Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1912, p. 1

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-TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." PBJNCIPLEb SOT MEN. VOL 352, SO 10 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, September 12, W E TFrR^mw EDITOR iClfiaJUIl Md PbOPBlETO I : 1 : Eugenia Paragraphs Mire Lily Campbell his g'.ne to the i j to ktteod high school Mesdames R. Gorley and James Ma- ge* have returned from their visit with friend* in Toronto. Miwj Lizzie Os borne gave a birthday party on Friday evening ' a number of young friends. Mrs. Woudburn and Miss buckett and brother, Luther, took in the exhibition tbe pact week. MM- Geurgina Smith has returned to the cify. We are sorry we can't keep our young ladies home with us. Hits Millie McMullen has gone to re- name her duties as principal of Wode- public school. Myrtle Parliament has gone to Drayton on a visit. M >vs Ruth Paul has gone to Flesher- ton to bsit in Mr. Boyil's millinery. Miss E. Lnlimer lu- returned from a visit wi:h friends in Grieriville arid Mr. Ueo. Larimer has returned from hi % .ait with friends in the city. Mrs. Thomas Paul had the misfortune lo fall and receive some painful injuries oue day las'. week. Mr. K. A. Graham will soon Iiave the chopping mill in older for the benefit of the public. Born Sept. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham of Blind Kiver, -i daughter. Mr. an>l Mrs. Proctor of Kimb<?rley visited at Mr. F. Morgan's Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fenwick and chil- dren 11 f Flesherton visited friends in Kit- genia the past week. MIHK Wickens and friend .f Kimberley were quests of Miss Uenoe, over Sunday Miss Murphy <>f Singhumpton is visit- ing friends in this vicinity at p.es-t. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong and daughter, Lily, are visiting fiiends in Heathcote. Mr. Rob. Osborae visited Heathcote friends the p\st week. Mrs. J. H. Duckett U in |>oor health at present. Mr. Fred Jaiiiirson aud Miss Wilson visited Mr. ami Mr*. Hillock of Ware- rum. Mr. R. McMnter had the misfortune ti> have hit drilling machine upset in a tiwamp n the Meuford Road. Mr. McMaster feels very grateful to the men of that locality, as they were both thcughllul and generous in turning out to aso'St him in raising the machine. Maple Grove, Otprey Harvesting has been somewhat back- ward on account of E much rain, but now you can see the fanners wearing a happy mi!e. Fine weather now. Mr. Allen McLean and Mi-s Minnie Pallister spent Sunday with Mrs. Chas. Croft. Mr. Oliver Allison has recommenced hi duties teaching school at Rock Mills. Mr. ami Mrs. A. Partridge, Hock Mills, visited in this place over Sunday. Mis* Lizzie Croft of Flesheitou spent Sunday at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hill spent Sunday with tbe former's parents, Mrs. Chas. McCutcheon. Among those who attended the Es. were Miss Bertha McCallum, Mrs. Oe->rge Young, Mis. Louis Hill and Mr. Oliver Allison. Mr. Barry Guy was a caller in our burg recently. Mr. A. Morrison spent ^unday with his parent*. The implicit confidence that many |o|>le have >u Chamberlain'* Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy i- founded on thir PN- perieiiee in the use > t that remedy am) their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that it has effecttd. Kor sale l>y all During the electric itOfrtl on Monday last the house of Mr. Henry Myers of Sullivan Twp. was struck. The lightn- ing passed down the chimney knocking the stove door oft' and killing dog be- hind the stove. His children were play. inK braide the stove but fortunately escaped uninjured. Chataworth News. Duncan Campbell, a well known resident and pioneer of South Orey, died at hi* home in Hanover last <>k. He was clerk of the township of Bentinrk for many yeam, alto Division Cfcurt Clerk. Fever sham Items Mr. W. G. Dand of kegina, Sak., ia renewing old acquaintances in this vi- cinity. W. G. left here some years ago and located in Regina, where he has a real estate business and he has prospered in thkt city. Will looks as if the West was agreeing with him. Mr. and Mrs. Weidman uf Thornbury have become residents f our village. Mr. Weidman has taken the general store lately occupied by Mr. Clinton and will continue the business. