Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1897, p. 1

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^ â-  • • » I %bHnct. & " TRUTH BEFORE FAVORs" â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XVI, N . 844 Fleshcrton, Ont., Ttiursday, IVEay G, 1807 W. H. THUnSTON, EDITOR * PKOPBIETOR Nobby Ttlnt;s (or LaJies anj Gents. ...Jewellery On liar. 'A all tlie lime to choose from at the FIfB'K;itoii Jewellery Store. Eyes Tested Free Jor Defective Vldoa. VV. A. ARilSTRONQ Jeweller and Optician, Fiesherton, Ontario £>^2]3 Proton Station Fioni OKr own Ctrrrespotuieiit. Mr. Jas C'.jutts uvived list week from Piotiii) StMtioii to Giprey. He will farm t!iia yi'iir. Mr. Frank Runnie has moved t^ tbe Etravil ri ad. ' Mre. T. Wyville is vL^itiyg^MtSMk in Duiidalk. ^^.^^ Mr. G. Dcnimniia h:\n purchttsed :i bush farm. He will now wear a uuiuber fiiithf hat. Mr. and Mm. F. Ryder spent lost Sun- day in iViarkduIe. Sfediig operntions are making alow proL'ress in this vicijity. Mr. JijIiu Wri^jlit ha? returned from his trip lo Micliijj»!i. Mr. Geo. Richaids uf Markdalo psil a vi.sit to our rillagB yesterday. Mr. Gea. Shuantjn Stvured po^ses^ion of a youui; fox this weik, which a couple of hoys r;4ii down. MARKDALE = f Clothing /n-SALE^^ naxwcll. :te Silo 5lk> \M9C -^^ CLOTHINO ^>" If you have a thought of clothUig in your mind we have something to say to you If you have a suit or part of a suit to purchase for yourself or boys we have many Hnes to show you. New clothing at our present price practically sells itself. We bought to sell cheap during May, so come while our assortment is the most complete, or you may be sorry you did not come sooner For the benefit of those who have not had the op portunity of examining our clothing we give this detailed description. ^ -^ -^^ ^ -^ ^ ^^ Men's Grey Check Tweed Suits, or in Oxford Grey Halifax Tweed, well lined l and triintued, sizes 3tj to 42, in sack style, special at $3 85. Men's Fine All-wo<d Tweed Suits, Scotch Bannockburn pattern, stn>ng twill siatiu tiuings, coat fa «k1 at bottom, stylish cut and dt, w«uld tu.ike a tine busi- ueis suit, regular price, 97 50, special at $5.50. Men's 4-Dutton Sacqtio Suits, in Blue Sor^e, satin linitigs and perfect fit, regular pnce, f3.6.'), s|iccial at %i 60. Men's Ail-wool Canadian Tweed Suits, extra well made, silk stitched, linings and trimming to match [atreni!), heather mixture, and neat brown check.s, regular price, 5?7.75, special at SJ6 75 ar.d <0 DO. Men's Grey Diagonal pattern, tweed suits, with grey twill satin linings to match, tine quality of Iwucd, reguiar pric>-, $5.60, special at $4 65. Men's Fine All-wool English Tweed Suits, in (uiall checks, Blue, Grey and i Brown, tin sh farmeni satiun, linings to luktch, co;it.s faced at the bottom, silk { stitched, regular iiricj §10.50, special at !?S.60 and ^J 25. Men's Finest quality in Navy Blue English Serj^e Suits, finest qua'ity of linings and t- iinmings, silk stitched, sacque style, special at JS 75. Men'.s Check Tweed Suits, fawn and brown mixture, styli->h pjittem and cut, well line<l and trimmed, special at $5.00. Men's Suits in All-wool imported Twoe<l, in small chocks, c<)lorius[s and shades the latest, finest fanners satin linings, silk stitched edges, equal tu any tailor-made suit at $lu.UO, special at 810.50. Men'.s Fine All-wool Clay Worsted Coats and Vests, in the lat-'St sacque or cut-a-way styles, best Italiiin linings, perf<.ct fitting g.%riuents, special at ?7.50. Men's Heavy Canadian Tweed Pnuts, lights and dark grey stripes, well made, regular price ?1.25, special at Wc. Men's Heaiy .\ll-wind Twceil Pants, in stripes and fancy mixed patterns, special at per iKiir 5fl 00, i?1.25 and §1.35. Men's Fancy Black Worsted Pants, in stripe patterns, well trimiueil and tailored, special at $I.i)5. Biiys' Two- piece Suits, nicely m^du, to fit boys from 8 to 13 years, regular price $2.50, special at $1.9». B.