Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1908, p. 4

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October 8 1008 THE FLESKE NCK :^dWWtfWWW F. T. HILL & Co. WHiwmi^ Our Great Fall Millinery Opening Will Take Place On Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 30 & Oct. 1 U'litMi WO will pliico on cxliihition the very hitcst iioveltieH in Full Milliripry, representing the very lute Engli«h mil Aiiifrican stylcH. Miss Stein, wlio is ngiiin in cliiirge, will Ije pleased to meet her niiuiy customers on opening diiys to view what is new iiiul up-to-date in millinery. It will pay you to vilit this departinent of our Kioro if you nre particular about stylo Biid what you wear and are looking for sxelvsive styles moderately pric- ed. Ilomembor the opening Days. We extend u cordial invitation. FIRST SHOWING OF NEW FALL AND WINTER \ new FALL HOSIERY SPECIAL. STYLES IN MANTLES. / n i . o- Big value ut 2oc. piM pair. This week we have opened up our new stock of Fall , . , , , , . ,„ ,,• and wiuter Mantlo* for Ladies', Girls' and Children'8 This week is the week to buy hosiery. We ato selling Wear «ud we are now ready to show you the very , a pure nil wool worsted stocking m all sizes for ladies late .tyles in Onrman and Canadian Coats. All are «"<! Rt'". "i" knit and heavy \a weight, big value f..r moderately priced from $2.25 to 818 90 each with a the money, per pair 2oo. very large variety to select from. WHAT WE ARE DOING IN CLOTHING THE BOYS. For the last two weeks we have been FORCSELLINU MEN'S UNDERWEAR AT A BIG DISCOUNT. _ illiiip the The balance of our slock of last year's Winter Lender- saiuplo suits, for men, of one of the largest and best wear on sale this week. manufacturers in Canada. This week we put on sale the sample suits, for boys, which is part of the same big purch<i3o, and this is how we are selling the boys sample suits. 83 suits, all samples, remember no two alike, but all sizes from 28 to .'5.'} are in the lot and they consist of all the new patterns in English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds and tlioy are all 4.50. 4 75, 5.00. 5.50 and ««.(X) suits, on sale this week at one price, per suit $3.95 Be on hand early, the best always go first. Selling Men's Unshrinkable Underwear in shirts and drawers, beiiiK 75, S5 and 81 00 values, and bali-.nce of our last years ^tock, on tale Ibis week at pur garment (i8c. J. 8 L W. BO YD Grand Display of Millinery, Ladies Jackets, Furs and Dress Goods. We invite our many customers (Ladies in par ticular) to our beautiful display ot milliiiory, tweed Jackets, Dress Goous and Fursâ€" tha best we have ever shown. In the Millinery depart i.-cit we have Mis.s E. L. McBeon in charge and her leput.ition a.s an aitist in that line is well known in this vicinityâ€" Visitors to the Fair kindly give us a look inâ€" No ditierence whether you buy or not â€" No trouble to show gix>ds. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS. 75 Fancy Decorated .Ju;'s of Engli^ih manufscluTe. good usefulsize, special this week for ICc. 75 Fancy Decorated Ju^'s in English and German make, 35 and 40c lines, this week 28c. SPECIAL SALE OF DRESS GOODS REMNANTS. This week we put on sale 126 ends of Dress Goods. J They come in lensiths of 3 to 4J yards, in every case enough to make a skirt or waist, and all the popular lines of Dress Goods are amongst the lot, such as ( Cashmeres, Broadcloths. Lustres, Satin Cloths and , In this department we are carrying the best line of Tweeds. All on sale this week at i less than regular! Slovut in the country. Ask to see the Banadii Range prices. ' so many aro talking about. