Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1912, p. 4

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Setember 12 1912 THE V L E S H F !. I N ADVANCE TH K / Icohcrton An an<lt'iin'l"Mt tii'w-.j.:t|.T. iiuliliahfd every *V-.ngi|y at ih- other, i '..l!ii!,".v ...1 Su,-.-:. Klii.Tt..ii. Sul... ii:>li' m |.ri. il |>er annum, whoa |..ii.( in advance; $1 VI when nut ' |iaid A ! f riimir i -.'..- on application. Circulmt'un 1. 100 weakly. XV. H. Tl.umton Rdltor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE SIDEWALK BY-LAW < >ur reader* will Ime noticed the {HI blii tioi> of a cfiueni sidewalk l>\ liw in then* column* for the past coii|ile of weeks and all mav r>ot be ..'_;tn/..iit of the retain for re-siiliinitini; 'his question to the elector!.. When n attempt ws m iJe to s.-ll the debenture* endorsed liy the i .';...' on June 7 last it was pointed out that there > defect in tbe by-law which might invalidate the name if it was ever attacked, and tlm Solicitors t-.r the purchaser requested thut thi* be. rectified. The cheapest wy out of (ho ditticulty > to submit an- other by-law, and thia .-. now being done. A* there was only one disaeotiuv vote In the former teat, the outcome of the present vote IH not feared. In the nienn- tirne the money haw actually been spent and the amount of work done fur the ni.'iii-y lis i"-fi. i ftui prise to the cit ii- The work wan done by day labor under supervision of the Reeve. Other towns have leen paying contractors this KUtumer from l'.\ to la reut.s per f'K)t for similar work, to that it will lie seen that th? village Ii - received phencmintl Tilue for its money. The will take place on Friday of next week, t'ome out and show your s|.[iri-c: v i .:i of the < . i work dooe. By-Law No. 12 t'K THK Ml XICII'AL TION OK THK VII.I,A(;K OK FLE8HERTOTN ^ I5v !- lii mi.se tlif NIIIII of twn tlnui -.mil .t,ill.i! - liy '! i -.ii.' "I' ili-lx'ii turH <>f tlic -.ml l'i>r|Minttii<n for tlie |>urtoM' of constructing rfiiu-iit siil - ;lL.-- in the vi ii I \'ill i^.-. Wli.-i, i- llu- MHIIK i|>.il Coiinril of tin' ('orjxinttloii of tilt- Vill;ie of } li-ti'-it"ii i. i ili'li Tlinlli-il mil .i^|. -I'll ill HUN.- till- MINI of IWO III. ,11 Mild dolbirN for tin- roii.strnftiiiti f re- iin-iit -.nl'-u.illt in tlir - i"l village. And whercHH for tti- |mr|Misi- of raising thu money for mrryinij out tint -ml work it IN ex|Hrtiient inn) nrri-iKiry to |irovidi- the NUIII of two t lion-. mil r|,,||ii- liy tin- ifwnu find will- of ilrln-nliircs of tlic >v-iiil < 'or|>rtun for the 1,1. of Two Thou hand Dollars (wliich in tin; iiiiioiint of llu- field intended to In- un-.il.-il l,f this hy law) i.-- n in" intcri-Kt M thu nilc of livi- (M'i i '-Hi UNI IM-I .tiiiiiiin i- hereinafter (irnvidi-d. And whi-irn-, it IB dwindle ' ISMIC ihi- Mini ili-U'iituie* at oiiu I mi,- and iiutki- llir |iiiiici|Ntl of the Mild dfl>l and inter Ht thcnroii jmyalilu liy yearly^jiiin.s diir in(( llnr period of twenty Tears, liein^lhe currency of the .said debenture*, wid yiairly sums lieini; of nil h amounts that the Hg^n-^att- ainoiint payable in earh of the Vill ge of year for |trinei|>iil and intere.st in i . ;.. i i >f -nl ili-l.t h.ill lie a.s nearly -> [Missililr <|lll to theiuiiouiit HO iiayalilv in earh >f the other yean of the .ml period o twenty year:.. And wln-ie.i- the sum of one linn ii.'ii nml hixty t!