Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1897, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i M eSTABU3HED 1 f rUiiUSllEO TTEBKLT AT THB OFriCK. 8Y1>- ENU.VM NTKEET, KLIfinEllToX, ONT., BY W. U. THl/BHTOS, (I prr annnm.strictly in ndvnnre Advreitiaing Bates: Ooo Coluiuu, 1 year, t JO ; half eol., 1 year, (27 quarter col., oue year, tlS. Transient ailvertlRoiiient cbargeil at the ratb S cents par liuo tor first insertion and » cents each lubaeQUent laMrtion. VI m u m •HKi â- B^H^ â- tt THB WEEKS BEVIEW ruileii of tracks; the ililTorent coinpimif-s Imvo u caiiifiil suipaaoiiii.' tive billinii ilcilliirt, and tliey convoy uiiiiually iii»re than iiiiif. hundred million piiSHtiiyevs ; wliile Hritihh hliip|piii;i, incrottsed eigUt hundrud per cunt , doniumti-s the world. litiiiiemberiiig M these facta ia it not suflicieiit to make cues blood tiiiglu with piide to luiow that we be- long to this great and marvcllouB modurn kingdom. We do not thiak su(liuieutly at times of these thing?, and it ig only on special occasions like the present when it is brought Lome to ns in all its magnitude. It is in- teresting and inspiring to remember that the sun in its march around the world on TnoKday next will bo Buper- cedcd by a blaze of ilhmuuation that cm be seen from anj jjiven point on the earth's surface in the northern uelt, and all in honor of the gracious (luecu who ha3 already reigned longer than any European monarch. God save the Queen. inparting the most intiniteiiniitl &• monnt of information of practical use. He is a turner of words ai:d phrases that tickle the ear, and this art is dear to the heart of an English stalesinan. Weaiefjlad Mr. Laurier is representing ns. Uis strikiii;; per- son, his suave manners, and the fact Canada, a Protestant country, can so far forget creed and race as to elevate a Frenchman and a Roman Catholic to the highest gift of the poppie, is something quite astonishing to Father John, and he joins in paying high tri- bute to the geiiiub whom Canada has sent across the great sea to take our greetings to the greatest Queen of ilie greatest realm the world has ever seen. GOD PAVK Tnr. QUF.KN Befoie another issue of The Ad- vance appears the 60th anniversary of our beloved Queen's coronation will have passed into history. This is an event of such importance in tho world's history that no ordmaiy or caauil mention of tho event will Bufiice, It has been sixty years of a new tfoch, and \\ill he known to the end of time ati the Victorian era - i: will be known as the reign wlicuin the world awal.ened flora a letlmigy of centuries to a knowledge of niiin's power in letters, ait and luechanicH. It will bo most remeaibereil for its vomaikublo strides in the latter lino; for man's triumph in the liuine.s.-iiig {â- f steam, of electiic lighting, of won- deiful advances in ship building whereby we niiiy sldin the waters of t'.ie deep with wonderful swiftness, and it may yet be remembered as the era III which wo inaslered navigation of llie air. It will be rtuiembcixd for its wonderful growth and enlistment under its ting of one qnait«roflho cntiru human race, and lor it n;e;eli- nnt ll-ig which llies o'er half the vfs- feels that plow the seas. The invrii- lioiis of this Vicloiiiin J\;^e have been so plentiful and so marvellous that man is nv.v beginning to rt>iil;/,o hi.