India has a method all its own for catching the Kach of its leaves is corn- three leaflets. The larger one erects itnelf during the lay and turn* sharply down at night while the other two smaller leaflets 18 t Ill, move constantly day and night, de- scribiiiK complete circles with a pecul- inr Ifirlrttm * . lil it iar han Boar for Service />,,! wl il* Yuikuliire Koar lur MIVIOU .,,'., I if,' ,i'i mi, ( \V 'I A s I:. Arteini'tia. ''..,. \ , H. WAI-I.KH. Bull for Service Pure i.ieii Hereford bull fur Pel-vice on lot 171, ^ i. w. 'I'. & S. S., AiUmesia. Term* $l.i>0. Pure bred $:i.(X>. Any \ cow Dot returned Hecond time wiil In-. charged at UIIIH! iat. I March lit) - T. A. .1. WATSON, Proton Hration. Bull for Service Bhorthorn Hull, "\ ili.-i-r I ml, for .-. ,\,,i nn lot (i, con. 4, Artemeeik. Terma - $1 for grade*. IHept A. K. II A/..UM., I ,..,. HORSES FOR SALE One home 4 years old, one hoiso .". yc*rs old, <>n horse 2 years old, all three by the imported < 'lyde sdale itallion Dun- ure Mae. Also one grey lilly '2 je.n-. old.- .IAS. OLIVK . w - - - i *- .^,D n tin a ^CVU 4~ jerking motion like the second 1 of a watch. Occasionally they rest for a period and then go on again unil Sept. II), II, pjthus bringing every part of every leaf O , 4 " tn '"'I action of the sunlight. A Gcnerout Foe. A very unusual kind of sportsman- ship was shown by the Maori chief who was taken prisoner by the British after a hot engagement. His captor* were talking to the man, and one of them asked him why he had not cap- tured the British provision and am- munitiwi trains a few days before, when he had a chance. The thief gave a loud, scornful laugh. | "You fool!" he cried. "If we had stolen your food and powder how ^iiild you have fought u?" Darkaat London. Speaking at Church House. London, -> the Archbishop of Canterbury said B .._;.___. /^*\11 */r*'*" tral * 01|U| f - "don. compriied with- U SI neSS \-OIiege,,, the bend of the Thames, formed the largest area of practically un- NORTHERN Owen Sound, Ont. KAI.L TKKM oPKNS SKI'T. 2nd broken poverty in the Britiih Isles. Lot* 2G-2<> U7. Houth Tane, Artainosii i Oylon P.O. Property For Sale Home and Lot in Koverslmm <!o,... cemrnt block houhe, frame stable, j -iicro lot, good well at door. Also lot 12 and K. half 11, 12th con., Oaprey, containing 150 acre* ; good frame 1 1. in,, etc., well watered, good stock farm. For terniH and particulars apply to .IAS. T. McKEN/.IK, F.-venth*m P.O Australia'* FortaU. Australia has huge areas of foreit land, estimated at 40,000,000 acres, as Vet uninspected and unreserved. Tim- jber merchants have 10 far secured lest ''<""> than 4,000,000 acres, chiefly because ol lack of railways. Snake Medicine. Snake poison is being uied wore and more for medkiinal and other pur- poses. In Australia th collecting of [t has become a yrofltble HEROES OF THE STOKEHOLD. These Model* of Human Grit Prac- tically Brave Death Every Time They Face the BlitUring Searing Blasts of Heat From the Glowing Furnaces. An inferno, all smoke and beat and Ore and nakedness, is tbe stokehold of in ocean liner. Aa you enter it, pick- ing your -way over tbe burning asbes, tbe hot blast from tbe furnace moutbs imites you lo the face; it scorches your eyes and scars your lune with every gasping liwitli you draw. Tour im- pulse Is to turn and fly. Life seems Impossible in such an atmosphere. And yet tbe Inferno hums with life ind strenuous, almost savage. Industry. Opposite tbe huge boilers, quivering with suppressed power, like so many I'bnined giants, are tbe figures of men as If carved in ebony, glistening with the sweat tbat streams from every pore. They are working furiously, with muscles swelling and knotting as If they would burst through their Bhentb of skin bucaans in quick suc- ceeding puses of fierce labor which would delight tbe eye of tbe sculptor and baffle bis skill. (jathering up a shovelful of coals, e.'ii-li innn propels them wltb a quick forward thrust of tbe body into tbe | white bot heart of tbe furnace and with a dextrous turn of the wrist | spreads tbem evenly over tbe fire. i J'lirn, quick as tbe eye can follow, an- I other shovelful succeeds and another, is If life Itself lnini: on tbe breathless iwiftness of the sequence. Such Is tbe stokehold In which the I vulcans of our mammoth liners and i battleships feed the greedy furnaces, j which keep