Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1912, p. 2

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ONLY A MONTH; OR, A CURIOUS MYSTERY EXPLAINED. C'H.U'TKU XVI.-CCont'd) chiefly by a.sort of instinct thut he And then with a pleasant farewell the stranger bowed and went out of the shop, leaving behind him a memory which did more- to prevent the blue devils from gaining the mastery of Frithiof's mind than anything else could possibly have done. When he left, however, at his usual dinner hour he was with- out the slightest inclination to eat, and with a craving for some relief from the monotony of the glaring streets he walked up to Regent's Park, hoping that there perhaps he might find the fresh air for which he was longing. "Come along, will you!" shout- ed a rough voice behind him. He glanced round and saw an evil- looking tramp who was speaking to a most forlorn little boy at his heels. The child seemed ready to drop, but with a look of misery and fear and effort, most painful to see in such a young face, it hurried on, keeping up a wretched little sort of trot at the heels of its father, who tramped on doggedly. Presently the tramp paused outside a public- house. "Wait for me there in the park," he said to the child, giving it a push in the direction. And the little fellow went on obe- diently, until, just at the gate, he caught sight of a costermongcr's barrow on which cool green leaves and ripe red strawberries were temptingly displayed. Frithiof lin- gered a minute to sec what would happen, but nothing happened at all, the child just stood there pati- ently. "Have you ever tasted them?" said Frithiof, drawing nearer. The 'boy shook his head shyly. "Would you like to V Still he did not speak, but a look of rapture dawned in the wistful child eyes. "Sixpenny worth," said Frithiof found his way back to the shop. "Good heavens, Mr. Falck ! how ill you are looking!" exclaimed the head man a he glanced at him. "It's a good thing Mr. Robert will be back again soon. If I'm not very much mistaken, he'll put you into the doctor's hands." "Oh, it is chiefly this hot wea- ther," said Frithiof, and as if anxi- ous to put an end to the conversa- tion, he turned away to his desk and began to write, though caeh word cost him a painful effort, and seemed to be dragged out of him by sheer force. At tea-time he wan- dered out in the street, scarcely knowing what he was doing, and haunted always bv Blanche's sadly altered face. When he returned he found that the boy who dusted the sho$*had spilled some ink over his order-book whereupon he flew into one of those violent passions to which of late he had been liable, so entirely losing his self-control that those about him began to look alarmed. "I can bear it no longer," he said to himself. "I have tried to bear this life, but it's no use no use." Yet after awhile there rose with- in him a thought which checked the haunting visions of failure and the longing for death. He remember- ed the face which had so greatly struck him the day before, and ciscly like it, was the house of the three Miss Turnoure. A little withered-\ip lady opened the door to him, and replied nerv- ously to his question. "Mr. Falck is ill," she aid. "He seeing very feverish ; but he was like it once before, when he first came to England, and it passed off in a day or two." "Can I see him?" said Roy. "Well, he doesn't like being dis- turbed at all," said Miss Charlotte. "He'll hardly let rne inside the room. Hut if you would just see him, I should really b glad. You will judge better if he should see the doctor or not." "Thank you, I'll go up then. Don't let me trouble you." POVERTY A WHIP AND SPUR. "Appetite for Achievement" Grows M.I I.- on a Diet of Sweets. Poverty is capital a creative force, a whip, a spur, an incentive. Ambition dies on a diet of truffle and goose liver, says a writer in Woman's World. Hard schools teach great lessons. An unearned dollar is a fool maker. Those who do not understand how to make money can't retain it. mind these few Spartan They are blessings. The Don't years. appetite for achievement stales on sweets hunger lends zest to dog- gcdness. You must work you have no choice. You must earn or vou can't iff,* i I ^**"-"v^- . -. v/ 1* iii MI \^a,i 11 \j i v^su ' 1 1 1 1 i It is noise he seems to mind so | eat There's no helping hand be- i.nK rl t,ni*l HjT.r. n nU1,.4.