Flesherton Advance, 26 Aug 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE AUGUST a6 1897 Vicinity Chips C'!i!»racterl)'tlcs of the Past Week t'lircfully t'uiied for the Carlo ui< "» â-  Business notices ammtg locals will b' + ch/irgetl u,t the rate uf ten c:iits + }.er line far each insertion. A t ri;dui:tion will he made o;i cun- i tracts for lUO lines or over. G<)oil fretli lime for sale at H. Sujue's, Fleshertoii B'ation. Mr. Tini Blak.ley U^is cri:ctel a re- Hid euce tliia summer. Special valufs in black and mourning ^(Nida at McFarlanJ & Sons. G<'od seci'U'l lijiiiii Pfarl cuoking stnve for sale. First clitss baki-r. Thii otiice Mrs. Tl.omi>»<in has h.-ui a new veranddh erected in front of her htka- shop. The children li >va bien made merry duriu;.; the p.i5t wewk l>y a luerry uo rounil which locited iiself hers fir a few days. McFarlaiid (JtSmi, MirkHale, are sell- ing 25 ll'S. cre:iin gianulaled su^ar f"r 91, ainl bars cjutile snap for 25 cents. A. large portion of the cnuntry prePS is at present engn^rd doing it.i annual gratuiiuus advelti^ing for the Turonto fair. We undorst-Aiid that Mr. Ja.s. .Iol:n aton, East Btick Line, and Mrs. Hairnet Field, joined their fortunes in Durham kstweek. Couijratulatioua. Mr. F. Karsttdt had half a barrel of luachiiie oil and six sealers of fruit stolen from Lis otUer Saturday uigl.t <.r Sund.iy moruiiiir. Division Court was held before Jud'.ie iVIorrison in the Town Hall on Friday last. There were a number of ciutes bui none of public intarest, and the Court go» throU'.:h eai ly, P>'. i-liuioe new Ja^^aii lea for Jl M McFarl md & Sons. They aUo have a fine driwing black and Ceylon tea al '.'j cenU. IVddlers cUar;i« 40 ents for no bflter. Big > ei-el.iblcs, long ;tii8« and -^rain atalL'S i.ko tibnuiUMlly i'evclot>ed comi lia'kiiiKe •.eitf^ ihiooick'd in ivauidaiice by o li" c .cli..ii;.;e'<. Tiie i.::n'axd iriry \.\t â- uniuici ii .u'>.ouulublv'. E. C. I'.us'.i, who Ii.ii l>i'e.i rniiiMii:^ :â- . tailoriii'.; busi'iebs iu low.i for tho I'ut few noinlis, suiMe.ly i i'^i'i>|cai-' o. o' Thuibu.iy iii:.;hl of Iiisl wo. k. Ica.i'.' many irioinneii* belli od. His fe* asHt'i- were takoi" poJ4->CB.iiou of by some of ''i" creditors. The Omii-eville Ce.iie. I Co. Uxi Ix'en formed l« iii.i"ll''ilCiiiro I'or.lnod cc.i'eni from a deposi. of niurl i.i CaleJon. Plv the liii:;e Eiij,i.'iiinli;I>o»ita could not ' r brouglil to the nuciiiion of Ciipii-Oist". Those deposits ••>«) very «. â- .Iciif.ivo ;wid of fi»t ((ii duy, and ii ooly nniaiii.^ to lel proper parlies iiucrcslcd. EujctiLi ehouM lirbtir il'-elf. Mov'.i.l.uid & So.i, M.'rLdale, have ip- plicd f"ra refun-l of l-\ '-er cent, dii y lliey paid o • a Uriv U)l of Gcroinn m.in- tlcB ll.ey i ' I ortci: diricl from the Ger- man ii.ii iirac.urii-s for tlxir f.'U ai'd winter (r'nK'. Those ^oo«1, ;Iicy cliiiiii, OOll>ettn<.'er I'le favor-Al u;k ion cliiuic. The Owen S<>u:.d l.iw tii m ..t ...eev.iy & IJattun h:is been dissolved, Mr. Mo- Kay ciiutiiiuiiig in the present Bnu's office. Mr. Hati Oil will open an office in the Mulr block. Bev. Mr. McGreiror, of Durham, preached in the Baptist chapel on Sun- day nii.rninu. In the aftem.mn and evenini;apecial meetiiif{s were hela by a lady faith cure professor, which were