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. W. to our village. Mr. John acd Miss Tessie Stouteo- buig of Colliiigwood spent Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. Alex. Davidson. Mi.s* Dixon of Brantford has been en- gaged to teach in our continuation school with Miss Gertie M-S.ii ic the helm in the public school. The young men will be truing to school thLs winter after the summer work is over. Mrs. E. Winirtield aud litile son have returned home after a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. H. Brackenbury. Sr, and other friends. R. J. Col<|Uette and son, Willie. spen t !..-! week at the Toronto exhibition. Miss P.i-i.i Osbortie spent Sunday .' Philip Otrewell's on the 10th line. Mrs. R. J. Cnti|ueti has returned home after a week's visit with her daugh- ter in Cullrngwood. Mi\ and Mrs. George Julian, Mr. <ind Mrs. John Sample and sun, Aylmer. spent Sunday with triends ill Barrie, go- ing over to that town in Mr. Julian's uuto. The local corps of the Salvation Anny at Fcvcrshaiii will hold .in ice cretin and cake social next '"ndty uittht, Sept. 13, at 8 o'clock. There will be an interest- ing priwam rendered. Capt. and Mr*. Ciitrk ot Collingwood will be in charge. They are v-ry able officers and Mrs. Clark's singing is far above the ordinary. We expect it isood time. Admission to this will be 10 and l.V. two for 25c. Come and bring your friends and enjoy yourself. Durham Road Mr. Samuel llendersun and family of Toronto have taken up residence in our community once more. We welcome them back t the community. Harvest is fairly well advanced in this cuininunity. The majority of the -^raiii has been cut and 'his week, weather favorable, will see the most of it stored in the barns.} Mr. Gret-r.wood of the vicinity of Durham, graduate f North Bay Normal, is engaged as teacher in uur school. We wish him success. On .Sunday evening we listened once mure to a forceful sermon delivered by Hev Ucv. Mr. \! i- -. . Next Sun- day service will lie held in the Methodist chinch, the Rev. I^eece being away on his holidays, Mn. Walters, we are pleased lo say, is much improved m health and is speedi- ly recuperating t'rm the past illness. Mr. D. Whyte auended the Exhibition last week. Mrs. of Uo.-hester, I'. S. A. is visiting .41 nous.' the Williamsons'. The Pratt Bros, of Louise, were callers un the line last week. Mr. Greenwood visited at the home of Mr. J. L. McDonald's the last of the week. Toronto Line North Hirvestiug is pretty well advanced. Mi and Mrs. Gordon Badgerow who have been visiting the tatter's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davis of "Suonyside KJHI , returned to 'heir home in Toronto last week. Mr. Davis ac companied them. A number from this locality attended the MacKinnon-Lever wedding men- tioned rise when 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. .KickardsoD spent Sunday with the latter's parents at Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever visited with Mr. and Mrs J. Holley, Vandeleur. If you knew oi the real value o( Chainbri 1 IM'S Liniment for lame back, soreness of the muscle*, spraius and rheumatic \*inj, you wouW never wish to be without it. Vr sale by all dealers. Ceylon Miss Johnston of Toronto spent* few days with Mrs. H. Piper. Mesdamex A. Muir and A. McLeod visited the litter * daughter in Toronto the pant week, returning Friday. Mr. J. W. Wright if San Francisco and Mrs. Pickell of Markdale were vis- itors at R. Cook's Friday. Mr. S. Heinubill took in the exhibi- tion at 'lu- '^ueen City, ai.d returned on Monday. Mrs. H. Piper spent a few days of the past week with her son in Toronto. Miss Pearl Cairns is visiting Toronto friends. Mrs. J. McMillan and babe are spend- ing a few days with friends on the .South Line. Miss Ella Whittaker left Saturday to sjiend a couple of months with her bro- thel :tt West Toronto. Mr. James Pattison fctid son, Willie, visited in Owen Sound over Sunday. Mis!