>ys' Two-picco Suits, in light check tweed, nice pattern, well made, size 36 tu 30, special at $i.i)5. C£^ We have some 25 Boys' Tweed Suits to clear at al- lU'st half price. A GR6LVT BARGAIN. P. S.â€" Remember, when you have your wool to offer we want 50,000 lbs., for which we will pay the highest cash price. Vr<,in Our Own CorrespondetU Every one i.s anxioisly awailina dry weathtr. Very little btedii.g ha:i been done so far. The funeral of the late James M. Madden tiM>k place Wednesday of last Week to Oi nlon'a burjin;; ground, near Stnyner. Our teiicher, Mr. McWhinney, anent his E.isler holidays at the parental h.->[ue near Hanover. Miss Uamiltou and Mi<s Crossley of yiiui- town have been holidaying iu our village. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Field back to our rowii aijaiu. They have been resi Viwj. ill Tara. Mr. Ed-.rard llmley i.f the 10th lins i:i ly-ng d..n'.'er lu.sly ill. Iliss-n, Mr.Wm. Uaiiley, of Ottawa. Wi»a called hi.uie suuie timeauo. Mr. William Scutt has secured the job of erectini; the Osprey cheese and butter factory on lot 11. con. 5. The stonework is completed. The carpenter work will now be rushed at onoe. Mr. Scheiiuiinaa wiis away hist week and this dispu.iing of aunie of his hand- S line chairs. Mr. Medlar Guy of ClarkabuR; visited his parental home this week. Miss Eliza Uainl liii, who has been on an extended visit (o her sister iu Bervie, returned home last week. A division of "aeo" company infantry has taken up its pusitioii on the villag.i coiner Sundiy afternoons. Otficeis aauies puMi^lieti later on. Lady Kunk Fr'jin vnr oicii C'of "resjioticfe/i t. The disiigreeable weather is hanifjer- lug farmers very much ivith their seed- ing. A very high siiiritod pony belonging to Mr. Paul tucaiue unmaiiagaMe and ran away, llirowina; the occupant out of hs cart. Fortunately Mr. Paul and the pony eECu(>«d with flight bruises, but the cart was siiiashcd into atoms. Ths Sunday School of this place open- ed on Sunday lust for the summer Months, with the folhiwing oftieeri : Superinteudont, Miss Hattio A. Wallace; Assistant, Miss Pepper ; Librarian, Clias. Fiiiley ; Sec, Fred Ottewell. Sralf of Teachersâ€" Miss C. Oitewell, Miss M. A. Riberts, Mrs. J. Ottewell, Mrs. VV. David. All are cordially invited to attend. Ml'. K Iw.ird Flaidey, sr, w'lO has been sick for SDiiie time, is not expected to re- recover. Mr. and Mis. John Linley visited friends in Colliiijwood last week. Mrs. D. Woods visited her daughter, Mis. J. Liiiley. Pricevillc F. T. HILL & CO |ld[a.Jc*liclailo • Ontario Frum o\ir oirn Curresftondent Our amateur fishemion wer« on duty eivrly on Monday morning, but the speckled beauties .'â- .eein to bo very wary this year as not nuuiy were hooketl. Master Ronald MoUae, liowever, brought two fine trout to light, one weighing 1^ lbs and the other a pound. (.)ur minister of tisheriLS landed a whopper of a sucker which lauded the M. F. on his back. For a few seconds a furious scramble took place iu the mud but the sucker came olT second best. Another angler caught one cent's worth of fish and broke a 15c pole. _ A rather amus ng incident occurretl lately in one of our stores. A citizen of this burg was buving s-nie eggs and as he was allowed t > take them him.self, he very nstuniUy picked the largest, and here cornea in the fanny jmrt. Just as ho had finished selecting a dozen beau'ies ho was called out. The eggs were left behind. The big ones were soon taken out of the bag and rop'ncetl by the small- est that could be scratched up. The owner Boon rvtu:ttod, took hii eggs homo but was thunderstruck whon he dis- ed of having been concerned in tl.e covered such diminutive specimens of matter. A division of the property stolen hen fruit. He now declares he must from tlie ilace was made, ai:d one of t!ie have been " niesmciTzed " boys secured a peculinr jiold rinj;, which List week Dr. Uuttop moved into the finally led to the detection of their residence lately occupied by Miss M. A. knowledge of the crime. All four p;r- Brown and this week Mr. James Wat-son sons are closely contineil, and will hisve a