Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1897, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^. h-f li D. HcTavish P" L E S M B l^XO N KEEPS ON HAND â- J^efairs For Maasey-Harrid, aud Noxon, Floury aud Wilkinson farm irapiements. Pleiii-y and Verity plowd ou baud all tlio time, also all kinds of repairs for tile satno. \Vo manufaoturu Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleiglis, etc. Horsi'sjliDcing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, con- tracttil font. Logging and Plow <'liains constantly on hand. f ^%^%^^^%'%^M^%%%^^%%'%%'%^^^^%^'%^V%^%^'* ^^ WINTER SALES *^v^ ^^^^ NOW RUSHING I ^^'^^ This is the Bcason of year when you wiint to buy a cutter or sleigh. I have them â€" beauties â€" and will Bell i>ii your own tenu» â€" if they are not all one-Kidod. Painting and re-trinmiing done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon luy samples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN * «/«/tt/%/%^%/%/V^^^%'%%V«.-%^'<V%^'%'%^%%^%'%^%^'^ ^'^F^-^-'^^^-^^^^'^'^-^*^^-^^ GO TO ^ J.H.HEARD FOK THE BEST' *^^UGGIES, WasfffonR, Carts, Sprin;? Tooth and Iron Harrows. A^ Fronts and Woods' Binders, Mowers, Horse Rakes Hnd Ploughs. iLS^ Floury Ploughs, Scuttlers and Tucnip Sued Drills. Dick's Ploughs ami Land ilipllnrs. Shares for all kinds of Plouiihs. H irse Sliooi'in and alt kind:! of Blacksniithing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Posts ^ a. Ill Sliiiii^'los. 0^, i ?1 7^ 'C â-  ,^^| BARNHOUSE The Flour and Fruit Man Wishes to draw the attention of the public to the f(drowing specialties : ^'US!!k^^Slk^lii^SSk^iiS'(-<i't^ -^"' ^'<r ^^ DOGSKIN MITTS and LEGGINGS Aiade to order, or will Hell out of Stock. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SEASON Try our braakfast CEREALS. Flour «f all ('raden in stock. Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton ^oot and Shoe business also attended to as uauat. W. Barnhouse, Flesherton Eugenia Mills AXD Carriage Works. Oamagaa made and Repaired, also Placiiifj and Matching, Band Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every doa- onptiou. Planlug and Gram Chotj ^ingdoiio whilo you wait, for th" Beaver turns the wheel. T.W. WILSON Manager BO Y£AB9' EXPERTENOB. TRADE MARKli DESIONS, COPYRIGHTS *o. Anyone nendtrm a nkctch nn<l (Ii'm;rtption may 4iulckly jwtccTljiln, free, wtinttior iin liivuntloii II proliiihly liuloiilnblo. ('miilnuiiloallciiiB •trliiMy auiinduiinnl. olilenl nueiioy (iir»i'CurliiK piitenU In Aiiiorlca. VV« liavo a VViinliliiKtiin (ifllce. i'atoiits Inknn IhruuKb Muiiu & C'u. rooelT* fpecial iiotUiu In tlio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, koiiutlfiillr tlluntmtnd, InrKCHt cimulatlon of any Hctontlflo tourniil. weokly, torniH|3.(!(t a voarj f I.HI all montha. )4i>«i!iin>*a <3<>|il<(Banil Uamu IK)OK OM Pathnta ueiit frco. AdilreM MUNN & CO., 301 llk'oaaway. Mow York. Photograph Gallery are done in firat-clnss stylo and at lowest rales. Special attention il Riven to copyinc. ISahies' photoa. ^ a specialty. Pictures framed. 1 MRS. BULMER HoDse and Lot For sale. B'or Balo clioan Bnil on easy terina In Flonher- toil. H|il(iM(1iil lari;i', solid brick dwolling, witli j<oo(i litonn collar, Hiiiniiior kittdion and wood- lion»o. also Kood franw Htublo, brick lined. Pi euil«eK contains two lavtio lota and Rood youiiR oi-clinrd. bHarin^. Huuhu and onibiiildineH are uxcoptionully woll tlnishud and very eonvuni.