Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1908, p. 3

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â- â€¢i * b ' i I ^ AMERICA'S EX-CHAMPION WRESTLER SAYS: "After my great wrestling mate!: with J. Ueilor, of Staleybridge, at the Crystal Palace, En{iand, for the la- ternational Cham^onship, I was covered with cuts and bruieei. I ap- plied my favorite baUn, Zam-Buk, and in a marTeiloQBly short time the abrasions and cuts were healed and I was fit and well a£ain. At another time I had a piece of fieah almost torn completely off my arm above the elbow. I anticipated being un- able to do anything with the arm for a long time. To my delight, however, Zem-Bulc closed up the wound in two days. In three days it was covered with new skin, and a few days after, tkere was no trace of the injury. I recommend Zam-Buk for cuts, bruises or skin injuries of any kind. Toors truly, HUGH LAHHOII. 'Tht abovs trstimoiiy given by Mr. LannoD when viating Tarouto shows the great valua of Z«iB-auk for injurie* n- ceivetl in out-«lcor «ort. Baseball, FMMall and Lacrosse Plarers should alwaya keep Zam-Buk handy. It preveati cuta hdiI iojuriea "taluQS the wroax tura." It etotia the pain anii 9m.irtia(, and keala. It is alao an exoeUent rDibraaation, curing stiffness, sprains, twists, etc. Uwfl and recooi- mendeii by Sherriac the Maratiiuo win- ner; Madrali. the world's second greatest wr«stler, etc. For all Injuries & Skin Diseases sind Stars*, or fkwn tha ZAM-BUK CO., TOKCNTO, for prtoa. 6 Boxes for $2.50. <C. B. Ful/ord, Limited) DEVICE TO RECOVER GOLD. Suuk 100 Years Ago in a Brilish Warship. To the mouth of the River Colne, â- ofl Brightlingseo, England, an ex- traordinary machine was towed and anchored the other day. It is t'. be used in a final attempt to re- cover the $2,500,000 treasure of gold, in coins and bars, which is said to have gone down in the Brit- ish warship Lutine in 1797, near the Island of Terschelling, off the cost cf Holland. A portion of the treasure has teen recovered, but an ordinary dredging plant is now useless, as the vessel has sunk into the sand. The new device is a great steel tube nearly 100 feet in length, and wide enough to allow a man to walk erect down its centre. At one end is a metal chamber provided with win- dows and doors, and at the other u medley of giant Books and other tackle. The appartus has just been com- pleted, after years of work, by Messrs. Forrest and Co., shipbuild- ers, in their Wyvenhoe yard. "One fnd of the tube," explained a mem- ber of the firm, "will be clamped to the side of a steamship or barge. The other end, by means of water ballast tanks, will be sunk until il touches the bottom. Then, by means c>f compressed air, all the water will be forced from the chamber at the bcttora of it, whicli will be flush upon the bed of the sea. "Divers will walk down a stair- way in the centre of the tube until they reach the submerged chamber. Here they will don their diving cos- tumes, and, opening a serie:< of watertight doors, will step straight cut into the watej'. Engineers will he stationed in the chamber, and following the instructions of the div- eis, who will communicate with them by means of portable tele- phones, they v/ill operate the mcch- auism of two powerful suction pumps or dredges which are fitted U< tlie sides of the tube. These dredgers, it is hdped, will suck away the sand around the sides of the heavy chamber until it gradu- ally sinks by its own weight riglit down on the dock of the wrecked slip. Then the divers, makiiig their way from the chamber to the deck of the ship, and thence to the hold, will he able to transfer the treasure from the ship to the cham- brr ;jy easy stages." PLIES AS GERM CARRIERS. Therefore Keep Food Uoder S«rceu in Darkness. Flies hate darkness, and have been shown by experiment to lose all interest in even the most tempt- !';g food if there is no light. Advantage should be taken of this citaracteristic of the fly, and the larder should be in such a location tliat the food may be kept in dark- ne:;s beside.'i being thoroughly pro- tooted from fly contamination by the use of efficient fly screens. The normal healthy person rarely allows a fly to coine into intimate contact