Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1912, p. 5

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Setember 12 1912 FL E S H E R T N ADVANCE t . . I c . ' < i B THE FANABA : I^EEPING a bank account for FV "household expenses'* and paying all bdU by cheque has many advantages. It shows th balance on hand, the amount expended, provides rectpt* for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, E E B M.aer. Branch*! Uo at Dntfcam HrrUtoo. Trains follows : C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Mrs. Corbetr U visiting rho is ill, in Drumbo. Born In Flesherton, Sept. '.. to Mr. and Mrs. her daughter, on Monday, Herb. Smith. Goiag South Going North 7.43a.m. 11.28 a.m. 4.33p.m. 8.53p. m. ' Villagers are requested to attend a The mails are closed at Flesherton aj ; a public meeting ro be held in the to*n follows : For the north at 10.40a.m. and |n *ll on Friday evening of thb week at 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at a .I M I, . t u j o in i i r> u - L i " o clock to receive a report ot work done 3.40 o clock. Fr morning train 1MB mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. on swlks, previous to the voting neic ; week, nd an explanation of how the present condition of arlairs occurred. I !.*... Attendance of the electors VICINITY CHIPS Teachers agreements on office. sale at this 1 A ia ( hoped for. County Constable Cook recently made two seizures of cases of wet goods at this station. One was consigned to a tele- phone lineman and the other to Noah , P. :. . of Euzenia. The telephone man Mis* Uura Heury has taken a oowioi, ^ cunfidcated ^ ^ ^ a. milliner in Drorrrbo.. , Mf ^^ u sti ,, on ^ ^.^ g. g Mrs. Muller and children, who have i case ha* been twice called but wu 141111 been summer guests here, returned on] adjourned until neit Saturday when it i* Friday to their home in Mott Clair, i expected that it will be finally Jis- N. J. . posed of. Couuci ' The annual convention of the W. M.S. J A general advance in printing raten of the Owen Sound District will be held,! went into effect in thU part of Ontario on in Westside church on 'Round ty and ' Sept 1st. In eastern Ontano th* p'rices | were raited long ;_ isud he been |n reluctantly advanced by the printers of babe ''"'* sect ' on to correspond, as paper bills enormously advanced during tk past fc * years, ; could not be paid under ':* old scJR In some cases it lias been found necessary to almoat double the rates charged, as ' for years past certain linei have been Absurdly lowjtnd done at actual lo^s. ThU could not continue any longer, so the printers of this and surrounding counties Rev. H. K. Wellwood and family re- i got together and formulated a new scale turned on Saturday from a delightful ' on more equitable holiday outing, and the rev. irentleman occupied In" own pulpit at both services on Sunday. Rev. J. H. Douglas, a cVver performed the duties of bridesmaid, wu gjvrned in b!u* silk mull* and car.ied % biU'iuet of sweet peat. The zroom is *>ly supported by his brother, Neil, tf Toronto. The groom's mother was dres- sed in black silk snd the bride's mother wore mauve with lutunl <!<>wers U> match. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold watch and chain ; to the bridesmaid a pearl crescent brooch, and to the groomsman a pearl tie pin. After hearty congratulations about 73 quests partook of a sumptuous wedding break- fast served by the hostes* in her usual good style. The tea ro<xu wits beauti- fully decorated, as was the table. The bride's travelling suit was brown velvet with bodice of cream alov-er lace, trimmed with willow plumes and satin ribbon. The briie received miiiy costly and use- ful presents. Amodir those present were friends from Colpoy's Bay, Owen Sound, Orangerille, Braoipton, Durham. Norva 1 . Priceville and Maxwell. We all extend to the young couple heaity wishes for a happy and prosperous journey through life. Robert Brandon, a resident of MM': for many years, died suddenly of heart failure. Friday, Sept. f!