tbe propellers revolving to tbe tune of twenty knots and more nn hour the men of the "black gang" M ln>. clad In trousers almost as black as their grimy bodies, and with a filthy "sweat rag' 1 loosely knotted round their necks, toll thus for four hours > fit a stretch, until tbe last "ounce" is ' t taken out of them, and they crawl buck to their quarters for a well earn- ed eight hours of rest If u i, 1 1- n. MI faints, overcome b.v tbe i heut nnd exhaustion, he Is quickly laid aside In some corner, wltb a little Digging Pirate Treasure A true story of hidden treasure, mys- terious enough to have precisely the pro- per flavor, is told by Ralph D. Paine in 11 The Book of Buried Treature.'' >k Inland, Nova Scotia, has a sheltered ha- ven called Miilioni Bay, sourly hidden from the Atlantic. Near the head ct ihe bay is a small cove, which was vicited in the year 17"5 by three young men named Smith, MacCiinnis and Vaughan, ho drew their canoei ashore and ex- plored the noble groves of oaks. They came to a little clearing iu the centre of which ttte- <> a huge oak gashed with markings of an axe' A scout lower branch bad been sawn off at some dis- tance from the trunk, and to thi; natural derrick-arm had been attached it heavy block and tackle, as shown by the fur- rowed scar in. the bark. Directly be- neath this wis a circular depression of the imt" a dozen fret in diameter. The young men determined to iind what was buried there, and shortly re- turned to the spot to dig. They soon discovered that they were digging in a clWly detined haft, the wall* of which showed the marks of pick and shovel. Ten feet below the surface they came to a cover ng of heavy oak plank that was ripped out with much difficulty. At twenty feet another layer of planking waa uncovered, and digging ten feet deeper a third horizontal bulkhead wa* laid bare. The thiee men had done all they could without H larger force, hoisting machin- ery and other e<ju'piuein, and were forced to abandon tUeir u*k when the natives of Mahone Buy refused to aid the elite! pi i -i Half a dozen years later a company was organized tu continue the wurk. A gang oi laborers was mustered and the dirt began tu My. As before, ome kind of covering was disclosed at every ten feet. When a depth of iW feet i; . 1 been reached, the shaft, until then clear of water, nuddenly tilled until within 25 leet of the tup. Peixi.itent ;i . - were made, to bale out the flood, but with such poor loeotw that the attempt was nlxin- jdoned. Not until i.-l" wa another effort made to fathom the myitery of ( ak Island. Another tiviinire seeking cinn- pany cleared the shaft to . depth of 8li ,feet, but an iu-rush of water stopped the ,undeitaking. It was decided tu use tepid water dashed on bis face, and jlmring machine such at was employed in "s'litu AO frtii nit " there be Is left until lie "comes round, while bis fellows ply shovel and "slice" (the latter to clcnr the (ire periodically from refuse) with a Mercer energy than before, adding tbe fallen man's labor to their own. The moment be 'prospecting for coal. At 08 ft el the lurge auger struck a platform of spruce rive indies thick : it then dropped twelve linobei and went through fuur inches of re- onk ; then through -'-' inches of metal in covers consciousness be strtigslos to j but ,,, t f , iletl ,,, ,, rj his feet, tbe sbovcl nnd Is nt it * An accident followed with faUl results occurred on lot 26, c,)ii. 6, Nottwasag, on Friday afterno'.ii last. Edwin S. Nbitt, the proprietor of the farm, with a boy WM drawing in oats, and a* something at the top of the car track needed attention, Mr. Nesbitt ot on a sling full of sheaves to go up and see lo it. As he reached the top and ta car shot into the muw Mr. Kesbitt was jerked off and fell about twenty feet to the floor licluw alighting on the back of his head, fracturing the base of th akull. Dr. Christie was hurriedly called fiom SUyuer hut found that death was inevitable, and JMr. Nesbitt died in about three hours after his fall. Cree- inore Star. The MeafordHigh School N\ ill re-open on Tl'ESDAY, SEPT. 3. 