*-H)ihli>llais i, ihe total iniiiiini nijiiired )>y the Consolidated Miilili'i|iiil Act I 'HI;; to U- i-iii.sed .nun illy In -.JL-. i,-,| rile for the |.. ii.-l of iwenty yi-aii. for |iayini{ the H.| ,|,-l,i ml inti-rcHl. And !M i. i Ihe total .-unmiiit i Ih,. whnle i..li .-il.li- |iio|ieity of the .ml Vil- lage of Kli' -ln-itoii. i. . onliii'/ to the List leviM-d a.swKKineiit roll, is <! I I.'.M t.mi. And vfherunM the amount of the ex lstill delM-nlllle ill-Ill of the Maid i ill iv, *.'! -'i ini ,,,,1 ,,.. I.LI' of Ihe !..,;,,! or interest in in nrn-ai. No theiefoie the Miiniei|ui| I'oiiiuil of the ('i>r|ioialion l''li!heilon enai-1% a* I Thut for the pur|H>se of raisiiiK the .inn of A-jmiD for the |iiir|>ohes aforewiid, I wonty dlH-iitiin-M of the .said ('oi|ioia Hun. eneh for Ihe HIIBI of .,ll.4'.t, shall IH- innlleil on tin- hi-i day of i>. i,,l,,i - l>. I'M ,.,), i whiei, debrataiM lull IM- dated on the date of the isniie llivritof and kill IIH payalile witliin 1 wenly years t hi-ieaftei . namely on the lirMt ibiy of (MoUrr, A.l>. l!l|:t, and on (lie HfHl day of Ortoliei m each of Ihe 'i.-M sun eedllin nineli-ell yunrs I.- |,i-. lively at the orlii e of the Standard I: ml, i ' 'm M| in the .n I \ ill ,_ of Klesher ton. y KjM-li of the naid delienl uri-h shall lie Kilned liy the IteeM- llnl Tleaslll'el .if llu: Kuid Villnife. and (In- Village I 'lerk hull .illiu h theielo llu i ..i|i.,i it,- ,,.,| of illU iniiiili i|>aliU it 'I'he said del-nliires shall I war in- lerctHl al !he i, 'ite of live |ier eenhiiii |-r "iintlln, (Htyallle yenrsjr al I lie said i,,,,l. ii I hi! Ii ri,t day of Oi-tiil N tr in each and very >cal during the riirreniy thereof, which interiint ih inrluiled m Ihe ainoiint >f 111' I'd ill Ill-til >u i . 4 DIIIIMK the i mil-let of Ihe .ml 'uhulllllTI* I hem ill lie ,ii i.i IMIIII lly liy -jiei i J rate on all the laleahle ]nn|ieil.> of the wild tillage Ihe .sum of 111*1 4U fol I lie |,io|io-i of |i:i\m.> Ihe tiiHHIIIt dm in each of the said yeiiih fur ; inn ipul and inlcrchl in rmpeol of |)ie ..nl ili-lil us nhi.wn ill Si In-dull* A lien-lo iinexitd. . Tin llylaw shall lonn- inl.o lone MI! i. ike ellecl forthwith after Ihe lm.,1 thereof Ii) the ('miiuil. Ii 'I'he \oli". of llu elei-loi i ol the Village of |i'le;. heii. in cnlilled In ',..1, I'niri-oii sli'dl lie i il.eii on il'i Itylaw on I'llil.lt. III.' I Wenl lei ll 'I 't ol Se|ili mliei , A I). HM'J, il Ihe Town IVI ill Ihe said , an.lt ho V ill 14,- i l,.,k sh.ll I the Returning Officer, m.l 'I'h.im,, I'.ul mer shall U- the Poll Clerk. TI.,- ....I li.ili ]-'u i nine o'clock in the fm-uniMH .'in<l -h.-ill close at , r i oVlick in thy aftei noon of the same day. 7 I hi MoiuUy. tliu .xinteenth tliiy o SepteinU-1, A.D. I'.U'J. .-.t i In* hour i fi>{lit o'cliick ill the afternoon, the Ileev of the -.ii.l Village sh.-ill ..i i, -.hi t hi office in the said Village for the purpo.s of .-I|I|H. mtiii^ in writing |>erons to at tend at the said |K. Hi. i- |,li... and tin in. .1 .summing nji of the votes by tin Clerk on l..-li ilt of the IKJI-MHIH interest ei in 1 1 1. 