> and *). Mr. Frank Tail of Luc-know was town last week. Mrs. Tait and who have spent most of *e summer , Md wa 8 '- wbich h * ve "' here, returned home with hint on I' Saturday. At the session of ArteuiMU held on Saturday Messrs. A. B. Mc- Douald. S. Gilbert, Frank Chard andj J. K. Jarniesoo were appointed tax collectors. VOTERS' LIST 1912 Notice is hereby given that I hare transmitted or delivered Co the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lit Act the copie* required to be so transmitted or delivered of the hat madtr, pursuant to &*id Act. of all per- sons appearing by the la*t revised As- leasmen! Roll of the said Municipaatx'to be entitled to vote in the said Muafci- pality -\' electiAcs f'>r meiabtfn t che Legislative Assembly and v. MumcipU elections : and that the <;d List was fint posted up at Ay office at Mclntyre on the 9;h day of September. I'.Ui *nJ re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all v<>(en take immediate proceedings :.> have my errors or oiuiwions corrected accordio.j I to law. Dated this 10th day of Swpteinlwr. 1->1-'. THOS. SCOTT. Clerk. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Pura bred white leghorn and white wyanditt* cockerels fir sale. Apply to B. Welton. Kleaherton. Firm for Sale or Ren'. 1'X) fares, 75 cleared, good orch.iri, brick house, !{ood ' outbuildings. Apply to Isuc Sinclair, Flesherton. We st'll have a quantity of good pi feed at rea.onabUi prices. J. Jt W. Boyd. For Sale Twenty feet of i icch Sue- ! riiin hose, nfw. Apply to GD<>. Witon Flesherton P.v*. Colt For Sale Heavy t')-yer-old. Apply to J.ia. Bad^erow. Suea Junc- tion, Proton Station P.O. Good young driving mare for .tale, well broke ind splendid driver. K. J. Sproule, FUsherton. Heavy .'{-year-old cole f jr sU. Apply to Ja. Turner. Ceylon. Wagon r>r sale platfotin running ijesr. two or one horse, new, cost $85 auh. -Shafts, tongue, neck yoke, all complete. Will sell for 930 e-\*h. or . 6 months on good security. Must be > sold. Cha*. W.^if. Fieshertoo. A few Egg Vats Sale At !e* tbaa . half wht they cost to roaanfacture them, suitable for s"f water cisterns or for tanlm to water cattle. M. Scully Co., ; Flesherton . MISCELU.NEOLS For Sale or Rent Solid brick store iu Ferh:im *7i x (Wft. oppostuj dour mill. Will take fifteeu hundred dollars lam than actual coal of building : lot free. Slock will either be removed )r sold *. rale on the dollar. Will jell this property on ery easy terms, or rent rMon*oIy. Apply to I. H. PERIGOE, Port McXicol!, Ont. per month. Weston.' hi>us-mid. *.'*' Apply Mrs. Mussoo. Firra w*ott :: runt or wui shares. Applr l.> Jiraes Hopps, Flesh- erton P. i>. The local telephone exchange !u> been ^rnwinj with amazins; rapidity during the past summer, until now wa have a c!ever young about 17.~> 'phones on the exchange, and minister, preached in the Presbyterian , more <oiiig on eveiy day. The line to church on Sunday. Next Sabbath the Kimberley is goiutr up fast, !>ut may not postponed quarterly Communion Service be put all the way through this fall, will be held and a good pulpit supply is The latest telephone news is to the effect expected. 1 that Flesherton will have an all-niftht Having sold his hotel property at Fe- > ao'vtce, to commence immediately. Mr. venhain, Mr. Walter Kerton will hold j Mr. Armstrong, the local manager, an auction wile of a great iiiutntity of ' receired instructions to that effect last household furuituie on Saturday of thij*k. This will te good news to a'l week, Sept. 14. Sale at S o'clock. See i users of the heloo I machine, es;>ecially bills. Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer. I * u tl > * living in the country and reijuir M ;-- Gladys Cornfield Uft last week to . attend the Harbord Collegiate ImtituU, Toronto. ThU young lady secured her matriculation and Xormnl certificates when fifteen years of age, and now is studying for her firat. A subscriber at PortUw write! : "We hurry calls at night. Village Council Thd viiUje council met ia session on Wednesday The eighteenth annual Convention of j the Kast Grey Sunday School Convention ' will be held in the ThoriiUury Methodist regular of las week, with all members present, the are very pleaded to see that Mr. Calvin j Ueeve in the chair. A communication Boyce has now got his hay in. and that was read from Mr. Andrew Carr asking the fanner:* around here are glad, as we j that the water be taken w.ty fri his shall now have good weatler. Miss | lot. The Reeve was instructed to see Ruby Sfone is visiting at Mr. Holman'a i Mr. Carr as to what he desired done, for a few days." By-Law No. 12, to levy rates for the > current year, wat introduced and passed , in proper form. The sums to be raised i are as follows : General purf o*c*. j i32. 10 ; public school purposes. *l'oO ; Church on Thursday. September [fib, ' m , 10 .,. : county, 11 12. oO : Continuation school, commencing t 10..W a. m. An excell- ; , . ^ ., .. . . f 148 ; Continuation school debentures, ent program me has been prepared in ' 41rt .. ... ... . , . . . . " f I0h.0 ; public school debentures, whu-h prominent ministers will iKirtici- ; .... ... , .. , . | lt>9.40: sidewalk debentures. So^W.aO : : nd tire By-Law debentures $115.40 ; The pupils of the huih school have ; total *L'71t> V.. To raisa this amount 23 organized a liteury society with the mil;., will be required following officers : Hon. Pros.. W. J.I This completed the business and Bellamy: Pre.-., Win. Kt-niahan : Vice Council adjounied. Pi-es., Lila Ellison. Sec. -Treas., Lillian Bu,,t ; Reporter. Erl i^uck. : Ciitic MacKinnon-Lever Kate Wili-.>ck ; Committee -Adda Wriht. Mabel Boyd, Florence Bunt. Auother of our , mep Drganist, Irene Wilson, . , n^ppy by Now that the big Toronto exhibition I titok plce on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, at U a thing of the past, our thoughts tuttu- i Maple Urove F;kim,the comfortable home rally turn to the horne show, which will | of Mr. :ind Mrs. Win. Lever, east back take place here on Thursday and Friday, j line, when their eldest daughter, Ella, Sept. 26 and 27. Mr. J. A. Boyd, sec- I waa united in the holy bonds of m.ttri- retary, is preparing for a bumper show j mjny to Mr. Charles MacKinnon, a pop this year. Grain crops and roots should j uUr youu man of Priceville. The cere- show fine samples. The concert on tho mony was conducted by Rev. Mr. Math- evening of the second day will be con- e*on of Priceville. Pioinptly a 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSION Sept. 12. 13. U ROUND TRIP TICKETS At Very Low Rates TO DETROIT CHICAGO BAV CITY GRAND RAPIDS CLKVELAXD St. PAIL MINNEAPOLIS Return Limit, September :y. IDli. Kull Particular* frjtu aav C. P. R. A<<mt. Found - luto-cycte inner tube Owner i can have tame by tpplying it th s 4ke Ginsini Five thousand youaz ylsnU for sale at f2 00 per Stratified seea tiOc per hundred. Try \ bed thii full, easy to ur<>w. W. H. , Fleshertoa. Wanted A load of ^ood and well- ved timothy hay. Xo objection t.> a , sprinkling of clover in it. U. J. Sprou!e. t Fleshert<in. FARM FOR SALE Lot U>. Con. tf. Osprey. * acres >u^ar bush ; . running stream ,>u of t ii in, the rest of the l^tml tn sjood state of cultivation : barn with *-t.nK founda- tion and stablinii ; water under foratock: power wheel for grinding (Kraui : dwell- ing house, brick cUd, - \ stories.. S rooms and attic, with modern ;,!'