15)12 VV hun classes matriculation int.. entrance into the into the Faculties will lie formed for all the professions, Normal schools and >f Education, Com- ol it to nttnln. "Go off watch?" Not he! He's os good a inun as any, and the Hreuian never knows when he's beaten. To cull such men heroes Is no abuse of an often misunderstood word. They nre not only the last word In human frit and pluck-- for your flreinnu will die rather than give In they nre he- roes who face death every time they {found t enter the stokehold, as lijrhtbenrtetlly as other men would sit down to their dinners. At any moment a fusible plut; may fly. H boiler tube collapse, a gaut;e clnss tuny splinter, and tbe cap- tain may have occasion to "regret" that some good man or other bus fall- en a victim to bis duty. His ship inny he sinking, the lurush- re- It . , the top, except three link* an ancient watch-chain. then went, through eight inches ot msUl the mine ivt before; then four inches of oak and six inches of opruoe and into jclay revcii ftet itliout strikiim anything. The water thnt tilled the shaft wa be tall, and affected by the itles. S.jaicli was made fur a tunnel, and a eries of well-constiucted drains IconnflctiiiK llie cove with the money-pit jw diitcovercd. These hd evidently bteii driven uut by (he pirates wiih the idea of Hi.odint; out intruders. One at- tempt lifter uno'her to block thette tun- nels failed, and the t feature-seekers ing water IWlrltDg knee deep over the , plates on which be Is standing, but no : 8 l' enl lhl " '""MM Md t<> quit empty banded. More than forty yean pa'ied, JKltti the one win once mercial Specialist and Commercial Diploma. The rapid growth of this school i a. striking illustration of that true M adag that NOTHING SITCEEDS L1KK SUCCESS. We would like all |iarents having chil- dren to educate to consider seriously the following points about this High School: 1. Bl II.DINtJ, grounds and e(uip- inent unexcelled in the Province; four and a half acre-s of ground with splendid athletic field, well ventilated elax* rooms; first class gymnasium; healthy town; good 1 1. ..ii . I in private familie).: cheaper than in cities. KKKS, $10 a year. 2. The splendid work of this school has attracted to it from far and wide large numours of students and has caused it* attendance to increase rapiilly. During I!lll our students cniue from forty differ- ent centres. ::. THK HKiH STAND taken by its students in the v..rioiis Cniversities and the large nnmlier of its lniver*ity vi-.-i.liiat.-s holding important positions to scats of learning. 4. A NEW and np-to-ditte Science Kooin, fully ei|uipiK-d, in which the student performs HIS ( (\VX experiments under the sujiervisioii ..f the teacher. :>. .\ Fl'LLY OKUAX1XED Com- i.ieivial I)e|mrtuieut in Ikiok -keeping. Stenography. Business I^iw, Tyjie- writ- ing Kuglish Krimches in the hands of a .specialist who is a chartered accountant. Special attention is given to writing and spelling. This department is equipped with seven of the latest I'nderwood Tyjie writers. Kach graduate recieves .1 lieautiful iliploma. I lur grdiiate.x easily iilil.-iin [Misitions. No ex|H'iisive Business 'ollrge fees to jiv. KKCORD KOK I!IL'. >. IN 1!I'J this school jMNM-d L'4 out >f .'Ml candidates for entrance into the Normal schools, 1"> of these securing honor certificates, lit out of IK matricu- lants, the whole class for entrance into tin Faculties of '.'. in nuiuher with two honor certificates, 17 <>nt of M MI lower school examination, the whole class for Commercial Diploma with 2 honor certificates. 7. INSPECTOR \VETHKKLL in his report says. "It is with unusual pleasure that 1 umkc mv first report on the M. .,1.11,1 High Sch.H.1. No - ii.,,,1 in the 1'roviuce is in a more nourishing, condition. The Trustees are alert and pro- gressive and all the uiemliers of the staff are energetic and cajialile. The spirit, of the school is admir:i)>lc and impress a n stranger at once as ipiite out of the omnium." Send tile Principal for' lifautifully illustrated announcement mailed free on application. A. A Dl NDAS. R A.. IViu. A. \V. KIXON, Sec.-Tuas. Notice Notice Uj hereby given that a By-Law and in . . - - , mora tir with ' Wl48 *>***" l 'V the Municipal Cwunc'l of j the Jownship of Osprey on August 3rd tbougbt of the bouts nnd an escape to life Is for him. He must stick to hli post until tbe last fire Is drawn and if be has time to rnce up tbe escape Ind- . r r , _.. .. der to the boat deck well and good. If i^'.'