- cutly laid out. Apply to B.J. BpnouLB, Fleihorton. Cash : for : Hides! Shoepakina ami a!l kinds of furs pur- nhased, for which highest ninrket price will be paid. Hi)incniado sausages on hand, also all kinds of meats. Flesherton Meet Enipovium pniCKVILIiE AND DUUUAM C.TAaB. Dnrliani staffi* loavna Floalierton Htation at TIT) a m.. rotnrna 4.4S p.m. rrlcavllli- staRe Itiavna tlui sanju piano at li!.;Kl. rotnrnint; at 4.45. Fare, to Vrioovllleand return. 50 centa; Durlmin, fl.fiO for retiu'n. 75c. single fare. I.lvery in con- iiuctiou. Ordars nia bo left at eitber botel. A. McCAUIiF.Y Pro FRES! FR£:E2!! OWEN SOUKD, ONTARIO, Is ibli.0 ^VGTvy Best PLAOE IN CANAKA TO (IKT A Tloron^h Biisinoss EdQGalioi). Take a Roimd Trip Srifor V.uri„e\" ColUiciiB anil Oommarolal Diiparim'^otn In Ot\i)af)a,then visit kh« Northarri HM^^ilUlB« ('-()ntt(*o ; uxaiiilnn uvory- ttiln^ thvMounhly. If wo fail to produce tho m >8b tiioro(i;;h,ootn)>iiU). practical and extttii- •iro JOjrHo of Hiiriy ; tho bout oollofiw l>i«miP08 Atiii fchu bnoi AH'I tMos^. coinpleta nii<1 most suit- ATdUriirtiitiirnatuI a| I lUticoK, wo will f>lvo you n ^atl aourso KUHjU. Vor Aiuiual AnnounoO' Ami igtviug full pirtioularB froo» fttldro C. A. FLEMING, Prliictpal TESSTIWG Preserve y.iur oyesiKlit by having them properly toated by W, A. ARMSTP.ONG, Optician County Council BOAR FOR SERVICE I have a well brfd norkslitro boar for ••rvioe on lot 17S, T. B. B., At'temeala. Teriua T5 •auli, aUY OHli From the Timtt To tboee who have been used to the coDuiy oouucil as formerly coustituted, the courtroom ou Monday prc.ieuted an a most dctter^ed appearance, Eii^h^ecn ineu look ratiier lonely in the places of over fiity. At 2 p. m. Clerk Rutlieriord was on baud busily eugagoii filling out tne dtclaTiilion of ollrce of llio members. It wax thfue o'clock b lore all predont bad mjjned these pre- liiniuary documents and were ready to go nn wiili buuioeu. Th» members in attend- ance were : DivisioD No. 1, MeK»r*. Uor- dou and BUhop ; No. 2, Mr. Auderson, No. ',i, .Meeiri. McKinuoD aud fiincie { No. 4, Mraarb. iSchenk aud Allan ; No, 5, Meaara. VVataon and Rie hardaon : No. 6, Measrii. ProBloo aud McCoimau ; No. 7, Meaers. •Slug aud Brown ; No. 8, .Meesra. Quaoce an'l McDouaiil. It \ ill he uoticed that .\lr. Toltcn of No. 2 diviiioa was not pre- ~<'Ui, havnig been unable to reach Oweu SiiUod owing to the severe itorm. On ibia ace.uut ib« council adjourned till 7 p.m., ijopiii)^ that .Vlr. Xotteu would in the mean- time arrive, bat be did not, and at the obliged evening neesion the njennbcre iv ^re to , roc a I wi h he 1 e ion > fa warden wit lout bim. At a lew minutes alter seven Clerk Uuiherford took the chair aiu) announced hat ne waa prepared to receive nouiin- a'.ions tor the waidenHbip. Mr. Sing laid be would like to know whether tbx warden was lo be elected for one or for two years. The clerk replied that if he were asked for II i3 opinion he should say one year. The County Councils Act was silent on this |ii<inl, aud iliia being the caie he thonght I lie old act would govern. However, the iippouiie view had been taken by some, and me matter would probably he defiuitely leoiiled at the dpproaehiug session of the Legixlaiure. Mr. Andersousaid ho thouf;hl It would bo Well in m .king nominations to du S.I on the understanding that the election was to be tor one year only. On this un- derstanding nominatiot s were proceeded witli. The Cdndidaies were : Jttd. Allan, nominated by Mr. Anderson, K»con<!ed by Mr. Binnie. Matthew Bichardsro, nominated by Mr. Prtai.uD, seoon'led by Mr. MoCoIman. Qforge A. Brown, Loniluated by Mr. Qiiance, seconded by Mr. (Jordan. Null McColman, uominated by Mr. Rich- ardson. The clerk called on Mr. Geo. Idglis aud ex-Warden Cochrane, who were amongs*, the dozen spectators present, to act as Kcrutiueers and balloting was proceeded with. Three ballots were taken before there was an election. The figures ai^ : Allan 6 7 6 Kicliarilticu... 