Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1897, p. 8

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1SEPTEMBER i iBgy THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE D. ncTavish FLESMERXON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS Kor Maasey-Harris, Noxon, Fleury and Wilkimon farm iniplemerits. Fleury and Verity pluwH on liatid all tbu time, bIho nil kiiidH of repairs for the same. We iiiHiiuracture Wsgona, Buggies, Cutters, Sleij^hs, etc. Florseshoeing promptly attended ti>. tipecial atttMitioii to tender cc'v- tnicted feet. Loitgin); and Plow Chains cmistaiitly on hand. tfiAnMrOuCfihMiinifmMninHnnnnnnniuumw^ m ^ Buggies, Carts. WaKOtis, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds aud rt-pairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Bakes aud Corn Scuitlers and repairs. Cliaius of all kiuds. Horseshoeiug a specialty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms Mi, .Sit, vMi!. ^le, .jii^jjK. ^t«. ^it, Aii, .^l^, av, ^it, m ^v^ie- <fe- v^•4. i't- ji'«. ^'«. ^le, .}«. jj«. Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CAN.\DA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip Xr »;;:i„„^" â-  (*oll(<Kt!B and â€" C6miii«ru;»l D«i'«rtiiieiit« In CiiiiMla. then vinit tli8 Nurtlwrn Hii»lu««8 CoIImko ; examliiu â- vurytUinu tlwroimlily. If we fnil to iirmliicB . • the iiiiint tborouKti, complete, prautltsi «u<l * exteuhlve course of ntuily ; tli. be»t colleiie preiuiKu» au<) tbo bent .ad must cniu|ilrte and inoBt suitable furniturv and applUuei'8. we will Kive you a full coumo FKICK. For iiinu.l anuouuuunieuts. giviag full particulura, (re. iddre.tf C. A. FLEMING, Principal Summer-- Fruits, Plants Garden seeds n 'Ur, K»ed and Groceries of all kiud-^. *!'.?ff' Breakfast bnoon, KoU liacon. C'dk sides. [Everything Nice in season Itfiolis ind Siioeit Httomled lo prunip'.Iy 8n>l ill liiu Ileal cist niiiiinor. Ft EUaENIA - - - Mills and • Carriage Works Caningcs made and rcpaiicd, also Plaiiiijg ami MuLcliiii};, ISand bawiiig, Wood Tnniiiig of every dcH- Bcripliui). I'iaiiiiig uiid Urain (Jliop- (liiig done wliiio yuu wait, fur thu licaver turns the wheel. T. W. -WILSON, Manager : : ILiOGS : : '. %' WANTED ! In uulimited qtianlities at the IS Uiv'licst Cash Prices. CHOPPING only Sc Per Bag •« • Photos *i I â€"TAKEN % â€"AT THE \ Flesherton ^ Photograph | Gallery | are done in first-cluag style and at j^ % lowest rates. Special attention j^ & KivKii to copyinc. Bahies' photos. ^ a specialty. Pictures fiHnied. I MRS. BULMER Px>opex*tles FOB - SALE -BYâ€" B. J. SPBOULE, FIESHEBIOH Beecroft & Talbot It vou wisu TO Binr pRt)PEETY consult THIS BHAUB. FOR SALIO dniip nnd on ensy loniis, oiiu mile frmii Kli^nln^rton, !IA iich'h Imnl and on wliicli i>i a f^uoil 7 iiioni.s friun-^ dwiillio);, well anil I'onifortiilily linislieil Htoiiu Ciller iinderneatli, niid t^ooil well mill piiinp in kitchen, ^oikI fiiiine stjilih- 'inil di'iviii^ hoUKe, mIno liiick lined hen liouhe, Kiniitl oicliiti'd ooniniui eiii}{ to hear. Ai.ply to U. .1. SI'itOUI.H, FleHheiton. A DKAD r.AKCAIN if wdd dniint! incseiit month Two iuiproveil farms, onu a inilu finni Prijuville and the other Hainu di^tilUCo from Warehani. Small |myincnt down, li.iliuieu on VEUY easy tenns. Al.so a hnnilred and fifty acre fiiriii an I mill iiito one mile from KleMier- tiin, pi'ineiimlly h.'inlwooil IiiikIi, 25 iioreH eleiired ami friuiie dft'elhliH Mini stahle. Any |iirrH(>n wanting a decidml bargain apply quick to aliovu. BO V?AR8' iXPBHIBNOI. TRADE MARKSt DESIONB, OOPYRIOHTa Ao. Anyone eendtnff RBkolrli atul ilemTlpluin may quickly unoertaln, frue, whftlntr an liiTcntliiii Is lirohiitily patuMtjihle. (' iKuiiicatliuiB iitrlrtly