1 desirous of promoting or . .pp. .1 tin- |utssiiiij of t Ins Bylaw rus|H.'ttivi-ly. Tin* Clerk of tht) siiiil Muni. i|nl Cor fontiao -I. ill -lit. -ml il In- office ill tht .s;iiil village at one o'clock in the after n ...n on Saturday, the twenty-first tin; f Septemlwr. A.D. l!l:i, to .sum up th' BUtDDU of votes for anil auain.st thi Kylaw. ICead a hrst ami second time in o|iei Council the twenty-third itay of August TAKK NOTICE that the above is : true copy of a pro|*osed Kylaw wliich has liven taken into consideration and whirl will lie finally passeil by the Mum. i Council of the Village of Flesherton (ii the event of the assent of the electors lieing obtained thereto) after one inoiitl from the first publication of the said By law in the Flesherton Advance news iKijier, the date of which first pulilicatioi Wing Thursday, the '.KMli ilay of August A.D. l!l'_', and the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be takei thereon at the [tolling place mentioiiei therein on the twentieth <tay of Septem lier. A.D. HI", between the hour* o nine o'clock in the forunoon and live o'clock in the aftern. MIII. Sjiecial Notice to Leaseholders. And further take notice that in order for a leaseholder to ipi.-ilify for voting the said Bylaw he must at least ten days liefore the voting tile with me a statii tory declnratj.ni that his lease contains i covenant whereby lie agrees to pay al iiiunici|Ktl taxes in re.-ijiect of the]iropert> MUM ami that the lease extends for tht jieriod of time within which the debt ti w contracted or the money to lie misei by the wiiil Bylaw i.s made (Mvable aiir the names of least-holders neglecting ti tile such declanlion .shall not he placri on the voters' I Lit for such voting. \V. H. TMI KSToN. , Village Clerk. Artemesia Council The Council of I bt) townitbip of Arte- oies-a met in the township hull, Kleshei ton. on Stturday last, Sept, 7. "Pit members were all present, the Heeve in the chair. Minutes of last meat ing wera real and confirmed. The following com murrcation* were presented and lead \V. f.. Wright, Frank Clvird and J. K. Jaruiekon, pplicttiooi for the office ol collector ; the Contract Record, account for advertising tender* for bridge, ).'t.50; Mill?, Kaney, Lucas it Hales, account for legal serrice, 540 ; Miss Jennie O Melia, notice of injuries by falling on the sidewalk in Piicenlle ; the Reeve re ported M to expenditure of $lb!i. 10 on Valley Road ; Mr. (irithain reported on expenditure in Div. No. 2,|r.!25..'i5 ; Mr. D. McLeod reported on expenditure in Div. .'{, $'.'47.H.-|. Bylaws 74i, t.. ijiiioii.! collectors for T.I12, and 747, to authori/.e loan of *vi for ten years to S. ;$. No. '., were intro- duced. Both bylaws were jiassed through to the final stage. ByUw 745 w:i.s laid over until next n, mi (iraharn (,'. ftlcLeod Tint Thomas Lever be paid $1.50 for two cement pipes supplied to W. ,1. I'jswel! kst yeai. Carried. (Jraham- D. McL-id That the Reeve lie paid t-.Ml,), being for pick handle, bolls and spikes, and telephone mess- ages. Carried. A. D. McLeod Muldrum That J. I Oraham'h report on expenditure in his division be received 'ind lie receive hin oonititMion oo-9St8A.3& f33 53, ami $7 for .'U days' grading. Carried. A.D. UcLeod- -Meld rum That th Itrrve'H report of i*x|jenditur*j of $Hi'.' 10 on valley road be received ai.d be paid Ki.'JO comiiusji'.n on eaine.- C'airied. (Jraham A. I). McLeod- Thut th r.-port ot I). McLeod mi expt*ndi>.ure in Ins division, he received and he *be paid $24. 