* n IKO* , . . hind you you ve got to seize the much," said Miss Charlotte. "8 if you will find your way up alone, perhaps it would be best. It is the first door you come; to at the top o f the last flight of stairs." opportunity before you. Responsibility is riding on your shoulders, but duty broadens char- acter. Pack your chest with cour- Roy went up quietly, opened tre ! age and begin to win. What you've door as noiselessly as he could, an-J went in. "I wish you wouldn't come missed in training you can make up in steadiness and readiness. Edu- cation at its best merely points out again," said an irritable voice from! the most competent method, and if the bed. torture. "I just looked in to ask .low you were," said Roy, much nh jcked to cee how ill 1 is friend seemed. "Oh, it's you!" said Frith-of, turning his flushed face in the di- rection of the speaker. "Thank 'The lightest footstep is you keep your eyes open and put your heart in your tasks common sense will show you as much as a text book. You are ignorant of theories, but theory after all. isn't nearly so important as practice. You can't achieve more than you believe. Your reward will be pro- God you've come! That wornrn , portionate to your effort. Whatever will be the death of me. She c'oesl you fan grasp with clean hands is nothing but ask questions." "I've only just got back from Devonshire, but they said you hadn't turned up to-day, and 1 thought I would come and sec after you." Frithiof dragged himself up and your property, but you'll be knock- ed about, blocked and fought by every man who wants what you seek. If you have a yellow streak you haven't a show. The years that face you are full o promise. To-morrow is alway drank feverishly from the ew^r mightier than yesterday. which stood on a chair beside him. 7 newcomer profits by the struck ne <tav before ana " l tried to come this morning," j tnals and struggles of the past, and he said "but I was too ffiddv to lrore knots hav(> becn untied, more again those kindly words rang in ( il ' ""^^^ ..* * n .| ao ^**[ J *? problems have been solved in this h: ear, "Courage! the worst will it up. gone wrong somehow." to the costcrrnonger ; then signing to the child to follow, he led the way into the park, sat down on the nearest seat, put the basket of Mr.iwbcrri'.'s down bcr-idc liirn, and gl MM cd at his little companion. "There, now sit down by me and enjoy them," he said. And the child needed no second bidilnig, but began to eat with an delight which was pleasant t<l -<!. "Mat, too," said the child, point- ing to the basket. And Frithiof, to please him, smiled and took two or three strawberries. "There, the rest are f<ir you," he said. "Do you like them.''' "Ye*,'' said the child emphati- cally : "and 1 like yon." "Uliv do you like me ,'' ' "I was tired, and you \vas kind to me. a IK! these is real jam my !" Hut after this fervent lit I le speech In- -aid no mure. Then before l"iig the father reappeared, and tin- lit- tle fellow with one shy IKK! ! the bead ran off, looking back wistfully \m ii. iw mid then at the stran- pass. At' length cloisng time came. He dragged himself back to Vauxhall, , shut himself into his dreary little , *'", ln terrible pain, room, pulled the table toward the! . Y 8 > *'**'' * s like a band of hot open window, and began to work at \} r "; _ 0! J no . < ! J H)or _ 1<rlth , 1< i f - T ^ n Herr Sivertsen's translating. But at last he \vas at the very end of his strength. A violent' shivering Want-he ! Let me go tt fit sei/ed him. Work wa no Ion- 8. ! l will sec her one problems have been solved in this single generation than in any pre- "Poor" fellowTyo'u should have ' vi V us . c * n , t . ur >\ .. ft given up before,"' said Hoy. "You i ^8's'at.on : S tearing whip after I whip from the hand of Privilege- hours are shorter, sanitation is bet- ter, and facilities of every sort are at the disposal of all who wish to , i improve their minds and bodies, there s g u j we of f er no cri arity only in ment. "There's Blanche ger possible ; he could only ntagzer to the bed, with that terrible con- sciousness of being utterly and