Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1908, p. 8

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October 8 1008 THE F L E S II E R T O N ADVANCE H^H^ Nervous Debility OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of jrou. UudiT its lutlueuue the liraiu bvcomes avtivr, the blood purified 80 thut all pimpltg. blotchfs and ulcers heal up; th» nerves become BtrohK tu EteeJ, so that ncrroiuncus, liuhfulneiu and despondency disappear; tUe eyes become bright, the flux full and clour, encHfy returns to the tody, and the moral, pliyelcal and mental systems are Invinnrftted; all drains ceaseâ€" no more vital waste from the system. The Tarlous orRans ix-conie natural and nmnly. You feel yourself a man and know mar- rlaKe cannot lie a ftUiura. We invite all tlio amicted to consult us confidentially and free of charge. I>on't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your bardeamed dollars. â-  NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Pet*r K. Summers, of Kalamazoo, Htcb., relates his expericuce: " I wan ti-oubled with Nerrous Debility for many years. I lay it to indiscretion and excesses in early voutb. 1 beranie very despondent and diuirt care whether I worked or not. i inia^nod everybody who looked at mo guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened meâ€" my back ached, had pains in the back of my head, liunds and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, flnifers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair loost\ memory poor, etc Numbness in the llngiTS set in and the doctor told mo he feared paralysis I took all kinds of medicioes and tried many llrbtciass physicians, wore an electric belt for _.«.. .....»,_. three months, went to Mt. Clemens for •croRl TRiATMtHT ^j^g ^^^^ received little beneHt. While at'Mt. CleraeDS I was induced to consult Dre. Kennedy & Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in doctors. I'ko adrownlnEman I commenced the New Method Treatment and It BBviHl my life. I'ho improvement was like mapleâ€" I could feel the vigor going through the nerves. I was cured njcutally and physically. 1.1 have seat them many paiuenta and will continue to do so." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY W* iTMl and cure VARICOCELE. STRICTURE. NWVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and aU Oia^sAat p«cuUar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE- If unaUa to call writs for a Qu*ttioB ^Blaok for Hoass Trsatmant. DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. amn trcatment egaeasst Hardware - Sporting Goods Think of it : Hunting seiison will be in full swinj; in n couple of weeks uiid we have llie ipii«t coinplntu lino of huirtera fiii|)plii-H buc'i a% L>)n(l<;il Shells, Eiiipty Shells, Powiler, both Mack and suinkoless, Khut of all siz-.s, Wadain iiitrocard and felt. Hunters Axes, Gun CirnH. Gun Oil, in fact, anythiuR yi>u may ask l!>r C t E Y Loaded Shells in Mack poweer at 50c, smokele.sD at (i5c. We have a omplete line of Kifl:< Ciirtridges, einbraciiit; H. H. Caps, .22 shi rt &ud lonif, .32 Hhort and long. .32 S & W.. .38 S. & W., 4* Wiijchestoi', ,32 40, 38.55. .303, 30.30 and niher sizes. Any size not in sti>ck will bo secured cm Kheslest notice. Exuinine our TlHrdwHru stock nh>.n in need of Hardware. Our spociahies are Furiince Work, Ktve' rougliin)r, TinaniithinK and Iloofiii'/, Why have a leaky roof when wo will put on a iruarantecd roof at (2.90 a square. ExaniiDO it. NORRIS BROS. Qeneral Hardware ilerchants and Tinsmiths )ipo; In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Ilairows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- amtors and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY H card' s Carriage Works .. Creighton Will Have to Hang .Ins. Fari^h Cniijjhfon, who was nccu.sot.1 of hivinff, on tho 28Lh of M»y lii.sl, mur- dered hilt wif« Slid two