_ ..'„>â- >-..._*>. DECEMBER 9 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE it lMMUIUMUiUm ' D. McTavish FLESHERTON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Massey-Harris, Noxon, Fleury «nd Wilkinson farm implements. Fluury and Verity pluws on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. FlorsMhoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender cc*- traott-d feet. Lo;2giiig and Plow Chains constantly un hand. cfCKnlnSC mmMmmmm^^^^m^mm^mmi^^mi^ 7te--)iif Buggiea, Carts, Wagons, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds aud repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Rakes and Corn Scufflers and repairs. Cliains of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at g John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ^ MfA ^1«. ^e. ^t«. Ml. Mr. Mt. vMfe .\!«. Ali. M. ^14, M, 4!«. .»'«. vM«. ^1 '- vV«. J,t«. ^tt. i'«. J/e. .Jli. ^t* £>A^^ ''^n^ ~/i^ W»i? '4? ^<il? W "Jj? '/i? W ">(? ^A^ "'S? Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANAD.\ TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip and viow .11 Otlior ItUSllKIHB . Colleaut and Cominnrclal Department! in C»ii»(l«. tlioD TUIt th') NortliHrn Hu.iiioM Collese ; eMuiino • T.rythinij thoroughly. If we fail to proiliice tlie uiodt thorouRli. complete, practical ami axtniiiive courHo of study ; the bant colleg. -premlHo^ and the beat aud niual coiupl'te and nioHt Buitiihle furniture and amillanceii, we Vill KiTo yu 1 a full onurito FUKIi:. For aunual •â- aouucoinonts. giving full particulars, fr«. Addr.aa C. A. FLEMING, Principal W. BARNHOUSE Wishns It draw ths attention of the Pul)lic to the following : FLOUR IN hAGS Of all KizoB and as Cheap ak the cheap- |«f. Special Bargains in 3 and 5 Barrel kitt. wm. Photos ^^ m â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Fruits and Con- fectionery ,Oysters in Season. (Iroceries and Provisions. DOO and CO' )N MITTS and LEOG- INOS made to order and on Shortest Notice. I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery 3 are done in first-class style and at ^^ ^ lowest rates. Special att^nition ^ Kivon to copying. Babies' photos. ^ a specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULMER Ppopeirties FOR - SALE â€"BYâ€" B. 1. SPBODLE,. FLESOEBTOI Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton BUG-ENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Carriages made and repaired, ftlso Planing and Matciiing, Band Hawing, Wood Turning of every das- •oription. Planing and OrainC'hnp- ping done while yon wait, for the I3«aver turns tlio wheel. T. W. WILSON, Manager ^*Tst CiassTlfapie AND BIRCH F TmO O K I N O At a Barjj'ain lor the next 30 days. ir Ton WISH TO but profbbty consult THIS 8PACK. FOR SALE cheap and on easy terms, one niilu from Fleshorton, 9^ acres land and on which is a good 7 r(H>ins friime dwelling, well and ctmifortably finished Htooe celler underneath, and good well and ])ump in kitchen, good frame stable and driving house, also brick lined hen houHu, siniiU orchard coniinoiicing to bear. Apply to U. J. SPROULE, FloahertoQ. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during present month. Two improve<l fanns, one a niilu from Pricovillo and the other same distniice from Warcham. Small {Hiyinent down, luilanoe on VERY easy terms. Also a hiindrod and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Flesher- t<m, princijmlly hardwood bush, 26 acres cleared and frame dwelling and stable. Any person wanting a decided bargain apply quiok to above. kiInoi Save your orders for S AT THE FLESHERTON Beecroft & Talbot TRAD! MARKS, OOPVRIQHTS *«. Anrone a«n<llii( a iketch and dweription majr ^ulokl; sKwrtaln, frM, whatb.r an Inf .ntinn I* probablr pat.ntabl.. Communtoatlnna atrlotlf »iiifl(loiitlal. Oldmt B«anoy (orHoortng patents In Am.rlca. We have a Waahlngtoii oHo*. Patents taken ttarouah Muna * Co. leealT* •pMlal notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ti«k8tl(ullT llluitrated, lanraet