5 7 7 tirowu 4 1 McColiuan Tne newly-elected warden was escorted to the chair nnu introduced to the council by hiB nominator aud seconder. He said be was thankful lor the honor placed upon bim, both on i i liown arc u ii and of the divi- sion ho represented. Amongst those present toere were nn fewer tbau twelve with whom ho ha : formerly sat at this board, and be hoped to become well loqtiainted with tne otliera aud to enjoy hii term of office with all. Ue would not say ho was altogether surpriaeil at his eleotinn, sa there had been a mutual understanding tbut the warden- ship should go alternateiy to tho south aud to the uurth of tbaiCounty. Tiiis was the south 'a turn for the honor. Referring to the ambiguity in the new act re tho war. den's term, he said he considered bis elec- liou was for one year only. For onn who had sat at the old council, it was impossible lo look around now and find so many old frienua MUS'ing without a feeling of sorrow, but he was aatiufied that liis My bo'ly would conduct the business of the county to the antiifaotion of Orvy aud the credit of themselves. He would urge the need of icoooiny. Nu rxpenue should be entered into that could possibly be avoided. The pocpio were looking to the new council to carry on their business ou a cheaper basis, ana if tho members endeavotud to do so ihey could seek without fear a renewal of public uoulldeuce two years hence. In the course of his remarks Warden Allan also ri lerred to the iiuesiion of iijiprovemeuta in the heating system of the county buiid- iui;8 aud urged that steps in tliis direction be taken iinmedlatel), with a view to econo- luizing fuel. Ou motion of Messrs. Anderson aud I'reston the council proceeded to ballot for a special committee of five to strike the standing coiuiniilees. Messrs. Uinnie, Aud- erson, I'reBtun, Richardson and Vi'ataon were chosou. Council then adjourned till 10 p. m. on Wednesday. WRDNKSInr MOBNINO The warden in^^the chair, all members present excepting Mr. Totteti. Mr. Uiuuie presented report of ipeclal oommittee to draft standing committees, the order of business having been sus- pended tor that purpose, on motion ef Mr. i'reston. The report was adopted. Each luember is placed on three oonimitteee. The first-naiuea in each case is chaiiman. Finauoe â€" Binnie, Eishop, Anderson, Sohenk, Itiohardaoo, Preston, Sing, Me- I'onald. Uoad and Bridge â€" Qordoo, Totten, Mo- Kinuou, Suhenk, Watson, MoColmau, Brown, Qiiance. County Property â€" MoDonald, Anderson, Watson, MoCoIman, Sing, McKiuuon, Uordon. Education -Richardson, Bishop, Totten, Binnie, Preston, Brown, Qnance. Prlnliug--Siug, Totten, Oorclon. Wat- sou, Quauoj, McKinnon, Mobouald, Bobeok. Cominunioaiions and Memorials â€" Prea- tcn, Bishop, Brown, McCoiman, Andir- Bon. Warileu'.i committeeâ€" The warden, Bin- nie, Itiohardaou. Tue warden read the following communl- catiiUB : Annual sijitemont of non-resident laud fund, from County Treasurer Parker ; iipplieationa for appojutment as auditor from iliibn MelCenzie, C. A. Floiuing, W. J. A heter, Chas. Mclnnis, John byooi, Tbos. Hanbury, Thoe. I'ingman, C. Ora- ham, John S. lilack, John Thomson, Alex. Btephin, E. Rotke ; application from Tbos, MoAuley to be appointed county valuator ; applination from John A. Robertson to be appointed county studeut at the Ontario Asricnltural College ; memorial from the W.O.T.U. re prison reform; several mi ia»ri»li from the oaaoeiU of ether ootkntiee re am<mdm«nt« to existing legislation on vaYioUs matters ; grand jury's preeentment to the pre.sidiog jndge at the December srs. â- ions; county rlerk^ statement oi matters in conueution with connty council elections, with accounts in coorieciion with same. The communications and accouu s were re- ferred to tne appropriate committe»8. Mr. IJinnie introduced bylaw .'