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT ^mmmm MARKDALE MWWWWW? Vm la pubU»hed every Xliuraday at $1.00 \>c: •nnuni if iMiid in advance, «1.5c if not so imid The Assizes. McEachern vp. O. T. •judgment for plsintiff^ for write to Mr. Brackenbury of Osprey calling his attention Ui the clause in the statutes re>|uiriu;; users of traction on- Council adjourned. R- â€" Consent |i200<J.â€" Mac- Kay, Telford & Grosch for pltT.; W. H. Biggar for defts. Goldimith vs. G. T. R.- Consent judg ineiit for lilaintift for 85l}0â€" Mnc- Kay, Telford & Gro.sch for pltf.; W. 11. Biggar for defts. Iliggs vs. London Mutualâ€" Action dis- ini.ssi'd with costs.â€" McKay, Teltord & Grosch for plir.; Iluutor it Hunter for dcf s. Wrighfvs. C. P. R. -Consent judg- ment f'lr plaiiitirt' for ?2000â€" Lucas, Wright & McArdle for plff.; A. Mcft.ardy for (lefts. Jackson vs. Hull.â€" Judgment for plaiut.tr for §.')().- W. II. H.Spottonfor plaii.tilf; Mnclvay, Telford it Grosch for defts. Crawford vs. S;k'iico & Denholm.â€" Consent judgincnl for iilaintilf for 81500. McKuv. IVIford & Oriisuh for pltf.; H. G. Tucker for defts. Bel amy vs. C. P. R.â€" Consent judg- intiil for plainlill' for 32!K)3. â€" Lucas, Wright & MoArdlefor plft' ; A. Mac- Murdy for doft.s, Richardson vs. Knechtol. â€" Oonsont jud.;ii.i!iit for phiiiliirfor $275.â€" F- For- HUson tor plft'.; Siuilli, Rao & (Jrier for defts. Sharp vs. Beat. â€" judgment for plaintiff for SilOOO. - Liiciis, Wright & MeArdlo for plft" ; II G. Tucker for deft. King v». King el a'l; Kin^r vs. King. â€" In those two casi'S coiisoiit judgment on the torms thiit the (IcfondiyiLS pay the plaiiitiir 8100 costs, withdraw the alleged HlaieiiienlH compl.imod of and undorlako in the future not to make similar stato- ment-i.- -MacKay, Tidford it Gros^ih for pl:f. ; H. G. Tucker fur defts. Sioiio vii. C. P. R.- Consent judgment for plaint ifl" for ^500 and costs, and hos- pital and medical expenses and ro-ens- ploymont in the company's service. â€" McKay. Telford it Grosch for plU".; A. MacMurdy for defis. MiKson vs. Owen Sound.â€" Judgment for plaint ifl" for 9700 and ciists, â€" H. G. â- Tucker f..r pill'.; R. W. Evans for dofis. Jackson vs. Dnnsmore.â€" Action dis- missed >vith costs.â€" W. H. B. Spr)tton for plft".; MucKay, Telford & (irosch for deft. \\o\ vs. Croighton.â€" Prisoner was found gudty and sentenced to bo hanged on December 3rd, 1908. Several cases wore adinurnod. On Sat irdny evening another inyster- ious lire occurred on tlio 3rd lino of Euphrasia whiMi the barn of Albert Dawn wao liurnod, wiih the season's contents of Artemesia Council The MuniciiMil Council of Artemesia met at the town hall, Flesherton, on jgincs to use plank when crossing bridges Monday 5th day of October, 1008. The |and culverts to protect the sainiâ€" Car'd. members all present, the Reeve in the chair ; minutes of session of Sept. 3 were read and signed. Communications fiimi tlio Commercial Traveller.-i Associatirm, asking as to hotel accoinmodat ion in this municipality; the Ktandnid Bank, Btateincnt showing account of sinking itund deposited and accrued interest to bo $4IJ'.).<>4 up to July 31st, 1!