largely attended. Fle.sherton juniors played Maikdale juniors lacrosse ou Tuesday and got be:ite.i worse than the beating; they u'ave Markdale last week. . They expected this, however, as two of their best menâ€" boys, ratherâ€" found it impossible to go. The sc" >re was 6 to 0. PERSONALS Miaa Mary Smith of Toronto is visit- in<! at I he parental home. Mr. C. W. Chadwick of Toronto paid a short viait t'o friends here on Saturday. Mr. Henry Chick of Toronto wiis the guest of Mr. W. Baruhouse over Sunday. Mr. Frank Sullivan of London spent a few days of last week in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thtimpsou, To- ronto, are visitins; relatives here. License Inspector Campbell of Thorn- bury w:is in town oq Wednesdtly. Messrs. Geo. Hill, Fred Sproule, Geo. Wickeus and Chas. Munshaw Sundayed til Durhiim. Mrs.Johii Dinwotwlie returned home last week after ^peiidiii',' Uve weeks with friends in Collingwoixl. Mis.'^ed Ethel Crossley and Blaiielio Haiiiilcon are visiting friends in Meiifortl, Thoriibury and Collint2wood. Mr. Ud. Leitcli of M.initowauiiig sur- priMed lib) fi lends by dnippiug in to see tbein oil Friday last. Mr. Luitch likes his i.ilaiid home. Mr. D. Oswald, with M. Richardson It Co., left laitt week to spend holidays in llie \iiinily of I'elerboro. Air. T. Hill and Mr. Joho Davis Inft laat Week per C. P. R. excursion to visit I hi; ureal Northwest. Mr. a"d Mrs. Thorp Wright of Weston have Ik'up spciidin;; the past week wi..h friends io town. Mis. a. S. VanDiisen. wl'o has btoii wit I' frieii 's iti ('â-  Ilinr^wjxtd for some iia\\ rcliiriiid li- mc on Tuoi>ilay. .''ti'-s IDdiil* Kicli.iril a>ii leit hist week to s i.Mi frioiiu:> ill Urillia, I'orunio and O.dl. Mrs. Dr. Sproulc, Markdale. and .Misj* G!cnu, Oi.aviA. visiud wi.h Mrs. W. K. Flet.h.'r on Mond.-iy. .Mr. Will. \Vii;^ht re.'eivcd on Tiicsd.iy .ho chcoites for$'_'00(J from the Worki'ien, iiiMinuice, which h< 1 s m, who died in Bii »h Clunil>i:i, held iii iV.ir society. Mr. .\ii;jUH MeCiKr.iy, of Vleshei'to •, Lite of Ctnreville, •;\» in lowii en' Tuc- - di-y and Wediiesc'ay. Mr. MrGillivri'v is now over fiiui.scoro years and lool.-* Ii.ilo a 'd heariy. H* was Bccoin|ioiiod by Rev. Mr D.iiroch.â€"Meaford Monitor. The East Grey A'licidtnral Socie'y's pri7,e list is now ready for dis ribuiion. This coiisli.i'ies a pAnphlet of S3 |>a;;''<, more iha-i b;df of wiiich i^ tiikeii up with (idTeriiNemeiils secured by the energetic eecretaiy. We notice ihat the list has been considerably changod from former years, and a'so enlar'.'iiu. The society is offeriiigr this year son-'.' i;<x)d prixcs for running iiicos which ou '.lu i> brioi^ oiu •ome fatjC hor^os. There is a purse if (575, SoOiind ?--'5 for a S.-'IS trol, .^.id auetlicr of ?50 and $23 for a ruiinii!< race. A lar;;o amount of work has been done on the track t'lis ye;ir, and wo have oow one of ilic bi.-il courses in the county â€" level, .smooth, and it should b« » fast Olio. Xo doubt :hoso raois will attract luge crowds. Tho list has been thorougtily overhauled and many chaiges will beobseivcd, noticeably no in ladies' work, wherein this oxhibil ion *\cel», and lUill further attenip:s have been madu to •plist tl.c iiuevost of the ladies. Any PMTRon desiviim a copy of tho li.st should â- idress the secretary, R. J. Sproule, who wKl be happy t» accommodate. County and District E.x Treasurer Lumniis, of Ihetownship of Tiiiy, is found to be short in his i>4:- couuts lO the amount uf $1,742. 