yiesbtrtoti Jlitratta, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. m XXVI, NO 1376 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, October 8, t908 W. H. THURSTON, BorHiExon m The Newest Things In Jewellery Can always be found at the Flesh- * erton Jewellery headquarters. Watches & Clocks To suit all tastes and all pocket: books. General Purpose â€" Span, W &KDiiig- flowers â€" J Nichol, J Aussuni; Potato wall, Jas Culder; brood mare, W I'i R onionsâ€" D McInueH, T A Ferguson; Diu(?wall, D L Sinclair,D McDona'd, 2-yr onions raised from Dutch Setts â€" D Mc- gelding or tilly, Dan Brodio, M O Orr, Milluu, T A Ferguson; onions raised from John Fairbairn; 1-yr gelding or filly, D topsâ€" D McCorinack, J Aussiun^ onions L Sinclair^ Geo Shand, D Campbell; raised from lilack seed â€" D McC'>rmiick ; Jewellery For the ladies in and latflst, patterns. greit variety we pride ourselves In havinti a great viuiety of the choicest ^Duds lu inufactured from which to ohoo89. Come in and let us show you what wo have. W.A.ARMS TRONG Priceville Fall Fair spring coll, R Allen, U Watson, John Burnett. | Roadstersâ€" Spun, A B. McDonald, D McMillan; brood mare, J S Sullivan, G McTaggart, Wm Paiton; 2-yr geldinj; or lilly, Geo Campbell, Wm Rimago, Wm Fairbairn; spring colt, 13 ouLries, JF SulUvan, Wui Patton, Ed Sullivan; fanners' tror.. Otto Konold, ben McKiu- non, W it R Dingwall; single driver, Goo Shand, WAR Dingwall. Special â€" 1-yr gelding orj^tilly (Dr Jam- iesou's prize), D MoMillan, F Moore; spring Colt. (M C Ward), Ed Sullivan, J. F SuiliTan, Annus Black; lady driving coniess (A Huriley's prizi-), Miss S U •) MeKmnoH, Mrs U Kouuld; spring colt, (G L Watson's prizr), J F Sullivan. Cattle McFARLAND & CO. MA-IJKDALE ONXAl^IO 1 pumpkin, common yellowâ€" Wes Buskin I W J Meads; 1 pumpkin any other kind â€" H Watson. Dan Mclnnes; 1 squash â€" i A D McLeod; 1 vegetable marrow â€" J I Aussum, T A Ferguson; 2 routs celery, j whi'u â€" H Watson, .) Aussum; Oflory, any other kindâ€" H Wat K<m, J J Mcliae; 2 'citrons-W GAVyalt, A D McLeod; 2 ! waformelons â€" H Watson, DMcCormack; cucuinbera, pickling â€" A D McLeod, A I Muir; cucumbers ripe â€" M L Mclntvre, I Wm Wntson; (J ears tiMo corn â€" Wni I Wat.son,- J Nirhol; coll of vegetables, 1 o' j each â€" T A Ferguson, H watson; coll. of field roots â€" A Mua-, T A Ferguson. Fruit 5 appli* Northern Sjjyâ€" wni watson, A Miiir; apples Golden Russet â€" D Har- row, J McMillan; applcK, any other variety, winter â€" H wat^on, R Allen; applrs, snow â€" J McM'lhHi, .Iiio Eckhard Durhamâ€" 2-yr-old bull, Wm Patton;; 1-yr-old bull, .John Fairbairn; bull calf,: • â- , ^ ,, . ..,•,> ,ii i John Fatrbairn, WJ Mead.s, R Allan; 1 Wl"*- Colbert-A Mun, K Allen; apples milch cow, D McMiUan, W J Meads, U Alien; l-yr heifer, U m Patt.-n, W ,1 While it was cold and disagreeable on Thursday and Friday Ust, yet it «ra.