hopelessly beaten, which to a man is so hard to bear. Later on, when the summer twi- light deepened into night, and he could no longer make out the har- bor, and the shipping, and the fa- this once !" to her ! Let me once more only cowards and .shirkers whine for con- cessions. We want the greatest ability at the top, so we are merci- Roy with some difficulty held him i css to quitters, 'it's the only way down, and after awhile he seemed ; n w },ich we can truly test efficiency. ing nonsense he horrid feeling not ^ talk- j When you are discouraged, weep said. "It's a on your own shoulder- pluck is being able to , ashamed to display its tears. ger who would In- remembered by him to the very ond of his life. The next day, something happen- ed which added the las-l drops to Frithiof 's cup of misery, and made it overflow. The troubles of the ji.-u-t year, and the loneliness and poverty which he had borne hud gradually broken down his health. and there came to him now a re- velation which proved the final lil.ivv Hi- was dining at In- usual reslani ant. Too tired to cat much, he ha<l taken up a bit of one of the 'ocicty papers which some one left tin-re, uml his eye fell oil one of those detestable paragraphs which pander to the very lowest tastes of the public. No actual name was given, but every one knowing anything about her could not fail to nee that Itlunehe Hoini- HIIX was the woman referred to. The most revolting insinuations, the iiKi.^t contemptible gossip, end- rd with the words, "An interesting divorce case may soon be e.\p<-i t ed." Frithiof grew deadly white. Feel- ing nek and giddy, he made his way al<ing Oxford Street, untieing nothing, walking like a man in a dream Just in front of Hu//ard'.s a victoria was waiting, a remark- ably pood-looking man t !""<! on the pavement talking t<> its occupant. Frithiof would have passed by with- out observing them had not a fa- miliar voice startled him into keen conscious/less. He looked up hast ily and saw Lady llomiaux- not the Kliinehe wlxi had won his heart in Norway, for the lipK that had once been pressed to his wore a hard look of defiance, and the -ye th.lt had ensnared him had now an ex- pression that confirmed only too well the story he hail just reii-d. He heard her give a little artifi ri;il laugh in which there was not 4-veri tln> ghost of merriment, ami wflei- th/it it sci-mro! us if a great e" i 1 h-id dc i -e-idcil on him. Ho miliar mountains, he buried his ; bc "'tolerable then. There shejs face in the pillow and nobbed aluiid, in a forlorn misery which, even in Paradise, must have wrung his mo- ther's heart. * * * * Roy Boniface came back from De- control one's self. If I go crazy j Hold hard to hope fling your you can just let me die, please. | faith in the teeth of ridicule, disas- Lifc's bad enough now, and would ter and enmitv. again ! She's smiling at me. Oh, Blanche ! you did care once. Come back ! Come back ' He can't love you as I love ! But it's no use no use ! she is worse than dead. I tell you I saw it in that cursed Dream far we build close to the stars in this century. Think with unleashed imagiantion. vonshire the following day, bis holi- i paper, and 1 saw it in her own face, day being shortened by ;i week on j Why. one might have known ! All account of the illness of Mrs. llor- ner'.s uncle. As there was every reason to expect a legacy from this ai<cd relative, Mr. llorner insisted <m going down at once to see whe- ther they could be <if any use. Like many other business men ho relieved the monotony of his daily work by always keeping two or three hubbies in hand. The in.-wia for collecting had always been en- couraged at Rowan Tree House, and just now botany was his keen- est delight. He \vus contentedly mounting specimeim on the night of his return, when James Horner looked in, the prospective legacy making him more than ever fussy and p.. mi. .-n "Ah. so you have come back; that's all right!'' he exclaimed. "1 had hoped you would have come round to us. However, no matter. J don't know that there is anything spi cial to say, and of course this sad news ha*; upset my wife very much.' 1 "Ah," said Roy. somewhat skep- tical in his heart of hearts about the depth of her grief. "We were sorry to hear about it." "We go down the first thing to- morrow," said .lames Horner, "and shall, of course, stay on. They say there is no hope of recovery.' 