olraalation a( anr solentlflo Inuraal, waeklr. tarmall.ni a /eat] IliOaix mmitba. Sp.oimen ooplea and UANS BooE OM Patints sent free. Addrass MUNN * CO., S«l Broadway, Maw Tarib Cash : for : Hides! Qood Work For Endeavorert PROTII^IVL EDITOR 8 BDDOKT There are beingasnt out alloverOntario by the " Lord's Day Alliance," from its headquarters in Toronto, ]>tititions to be signed, askini; for the amendment of the present Lord's Day Act, so that it shall represent the true sentiment of the peo- ple of this province, and prohibit the do ing of business or work by all classes of persons without limitation, and by corporations, with excepting only in favor of carrying Her Majesty's mail, and carrying passengers by way of through traffic, selhng drugs and medicines, and other works of necessity and inercy. Our Endeavorers can givw their valuable help ill securing a largo signature to these petitions. That should be attended to at once, as the Alliance wants them in time for the meeting of the Legislature in To ronto. Let no time be lost. If you have heard nothing of these petitions send to Mr. A. E. O'Meara, Conft-derati m Life Building, and he will send you what you want. . I. B. R. A. The International Bible Reading Association prepared selections to be read each day of the year. These are hand-toniely gotten up (m a be.tutiful card. They also send out four iia:4es of notes for each mouth, this goes well with our C. £. pledge. The whole outfit is only 3 cen 8 each. When a number write to join a branch, send to James E. Kerr, Esq., Ciult, for inforniatiun. When the Doininiun Plebiscite for Pridiibiiion is on, help it too, all you AwAKB â€" As the fall season has come should we not lay ni;w plana for work in our societies ? To work better we in- dividually must seek to be better men and woinjii ourselves. Paul writes to Tnnothy to take heed to himself and to his doctrine. Himself tirst, his work afterwurds, that is the divine order. We must get into the spirit of our »oik,ilieii it will be easy and delightful and successful. Invite the young people to enjoy the exerciwes of the society with you. Welcome thtr-ra cordially when tlii-y come, Make them fuel that you are cLd to see theui. A kindly greeting does very much to druw them and make tli«m feel at home. RKAIIINO OOOD BOOKS It is not the privilege of every one to listen to the great Christian thinkers and speakers of our time when they visit this continent, yet we are not entirely shut out from sitting at tlieir feet and learning their lessons. The press with its nimble teeth catch up their words and make them our premaiient possession. We have a few precious little buuks just issued from the prets of Revell and Co., Toronto, which are specially suiUble for Endeavorers. One is T. B. Meget " A CasUway", a book on the higher life, most excellently put and as attractive as a story. Anothtr is Dr. A. J. Gordon's "Yet Speaketh," which is as sweet as a nut, and as luscious as grapes and de- lights one to muse upon. Another is " Christ Reflected in Creation," by D.C. MacMullen, a suggestive little boi>k for young people to read. The mind needs food just as the body does. Supply it with what is gotnl. Do you road the Endeavour Herald } â- >«•>< <â- â€" Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur> ohasnd, for whioh highest market price will be paid. Hnmemad* laulagea on hand, alt* all kinds of meats. M. WILSON FI*(1i«rtoo MekiDmporian William Reid, an old and extremely eccentric resident of Euphrasia, died at Mr. Thomas Reid's, 7lh lino, last Thurs day. Mr. Ueid was a prosperous and well to-do farmer, but about ten years ago gave up, without apparent reason, all fanning operations, and commenced liv- ing the lile of a hermit, sometimes liv- ing for many days in the bush, and some times spending his time in the b;»rn. His ftjod was rarely more than uncooked grain, except when persuaded by neigh- bors to partake of more satisfying fare. He allowed his cattle and horses to wander away at their will. His farm is unencumbered, and considerable money was found in his clothes.