« not quite enough so to do the Arteme»ia Agriuultural Society much harm. The \ exhibits were away ahead of any former year, b.th in quantity and quality, which speaks well for this popular fair. The hall was filled to it's utmost capacity with a great variety of ladies' woik. fine arts, farm produce, etc. The exhibits of poultry, pigs and cattle were rather few in number, while horsea and sheep were therein abundance. Considering the weather, the attendance was all that could be expected, and it was no small crowd at that. The priceeds from the show and concert were about |212. This •hows up well in ooiiiparis n wiih last year. The speaking iu th« afternoon was a pleasing feature. Thu «eni»l John Mo- Arthur did the duties of chairman in an affable, jolly manner. He introduced Dr. Sproule, Conservative candidate for East Grey, who addressed the crowd. Tlien f'lUowed Mr. H. U. Miller, Liberal candidate for Centre Groy, and Mr. R. J. Ball, his Conservative t>pp<>nent. The speeches were all of a happy, glad-I'ni- here, glad ycu're-all-here stylo, and but little of a p>Utical nature was heard. Mr. Hector McDonald brightened the proceedinus with hia bagpipes, and the Jaffray sisters gave an exhibition of Uighlani danciuK. The concert in the evening was well attended and was thoroughly enjoyed. The house wa* crowded till there was room for no more. Donald MscGregor, Scottish baritone, Eddie Pigg'itt. com- edian, Jaffray sisters. Highland dancers, and Hector McDonald, piper, all helped to make this oonoort the best ever. Among the newspapers represented at the show wore-. Shelhurne Free Press, by K L. Mortimer; Durham Chronicle, by W; Irwin; Durham Review, by C. W. £amage; and Fleshertoa Advance, by A. 8. Ihurstun. A dispute was held over the farmers' trot t)ito Konold, the winner, passed Ben McKinnon on the inside of the track, throwing him out of place. Mr. MoKin- ooa protested but the judges decided that the circuowtancca did not warrant the throwiax out of Mr. Konold, or the ruuning <rf the race over again. The apeoial prixe of $5.00, given by 8. Mcliityre, for iho best looking baby was made a finft priee, the Society giving f2.00 and Mr. Wm Irwiu »1.00 as second and third prizes respectively. There were six entries of the prettiest babies one could desire to see. Meisrs. W . G Pickett and C. Bamage were the men chosen to say which were the handsomest ones of the buoch. t>f couise, all could uot be satisfied. There were prizes for out throe. At any rate the decision was made and three mothers delightedâ€" still the babies showed no interest in the proceedings. So numerous were entries this year that the hard-worked secretary hatl to fall back on old entry tags and last year's ptize tickets to fill the bill. The tupply of these will keep pace with the growth of the show in future. Following is the list of ptize- winnera: Horses Drauffbtâ€" Span, .1 A R Dingwall, John Fairbaien; broodmare, J Patton; 2-yr filly, \V & R Dingwall, F Moore; lyeai filly, D MoMillin, F Muoie, Li Piper; spring colt, J PattOu- Agriculturalâ€" Span, Geo Shand, J A Swanston; broodmare, Wm Fairbairn, R Allen, J Burnolt; 2-yr gelding, W Fair- bairn, John Burnett, A B McLean; 1-yr gelding. If Fairbairn; spring colt, R Allen, J Burnett, Wm Patton. -yr Meads, D McMillan; heifer calf, R Allen Hereford- Bull calf, Wesley Buskin ; cow, W Buskin 1 & 2; heifer, W Buskin. Grades â€" Milch cows, 11 entries, D I Campbell, John Burnett, D McCormick; 2-yr heifer, A B McLean, D Campbell, D | Campbell; 1-yr heifer, W Buskin, WJ Meads, J Oliver; 2-yr steer, W J Meads, D Campbell, .John Burnett; 