step'dauifhters, uiilem ho obtniiis n reprieve, will be executed on Tliursday, Dec. 3. He was foi'nd Kuiliy by the jury Thursday aftoi- two hours' deliberation and sentence was pronouuced upon him nt 8.30 Thursday night. â- Justica Kidddll in passins sentence â- aid that the accused hatt been KU'l'y <^' one of the most strocious crimes known to lair. The priiseciition had been fairly conducted and the defence brilliantly ar.d skilfally conducted. No stone had been left unturned, no research hnd been too much, to bring forth anythine which would assist tho prieonor in hia defence. But it wds plain that no twelve honest r; en could have found a dififercnt verdict Tliejudue said that he did o it wi^h to add to the poignancy of the prisoner's ffrief or add tii the least t.i Ihc pangs of iHi^ui.sh and the tortures which his poor soul must StifTer from. It was in the hope that his words in i){ht reach others who were on tho brink of takini; the first awful step downwards, whose feet were about to take h'ild on hell, and that these mi<>lit be saved from tho prisoner's awful doom, hu would say tho little he inient'ed to my. A loved and petted son, a Iti^ed bro- ther, 'he prisonur had catly in life ^iven hiniHcIt up to the gratification of one or the other lust, and he w<is nut the only one. (Jud knows that there were many of our ciiiintrymei; who were in tho perilous condition that the prisoner had been in years ago, when (he had be^un that career which was teriuinaiint; as it Uil.S. A sorrow lo hia parents, a grief to his connect ions, tho prisoner had liroken one woman's heart, and, after reviving an old romance, had tried, and honeatly tried, the judge believed, to bo a better man. Hut the time came wl^on th« greatest effort failed. It was loo late. That waa the inevitable course predicted by his early caroor, and it was ono more warn- ing that tho Good Book waa awfully riuht when it said " Uo not deceived, God ia not mocked. As a man soweth so shall he reap. " Tho prisoner's career in this world would probably he abort. He could held out no hopes of clemency. Ho would not, he ouitht not to, any that there waa any hope for hipi in this world. In the short time that was lefr to the prisoner ha' could only adjure him to prepare for the next world. While there was no hope for mercy or pity here, there was no chauce of bein)! refuiMd if he sought it at the propsr place. > The piis(<ncr <«UKht to spend the few short weeks that were left to him in seokins!' mercy from that throne at which it was never refused the penitent. With mercy from that source he might meet those whom he had riain with a smile, knowing that sU was for- girun. Th«t was sU he could do for him. Tha' was all ho could hope for him. The judge then put on the black •.•»p and sentenced the piisinvr to bo executed on Thursday, December 3. The jury took two and a half hours to consider their verdict, but were uuuui- mous. Tho judge, if suinmini; up, plainly indicated that ho thought the prisoner was rrsponaible for liis actions, as he remarked in concluding that he did not think the jury would hsTe any difliculty ill arriving a' s decision. When the jury announcoi) their verdict the judge said he wouhl hure been ifreatly disappointed if it had been dif- ferent from wliat it was. Tho prisoner on receiving sonionce, broke down completely, and had to be carried out of the court by his guardn. Flesherton Carriage Works CARRIAGES, SI.EIGHS, CUTTERS, IMPLEMENT REPAIRS, CREAM SEPARATORS, Etc. Special attention given to HORSE-SHOEING and all kinds of REPAIRS. F Buggies in, fore buying. We have a new stock of Buggies in, Call and see them be- fore inxyi CREAM 8EPARAT0RS"We handle "the Mellette." Get our our prices and terms. M cTavish & Williams, Flesherton, The Only Way To make sure of uottinu a thorough Busi- nesMor Shorthand training is in attend the ff Let us show yoa how easy it is to