â€" Thornbury Standard. It is reported that a Sullivan farmer who livea near Desboro, loaded up with cantankerous rye a week ago last Sunday and went out to the stable supposedly to sleep off the efli-cts of his blow-out. A valuable bull he owned made too much noise to admit of peaceful slumber and to quiet the animal he went to the house and brought nut a loaded gun the con- teniB of which he 6red into the animal's jaw inflicting such a wound as to necessi- tate killing the poor brute the next day. Rev. R. R. Wilson B. A., a young Methodist minister stationed on the Grand Valley circuit since lust July, died at his home in Fergna la.it week. He took hemmorhage of the lungs, and after ten d'lya ilUnesa passed away. Rev. C. M. Peilniore has resitsned the pastorate of the Baptist church, Chesley The .3-year old daughter of Mr. W. C. Allen, of Arthur tp., was seriously burned on Monday. Mrs. Allen was making soap out of d;)cr8 when the child's dress caught fire from the blaze under the kettle and before her mother could extinguish it the little girl was badly burned. Mrs. Allen's hands were also painfully injured in ex- tinguishing the flatnes. Oh the 29th of Jaly last Jas. J. Hub- bard of Orangeville,iwhile driving a'.oiig sideroad 250 of the township of Melaiic- thon, dropped into a mudhole in the road and remained there from 9 o'clock at night nutil 3 o'clock in the morning. His wagon and harness were wrecked and his horses and himself injured. He sued the muiiicipahty for $300 damages. F.vidence 01 Dr. Jan. Henry went to show thai Mr. Hubbard's back had been aeverely injured by one of the hora.^8 ^falling upon him while trying ti extnciite it from the Me- lancth..n mudhole. Judjje Street cave judgment against the township fiw ?2-26 and the costs of the action, wh.ch will amount to $500. Our Clubbing List For the binefi*. of those of our readers who duiire t.) subscribe for several papers we have made the following rtduced rates. Most weekly piipers send tml.ince of this year free, so that t'.:o sot.ner names are received the greuter the value to be secured. Advance and Weekly Globe SI. 65 Mail. l..')5 " Farm and Fireside. 1.55 All three above for 1.80 Advance and daily World 3.05 Globe 6.05 News 1 80 " " Star ..... 1.95 ' and Mont reslStar 180 The Markets. CarefullY Corrected Euch Week Following are the market quotiiiioin for Kleshertou for the present week, CO reeled up to 10.30 of Wedneidny : Flour W 70 to eC (0 Oats 5J3 to 23 Wheat, white 85 to 87 Wheat, red 84 to 80 Barley 20 to 30 Pea. 44 to 44 Butter 15 ^-^ 10 Eggs, fresh .... 15 to 15 Potatoes bag fcO to 60 p„rk 4 60 to 6 00 Hay per ton 5 00 to 6 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins 25 to 50 Oeese â€" 6 to 6 Turkeys 7 to 8 Chickens per pair.. . . 20 to 80 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Wool 17 to 20 Time Table OOIMO 80UTB. Markdaleâ€" 7 35 a. m. 4.40 p. m. Fleshertonâ€" 7.48 a. m. 4.62 p. m. OOIMO NORTH. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. m. 9.18 pm, Markdaleâ€" 18 .20 p. m. 9. 30 p. m. Give the Baby The only food \ \ that will build up a weak cons- 1 \ titution gradu- \ \ ; Chance ally but wrely is \ \ I Martin's f Cardinal Food:: * a simple, scientific and highly < > J nutritive preparation Jot infants, * ♦ delicate children vo\ invalids. fKCnnY WaTVON a CO , PoarRicToiia. MeHTKIAl. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦ wmmmmtmmsSSSt Winter Goods, _ In Vos:ue at the Flasherton . . . HARNESS SHOP BELLS, BLANKETS, SASKATCHEWAN and GOAT ROBES Whips, Ruliber Knee Rugs, lined and unlined. Curry Combs and Brushes. Choloe X Ooodls At rea«onaMo Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed vin repairing. IWAS. MOOJIS Hariessmaker - - Flesherton %mun Cardji MCDIiLOUGH * TOUNQ "* Kituken, Markdale Do a Rsaersl banking businens. Monet losaarf at a rsaaonabl* late. Call ou us. •~-'»" A S VAMDU.SEN, J P " Clerk 5th Div Court, Co Grey Issuer ef Marri«g6 Lioensfs, Convoyancag J>otary, Publio, Auutioneor. Mouey to loan a« irom 6 te k per cant. Charges moderate. FLESHERTON P O nEBTS COLLECTED T; 1 . . '''^' ui'ilersigaed Is prepared to undertake the collcctiou of all kiurts of debt» ^otea bought, scccunts colecttd, etc. K N HENDEHSON, FleshertoB "P CHISLETT * Flesherton Station Postmaster, Coamiisniouer in H C J, Conrer- ancer. Deeds, mortgages, leaii»3 and wills drawn. Moiiej to lend at SJ j.ur one and ut>- wards. Debts collected. CLaiges ijiudeiate. J SPROtJLB Postmaster, Fleshertoa R ConvcyaBcBr, Appraiser and .Money LonrteJ, Keal Kntate nii.t lnBurai:ce Attnt. Lee<i«. sales atteude.l to in any part of the c..Bi.t» Mcnej to loan at loweet rat«B .-f inelicst Col S^ean!. ,r.S'"'"" '"''â- Z"*^' ">' l">niinicS pwS . ^ (ompany. Cheap ti. k«i» rorti fiv o.",'!,'' '2 '-'^V"'""'' •'''^-liow. London oj ^vi-U "Mit Vorud ^oT'TrHL-JTli?! ^^keT, er^^-whloV:." """"•• l'--^'--^ »hc« J^cdrtics A O U W meets every first and third Uondav o, . . ,",''"',' ni""'h, lu their lodge roo3 ?-"â- •''> »„l'lo=''. Flesherton, at 8 p m. Piiil reeter. W M; A M Gibson, Keconler; W J Hellamy, I. inancier. Visiting brethren iovitoA pKINCE ARTHTK LonoE, No 38.1. A V Ki .. f, • ,"'««'» '" the Masonic hall. Strain' block Flesherton, every Friday ou or befof tlie full moon. R WoUill, W U: W Bellamy, Secretary. gfntijsU'ii T P MARSHALL " M OS, DDS, LDB, Visits Flesherton the Ist and 3ra Friday at each month. ] e CAMPBKI L ^ L D b, D B S. Dental Snrgeon, MarkdaM Office over McCullouRh A Young's bank. Houi»-«.30 a m to p m. Visit. Fleshertr n tb» aecoDd and fourth Thursday of aaoft month, once at Munshaw • hotel. •p HENDERSON *â- D D 8, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto (Gold Medalist) will Tl»it Flesherton pm. feB-ipnally the first Wednesday ot each wona and Dundalk the following day (Thursday.) %m\ JOHN W FROST, L L B " Barrister, Holicitor, Conveyancer, ete Office-Next to postofflce. Spronle's blesft. flesherton. every Saturtay and court daya, N B-()wcn Sound office. Frost's block. â- Poulett street eaat. T UCAB & WRIGHT *^ Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyanoars, ••• w u'vvlJ'oSil''' ""' Markdale, Oat W H WRIGHT I B LUCA» N Bâ€" Flesherton office, Mitchell's Bank. every Wednesday. ^^ TUCKER &. PATTERSON * Barristers, Solicitors, etc Mulson's Bank, Owen SoDBd HARRY G TUCKKR GEO W PATTBBSOII A G. UACKAT, U.A. •"• Barristers, Solicitors, Notary. Oofk veyancer, etc. Crown Attorney for Grey. OUloesâ€" ao Poulett street, Oweu Sound; ail4 Main street, Dundalk, Saturdays from Sp.Mk to » p. m., and on Division Court days. |il«4iiftl U BUTTON MDCM, MCPAB Ont, PrIoevUI*. D OlDce next door to Brown's store ; resideno* opposite at the old post oOloe, residence ot laM Alex Browu. OfUce Jaysâ€" Tuesdays aud Batlw days. DR CARTF.R M C P & 8 Ont, Physician,' Snrgeon, sto Fleelierton uOloo â€" Strain's block, Rnnldiiaii» Muushaw's Hotel. fOHN A SCOTT, M B «* Member College Fbysto. 4 Sargson*, Ontario Graduate in Medicine ot Toronto University, Fellowship Diploma, Post Gradu- ate Medical School and Hospital, ChlosoBk DIseaeos of eye, ear, nose and throat specially treated. Residetee, Maxwell, visits Feversbaa Thursdyai 1â€"3 JP OTTP.WELL Tsterlnary Snrgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary ColIOpa. Rosidenooâ€" Secoinl door south on west siil* Mary street. This streets i^uns south ' Presbyterian church. JBICEVILLB AND DURHAM STAQ]^ Durham stage leaves Flesherton StattOB a 7.1s a,m., returns 4.<6 p.m. Pricevllle staM leaves the same plaoe at 12..H0, returning at 4.0* Fare toPrtcovilleandroturn.IiOconte ; Durbaiat V1..W for return. 75a. single fare. Livery In «)•â- neotlou. Orders may be left at either hotel. A. MeOAULBT Fm» Pays for ynnr Name on M Beantifnl HIDOKN RAMI n LlllVfwith order. Stamps tak««. AJdrsss. CANADA OABD BOUBB, ~ Oataria, CARDS, lovely plotnrM, or • Handsome r^lltng Cards. CaA xt, 'â- â- % ' â- 4 ,i^S?^ -)*i»<l