coiilliluntlal. Olili^sl mioncj' for scriirInK puti^nll In America. Wm Imve a WanlilMirt'.n olllco. PiUciilii taknn iliruiiKU Muiku ib Co. "uoelr. fpeciul tiotico lu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, b«h:>tlfiillr lllustratoil, lnrire»t clmdatlnn 0( any 4clontlflo Juuriiul, woekly, ternmlil.titi a f oar; ti.fiOBU moiittiii. Hpcclnittii ctiplps anil Uano UuuK OM Fatknts scut free. AddruM MUNN & CO., S61 Uroudwoy. New Yorkt Cash : for : Hides! Slioepskins and all kinds of furs |>iir. oha»nd, for which highest market price will be paid. Hompmarle sausages on h»nd, alto all kiiuU of meats. M. inrir.soN, Flesliortou Meat Emporium Faith Cure Notes To the Editor of The Advattee. DiiB Sib, â€"Id my last was mentiouad a sad case of an iuralid, whiob by common oiiMensua of opioiun, should have bctn healed, if so m tbat Ood apeoially healed perxDS of iheir maladies. This lady oou- Tersed wiib hi.u as a child wonid with • purriiU She was indeed possessed with a rich divine lufluenoe, yet she look refuge in the proniiae lo I'aul, " my grace is suf- ficient for thee." And this is not an is dated CJte. The Scriptures are not wanting in instances wiineinini; againat (not the power of Uod cor his witd.im or Kooduese) but. to a theory, fenced about with a uiysteriouHDeis advocated and ac- cepted by the devotees of this faith cure aesociation : The suoHtle Paul had a iboru in ibe flesii for vvbiou he prayed to l>e de- livered thrice ! Was he ueiivered ? lie was not! And why ? Using Mrs Fletch ei 'a explanation, be wa« not inHtruoted to believe properly, and therefore failed. Certainly i'aul was a man of prayer aud fa tb, aud insp. ration was upon all be die'. ll<s..r whal (fod says to him : '' My grace ia suQicien:. for tbee." When Timoiby bad often intirmities aiid his stomaoli waeu t wellâ€" iudiKestiiiu ur maybe bilious attacks sometimes. Tnis Hainu P»ul advised a liltlu wine fur bis sickness. If be had been fkilied in fnitn cure ways be shun d have advised bim to exercise bim-elf tc mure faitn an i prayer, aud to reiu-e all uthtr lueanH, so that his diseased stomach miijht become eouud. But there vere no faith cure associaiiiiDB for uaiu or othurwiae in ihusu dayH. It ia evident Paul did not uudemtaud miittera as the faiih ctrersdi. In his own ciiso he submitted himself to thx will of (jud, as his master <!id before him. " Not my will, but i/hlne be doni." liut nevenheleiis, Paul is quoted to support their dogiuaa ? OrHUtiuK them all that sincerity and pieiy mean, ineie is an obvious danger uf uarui. Uow many have strong s>mp«tliiu!j, nay more, strong faith in their doctrines, and who believe idl tliat they teacn, and when eijknesa overtakes tht;m, utterly re- fuse to obtain the advice uf skilled piiysiciana. Kepreienta'.ives of ibia in- stitution are called, but toe poor vie iiu, not apprehending tbo precise mode oi believiug, or his ease is so acute that the mind brcuuies at once di qualihed to reapond and be dies. Tiiis it no imagiu- utiou picture, facts like these have aciiiuHy truiivpired, and are iudispiitable. Thtj uity oi Toronto itsell has witnesicd them, in her courti oi law aud otberwiae 7 A sincere chrifctisn lecogoizes Qod's wisdom and goodness in providing for the ills of human- ity. The vegetable as well as the mlurral kingdom are rich lu productions for the ailiiieuts OI Diiiu's boily aud are equally uuphcablt to diseases of tn« righteous as thc-y utu to the wicked. Tbeie is no poasible di-itiiiciion, il> u^ing tliem they are uring the rusulta oi tiie wisdom of U><d and the power of Uod, and uU are well pleasing in his signt. This society, if cir- rectiy reported, draws a disimclion. Their motto in, faith cute lor the righteous, but