-! power, and believe that iiotiiiiig is impossible to him, and tho words wizardry and UiiraeleBdo not have the gciicrul int'aniDg that they oiice hud. 'ILe social fubiic has been tunied topsy luniy by new conditions in ap plied Bcieiiue, by new disco\ci'iis in clitmiciil analylirs, and new methods of conveyance. An oluqutut wiiler on iLis topio has this to say : A'lovo even tlm niiuvi;l!iiiisr.g.;iiiniliy.i!- nuiit of Hiitish lirritniy, poiiuliitim iiud wmltli. tliH Violoii.iii Era gInwH wiili iiH t<linii|ll of HtiiMico. HiToio expliMcis li:ivu di«co\,iiid llio ni'tiheiist | ii,is»s;e, pint'traifd llio luriH-PH of llin llark ('cin tiiieiil.aiid iiiK'uiiiod tvilhin 2:^(i iiiiKs of llio Noiili I'lile. Afllroiiuniy Iiuh imcaltd tlioinniT r.iig of .Si.turn, tnuktil Niptinu- emits ''snllin numd, " inid pliol^p,;r iplml »';iri< novorueui by nio tdoyo. Ii'r..milif Inli.iiator' , I'i.K'eiir milked foitli da/.iMl liy Ills iii.H'.^ 'Vi ly <>f liHceriiil life; wliile ListiT with nil lo'-plii", MoiliMi wit'i univiliiticii. Olid lioiitgiin' with li h nil- cainiy rhy, l;iive a'ti-ifd tho wliolo fnci (if HUKfeiy. A|i|ilii'it aeieiico Iun uiiubltal Ihii iiiinur lo liiit in li^dil ivnd niitrly, lincod tlie cyrlone, frTitold tlin wiiiiln-r, uilu'yzid t V ooinpdHllion i-f nlluT wi i-ldc, Hindu ninchiors to liilk and |'ii:lui\s lo niovo wiih lifiliko lidrlily, lnoyi.l. h nml triillt!j-eur» I" np|>i'»so man for lark of wiTitH. It liiiH (nii'ii"d tho SiK/, CmiiiI, liwniK tili-aiaih wins ill air, laul llio oleciriocal'le under llie ocimiii, niuekeil tliti moon wi'li iiicni do^ce nt liglils, and Iniriit'iiH.'d Nigiira to I ho wlnul of in dimlry. NVlion Vic'oiiu asciodi'd llo> I'lroini tlierf wrru a lialf-dozeii hii a I rn.l- fay* ill thH Unitud Kiii|{doni. To-day tltttQ uru more than twenty thouaaud. Some warm discussions have been indulged in by the Methodist con- fcrence now in session at Toronto, and poKsibly none were hotter than that upon the (jucsiion of cjiuniuiiion cups. In souio cliurchea now-a-days each cjinmniiicant pGssesses his own conimuiiicn cup truni which lo sip the wine. Many members of confurenco believed this to be wrong, that what was good enough for the di.stiples of old should be good ciiongh for us. An- other faction, led by several lay M.D. members, hold that from a saritary point of view the fiiigle cup is an abhotrent thing, and one M. D. went so far as to call it "diabolical." The whole|coiilroversy will appear to many as somewhat of tho tempest in a tea- pot order, but it is not so. T he ques- tion is an iiiiportaul om. If Olio in- dividual is li-ible to contract disease by supping microbes depositfd by an- other the thing should bo stopped. If a lady is obliged to sip the wino after a tobacco clieweror smoker iias taint- ed its purity sho should be protected. If a man in tho early f.tages of con- sumption can unwittingly plant the germs of disease in anotlier by con- tact with the lips the (lucstinn assumes a iiositioii of very grave importance. It is also abhorrent to a huly of fine taste, and to many people, to touch the cuji after a niuiislache has ilipped into the ruby liquid. It does not appear charitable to rcfiiFO lo drink fioin a vessel whii-h another lins used, but our present knowledge of sanitary laws inipicsses it upon us that there IS daiiyer in it and this danger will be heeded whether thccliuroh sanctions the use of individual cups or not. n. W. Waldeii of E.ssex, Conn, an extensive fancy cliickeii and duck raiser, h.ia an <ild Inn of tlie i'lyaioutli K^ck vaiitty ^liiih stole her neat in the field anion;; the grasa. She came <•(( ihe other day with ten tine rhiukeiis. One of them wan a curiosity. It was club-f' oted as well as we!)