Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE AUGUST 12 1897 «m0m Vicinity Chips CUaracteristicK of the Past Week 4'areriiliy t'uiled for the ('iirioiiH Uniinest notices ainong lociUs will bt t charged at the rata of ten cnt» + per title fi/r each insertion. A t reduction will be made c/n cuii- t trarM for 100 Unet or oter. Remember the garden party uext Tues- dfiy evening. The public school will r»"pen 011 Moii- dny i.txt. DivUion Court will l>e held here on Fiiday <.f nt-it week. 20th iust. There were ten cmdidalts for thj riti- of bapti.^iii at the Bajjtist uh ipel mi Sun â-  day m>jriiiii!.'. Rev. Mr. Tliom preached a sermon to the Workmen in the Piesbyterian church on Sundiiy ini'rnii"; We nre n<'W ai work upon the fall fair prize I'st. Ail a Ivertis-meuta intended for the came sin u!d be in our hands this .Week. Mr. Will Henip'idl. who hii.3 for a long time been cii'.;ineer c n W. Crossley's 'Iju-<, has severed his connection with the line. Wo believe ho iniouds gnini^ to T"r"nti'. Mr. Charles Utile's residence. t,).D. R , W!is struck by ii);htuin$; m Sunday. The fluid hit the chimney and went throui^li til the ground, but no one was injured. It appears that several names were omitted in the East Urey exami'uilion repurta, and aiuin;! these wa-s that of Lily Graham of the Kimberley public school, who secured 7-8 marks in the Leaving exauiinatiou. The ladies of the Methodist church are preparing f"r a i^ardeu party un the c'lurch uruu'i-ds on Aug. 17. Ci-nie and sptind a pleasant evening'. Amusement:! will be provided outside and a program inside the church. Tea from 6 to 8. Ad niissiuu 10 and 15 cents. A couple of la<ls drove a livery horse down to Kimberley on Sunday to visit the cami>ers. When preparing; to return they collared a farmer's nai; instead of their own and never knew the difference until the liveryman poiiited out the fact to them. This necessitated a second trip down the Beaver to straikfhteii things out. The late rains did nut damage grain very much in this district, not nearly so much as was feaieil. While being con- siderably lodged and dilhcult to handle, the grain is pluniu and a good siiinple. Hay was the only thing severely dam- aged, but there is plenty of first class hay still left ill the country. Mr. R. Oliver is home from his Algonm mine. Ho has with him soniu rich speci- mens of oie containing gold, silver, nickel and copper, the latter 480 lbs. pure copper to the ton, worth $62.40 Besides he has disc-overed a slate quarry of finest quality, and has samples with him of pure black slate from a quarter to half an inch in thickncii.s. The youngsters in town have formed a junior laoro-.so club and will play a m.iteh with the juniors oi Markdkle ou Thurs- day (to daj) at 5 o'ck>ck p.m. .Xs the little fellows only got their sticks last week, ihe ( layii.y is not likely to be sci. entitle, but :t v>ill be interi'stinx never- theless. The »dii.ist.io'; is only 10 and 15 cents. Go andenc"ur«xe the 'aJs. â€" I ' I"n>vincial Detective Oner has gone to RatPorttige f<'r '.he purpvi-^e of brinjin; to Oraii«evillo Teler Miii-shull, anj of the Melancthnn tirebu^a, who pretioun to the trial made a stateineiit to the detective and iu conse(|U- nco wa.'i not proc edoil against, the ii. ten' ion beiii;,' to use liiui ssA crown witness. A.'ars'ial', however, defeated this plan by absconding, but h;ii been arrts'ed :iiid will bo p acod on