•28 to ap- point auditors for 1897. Mr. Auileraon in- troduced bylaw 529 to appoint menibtrs of the judicial board of au.iit for 1S'J7. The bylaws were read a first and secord t'lne. On motion of Messrs. Sing and Ero TU.a â- pecial committee, coneistirg oi m asrc. Bmnie, Richardson, Preston, Bi-hop and the mover, waa appointed to consider the accounts oi the several deputy returnint; officers re county council elections. At 12. 10 p. m. the council adjourced till 2 p. m. Thursday. Honor Rolli Vandeleur public school. Rcp'.rt for January. Namea in nrder of merit. Class V sr. â€" Maggie Johnston. CTaua V jr. â€" Ernest Buchanan, R<ibt. Pritchard, Joe Ktamboski, Saia Hrath. Class IV â€" Daisie Davis, Bcunie Buchanan, Willie Pritcbard, Schuyler Douglas, Jessie Graham, Lunday John, stone, Ida HoUuy. Class III sr. â€" E. C. Boland, Libbie Pritcbard. Charlie Boland, Willie Heath, Ezra Pri'chard. Class III jr. â€" Katie Davis, Dave Weber, May Pritchard, Archie Graham, May Douglas, Willie Johnston, Charlie McCal'mii, Gracie Graham, Gertie Mc- Callum. Class IIâ€" Jennie Milligan, Rnsie GU- hert,. Mamie Weber, Howaid Graham. Class pt. II â€" Violet Wi.rl ng, John Wyeville, Manre Thompson, Ena John- ston, Miliie Mill gan, Annie Uislop, Junnie Somera. ClasH I â€" Go. Somers, Elgar Milli an, Eva Gilbert. Geo. Douglas, Gordon Warling, Wilhe Hutchinson, Maggiu Davis. P. GlRAY, Te.achcr. Horn r roll for S. S. No. 10,.Aneiuesia, for the month of January. IV chiBHâ€" Geo. Cairns, C. Thompson, C. Rutledae, Wm. Rutledge. Ill class â€" Lesaie Rutledge, Leasie Lawrence, Chas. McMullen. II sr.â€" Alfred Harrison, Sarah Adams, Mag'^ie McCauley. II jr. â€" Annie Strobell, Emerson Adams, J. Sargent, Chrs Jones, Irene Legate. Pt. II sr.â€" Thos. McCauley, R.Tucker, Ida Jonee. Pt. II jr. â€" Freddie Chislett, Jno. Tucker, Eddie Rutledge. Pt. I sr. â€"Stanley McMullen, John McCauley, Wiu. Uawke. Pt. I jr. â€" Lizzie Sargent, Annie Hawke, Ida Rutledge. Average attendance for the month 40. A. I. CcsHKlE, Teacher. A little boy named Weiler of Mildmay swallowed a bean which stuck in his throat and caused his death. â- â- QUBBN VICTORIA, HER UFE AND REION' Great hUtorio work, sella ou aiKbt to thou- sands. Lord DufTeriu introduces it to Canad- ians in ^lowiuif words. Easy to make $2U.0Oa week, some twico that. Many make mure lu Hpare time than during day at regular einnloy- iiu^ut. This year's Great bexauenary Celebra- tion are booiuiuu it. Hooks on time, r'roapectue free to cauvassurs. Torritory uoiUK taa. The Bradley Uarretsou Co.. Ltd., Toruuto, Out. WE CAN GIVE POSITIONS To persona of all grades of ability. Agents, book-keepers, clerks, farmers* sons, lawyers, mechanics, Physicians, preachers, students, married and sinxlu women, widows. I'ositions are worth from «40U to •^.yiO per annum. We have paid several caiivafsers $60 weekly for yeare. Mauv have atai-tcd poor and heeome rich with UH. Particulars u|>on application, and if B.