7K commi.ssion mi Jt'JJ7.S."i expended. Carried. (irthiini 1). McLvod That the Con- tract Recoid l |.aul account of j:i.50 for advertising (endur* f'ii bridge. Curried. Ornhnm Meldruin Tlut the account of Merwrs. Mills, Ku. . Lucis X II ilns fur legal tvr\ icet, re inci>rpor.'ition of FleMlierUin, $40.00 be paid. Carried A. D. M. I..-. -Mi-ldrum That Iho folio* ihg accoiintH for gravel used by ovcr*H'(*r duly ceililiod, be paid. W. Sw.-inlon $:i.'.M) ; IJ,.,,. Mooie #1.10; S. r,-dlii 'i.l.'O ; C. McMillan fli 40 ; C. MoLuan 12.05; .1. Oliver $2.20 ; W. K.-IHI v HOc ; J. Carson {-'!.. ; Mm. McAi'ihin fii.OO ; Mrs. .1 HUH-MHI f.'l.l)5; I. Teeler f5c ; W. Fi.her |.'t..-.0 ; R. Akilt L'.!I5. Carriuil. I ' MI., r \ I ... I ItllllllitlK lip Illlil diiWII ntnllf, ', ''.'|.illK ;lllil ("luting ntKr mukiiiK I.. -I. will nut make n tviiuiiin hi-iiltliy oi lii'uiitif'il. She IIHINI |*rt <ut uf dniiiH, walk n mill* or twii every ihiy anil take < 'Iminliri Inin'i. '|fj>lrt [,, in,|irnti> i.' I ! ,ii..n uiiil i,' ;"i,ii. h. i l,.,,,.-i , (.',,, ulo liy all -I. il- i Her! Harvey, ..m.'.li <. hi |.m . Ii i ., I n 15 acre fruit fi4i in, belwccn I i iiilali- and i 'I n I. -,i in an. I will mako it his homo, linuny Fax has also piircliMed a j-un'tin firm iicir the Dumber, The big wind storm i f Moni'ay Qiubtl baa cuuiid the farmera in t!i vicini y heavy loss. Standing crops were beaten 1 to the ground, whilst thugrain in Hhockti : w 18 sci tercd !-i..nli i.t. m I ilie .su!in'i|uet rainh thoroughly soiked il.^The uruund i;nd.-i in'. i'h i In- tipple in-. was carpeted with the fallen fruit. Hail, which is re- ported in in. my other parts i' tho Pro- vince, did not fall here, but the storm we did have <rn.s so seven* that it looks as if the crop had suffered from a severe hailstorm. Enteipri.se. SKALK-D TENUEItS addressed to the Post- master (ieueral. will be rcaUd at Ottawa until noooou Friday, the '.20th September, i '!/. for the conveyAUCfi ot His Majesty's mails on a I>ro|x>sel oootract 'or (our year*, six times per week earu way, between PROTON STATION and I'ltOTOS STATION Uuial Mail Rout* No. 1 Kroin the Postmaster Cinneral'd pleasure. Ciiuted notices containing further iofotiua- n MI as tocouditiousof proponed Contract may be seen and blank forma of tender may be ob- tained at tbo I'oit Offices of Proton Htatiou, KoothvilU. ami at the ofhce of the Pout Office Inspector.' Toronto, PootoHlc* Department. Mail Service Hrsucb. Ottawa. Slid August. l;ll. Ci. C. ANDr.KSON. Superintendent. SEALED TP.NUEHS addressed to the I'oatoia*- ter Cienural. will be received at Ottawa uutil noon, on Fridav, tbe iiTtb September. 1912, for tbe couvevanct) o' Hn .'.Ui.Mii Mails on a proposed Contract for tour year* six times l>eav vee k each way, over Dl'SDALK Kl'R\r. MAIL ItOL'TK. Via HOPKVILLE IH'NDAI'KKUKAL MAIL KOL'TE So. 2 roKBKTTMN RI:HAL MAIL KOI'TE NO. i Ktoiutba r r '.in r.-. . ,,,., ,i . pleasure. Printed notices coutaiuiug turther informa- tion as to co-riitions of proposed Contract may be sean and blank forms of Teudur may > obtainrd at the PoottOfflM of Dundalk. Hopville. Curbettun and route otficaa and at the Office f tlm I'ost (mice Inspector, at Toronto. Pontotftra Department. Mail ftervici- Hrancb Ottawa, l.ith Align*!. I'.ll'J (i.e. ANDF.ItSON. Kuppriiitendent. ^;i M.I M TKNDKKS i i !>--: to the un- ^ i.-i IM".! ainl .