trial at the next OraiigBvillo nsoiza*. Mr. Wni. Wii-ht, who rvtnnied U^> week from Rosslaiid, B.C., informs The Advance that that town is not growing No new buildin.s are being erected this summer, but the corporation is going ahead with extensive street iniprove- nients »nd*inkiiig the town iu debt f"r the purpose. All who can do so are leav- ing for the new Yukon g«ld Seldi, but BMMt of the Rossland people h.ive thf ir money bound up In. real estate aud can- IK>l,|^at (t out.. Rev. Mr. FoUw ..f UunUiilk pre.cheU two Very excellent sermons in the Meth- odist church here on Sunday, and assisted in administering the isacrament at the niomin.i service. Mr. Win. Wright of the West Back Line, returned ou Friday last from R4)sa- land, B.C , brio)(ing with him the re- maina of his Son, James Fruser Wright, who died there iii June last. The re- mains were met at the station here by a larsje number of friends and conveyed to Reslierton cemetery, where they were finally laid to rest. Deceived was a mem- ber of the Fhsherton lodj« A.O.U.W. Several very he*vy electric storms passed over this part of the coun'y 01. Tuesd.iy morning. A corresp ndentfrom E'lgenia writes as folh'ws : " A very sev-re thunder storm ponded aver this place chis morning alwrnt 3 30, accompa- nied by very vivid chain lightiiinj^. There cair.e one remarkably heavy crash of thuiid^-r, followed instantly by a seci^nd peal with such sharp, cannon like explo- sion that the citizens hounded from their beds. When daylight came it was dii- ctivered that the bolt had struck Mr. F. T. Carr's giiriien g;ile, spliiiterin'.; and Si^itterinu poitions of it, th»nce passing ii. to the ground, expending its energies 111 ph'Wing up si'd and eravel for some feetnearthe house. Iminediat-<ly after the storm had pa.ssed retlectious of hosvy fires were seen, one to the north east suJ one to the iioith-west of this town, indi- cating that destruction was left in the path of the stoMU." PCKSONAljj Mr A. D. Thurston ..f the Toronto •Juiictiou Le.'ider and Recoi-der, is visit in-; with relatives in Flesherton and Kim- berley. He took a short cut on his wiieel to get here by way of Port H"pe. Peter- Iviro, BoLcayge'.n. Lindsay, Beaverton, Orillia and liitrrie. Mrs. John .Miller, wife of Jailer Miller, died iuOwen Sound last week. Messrs. Edwin and Wordie Lindsay of Shelburne are i;uestsuf their brolher,Mr. .\. M. Liiida.ay. Mr R. Pedlar left on Saturday on a wheel trip to relatives at Manilla. W. J. Mitchell, late of the Durham Chronicle, has purchased another news- paper at Pnrtagu La Prairie, Man. Miss Hardy of Swin'on Park is spend- ing a couple of days with her frseiid,.Mi88 Morrison, sister of Mrs. W. Howard. Miss Ettie Roy of Oranseville is the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) J. Mahan. Mr. Will Sullivan of Windham is spending a few days at the parental borne here. Miss Gertie Moore of Owen Sound is the guest of Miss Mabel Moore. Born. WuiGKTâ€" In KleshortoD. on Snnday. Auk. "th. to .Mr. anil Mrs. John Wright Jr., a iiau(jlit«r. Priceville Sons of 5cotland Last Friday, theCth inst.. Camp Scots Greys Xo 87, S.O.S., held a very success- ful picnic on the public school grouin's, Priceville. The day was fair and ex-" tremely warm, causing many to remain at home in care of the hay and 'â-  iivest crops, who would otherwise have desiretl to be present. Aa it was, we hail a goodly assemblage of 500 or tJOO persons of all ages and sex. And I might he e remark to the iinitvimonial'y inclined youths of the outside wothl. th.it Inul they been present un the occasion re- ferred to they would have •Kir.