is moving into the residence vacated by heating on Saturday next. the Dr. Last week Wr. Sinclair sold his stock and implements, as he luia rented his farm to Mr. James Wilson Mr. C. C. James is busdy engaged re- newing the vats in his tannery. Spring work is proceeding somewhat slowly on accfiunt of the wet weather which, however, will Coanty and DLstrtct W. B. Leavens, an old resident of Mcaford and a well known man, died ihure lu3t wcsk in his 71st year. n. Stark of Grand Valley had his no doubt have a ankle broken and dL-<located, ami R. F. discouraiiinj effect on the grasshoppers. | Taylor his shoulder dislocated in a run It is an ill wind that blows nobody goixl. Slarkdale away. The blinds CD sitting and b.irrooina iu South Grey hotels must be kept up dur ing pr ihibited hours, and Durham hotels have to close their bars at 10 p. in. The men who were guilty of scarin'.i a weak minded man at Beannan's mill in Bruce county, the facts of which were given iu hist week's Advance, weie brought up before a mauiitrate and the ringleader fined five dollars and costs. On Monday last Mr. Alex. Jordon, at one time a resident of Dundalk, lost his From (TUT oxen curnnpondeut. Our bund eave soma choice selectiuus on Salurilay niijht. Mr. Tlios. Corner "f G'enwilliams is visiting Mr. F. Sament in towji. Born â€" Ou March 21. lo Mr. and Mrs. Marsliall Beard, a daughter. Quite a larg.) number of fish were C!iu.;ht last Moadav. Mr. .John Lyns gi.t a nice 8iM-ek!ed beauty Weighing one ' arm while working the saw iu Richard- pound and a half. son's s:iw mill at Riv?rview. When the TheC'iiicert under the auspices of the ' accident happened the arm w«s bent. lacros.se club, held in Mnrsh's h.-dl on JKpril 'JO, was a urand success, consideriiii; the rainy weather. The last act. " The doctor's servant, "was well performed. If prerarations can be made it is to be '_'iven in Rocklyn and Walter's Falls in the near future. Proceeds -if the concert were abnut §37. Our Tilla.:e fathers have made some neci iwary improvmneuts on main street 1-y ticking dirt off the aitla of ths road. Better take some olT the centre, ti>o. Uonor Roll-: S. S. No. 9, Ariemesia. IV Classâ€" Mary Cameron, Sarah Paul. Ill Class â€" Mag«ie Milli.iiin, Minnie Hanlry. Wilfred Phillips, Jas. Ru8j>ell. II Classâ€" Victor Phillips, L. Milliuan, Geo. Paul, K. Magee. II Pt.â€" Jane Magee, Bessie Russell, Stanley Gamey, I Pt.â€" Bertie .laniieson.Chas. Haiiley. Average attendance 31. John Colltbr, Teacher. Standing of Port Law school for April. Ba.sed on exam and cla-ss work. Sr IV â€" .Annie Thompson, 847 ; W m. Wallace. 240. Jr. IVâ€" Wm. CharJ.GOO ; Fred Pedlar, 6S3 : .Mary Chard, 213. Ill â€" Susie Thompson, 746 ; Vina Thompson, 7'29 ; Robert Blackbu-n, 713. Sr. IIâ€" Tresny McKee, 913 ; Louie Ttiompsiin, 803 ; Wm. Thomi>son, 83<j. Jr. II â€" Saleiia Thomp8i>n, (529; Roby Clint Pedlir, ' ~ Cornfield, <U3 ; Clint Pedlar. 600 Pt. II sr.- Mabel Chard, 643 ; Harold ! The eio: was on vie the eUxiw and pait of the arm above and below the elb<jw being completely severed. Tbe physician found it ue- cessary to amputate the arm beli>w the shoulder. As he w.as very weak frjm toss of blood before tbe trurgeoii arrived it 'ook him all his lime to pull through the operatiou. â€" Duodalk Herald. A despatch from Walketton »ays : Henry Ci-nlin, a farmer who lived ou the Durham road, near Maple Hill, took a dose of strychuiue the other day because his wife and sou declared tbey would not allow him tn sella c >w which the family raised. A.''ter some words he went to Hanover, purchased the poison, returned home and and swallowed it in his bcd- I room. His wito suspected something { and summoned a neiuhbor, tu whom her husband admitted taking poison. He I refu.sed, however, to take smeLic and be- f'>r« a doctor could arrive had died, not I before stating that be thoui{ht he ought I tu be master in his own house, Mr G. A. Lunney, uf the Enterprise •tall', is also adistiiiguishedhurliculturist, his specialty being hen fiuir. lia has his poultry in a highly trained condition, and they are prepared to accept egg laying challenges at any lawful seusuu. One of the hens, a quiet and respectable bird of uiidcils age, has a trick of waitinj around and reading all the esrg eielian'jes, look- ing for (lie annual appearance of the bi;; OIKS. Taking notes of the largest re- corded, that hen quiocly priceeds to her b«mdoir, and calmy produces tbe champion. This year, the trick was sim;de, the hen merely having lu lay an eti'i which measured 8j I'y 7 J inches, at the Enterprise H.'niy (543 ; Ed. Watson. 