2(i. .\t a nieciiiiiiuf (he cou.icil il was oidered if the Ire i-mcr faih'd to setile, his suates should be iiotiijod tlmi ihoy will be held renpoisible foe tho bum. llere is an item f.dily bristling with alliternlioii, from the Duihaiii Chronicle : Tuosd.vy was 'air day tliouL;h tho day w.-vs not fair. It is only f;'.ii' to s,iy thai, buy- ciR who jvud their fuo to attend uie fair wiili llic intention of buying a fair i>uni bi r -'lid |'a)iii'.{ fiir prices didn'i gei a (nil- c'smce. The fair, by f.iir people b; s l>e< 1' pr.nonnccd a slim afftiir «4 few eitilo wore otfercd and few purchase.* made. An amnsi>if( ii^cideiit occurred in a Mo. hoilist church in Clintoo. on a rece.n. Sunday. While the niiiiisler was making iho usu.'ilannouncemtmW.one of il>e faith- ful who is iiolcd for his hearty respi'iise.s, caused a smile to pass over m-xny faces when a re8]iou8e ctvmo nta momcnl «heu no one expected it. ''Our quirleily services will be held two weeks from to- day," said the paslar. "Piaise the Lord," responded the good bnilher. '•lusteadof the usual love fcivst at Un o'clock." continued the preacher, " ouv service wMl commence at 11 o'clock, and we'll not have any sermjn." "Praise the Lord"wa8 ugain the very heiufcy response, and it was a minute before the ioiuister reoovered hiwMlf. tC'Oei > Ci H. e 01 hullivau has erected a barn 82 feet long, 61) feet wide and 24 feet from Bill to plate. Dr. Bonner of Chealey goes to the Yuk'iu district as senior surgeon to the p<dice force. All exclmn.:e sars there's ony one thina wroni; about the jubilee stamps, and that is the cruel necessity which makes a fellow lick two women at once. Last fall, on the farm of Tyndall Bros,. Hullett, a Geld of fall wheat stubble waa plowed under. This spring it was noticed to be quite green, and they alhiwed it to grow, last week gathering from it a crop of wheat that yielded 100 bushels, where not a grain had been sown so tar aa their labor waa concerned. Mr. D. Burr, a resident of Allenford, is a remarkable old man. He is 96 years of age, and this summer he has walked one mile and returned daily, and dug with a spade one acre of land and plant- ed it with potatoes, and is the tirst to have new potatoes this year. Mr. Burr came to this c<iuntry when it was all bush, and in that village are now living his chddren, grand-children, and grea>- trraiid children. To all appearances he is good for a great many years yet, and if nothing untoward hap(.eiis him he will eanily exceed the century mark. â€" Southampton Beacon. Old "High Fly," so well and so favor- alily known around here as a steed possessing wonderful ambition, had tho serious misfortune on Saturday of Ktsing his breathing apparatus. This to the oidinary animal, human or otherwisi-, would have meant a cessation of Ufo. but to "High Fly " it simply meant that he waited until a new trache<i tube was made for him by the tinsmith, and then he re- sumed bis br athiiig as before. The telephone wires were in active demand to secure a wore cmufortaiile ar'.icle than tin w:is cipable of protlucing, but not be- fore Thursday Wiis this pussible. With his wonderful vitality he survived the event and is good (or many years yet to come. â€" Clarksbur.