1 "Hy the bye," said Mr. Horner, "I have JUKI remembered to tell you that provoking fellow, Falck, never turned up today. He, never even had the grace to send word that he wasn't coining." "Of course he must be ill," said Hoy, looking disturbed. "He is the hist fellow to slay away if he could possibly keep up. We all thought him looking ill before we left." "I don't know about illness," said James Horner. putting on Inn hat: "but he certainly has the wornt temper I've ever come across. It was extremely awkward without him to-day, for already we are short <if hands." "There can hardly lie much do- ing,'' said Hoy. "l<oiidoii looks like i desert. However, of course I'll look up Falck. 1 dare say he'll bn all right by to morrow." Hut he had scarcely settled him self down comfortably to his work after James Homer's welcome de- parture when the thought of Fri- thiof came to (rouble him. Like mont people, Hoy was sel- fish. With an effort he tore him- self away from hia beloved speci- mens, and net off briskly for Vaux- hall. where, lifter some difficulty, IIP found the little side street in women arc like it." CAUSK AND EFFECT. Travelling in the wild and woollv west, a gentleman entered a small township in order that he might And then ho foil into incoherent "J ako tho P ur htts * of a watch nml talk, chielly in Norwegian. (To be continued.) Sill lIDItKKICrs WIT. Sir Herbert Hecrlxjhm Tree, the famous Mnglisli actor-manager, has a reputation as n wit also. When lie appeared at the Palace recently, a fellow variety artist given to hailing everybody by - mechanically, but it wn which, among do/.cnn of otWrH pre- Sir A. Hec i-iiuli in Tree. ChriHtian name, saluted him with "Hallo, Herbert!" Sir Herbert, who was accompanied at the mo- ment by Lady Tree, responded by shaking hand* and asking leave to introduce "My wife. Maud." One day, at rehearsal, Sir Her- bert asked a youthful actor to "Step buck a little." The player did so. Tree ey t | hi, n critically and went on rehearsing. After a time he repeated the request : "A little fur'her back." The youth obeyed. Surveying him. Tree went on with his work. Shortly after- wards he again asked him to step still further back. "If I do," ex- postulated the youth, "I shall be right off the staifo." "Yes," said Tree, "that's right." chain. The storekeeper was very pleased (n oblige, but. as he wrapped up the articles purchased he included with them a fearsome-looking revolver of very respectable dimensions. "I say," observed the astonished traveller, "what are you doing? I didn't offer to buy a revolver." The watchmaker, pux./.led in turn, and thinking his customer must have lost his sense and reason, re- plied : "Hut you have, bought (v gold watch. If you are going to keep it in these parts, you'll want the gun, too!" Refined to absolute 'purity sealed tight and protected from any possible contamination E7itra Granulated Sugar In this new 5-Pound Package is the cleanset, purest sugar you can buy. Each Package contains 5 full pounds of sugar. Ask your Grocer for it. EXTRAS Te CANADA ' Canada Sugar Refining Co. Limited. to Violet perfume may be made at A good cure for increasing bald- home by placing half an ounce of | ness is to rub the affected part with chopped orris-root in one ounce of j the following ointment : One part, spirits of wine, corking the bottle! ammoniated mercury ointment; tightly, and leaving it for a week, four parts, benzoated lard. Double Barrel Guns of the /0JZJ7s*ms fff* tfo so 12. 15 and 20 Cjaug* Barrels: London Twist Steel finish, left barrel "Choke Bored" Looks: standard back action and rebounding, Stock: walnut and pistol grip. For Black Powder. Price $8.00 For sale at your dealer; if he does not carry these guns, write direct or come and see them at our store. Accept no substitute, the Lion Arms Co., brand is the best ! Catalogue (English edition), containing the Hunting By- Laws free on request. 911 St. Lawrence Boulevard, MONTREAL THE DARK HORSE ( The one candidate on which all parties in the United States Let the combination __ shine your shoes. 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