600. (.thee iii Monday morning.- CoilingwooJ Pi. H jr. â€" .Mamie Fisher, 543 ; George! Enterprise Haney, 491 ; Reka IVdlar. 490. ' I't. I sr. â€" Maggie Simmons, Meivyn B'aokburn, Milly Fisher. Pt. 1 jr. â€" Sadie Thompson, Corufield, Ned Croft. J. L. Wood, Teacher. Fiber T. H. Uickl-ng of the 12 con. of Car- rick has a hired man named Morrison. The other day he was spiiiwith a boy and a span of horses to drai«r some shadd trees off a certain field. The horses were a little wild, and when 'oy accident the boy allowed the lines to fall out of Report for S. S. No. 7, Osprey, fur j i,i< hands, they started off. The chain April. I caught the liirod man's leg aud he was IV Classâ€" Russell McGirr, Maggie , whipped off his feet iu a jiffy. l"|) the Daiid. j field an 1 down the field went the hmses III Clissâ€" John Cun, Naomi Palmer, [ on the dead gallop, dragging the hired Ira Palmer. nian after them. Twice he was pulled 11 Cliiss Sr, â€" Albert Paul, Sheridan ove a pile of stones, and when the horses Colque't, John Huds 111. 1 were at last brought to astiiiid it wa.s II Class Jun. â€" Loyd McGirr, Amelia ' fuund that the poor fellow had siiiTerod '""â-  »•-'<.â€" ^^.|,y severe injuries, the flesh on one log Heitnian, Vernon McGirr. II Pt. â€" Fiancy Paul, Norman Palmer, .\rvilla Whitooak. I Cla.ss Sr.â€" Ethel Sayers, Mabel Kingsley, Maauie Reid. I Class Jr. â€" Boatiice Heitmau, Roy Bush, Etta Wliireoak. EixiAit W. Paul, Teacher. Tlie Splcer Murder Bismarck, N. D.,May 1. â€" The authori- ties of Emmons Countv, where the six niemhcrs of the Spicer family were mur- derad in a niysterinus and brutal manner last February, are now on ihe way to a complete unravelling of Ihe mystery. Not loiiij auooiie of two ha!fbree<l In- dians, who are under arrest charsjed with the criiiw, made a partial confession ac- cusing his companion of havin.; instigat- ed and carried out the crime. This con- fession has been suppluniented hy the C'nfeaaion of two Indian boys who were susjiicted of knowlfdgo of the Ciiine. They state that they h.-ippened at the being torn off nearly lo the bone. Foitunately, however, no bi'ues were broken. Moriisou has since been re- moved to his father's home near Ciilfotd. â€" Telescope. Charles Schutsr, manager of the defunct Carrick Private Banking Com- pany, at Mildmay, was committed for trial oil a ch.argc uf falsifying his b(M.>ks, whereby his partners and creditors nf the bank were defrauded out of S356.88. Mr. John Miller, clerk for the aasii;nee, testitied that the cnucern wis between $60,000 and $70,000 behind ; that Mr. Schurter's account was oveidrawii §1,- c2J, besides notes for gi.OOO. At the lime of th'! assignment he owitl the bank about 8.'">,(X)0. Mr. H. P. O'Connor, Q, C, prosecuted for the assignee, and Mr. Aithur Collins, B. A., defended the prisiaior. Both geutlemeii made strong atldresses, Mr. O'Connor claiming that Mr. .Schiiiter was stealing the money of the bank to pay his private iiidel tedness thereby not only defrauding his ciedilors, but stealing from his partners as well. Spicer plico the day the murder was committed, and found the two halfbreeds The prisoner was conimitled for trial, thert. The Piombers of the family were bail being accepted in the sum of 81,000. murdered, and the boys were induced tu There are several more chaiges jet lo Lu keep !>ileut through fear of being suspect . dealt with. *^- -^

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