-f<iotc'l. It ha.-* two taila ard it t head iw twice the size of tliat of an ordinary chicken. It could not walk very easily on iceount of its head IniiiL; ho large. Mr. Waldeii thinks it van hatch- ed from a double yoke o(,'g. Tho chicken .â- i|ip''aiH to hu Inallhy, lot wln'ii it c-at» it ha4 to lie down on it;i si ie, beiii^ uver- lialaiiccd. Si v.riil of the townships in tiie iioilli of this county liavu purjhastd ro'id maciiines for the fccieiitilia ini- proveiiunt of their . rosids, Tho Advance lui.J always been a heariy and ardent udheieut of good road.><, believing that moijey spirit in scirntilically iiiipioTJiig oiir loud.^ is actually money in tlio pocket of our fanners and all who havu occasion to ii:so them. As the work is done now hiucli of it i.-i worse than wasted. Days are actually spent covering up gravel on hills which the first heavy rains wa.sh all off again. Ai/riits of two niuchiiics waited vw the council recently luid our tiwiuihip fathers seemed to be rather f.ivoraUly.iiripres.i- cd with their merit and appeared con- vinced of the utility ofmcli a pnr- chasa. All they want is a little cu- oonra^cnioiit froiu tho ratepayers, and this they slioiil.l got. It is a Idg mislttko to goon any further in tho old rut. Ill i>rder to satisfy his curiosity a« to what extent polaloes would thriiik in weight frimi the tune llo'y were picked till lakcn out in Ihe iipiini» for phintiiig, Mr. .I.iints Nows'U uavo tho Hialter a test litit winter. He put away 100 ll^s. in A bariel in the cellar under IjIh hoii.su after tlicy cinio from tho field, and in tho Kpriiii.' loiiinl th>-y had lost in wii'.'ht 6 lioiinda. Of course if left in an open Iit-ap or |>erhnp3 a pit, the ahriiika;{0 vould be greater. This will foini a basis of etiuu latioii as to wheliiur it is more protitablu 'e sell pnlatoe.s in the f.iU at a ceitaiii li'.:iiie or wail Idl .sprint; when prices may l)j hii^lur. â€" Cjiaiid Vallf-y Star. The extraordinary tributes paid to Hon. Wilfrid Lauiier in tho jubilee f stivilies now in progress across the sea inu.<)t bo roail as dir>xl honors paid to this fair Caniida of ours, one of Ihltain's grandest gems of the crown, and not alono to tho goiitle- niaii who represents ns. Mr. Laurier, however, ia doing Canada honor by his piTseuce there. Uo is a silver- tongued orator who can say a great deal diploinaticallj, at the laine time PMi) IIP. wm CO.ACll STALLION "Wiici Jfany " Ko. I5M, Vol. 2, Y. C. It. S. n. c( Kiiglani?. No. V.I, Vul. 1, C. II. 8. U. of Canada PRIZES WON IN CANADA Hfioni ft« n two wtix olil at 'I'ororto. l.--'^^; (liKtti-H li two ytar uM Bt IlHiiiUtoii. X^'A; llini at Toronto in a clnsH of twuiity uiiil .Attulal uvfi- nllotlioiH 111 \x*K^ , HrBt uiulKriOiip'ttaktm ut Toronto »priiit{ HtHHioii hIkiw. )h<i| ; QtHt at Iiu n.-<tiUI. I'^Ul ; soc »iiU at Toronto fiu'iiiy stulliou t(l)ow, \\f>L DUSCRIPTION AND PEOIURCe AVll.n IIAUKY In a hcautifnl <1ni^h )>»>â-  with blai-k lr»;s. no wtiitt*. HtauitH 10.