>08; McTavish it williaiiiH for an axle jmt in for -Mf Hill; E. A. (Jialiam, account for timlier for bridges, 8108.33; The , Reeve, report as to completion of bridge at (Jillio's hike. south linu, cost of building 8(155.00. T. R. McKcnzie, report as to building bridge over Miller's creek, cost 870.3(1, and brid«o on 35sider<)ad at Camorons, cost 8220.78; .i A Boyd, U. .i. Spruule, W. H. Bunt, waited on council asking a grant to East Grey Agricultural Society. (Jar.son â€" Bestâ€" That Mr. Pritchard'a account for repairs to grader, amounting to 82.50, bo paid â€" Carried. McKenz ieâ€" ^^'right Andrew Schenck. President of ti.e Oirmaiiia Fire In.sur- aiice Co., Reconiniends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 have used Cliaiiil^rlaiir« Cough Remedv 111 iny fuiiiily forover a year, and can say that It Ims. never f.iiled to cure the mint stut.bora ciiiiifh oi cold. I can reoomnienil it to a:iy family as u »iire .uicl nafe children '.i coegh Keiiiedv.â€" Andrew Schenck, Aylon Ont. I lux Remedy fur 8aleb W. K. Kichardson. NEW DRESS GOODS In Greens, Browns, Navys, , Fancy stripe and Heiring Bone. Prices ranging from sec to si.eo. PRICEVILLE FALL FAIR Continued from tirst page main, hay, imploinents, etc. How the tiro originated is a niysrcry, but it is sup- posi'd lo be of incendiary origin, us with- in the past iiionih thieo barns have been de-iroy .d by tie, viz., Peter Kerry's, Fred Kellough's, and now Mr Dawn's. ^ A sear.thimi invoHti'4ali..ii thonld be made ^ to ondoavm' to discover the scoundrel who is at this <lastard!y work.â€" Thonibury i HeraldRcftcotor. I report cf expenditure on bridj-catGilliosi like be received and the cii«traclor paid the baliinci' ol contract price, S'450,CO, and 825. (to for extra limber ai,d work â€" Carried. Carson - Wright- That D, MoLeod's account to rep:urs for grader, amounting toi?1.40. Iio piid â€" Ciirri'-'d McKenzie- Carson â€" That Alfred Hill's bill for btoken axle bo not oatertuiiiud â€" Carried. Carsoiâ€" McKouzie-- Tli:it ISIi. Bests' report of expenditure in Ward 3, 8375.75, be received, and he bo paid his comiuis- sioii of 837.60 -Cariiod. McKenzieâ€" Best â€" That the followiiii; accounts for gravel, as certilieJ by ovor- Heers, bo ]iiiid : J. II. Wa'son $1.55, Wm. Fisher 85.05, H. Patturaoti 51.00â€" Carried. Wrightâ€" Cirsnn â€" That Mr. McKeiizio receive the sum of 85.00 for se. vices ren- dered in connection with work at Miller's bridge, and J<18 00 for work done at Cam- eron's bridye â€" Carried. Carson â€" Wiiuht â€" That Mr.MoKonzit's report of cxpundiluro on Miller's bridge bo received, and the following parties lie paid for work thereou : James Milne 823.00, John llargra'c 8* 00.â€" Carried. Carson â€" Wright- That Mr. McKen- zie's report of expenditure on Cameron's bridge bo received and the fcdlowing parties bo paid for work and timber : J. Milne, team work, 810.75; Alex.Cam- eioii, timlierand worlf,851.7o ; J. Parsons days work, 80.00; W. T. (Joiioo, days work, 811-25 ; Oarnett Maguo, days work 811.25; Robert Akitt, days work, g'l.oU; JohuHargravo, days work, 80. -15 ; E. A. Graham, timber. 8108.;13 ; J. i^ W. Hoyd spikes, 81.00; H. Cairns, spikes, 50c. - Carried. McKenzia -Wright- That Mr. Carson be paid 80.00 for i\ days overseeing work with craderâ€" Carried. Best- Wright â€" That this Council grant 825.00 to the Eiwit Grey Agricul- tural Society- Carried. McKenzie-Caraon â€" That the follow- iii[» ba paid for timber fol Beaver bridijo, 8th con., .fames Carson 813.00, Wm. Mageo 813.00 Carried. McKonzio â€" Wrightâ€" That the Rouve be paid 823.00 for services rendered in connection with Gillies' bridge, and Mr. Carson reoeivo 8<i00 for sBVvicos in con- nection with the samo bri(^;?eâ€" Carried. McKouzieâ€" Oitson â€" That the Clerk By H II Mil^r, be.st 25 llw crock of butler â€" I) Motillan, w J Meads, i> Harrow. By John McArtluir it son, be.st 55 lbs butter (box) to become tlio property of the donorâ€" .laiic McPhail. By w Aldcorn it Son, \m»i Imx butter, Tha*. the Reeve's i'">9 "'" ^0 Ib.s.