n.edicinea tor the sinner 1 Wouldn't it be b'iiter to compri>uiisu aui mix them, at least komelimes V It is certain faith and prater are very sululary adjuncts. There are also the Christiuu Kc:enlista, another body boldiuK auti-IScriptural views. Tney look upon Ciud as a piinciple only, denying nis peraonality, they also deny the reality ot mstitr, conieudiug that the niiud is the leal, uud the dibeoaes of the body are only iiiiugnmry. They believe that the Uod priuo.ple is goodness, and that this principle is mcnifesied in Jesus Christ, aud tl I't He is the hiiibeat expression of ^oud- ueHH i bencc it we cjtne in posvesbiou uf tills goo>:ne>s vr become like Clirist iu the lul.iiiuul this disiiie power, and ibcrelore diieiitcs become estiuct. Tlie.v are culled I'nristliiu bcientiblt, beeauau tiirist v«us •he firut great teacitur. Wiiil I Curist.an boientittj believe as above, the faith cure people believe iu the peiaLiiahty OI U.»l, b&vuig an iudependiut p jwer to heal ; tiiat liieasfts arc real ; that oy c .Dsecratiou ihi y are placed in such a rc.atiou to Uod tiiut be is compelled, uu- oubdiiioualiy and wAholit option, to htal tbtir diteaaos. Here the urlhodex C'bristiuu takis isnue. liut their faith need not be rep Htcd juHt here. It ia heia as iiii irre'ntahlu axiom, that all Ian ton lected with tbu uu mal ecbnomy IS of O'.d, aud is to be iegarde<l ai muob so us any law <if morals and relgion, or Heir lorces, and u u as uncliungeabie as tliu u. li. I'a/cho ot.'.oal research has de- veloped, auit la developing impor;ant lawH iiud pbrinnn.e a, ami as they iippear >iie being u llized for the beuetit of humanity. X'lie biaiu uf man is s*ia to be a Woll lurnishjil laboratory for the developemeut of mugneiio l<>rccs. Jiuy it not, by way of ucc ommodatiun, be siyUd a buttery having Its positives aud negatives, aud is the cliief agent ill oouti'(diiijg its own iutricaie ineolibnlsii , as Well ui that of the body â€" depmdiug, however, upon the will ger.eral- ly lor us appliuat.on iu veiy niauy respecis. VViiutuver its pioiliiols may be leruied â€" nerve power or aiiimiil ma;^netismâ€" it is ourt>'iu tjiat tlieir iutensiiy is Htleuted by djniuuic conceutiutiou iu one's §elf, aud also by outside sympathy aud suggealiou in contact with it. thie proiliict of the mind IS laith, or expectancy. The machin- ery and action of fuiili are alnuya tiis same, its reiiul s depending upon the object tui whiuii it rc^l», u'l.o.hor in tne arena of phys.udor religion, uiodihed by tbu force aud inieiligence ixeroised. J'liis truliin explains n uoii of wlui appenrs iniiacilous iu eoi.uei.tiou Kith onr bodies. 'I'lial it hai much to do with inucessUil healing will a{ pear, It is this law uf expectancy ei f«i h, that so uiarvolli,ualy tnt"rs ialo our bio-ineag traii^actioiia, our journeys, our alti.intnsuts and our cucoexs in life, aiid it is no less noticed in its power to alluviale, if nut cure, the dii-.cnses uf the body. Any given medicine, wiili this force atiacbod, always of ooiirsa wiih disoretiun as to medioinu IS icoreased in its power of euro. That this law la iruo may be vneu in the simple fuel of cxcrcsiinoes of the body, say a w«rt. How often s.iupie rxpedi>'Uts, such as fasting, sputa, or a hit of stu'rn Leef, nil bed over theui, diesipatea t'.citi. And why ? Because of mental exiKOtaiicy. If only an exoresence, why iio: a io.all tumor ? And which, ion, has otien ooourred. Tbereforo we tbnuld not he i. credulous for larger results or more â- erioaa iron'iles 1 Look at the ]>heiiomeiiOU at luiud from anotaer pointâ€" hypuoiism. Hare Is a phyaleian, lay, who is tra*tin| patient. He takaa control of her mind, loreiiig it to do his bidding, upon the