shake the Hccia" Furnace The "Hecla" has four grate bars. Each one Clin be shaken separ- ately. This ms-anf that you can shake down just the part of the fire where the ashes are, without disturbing the rest of the coals. With "Hecla" Triangular Grate Bars, you can get rid of all the ashes â€" save coal â€" keep the fire br%ht aT\^ cleanâ€" and do away with sifting ashes, because no fresh coal or half-burnt clinkers come down in the ashpan. We would be pleaded to talk over tho furnace question with you and show you, part by part, just why the " Hecla " Furnixe is the best for you to buy. Come in -^uy lime. Made by tbe makers ol Tccrlcss Peulasalar" Ranges. 63 NORRIS BROS, (FJ - FLESHERTON Busi\E.ss Cards MvJUIJjOUGH & YOCNO lianlier Markdalo Don Koaeral banking business. Uooeyloanad a re&souabla rate Call on tin. * • I'ostuiastt^r, roylon. Comiois^ioiicr in II. t*. J .Convovancer, doeils, luortfjaKed. lt)aF,oi«. wills etc. carefully drawn np JoMc'ctioiis uiftd^. charges reasou&blu. AUo groceries, flour, leed etc. kept iu stock. Prices right. RJ SPROULB " Postmaster, Flesherton v^onimlssioner iu 11. C J., Auctioneer Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Money Lender Iteal Kstate and iDsnraDCs Agent. Deeds mortKagas, leases an'l wills carefully dravo np anil valuations made on shortest cctice money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col ections attended to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaamship Company. A call solicited. McPHAIL, LiceuBed Auctioneer for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and satisfaction Ruaranteed. The arrangements and dates of sales can l>e made a^i Thb Aotancr office. Itosidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Deo. 0.07. L.W KAITTINlt. Licensed Auctionscr for Farm and Stock sales a specialist. Terms moderate. Fstisfactiou guaranteed. Arrange, nieiits for dates may bo made at the Advsnce office, or a: T. Ilutcbinson's store, fr'evershain, or by addressing mo at Fevetshani, Ont. Lot lU. coD^IS, Osprey, RTJDI) MATHKWS, Markdale, Licensed auo*,loneer for the county of Grey, Good service at ressr nable ratst. Dates can be made at The Advance. 1 o 00. Medical DR OABTKR M C P J: 8 Ont. Physician. Sargeon, e Office and residence â€" Peter St., Fleshe rton J""p"OTfEWELL Veterinary Sargeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collega, residence â€" second door south west^on k.<kry street. This street runs south Prosb v teriaii Chorch. WILUON, Klacksmith 'iraduate of toe Veterinary Science Association Kesidonce, Durham nreet, op. posite lloyd, Hicklli-g's hardware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. R., dental surgeon honor Rroduate of Toronto ITniversltvand Koyal College of Dental SnrK,'onB of Ontario, Gas adiiiinislered for teeth extraction, office at residence. To ronio «fe'»tlJ'l'»»h9rto;i Legal INCKEASh YOUU SALARY ^ Projier pr«|»arati"m does it. Attend . TORONTO, ONT. And tlio time to coniiiii'nce i» right now Oiii! hinulruil ami one stiidviitM frooi iitliur business collfKe-) have pitrontised this college within ono yMT. What dors this prove? We (five the liest. Nothing elsi would satisfy usâ€" nothing els« should satisfy you. All gratiiates readily secure enipliiyinant. Write (or catalogiio. W. J. KLf JOTT, IVlncipal. Cor:Yongeand Alexander 8ts. IT LEADS. Special Depiirtincnt for 1^1080 whose i5«rly cducAtioii hnfi boon ne- gl«ctu<I. Infuriniitioii free tn any address. C. A. FLEMING, Piiinoipal, Ow«n Sound, ^ OnUtio Honor Roils. Roport of Euirenin P. S. CIttsa 4â€" E. ArmBtruiii(. Absent, L. Fisher. Class .1 sr.