^tisfactory aud ueceasary.a porHoiial interview uia> bo arranged. This is au honest advertUeuient.and if you want to better your positiou, write lieforo you sleep. Btate salary expected. Neither loafers nor tipplers uued apply. The Bradley^Garretson Co.. Ltd , Toronto. Ontario WP WANT*"'""""® established trade In nu Hnnithu county. Canadian stock ARkNTS nuaraiiteod to live Permanent iluJUlilO position, whole or part time. Liberal terms. You cau make teu dollars a wtHik or better with vis, for every week you work. No experience necessary. Brown Brothers Company, Contiaeutal Nurseries, ^TOKON'TO, ONT 13 Ucb. Px*opex*ties FOR - SALE â€"BY- B. J, SPDODIE, FLESHEBimi Time Table G01>0 SOUTH. Markdaleâ€" 6.40 a. m. 4.40 p. m. Fleshertonâ€" 6.d3 a. m. 4.53 p. tfj. ooiNo xoniTi. Fleshertonâ€" 11.48 a. m. 9.17 p. ta, Markdaleâ€" 12.04 p. m. S).30 p. m. IF YOU WISH TO BUY PROPERTY CONSULT THIS SPACE FOR SALE cheap and on easy terms, one tnilo from Flesherton, !)| acres land and on which is a gixKl 7 rooms frame dwelling, well and comfortably fini.sjied stoiio celler underneath, and good wull and piunp in kitchen, good frame stable and driving hoime, also brick lined hen hou.se, small orchard couimencing to boai'. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Flesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN it sold during present month. Two improved farms, ono a mile from Pricoville and the other same distance frtun Warehatu. Small Iiayinont down, liidnnco on VERY ea.sy terms. Also a hundred and fifty acre farm and mill site ono inilo from Flesher- ton, principally hard wo(hI bush, 26 acres cleared and frame dwelling and stable. Any person wanting t, decidett bargain apply quick to aboTO. MBscoanai »M::*omnno*»!* O' .â-  iii ef hi;;. For Conghs, Sgf'fiSS Colds, Broil- * H ^^^'-^ chitis, Sore S^-gsni I throat, etc. yljijl KEHRV, WATSOn « CO . Pnorx'.ZT=g<. MONTSCAL. The Markets. CarcrullY Corrected £ni-h Wrck Flour f 4 50 to 85 40 Oats .-\ 15 to 17 Wheat 80 to 86 Barley 20 to 90 Peas 38 to 88 Butter le »;o 11 Eggs, fresh 15 t.o 16 Potatoes bag 23 vo 26 Pork . . . 4 00 to 4 76 Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 08 Sheepskins 25 to 66 ( Jeose 5 to fi Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickei'S per pair 20 to 85 Ducks per pair 40 to 88 Wool 17 to SO Farm and Mill Site for Sale For sale very cheap and on Terr easy terms. Timber farm, ISO acres, two milt .s' from Flesh erton, known as the Wm. HoeKsanintll pro- perty, aud oii which la an excellent water power, foundatiou of aaw mi]], daui aud pond aod water wheel In place and all ready for putting mill on. About 15 acres cleared, ao acres tiuib»r, most off, *>alance well timbered, mixed tiuibar. This (arm will be nold at a barKain if >ald at once. Small payment down, balance on Te»j easy terms. Apply to K.J. SpBorte, Fleataerton.OB* Now is The Winter Of Our Discontent Says Shakespeare. Tliere will be no discontent if you deal with me, and Shakespeare won't be in it. TIMELY GOODa NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Robes, Bells, Blankets,Circiiigl«a, Wliips, Curry Uoailw, Brushes, Covr Chains, and everything in harnessmakers' goods. An elegant GOAT ROBE from $7.50 to 89, other robes higher if you want them. Con.o and look at my things, anyway. Always glad to quote prices. Dry cordwood and stove wood take in ei change. WIVI. MOORE Harnessmaker - - - FleshertoB. uoos WANTED ! In unlimited quantities at tha Ilighest Cash Prices. C£ioppii!^a only oc Per Bagr BEUFT & TtLBOT Ho^ for Sex*Yioe For serviee on lot 1.14, T. and n B,. Artemeato, a tberouRhbred reBlstered Berkshire bo**, TaiiBsâ€" •! at Uiuetl Mrrlca. J08.CUWU •;-' ^T' :| -^ ^ ^

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