-»t jk vest bu;to;i. We'll ;;i\e tl-.eni a chance nex year. The vrounds were decorated w.lli evergreen!>, iiud theie was airple stating room lietieath iho branches, wlii'e the oapacioiis pUtfonii was well filled with tje and heel stoppers to the lu'i.sie o.' pipe, violin and picfolo. Dr. Button w.ts called to the chair by un.iniinous voiee, and called uj.'oii John Mc.\ithur, Esq., who, in hisu.sual racy, happy, spir- ited inannei', opened the day's proceed ings, whi.^h teniiiiinte 1 so satisfactorily. Mr. Hinnie, county coiincllor, gave a feli'Mtous adJre,i8 on the priiioiples of the ordi.r, its o'ljocts and aims, ai d said th.it we should never foritet the land of our nativity. Mr. Roberts^in, Gnnd Secre- tary of the order of S"ns of Scotland 111 Can.ida, gave us an iiiipressivM and forc- ible add.ess, winch lack of sp.co causes us to condoiife into the fo'lowiug words : L.'yalty, Tiuth, Vittue. Limited time to catch trains cut short Mr. Robertson's address, which the audience would have listened to with pleitsuro had it lasted soveii hour*. Mr Allan of EgremtMit . addreaaod tb» audience in a few appro- priate teuuuks, aud Mr. C. Raoia^c i»f. tue Uunicuu licvicw g;ivc a Ua|jpy, seiio- jocular and withal statesmanlike opiniou of the day, its beloumu^s and results, which brought foith cheers and applause. A sumptuou.1 luncheon was the next order on the program, and a few more tuiiPS on the merry pipes, and the com- pany dispersed, Happy to meet. Sorry to pait. Mr. R. Parslow and a host of friends from Proton honored the assemblage with their presence. Sandie Stewart of Flesherton Station carried ihe palm as a step dancer. Mr. Dugaid McLean addressed the audience in the native Gaelic, and, from our knowledge of Dugald's hiiiic, we feel sure that those who understmid him re- ceived a practical lesson they will uot be likely soon to forget. Mr. RuastaiUler, Dr. Carter and other friends from Flesherton were present. Lacrosse at Sheiburne Tlie Sheiburne - Markdale lacrosse match at Sheiburne on Friday was the most keenly contested giiue of the sea- son. About 150 people went down from Markdale by special train, while numbers went from Flesherton and Dundalk. There was a very lar^e attendance of enthusiastic supporters of both teams. The game started at 2.5'5, and ended in a score of (> to 3 in favor of Sheiburne. but there were two disputed goals and the otHcial score was 4 to 3. The World if Saturtlay gave an excellent re|)ort of the game. It said : After two hours' hard play the score stood 3 to 3 It w.is ihen decided to play it out, the team winnini; the first next uame to be the winners. It went to Sheiburne in exactly two iiiin- u'es. The play was very fast from the start, but Sheiburne had the iiiucli-be*ttr stick handlers, especially McLean, Pa • terson, the two McKays and Madill. Markdale made a fine showing with Caiii(.