.:- ; bath room with cold and hot w ',T. s.-ft wa'cr supplied ; wash room wi'.h cold tod hot soft water also cold haru w\tr supplied from w!l ; furnace ; Verandah and balcony ; good veil wll with wind mill : telphoue ; about riv minute* walk to school. Presbyterian. >!':- and English rhurches. stoie a,nd pos - olhce and bUoksanth shop. Apply <>a preinUes. Wm. WRIGHT. Maxwell p. o. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham. Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt P!ow Co's Full Lin of Farm Implement* W^oii.'*, Bujigie", Cu'ters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Eu^iaei. Me'.otto Cream S#partoi, Biker Wind Mil's. PUOIPS, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Bam Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fitting. Cuckslmtt i:iJ Fro.-: A Wood Repnirs alw,iy< HI hand. Wareroom Wellington Sreet. Ftvtrsham, Ontario. Notice ducted by two artists, who will dtubt- noon, as Miss Maggie Mae Arrowsuiith, less attract an mioriuous crowd. Mr. J niece of the groom, of Durham, played Robert Wilson will present the euiiiic | t ho wedding march, the principals and side of the picture, and Mr. Kllwood their attendants took their pUct'H on th< Genite the more serious ami instructive. t verandah beneath .t l>eautiful arch of The latter gentleman ha.s made an enu- ovcrgrwus decked with white ribbons able name for himself elsewhere, ami as anil flower*, and from which was sus- it is his own home town the people wilj . peuJeJ the eaiblem ot good luck, two turnout en masse lo hear him. The ! white horseshoes. The pretty young Advance man has hail a priviite taste of i luide, who was given wsy by her father, what he can do, and we can c-uiscien- was nvailj attiieil in a becoming costume tiouMy ,sy that there is a vsry rare treat ' of cream silk, tiiuuued with U-aileJ in store for those who hear him. Come ftingo and lilk iifeeition, and carriinl i\ to the fir on the second day snd remain 1 bouijuet of white dahlixs and maidenhair fur the erening conceit, fern. Th* bride's siiter, Miss Ktta, wb ' Notice i- hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Act by his honour the Judge of the County Court of ihe County of Grey, at the Towji.shiy Hill. Flowher- ton, on Wednesday the 23 ih day of September. 1^12, at five o'clock in the afternoon, to hear iml detiTiii'.nd com- plaints of errors and omissions in the Voter's Li*' 1 , of the Municipality of ia for 1911 W. .! BKI, I.AMY, Clerk. Farm for Sale 100 *crei--L<L>t 81, con. ti. Artemesia, oo acres clean-d. 50 sctes under cultiva- tion. baUi'Ct? hardwood ;in J > amp. well fencitl a ml watered, ^ood house, iu-w frnine lotin with stalilms' under, lso pig pen. henhouse aiul sheep pen. Rural mill delivery. Apply tn ALBERT BLACKBURN, Kock Mill* p. o. For Sale The uadersupied oiers foC| sa'e three lots in th village of Oylon.m which are erected a jood one ic 1 a bilf , fiatue dwelling. S rooms, with rooe| celhir. and a itcod trame stable Th.-i ' will make in excellent home f.>r anr i penon. Terms ey, pnce right. Apply : tii J*s. Ashdown. Oweu Souad. or W. J. Bellamy. Fleah?roa. Wanred Yjun m.\n to lrn the' barberinsj. Apply .to Thx. FUhr. F!esh*rton R. D. Mdd rum, Pjrtiaw, hceu.teit. issuer of Hotel Men. Attention ! For Sale Cheap anJ Eas> Terms Munahaw 5 i-mmer reort and brick hotel in Kusenu. vritli modern timogs and fur.iwbm^s complete ; l\r*e barn, stiblea and shed. Splendid irtxlen.Uii ' scii three acre* good vegewble land, all i in tirst ds* condition and r<.'p*ir. A : lirge summer trtde iad. jplendid patron- 1 i^e by picnicers, *t tumor touridti tu i t ti>ard*rs. Only $40in). re**w%ble cao!