with the ea.sily infected niucuiis membranes of his mouth, nostrils or eyes, so it is by food con- tamination that the.se germ-carri- ers do their greatest damage. We may not be public spiritjd enough to attempt in any practical way to prevent flies breeding in our stables, but since recent scientific investigations have proved the pos- sibilities of the fly as a disease car- rier the mere human instinct of Hclf-preservation should make us take every precaution to keep ex- isting flies from coming into con- tact with people suffering from germ diseases. A few shillings would pay for ser- viceable fly screens for the typhoid patient's room and for the kitchen and larder as well. Flies have been placed in a large j sterile bell glass under which a j small dish containing a g.-latine j culture of live typhoid bacilli has been put. After waiting until the | flies have walked about on the ty- ] phoid culture this has been gently ] withdrawn and a dish containing j carefully sterilized gelatine has been inserted in its place, .\fter the , flies had walked about on this ster- | ilp gelatine the dish was removed , and put under conditions of mois- ' ture, temperature, etc., suitable to the growth anH development of ty- phoid bacilli if any were present. In a long se>-ies of such experiments it) nearly all cases, bacilli grew and multiplied on the gelatine medium which had been quite sterile until contaminated by the flies. Since we cannot hope absolute- ly to exterminate tne species, a single member of which ca 1 carry j enough bacteria to devastate an j army, precautions must be taken to j keep the fly away from the sick as much as possibleâ€" by means of lly poison solutions and by screen, and also away from food. PUTTING IT OFF. An Irishman, on being convicted cf murder, was told by the judge that he could have the choice of tree that he was to be hanged from. He replied, "A gooseberry tree." "Why," said the judge, "it is not big enough I" "Well," said the Irishman, "if ;t plases your honor, I'll wait till it grows." Home Einploymeat for Ladies LIGHT, EASY,, PLEASANT. Such as any lady can do and en- joy. Any lady who wishes, and sees this advertisement may, if she writes soon, secure this opportun- ity to be independent, earning a good living in a very easy manner. Work any lady can do. For particulars address MRS. M. SUMMERS, Correspondence Department, Windsor, Ont. PANGO For Nauraiffia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc 50 CENTS, ALL DRUOUISTS, OR THE PANQO COMPANY, - TORONTO. Wlitlesals- Lyman irot. li Oa., Taranta anil Mtstraal ; Lymaii, Kno* & Olarkson, Torontft i Natianal Orus Go., Lwitfan. amaBommmmmammeamammtmmammmmmaaammmmmBimBmtmm^ THEY ALL BELIEVE IT. On'! Bible truth there is in which Girls have abiding trust ; Our wives especially believe That man is made of dust. The Flagging Energies Revived.â€" Constant application to bu.?ines8 is a tax upon the energies, and if there be not relaxation, lassitude and depression are sure to inter- vene. These comes from stomachic tioubles. The want of exercise brings on nervous irregularities, and the stomach ceases to assimi- late food properly. In this condi- tion Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will hi- found a recuperative of rare power, restoring the organs ti) liealtliful action, dispelling depres- sion, and reviving the flagging en- ergies. A. J. PATTI50N & CO., 33. 35. 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices pay from 7 per cent, to 35 per cent, per annum and are in our opinion a good speculative investniont : Crown Reserve, City of Cobalt, Coniagas, La Rose, Nipissing, Temis<'aniing and i'retheway are popular Bt,ocks and sb&uld increase in price. CORRESPONDENCE SOLIk;iTED. â- a« iMi Manu-Ml. The average married woman is well aware of the fact that she earns all the money she gets â€" and then some. Vou are ritht In rogardine arr'ilpslu as a danuuniuu ili.