principle of a positive brain acting npc» â-  negative onrf or a psaitive brain bronght into a negative ataie. This of itfelf is at very strange phenomenon. Bat np'.iee hi effects, when done for purely medical purposes. Bvery avenue to the patient's mind is closed but one, and aM her energies are forced upon 'he important object, the cure ot her disease â€" and the impressions fi r cure upon the patient's mind are en- graven as upon steel and when awakened, they remain, and this law of eipceaucy, active now as it is. Iieeomes streneiheued, and by repeated applications the person in na ly cases is healed, witlioui any injurious effect whatsoever to her consiitntion. Having confidence in her physician, and desirions of cure, the operation afterwards becomes simple and pleasant. This will Bullice to prove that the mind baa much to do with the functions of the body. The re-ults of the application of those lawa depend much upon their diligent appli- cation. Note : every man and woman has them in their constitution. Soui-limes people call phenomena will power, but it is not a true synonym. The will must have some lever upon which to act, and so it has. This mental magnetism, actel upon by the will, compels a response oi the t;ody to the dexires cf the mind. The body is usually passive to its power. Let me atate once more, an.1 plainer, that this law of respon-e between lx)dv and mind, in- voked by the i>rlnciple of expectancy, boMa ^ood wbutber done iu the uame of God or man, provirlinff the coo.iitions are the Rnnie. Kx piicitueBi baa been my aim. to show tbat those proteased faith cures, a very Iarf<e porcentsfre of them i not all. are bettered or cured independently of the aneciiil act of (iol at nil, but all the same, by lawn aauctioned by God Ions before this asaociatiou came into exi-t- encu. All tbiuga beinn equal, they are a IlKiiimate aifuiicy and worthy to he used in nil U'eekness as the invtrumenta ot Ood. The phyaleian will by kindly auuveatious, briiiR theiii Into activity. As well will the nnrae do the samo. But inaik. it ia very wholeamne and Godly to alwava aaaiat tlieni by prayer and supplication. Happier reaulta may be nxpected tboreoii than by using those means alone. In additiou tj what ia said, there are alao the quiet involuntary forces ot nalnre in whicb tbo luiud takea uo active part. The ayatiiii often seta oot of order ; fever ia preaeiit ; the body ia lacerated by accident or otherwise. Ood has wonderfully provided niateilal in one's self for heallui! and re- atoration. The plaatic oleinenta for woundx ud the avenues ot elimination for poihons. theae are at work independent ot active faith or prayer. I need only to mention this to have it endorsed ty every person of in- telliKonce. It may be stated aa a fact that the natur il tendency of nature, when the body l» Bick, ia 'to heal. This tenda to euiphoaize the pokaihilitiea. nay the certainty, that th'i so- called beilinK by such acts of God as annunciated bv faith cuie:s ia nnlhine more than by ur through OKenciee alwa\s preaent, always rcar'y to work. Such undoubtedly is the caae with the youni; naralvaed lady uieutionofl by Mra. Fletcher, now abiding at the •Home." She is bninR (zradnnlly restore"! by the very laws 1 have mentioned I 8o Is the vouug man rcaidiUK in Proton iqually para- lysed, but ia beiiiK iiradua.lv restored bv the same, aided by auitable reiiiedlea, thoilKh bo never aaw a faith cure inatitution. And these are not it.olate<l cases. Liatenl When Oo<l resorts to special heal- 1. K be require! nut months or weeks but does it at once, inatantaneoualv. niiraruloualv I What alwut poruoLa who have wilfully and continuously broken the lawa of hoaltli until thoy become