â€" A. Wilson, M. Canipbelli L Campbell, L. Uislop. M. Park. Ab- sent, F. PUntt CUm 3 jr-II. McLean, C. Fixhcr, C. P»rU. Class 2 srâ€" J. Arms^rnng, S. LoopArd, D. Wilson and M Willinms, (0. Willinmi W. Wilaon.equal.) Absent, L. Wiliianij. Class 2 jrâ€" W. Latimer. Absent, W. Williams. Pt 2 â€" H. Arnihtrong, R. Leopard, L. Podlar, M. Park. B. CUts,â€" W. Arnnatrone, W. Fisher, G. Field, W. Walker. W, McMaster. K. Caloeb, Teacher. Report CVyloii Public School, 8.8. No. 10, Artom«sia, fur the month of Septsm- ber, 1008. Jr. 4 â€" Myrlli) Hemphill, Annie Enj[- linh, EtnoChitlott, Lena Legate, J.J.Ptt- ti-ion, Miiry McMuUen, Melville Rutledge Austin McMullen, Percy McLeod. 8r. 3â€" Forbes Ilutlodtjo. Jr. 3- E. McLooJ, M. Legite, 8. Mo- LaihI, J. McMullen. Sr. 2â€" M. Ltatate, R. Rutledge, A. Luve, G. MoMullon, L. Engliah. Jr. 2â€" W. PttttisjD, L, Ridley, P. Whitney. I Part 2â€" RTMadiU. Part 1â€".). EnKliab, E. McMullen, 0. Whitney' V. Hemphill, It. Rutledge. ClasH 1â€" J.O. McLaughlan.A. EngliDli. No. on roll 33. Averngo altondAnoe 24. P, McGkecob, Tracher. LUCAS WRIGHT A McABDLB Barristers Bollcltors Conveyancers, ete OfHces-Owsn Sound, Ont and MarkdaleOut W H Wbioht. McAbdlk I B LocA N Hâ€" Flesherton office, Mitchell's auk •very Saturday. Societies AO 17 \f meets ou the last Monday in eaon mouth. In their lodge room. Christoe's bleok. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard ; Sec, T. niakely. Financier, W.J. Bel, amy. Visiting brethren Icvlted. PKINOB ARTHUR LODGE. No. :08,A.F.& A M, meets In the Masonic all. Arm- stronns Hall Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full mocn. Thos. Ulakely.W.M.; Herb.Smlth, Sntretary. COURT FLKSHERTON, 9M. I. P. F. n-eets in Clayton's Hlock the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R.. Dyson; R. 8.. T. Hetry; Fin. Sec, 0. N. Richardson. _ . .. . Please pay dues to Fin. Sec. before the first davofthj mouth. . CH08P.Nf'i*IF.NDBâ€" Flesherton Oonncll ol Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall flrst and third Wednesdav nfeschinont 8 p. m Pay aseessnionte to tho Recorder on or before ive Orst riayof each month. Chief Connclllor T. Blakeley; eoorder. W. H. Uaut. A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED For FIcAherton And Adjoining Country TO REPRESENT Canada's Oldest and Qreatest Nurseries. While business 'n some lines may be dull, farmers were never nioreeticouraf^ed as regards fruit growini! than at the present season, tlish prices for all clasfes of Iruit have been od» talned the past season, aud there Is as a conse- quence an iDcreasetl demand for nursery stock. Our stock is fomplete In every department, incinding a new list of speolaities which we alone hacdle. The right man will obtain a permarent sitn- ation with territory reserved for him. Pay weohly. Free sample outfit, etc Write for particulars. STONE &WELLINQTON Fonthlll Knrserles (850 acres) TORONTO OnUrio FRUITS We haveOrnpes, Peaches, etc., in the proper iiuility and the pri'per pricM. The i<ind that 8»li>fy in evei^ way. Call at our booth on tho fair uroilnds on Fri- day. Everything Keasoiiablu will be there and prices right. Pickling Set^on â€" All kinds of scasonini;^ Both ground and whole spices for sale aj. W. L. WRIGHT'S GROCERY GOODS FURNITURE The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This withoutfear of ci>n- tradiution. Come and see some of the nice things in Side BoArds, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER FLESHERTON WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia st ock â-  ' B»$ t Stock Bells* BlanitctS t Robo Fur lined coats, pocketbooks, satchoie, razor strops and other leather ((uods. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everythinf in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton OaL s1JÂ¥mER - STOCK. Of Sweat Pads, Collani, Plow lines Dash Aprons, Rubber Rugs, Dusters Fly Nets, Hoof Ointment, Asle Grease. All kinds ot Harness and Repa iring. O. w!~PhiUips Fleshez*ton. ^^^ BBS! BUSINESS TRAININQ at reasonable prices. Start any time. BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Cor. Vonge and Bloor Sis., Toronto.

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