^ lletlector. Death sometimes brings to others a realiz'ition of wrong-doing â€" it makes men more tender to one another. Suys tme : " I stood for a few minutes the other evening in a big room made vacant by death. Io tho chair where the niun once s.it, whoso eulogy can be written in no better Woixl tlnm " tlu w:is so kind, ' there was no- hiii^ness and memory that siaited tears from every eye. Koses » ere scattered every where â€"they lay up- on tho desk, they were dropped on the carpe 8, they wreiithed the pictures and rue cluiirs. Them was silence, and noth- in;^ but silence, with perfuuio of violeU and iiicenne of tall lillie.s. But, far sweet- er than tho silence aiid the blossoms was i/he reni.iiks a frienJ dropped i\i my heai- iiig. " Yes, " said he, and in:oliis dark face there came a touch of icndenie^s rare '.o see, " I buried tho haiehot with onu of iiiy euemics to day, because of this t'liiitn. I couldn't afford to cherish n bared jubt uow." I ihiuk if thei;eut.le, genial spi'it of this dead onu were li.sien- i.g that speech was sweeter uiusictoliis o irs ili.ii' the first sound of hciuenly bai ps, and v.ave him grcutei pleasure than any fliiwee ihe hand of love uii;:lit lay wiihi I his de ola cd room. The haau of death never loucln-d so 'oenefieieuily as whco il uliniin.i ed hostility and placed ill ii.s 8t.ea<i tho beautiful spiri.. of renew- ed I. ini'iiess I would rather that my death should be the me.-xns of heii'ing tho breach but ween iwo hasty hiaru than that my cooi,> siuall be hid beneath a nu of 8ower»." â€" Ex. Wlieaf has reached the dollar mark n New York and" Chicago durit<g the past, week. The FipH^ Ctmrt of the Ancient Ori'er of Foresters met in Owen Sound on Mondsy. John Gutlu'ie died near Kewmarkeb aged lit) years. Run has fallen throughout India, and good crops are promised. Tho slayer of President Caslillo of Spain was ^arroLcd hisi wed.. Fall Fairs Toronto Indi'stii.d-- A u!.'. 30 to Sept. 11. North Grey, Oweii Sou 'd â€" .~ept. 14 16. Cu.iiial. Ouelph â€" Sept. 15-li. Noiihoiti, W.ilker.oii, Sept. 15 10. E.isl Grev, ) 'Icsherion â€" Sept. 10 17. O. Noit'iiero, Collif;*ood â€" Sept. 21 24. S'. Viiioeet, Meaous'.â€" Sept. 30 10 Oct, 1. Towi'.sliip of Ctdlingwood, Clarksburg â€" Sept.. 14-1 5. delivarUif. TK.U'UKUS »ni' olhor brinht ii)t*a 'or vacA..io>l]8 or ttennsiiout- Iv. to solicit for "CdUiulk, au e,i«>)>«lo|><iilift of ihe CountT, in five QftVAl t|tia io Tolinues. Ko ComuiiBitioii (iftid we«ktv. TH» liLNbCOIT COII1P.4NT. Sorouto, Obi. A Straightforward Statement SVe are pleased and our customers are pleased with our cash and trade system. We .save our trade discouut.s by [jaying cji.sh. Our custoniers .