^ tmndd lii^li. \vi'ij;h» lUO V'*""*l*- '»iiil«'"* i» 5*^'. 1i«b urantl nrtioM, ail t'xcuni'iil tuntiivr an<l Iiam |M-ovt>ii tii:i)Nf ll a hUt't* foal ftttUir, ntu) Ik in^- buch a raHtiloiiiibly broit liorxt', traiuinltM liU itu|'«nior (|na!i:iiin to hiH iiroticny PRtl ivjll t-'^^t Iioihmh tliut arj in Niicti i^ruit (luiuah>l in bovli t*in I'iit;M'b aikI Atiitrimn lu&ikctd apa brii-g \\Vr^\ itritrtM. « WIUU H.AniY. No. littV.. Vol. S. Y.-irkKlih-a *'oaeh H' iHu htm) Hook of Knutaii'l. No. 49, Vol. 1, t'ou'-h Horso Stud IU>o)i i»( t'anada. b.iy color, to.ilcil in IHKt. bio I bv lUli.v lovtinlnlo. Ilii;^ Kariu, KIj by Xlooro-ido. Voi k" f.hi:ri ; ^»r(ii»rrly of Hahiim Hion., (iiit-rftvilKv unt. tiro iMiiporor U'..'H ; lio by l':inpi>r»«r 7-1'^; 1h< by l.ii))>i!io) ] tJ;'bo by MtMiofal U-cnt'tit I7.»; lio by laxlock (IT.*; bo bv l-avlock 'X\\ lio bv Kuvlock ;i'J; hebv »:bau»|>U n tn, (wbc wa.s fualraiii Ut.U.) Siiu of iMitti Itallot, S. H.; iio liv rn(b>rhaiHl. K It , ont of AdrittiiU*, K. \K,\ bV MulbouMKS H. H ; (1. Oeiii bv Itttrlomlrof, B. It.; «>iit of K>niu)( bill. S 14.; by (^ana.U Kalt. H. n.i I), tt. Daiii bv bcJlauuto H. 11.; out of l.a.Iy of tao Lal.u, H. U. ROLTK FOR THU SOASON OP t£97 MOSPAV, M.iy yril-\\lM Icavo hlfl own Hlsbl.i, lot ),coii.:i. Ht. Vinucnt, niid tuocrod by way of Thii il I.lni> and 'S iiixl 4 bblo road to Kevoi o IIoIdI, TboinUiiry, for iiiioii ; thiMico by way of i'lui k>burt; unU IltU i4uu to F. Buiul sot's \kx niiibt Tl'I.SDAY-NVni procoo'T alone inth T.iiio to IUhI \Vin{:, tbontii Wimt to H. (iiuulfuilcw's for noon ; tbiMii^o by wav <>f noncan .Sidoroa'l r.nd Jbd F.ino to unif 7 t-iib-roiiil, tluMico to. I. M. 't ImrKton'H. hiiiiboi loy. ft>r ni^'ht- WKl>NKSl>'.Y-\\iil prooood byway of Uh Lino Kiiith to 1'. MhihIii'V.'p lutol, ruyonia. for lU'On ; tlionco ti H. ItoyV, Nbn'cv I'urimrR, for ono bour ; tlionrotu A. &iuiiHlmw'a botvl, l-'litftlit'itou, for ni^lit. TIUU;h1>\Yâ€" \VilI prouwd byway of Vanrle- loiir to Otior^t) llnto' insoitV, Scvonth !due Kn. liiiiHia, lor nuon ; tiHMu-o n-iith aKiofj Hovtn^.h Ijtno to Jau, bcott';i ut<ai Itocklyn, for itii;bt. nil PAY- Will procupil Hlong 7tU Lino to Town I.in*', tlunctt west to IM. C'laik'H !or noon; tlK-iico w-^^t abpj? 'town Idno to l-:iovonth l.liin, Ht. Vliio»iut, tl'unro north to Uubt. Ktirr'n lot 15, con. II, for niKbt. HATrUPAY â€" Will nio'eovl by way of 1.3 and 10 to lloytil Ilotfl, Nliiuforci, for noon, thoncu l.y \Ya> of Kointli bino ami thu Mail Uoa 1 to liiPoun e^tablo. wh(*ii) hu will romiiu uutll tlie following Monday inorning. 1 he nbovo ronto will be for tun wooks, health and \Yoitbor tHnuiittin^* .^ ^;^-^-^^-^'^^^-^-^-^-^-^^-^-^'^-^-^^'^'^-^-^ THRMS_ m M. Richardson & Co LOOKING AHEAD! The Sununer Holiday Season ii rapidly approaching. To insun*. *H, Hiiixlo U^ai* ♦*> ciiiili. lusiiveil loiimH must bo rdtmiuul vot^iilurly to the Itovuo or tlioy will bo chtti'tjuil llio inhuninuu wluitlior ill (OttI or i.ot. rniKons tvjiug uiaiis ami not lotiiniinu tbt.in rt'gulavly to tlm liovso wtil l>ii cluiri;o(l for iia.iio. I'ai'tUm iliniioHiii^* or thtiir timi-uu btiforo loiiUiH! time iiiiibk bay the in- Biirancc wbakUiM- ill fual ui* not. All ncrldoiitti at Ibu i'li*k o( ownn'S. Ko luooiid iirlcua. Uroi>ui'i !