-uftie. Anauiat tila iwcilBii. iluliintj skin wilb Ws.irar's Corats : And lAk* Wvanr's Syrup intaraoUj. QARPET DYEINQ COBALT has made good ^^ »ml Cleaning. Thli li »,»«ol«Ur wilk iho ^-" I<« nilTer ar* vrodnollaa far lOOH BRITISH AMERiOAN DYEING Ott j will â- nur.nai. or.r 912.000,000 ULRICA 4 A n«w Cobsilt prbposiUon whIcU inrolvss the dBvaiopmcnt a( 43 acres of minins property Idsally locjLtod in thtt recognizad mineral lone, only two blacks ramoved from Uie Qreal Nlpiulng, RJeht of Way and La Rosa. Oel in at the bottom. Ttiit Is whera Uja monar I* mads. ?V^a are offarinf a iimitad amount of Ulrjoa at cenlt par shora. il .00 par, no parsonal liability, on an initainioiit plan of 2 cams per share par monUi. 4 Only a law weeks ago we fairly pushed our clients into TeintskammK, Nova Scotia and Crown Reserve trom 9d to 30 cenis i>er share. Te-day, Temi&iiaimiw is aaferljr bauj^tit at 88, Nova Sootia at 56, and Crown Reserve at 1.77. Fixura U>es« proflts. (| We aieinye!,tln( our own money in Ulrica. Coma and 20 aJene. Send for map and ask for refutar market letter. STEWART & LOCRWOOD BBQK&aS 18 Adelaide SI. E. TORONTO Mitnlycrt ,*Stan'iard stack anA Mining Kxchangt The Mild Climate of Virginia offer;* splomlid <fppAituiiiliQii for Ktnrk raiding, fruit growinK, dairyinr and c«iit»riil fiu-u:inj;. Wlut«M %t% Mliori. Cnmatd noa.ltliftil S.j.U(i fsad and nuHiog bslow its vultiQ, l>ut iiicraaAiug a valut •ftch ytt«r. M^^ny (.'antuHaiia ai« tlviug 1b ViritiaJa. Wi ite f'^r iufuruiatiun to a. VV. KOINJCR. Cuuimisiiiuuur i>( Agrl'-ultur*, BicUmundi, Va> ^hc ijgell f iano IS GAS'ACA'S BEST AHO 13 USED THE V/ORLO OVER Bali Orgatfi ar« aiso world famed .Send for I'rao Catalog No. 7t to TlieBeiiP!oiKiQri(i9f{iQn(io.,iil,Gueipli,Oiii Every time a man gives a .W-cent present he expects a dollar's worth j ..f thanks. I A safe racetrack bet is one you | didn't get there in time to make. A man has about a.i much use ' for his poor relatives as his rich ' relatives have for him. If people were all perfectly can- did none of us would be on speak- ing terms with out next door ne'gh- bora There is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator for destroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. Preacher â€" "When you're teiiip- ted to drink, think of your wife at heme." Henpeckâ€" "I do ~ and that's what drives me to drink." Every time a married man starts to settle down his wife stirs him up. "Man is Filled With Misery." â€" This is not true ot all men. The well, sound of lung, clear of eye, alert and buoyant with health, are not miserable, wiiatever may bo their social condition. To be well i,i to be happy, and we can all be v.ell by getting and keeping our bodies in a healthful state. Dr. Thomas' Ecloctric Oil will help all to do this. It is easy to prevent failure ; all one has to do is refrain from try- ing. Spinsters know a lot of things they imagine they would do if they were wives, but as a matter of fact they wouldn't do anything of the kind. NAILS MEND BROKEN LIMBS. French doctors have found an ingenious but simple remedy fur fractures, iu the use of aluminum nails. For a simple fracture of the shinbone, or of the thighbone, a nail of nickel aluminum or magne- sium is driven in to hold tin; two pieces together. Nails of ivory and bone have been used, but it has been discovered that the aluminum and magnesium nails are ab.sorbed by the system after they have per- formed their function. ART NOTE. Although women pretend to dis- like llattery, they invariably want their photographs retuoched. Sleeplessness. â€" Whim the nerves arc unstrung and the whole body given up to wretch!"dn<»s8, when the mind is filled with gloom and din- ma! forebodings, the result of de- rangement of the digestive organs, sleeplessness comes to add to tin- distress. If only the subject could sleep, there would bo obliviun for a while and temporary relief. Par melee's Vegetable Pills will not only induce sleep, btit will act .so btneficially that the subject will wake refreshed and restored to hap- piness. Mistress (to cook) â€" "I have some friends coming to dinner to-day. Mary, .so I want you to do your best." Cook â€" "You can depend upon me, mum, I've got some friends of me own comin' 1" Co., Limited Prasident, C. 8, Czowski, Toronto Authorized Capital, $500.000 WE ARE OFFERING TB.SOOO SHARES OF DOUaiAS MIHINC CtHPANY STOCK AT 80 CEkTS PER SHARE. We itr'fngly recenjniend tho pnichwa of this stack as xu inve*tsseiil. Tha DauxliM Mining Company have large luaatltlas of vaiualtie