1-yr stoer, R Allen, J Oliver, W J Meads; steer calf. Win Patton, T Nichol. W Buskin; heifer calf, T Nichol, W Buskin 2 and 3. Sheep OoUwoldâ€" Aged ram, A Muir, 14 2; sheailing ram, A Muir; rain lamb, A Muir, 1 & 2; aged ewe, do.; shearling ewe, do ; ewe lamb, do. Leicester â€" Auied ram, A Muir, J A Swansion; shesrhiig ram, J A Swanston, A Muir; ram lamb, A Muir, J A Swan- ston; aged ewe, do.; shearling ewe, do.; ewe iamb, A Muir, 1 & 2. Shropshireâ€" Aged rani, Geo Shand, R McEachern;.iam lamb, Geo Shand; shear Alexanderâ€" J McMillan, F Riley; apples St Lawrenceâ€" A D McLc"!, F Rili'y: apples any other variety, fall â€" Jno Eckh- ardt, A Muir; col applfs not less than ;! var. jiiid H in each var â€" Jno Eckhardt, R Alien; crab apples, large â€" Mrs. wm white, wm Rainage; crab nppleH, inudiuni â€" D McCormaok, w .i Mond.s. G plums-- P- Riley; (i pears Fallâ€" D Hirrow, Geo. Pattison; 6 pears, winterâ€" J J McRie, Jno Ecklia't; 3 bunches of grapes â€" G Patterson, Mrs. wm white. Judges for ernin, roots and fruit â€" Geo Binnie, J I Graham. Grain and Seeds 6 ears corn, field â€" J Aussuiii, H wat- son; 1 peck Timothy .seedâ€" A Muir, M G Orr; white beansâ€" w G watt, H wat- son; colored Ijeans â€" H watson, D Mc- Cormick; Flax seedâ€" D McMillan, Jno Burnett; Fall wheat, white named â€" M G Oir, D McMillan; Fall wheat, red namedâ€" R Allen, w G wyatt; Spring wheat, any o'her var â€" D McMillan; Barley, six-rowed- â€" wm Raniage, T A Ferguson; Oats, whiteâ€" .A. Muir, Rainage; Oats, blackâ€" .\ Muil•,^^es New Goods Arriving Daily Quality is Paramount in our iffew Fall Shewing. Alltliougli McFarliind it Co.'s store you will find|(|a!ility Paramount â€" and it ought ti> niako it the .safest sort of a store to trade in, for not only do wo insist on high iiuality but wo maintain a system of niodeiate prices which inalcus you safe at all times in buying .-itiything wu have to sell at the regular [irices. Whoii wc speciiil jirice things, it is thu more to your adv.intage. You may depend upon it that nothing is exagger" atod here. NEW ARRIVALS FOR LADIES' WEAR. Fancy Belts in ass >rted colors at 25, 50 and 75c. ^ Fancy C<illars, assorted, at 25, 50, 75 and 81.00; Fancy Wiiistings at 50 to 60c a yard. Suitings at 50c to $1.25 per yard. Dress Goods at 25c to $1.50 per yard. Dress Skirts at 82.50 to $10.00. Mantles at S5.00 to $18.00. Furs of all kinds including Fur Lined Coats. Girls' Coats at 82.50 to $4.25. Infants White Bearskin Coats at $1.68 to $4.00 etc. Now Trou.sors priced fioiii 1.00 to $4.50 a pair. Now Underwear priced ttoni 50c to $2.00 a garment. New Shirts priced from 75c to $1.25. Now HatJ priced from 81.50 to 82 25. New Caps, fur lined, at 50c to 81.00. New Suitings, made to measure, at $13, to $20.00. Now Trouserings, made to measure, 3.76- to $5.90. Now Boys Suits priced at $2.50 to 7.50. etc. linij ewe, do.; ewe lamb, Geo Shand, Geo km; Peas, largoâ€" wm Rjimago; wm Bus- Peas Shand. Oxford â€" Aged ram, Wm Fairbairn, D Mclunis; shearling ram, John B'atTbairn, 1 & 2; ram lamb, Wm Patton, 1 .fc 2; aged ewe, do.; uhearling ewe, do.; ewe lamb, do. Swine Black Breedsâ€" Boar, Johp Eckhardt; sow, John Eckhardt, 1 & 2; spring pig, do. White Breedsâ€" Spring pigs, H Watson. lam worthâ€" Sow, R Allen; spring pigs, R Alien. Judgeâ€" W J Spenco tor Cattle, Sheep and Swine. Poultry White Wyandotte, feinalo.R Allen, 1 & 2; Buff do . female, Wm Raniage. 