a wreck, and thereby have entailed diaeaaes whicb a<-e leadini; to enevit- ablo death '/ .)u'<t iuiOKlne such people deuiandlni; healinfi unconditionally on the purl of God I Hftter far for theui to seek the heal ind of their aoiilâ€" for there la no law ill heaven or earth tbat can cure their lio Ilea under aucb circtiinstanccs. If tbero be, God has not revealed it. In cloainu theau reniarka it will be seen that it would bv impoaaible for me to endorse thia institution -aa a " faith cure" inatitution, with ita inyateriea and errora. AacribiuK everj benellt to a special act of Ood ia undoubtedly an error of judKuient, but not of heart. They present God as having no optioni. To |>ray "Hit be the l./ord'a will" ia erroneous I It aeeiuH tc l>e a new i{ospel. Christ teaches us wliuu wo pray to aay, " thy will bo done." Thu apostle saya, for that vo ought to say, " if the l.oid will, wo will do thia or that." Kiirolv the sovvant is not Kreatoi- than bia lord. John Wesley was a gooi! man, so everybody will any, but accoi'dini; to faitli cure people ho must have l>eeii exeeiMlingly silly to publish a manual uf reinedioa for the aiok. fn his day it was largely used. Kvideutly be proved that by iiKing liod's |>ro<luoliona the alck were healed. Hut yon may search Ma wcika in viiin to ftnil out that be limited the jiower of Go I. He was too wise to loach that every act of henlin<; was for the righteous onlv, and by a apodal act uf God. NuvortlicUsa be taught a wise iirovideiice of Godâ€"teaching that in all humility the creature should in all casta aav, • thy will be doue." Many of bia fulluwcra, however, have itihine oars, and run afier ovory now fad tintt ap eara. For inv own part, I am aatiaHed with the old lakdioarka auJ the uiich'ingnble Gospel. â€" C. The Markets. t'areriillv Corrected £ar!i Wt'ck IHoiir i3 80 to $5 20 (>:it8 18 to 20 Wheat 80 to 86 Uarloy 20 to 'M I'eas 37 to 37 Butter 11 to 11 Eggs, fresh 10 to 10 I'oiatues bai; 25 to 26 I'.dk ' .. 4 00 to 4 75 1 lay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 8hoei>.skiiis 26 to 50 (ieo.se 6 to (1 Turkeys 7 tt. 7 Oliiekeiis per j):\ir.. . . 20 to 25 Ducks per i>air 40 to 60 Wool ., 17 to 20 JPOR SAILiK Aquanti ty of Khtni^les fur sale at niv mill, lot.SH. con. 8, .\rteiuc)sia, Alao ahlnglescnt on aliaro, would exchange a S|>au of horses for shinylo timber. J. HICKUNG, Maxwell f. O. Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For sale very cheap and on Very oaay terms. Tinil>or farm, use uorea, two intles fvoMn Flesh ertoii, known aa the Win. Hogg sawmill pro- perty, and on which la an excellent water power, foniu'ation of saw mill, dam nnrl poud and watur wheel in place and at) ready tor putting mill on. About 1.5 acres cleared, liOacrea ttniber, most off, balance well timbered, mixnd timber. Thia farm will t>e sold at a bargain If sold at once. Hmall payment down, balance on very csy terms, Aptily to R.J. SenniiLR, Flesherton. Ont §\nmm ^ardjS M'CULLOUGH <k toUNG "* Bankera, Maikdala Do s fieoeral banking busineaa. Money at a reaaooable rata. CalJ on os. leaoeA A 8 VANDUSEN. J p Clerk Sth Div Court. Co Grey NJt«'v Powl"^'"'*, L'^""""". Conveyancer ;â- -..?â- .„'""'• Auetloneer. Money to loan »« fiom o to 6 per cent. Charges moderate FLESHEKTON P O J)EHT8 COLLECTED M.