Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1908, p. 5

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THE FLEESEESTON ADVAI^fCE October 8 1908 ii' I. THE STANDARD BANK E<J.l»hcd 1873 OF CANADA 5' ^"nche.' For Your Children's Education Start a special Savings Account at once with the Standard Bank, and keep adding small amounts to it regularly. You will never miss the money. Then, when the child is old enough your deposits, with the Compound Interest which we add quarterly, will provide a fund large enough to give a thorough •ducaiion. It's a good plan. Think it over. FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manager BRANCHES A.L.SO AT DVR.IIAM AND HARR.ZSTON. «t VICINITY CHIPS W. A. Ariii»ti'ong issuer licenses. of niari'ia"e We have been obliged to omit some â- orrespondeiice this week. Good working horse fot sale. Apply to Geo. StuArt, Flesherton. Yearling colt by Gronslow Charming, lor sale. T. Lever, Flesherton. Two colts for saleâ€" 1 and 2 years old jast. R. Riobardsou, Flebhertun. For Saleâ€" One Sherlock-Mannine or}!an, nearly new, at half price. Lewis V. Kipp, Fleshertou, Out. ' Rifle for Sale â€" Winchester, 3S-55,({ood ms new, also cover, cleaner and two boxes of carsriiiges. Geo. Cairns, Flesherton. F. ikfcKeown of Euphrasia, shot a kuge 1- ear last week. The animal weigh- ed 420 pound and was got near Duncan lake. xtuuse to Rent â€" Brick residence, large lot, f;ood stable, lately owned by Mrs. Win. Neal. Apply to John Stuart, flesherton. Rev. Mr. Kipp ia to preach the annual Harvest sermon in the Baptist church bere next Sunday. Special hinging and decorations. Ifrs. Rrv. L. F. Kipp received word Tuesday of the safe arrival of her mother at Pelembanj;, Borne. She sailed from New York on June 24th last. Lost â€" 20 ft. logyin^ chain about Sept, 1st., on 8th line between Fevorsham and Rsckvale sideroad. Finder commuuicate with Jos. A. Thompson, Rockvale. Ino The first heavy frost of the fall arrived en Friday niyht last, Oot. 2, and complet- ed the destruction of tender veget- ation. This is much later than usual. M. C. Ward of Grand Valley has sold the Standard roadsler .stallion Walter T. , to Mr. S. Thompson <'f Flfsht-rton ; vhe price paid, §1000. â€" Grand Valley Star. The undersigned will receive sealed tenders fur the reconstruction of the â- beds at the Baptist church, Flesherton, until Oct. 17, 1908. Plans and spuciti- earions at thu parsonage. R. Allen, Flesherton. The rabbits in our surroniiuing swamps have been turning up their toesiita lively rate since hunting seasfin opened l«8t week. The numerous niiiirods have been quite Bucces.sful. Dundalk fair will be held on Thursday »Dd Friilay of this week and this will wind up tile fairs forlUOSin this vicinity. So tar .'ill have had choice weather, good crowds and sucoeesful .shows. The Eujienia Presbyterian coiiiireuatiou purpose h'lving their annual harvest home and fowl supper on Oct. loth Coinn all and have a good timi". A good p'logiam is in process of arrangement. Mrs. Joa. FenwicU accidentally adminis- tered a dose of iodine to her 14-yoar-(dd Bon, Albert, one day last week. After u thorough course of emetics administered by the liut's mother and Dr. Carter all dancer was eliminated and nu evil ett'ects ensued. Dno't be afrai'l to give Chfiiiiberlain'B C(iuf(h Remedy to your children. It is in- tended enpeeially fur coughs, colds, croup and whooping eongh, and it is the best medicine BL-idu for tlieae di»eaaes. For sale by W. E. Richardsou. Air. H. Hoi man has secured ajetlle- ment with the C. P. U. for a good tiguro exclusive of the niedica, bill. JVir. Hol- man has been in haspital for about eight nicnths of the past year, but is expected home soon. To quickly check a cold, drusgisls are dispensing everywhere, a clover Candy Oi'ld Cure Tablet called Preventics. Preventics are also line for feverish child- ren. Take Piiven.ics at Ihe sneeze stage to head off colds. B'lX of 38â€" 2oc. Sold by all dealers. Golden Legend Pure Breil Taimvorth Boar for H^^vice on Lot irO, 2nd E. T. k i>: R. Terms *1.0(). RICHARi) ALLKX. Farm to Rent Lots 05, flfl au<l,07. con. 3, Artomosia, 150 acrea, VAR clearo i un.l uuiior cultivation, all fenced, twtgoDii orchards: larse fiamu bain, l)aB:;ineut baiu ami outer frame barn 21 .i ao.' fraino <lw» Hmi;. This will be made a eood tliiuu for tUo riebtiuau. W. H. McNALLY. Portlaw FARM TO RENT For Rent, lot 37, con, 4, Artomssia, 100 aerej, 85 to IK) cluaiad and under cultivation, comfort- able dwelllii!