1 & 2; Paitridge Cochin, female, A Muir; Brah- ma, female, A Muir; white Leghorn, male, D Harrow, Win Watson; do. female, D Harrow 1 and 2; Houdan, male, \ Muir; fem.ale, A Muir; Brown Leghorn, male, R Allen, H WsUon; female, R Allen I and 2; Rhode Island Red. male, W H Thurston, 1 and 2 (highly recom- mended); female, W H Thurston, 1 and 2 (highly recommended); white Plymouth Rock, female, T A Ferguson; blank Min- orca, male, do.; duck, male, T A Fergus- on, 1 Bnd;2; duck, female, do. r turkey, male. T A Ferguson ; female, T A Fer- guson, J Oliver; goose, male, H Watson. TA Feiguson; female, H. Watson. Judge â€" Chas. Bellamy. Roots and Vegetables Elephant potatoesâ€" Dan Mclnnes. T. A Fergui-on; Potatoesâ€" beauty of Heb- fou A Muir, J Aussum; Potatoes, any other kindâ€" R McEachern, W J Meads; Coll potatoes, 4 kinds namedâ€" J OlivHr, A Muir; Turnips, Swede. Juiiibo, or elephant- W J Meads, Wm Rainage; 3 turnips, swede, any other kind- J Bur- nett, W J Meads; 3 turnips, Groentop, Aberdeen- J Eckhardt; 3 turnips, any other variety- -J McPhail, R McEachern; 3 mangold wurtzels, g'obo- A Muir, J Nichol; 3 mangoldl wurtzels, long redâ€" A Muir, D McCormack; 3 Danish sugar beets, A Muir.D McCormaok! C carrots. field, whiteâ€" Wm Watson, ADMcLec)d;t> carrotti, field, red--H Watson, Wm Wat- son; ttcarro's, shorthorn, tableâ€" H Wat- son, WiB Watson; 6 table carrots, sny other vaiietyâ€" J Oliver, H Watson; table turnipsâ€" T A Ferguson, J Aussum; beets, long bloodâ€" A Muir, D McCor- muck; tt bests, turnip rootedâ€" J Oliver, T A Ferguson; 6 parsnipsâ€" J Ausfium, Wm Watson; 6 radishes, blackâ€" T A FergU' on, J Aus.suin; 6 radishes, white â€" T A Ferguson, H Watsou; 2 heads cab- bage, Oxheart or winniii'.{ataJtâ€" J Aua- suio, H Watrfbii; calmige, any ol^iM small- D D McMillan, w G wyatt. Flowers Hand bt«iuetâ€" H watson, Mrs. Campbell; Table boquetâ€" H watson, w .i Meads; col. house plantsâ€" H w.-itsoii, J McArthur; Siunle ger.knium iu bloom â€" J McArthur. Dairy and Other Produce 5 lbs honey iu comb- J Aussum; 5 lbs honey extracted â€" Mrs. wm white, H watson; 5 lbs roll butterâ€" .V Muir, D Mc- Millan, w J Meads; crockibutterâ€" D Harrow, A Muir, G Patterson; Tub butter â€" D Harrow, w j Meads, R Allen; cheese hi-memade â€" Dan Mclnnis, A B McDon- ald; maple syrup â€" T A Ferguson, w (i wyiitt; Maple sugarâ€" J McPhail, w (i wyatt; Pumpkin pie â€" i Oliver, B mc- Kinnon; Lemon pieâ€" M L Mclntyre, P Thibaudeau; Apple pieâ€" P Thibaudeau, D McMillan; Cream pieâ€" j Oliver, B mo- Kintion; Custard pie â€" B McKinuon, D Harrow; Layer cakeâ€" R Allen; fruit cike â€" BMcKinnoii, PThibsudeau; broad houicmadeâ€" D McMillan, G Patterson; brown bread homeiiiadeâ€" Mrs. win white, P Thibaudeau; fruit bunsâ€" D Mcwillun, Mrs. win white; Half doz. buns â€" G Pat- terson, Dan McInnis; Tartsâ€" D McMillan, P Thibaudeau; Coll. canned fruitsealers- D Harrow; niixod pickles â€" Mrs. wm white, D Hiirrow. Judge â€" Dr Hutton. Udies' Work Rag car^iet â€" i McPhail, D McMillan Flannel, homemade â€" .i McPhail; blankets â€" A B McLean, D McMillan: woollen