«•â-  U)o tiiuttof Bervtue. W. i. * J. A. MAINBI, ProprlatoM J^ A. HAINBS. n^nagtr Juhilee Cr-lchration June 22 Doiuinion Day July 1 The " Glori./us Twelfth " July li With these events so close at hand the f|aestion of .Seagonablo Clothing ia an all iiiiportaut ouu. Our June Clothiag Sides are always eiicuur.-.iiing, an'l this sois.ui v.e have njiule .ipuci.il pri'imniti.iiis t" meet tlio demands on (iiir Ready-mmie Clothing btuek lur this month and <iuoto special cash prices to iateiuliiig pureluisers. All our g.irments are well tailored and triiiinieJ and we cin fit anyone as our assortniciit ol sixes Ls very full ami comploto. It will ri'piiy V'ju to coiiiu »ikI look over our stix:k. We shiill he plea>-cd to «ee you whether you decide to pui- cliiiHo cr not. -UI lines a'lvertise<l mo in stock. SPECIAL PRICES FOR JUNE Men's Navy Serj^e Suits ... . ?:! ."jf) .M'li's I>iiigoiiaI Stripe, gray ,^Ild brown mi.xture salts 4.!'.5 Men's Dark (jiay t.'heck Suits, .sipiiiecut or Sf.ck 4.0.'» Men's H.avy AII-wikjI Tweed .Suiti, light cr dark colors 0:^5 Men's Heavy .Ml-wool TueoJ Suit.s, Mipiare cut, excellent value 8.0O .Men's Hlaek Worsted Suits, Venetian liiiisli 8''K) .Men's Dark Griy Sununer Weight Woretetl Suits, e.xtra value ana qualify. .12. (X) Ready=nade Pants Boots & Shoes I Our sales of summer stock luve I been highly gr.itifyingâ€" the stock is go. Our stock will surprise youâ€" all I '"« down, but the splendid .i.s.s..rtment Is bizea, all prices, all colors, all weights. I !'"^V' «*'"•, ^Ve can show y.m ten styles I in Liulits O.xfoiils to select from, and Nice .\ll\vool Pants, a.s.sorted colors, our raoye in Laiiies', Men's and Chil- dren's Boots is equally complete. 81 .00. Heavy All-wool Pants, 81.25. ISIuck Woist.d Pant«, heavyweights. from $1.90. Boys' Clothing We haven't sutKcent space to say all we would like about lioys' Clothing â€" our stock is laigtr and better lussorted than ever. Come in and inspect itâ€" it will speak for itself. Special figures for June in this departnieiit. Boys' Tweed Suits, from ^.00. CliiKlren's Suits, nice suiiniier woights Gent's Furnishings Siimnier stock iiyw and C<^mp1ete. Felt ll.its, Straw Hats. Caps. Sweaters, Tics, White Sliirts, Col.ind Shirts, Top and giMiilcoK.rs. $2.00, !?L*.50, g2.75, : Sliirts, Light Underwear, Summer llosi- %'i tHJ and f3.u0. cry, etc.. etc. Oumfnej' ilfiii/nGri/ Suiiiiiier season HOW whilo the slock is successful seiuKin. ill full swing- well tcssortod. â€" Ijftdiea should order their millinery Another month will wind up a most Specialties in Summer Goods, Shirt Waists, Pamsols, Light Underwear, etc., ete. E5J5.riI>Vi?ilRE I>Er»i5.RTM[ENT COOL And keeji tho flies away. That is what wo h>-p all trying to do thosi d.iy.H, but it ia rather hawl to do unless wo have 80REKN DOOKS and WINDOWS on. Ailjus'ablo Screen Wimlows at 23o. Lari'O .â- Vdjiis'.ib'e Screen Windows at .10c. Screen Doors with Spring Hiogos at ifd.OO. Bo^er Olio with Spring Hinges at $l.'Jo. Very Fancy Door with Spring Hinges at 81.50. Screen Wire from 10 cents jard and upward. Scj/thcs a7ici Snaithcs Wo carry tho very best Hue of GRASS SCYTHES made. IJexford's Scythes from f.5e to $1.00. Dillon's Scytlii's fmin i?1.00 to ?1.2j, warranted. COME TO US for any TINWAIIE, CROCKERY, OLASSWAPxE or Building Hardware you need. We can save you money on it. iW. Richardson & Co I <T ^ \ k t

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