< Collmson of Durham is visiting her cousin. Miss Sybil i '..Hins. .11. T.x> Late for I**iit Week. Mr. Gordon McMullen who lias been visiting his parents, returned to the city a Saturday, his sister. Miss Vera, .10- c.mipanied him to attend the exhibition. Mr. L>. Wilson left on Tuesday t. vinit Toronto aud Lyudhurst friends. Mis* Small of Berkeley and Mi's. Malcolm of Allistoii, spent Sunday at Mr. G. Collinson'a. Mr-. Wilson McMullen is spending a few days in the 'Jueen city. Miss LillUn Kutledge "f Oranuevilla (eut Sunday with her mother. Mr. W. Hindle, Mai well, spent Sun- d.-iy -u Mr. H. Love's, his wife who ha* bfi-ii speiiding tliit past week with her puiKtits, Hccompanied him home. Miss M. Buiiierr, Suuth line, -p^nt Sunday at Mr. J. inelu's. Mr. Reginal Homes who wax com- mitted to < (wen Sound on the 20th to iiwait trial for breaking into U. Cook's cellar, was on FriJay given a hearing, found guil'y and sentenced by Judge Sutherland to three years in Kin-^ton penitent ury. Miss Pearl Cairns and Miss (ieor-jin* Mitchell are taking in the Kxhibition. Dundalk The Methodixt Church (inaiu audi- toiiuin). which has benn cloned for a couple of mouths for the purpoie of un- dergoing interior repairs, was re-opened for divine worship on Sunday. The pulpit was occupied morning and evening by the Ksv. Oeo. Robinson. B.A., Chair- man of Orangeville District. On Sunday Sept. 1st, there passed peacefully away at hi." home, 4th line, Osprey, R. J. Seely, ged 4l> years. The decs;t.sed had been afflicted with anemia : i neatly three yean. He - survived by his widow two sous and four daughters who hava the sympathy of the coininuin'y in their time of sorrow. The departed wan held m high respect among his neighbors. The funeral on Tuesday afternoon was larely attended. Service w conducted by the Hev. X. William.' at the home and at the Angli- can Church, Maxwell, whole inteimeiit was made. The deceased was u member of the kld Fellow Society and ft number of brethem from Uuudalk L.'due attend- ed assisted in the fuueral service at the Church and graveside. The following were palll>tai: S. J. Winters, *- W. Young. A. Aitkeu, W. Cudraore, C. K. Armstrong and C. Montgomery. Herald It is said that Orillia merchant* have practically shut oul departmental Rtor* competition by hammering their prican to 1'itvfs, week tttn week in tht columnc of th local paper. Robttil McKwan, a Grand Tiunk brakeman, was run over by a train at Owen Sound and killed. While switch- ing he stumbled and fell under a freight train. McEwnu was 36 years of age and had been railroading for thirty years. His home was in Stratford. ?ew. u any, medicines, have met with th uniform SIIOWM that has ttemted the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarkable cures of colic and diarrhoea which it has effected in almost every neighborhood have given it a wide reputation. For salt by all dwlen;. 5pcclalitt In di.,.i-. el tk Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Off it:* 30 Oth M. West, Owtn Sound At the Revere house, Markdwle. 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to al -m. Duudtlk, 1st TVnirwlay of each mouth. Vandeleur Happenings On Wednesday of List week Mis? Addie Carsoo, formerly of this place, was unit- ed in marriage i Mr. Win. Aikinfi of Owen Sound. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Dr. Daniels of Owen Sound at the Methodist parsonage, im- mediately after the ceremony the bride and groom took the train for Markd.tle, arriving al the home of the br<de s brother, Mr. Wes. Carson, about 7 o'clock in the evening, where they were given a reception, about thirty relatives and friends bting present. After spend- ing a few days visiting friends in this vicinity Mr. ami Mrs. Atkins left fur their home in * 'wen Sound. Best wishes for a prosper jus life i extended them. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cl*rk of Kear- ney arc visiting their uncle, Mr. Sam. Gilber', and other friends here. Mi.-ses Sadie Wailing -ind llena l>.vi- spent Sund.iy with Mrs. Johnston. Mr. <!to. Pri'ch.ird and daughter. Mary, left on Friday to attend the exhi- bition rt\ Toronto, re'urning Monday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. <if.rge Wright attended the MacKinnon-Lever nuptials Wednes- day of Ust week. Mr-. S. Whittle:. 1 and baby, Margaret, of \\ardsville, vijited the former s sister, Mrs. Will Hutchinson, recently Born- On Tueljy, Sept. '', ro >lr. ami Mrs. Charles I5"lnd. . -.:>. The tinu-a-ling "f the telephone Ueil can now lie heard in nearly every house on the twelfth line, twelve phones hav- ing been installed last week in a mile and a half from Vandeleur westward. Miss Maud Tlujmpsoii left on Thurs- day, where she ha.s accepted a position. Mr. ami Mrs. W A. Hutchinson were Cillers in our burg the tirst of lat week. Mr. J. M. Da\:s and daughter, Maggie, are visiting friends at Block rille, Miss Leslie of Markdale commenced her duties as teacher in our school MII Tuesday t-u. With two telephone lines, one from ftlarkdale and one from Flesherton, and two |up.i>t'ii rural mail routes runnin" froiu the al'ove places through our burg. Vandeleur should have plenty of chance '.o co(r,municate with outside points. Mr. and Mrs. Randall of Owen Sound paid a short visit to the latter's aunt, Mrs. Ueotge Wurlmg, Wednesday week. East Back Line, Artemesia Mr. and Mrs. G. White of the west back line spent Sunday it \V. J. Lever's. Mrs. H. Jaynes uf Lethbridye, Mervin and Kll.i of Fowa.ss.in. and KlU and Robert I^awrence of Kimberley, spent Sunday with Mrs. S. Thompson. Master Jack Oliver returned to To- ronto after spending the holidays with his aunt. Mr. S. Thompson. Miss Bella Kennedy of Ceylon spent Sunday with friends here. We are sorry to report the illness of Mr. Charles McKinnon, who it under the doctor's care, but hope to Ii6r of his speedy recovery. Remarkable Lightning Freak At about 11. 15 M uiiy mornint; the house of John McArthur, about ' miles east of Kdgar, Oro township, was struck by lightning. Mr. McArthur and his eldest son, Alex., an:l three young daugh- ters, were sitting in the kitchen dining the storm. The lightning struck the chimney, knocking it or!' the house and leaving not a brick. Down the stove- pipe the current ran, stunned the two younger girls and struck the eldest girl, Katy (about 17 years oldi, who was bad'y hurt. The lightning hit h.-r on the hip, tearing her skirt to shreds and setting lire to her clothe*, tore the two sleeves ot her dress ini'> tibbcns, ripped both of her boots as coroplely to piece* its though a cltaige of dynamite had done the work, and burnt the girls severely about the hip. both ankles and feet, and one arm. .Vex., who was silting on the opposite side >f the room from Katy, had his foot seveiely burned, and one boot toru to shvcds. After doing t Ins damnse, the lightning passed into and across the dinning-rnom. tearing the maple door from end to end. The same bolt slivered a mfter in the roof on the opposite side of the house from the- kitchen, and spliutered the frame of the garden gate sixty yards dis- tant from the house.