are, hj^h In gold, liruved up ready for niinlni! at their pruparty m the sturgouii Lake liold lleids. This i« a aiilaadia opp,.rtunlty to iniure steady kigh returns on a small outlay uf capital. Write for application forms orfuither parti" culars to ED. Warren & Co, 4 Coltiorne Street, Toronto, Ontario. The great ocean liner rolled and pitched. "Henry," faltered the young bride, "do you still love lue?" "More than ever, darling," was Henry's fervent answer. Tlien there was an eloquent silence. "Henry," she gasped, turning her pale, ghastly face away, "I thought that would make me feel better, hut it doesn't !" ISSUE NO. 41-as. It will be noticed in the Singer Sewing Machine Company's adver- I tisemcnt that there are three ad- di esses at the bottom of the an- nouncement. Any one writing will plca.se address them at the nearest cne of the three places to his post office. She â€" "What's the difference be- tween a dimple and a wrinkle?" Heâ€" "Oh, about thirty or forty years!" Weak a-id Sickly People envy those In robust health. Nn iieod ta stay sl<^ wfioii l)y tlin uce i,f tile best tonic. â- ' Farn»viiii," you can get rich bluuil and reuwwed streiitfth vnd vigor j BEHOLD ! ! Ijehold the fly ! So small a thing 'J't, dart about on hii.sy wing. How sad to think it can't bo neat! And wipe the microbes from its feet. It's ususally the loud talker who IS getting the short end of the ar- gument. Holloway's Corn Cure is th«' me- dicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the small sum of twenty-live cents. THAT'S IT. "Thomas," said Major Hartigan, as he gazed into his son's c.ves with a Koul-se'irching look, "have you eaten any of tlio.se peaches your mother put in the cupboard 1" "Father,'' said Tommy, "I can- not tell a lie. I have not touched one." The Major eyed him wrathfully as ht plunged his hand into the pocket iif his coat and drew forth five in- ciiminating stones, which had once boon enshrined iu tho luscious flenh ot' a peach. "Then how is it," said the parent. "thj<,t I find these peach stones in your bedroo-n, while there is only one peach left in the cupboard?'' "Father," said Thomas, as he si- lently but swiftly left the ro<;'ii and placed a chair in snob ,a poiai- tion that his fiither would f;ill ov.-^r 11 if he followod too quitklvâ€" -'ki thcr, that is the one I nr^ve-r i.iv. .li- ed I" Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been , saved if proper I'eniedies had been used. If attacked do not delay in ' getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- j kgg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- ' cine that never farils to effect a ; cure. Those who have used it say ! it acts promptly, and thoroughly ' subdues the pain and disease. IN DOUBLE HARNESS. Jack â€" "Smith asked me to come to his home this evening. Says he is going to celebrate his golden wedding." Gadysâ€" "Why, he's been married only three years." Jackâ€" "That's what I told him. He said it seems like fifty." Special Circular We have prepared a special circular dealing with the se- curities of tho following com- panies : â€" Canadian Pacific Railway, Illinois Traction, Laurentide Paper, Lake of the Woods, Mackay Companies, Mexican Light <fe Power, Montreal Steel Works, Montreal Power, Rio de Janeiro, Toronto Railway, Twin City, Winnipeg Electric Railway. W.lta for Spaolal C'loular No. 12 McCUAIG BROS. & CO. Membar* Uontreal Stock Ecichtnge 157 St. James St-, Montrda 1 WANTED t* Advertise ta e»eTf locitlty in (.'anadi ana ttifl United SUiet Soods, t«k.k up cuous placet aaci rf|tetrlbiits \m*\\ adv<irrl«in2 nitttEr. C»Buuiuiou or salary R.I )>cr aonth and •xpriiMs (4 per day. Steady worW Ui« yfnr louiid : vntlrely n«w pUu ; no ekpcr{eu«.o rcfiuiTcUt Wrlta for pariiciiiars. WM. K. WA&lfCR MED. CO,, Londoo, Oat.. CaoiiU. huw inu>-l) money no ooiii<l F(*.ifl)auk'«-Mnrao Jiv/U-t'f-al!- 1 i.ulns < Ja *.>Muo gins to saw wrood. pump nrat«r, f>i'iiiil fuml, w« would nob hd able to supply tim liemanil. Cut t)iij ad. oiit antl sond to U3 t^^-il.ty, and will send you our froe catalogue. Mama . Addr«u_ nkiiUlb, Lli Tho Oitniidlan FalrbnnkiilVIk, LlmltiMJIh Tot onto* Out R< 'â- â- g'-j.^^m.-^ssm

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