^, bank baru, etoue stabline, in a arst class settlement, aud well worthy ttie at- tention of tboso requirinf! sucli. B. ./. SrnotiLE, Flosliortoii: Fair Warning I hereby f.)rbid any parsou or parsons catt- ing or removiuK any tiuibor of and kind wliat. ever, pasturing cattle, liuntiiig or trespasBiuE ou my proparty. Lot .H, Con. 11, Artemesia, except by my written asreeuient and coiiBeut I have made araii^ieiiuiuts whereby I Bliall be liept luformed. aud will proBacuta to thu limit of the law, any trespassing on my proportv as above described. â- > « i j »» P. T. CABB Farm for Sale Lots No; 101 and 11V2 1st uortli-east of T. Si S. Boad, Artemesia. There aragood biiildinusou tbo pio'jiises- Tsnrieiswill be received up to October the 3)tb 1UC8. Apply to John Wright. Flesherton. Farm for Sale Lots 31 and as. con. a S. D. tl. 100 aorcs. 0.5 clearer). 1(J acres paeturo. balauue good busb. Harii 63 x%driviuu shed, Rood frame house. 2 wells, 1 acre of oichard aud stoiio wall uudtr barn. Saugaen river crosses back of farm. Well foucad aud in tjood state of cultivation. i miles from I'rotou Statiou, For terms apply ou preui.aes to 1st Oct, JAUES H. VAU3B, Proton Station Beechnuts are excocdinyly plentiful this year and children and sijuirrels are reaping a bountiful harvest. This is •aid to be a (sign <>f a severe winter to follow, but let us hope timt iu this instanca she sign will fail. Three hard winters in auficession would bu too much for us old people (o stand. A plain prescription is printed upon each Sue. b...x of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. A.sk your Dictor or Drusi'ist if no other. Demand Di- this formula is not conipL;c. Head pains, by all dealers « onianly pains, pains anywhere get in- stant relief from a Pin'.c Pain Tablet. Sold by all dealers. Af.er Nov. 1 the Toronto irorld will be ?3 (X) per annum or §2.00 clubbed with The Advance. Elnra has been trying the experiment of having cement walks put down under direction of the town constable. The coat thereof was six cents per square foot. Frank Holman, son of Mr. Uenry Hol- luan, fourth line Artemesia, was attackop with appendicitis one day last week. Dr. Bond of Maxwell and a doctor of 'Jelling- wood operated upon him. and althou<;li not out of danger he is doinf; «â-  well as might be expecte,!, Cameron's bridge on the Beaver, 3ath (ideroad, has been rebuilt, ,ind is open for traffic. The new bridge is a strong, well linished and i;ood looking structure, costing about $220. The first load to pass over it was a heavy traction 'engine drawing two wagon loads of lumber. The teachers of South Grey will have the freedom of the town to-day and to- morrow, Thursday and Friday. Thurs- day evening the general public will have tho freedom of the teachers' concert in the town, on payment of the usual toll. This concert is expected to be something superior. The programs, which have been issued, vouch for this statement. Go to the blood, if you are to drive out rheumatism. A Wisconxin physician, Dr.Shoop.does this with his Rheumatism Remedy â€" and with seeming success. Rub-on's, says the doctor, never did cure Rheumatism. It is more than skin Jeep it ia constitutional, always. Because of this principal. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps tho most popular in existence. It goes by word of mcutb from one to another, everywhere. Grate- ful patients gladly spread results. It ia at act of humanity, to tell tho sick of a way tri healt.h. Te 11 some sick one. Sold by nil dealers. While in Flesherton on Saturday we spent a plea.sant hour in conver-satioii with Editor Thurston, of Ihe Advance, and were pleased to note he is keeping abrea.st of the timi s. He is installing a two revolution Campbell press ind a Fairbanks-Morse gaioliiie engine. When these machines are in running order he will beuin to wonder how he ever grt alont without them.â€" Thornbury lierald- Redector. Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause rather then the etfect. would come into practii;e. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoi^p, governs and give.s strength to the stomacli. A briiiicli also goes to tho heart, and one (otlic kidneys. When these "inside nerves'' fail then the organs mu.st falttr Dr. .Shoop's Restora- tive is directed soeciliciilly to these fail- ing nerves. Within -18 hours aftei sinn- ing tho RestoiHtivR treatment patienl.f say they realize a gain. Sold by all dealers. R. L. Borden, tho Coii.Si'rvative leader, spoke ill Hanover on Thursday afternoon List and in Durham at night to larg" audiences. The Durham meeting had not been well advertised. If railway f.icilities had been belter a largo delegii- lioii from here would have gone over to the cement town, but we all h.io lo slay at home. Let ua philosophically decide ihat we are lietter oft in pocket and just as well off mentally. Honever, ihoreare very many in this vicinity who would h.ive liked t > hear Mr. Borden. After many weary weeks of lost time and much inconvenience lotlio Iraveliini; public it has been announced that the C P. K. strike of ineclianics is ended. From the meagre information supplied it looks very much as if iho men had lost everything that they struck for and the 0. P. R. has won everything in aii/ht. The company, however, aerees lo tike back all its old eniplovees so fust .is it can make places for I hem with prejudice or ill feeling to none. The battle has cost many thousanbs of dollais to both nnn and company, ami the whole coun.y has suHercd severely from the evil cliects of this strike. The wholesome, harmless green leaves I .Hnd lender stems of a lung healing ! mountainous shrub, give Dr. Shoop's : Couyh Remedy its curatiio propi-riii-d. Tickling or dry cousjh.'- quickly iitid safely I yield to this highly efl'-c'ive C'ligii ! medicine. Dr. Shoop a.ssures moihnrs ] that they can with safity give it to rven I very young babes. No opium, no chloro- j form â€" absolurely nothing naisli or harin- \ ful. It calms the distiessini.' oougli, and heals the sensitive niPinhranes. Accept Shoop's. Sold REV. ROBERT McHARDY Mr. McUardy, evanijeli.sr, is at present holding » series of evanglical services in the Methodist church, beginning on Sunday last. The two services on Sunday were well attended, and the addresses were impressive. Mr. McHardy is a pleasing, convincing speaker, and created a most favorable impression on his hear- ers. He ia not of the more common Hery oratorical type of evangelist, but depends more upon argument and appeal to his hearers, while hi.s method of conducting the services commends itself to al! thoughtful people. Mr. McHirdy is .issiited by Mr. Mc- Bretney, a dinger of extraordinary power. Mr. McBmtney has a very pleasing tenor voice that id thoroughly trained, power- ful and ui'der wonderful com ml. Fleehertou has never heard a better male voice, and that is saying much. He belonged to tho Meiidellsohn choir of Toronto and h«s sung in Now York and Buff do choirs. Thia is his tirst attempt along the evangelical line. Everybody should hear tho message that these ?enllemnii have to deliver, and we bespeak for them crowded houses of attentive listeners. ^ PERSONALS "^ Mr. EUwood Genoe is spending a few days at the Baptiat parsonage. Mrs. John Wright, sr., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Winters of Hatherton. Mr. and Mrs. William Mor^jan, Strath- avon, spent Monday with Rev. and Mrs. Kipp. Mi.ss Margaret McTaiish of Detroit is the guest of her brother, Mr. D. Mc- Tavish. Mrs. W. Field and son have been visit- ing friends in Toronto for the past tliyee weeks. Miss Beatrice Hilis of Ballinafad has returned home after visiting her cousin, Mr. J. T. Thompson, of the suburbs. Mr. R. McCorkiudale of Durham has taken Mr. Cecil Legate's position in Ihe Standard bank, the latter being absent on sick furloiii^h. Mr. David English, who has been, visiiing lii.i parents at Rockvale since .June, returned f.i his jiosition in Miiine- apoiis on Tuesd.iy. Mr. A. M. .'^Iieppiivd, who has been leaching at tho Red .School for the past si.v. weeks, has returned to his university studies. â- \ Mr. Rundolph has been en- [^aged to ttke his place. Lame Back. This ailment is iismillv caused bv theunia- ti.'<iii of rill' muscles of tlie small of the b.ick, .•Hid in ((uickly cured li.v applying Cliamher- Ijiin'H Liiiiiitetit two or three times a ilu.v and iiiaHsak'iii^; the piut.>f at each aiiphc.atieii. For sale bv AV. K. KiclLiidn-ii. Singhampton A rare treat Was ;;iver in Ihe Presl'-- toi laii cliU!ch on Sutidey afterioon week. Mts Colmrn deiivHred a very iiiieresiing addiesson Homo Mis.