^vo 5 to 10 per cent, by paying for gttiKls when purcha««<l. It is not our intentiim to call your attentiim to a fi^w lines below cost as liaits to catch your trade. The purchasing pubUc will tind our whole stock selling at exceedingly low price. Oi/r Otock is i/eri/ Compiete We have added new lines in Dress Goods, Prints, Sateen Prints, Rustle Linings, Talilo Linens, Mosquito Netting, Muslins, Lawns, all over insertions, Eiubnjid- eries, etc. In onler to increase the sale of Dishes by the sett only we wi'l give 10 per cent, off for 30 days. Don't miss this opportunity to prociu-e a cheap sett of dishes. Hides, Sheepskins, Butter and Eggs taken as cash- Flesherton - = Ontario FLL-L ASSORTMEM OF t SUMriER FOOTWEAR ^ In Ltdies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work ^ and repairing promptly attended to at = = = - CLAYTON'S .\geiit for the Dominion Money tlrder Express. I flesherton furniture l^arerooTns wi ?m Our .Jubilee .sales have stiimJatod us to keep up the ij^**!^ rush through the usually tpiiet month of .August, and if priees fc". will make anythiii!,' :io, certainly our .Vugu.st .sales of Fuiuiture MO must be Iho largest of the jear, for we shall cut everytliiiii.' W^ down to the very lowest Uttteh. In onler to inrnxl l^JF new Iron BiHlsteails we have decideil to sell the w coiisi<j;i!i.ient consisting of three different grades and d .signs at jiLst net cost. These .speeial iiiduceineuts are ._. ^ inrnxl uce our SJJ^ fholo of tirst fifi^fi Wf; for -Vuguht. •<KZ'i M J. E. nOORE The People's Home Furnisher and Undertaker tStS ^^Ws All kinils of repalrlnir, upholstcrini; and picture framing uone Caxne E stray Vh,*iv to the piLiiiisef. ff Ore unrlomene>% !or 1' lou. 10. ArtomnHiA, abtiitt the uiiihlle «.; July, ui.o lam. Owuof will ploHiift pRy ox- i o >us, iirovtf pio;>tirc.y uud i.Ak4 t'lUi animal awAy. b. Ji«J'". FLEJIEBTOI SHilllSli PMLOB Hairdressing in Ihe Latest Style Scisfiors Sharpened asd Razors Hoded in firJ class Style. . . Spring Poetry, , If used in conaeci:ion with proper subjects and lianuLsl in the right way should bo just as iiuci-e.stiug as suimiii.r or fall poetry. Ordinary iwetry IS NOT TME SUBJECT Of this sketch. It is something niont valuable. Something the people cannot do without at this season of tho year. It is Harncs.=i rmd The Great E:nKl("I> Rcmedr. SUe Packa^M QuarantMd to promptly antl pornianonUy core all forms oC yervous WcaJene^»t Emi*»ioiw,.*>iwnfl- a/orrAro, ImiHiiencyand aO cffccfaf AtnM or Exeeuct, Mental Worry, e«oe«f jutf km Before and After. ^„„_ ,^,,;,;, ,^, ,,„j ,„ j^ flrmUy, InaantSg, CV)«M«iii)«ioi% nntiaa early gravi. naa beoa prcaorttwd over Siyenra In tbousantls of cui»; la the only ISeltatite and Ilonett XcMcine tnovn, Askilrugglfitrur Wood'a PhonphotitDeitf he ottura some wurtblcw nicOlclno la plut^e ut this, Indnee price In lott4?r, antl wo will scntl by return nilUL Price, one p«olc»t;e, »1; »li. $6. On* wiU pUoM, st» viU cur*. Pampbluta free to any etldree^ The 'Wood Cumpaar, Windsor, OuC, Canada. Sold in Flesherton and everywhere iji CMtatla by all renpousible dru^iata. Farrq S a implies I claim to keep in stock the be-t gootls to bo got in tho lino of horsa goods, such «s hanie.-*s, bn;jgy dusters, axle gr-.'ii.so, sweat sids, hoof ouitinuiit, â- vliilis, rubber hip rugs, lined and un- liued ; d:i.sh aprt>nH, and piieuinati* horse collars. Always up to-to-dnte in everything The POETRY of the THING Comes in the immense satisfaction y«»« get In usiiig our gt toils and the re.tsoiUkl;l* prices you have to pay for thenu iHanassm&ker - - Flesherton

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