-ii l..i , I " Tender for Ketainiiiu Wall at Owau Souud. Ont.. 1 ' wil! be received at tliis -, P 1 , until 4 p.m. on Mourtay. S|>t. 81. 191U. for tbe constructor] of a l:> Unini,. \Vnll in the Town of Oweu Bound f'eontyof Urey. IH i I Man', specillotiou and form of contract can be Sdeu aad forms of tetder obtained at this Department and at tbe ttttces of J. O. Sing. Ksi|.. Hi-dirt KcRineer. Coiifcdera- tiou Lit* Building, Toronto. Oak, H. J. l.amb. i.- i District Kng.iiiter. Windsor, Ont., ud ou application to the I'ostuiasttir at Owon nound Oat. (i .mi . i fii'li-i I'r are uotilted that t>-ndur will not be considered unless ina<l > :i th printed forms supplied, and niKuen witli their actual sit;naturu>, -Mini:: their occupations and places of residence. lu thucaae of nrnn, tbe actual signature, tin 1 nature of the occupation. and plaoof reiildence of each uiviiibiT of the linn must be uiven. lOacli tender uumt be accompanit-d l< an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank, pa able to theordvr of the Honorable tbe Mini ter of Public WorkH, oifual to tep til)) per com. of th* amount of die tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering declines to *nt>" into a contract when called upon to do so, ur ;*!! to complete the work contracted for. If tin: ten- der be not accepted the cheque will ber'-turued Tlm lirpartinent doea not bind Itseli to ac- cept t In- lowest or any tender. By order, H. C- DKhltOrllKiiK. 8ect>4ary, Uepartnuiit of I'ublic Works, Ottawa, Aiujust - 1912, Newspaper* will not be paid for thN advur tiii-inent if they nioert It without au'liorlty from the Depaitinent. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim tu (iive Ktitin* S.-ili-fnclion LAI'NDKY Kiwket loaves Tuewlay , di-livcry Kricliiy eveni-ii;. CLKAMNi; and UTK1NO- \\V are igenls for Parker's Dye Works -< lothen leaned and dyud, foathers rejuv. nated. T. FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR Do You Wish Your Clotlu's cut in tlio iitcsi Stylo '. It' so just rni n MI it and we will pro- dud- in ymir garnuMits that mart cH't-cl t-haractcristic of the Knglish cut. Our materials art* imported (rotn thp best Hritish mills mil ii.->-ii no farther elaborate guarantee. Kvcr t ' Tailorcd-to- tagte." C. BLARELEY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building ' THI HABIT OF CARCFUL OR 4l us CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sa\ sage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SH' P Ceylon, - Ont. F. H. W. H1CKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Our First Anniversary Having completed my first year's business in Flesherton, 1 beg to extend my cordial thanks to my friends and customers for the gener- ous support and patronage given me during the past year. My stock is now rapidly filling up with New Fall Goods, and with new lines added to my former splendid assortment I hope to serve you better than ever during the coming year. Everything reasonably priced. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Many llusiness I'olle^ea close for vacation durinu tbe miiiunvr TOBOKTO,OMT. I 40M not Sowiiau excellent imotocommenceacourse Write tor catalm FARM FOR SALE Fairtield Farm, lot 34, win. 5, Arte- inesia, containing 100 acres, cleared, bal- ance good hitdwood hush, nd some cedar. This farm ia iu a ood state of cultivation, free from noxious weeds and well fenced. Excellent soil a*nl go.d -pui !,' .it back of farm. Barn with stone foundation and stabling. Implement houre, poultry house and good dwelling bouse ; g-jod well with first class water. This is one of the choicest farms in Arte- inetia anil in a good locality. Ill health cause of selling. Apply to II. R. DYSON. Prop. Flesherton P. O. Do You Ever Sleep? It' you do you will be wi.se to pay attention, 1 aiu at tlie present time inakiug a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 (iet something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low iu price Sauitaty Neds such aa everybody want*. UpiitiKS and Mattresses to tit all beJs. Kxaruiue our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep indued H. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. WANTED A LIVK A(5KNT KlW Flesherton and Vicinity To sell for The Fonthill Nurseries and taku advantage ( ,f the wonderful development of Iho Kltl'IT Bl'SlNKSS in Ontario at Ihe pivnent lime, which is rival ing an oxtrtiordinary (Unnnnd for Kruit Trees, Ac. (iood territory reserved {or LOCAL A ( ! K N E K A L S A L K S M K N . Start now. Out lit free. Write tor particular*!. Uno Stone & Wellington IHE imp. Carefully Corrected Kacli Week Wheat Wi to 5 Oatii 4.'< to ;$ I'oas 1 K) to I 10 Hurley 70 to 70 liny 10 00 to It) (K) lltillor L'4 '.( L'4 KL-K", fresh 26 r -i.i' i.i". per li^ CEYLON'S STORE JUST ARRIVED! A Urge consignment of Fall and Winter Good*, consisting of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Coats latest styles. Men's Women's, ind Children's Sweaters and Sweater Coa's, Waterproof CoaU. Dress (Soods latest weaves and shades and prices to suit everybody. Curfet*. Cftrpet Squares, Linoleums and Oilcloth, lyd, 2yd and 4yd wide. Nice range of Lace Curtains, Scriamis and curtain Mushn. All Wool Blankets, Flannel Blanket*. Comforters nd \MiiteSpreadd. Ladies' Top Skirts and Underskirts, Medium weight I nderwear for 25c per garment. Nics range of New Wall Paper for fall Border and Ceiling to match, and in order to ruaka room for lhi large fall stock we are going to make a sale of all summer good.s. such an Muslins, Foulard*, Underwear, Ladies' White Waists, White Lawn Waist. reg. fl.73 for fl.4(>. White \Vniata reg. $1.00 for g,^ Nice Whit.* Waists Lice and Insertion trimmed for. ............ 40c While Dresses trimmed with Lice and Insertion, reg. 96.75 far 14 75 l-'idies' Cotton Hose, reg. 2 for 2. r ic for iQc Ladies' Cotton Hose, reg. lie, 2 pair for ' 25c All Kinds of Fruit for Sale. jfas. iPattison. fltneral --Aler-chant 'eyton M J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, - Ontario. Mid-Summer Clearing ! In order to make room for Fall Goods, we are clearing the balance of our Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices. Ginghams A Big Assortment of Ceecks and Stripes. Kegular P.'Ac for 9c. Ginghams, Chambrays in a large variety of pat- terns and colors. Regular K>c for I lc Corset Cover Emby's. Keg. 23c for 15c Duckn Wool t 1 '-'> in I JO to 10 o 10 to IH to 'JUto -.1 25 10 !_' 12 I 1 .'! Childs' Wash Dresses White Lawn Waists Chillis' Fancy Parasols All - Greatly - Reduced. SHOES ! Some Kxtra -Spwial prices in Men's, Women's and Children's Oxfords.

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