-. i payment, balance easy terras or mi^ht accept \Veera property in part payment. Apply to R. J. SPKOl'LJi. F:.?h#rt, n. Out. Or P. Munsha on t!i* FARM FOR SALE 200 ;c;-s. i->ts I :ind 2, Co:i. 11"> ores cleared, I*) in tine st'ite of cul- tivation ; i lot of v;i!u%ble timber on bal- ance : euti r e lot well fenced and watered !>y ruaning streams ; ei^ht roomed trick house with fnme kitche.i wix>dhed. itu- plvment house, pu pen. and l.-u^o Wo with basement *<;iMtf under. Telephone and ruril m.iil delivery Apply to JOS. GAMEY. Rook M'llU P. O. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. Seasonable Goods, first claw Workmanship. AUo a liae of Ready -Made Clothing \Vhvh we pot alteration* la free uf lieply cluir^e, if' required. Notice Tl-.^ Arttftuosiu Oontiiiasli !> Sc will r<.v>pen on S<?[)t Srd lOt'J. This school is now equipped with the newest iiul bost and is iu elvirsro of .-tn I'xeellent- st!>fl' of first clu> tvacliers. I'upils who h.ve j-ase<l the Kntrsnce ex.uiHtiations are requested t> attend here. The past focnrd. (joe to sho* that Hiijh School work C'n be JoiU' :it home ;ind v: loss exnense. The Principal will he t toe Scluwl btginniDg Svpt i .uui :'>.iul will lisp'ois- i' i . taeet pupils an! j>.m.'ute. JOHN Ui'l.AND. ri-..-irn!*i'. W. J. BKLLAMY, Secteury. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH and Residence 4*J. Ha Sc. K*t, Owen Sound. One. Hours 9 to I2.tn., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 3 p.m. Other hours by ippointa JUST RECEIVED A large consignment of Earthenware from England, which will now be sold at bargain prices. Call and let us *how the man designs in fkncv China Plates. Cups and Saucers. Fruit Dishes and Salad Bowls. Also a number of nice designs in Glassware, consisting of watet Setts, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Jugs and Pitcher Call and see the goods and get our prices. J. H. PARRE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, Ontario. W. BUSKIN HERE AT LAST! WHAT? That Car of Flour and Feed We have your Peaches, Pears and Grapes in now. AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN FRUITS FRUITS All kinds ot Fruit? in their season, Just now it is PLl'MS. PEAKS atul IT.AfHES. (Jet your f;uuiin_: fruits from us. Prices are always riuht Flour, chop wheat, low grade Hour. Ogilvies Royal H .'usohold and White K>se rlour. WRIGHT'S ICECREAM PARLORS Serve delicious ice cream every day and. evening of the week. Also Sunday Ice Cream Sodas and all kinds of soft drinks. Visit our parlor these hot days. \V. L. Wright, Grocer, Fesherton Everyone~dairymg for profit will find that a cream separator is indispensable. It is, therefore, simply a ques- tion of which separator will best meet his requirements. The Dairymaid cream harvester hs been designed to meet all demands. Itisbuiltofthe best material by experienced workmen. ^ ^*" ^ . The essential points of the Dairymaid cream har- vcsu-r are : Simple construction. Large capacity} Durable construction, Easy cleaning. Close skimming, ' Light running. 4T These, and many other*, re valuable features which mike a ..it cream harvester best $uiU4 to tiio.^s dairying tor profit. _ For every up-to-date, well rtgulattd farm, a Dairymaid cream harvester is a \ necessity. It will save you the incon- m venience of hauling your raiili to the creamery, and bringing back cold and tainted or sour skim milk. ' Use a Dairymaid cream harvester and separate your milk while it is still warm and secure all tb butter fat. Call and examine a Dairymaid cream harvester and secure one of the handsome little booklets telling you more about this separator. S- Hemphill. Agent, Ceylo n

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