* bell, .Armstrong and Coleman. The games went : First to Sheiburne in 9 minutes, second to Sheiburne iu 6i minutes, ihinl to Markdale in 7 minutes, fourth to Markdale in ^ minute, fifth to Markdale ill 65 minutes, sixth to Sheiburne in 1 minute, seventh to Sheiburne in 2 inin. Thisiiame makes Shelbuini and Mark- dale tie fur first place. Dundalk plays Markdale at Markdale on Aug. 13, and Sheiburne plays Flesherton here on Aug 20 te finish the season. These games will doubtless be victoties for each of the clubs now beading the race, which will necessitate a play off to decide the cham- pionship. â-  I lei I * Mr. A. W. Campbell. C E., estimates that there are ItW.OOO bicycles iu use in Ontario, representing an iuvestnient ot $6,000,000. Here's a Bargain! The Advance wi'l bo sent to new sub- scribers for the balance of this year for only 25 cents. Take it ;uid get the los- tory of the township complete. Tl is will soi'U begin. A Straightforward Statement ^^^ â- WOOD'S PHOSPHOOIWE. The Great Ensllah Remedr. Six Paciiaffta Guarantred to promptly an»l pcrmaucntly euro oU forms of Xervom WeatnCM, Emiisions.Sprrm- Otorrhea, Imitotcncv and aU <Jff cr« iif Abum or KxciSta, Menial tTorry, excKt3\v« vae Before and After. ^„ „;,,.^ ^„ ^^ ,„ ^^ flrmitu, injani/y, Comumlition and an tar'.j ffrntw. Has tjiva preacrlDeJ over 30 yours In UiousaniU of caries; Is th» onZ^ r.ttlrNc and JZannt Mcdiuini knoHm. A-ikdruggtst f or Wood's PhosphoUloe; It ao otters some w«tr( bless met'.ielno iu p::ico of this iuclose Pi too In I<.tter, suJ wo wil! seiiil by returu luolt. ITlco, oao pacliaBe, f !; tU. {3. Ona vi:i fUi^iM, tia vrUt cur*. PamplJ'.o t» f r^v to any aJitrcss. The >Vood Compnny, V.'lndsor, Out.. Canada. Rij'd ill Fleshert' n and everywl ere im Canad â-  by »U respou«ible diug i-ts. Notice ? Creditoes In th: .latter o( the Estate of RelMc-ja Lever, Into of the Village oi Klashertjn, jn tbe C<*unty 01 Urcy. >^ iJow. deceaseJ. N< tico Is lioicbv aivoii iu j»ursnaiiro of ohap- ter 110. Suction Ai of th«» revisrtd statuloH of Oii- iaii\>. ar. I atutiii'.luieiits th->r«to. t lut all cro<K itors a-Mi olUiii- porKi)u.-4 baviiiK claims ajiaitist tbe OKI. t J of tbe Kliove nnuieil ttobioca Lovor. iloceuseii, wtio died ou or about t'i« Otii day of May. .-X '>. issi". •vvo rfliuii-o.l to tfd;v«r or send by post viopuid to ilie uudt..r.*i>;iii>d, uxroutois of tlio Int^l will Biid testauicMt of tiio sail Jo- ceased, O'lO b noiO ttit 13t)i du.v of Septouibor, A.D. ISUT. tlioir eiiriMtiku and »ii.imiii.)S. ad- dro- '^e- and djsorivtioiis. witli full par.ioulais of tlieir claims, a »»atoment of tboir ao«o .ut^> a Id tiitiUiiluro of uecurities lif any) bold b.' t l,^•U. Notieo is hereby further givsii thiit after tbo Raid ia^t in'.>ntiotlud dato tlig said executors wi'l prouotfd to d.ii^tiibiiio the a.-ssit* < f tlie B.*id oBtnto iinioi.gkt tbe »>«rtiB« oniitlwl thrr«ti\ liavuiK loKard only to the claims of whioh uoliee lias iH'on rticeiveil as abuv.i required ; and lliu f>aid r-to' ulors will not tAt liable (or tbe assets NO i. St ihiite«t or any part ibareof to auv person' <>r iiersou. of wjose cluimi r Jt'iiianun II Use uall not have bccu c<icai««<> . MkSiie liu* ot •uob diatribiitioo. W . J, BKLJ..».UY 1 K,„„»-_ J. H.LRVBR fKleooton Pat<i<l.ttd|iltKbJajr«t.