yarn â€" R McEachern; w<iollen yarn, singleâ€" R McEchern; Pr men's socks- â€" R mC' Eacheru; Mrs. D Campbell- woollen stockingsâ€" J j McRae, J McPlmil; Pr. men's knitted mitts â€" homemade yarn- J McPhail, Dan McInnis; Liwlies' knitted mitts homemade y»rn â€" .i McPhail Quilts Patchwork homema<loâ€" Mrs. wm white, wes Buskin; Log (.'abinâ€" w Buskin, mis. Win white; Knitted or crocnefc -Mrs. 6 McKechnie. H Piper; Crazy- -w .i Meads, H Fiuer; Tuftedâ€" wes Buskin; Fancyâ€" wes Buskin, Mrs. wm white; Berlin wool workâ€" Mrs. G McKechnie, H watson. wriatl', any kindâ€" T A F'orguson, wes Buskin; Gent's shirt, un- washed, homemadeâ€" wes Buskin, jMrs. wm wliite; Hoiiieuiade Uundriod shirt- Mrs. D Campbell. Hooked mat, rag or yarnâ€" w Moads,. D McMillan; Crochet work in cottonâ€" Mrs. D Campbell, H Piper; Crochet work in wool â€" Mrs. O Phillips, J jucPhail; Fancy knit'iiig in woolâ€" M L Mclntyw), Mrs. D Campbell; Fancy knitting in cottonâ€" J McPha: McArthur; Braiding in coltoii kin, Mrs. O McKechnie; Tattii NEW ARRIVALS FOR MENS WEAR New Suits priced from $«.00 to $15.00. New Overcoats priced from $5.00 to 815.00. and MILLINERY. If you ai-o interested in what is now stylish in LadiesH cAdgear visit our Millinery Parlor. McFARLAND & COMPANY a? a? a? a? I a? a? Ceylon's Up-to-Pate Store. Jtf ow i.-; the time to buy your shoes for the, Fall In order to make room for our new stock we are selling shoes at half price. Call and let us supply your wants. fa Groceries we carry afresh and up-to-date stock. A nother shipment of Manitoba Flour just arrived, also Ontario Flour â€" Branâ€" ^Shorts and Feed Flour. w indsor Salt in .sack or barrel lots. Ceylon's Leading Merchants -wes utting iif < 'Z:.ty^y]:ZZJE^i^::^72^dl^^<^.0 M^Kedmie, . M.Phai» iin,^ broidery in cottonâ€" Mrs. D Campbell, Mrs (J Phillips; Embroidery in silkâ€" Mrs. G McKechnie, H watson; Shadow embroideryâ€" wes Buskin, P -Thibaudoau ; Eyelet embroideryâ€" T A Ferguson, Mrs. G McKechnie; woollen work on canvasâ€" H Piper, H watson; Toilet settâ€" Mrs. D Campbell, Mrs. O Phillips; Lamp cushion â€" H Piper, Mrs. O Phillips; Spidor web cushionâ€" P Thibaudoau, J McArthur; Homemade slipperâ€" m L Mclntryo, D Harrow; Drawn thread work -J Mc- Arthur, T A Ferguson; Battenburg work â€" Mrs. G McKechnie, Mrs. O Phillips; Lrtco or nettingâ€" Mrs. O Phillips, Mrs. D Campbell; Table centrepiece, embroider- ed â€" â- trs. u Campbell, Mrs. O Phillips; sofa cushion, mountedâ€" Mrs O Phillips, Mrs. G McKechnie; D.irning, best and y\ >.ioat<jBt on stocking â€" w J Moiids, H Piper; Buttonhole display on three ditfeient materials -Mrs. win white, H watson; Best coll. fancy workâ€" J Mc- Arthur, Mrs. I) Campbell; Pen and ink sketch -T A Ferguson, A B McLean. Manufactures Sett horseshoesâ€" H B McLean. Specials By H H Miller, best two loaves bread, baked by a wife or daughter of a menilier of Artemesia Agricultural Show â€" D Mc- Millan, Mrs. win white, Ben McKinnon. Concluded oii toirth page BXJRT Specialist In disoasos of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 13 Prost SSt. - f i-wenSound At the Revere house, Markdale, lat. Friday each month from 8 lo 12 a. m. ar ^^* 'k"^- •#flK'^^*?*pil*^r- £ ...:^..., .^^.^.^ ..-.. â- w-.a^w^^pHH^^II^.