â€" i) Harrow, j Oliver, n mc- Ladies and Misses Tweed Jackets. Lhis year the all-wool seini-tllting Kersey Coat is the leader. We have a coiiipleto range in sizes and pricesâ€" Ladies, f7.50. 810.00, 812. (K) 813.60, 814.50, 815.00. Pricesâ€" Mis.se3 85.50. Children's, §2 50 to 84.00. FURS! FURS! FURS! It sounds a little iiico»istent to be talking alnjut furs this hot weather, but never mind the weather â€" come in and examine our Furs and KJitisfy youi-self that our prices are right For Sale One span of LiKlitiiii.a Colts ccmiiiR tlircej uiateliifl. Ucaiiy towotk. Also oi:e Sliorthoru Hull iiKliteen months old, bied by Cleo.Bristow, lldb Hoy uumbo- 584W, in volume 31. N'au;i^- MUjee CaiJtaiD. .\LUKKT E- H.VNLEY, Lot I, «>u. 10. Osprcv, Feversham P. O. The C. P. R. roundhouse anl Thomp- son's sawmill at Teesvvater were burnid to the ground recently. Wm. Rusk, a pioneer of Mulm ur, for whom the postoftice, Ruskview, was naiuod, died after an illness of six months, at the atro of 75 years. Millan Men's R ICOâ€" Rub Ferris, Los Watson, Do»ard Hc:iry. Hoy's R:io«-Neil McDonald, Wm Mc^Kechnio, Michael McMillan. Girls' l{tt-e Slarauet Tryon, |Janet iMcDoiiald, Maguie Muir. Itisr Liokin- Hal>y â€" Mrs Otto KonoiU, Mrs Rob Anderson. Mrs Wm Leith. Women's Driving Raceâ€" Round the ring, unliiirness, reharncss and go once r'lind the ringâ€" S R J McKinnon, Mrs (J Konold. Why Colds arc Dangerous. Heeau.io yiiu li.ive contraeted ordinary coliU and recovered from them without treat- ment of any kii:d, do not for a Huimeii'; im- aK'iiie tliat colds are ..ot drtn(jer<iii.<. Kver", - one knowa that pneunionia and elironie c itarrli have their origin in a cnninion cold. Cons.inip- tiiin is noteauiied l)y a cold but the eold ine- paiea t lie MV.--teiii fur the reception and dcvel(i|>- lueiit of the germs that wouhl not otliorwise have found lodgement. It in the nnniu with all iufeclioim dixeaHes. Diphtheria, aearlut fever, ineasU'K and whooping cun^h art iimch imire likely to he coiiiraetid when the child h:ts a cold. Von will see from thiK that more real danger lurkH in a cold than ill other of the eiiiiimim aibiientK. The eaaieat and (luickest way to cure a told ia to take Chaintierlain's t'oiiKh Khniedy. 'We many i'en>arkable cures elfeeted liy thia preparation have in.ade i*. a staple article of trade over a large part of the worlil. For sale Ivy W. E. Kichardson. Fine Care Fine Hair It's fine care that makes fine hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, sys- tematically, conscientiously, and you will get results. We know it stops falling hair, cures dandruff, and is a most elegant dressing. Entirely new. New bottle. New contents. Doa not change the color of the hair. A tiers Formula with aach bottle • Stiow it to yoof â€" doctor A«k him about it, thon do am ho sayfe East Mountain A numVior are delivering fat cattle in Markdalo to-day, (Moiidsy). Miss Olive Duncan of Derby is the guest of her friend Miss ICuplieiiiia Har- b'lttlo of this place. Siime purpose taking in Feveraham and Rocklyn Fairs this week. Little Wilda Martin has boon very sick this last couple of weeks but is getting around now. Mr. GauJiu of Kimborley threshed the barns out in the west end of this neighborhood last week. For Chronic Diarrhoea. '"While in the nriiiy in ISO^S 1 was taken with chrnnic diarrhoea,"' says (iewc« M. KeUoii of H(iiitli(iili.-<"ii, I'a. "I have since tried many remedies hut without any permanent relief, until Mr. .-V. W. Miles, of this place, iwifiiad- " ed mo to try ClianiliLrlain'a Colic, Clioli^ra and biarihoea Remedy, one bottle of which stop- ped it at once." l'"or talc l^y Nv. \'.. Kichnrd- Hon. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new improved formula, is the latest, most scientific, and in every way the very best biir preparation ever placed upon the market. For falling hair and dandruff it is the one great medicine. I Hills by tb» J. C. Aytr Co.. I«weU. MiSS i Scottish Pride 66274 The yoiuiK V)iill Seottjsh I'riilo will stand for Bcrvico at Mr. F. W. Nictiolson's. lot ;t7. coii. 5, Artemesia. Scottisb priilo is aire i bv Hcottisti rrlnce. ft Kiandson of tlm womlorful show cow, (iem oJ llcllacliin. Imp . winner of oiylit prizes at Toront-^ and boiidon. besides beiiis cbam))- ion female. Stio wel'jVis over lUX) pounds. One of this eow's ea'ves sold for ("I'T'-.OO. Scottisli prido is out of Ladv Hiilla l>y the Toionfo first prize wiiinor, Captain May Flv, imii 288oS. Tl.is yomig bull lias piovrd him- self a stiowbull havine gained an oucourai^inR record this fall at Kevershaio. Ho won brs^ prize as best bull calf, also diploma for best buP any SHe. Tlioso liaviiiK pure ore.d cows should see l\\U Krand bull before breeding as tliey Cftiuiotdo liettertlian use hiiu. A limited numl>er ot [."ados will bo taken at 81, iS; For pure brels. St. IIP. m MRKllS. HOl>SE AND LOTS FOR SALE For sale cheap and on easy term?, good 03m- fortablo frame dwelliuR, stabla and drivins li of.se. with three village lots, in Ceylor. Dwel iuK well built and fuished. and roo I bearing 01 chard on the property. Apply to R. J. Seajui.E. Flojlnrtoi. Farm For Sale or Rent. for sale eboap. oneiit, iuniiediato possession. Lot ;I0, Con. It, .Vi teniosia, about 75 acres clear, eomfortable log hnuso au j frame barn. Apply to K. J Sproule, Flesherton. or Johi: J. Martin, acrosstlie icaclfrom said lot. Corrected Ca efully Oats [Vis l>iirley .... Wheat .... Hay Mutter Kugii, fresh I'litatocs per bag 50 to Geesa lo Duiiks to Ohickei-M CO to Turkeys CO to Wool 14 Efoh . .'?C '.o . m to . 45 '.•) 83 lo ,...7 00 ..1 21 tc 20 to Week 30 «H 4.5 83 800 21 20 50 00 00 10 Thompson's Bakery OO Our Bread is delivered regular- ly and kept for sale at Ceylon, rnci'ville, Eugenia, Kimberley Maxwell and Ferershain. OO Ell. Thompson, Flesherton 4 Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. l.oviiiiHS and Wimples, the best of brooding and (pmlilv. p,iil, cows and htifers for sale at rcusonablo priees I yi.eou.5 CMAS. STAFFORD. Flesherton Pure Bred ilnglish Rerkshircs ant! Tamworths. I have a fine lot of yoiinjf pi(js bred from prize winning stock, for sale. Write mo for prieei'. I can give a barjrain also t;iiarnntco satisiaction on all imiil orders. (ieo. W. U()S.S, Maxwell P. 0. Itiill For Service. Hiawatha, No. 7-012, the young shorthorn hull, will stand for service .it Mr. tieo. H. I'lurLs. on !i>t, iL', con. 9, Osprey. This young hull has the best of breedin],' alonk' ndlkiug lines, his dam t)eing a **\Vild tlame," one ttf the deepest milking strainstif shorthorns on iec(nd. Pnrties cle.»iriiig the use of this bull -liciuhl make anangeincnts early, as only a liluiced nunilier will be taken. TKUM.S; tirades, !<2.00. Vure I reds, .*o.«a Tfiere will Ijc a reduction, if over three cows lire brouKlit. Cnwsbred to thishuU unist be it turned if iim in calf, or full price will be eliari'ed. Farm for Sale. Ij.ts K.J 8 and "J. Con. 1:1, in the township of Osiirey l.jO aeios, large clenrini;, good frame hsrn anil stables, good dwelling and well. Applv on the premises or to W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. *i-

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