\agui't,^A. D. iq^, We are pleased and our customers are pleased with our cash and trad^^ system. W e save our trade discounts by paying cash. Our custom rs sav, 5 to 10 per cent, by paying for gi>ods when purcha^-<l. Jt is not our intention ty call your attention to a few lines Ix'Iow cost as baits to cat^b your trade. Th purchasing pubUc will find our whole stock selling at exceedingly low price Ui/r Otock is Very Complete We have added new lines in Dreiss Gixids, Prints, Sateen Prints. Rufctle Linings Table Linens, .Mos<)uito Netting, Muslins, Lawns, all over insertions. Embroid- eries, etc. Li order to increase the sale of Dishes by the sett only we will give 10 per cent, off for 30 days. Don't miss this opportunity to procure a cheap sett of dishes. L, Hides, Sheepskins. Butter and Eggs taken as cash^ Flesherton - - Ontario FLLL ASSORTMENT OF { SUMMER FOOTWEAR In Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to at - = = = CLAYTON'S Agent for the Dominion .Money Order Express. furniture Our Jubilee .sales have stimulatitl us to keep up the rush through the u.sually ipiiet month of August, and if pricer* will make anything i;o, cerwuily our .August sales of Fuaiiture must be the lai^cst of the year, for we shall cut everythinu' down to the very lowest notch. In ortier to intnxluce our new Iron Bed.steads we have decided to sell the whole of first consignment consisting of three ditferent grades and designs at just net cost. These special inducements are for August. J. E. nOORE The People's Home Furnisher and Undertaker All kinds of rcpalrlnK. upholvterlns antl picture framing Jua« lyrn TKACHFCUS ant* other britfbt J 1 1 1 1 iiJtMi fur vucAiionAorivcruiAtiuiit- llr ll'^' ^^* â- solicit, for " Cmiatla. ati I I I 1 1 t.>;i<i> peiuputHa of the C'oLiuty. in I I LI/ tU'u ruytil quarto Toluiuea. No ioi.vonnj;, Coiuuiisnion paid WL-okly. TUK UNbCOTT COMPANY. Torouto. Ont. •ipeuj Uvi' Uuji} ill it I cntT pity ton loHdrx wv'<*k!y to rofliitiiO'il an I tuut U.* : Kjtl oa ise. U. I-lNt;i »»TT, XoiOiitd. Out. TEACHERS If y. u want to make ?1X1.(X' lurinjiJuty au 1 \u^u t, iu a gooJ cause, write or wiie me 'luickiy. T.H. l.INSCOTT.Toi. Bto.Ont Tan Bark Wanted Tlie uiulersis'18 1 wishes to l<uy aii> quantity if tan l>.ki,k. Mint hi 4 fiet lona, ll.it and uot ourloU, nttJ woli save.l I'lice !«3 per cord. KDW.MtD SAKGKNT Koaherton Station. Juuo S. . . Spring SPoetry, ,. If used in connection with proper subjects and hiuidled iu the right way siiould l>e just a.s interesting .-»« suiaiii.r or fall poetry. Ordiuiiry jjoetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this sketch. It is something mon» valuable. Soi.i. thing tlie pe-'plu cjiunot do without ;it this swistJii of the ye;ir.. It is Harness and Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the onlv safe, reliable monthly medicine on which, ladies can depend in tb* I hour and trme of need. \ Is prepared ia two degree* I of strength. | No. 1 for ordinary case*, is by far the best dollar laedicins known â€"sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special caaeaâ€" 10 degree* stTooge»^-'°ld by drnggisti. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Kive DoUara. No. 1, or No. 1, mailed o« receipt ol ptka •a4 two 3-ceot atampi. Th* C«*ti Cin^ wyy. ^ Sold io Flaahertop and •veiywhere is Cauadjk b^ ail ^|{ou*tkI^<)fti)(4iata,. P^^arni Supplies I claiiik t.> keep in stt>ck thf besfr gookls to, lie got in the line of hoi.,o iioods. such lis hariies.'*, buggy dusters, axle givaxe, sweat nids, hixif oiiitiowllt^ â- vliips, rubber lap rii;/;a, lined aiid uu- lincd ; da.sh aprons, mul iKjcnni.i.ick horse collai-s. .Vlwi.ys uptotv-date l)^ everything The POETRY ol tlie THINQ Comes in the itiiniens^ sntnsfaution ynjt get in using our giHMls ai\d khe rc-vsouabl*. prices 3t«H>( Haye tv j»ay for tbeni. "'^'-'i?'!'^'-"

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