>^„,f»i, ^."i" "V'*"'*"®"' '" Prenared to undertoke the collection of all kim.a of debts -Notes bought, accounts col'i-oted, ute M N HE.NDEEBON, Flesherton "P CHIBLETT * Floaherton Station Postmaster, Coaimiaaiouer in H C J, Convev- ancer. Deeds, mortgages, leaai-s and w»tl» wards. Debts collected. Charges moderate. R J 8PKOIJLE Poatmaator, Flealierloa ommisHiouer in H H, Ueensed Auctioneer. ( onveyancor. Appraiser and Honey Lenaer Ueal kstate and Insurance Aeent. Deeds inortfiat,es, leases and Wilis drawu up and valuatiouf made on shortest nrtice. A ictiou sales attended to in any , art ot tbo county. Moriey to loan at lowest ratca of intercut. Col- leeti.,na uttenilud to with prcmpnufa end St^Sn^h,, Si'"*^""'"'- -HK""" '«^ Dominion bteamship Company. tbenp tickets lou) HeHhorton to Liverpool, Gla>(!ow, London or any ul the IlrltlsJ. ports. Pariiea iMteudina to visit hngland, Scotlaiid or Ire:n:.d wi.l pl-.-at,e ask latea beluie purchaaiug their tickets elsewhere. t^ociftir;^ A O U W meets every first and tliird Monday "• in each month, in their lo<igo room Mtrain s block, Flesherton, at b p m Prio« Teeter, WM; A M Gib.son, Kccoroor; W J Bellamy, I<inaocier. Viaiting brethrec iuvlted. pRI.S'CF. ARTHTR LODGE, No a",.1. A F * u„ I, f^ â- >?"?" '" "'" Masonic hall. Strain's block Flesherton, every Frhia-.- on or before the full moon. R McGill, "W M; W J Bellamy, Secretary. Scnti$tvii T P MARSHALL " W US, DDS, LDS, Visits Flesherton the 1st and Srd Friday of each month. T G CAMPBELL •" L D S, D D 8, Dental Snrgeon, Markdale Oflice over McCullongh & Younga bank. Honi8-a.30 a in too p m. Vlaita Mcsheitri, the second aud fourth Thursday of eueb mouth. OlDoe at Munshaw s hotel Tl HENDKRSON •*â-  D D S, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto (Gold MeJaliat) will visit Flesherton pr fesaionally the Brst Wednesday ot each moot and Duudalk the following -ioy (Thursday.) ffpl TOHN W FROST, L Ii B " Barriater, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc Offlceâ€" Next to poatofflce, Kproule's block Flesherton, every Satqrlay and court dsvs. N nâ€" Owen Sound olLce, Frtat's tloek, 30 i'uulett acroet east. T LCAS & WRIGHT •" Harristcra, Solicitors, Gonveyancers, eto Owen Sound, Out Maikdsle, Ont W H WRIGHT I u LUCAS N II- Floaherton office, Mitchell's Uauli. every Wednesday. TUCKER & PATTERSON *â-  Barristers, Solicitors, etc Molson s Bank, Owen Souuil ii.vp.ity o tuckb;r gko w paxtersom MACKAY & HATTGN *"â-  Barristers, Solicitora, etc OlllcuBâ€" .•« I'culett street, Owen Sound ; and Main street, Dnudalk, every Saturday. N Bâ€" Always iu atteLdaiicu at Flesherton and Duu<lalk Diviaiou Courts, A G MACKAY, MA W J UATTON County Ciowu Attorney glUrtiral D u uutton MDOM, MCP48 Ont. Pricevllle. Otiice next door to nrown'a atore ; residence opposite at the old-poat oibco, residence of late Alex Brown. OlUcudaysâ€" 'I'uebddiys audUaber-* days. DR CAETKR M C P A B Ont, Physician, Surgeon, eto Kleshertou ofliceâ€" Strain's block. Residenveâ€" Muubliaw'a Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT, M B Member College Physic. A Surgeons, Ontario Giadnato iu Medicine ot Toronto University, Kollowabip Diplouia, I'ost Giuuu- ato Medical School and Hospital, (.hicogrK lliseasea of eye, car, uoau and tlirout specially treated. Itosidei co. Maxwell, visits Feversham Thursdyas 1â€"1 JP O JTF.WKlOi Vctentary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veteriiinry College. Itealdo*. CDâ€" Second uoor r.onth on went side Mary Klic< t. 'Una streets ruus soutb from Prekbyteriuii church. pR ICEVILLE AND DURHAM STAGE Dnrbani stagi* leaves Fleabcrion Station st 7.15 a.m., roturua •1.4A p.m. IM-iceville stage leaves the same place at 1:2.,'10. returning at 4.45. Fare toFvicevilleand retio-n,tiO cents; Durham, #l.riO for return, Vie. single fare. Livery in cou- neetiou. Orders may be left at cither hotel. A.MoCAULEY Prop I'avs for your Nnme on 12 Beautiful HIDDPN NAMK CARDS, lovely pictures, or 90 Handsome CBlltngCaldn. Cr.ah _ with order. Stamps takon. Address, CANADA CARD HOUSF., lu^ony)) Ontario,

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