*" lhe Kl """ P"P ulou< * Wlth toll r(l - I A. D. 11L', providinR for the not the o goes down, a "mule, inglorious" hero, |to-dte engineering methods, tut again the to bis death. It Is all part of tbe day's company 'M money ws exhausted before work for which he draws bis meager |the secrft of the monpy WM rovcttled . .... isue of are nil against blra he (fwt 'ime the treasure was sought by up- ' Debentures to the amount of 95000.0O ' for the purpose of the Local Municipal Telephone System of the said township, and that uch By-Law was registered in pay, with n cheerful acceptance of the . , fact that bis life will be short and cer- j B " n ">' *" nl>hcd '" ll tl ^ th of "" e lm " f tnlnly not merry, for you find few F 1 ** Blld nfiy-three feet, where a bed o 1 stokers who bnve passed their forty- 'cement and more soft metal wan ttruck. fifth birthday. iln all seven t'he.sts.or whatever they my It Is not only that the fireman's roue- [be, were encountered, and curioiiv cles nnd stamina must bear this Inhu | , , , , . , , , MinplfH ot wood, M , n und purclunent man strain. He must watch tbe gauge , glasses with tbe keen eyes of a lynx to i were hshed "'' l)ut the " 8oft tni>ul - ' see Ibut tbe line of bubbling beada presumed to be old, refused to el ing to never rises above or falls below tbe 'the aui;er. level that denotes eafety. He must ,,,,., rltfM n v . .,. con , lM4ny know Ids boilers as a jockey knows bis mount; which of them requires coaxing >' and which requires forcing to stimu late Its slugelshnesa, for boilers, It U |k laid, have as many whlmi and caprices a as H woman. l D On i lie whole, the stoker is no no- nmlabl man. H may growl at bis food, though he often fares "like fighting cock" aboard; be may hare vocabulary which would make tbe .IT- erage bargee green with envy, but he will langh you to scorn If you suggest that hl work is too hard and that he It not "gam" to the backbone. London Answers. No Harty Evident*. A rural magistrate, listening to ttt testimony of too witness, interrupted liiiu, saying: "You said that you made a person*! examination of tbe premises. What did you find?" "Oh, nothing of consequence," re- plied III* witness. "'A beggarly ac- count of empty boxes,' as Shakespeare isys." "Never mind what Shakespeare said about It," Bnld the magistrate. "He will be Biimrnoncd to testify for him- elf If be knows anything about the case." London Tit-Bits. It I* Impofmlble to found n lasting power upon Injustice und Dmoattiene. , CJuite recently a new formed to grapple with the secret of Oak Islai.d. The unbeliever ImHonlytugo , Nova s, ,,, i.i in the .sninmei time and ek out Muli, ,iu Bay, which is reached f way of town of Chester, to tind the deeply pitted area of the treasure-hunt, and very probably engines and workmen busy i the tine old pirntes' gold. of dipgnig fur The b*rn DII Mr. 8nm Scales' farm, lot 31, en Hi-en si i in .'i Nottawasnga, wa* struck by liKhtnini; nnd completely ile- Htroyed. All hix seaion's hay cruji was burnt as well some impJementK. The I iss is fairly well covered by insurance, but the destruction of the barn will make it harder for Mr. Scales to save his grain srop. Enterprise. Kvidoncei that Colorado was inhabited by a race of human pigmies not easily distinguished from apes have been diicov- ed in the fossil b'elds of Flnrisant l>y Frofesser Farnsworth, of the British Museum and Professor Tskishi, of the Imperial Tniversity of Tokio. From the texture and ihape of the bones, they lie hue they are those of an adult, but the bones are so small I hey could nut have belonged to a pnrton over three or four led in height. the Registry office, nf the South Ridini; of the County of Grey, on the Kkh day da/ of August, 191:.'. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any piit thereof, must te made within three months from tbe d.Ue of registration and cannot be made there- after. Dated this litth Dy of August, 1912. THOS. SCOTT, Clerk. Prevention of Eye Trouble. frevention Is better than cure. It Is cheaper. It Is possible when cure is impossible. ETC trouble may be avoided t the time)} use of glasses, averting discomfort, lufferlaf and permanent impairment f sight. We are properly equipped M adjust glasses and guarantee satlslacUok. W. A. Armstrong, Farm for Sale at a Snap $1,800 will buy 150 acres on the gravel road between Flesherton ami Markdale. The timber alone on this property worth the price asked. Apply to JOS. fcKATY, Oran** Valley, Sept 20. Mark ' Me> P it