<ions, and tliegrtat work they are doing in this fair province, the far West, and foreign fields. Tbo young people of this vicinity w^re well re]iresenfed at the ('oUim/wood Exhibition, .\inoiu.' those who brought home first prizes were Kd. Oosnell for the liest single driver and M. McQueen for the bes: pair of roadsters. Wo agree with the jdd.^e«' wise decision. Tlie briilao in course of erection, of which we have heard so much and that ha;- caused such inconvenience lo many peopio, IS completed. Tho Methodist cJiuich is heiivj reno- valwd by Mr. nonelle from Oreenvre. Owing to tins tho .services have been held in Ihe Presliyterian church. The kmd- nes.i of the Presbyterian members is ap- preciated. Mr. and Mrs. .las Smith are visitine I he former's ndatives in Prince Edward Island. 2? S? ^ WE ARE OFFERING FOR Fall Wear a good stock of new and fashion- able goods. Boots, Shoes, Slipptn-s and iiubbers. These you want for WORTH AND WEAR, CHOICE AND CHEAPNESS Also a lot of Trunks, Telescopes. Seasonable goods and reasonable prices. A lot of ladies' and child- "* rens summer goods oft'ering very cheap at CLAYTONS F. G. KARSTEDT Fashioi\able Isabella Fox NEW DESIONS nODERATE PRICES These items are of exceptional interest because they describe thn most fashionable styles shown. When wo assure you that tho skins are Leipzig dreised and dyed, and therefore they are more glossy and durable than the domestic dyesâ€" considering this, you will agree with us that our prices are moderate. A straiuht tie or liirow over of Isabell Fox, 72 inches lo'Jg, sel- ected bkiiis, satin lined, a large tall and paws at each end. A beauty â€" for $2i"); also cushion Muff of same quality of Fo.x with a beautiful head aud tail, satin lined, for S18.00. Fur-Lined Coats They are going and if you aro wanting one now is tho time lo .select. They ate ejceedingly good \alue,s. The skins aro osjiecially selected for us. k squirrel lined lady's fur coat with superior marmot colltir, good beavtr shell for 3;}5; also a Marmot lined, with sable collar for 845, and a muskiMt lined with mink 'rimming for iJ.S.'), also men's inuskrat lined, with Canadian Otter triiii:iiing for .975. They are worth tiie seeing, Ftar Coats We iiave :•. fall range of Ladies' Astrachnn .Jackets with or without Sable revere â€" perfect coats; also an ekciric seal. It ia a beauty. Li men's we have bear skin, cnlf skin and coon skin coats. Well linod, leather under arm holes, hii;h culiars and your size. Cuine in and inspect ihcm whether yon are going to buy or imt. Caps Just what you want, either a corduroy or biaver cloth cap, fur lined, tn turndown. .Just the thing for Ibis I imo of year to protect your neck and eais from the raw winds, al.so ,% forehead proleclor, at oOc am! up to §1 Also a full lino of Fur W 'di.'e Caps. Purity Fiour Have you trie.l it? If you haven't you should liave. More btond from hsa II air. It's getting an awful run. It's the only pei feet flour. Try a bag and be convinced. REPAIRING SALE! Came Astray rnino to tbo preiiiiHes of tli ' uinlinfiisino 1. lot 7fl. (Vin, 0, AvtenieHin.oii Oi?tobor Slid. one lioinul. Tlifc owiitr Ik iinneBted lo prove iiropoitj-, pay sxpensee and take the I'l.muawny. Thos. I'ATi.ou, Tortlaw. We are putting an extension to the store and iu order to snvo moving so many goods we arc going to sell them olF cheap for the next few days. Now is the lime to get your dishes for threshings and save money. We got a load of plumbs in from lihe fruit couutry, as wo expect they aro about as cheap as they will be, We have also some NicNj Pears, . Peaches and lots of ripe Tomatoes. SB.\LERS, all sizes, at right prices. Almost every day we get more coutago to praise our Fh)ur, as our customers toll us they are well,|"satisfied with it. Try a bag of the Cream of the West, or for a cheaper Hour satisfaction is astured. Higgest prices always paid For Butter antl Eggs,eithcr Roosters for Sale. Tliroe 1tli".'" iflaiol U. d looi-tcrs for pale, good stock bliiis, .XiM'lyal this oiiIcb. Came Astray. Cnino to tbe irrniifcauf thf nndcvsiRnei', lot (1. cun 0, Osinoy. nI>ont .Vuk. IS.Iast. eiio ftwr. iiro 1 wncv Ik rrciiicRted to prove i)r portv, jiay c Xlieufn" onO take the iiime nwfty, 1'. r hi »BKF,Mn.\wol Cash or Trade. \ JA5. PATTISON, CEYLON ^ Our Motto is-Small Profits and Quick Returns. \ ^^'%^'%/^ «/«/%^%'% %«^^'%^%^ %% v%^% %'%/%^k^% V'%/^'%^^4

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