- -Barrie Examiner. Walkerton A resident in the West Ward 1 kens the Walkerton piysery unto an academy of music, and indeed wrb pork so high the ti|ueal of a pig is fast becoming a high-tone sound. What was formerly considered a numance is now construed a melody, a* people lay awake thinking of the hams those squeak represent. Having armed thenuelves with a mirriage license, which they purchased from Mr. T. E. At wood here, a bie stalwart from Greem.ck, and a blushing bride-to-be fn.in Hamilton, repaired to the Melhudisl parsonage f- r the os- tensible purpoie i-{ being joinad in the bonds of man imony. The preacher was about to open the sacred volume and ask the world why this yomu; couple shouluVr wed. when the biide suddenly knocked the wind out of his tai s by declaring that she hod changed her mind, and suiting the action to the word she wheeled around and walked out of the door as single as she hid come in. Dropping 2 crippled wing the uruoin followed after her, but ->li his entieaiies didn t induce her to come tutck ai;ii.. The friends of the jn m who were <>ut- jide ready to exreiid congratulations ai.d Uirow confetii, prol-ably felt like heav- ing rocks at the bus us the bride-elect got aboHiil ami *.us driven to 'lie slition preparatory 'o entraining for her home in II mull. n. Barnhouse-- Walters At the Central Methodist pars<magu. Calvary, July l!7lh, a pretty wedding itoik place, when Mr. Egbert Percy B^rnbtnise. .: Kiinn i. 1 i. ahd M . Cm herine Jane, eldest (iauuhter of Mr. and Mr*. Ge<>. H. Walters, Toronto, were united in marriage, Rev. S. E. : Marshall ofticiatinu. Mr. and Mr*. Barnhouse will spend 'their honeymoon in Bautf before return- ti Edmonton, where many friends will greet t.hem. Mr, Barnhouse :s of the .Bulletin advertising stalf. Low Raies to London for Westeni Fair Re' urn tickets wtil be issued at .Single Fare by ''-m.il.an Pacidc Railway from all stations in Canada, Sliarbot Lake, Renfrew and west, but not west of Sud- bury. Good going Sept. ri, 7, H, !'. 11 and 14. Special excursion rate will l>e in ett'tct Sepr. 10. li *nd i::. tteturn lini't on all n> ket< Se,t. !'., 1!MJ. Full part iculart from any C P. R. agent An article* that ha^ rval merit ^hiild m rime berime |>"piilr Tliit m'h i thr ra. with Chauibrrlain - '"miah R-rnn-iiy liao lw<-ii ^:te>t-'l Hy iiituiy i^ulers. Hire i- one . th--iii. H. W. HrndrH-kson. U!,i., K^IU. Ind., l^rlain s ' 'irli write-*, rhr my -<t fo an<l and i.i l <iealm SefH| hine Benningcr, 14 ycar, who mv.uled the Walker H<use bar mi the, evening of Sun lay, Auuut '_'~>th, and s'..le alii ut 1" worth of cigarettes aril a 'I'jantr.y "f iiiniiey. was piared under irrent by t 'tnef Fergutou "ii TbtiiMlay inoruing last ami taken before Mtgistrile Tolton before whom he pleaded guilty to the theft. Tlie piouiga! iiianner in which the boy started 'o -|H uuKr tbe coin afiei he had comuiittvil 'he deed was largely responsible f-.r rrs undoing. * 'n Saturday hf was arramged Ix-f.a-e Jud^e Klein, wh<- .li'ter hearin-' the circumstances of the cue, sentenced the laj to two years in the reformatorv Herald. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Miss M-irv Leitch. "f C.>uls'>n, w-is f<itlly burned l>v a Ump explosion. which also o.'iuseii the destruction of the house nd content-. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. CLAYTO N f S For Cool and Comfortable Summer .Shoes In Liulie*' \V\- h;xv Tan ami 1'atenr. Puinp ami Ties Latest Toes. We are clearing nut some lint's of Ladies l>ongola Oxfords Blutcher Stylo. Sixes. :!. :i\. 4. 4i. regular $1.4o to $1.7"'. reduce" 1 to $1.0(t pel- pair. Also some misses, in black ami chocolate strap. Si/es. 11. i'2. 'J, clearing: at T-V. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING AS USUAL. The C. P. R. will use telephone dei- patchiug over it? 4,000 mile* of single track from ocean to ocean thi* year. BOWLER For that New Fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate. We are here to do Your Tailoring ! SI nriUUT FD THE UP-TO-DATE . J . DVJ W LOv TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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